Used G2 pricing - G2 and Desire Z General

I want to get the new g2x and sell my g2. I broke my original g2 and t-tmobile gave me a new one about 2 months ago. It's fully rooted s -off super cid etc. Mint condition. Running cm7.
How much do you think it is worth and what is a fair price to sell it for?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App

I bet someone on ebay would buy that for 300+ bucks.
Sent from my HTC Desire Z/G2 Using XDA Premium App

If you want to get rid of it quick Radio shack will give you $165 for it.

Have you tried swappa(DOT)com?
Most G2's are in the 300's or more


Atrix 4g?

Hello duudes, so since im really dissapoionted on The htc wildfire i got some weeks ago, im planning on gettin a new one. My friend told me that the Atrix had really good hardware, and that it only costs around 200 pounds, is that true? If then how can such a good phone have a price like that?
Thx in advise
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA Premium App

Early upgrade possible.?

Hi xda well I'm looking at the sensation bout to jump over to it but I want the Samsung galaxy s2 but I was wondering I'm only a month away from my upgrade I've been with T-Mobile for 1 year and I have made every payment before its due. Any idea thanks.!
Sent from my HTC Gingerbread Glacier using XDA App
I was under the impression that you had to be with tmobile for 2 years for an upgrade
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
Yeah you don't get an upgrade until your 22 mo mark. I believe at 13 months you get a partial upgrade, where it's like 30% off of full retail value. You could always threaten to cancel, retention might offer you an early upgrade or a good deal on a phone. You won't be able to get the Sensation through tmo until the 15th though.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Wth really.??? Well that sucks I wanted to upgrade to something newer dual core. Oh well I guess I'm going to have threaten them haha lol. Unless I buy it on craigslist but oh well. Well 30 percent I might take as well. Thanks for your answers.
Sent from my HTC Gingerbread Glacier using XDA App
It sucks but really you knew what you were doing singing the contract and getting the discount on your current phone. Why try to screw them over you always know the second you buy a phone is out done a month later deal with it.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
Well I bought the vibrant but then I had the g2, nexus one, back to g2 then somebody traded me there brand new glacier for my used g2. Well I guess I'm going to have to pt out of my pocket in that case ill wait till the sgs2 comes out. Seems to be befier.
Sent from my HTC Gingerbread Glacier using XDA App
Well I wasn't due for an upgrade until last month, but they gave me an exception and thus a full upgrade when I bought the MT4G back in Nov. So if you call it's possible to get one.
Good luck on the early upgrade it could happen, as for my upgrade it's in august and i'm thinking if the mt4g slide don't have more then 1gb rom i will probaly just wait it out till either the hercules or Nexus 3 come out. I'm not hurting that bad anymore anyways, since i'm coming from a g1 upgrade, i got a sick deal for this current mt4g phone on craigslist that didnt require a 2 yr contract woot.
Yea might as well wait a lot of good phones are coming out. Mytouch slide I might not Get. Yea if no 1gig I'm buying something else. Ever since I got the mytouch 4g I've been running stock gingerbread I tried cm7 but I'm in love with faux aosp rom. Well till then lets see what happens. Thanks again guys for the response.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App

Upgrade time

So I have my 2 yr update and am wondering what I should get I'm between the gx2, HTC sensation. I'm kinda playing around with the idea of going galaxy s II but wanted a second opinion.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
The HTC Amaze.
Amaze 4g
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
I'm surprised the amaze 4g wasn't one of your options. Considering that the g2x and sensation are a few months old.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
You may not want to upgrade cause you'd have to renew your contract and get a plan that's not as good
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Well while the Amaze is definitely the phone to get at the moment, it depends on what you want.
I would probably get the Sensation because for one, it's probably way cheaper than the Amaze. On contract the Amaze still sets you back for about 230, then the tax which is based on the 500$ price, so that's about almsot another 50 bucks. So you're looking at almost 300.
The Sensation can be pretty cheap now, I think I saw them for less than 100 at Wal Mart or Sam's Club.
They're basically almost the same phone, plus you get a MUCH better and already nice dev support for the Sensation.
As for the G2x, it's nice. I traded my MT4G for it and it has been great thus far. Tegra 2 is one awesome processor. But of course, it ain't qHD like the other mentioned.

Desire Z For Sale good condition $250US

Hi everyone,
Got a HTC Desire Z for sale which is in good condition. It has a full body invisible shield protector since new and there are some very minor scratches which are not on the phone's screen. Comes with everything you need ie. data cable, unused earphones. Also comes with an unused hard-case. It is also running a custom Gingerbread ROM with Sense 3.5!!! It is unlocked!
Need to Sell Asap
Images attached below ^^
250? A bit steep dude. This ain't craigslist
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
Spastic909 said:
250? A bit steep dude. This ain't craigslist
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
My thoughts exactly, maybe if it was new in box
Better knock 75-100 off that if you really want to sell.
Sent from my Mikes HTC G2 with Google using xda premium
Craigslist I can get for 100-120
Because this is the UK version it wont rise.
Most id pay is 135
-Tyler Debel
Sorry guys....I didn't realise that it would be worth only that much....maybe because it'd worth less in America than its worth In Australia...I'll drop it down to $180...Bump
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
Bump...its avail for $180
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
I don't want to step on any toes but my cousin picked one of these up for 100 US. Seems pretty fair to me, that phone's a bit old. I think I'd sell mine for that much if it came to that .
OK thanks for the advice im just a little surprised to see that it would only be worth that much now. Its still a pretty good Phone IMO
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App

Vibrant's value

Price of vibrant used to go down and now it seems to go up due to larger demand and smaller supply.
Sent from my T959 using XDA App
So is my vibrant worth more than a shiny dildo now?
back story one guy offered me a shiny black dildo on craigslist for my vibrant.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
Funny you can't ride your vibrant but that toy might just work for you.
Sent from my T959 using XDA App
no but seriously, how much is it right now? Is it over 200? I was thinking it'd be about 150 according to its age.
They pay 150-200 on Craigslist. It used to be less. Depends on condition and if has all original junk it came with.
Sent from my T959 using XDA App
One on ebay, in good condition, good screen is 200, craigslist had one in this area for 150 in good shape I missed on. Id go 150 for a used one, the warranty phone I got is lame, and there isnt a new phone i would upgrade to in the pipe for tmobile for 6 monthes or more.
Vibrant is still the best value right now and newer phones are just too big.
Sent from my T959 using XDA App
I just sold my vibrant because I got a Galaxy Nexus! I got $240! I would of never thought I could get even a dime for that crap... It was in amazing condition with lot of accessories though...
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium
I bought broken one for $50 few days ago it was just $6 for part to replace the buttons. The price can go out of average range in different situations.
Sent from my T959 using XDA App
I bought the sgs4g to replace one of my vibrants at a pawnshop in perfect condition for 130.
ill never buy insurance again....they offered me crap phones to replace mine
Sent from my SGH-T959V,SGH-T959 using xda premium.
