Selling Elocity A7 - Anyone interested? - A7 General

SOLD. Thanks for the interest

I will pick up shipping in US. Thanks

For those who asked me, I have pictures. So if you're interested, send me an email: nick at techletes dot com, and I will send you the pictures. It's in perfect condition.

I send a PM for pictures.

you can always post your pics to and link to your post, to avoid needless multiple replies.

Hi, I want your A7 since I broke my screen and can't get Elocity to give any support.
email me at [email protected]

i wanted it =) how much for sending it to miami?

SOLD! Can Mod please close thread? Thanks

not to thread jack, but i may be parting with mine if anyone wants to PM an offer im all ears. Perfect condition. I have too many tablets, need to downsize. (I have 3 of them now)...


WHO WILL BE THE LUCKY ONE... I have an invite to give away !!!

I will create a drawing…
I cannot determine who has been waiting the longest SO I will wait for the first 50 replies OR all replies between now and 19h00 EDT. (whichever comes first)
I will then run a random number equivalent to the number of replies and then offer THE ONEPLUS INVITE to the corresponding entry. :fingers-crossed:
Send me a good reason why I should choose you
Write at least one complete sentence
(Be creative) ...NOTE: WHAT YOU WRITE WILL HAVE NO IMPACT AS TO THE CHOICE OF THE WINNER!!! but... makes for good reading.
This is a 24 hour invite and I received it at 8h45 EDT August 26, 2014
The drawing will take place at 19h00 EDT
Please do not reply to this invite if you are not able to proceed with the purchase of this phone.
If I do not hear back from the winner within 45 minutes I will make another drawing at 20h00 EDT
I will post the winner between 19h00 and 19h30 EDT or once the winner has been confirmed
I already have mine and am really enjoying it. The cost of the phone was $350 USD + $26.00 USD (expedited shipping) :good:
For me who lives in Canada, the cost was:
$410.00 CAD via Paypal (no choice) , plus the duties of $65.00 CAD that I had to pay at the door COD. :crying: (I wish they would offer USPS as a shipping option)
Wahoo!! Im pretty sure this thread will shut down shortly...
I would like to participate, as I am waiting for mine to ship and I don't want my wife to be jealous that she doesn't have one also
Nobody cares, go spam the oneplus forum, xda is not the place for such games.
its to bad its not tolerated here but good on yah m8
Sent from my A0001 using XDA Free mobile app
well I for one would like one, i have been trying to get one for my daughter for present when starting high school. Ive been a part of xda for a while and would love for her to get an android flagship phone. It would be nice to skype with her as she lives with her mother.
cparsonscan said:
I will create a drawing…
I cannot determine who has been waiting the longest SO I will wait for the first 50 replies OR all replies between now and 19h00 EDT. (whichever comes first)
I will then run a random number equivalent to the number of replies and then offer THE ONEPLUS INVITE to the corresponding entry. :fingers-crossed:
Send me a good reason why I should choose you
Write at least one complete sentence
(Be creative) ...NOTE: WHAT YOU WRITE WILL HAVE NO IMPACT AS TO THE CHOICE OF THE WINNER!!! but... makes for good reading.
This is a 24 hour invite and I received it at 8h45 EDT August 26, 2014
The drawing will take place at 19h00 EDT
Please do not reply to this invite if you are not able to proceed with the purchase of this phone.
If I do not hear back from the winner within 45 minutes I will make another drawing at 20h00 EDT
I will post the winner between 19h00 and 19h30 EDT or once the winner has been confirmed
I already have mine and am really enjoying it. The cost of the phone was $350 USD + $26.00 USD (expedited shipping) :good:
For me who lives in Canada, the cost was:
$410.00 CAD via Paypal (no choice) , plus the duties of $65.00 CAD that I had to pay at the door COD. :crying: (I wish they would offer USPS as a shipping option)
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I really need this phone... :cyclops:
Count me in.
Its a sweet phone, why wouldn't I want it?
I want it please give it to me
/Comedy ON
MY wife was recently kidnapped by a group of rouge ninjas and now my only hope of saving her is by getting Kung Fu training from Steven Seagal, but he said he would only take a OnePlus One invite as payment. He refuses cash or any other means of payment, Please If you dont help me i will never see my wife again !!!
/Comedy OFF
Good on you for sharing brother! :good:
you are the winner!!
kazumoff said:
I want it please give it to me
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if you want the invite, it is yours. Please reply and I will send you the invite. Please confirm that you will be purchasing this phone, you have until tomorrow 8h30 EDT. Please reply to me by 20h00 or I will have to redraw to ensure that someone gets to take advantage of it.
I PM you but had not heard back so I am replying this way.
Sorry to say that I will have to do a redraw due to the fact I have not heard back. I sent an email, a PM, and replied to post. It is 20h10.
you are the winner!!
umirza85 said:
well I for one would like one, i have been trying to get one for my daughter for present when starting high school. Ive been a part of xda for a while and would love for her to get an android flagship phone. It would be nice to skype with her as she lives with her mother.
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As I have not heard back from the first winner I have done a redraw and you would be the winner. I need to hear back by 21h00 EDT. I will send you the invite as soon as I hear from you.
Come on now. There's a roll up thread to post OPO invites. Why open a thread just so it can get closed?
Please post here:

Samsung Insights discussion

Here we can keep the ROM threads clear of all the Samsung Insights talk.
Samsung Insights is an application/program that Samsung is using to track how their devices are being used by everyday people in their every day lives.
It is by invite only.
If you are invited and get your device, you are now a potential reference for someone that has attempted to get into the program.
If you have sent Samsung an email and gotten a response asking for a referral name, you come here to this thread and ask for someone that has already been in the program for their name. They will PM you their name. That is all you need.
Please do not put your emails here. We are not sending out referral links or survey links for the insights program.
Edit: I am no longer able to give my name for referrals. Please do not PM me asking for one.
Me too. Whoever can give us their names that would be fantastic
@Bone_Enterprise will be messaging people that asked in the DK thread.
I just received the same Insights email. Anyone who wants to be my referral, hit me up with a PM :highfive:
Got my referral name in and got a response email from them.
"we thank you for your prompt response"
Anyway. I think they are getting ready for the release of the Note 4. I would love to get my hands on one of those.
i got a note 3 really quick
all i have to do is keep their app on my phone for 6 months then it is catches!!!
i ask them if i can root my phone they said they would prefer that i did not but did not say i can' i rooted with towelroot.
i had a note 2 first and i loved it, now i just have to get accustom to all the new options.
i hope they ask me to do a note 10.1 2014.
randre7 said:
all i have to do is keep their app on my phone for 6 months then it is catches!!!
i ask them if i can root my phone they said they would prefer that i did not but did not say i can' i rooted with towelroot.
i had a note 2 first and i loved it, now i just have to get accustom to all the new options.
i hope they ask me to do a note 10.1 2014.
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i just got invited to the program please send me a referral i really want it thanks
I need a referral name too please.
Referral will be really appreciated.
referral would be lovely thanks.
I need a referral name too please.
~Sent from my AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note3 Badass~
Guys. Referral names are needed from people that are already in the program.
You will get an email from Samsung Insights asking for the name of someone in the program and your name.
If someone that is in the program is willing, PM your name to people.
I must request you guys to keep personal information out of the open forums. That includes personal emails.
graydiggy said:
Here we can keep the ROM threads clear of all the Samsung Insights talk.
So... With that said, I need a referral name please.
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I'm not sure. They Don't specify in the emails.
graydiggy said:
I'm not sure. They Don't specify in the emails.
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i sure need a referral name if one of kind hearted celebrities could lend me a hand, lol? but thanks :cyclops:
~Sent from my AT&T Samsung Galaxy S4 Badass~
I got my email as well and I'd sincerely appreciate a referral name. Please PM me or email me @ dcscorpio76 Thanks in advance!
If anyone could refer me, it would be greatly appreciated.
Update 9/30/14:
Samsung Insights emailed me today. They are now limiting members to 2 referrals. I've already sent out way more than that. So, until I hear otherwise from S. I. I will not be giving out any more referrals. Sorry! Good luck to everyone.
Anyone still needing a referral:
- PM me
- Ask for a referral to Samsung Insights
- Provide me your email address
I will reply before I go to bed this morning or when I wake up this evening.
Sent to the following: @monkor @Obartuckc @Ramsey @cwhisenhunt @Woogie360 @Ryanmp @Cojam1 @440bro @TTLayland @chamelio @Walter.White @stayley @Delakit @rattarico @davidw8818 @rxv73 @mike.crew @thatpimp007 @ca121213 @b3asty @xfaega @rYz11 @aguadilla50 @Downtownjb @Flounder3883 @drakenjin @nadwa @yogi217 @rsfinsrq @RiPpeR_dUdE @Waynehead69 @Lorenzo04 @nemofbaby2010 @SassyOne @rlmjr1980 @tylercarter

I have 3 invites to share

I have 3 invites to share for you to buy the Oneplus One. They are for the Sandstone Black 64gb version. $350 to buy. Put some taxes and a cover and you will get to $400. I believe it is well worth it though.
If you want an invite, leave a Thanks and a comment. I will pick you at random or if I really like your comment.
Other notes: your phone may come with a bellow band close to the bottom of the screen. It is really annoying, but it can be fixed in software.
The invites expire in 3 days from now. That is 9/25/2014 so act soon. You will have 24 hours to purchase it or the invite expires.
I am not selling these invites so you should not either. If you comment be ready to spend the money to get it.
Pls send 1 to me
[email protected]
Thanks a alot
You should donate these using the official list managed by @timmaaa here:
Or at the other thread designated for invites here:
We are not supposed to create new threads for these things. Just a heads up.
Also, thanks are earned, not requested.
Sent via quantum entanglement, focused through my OnePlus One.
In before lock. .
In before lock too
I am in.
thanks for sharing...
i hate andriod and i love ios
now please share your invite with me cause i cant afford ios
my email : tushar.mobilebu[email protected]
Thanks for sharing, I would be glad to have an invite for such an amazing phone.
Please use this thread for invites
Thread Closed

Any more Developer looking for an Invite?

@aswinrulez has Invites to share for devolopers
yes i do and been publicizing it a lot
Never mind, I need to read better lol.
I could use 1 or 2 if you have to spare
I really need at least one, but if you have two that would be great. You can PM me or email me @ [email protected] Thanks

Looking for a G4 owner that can assist in debugging an issue with my app

Hi G4 owners,
I'm working on an android app where users can go to stores, collect media for vendors at said stores, and then upload the media to my servers.
The problem: I have one really loyal user who is on a G4 and he keeps running into an issue where he can't upload his data. He's not the most technically-apt person and, since the G4 is so new, I can't find a cloud testing service that has the G4 available.
I'd like to ask for assistance from someone that has a G4 and knows (or is willing to learn) the basics of using logcat. The odd thing is I'm not able to replicate this issue on my nexus 6 (5.1) and samsung s6 (5.0).
Any G4 owner that could help would be greatly appreciated; I'll try to make it worth your time.
- Pete Schmitz
I'm intrigued, can you tell me more about your app?
flex0r said:
I'm intrigued, can you tell me more about your app?
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Hi flex0r,
It's a merchandising application. Users are allowed to select certain stores and collect different type of feedback based on that store's project outline (interview a manager, restock a shelf with a certain product brand, take a picture of a promotion display, etc). Once we've received and processed this data from the user we compensate them with paypal credit.
Nice, I haven't got a lot of logcat experience but definitely a tinkerer that can help you out!
flex0r said:
Nice, I haven't got a lot of logcat experience but definitely a tinkerer that can help you out!
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Awesome! I'll PM you the details.
I haven't been able to get a response from flex0r, so I believe he's likely occupied.
Still looking for a willing candidate with a G4 to test some things.
I sent you a PM.
Cebalrai said:
I sent you a PM.
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Hey Cebalrai, I bounced you back a PM.
I hope it's not being filtered because this account is new. Let me know if you didn't get it.
- Pete
Hey buddy,
I will be more than happy to help you out with this project, though I absolutely HATE PayPal and their policies, so I will do this just to give you a hand and AM NOT look for compensation for any work I do for you.
Hey ZeldaFan,
I don't need you to actually go anywhere and submit authentic data - I just need someone on a G4 to download my app, login with details I'll provide, and attempt to upload any media (pictures/video).
I'll PM you some additional details.
pschmit said:
Hey ZeldaFan,
I don't need you to actually go anywhere and submit authentic data - I just need someone on a G4 to download my app, login with details I'll provide, and attempt to upload any media (pictures/video).
I'll PM you some additional details.
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Oh okay. I responded to your PM, so just let me know what to do and I gotcha covered.
