[Q] lost all text messages on stock MT4G- any solution? - myTouch 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I rooted my glacier and installed hboot 085, so im not a noob, but my wife told me today that she lost all her texts non her unrooted stock glacier 2.2.1.
Nothing was recently installed, no out of memory, no crash or hang, just checked in the a.m. and a list of maybe 10-20 main contacts with a few hundred texts were down to just one recipient (me).
I researched hi and low for some thread to recover sms like on a pc (recovery software that scans the hard drive and gives you a list of what it can recover), and found nothing.
Any ideas? She had a few hundred, not a big number like 700-1000, but probably around 3-5 hundred.
Ideas? (not backed up with any sms backup, not rooted)

if u go under settings in the native sms app, theres an option that says "delete old message".. maybe it was left checked.... thats the only possible reason i could think of

Rubbery. I assume that there's no "undelete" program or apk that can scan the flash on-board memory and find/ressurect lost or deleted files? Poor wife. She cooking up some nice italian food, I can smell the aromas now, need to help the poor girl out...

There was a thread in general about this same issue, just thought I'd reference that

thanks. it's correct - there's no check on any autodelete. im on the phone with the numbnuts autoattendant at t-mobile... "you'd like to move a number to t-mobile"? no. "you said yes, is that correct?"... lord, take me away now....


Largest Market Apps?

I'm trying to see if "My Downloads" in the Market get reset when cache is cleared. I will try and do this by downloading some large apps.
Can anybody list some of the largest apps? It's pretty hopeless looking at them one by one!
Steel and bonsai blast are farely large according to my deteriorating memory
Brain games and bonzai blast
My downloads
I don't think it will be resetted. One week ago I resettd my G1 to factory settings. When I enteres my Gmail adress to register the phone again, evrything went back. It is saved "in the cloud", it seems.
"My downloads" is a pain in the ... with all the apps you ever installed, even if you uninstalled them afterwards. And: there is no difference between installed apps that can be updated and uninstalled apps. I get crazy with 5 sorts of torch apps, I had installed. I decided to keep only one and when I browse the market to see, which updates are available, I don't remember, which one is still installed an which are uninstalled. Both say "free", when the is an update for the installed one.
It would be nice to be able to sort the apps not only after their name but after their status "installed", "updated" and "uninstalled".
That is my interpretation of the problem too. I have factory reset and it has not removed them. Beyond this some people *still* think they making the cache get so low it resets itself will do it though... I cannot see *how* if it is stored server side (Sufficiently that a "Factory" reset does not remove it [Hell, I should hope after a "Factory" reset there is NO personal info on the device... Certainly wasn't when I got mine new!)... None the less if people think it may work I've nothing to loose.
Shame is I've got all the apps above and (In any other situation good news) other apps are so small it'll take forever to install a sufficient number.
It seems in doing this I've probably made the matter worse as now my "My Downloads" list is huge :/
Any ideas how to clear the list OR very large apps appreciated.
LavaChild0809 said:
[Hell, I should hope after a "Factory" reset there is NO personal info on the device... Certainly wasn't when I got mine new!)...
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don't think so. All the information is tied to your google-account.
I guess if you register your account on another new device, you would have all the information on the new device. That'S the philosophy of android... have everything in the cloud... contacts, mails, calendar, app list.
On one hand it's good if you loose the device or have to factory reset. I still remember the time I was on Nokia and I had to restore my data after every change of phone or even Software update. On the other hand it's kind of critical in sense of misuse of personal data and ... the my downloads problem.
Admin: maybe the thread should be moved to this one???
Please no not merge. I am the OP of both - The other is mainly about market issues. This is simply about large file size apps so that I can mess around and see if they do help with the issue in the other thread.
Both serve a different purpose even if there is overlap.
Meanwhile, I know for sure that the device doesn't carry the "My Downloads" over to another device - I had two faulty G1s before (1x screen issue and 1x charging issue). Both times I installed things and each device was not aware of what the other had. All, though, were aware of what they had installed on that device, even through a factory reset. I think maybe it is in the cloud but against some kind of device_id+gmail_account key? Not sure...

Is there a guide on how to use titanium backup?

I tried it once and it looks like there is a whole lot of apps to reinstall when the process is done and you have to click ok to install them all. Can't it just restore everything you backed up without user intervention?
If I backup user apps does that back up the data for them also. Like save games and high scores.
What is in the system data? Something like SMS messages should backup with the SMS user app that was installed right?
Is system data more like what you had your volume set at? OR does it included your google, facebook logins and such?
Thanks. I searched the forum and found nothing on Titanium in any thread titles.
I have read MANY threads, hunderds of pages.. I have rooted my phone... (the hard way, Thanks Toast) and I still really dont "GET IT.."
I would love a white board on the components of the who process.. including titanium backup..
Meaning a writeup, showing each part of the system, and a paragraph on what it does..
Us Droidnoobs would really like to understand how this works from a high level... (or maybe I just belong on a short yellow bus...lol)
I just dont get what is required for each part, and what it affects..
NandUnlock: What does this do for us?
Engineering SPL: What is this?
Clockwork: ( i loved the movie.. but don't get how it pertains to the phone)
But seriously.. I dont know what is is, so how can I pick from the 2 avaiable?
Recovery: What parts of things dose this include? What is its function?
Nandroid back up: Do i need this and Titanium BK? Which will do what?
I want to figout how to back up my EVO and install new roms, and then re populate all my settings and data.. i use exchange, so i don't care about emails and contacts, but i have other email (pop) accts, that i want the accounts and preferences retained..
I have to root my bosses phone later today, and was wondering if i can do it with out it being activated? I was gonna get it rooted, and then activate it on Monday when I see him..
de ja vu
Check out their website for more information about TB.
yznhmr said:
I have read MANY threads, hunderds of pages.. I have rooted my phone... (the hard way, Thanks Toast) and I still really dont "GET IT.."
I would love a white board on the components of the who process.. including titanium backup..
Meaning a writeup, showing each part of the system, and a paragraph on what it does..
Us Droidnoobs would really like to understand how this works from a high level... (or maybe I just belong on a short yellow bus...lol)
I just dont get what is required for each part, and what it affects..
NandUnlock: What does this do for us?
Engineering SPL: What is this?
Clockwork: ( i loved the movie.. but don't get how it pertains to the phone)
But seriously.. I dont know what is is, so how can I pick from the 2 avaiable?
Recovery: What parts of things dose this include? What is its function?
Nandroid back up: Do i need this and Titanium BK? Which will do what?
I want to figout how to back up my EVO and install new roms, and then re populate all my settings and data.. i use exchange, so i don't care about emails and contacts, but i have other email (pop) accts, that i want the accounts and preferences retained..
I have to root my bosses phone later today, and was wondering if i can do it with out it being activated? I was gonna get it rooted, and then activate it on Monday when I see him..
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Not to sound like an ass... but aren't you taking some of the fun away about learning new tech when you expect someone to spoon feed you info? I know for me part of the cool thong when I started learning android was digging for the informatiin that is already on the web... and then putting that info to work in my latest endeavour. Made me feel good.
Guessvwhat I'm saying is that you are asking a lot for someone to give you a comprehensive write up of everything and you not be wiping to find out at least some of it on your own. I know these forums are here for help and collaboration... but you have to chip some of your own brainwork and gusto into the bucket as well.
That being said... if someone does it for you, Congrats and I hope it helps you understand.... and Kane some day you'll at least return the favor.
Sent using Tapatalk on my HTC Evo running CyanogenMod6 Android 2.2
I apologize for the typos above.... at work and kind of busy lol.
Sent using Tapatalk on my HTC Evo running CyanogenMod6 Android 2.2
the donation version of titanium backup backs up way faster and doesnt click free restores. well worth the 4 bucks imo.
here is the official support site for tb
anyhow, if you dont know what something is, you can long click on it and select explore and it will show you what is there (if anything) for that category.
once you have backed up everything you want when you want to restore, tap backup/restore tab, hit menu, then filters, select filter by status "backed up", click apply, click menu, click batch then which ever restore option you want.
may seem a bit daunting but it really cannot be to easy with as much as this program can do. it is my number 1 must have app for sure.
ps, if you want something simpler but not as capable of backing up everything check out mybackup pro
Oridus said:
Not to sound like an ass... but aren't you taking some of the fun away about learning new tech when you expect someone to spoon feed you info? I know for me part of the cool thong when I started learning android was digging for the informatiin that is already on the web... and then putting that info to work in my latest endeavour. Made me feel good.
Guessvwhat I'm saying is that you are asking a lot for someone to give you a comprehensive write up of everything and you not be wiping to find out at least some of it on your own. I know these forums are here for help and collaboration... but you have to chip some of your own brainwork and gusto into the bucket as well.
That being said... if someone does it for you, Congrats and I hope it helps you understand.... and Kane some day you'll at least return the favor.
Sent using Tapatalk on my HTC Evo running CyanogenMod6 Android 2.2
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Gee for all that typing you could have helped me.. But thanks for your 2c. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.. no matter how much of an ass they may appear to be..
DomSim said:
the donation version of titanium backup backs up way faster and doesnt click free restores. well worth the 4 bucks imo.
here is the official support site for tb
anyhow, if you dont know what something is, you can long click on it and select explore and it will show you what is there (if anything) for that category.
once you have backed up everything you want when you want to restore, tap backup/restore tab, hit menu, then filters, select filter by status "backed up", click apply, click menu, click batch then which ever restore option you want.
may seem a bit daunting but it really cannot be to easy with as much as this program can do. it is my number 1 must have app for sure.
ps, if you want something simpler but not as capable of backing up everything check out mybackup pro
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Sincerely thank you.. , I have had several people that have been helpful.. its all about sharing information.. want to know about Saltwater reef tanks.. just ask me..lol you can read till your head turns blue , and still not understand it.. i am more visual.. i like to ask questions and learn, not torment myself by reading every line of text, and still wonder where's the beef..
check out my other sickness www.yzreef.com
I totally feel you on this. When I first started messing with mine i was a little lost and understanding what I was doing and why would have helped

[Q] Android / Glacier Noob Questions

So, I've been a long time WinMo user and I just switched to Android (the Glacier) Great phone. A lot is foreign to me, though.
I'm a software developer and a Linux user so I'm pretty comfortable finding my way around the Android dev tools and the terminal (although I found it odd that the phone comes with neither a file manager nor a terminal)
Anyhow, I have a few questions:
-I've seen a lot of threads declaring how awesome Android's process management is and how it's bad to kill processes manually. I don't understand this. I've been playing with my phone non-stop for the past few days and on a number of occasions, have met with slow performance and even not-enough-memory prompts. This is usually after installing a dozen (or dozens) of apps back to back and playing with them all. So long as you are aware of the ramifications of killing a particular process, what's wrong with doing so?
-I've rooted my phone. If I ever get an OTA update, would it be a good idea to unroot prior to applying the update?
-When I select "Allow automatic updating" in the Market for my purchased apps, how exactly does that work? Are updates looked for my Android? Are they looked for when the Market is launched? Are those individual apps first loaded and then look for updates?
-I imported my contacts from WinMo Outlook into Google via ActiveSync in order to get them on my phone. Consequently, I have GTalk contacts and stuff on my phone that I don't want. If I delete them from Contacts, will they be deleted from my Google account? That is to say, if I delete [email protected] from my Contacts, will he suddenly disappear from my IM client?
Thanks for your help! I appreciate it!
LOL you see like you I been also using *nix for ages far as I can count 10+ years and I am Unix Admin. When I got MT4G as it was my first AOSP device I was like yourself shocked it didn't have file manager, basic console, or anything.
It seem that if you wanted to do anything it was required you waste your life installing some backward software though Market that claimed it to be freeware but IRL is actually adware. Also if you want anything done it is required you have root lol and if you do want root you void warranty its like whole catch 22 statement to me. So here I am doing what I do best and owned AOSP along with google market.
So here ill actually answer some of your questions as I didn't want to due to it being very long but hey it might help you out.
1) Far as the process goes as you know in *nix world we have saying "unused memory is wasted memory" same apply as mostly its cached and does not treat it same as in WM. When you "exit" task if you call it exit that is in first place its put on dormant status so if resource is required then its reallocated. This is why you don't exit them forcefully as data may not be synced and saved. In this case my best advice for you is disable service from booting up in first place and also auto close it if it restarts.
2) Don't worry about OTA as you will more likely get update via dev of XDA long before you officially get it though carrier. You have S off so don't worry about it as its no factor.
3) It is tracked via google account and though your carrier I think, I don't know as I didn't ever officially buy single package however I did cURL 8.1gb of paid app archive of market before getting banned. From what I know once app is installed if you have auto update the current version is checked though market to see if any new version is available. Now when you buy app its under your acc so you can use it in diff device or install it many time as you want even if its updated.
4) I can't say about GTalk as I never used but far as AutoSync goes mostly your TMo data and email is synced though Google accounts like gmail.
I see. I can see how task management is rather pointless then, heh. I wonder where my "out of memory" issue came from. Leaky app, perhaps.
Is there a way to rename applications in the "All Programs" list?

[Q]i think my ex has hacked , cloned my number and is messing with my phone.

Gday all . I have noticed strange activity with my phone for the past 3 months . Passwords getting changed , weird apps getting loaded , calls to numbers i dont know etc etc. I downloaded catlog to find even stranger activity with audio commands , as i dont know much about linex or android as im new to this scene. I thought id post on here for some needed advise. Hope you members can help me out a little. When i look at this in text form it says that there was calls made am i being paranoid or is there something im actually reading right..
You didn't give many details, only a summary of ostensibly erratic application behaviour. It's nigh impossible to reach any conclusion in the absence of abundant details. So for peace of mind, I'd suggest resetting everything and start over.
So back up any files, photos, etc that you wish to keep. Then use the Odin program to write a 100% stock firmware to your phone. Followed by a factory data reset. That should remove any spyware, malware, malicious apps or anything else short of physical modifications to your phone - which is an unlikely scenario.
As to a cloned number.. that seems unlikely. But if you believe so, then have your provider change your number, get a new SIM card, etc. Or better yet, simply change providers.
Then you will have a stable base to proceed from.
Cjayz77 said:
Gday all . I have noticed strange activity with my phone for the past 3 months . Passwords getting changed , weird apps getting loaded , calls to numbers i dont know etc etc. I downloaded catlog to find even stranger activity with audio commands , as i dont know much about linex or android as im new to this scene. I thought id post on here for some needed advise. Hope you members can help me out a little. When i look at this in text form it says that there was calls made am i being paranoid or is there something im actually reading right..
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Have you downloaded black (not from Play or official) apps or cracked games from websites? They often are used to mess with your phone and can even cost you a lot of money. I recommend to flash a stock rom and data factory reset afterwards to rule out that option.
Edit: Oeps! Allready mentioned above by @fffft

Not sure if this is the right section to post this but in need of help/info please!!

So a week ago my galaxy s7 edge from ATT thats now on straight talk was hacked somehow very badly and not even 2 hours later so was my whole home network which was my desktop my laptop and my sons tablet. I have all the things i need to rid whatever vile thing/person/persons that infected me home network wise but my phone is a different story i was told by a local phone shop i could factory reset it using recovery and it would prolly fix the problem but as soon as i went into recovery and seen the little android guy i instantly got booted out of recovery and went right to my lock screen and quicker then id ever gotten to it so i restarted my phone again in recovery mode and instead of seeing the normal android recovery stuff i was greeted with about 4-5 swirling circles for about 2 mins then it took me straight to a blue screen that said odin and it immediately started to download something i had to hold the power and home button down for like a good 45 secs before it finally powered off. When i turned it back on it thankfully went back to my phone but i no longer had control of anything my radio band had been switched i couldnt access any of my folders like gallery, music, videos etc. for like a good 30 mins and i was denied access to google play store and i couldn't make or receive a phone call or a text for like 30 mins then my phone restarted itself 2 times on its own and when it came back on after the 2nd restart i could access my files and google play but the only browser i could use was Chrome. Dolphin which i have set as my default and have used for almost 2 years now without a single issue and the stock Samsung browser would force close on me soon as i opened them and alot it was in chinese like home icon and tab icon etc. and i had like triple the apps running in running services then normal and alot of the normal android system apps you would see running had a 2 at the end of the app name now and i couldn't do anything with them as far as force stopping them or disabling them and not just system apps either but normal ones too like my camera or memo app and the ones i could disable which was very few came right back undisabled and running as soon as i did it. I downloaded 3 different apps just to be thorough to see if i was rooted and all 3 said i wasn't but yet i could go into my files app and go all the way in my recovery file system and see my /sys/ priv-apps folders and others too im pretty sure a non rooted phone would never have access too and i also seen a directory named fake libs and a directory that had a bunch of apps for listening through the mic and turning the front and back cameras on and live broadcasting apps and an app for logging of every keystroke i made and lots of crazy txt files one of the txt files said downloaded mobicore hidden apps and the list of apps looks like they downloaded a whole repositories worth of stuff i was told by another local phone place that the first ones i talked to were idiots and even a full factory reset wouldnt fix anything and id need to flash it or have it flashed if i didn't know how which costed 90 bucks that i didn't and still do not have so i transferred everything i had access to and wasn't denied from to my sd card and did a full factory reset which actually fixed my radio band problem i can now make and get phone calls but still cant text and or receive them even thought straight talk has fixed it on their end like 4 times now so today i decided id try and learn to flash and flash it but was told if it was rooted and i did it a certain way id screw the phone up completely and if it wasn't rooted and i did it a certain way the same results would happen. I actually downloaded win rar and went back into the recovery system directory and the sys/priv-apps/ section and /fake-libs/ section and took like 16-17 screenshots of like only a 10th of all the crazy stuff apk wise and txt document wise that was in there id seen and rar'd it up so i could email it and post them along with this post but every email address i tried to send it to immediately sent me an error email response back saying it didn't exist or the person was not allowed to recieve emails even my own email account that i was sending it from because i thought id send it to myself and download it off my computer but soon as i sent it to myself i got the email doesn't exist error email i also tried sending it to a friend in FB messenger but messenger would force close on me every time id click on it to send it and at the moment i can still access my FB messenger but now can no longer send a message it sends out but never changes from the greyed out check mark so the person on the other end isn't receiving it i also tried calling people this evening but every call i made went straight to busy signal oh also the screenshots are still sitting there in my screenshots folder and i can access them and click on them etc. but im now denied access to win rar i go to click on it and it says access denied and google play says the same thing once again so i cant download another archiving apk and the RAR archive i made to begin with that was in my screenshots folder is gone now just disappeared like that and if i plug my phone into anything to try transfer them that way it says that my s7 edge is not equipped for data transfer but i can unplug it plug it back in and try to transfer a normal picture or an mp3 song or something like that and it will transfer just fine after about a 10-15 second hang/wait time. All i know is i want my phone back from these A-holes and i am willing to flash it just downloaded the newest odin and got the stock ATT android 7.0 rom but im at a loss after that as i do not understand the whole if its rooted do/don't do this or if its not rooted do/don't do that stuff plus seeing as how 3 different apps off google play have said it isn't rooted but yet i have been as far as the folders right before my boot sector and can see hidden system apps and a crap ton of /0/ folders and stuff and somehow have odin for a recovery even though the first time ive ever even been into recovery mode in the almost 2 years i have owned it was when i tried to factory recover it the first time a few days ago and if they have control of my phone like this and i do need to root it how would i even accomplish it without them stopping me?????? Please help me i'm tired of not having control over my phone and being listened too watched and logged by whoever if they might just actually be doing it since i seen the apks and such with my own eyes so anyone that may have any info advice tips or can help me in any way please please please do!!!!
I couldn't get Google Playstore to download pro key to an app just sat there at 100%. Went online stupidly and downloaded from some site. Lots of apps like you said. Muy Norton security doesn't show under device admin there was a blank listing with device admin set! ****ed up but trying to delete all without reinstalling entire phone!!! Just did that!!!!

