[Q] Help restoring memos - Epic 4G General

I upgraded my phones from 2.1 (retail stock) to 2.2 Syndicate. I wiped during this process. I used Titanium Backup, however I can't restore my memos because there is no memo app installed now.
How should I restore those memos?

mojok said:
I upgraded my phones from 2.1 (retail stock) to 2.2 Syndicate. I wiped during this process. I used Titanium Backup, however I can't restore my memos because there is no memo app installed now.
How should I restore those memos?
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Well. either get the app and install it, then Titanium will let you restore the data, Odin to 2.1, root and use sdx app removal tool to backup the app and restore it after flashing back, or put on stock ec05 which has the memo app, restore your data then get sdx to save the app so when the ROM removes it you can restore it.

Or here is the apk:

Thanks Kenny. It turns out I'll need at least one other app from stock - Alarm. I might want more after that. Also I want the 2.2 versions, so I think I'll have to flash to EC05 stock to get those.
How can I do that without losing CWM? I could Odin flash EC05, copy the APKs using adb, Odin flash EB13, re-root and add CWM, Odin flash EC05 modem, then CWM install Syndicate from the zip on the SD card. Is there a simpler way?
Update: I just discovered that Syndicate provides these APKs in their forum post

mojok said:
Thanks Kenny. It turns out I'll need at least one other app from stock - Alarm. I might want more after that. Also I want the 2.2 versions, so I think I'll have to flash to EC05 stock to get those.
How can I do that without losing CWM? I could Odin flash EC05, copy the APKs using adb, Odin flash EB13, re-root and add CWM, Odin flash EC05 modem, then CWM install Syndicate from the zip on the SD card. Is there a simpler way?
Update: I just discovered that Syndicate provides these APKs in their forum post
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Cool. Another way is to download any stock eco5 and using your computer (assuming you have some type of zip extractor such as 7zip, winzip, etc) click on the downloaded file and go into the system/app directory and extract any apk's you are missing.
Do you BONSAI?


[Q] Stock nandroid

So I have been trollin through a bunch of threads and searching before I ask. I am rooted running Stupidfast v1.23 and jt super clean rom on DI01. I was reading through flashing back to stock package via oden, but i noticed you need a stock nandroid recovery. I currently have CW. Do I need to get the stock nandroid or just flash the package?
If this has been asked a million times, I am sorry. Please direct me where to go.
Anyone?? There has to be an answer out there somewhere...
I believe if you go to the development forum and check the stickies there a post with the Odin to stock info that has the stock nandroid in it. I think that's where it is - I go to so many forums I can never remember where I saw what. I'm on my phone right now but I will check later to make sure.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
You don't need a nandroid backup if you just want to go back to stock.
Or, flash adrynalyne's DI01 Odin package to get you back to 2.1-update1.
Stock nandroid is in the dev forum. Probably a few pages in though.
I'm retarded. I meant to say do i need a stock recovery (not stock nandroid) or does the package provide all of it.
A Nandroid backup is just a backup image taken through CW Recovery. You can't have one without the other (at least, not on this phone -- some other devices have different custom recovery tools you can choose to use)
But that doesn't matter anyways, because Odin flashes work regardless of what you have or don't have on your phone. It's like restoring Windows from a recovery disk -- it wipes and replaces everything. That'd be why it's named after a god. Doesn't matter if you're rooted, doesn't matter if you have CWR installed, it'll wipe the slate clean and start you off fresh.
P.S. I'm not sure "trollin" means what you think it means. If you'd gone trolling in a bunch of threads, it's highly unlikely anyone would help you.
Trolls smell bad, live under bridges, and cause hazard to passers thorough. I knew what you meant.
You wanted a stock nandroid recovery. That brings your phone back to before you messed it up. Nandroid is a backup program that is run via Clock Work Recovery (which can be run from recovery mode - to run, flash a special clockwork recovery in odin, install rom manager app, run that, click the install button which in turn downloads and copies an update.zip file to the root of your sd card, then from recovery mode *vol +&- while powering up* you ' install' update.zip which essentially runs it)
You run nandroid from therein... or from the Rom Manager front end.
Actually you would run it, except you cannot.
# Nandroid is a BACKUP program. You need to have made your own image before hand for it to be helpful! #
However, thanks to Adrynalyne, you have another option for restoring your phone to stock:
A caveat. It is a large file, and somewhat of a strain to host. You only need to use it if your phone is totally borked and you do not know what else to do. Otherwise, you can often repair your woes by opening up CWR and using the clear data commands (which do not touch the sd card) & the install from sd card option, which in turn lets you find a rom you previously installed on your sd card and rerun it. Unless of course you installed voodoo, in which case you need a whole other thread before proceeding....
SIDE NOTE: Here its the classic piecewise restore I used back in the day, which includes stock kernel, stock system rom, and Odin:
Unfortunately the only di01 (first vzw updated modem) posted publicly is the one in the first link. If you need to replace your modem/radio/baseband, then you need to find dj05 separately, or simply have used adrynalyne's restore (linked up top) in the first place.
However, when you do get your phone back to happy - my tired finger asks you to do just one thing:
Run the "Backup Current ROM" option the moment you install Rom Manager - or don't install it!
Swyped w/ XDA App. When in doubt, mumble. Nandroid: Don't use Rom Manager without it.

Running DL30, stuck with stock recovery, unable to apply update.zip

I was previously running a full stock phone, unrooted, with the OTA DL07 update. I flashed the stock DL30 rom leak, by flashing CWMRecovery_DJ05_DL09.tar.md5 via odin, then applying update.zip (not the new one). Once in clockwork recover, I tried to apply the new_cwm.zip, but I got large zoomed in blue text that I couldn't read, and nothing really happened.
After a few reboots, I learned that I the DL09 I got OTA, somehow restores the recover, and I have to use odin every time before I plan on getting into clockwork. Anyways, I eventually just decided to ignore the new_cwm.zip, and just flash the DL30.zip via the old cwm. It worked, I ran DL30 for a few days, but today I wanted to wipe battery stats, but I can't get back into cwm.
I can't flash CWMRecovery_DJ05_DL09.tar.md5 anymore, it fails, and then my phone won't boot, until I flash Stock-i500-VZW-Recovery.tar.md5, upon which I can boot my phone up normally.
So my question is, how can I get cwm back? And should I use the old update.zip I've been using, or should I replace it with the new_cwm.zip?
Download ROM Manager from the market, install cwm through it. Then reboot into recovery (do a nandroid backup), Wipe data, install DL30 rom, reboot, go back into cwm, flash the new_cwm.
Ok .. I am not sure if this is the right area or not .. but I have been tring to install the DL30 onto my fascinate but it will go to a blue screen and when I choose update.zip it will tell me failed to
open /sdcard/update.zip no such file or directory?
Signature verification failed installation aborted .. any ideas how to make this work?
Thanks for you help in advance
kscheryl said:
Ok .. I am not sure if this is the right area or not .. but I have been tring to install the DL30 onto my fascinate but it will go to a blue screen and when I choose update.zip it will tell me failed to
open /sdcard/update.zip no such file or directory?
Signature verification failed installation aborted .. any ideas how to make this work?
Thanks for you help in advance
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download rom manager from the market and use it to install cwm
thefunkbot said:
Download ROM Manager from the market, install cwm through it. Then reboot into recovery (do a nandroid backup), Wipe data, install DL30 rom, reboot, go back into cwm, flash the new_cwm.
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Just tried, when I launched ROM Manager, it said Current was, Latest was I clicked flash, it downloaded, and Current changed to I clicked reboot into recovery, phone reboots, default recover comes up, starts to apply update.zip, and the signature fails.
Same here ... even when I use rom manager with the CWM it is still coming up with the signature error. It is only going to the blue screen not the green screen but it is also not allowing me to install the update either. Help!
Dunno why so many folks are having issues...but make sure you have root and dj05 or dl09. Download rom manager and new_cwm. Flash recovery while selecting your phone in rom manager. Then reboot in recovery from rom manager install new dl30 and then new_cwm. If you cant reboot from rom manager, do it manually and select update.zip to get to cwm
Ps...make sure you never had voodoo or it is niw disablef...one of the two.
thefunkbot said:
download rom manager from the market and use it to install cwm
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That doesnt work to just do it through rom manager when your on dl09... your confusing people by telling them that. To get into cwr you have to flash it with odin, boot into stock recovery, do the update.zip, then boot into cwr. You cant let the phone boot into the os until you get to cwr and do all your flashing. Dl09 has something built in that makes it not work the way it used to. What you are saying is the original instructions for dl30, but have since been modified like i said... its somewhere in this forum,
Sent from my stock 2.1
unrooted, fully bloated (for now) Fascinate
Right, the problem is that I'm already running DL30, and I can't flash the clockwork recovery for dl09/dj05 via odin, it fails and my phone won't boot until I flash the stock recovery via odin. Anything I try through rom manager simply fails the signature verification.
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I have the exact same problem as OP, I tried to flash DL30.zip and the new_cwm.zip. DL30.zip flashed like a charm, but for some reason after i flashed new_cwm.zip, I'm not able to get into cwm at all, it just sends me to stock recovery.
Heres the thing, whether your on dl09 or dl30 (which is still dl09) you cant let the phone reach the os between flashing cw and applying update.zip, and then booting into cwr. So the only way is to flash cw via odin, stock recovery update.zip, cwr. Another way would be to get back to dj05, this shouldnt have the built in recovery reset, and dl30 is compatible with it.
Sent from my stock 2.1
unrooted, fully bloated (for now) Fascinate
ziggy484 said:
Heres the thing, whether your on dl09 or dl30 (which is still dl09) you cant let the phone reach the os between flashing cw and applying update.zip, and then booting into cwr. So the only way is to flash cw via odin, stock recovery update.zip, cwr. Another way would be to get back to dj05, this shouldnt have the built in recovery reset, and dl30 is compatible with it.
Sent from my stock 2.1
unrooted, fully bloated (for now) Fascinate
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What you are trying to say is if I flash the DL09 cwm via ODIN to my DL30, I would be able to get into cwm?
Avelnan said:
What you are trying to say is if I flash the DL09 cwm via ODIN to my DL30, I would be able to get into cwm?
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No... first of all you need the new cw that works with froyo if you plan on using it while on froyo, then you still have to follow the steps in my previous post because your still dl09. If you are on froyo why do you need cw right now?
Sent from my stock 2.1
unrooted, fully bloated (for now) Fascinate
ziggy484 said:
No... first of all you need the new cw that works with froyo if you plan on using it while on froyo, then you still have to follow the steps in my previous post because your still dl09. If you are on froyo why do you need cw right now?
Sent from my stock 2.1
unrooted, fully bloated (for now) Fascinate
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Because after I flashed DL30 all my apps were still there, even though I strictly remember wiping my phone clean. Also I want to flash Blackhole 4.0.1 rom. I just want those apps gone because they seem to cause problems, apparently after wiping EVERYTHING is still there
Avelnan said:
Because after I flashed DL30 all my apps were still there, even though I strictly remember wiping my phone clean. Also I want to flash Blackhole 4.0.1 rom. I just want those apps gone because they seem to cause problems, apparently after wiping EVERYTHING is still there
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You could just uninstall the apps through task manager... and then you need the new cwm to flash more roms, again follow the steps i previously posted to get to cwr
Sent from my stock 2.1
unrooted, fully bloated (for now) Fascinate
ziggy484 said:
You could just uninstall the apps through task manager... and then you need the new cwm to flash more roms, again follow the steps i previously posted to get to cwr
Sent from my stock 2.1
unrooted, fully bloated (for now) Fascinate
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So I DO have to flash the DL09 CWM via ODIN. Where can I get this file, and ODIN?
Avelnan said:
So I DO have to flash the DL09 CWM via ODIN. Where can I get this file, and ODIN?
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search this site for both, there are links everywhere
Sent from my stock 2.1
unrooted, fully bloated (for now) Fascinate
ziggy484 said:
search this site for both, there are links everywhere
Sent from my stock 2.1
unrooted, fully bloated (for now) Fascinate
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That's what I tried to do before I even started this thread, as I said in my original post. The DL09 cwm will not flash via oden. It fails. And then my phone just shows a computer/phone icon, and refuses to boot.
I have to flash the stock recovery via odin to get my phone working again.
And the reason I need cwm if i'm already running DL30, is twofold. I'd like to switch roms, AND I need to wipe my battery stats.
Dewmgaze said:
That's what I tried to do before I even started this thread, as I said in my original post. The DL09 cwm will not flash via oden. It fails. And then my phone just shows a computer/phone icon, and refuses to boot.
I have to flash the stock recovery via odin to get my phone working again.
And the reason I need cwm if i'm already running DL30, is twofold. I'd like to switch roms, AND I need to wipe my battery stats.
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Same here bro.
Dewmgaze said:
That's what I tried to do before I even started this thread, as I said in my original post. The DL09 cwm will not flash via oden. It fails. And then my phone just shows a computer/phone icon, and refuses to boot.
I have to flash the stock recovery via odin to get my phone working again.
And the reason I need cwm if i'm already running DL30, is twofold. I'd like to switch roms, AND I need to wipe my battery stats.
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Have you tried getting to dl09 via odin before flashing the dl09 cw? And once you get to dl30 you need the new cw to do anymore flashing while on froyo. try flashing stock dl09 (not di01) then flash dl09 cw, then stock recovery update zip, then flash dl30, then flash new cw, then reboot. Do one after the other without booting into the os at all. Once your on froyo you still wont be able to just hold the buttons and get to cw i dont think... you may have to do it the hard way like i just explained.
Sent from my stock 2.1
unrooted, fully bloated (for now) Fascinate

Updated CWM won't install ROM

So I made the mistake of updating CWM to and now I can't load ROM. I've had to go back to completely stock and had a hard time getting root. I tried to revert back to old CWM in Rom Manager but it says Encountered error trying to download. How else can I either get back to old CWM or install another EB01 ROM?
ROM install scripts need to be updated to edify. Newest cwm doesnt support the older scripts.
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Toddw said:
So I made the mistake of updating CWM to and now I can't load ROM. I've had to go back to completely stock and had a hard time getting root. I tried to revert back to old CWM in Rom Manager but it says Encountered error trying to download. How else can I either get back to old CWM or install another EB01 ROM?
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You're now stock w/ root? All in one EB01 .tar file to be flashed through Odin should do all of the things you need. It's in the dev section somewhere.
Trying it now. I'll update shortly. Thanks


Had a eco5 rooted epic with rfs file system tried installing bonsai
used master key and flashed to 4.1.3 U get assert failed run_program("tmp/install-script)==0
E:error in sdcard/bonsai_SPHD700_4.1.3.zip
(Status 7)
Installtion aborted
tried doing a restore in cwm and it just hangs at the samsung logo........I think it converted it from rfs to ext 4 and screwed up somehow......what should i do?
Odin? Then, restore a backup once your back on stock RFS (assuming you don't want to lose anything. Otherwise, don't restore.
Also, you might have gotten a bad download
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
thanks can u walk me through this a bit its been a while. How do i odin back to eco5 and keep root? i have everything i need. I guessi just need to odin to eco5 and convert to ext4?
If you're on RFS trying to install an EXT4 ROM, it won't run because of the edify script. Best bet is to either convert to EXT4 or find an RFS ROM... First you'll have to Odin of course, but after that, aim for either RFS-EXT4 capable ROMs or you'll have to choose which one. Also, I don't really know about his ROM's that much, but is it EC05 or newer?
eco5 at this point i just want to get back to stock eco5 and get root
newguy0804 said:
thanks can u walk me through this a bit its been a while. How do i odin back to eco5 and keep root? i have everything i need. I guessi just need to odin to eco5 and convert to ext4?
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You wont be able to keep root. You'll have to Odin back, then re-root your phone. It's a process, but it's what'll have to be done. It'll take maybe 10 minutes total. Just search the dev section for Odin, and follow the directions.
Here's the link... Just follow the instructions.
Thanks dude your a lifesaver. So once I get that part done I need to root. My apps im not worried about I have titanium backup and a nandroid backup through rom manager. never used it after somthing like this though so what is the next step after I odin to eco5?
After you Odin, run the new root with the new cwm so you're completely up to date... then you will have root and recovery, and you just flash a ROM, or a backup ...just make sure it's EC05 and RFS or you'll have the same issues.
hmmm.....do u have a link by any chance? also when I 1st start this up how long should I wait for this to start? any ideai oh how to use rom manager of titanium back up comes into play with this?
You got asserts error because you used ROM Manager. If you download the EB13 stock tar from Bonsai site, use Masterkey unlocker on that, then power down, 3 finger into recovery and flash 4.1.3, Boot up, power down, 3 finger, Advance Restore Data you will be fine. Stay away from Rom Manager and Quick boot for backup, restore or flashing.
Look at the sticky posts in the dev section. You're looking for one click root. Download and run that. And yes, don't use ROM manager. Just power off and use volume down+ camera+ power to boot into clockwork mod.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App

Rooted my GF's Fascinate, Need Help Nandroiding

I just rooted my girlfriend's year old fascinate that was bone stock from day 1. In CWM I am unable to make a nandroid (I get an error). I've heard I need a modded stock kernel in order to successfully make a backup in CWM 3.x or something along those lines.
I looked in the developer forum under the sticky with the list of everything, but it only shows three or so kernels (none of which hint at stock).
I have a Thunderbolt and before that a Droid 2 so I know a lot about rooting and flashing with those two devices, but I am new to the Fascinate. I messed around a bit with Odin when I rooted the phone, but I'm still learning.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Older recoveries supported amend scripting (2.x.x) while newer ones support edify scripting (3.x.x)...depending on which rom your running it may cause problems with backups and restores if you don't have the right recovery...unless you plan on going to an Mtd build (cm7, Miui, ect) I would recommend using the (2.5.1) recovery also called the 3/30 fix all recovery because this version supports both amend and edify scripting..so you make a nandroid with out issues....if you can get to recovery still I would install this zip and then select reboot recovery...it will bring you to the 3/30 fix all recovery where you should be able to backup and restore your nandroid...link to follow shortly...
Scroll down in the first page to the .zip file, download and continue with the steps I listed...I know its confusing at first mainly because development has happens rather quickly which is a good thing! its just a lot to catch up on!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
What would you recommend if my plan was to install MIUI or OMFGB?
I'm deciding between those two because I use OMFGB on my Thunderbolt all the time, but MIUI is very good for my girlfriend I think because it's very straight forward and simplistic.
Its not hard to get in to these roms, but you must be sure if you have problems or want to go to anything non Mtd you will have to Odin an official VZW tar and pit file to repartition before going to any non Mtd rom
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
So basically:
1. Flash the CWM you posted in your original reply
2. Nandroid her current stock setup
3. Flash MIUI
4. If I ever want to return to stock or a non-mtd rom I have to do what's posted in your second reply?
If all that is correct please let me know. Also lets say she doesn't like MIUI, can I simply flash that nandroid or will I have to do what's posted in the second reply?
When I try to flash that older CWM in CWM I get this message:
want a droid said:
So basically:
1. Flash the CWM you posted in your original reply
2. Nandroid her current stock setup
3. Flash MIUI
4. If I ever want to return to stock or a non-mtd rom I have to do what's posted in your second reply?
If all that is correct please let me know. Also lets say she doesn't like MIUI, can I simply flash that nandroid or will I have to do what's posted in the second reply?
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Yes you will have to do what's in the second reply.
You have it all correct, if you nandroid her current stock setup you can only restore it on a non Mtd build you would have to do what I linked to in the second post to use a vzw rom with pit file to repartition...boot fully, flash recovery then you could restore her stock nandroid..for example you get her on Miui you can only do a nandroid with the recovery that comes with it...I think its a 4.x.x recovery...trying to restore the stock nandroid before repartitioning back to stock will cause problems...so basically you only want to restore a nandroid on the same build (Mtd to Mtd nandroid, or ext4/rfs to ext4/rfs nandroid) and if all else fails and you run into big problems, doing the VZW restore (although can be a lengthy process) will get the phone back running to start over!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Did you see my reply before this? I was unable to get CWM 2.x to flash so I'm still on CWM 3.x.
want a droid said:
Did you see my reply before this? I was unable to get CWM 2.x to flash so I'm still on CWM 3.x.
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I did see it after I replied, is her phone on ed05? I'm surprised that neither the 3/30 fix all or 3.x.x is working
Edit after looking at the pick again you're using times infinity's recovery....you would need to Odin the 3/30 fix all recovery and immediately three finger boot into recovery without letting the phone boot or if you installed the 3/30 fix all via .zip file, you need to choose reboot recovery to enter the fix all one, it should be 2.5.1 I believe
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Here's a picture of her phone info:
And as you can tell from the other photo, both making a backup and flashing the CWM 2.x doesn't work.
Trying a backup results in: "Error while backing up boot image!"
Trying to flash CWM 2.x results in that long information message.
That sucks man i'm sorry I've never been on ed05 so I don't know if that why your having problems my suggestion...back up all her contacts by exporting them to sd card, download titanium backup its free in the market, backup all of her apps and screw the nandroid, flash what you want, restore her apps with titanium, but do not restore data, restore get contacts and then boot into the recovery that comes with the rom/kernel and then do a nandroid and that WILL work..again sorry for the trouble, just trying to help.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
I appreciate all your help. I'll let you know how it goes.
ed05 is not the problem...You have to use cwm 2.5.1.x if your trying to nandroid backup a stock rom. This version of cwm works on all froyo roms and powerwashed gingerbread. After you make a nandroid with cwm2.5.1.x, then flash cwm4 and proceed to installing miui.
Read this link for flashing mtd based roms such as miui, cm7, vgb...etc
That was my first reply to him...to use 2.5.1 but he said he still got errors? I don't have a clue what the problem is...he's said he's used ti's 3x.x, and the 3/30 fix all still with errors? confused?
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droidstyle said:
ed05 is not the problem...You have to use cwm 2.5.1.x if your trying to nandroid backup a stock rom. This version of cwm works on all froyo roms and powerwashed gingerbread. After you make a nandroid with cwm2.5.1.x, then flash cwm4 and proceed to installing miui.
Read this link for flashing mtd based roms such as miui, cm7, vgb...etc
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I guess you skipped the entire thread, but we already went through all that.
want a droid said:
I guess you skipped the entire thread, but we already went through all that.
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I think you skipped a step... Are you flashin cwm via the PDA function in ODIN?
If not you need to:
ODIN the cwmAll.tar here: http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&drKey=1359&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.xda-developers.com%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D1238070&v=1&libid=1316306736482&out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2F%3F6x5utoca59et7o9&title=%5BGUIDE%5D%20Installing%20a%20rom%2F%20cwm%20recovery%2F%20or%20going%20back%20to%20stock%20for%20NEWBIES!%20-%20xda-developers&txt=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2F%3F6x5utoca59et7o9&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13163071702031
make a nandroid back up of the stock rom.
go back to odin and flash the jt's cwm4
boot into recovery
wipe data, cache, dalvik
install miui.zipfrom sd card
Follow the rest of the directions in the link I provided
+1 there ya go. Beat me to it.
Plus, I wouldn't even worry about backing up your stock ROM. Just flash the full official package. This will wipe your slate clean if you run into problems. Restoring nandroid backups leads to glitches eventually from what I've seen.
Sorry, I didn't see there was a second page here...I'm a bum.
want a droid said:
I guess you skipped the entire thread, but we already went through all that.
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Should probably try not being a **** when you're begging for help from people.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Personally, I thought his reply was honest and effective. I commend him on his frankness, and respect him for his boldness.
grenade01 said:
Personally, I thought his reply was honest and effective. I commend him on his frankness, and respect him for his boldness.
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Really? Snide, snarky comments are respectable? At the very least, they shouldn't be coming from the person asking for help.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
