Market FC help me! - Android Software Development

I tried to change the battery icons on my new Arc, it didn't work and I was obliged to reflash the root image to get my phone back.
Everyhting looked working again but not the market.
It will FC everytime it download and install an app!
I tried to uninstall it via titanium backup then reinstall a new market apk but without success, still FCs
What should I do now?

maybe cache?
did you delete your cache already ? (in recovery)

Try going to Settings/Applications/Manage Applications/ then Wipe Everything Associated with Google, Checking Services, Market, Market Updater, Uploader, etc. Either that or Reboot to Recovery and wipe Cache, DalvikCache!!
*Sent on My*
Fast as its Ever Been....
"Sprint" Hero.... Running My, *ExEnHeroC* Rom, w/Kifno's Twist, Also The XDA-BLUE.apk!! "Page 10" of My Thread!!

Fix permission on Clockwork?


I'm getting a bunch of force close messages on Boot

I flashed cyanogen 5.0beta. It was working great.....then i went to compress cache in one of the new apps(can't remember the name) the phone reset itself about 3 times so I wiped it and restored it. Now it completely boots, but then I get a "force close" message that won't go away. If someone could help I would appreciate it.
When you wiped, did you reflash the google stuff and the cyan rom?
I tried wiping it and the re-flashing cyan but I still get the same messages. Thts the only rom I flashed
I mean after you wiped did you also flash the Google Add on supplied in Cyanogen's thread ( along with the ROM after you wiped?
Also, what is force closing? Is it specific apps? If so, are they system apps are market/3rd party apps? Is it processes that are force closing?
I just wiped and reflashed cyan and then downloaded and flashed the google addon and the I rebooted just fine. now i want to see if i can restore. Plus the force close message was google startup wizard
I think I gotta start from scratch if my titanium backup failed me
Damn. Well at least it's fixed. Thanks for the help. I don't know why the google add on helped but it did.

apps and new roms

when ever i flash a new rom all the apps that i have installed even ones i uninstalled start to download in the market ?? any idea how to fix this maybe even wipe my maket history beside my paid apps and i just started using lex lite 3 and im getting random reboots
Clear your cache in Koush's bootstrap.
thank u i will try this
that didnt do anything to the market its still trying to download all those apps even though i already ran titanium
Funny, I recently reflashed fission rom and experienced the same thing. I thought about playing with the "detach from market" option in Titanium Backup.
Ultimately I just manually stopped all the downloads and proceeded in setting up my accounts and batch restoring my apps via Titanium.
I think this happens when you first sign into Google after you boot your new rom for the first time. I skip logging into Google, and then it doesn't download all the apps right away. later I set up my google account and then go into the market and reinstall what I want.
as always, don't quote me on this
Hope this helps.

[Q] Help!

Hey guys, I'm pretty new to root, started out with ice glacier then decided to try cm7+google apps pack, and since i did that i was unable to download apps from the market. Tried flashing back to ice glacier numerous times with same results. "download unsuccessful"
In all the craziness of trying every fix i could find i did the worst possible thing of reformatting my sd card which had my nand backup to go to stock froyo. So now Im still not able to get apps and i have no backup lol.
any suggestions? im wondering if perhaps its just my google account is having issues and maybe tomorrow market will work. but i just want some input and a possible backup that i can download to try and just start this all over. thanks for any help and suggestions!
Have you tried clearing Market cache?
i tried every fix i could find. on these forums and on other forums. no dice.
clearing cache, uninstalling market update, clearing cache of other apps, flashing new rom, flashing old rom, deleting folder in root of sd... i tried everything i could find. XD

[Q] Cache partition / market problems

Hey guys, got myself into a bit of a problem here. First, an app I'd installed disappeared....I went to the market to redownload it, and it kept saying "Package file has a bad manifest". So I went to the Application settings and uninstalled it.....same problem. So, I figured I'd wipe the system cache to see if that helped. So I booted into recovery (stock recovery, stock rom) and wiped the cache. Rebooted.....and the Market started telling me that I didn't have enough internal storage and all my downloads would fail. I read some things saying to wipe the market cache and data, etc, so I did all that and uninstalled the market updates, leaving me with the old market instead of Google Play. Now, it still wouldn't download anything. I managed to find an apk of a log viewer, since I couldn't download one from the market, and it was saying download aborted - internal storage is full whenever I tried to download an app. I have plenty of storage. From what I could find, the market downloads apps to /cache. I tried to copy some files to /cache, just to see what would happen, and they copied fine. They disappeared a few minutes later. I've tried wiping the cache a few more times. It says it wiped it, and then says it can't mount cache:recovery/log. I found one guy who fixed this by repartitioning his cache. Can I do this? I'd try a hard reset but I'm a little hesitant because if it didn't work, I'd be stuck unable to download any apps. At least now my phone is usable. Amy help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Well, what a surprise. I installed 2ndInit for the Defy, booted into its recovery, wiped the cache, and it's good as new all of a sudden. How strange.
Feel free to lock/delete this. Or leave it in case anyone else happens to have this odd issue..

Play Store problems!

My Play store suddenly stop to download. I use Kyrillos 9.6 rom from 2 weeks and i hasn`t problems before.
But now it`s opening normal, but images are missing and i can`t download nothing. Just says "downloading..." and nothing more...
I try to clear Play store /cache/data. without succsess. Cleared davlink Cache, CACHE, I reflashed the rom, but same again. Even i uninstalled my current version 3.8.17 and reinstalled again , again without succsess.
I don`t know what is the reason for that, but it`s a very irritrating.
My sister play store works on Galaxy TAB and there is no problems with play store.
Sooo if you have a idea what cause that problem please share
faraon7 said:
My Play store suddenly stop to download. I use Kyrillos 9.6 rom from 2 weeks and i hasn`t problems before.
But now it`s opening normal, but images are missing and i can`t download nothing. Just says "downloading..." and nothing more...
I try to clear Play store /cache/data. without succsess. Cleared davlink Cache, CACHE, I reflashed the rom, but same again. Even i uninstalled my current version 3.8.17 and reinstalled again , again without succsess.
I don`t know what is the reason for that, but it`s a very irritrating.
My sister play store works on Galaxy TAB and there is no problems with play store.
Sooo if you have a idea what cause that problem please share
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Re-flash the ROM, then remove "/system/app/MarketUpdater.apk (not sure if it's named like this or not)" with Root Explorer. This will disable the Market updater.
same again
i`m sick to reflashing the rom, i will hardbrick my phone if i continue in the same way.
Ok. I reflash the rom, and deleted Market Updater.apk. After that started the Play Store. But before it ask me upgrade to new market.
I click ok. AND guess the same again
I don`t know what is the reason but it is a very strange. Reflash dont help???? WTF
maybe i should change my phone.
Well if you have the money you should upgrade your phone. Also, flashing ROMs wont brick your phone as long as the ROM doesn't have the bootloader file. Custom ROMs don't have bootloaders so it is safe to flash.
Click the thanks button on my posts if I helped!
Finally Solved!
Ok, i solved the problem.
1. Reflash the ROM
2. Delete Market Updater.apk (look Jason-EX post)
3. CWM Recovery, clear the Cache
4. Install old/new market updater from this thread:
5. Select which market to use: OLD or NEW ( I use OLD market 2.3.5, and it is a very fast and smooth without lags compared with google play)
6. Reboot
Enjoy !

