needs to have uptodate - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

hi guys,
thought somebody cud help me here. i have an essential application called uptodate.
pls somebody tell me if this can be made to use with wp7?

kanishkapd said:
hi guys,
thought somebody cud help me here. i have an essential application called uptodate.
pls somebody tell me if this can be made to use with wp7?
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M8... This is a web search service . ... running from the web ...i will say that it will run
EDIT: I just open the page in my HD2 running WP7 and it looks fine...i cant login (no subsciption) but it looks OK

no kanishka, not yet....only if uptodate makers think they need to make it for wp7...i doubt they would because..they have not made one for the "popular" iphone works only only on winmo and palm..for now ....others can use the web service...but not full uptodate on sd card/offline


thx!: o2 german shipped rom

Hi all!
I really need a original o2 rom (german). Since yesterday my touchscreen doesn't work anymore...nothing helps either soft or hardreset :/
I flashed my xda mini with a german t-mobile for a week, but after a hardreset yesterday the screen doesn't response on any touch.
An o2 Staff-Member in our local Shop told me (quietly) that I won't have any chance to get a new one, if it's so obvious that i flashed the device(No matter that I didn't make a mistake!) And I think it's very obvious if an xda boots with a t-mobile-logo^^ But a software-reason for the defective Touchscreen isn't probable, isnt it?
So i have to flash the xda mini with the original rom before i send it to O2 , by the way the only thing that i can do now with this device, cause I'm not able to finish the Touchscreen-Setup(hardreset) ...
I found the demand for the german o2-rom very oftenin this Forum, but mostly the answer is 'don't let the branding(t-mobile) get installed' etc. This doesn't help me, sorry! I didn't want the t-mobile-rom, i just did not think about the possibility that the shipped roms on the ftp are not from O2(could a admin rename this files, this happens to many pepole). It's was very angry to install the o2software 'by foot', but not the end of life^^
Now I really need this original rom! Couldn't anybode with a german xda mini take the time and make me and all the others happy with this rom?
I searched this rom the hole day, here and with google and didn't found it!
Big Thanks in advance!!!
If anybody has nothing to do (and no german xda mini) he/she could correct my bad english (sorry!)
Plz help me...
I'am a student and my Magician is the only way to reach me wirthout internet! I can't belief that here isn't somebody who has the rom, is able to make/get it or know where I can found it, even i searched a lot now.
Plz help me, if its possible...!
If I can help you,I will do it
so far
Just have a look at this thread :
Big thanks for this hint! You saved my day
How can i thank you?^^
What's about uploading it to the ftp for al the others?
I would do this, no prob!
I didn't want the t-mobile-rom, i just did not think about the possibility that the shipped roms(german) on the ftp are not from O2(could a admin rename this files, this happens to many pepole).
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Perhaps this would save many beginners from doing the same stupid mistake, I must confess that a well-meaned advice to make a backup often is ignored to fast,I learned my leasson!
greetz and thx!

Can someone extract MMS app from WM6.1 (or any other help with MMS...)

Thanks to Sir blackdragon_860 we, users of smartphone HTC S310 have now the 6.1 ROM. Unfortunatelly there is no MMSes after flashing...
Is there possibility to install an external application, commercial or free or taken from other HTC device to make MMS possible?
By the way - is there possibility to switch off that 'chat-like' SMS list mode in WM6.1? To a 'cllasic' view.
Best greetings and Thanks in advance,
use teh search
bapssystupr3m3 said:
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Yes, it seems to be solution for my second question
The first question still wayt for your kind help
i dont use mms so i cant help u..but that doesnt stop u from searching

need help (really badly)

Hi all
guys i recently got htc polaris p3650....
i havent done any upgrading...i jus have a 2gb memory card... its jus the default phone... wit all the basic stuff..
i desperately want to upgrade it to 6.5 n get all these nice themes and games..
but i simply dont know how to do all this...
so can anyone explain in simple language how to do all this n if possible with the links to get alll da stuff.
pls guys help me out here... i've been drooling over the themes u'll post here
rejis45 said:
Hi all
guys i recently got htc polaris p3650....
i havent done any upgrading...i jus have a 2gb memory card... its jus the default phone... wit all the basic stuff..
i desperately want to upgrade it to 6.5 n get all these nice themes and games..
but i simply dont know how to do all this...
so can anyone explain in simple language how to do all this n if possible with the links to get alll da stuff.
pls guys help me out here... i've been drooling over the themes u'll post here
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Look in my wm6.5 rom....Post 2...are all infos you need...
or to pcarvalho rom....also a very good rom...

Can anyone upload the original HD2 libgles_cm.dll for me?

Hi everyone,
I replaced my libgles_cm.dll with a new version from internet but the HTC Sence didn't start up anymore after restart...
Can anyone please upload their shipped HD2 libgles_cm.dll for me?
Many thanks
Im guessing that maybe ROM dependant mate what ROM are you running??
ROM 1.60.XXX.X <<< I guess it is.
Demon_man, can you upload yours' for me to try?
I'll see if i can pull it now mate
it wont let me even though i changed it from read only and hidden hhmm sorry
Thank you mate, awaiting for your good news
O.. this one is not working on mine...

[Q] need help with my samsung B7620 G.A..!!!

hello to every one...
i really want to know if there is a way to upgrade from windows mobile 2 android...
if there is a way and i see in the forum that there can i download and install???
thank you so so much
ericson-TAB said:
hello to every one...
i really want to know if there is a way to upgrade from windows mobile 2 android...
if there is a way and i see in the forum that there can i download and install???
thank you so so much
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Hiya eric,
I am looking for the same answer as you do, Realy love the phone however hate the software and would love to use an android ROM myself if its possible. I just did not fugure out how yet... I see it should be possible somehow, just not sure whether our model fits in there as well. And im not going to try out unless I am certain it's possible. However if you find out before I do, please PM me
some one pls respond to this thread, is there any option to dual boot samsung b7620 ga with wm6.5 + android. Please any developer help us to get android running on our phones. thanks
Hi all,
I'm also interessed in an Android OS for B7620.

