Back to stock question - Droid X General

Im new to the Droid X and I wanted to ask once I root and flash the custom recovery what is the procedure to go back to stock? Im gonna use Z4root but if I unroot wont the custom recovery still be there? Thank you for the help.
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I believe so. You'll have to either flash madderstock or sbf to completly go back to stock

Thank you very much
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Walkingmismatch said:
Thank you very much
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DroidX does not permanently flash custom recovery. It has to be bootstrapped, but, regardless, if you're wanting to return to stock, an SBF would work perfectly

Any idea where I could get the proper sbf? Any links would be helpful thank you sir.
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Downloading right now! Do I flash this is DX bootstrapper? Thank you.
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Really really fast!! Great site.
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You have to have rsdlite and the proper moto drivers for your phone to flash the sbf.
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Process for rooting and and flashing a rom on my Droid X.

So, I'm coming from a Samsung Fascinate and a Droid 2 Global, and I'm getting my replacement Droid X in the mail today. One thing I was wondering if the root and flash process is the same as the D2G?
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Yes youll need droidx bootstrap rather than d2 bootstrap to flash roms, rooting should be the same z4root... (z4root dx tut)
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also go to the noobs guide to the dx, it will help a lot.
Thanks for the reply.
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Go back to stock

I rooted but gonna get a new Droid because my touchscreen is messed up(ghost touches), can I get files to go back to stock
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Search sbf.
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Ok I have Droid x and I need help

Ok how can I get superuser off my phone l reset it but how can I get it off the phone thanks for your help
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thunderboltman said:
Ok how can I get superior off my phone l reset it but how can I get it off the phone thanks for your help
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Ok will it work on a unroot phone
I had it rooted use leak gd sbf still work thanks again for your help
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If I take my dx back to Verizon

I had rooted but lost root if I do a factory reset will they no it been rooted before thanks for your help
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thunderboltman said:
I had rooted but lost root if I do a factory reset will they no it been rooted before thanks for your help
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They shouldnt but if you want to make sure you can SBF.
Thanks for your help
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In need of a stock Rom

Needing a stock Rom all suggestions are appreciated.
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nicksimmons336 said:
Needing a stock Rom all suggestions are appreciated.
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well you got a free "thanks" lol but is this what you mean? its stock gingerbread but you keep all root rights
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I honestly don't know what's the difference?
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nicksimmons336 said:
I honestly don't know what's the difference?
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What exactly do you wanna do? Like unroot your phone or have a stock custom rom?
tech-9 said:
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Stock snack
He needs a stock 2.2 Rom without having to do a ruu
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pcausey77 said:
He needs a stock 2.2 Rom without having to do a ruu
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Why? To download right to his phone?
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To run as a rom. He just needs a stock rooted 2.2 official rom
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Pg06IMG.ZIP unrooted me and I had to reroot so that's not what I'm looking for....I am looking for a stock ROM that doesn't unroot me like pcausey77 said
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nicksimmons336 said:
Pg06IMG.ZIP unrooted me and I had to reroot so that's not what I'm looking for....I am looking for a stock ROM that doesn't unroot me like pcausey77 said
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The title of this thread is "in need of stock rom"
"In need of stock rooted rom"
Stock IS UNROOTED and if you're looking for a rooted version of 2.2 or 2.3.3 go back to the main thread list and get the toolkit
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maybe if you would read the thread you can see where pcausey77 said I needed a ROOTED STOCK ROM and Im new to all this so there is no need to act like that....and btw stock isn't unrooted when you first root your running stock...
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nicksimmons336 said:
maybe if you would read the thread you can see where pcausey77 said I needed a ROOTED STOCK ROM and Im new to all this so there is no need to act like that....and btw stock isn't unrooted when you first root your running stock...
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Stock = unmodified unaltered oem non rooted, locked hboot and bloated kernal
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