[Q] How to know the number of songs? - Atrix 4G General

I have the Motorola Atrix and I'm still slightly new to it.
I was wondering if someone could tell me how to check how many songs I have on my phone altogether?
Like the iphone/itouch shows you how many songs you have...
Is there a way to see how many songs you have on your Moto Atrix?

Make a playlist and add every song. Should give you a song count.
Never live in the past but always learn from it.

I created a playlist with all the songs and it dind't give me a song count....

If you keep all of your songs in a dedicated music folder, if you open the "Files" app, navigate to the folder that contains the music folder. Underneath the name of the music folder it has the number of files. That's the number of songs, minus any additional files in the folder (playlists, etc). Kind of tedious just to find the number of songs, but it does the job.

Thank you so much Amnigo. :]


TouchFlo Music

Could anyone tell me how I get the music part of touchflo to read mp3 files on my storage card
I deleted the stock 2 music files from my documents/music folder and now it just tells me there are no files found !
I'm not sure exactly why the music player is not seeing your music files, but I can pass on some useful tips that I have discovered. Please excuse me if these have been covered elsewhere, or if some of them seem terribly obvious to experienced users :
(1) Put all the tracks from a particular album inside their own folder, and save each such album folder in a "My Music" folder on the SD card. This keeps things nice and organised.
(2) Try to ensure that each track MP3 file has got the various "meta tags" set properly to describe the track number, artist, album etc because the music player uses those for sorting and filing the tracks. There is a handy program called Tag&Rename that is very helpful to edit these tags.
(3) If you place a JPG image called "Folder.jpg" inside each album folder, the music player will make a copy called "hTC_AM_AlbumArt.jpg" which it displays when you play back that track or when chosing albums. Once the music player has made this file, you can delete "Folder.jpg" to save space.
(4) The music player may take several minutes to index all the music if you have many files. Be patient! Until it has indexed fully, some tracks may not appear in the music library at all, or appear with music note images instead of the proper album image.
(5) If the indexing seems to have any problems, switch off the HD with a long press of the power button or do a soft reset. This seems to force it to re-index all the music.
(6) I had a problem when I first copied all my music to the device. It made an error message afte a while. I tracked this down to one particular music track; I don't know why, but suspect that there may have been something odd in the meta tags.
Hope this helps !
- Steve
the best way, i think is sync the music files with wmp in your pc

Music Issues?

I have this issue where my music seems to be in a great mess. Is it possible to somehow set the media player to view music folder by folder?
Perhaps you need to tag it properly? Mp3tag is a good program for that, if that is indeed the problem...
Erm...are there any guides for tagging? Because I have no idea what that is. Even though I placed the songs I wanted to together into the same album, I ended up with multiple albums with different songs but same album name,
Computers are like me, anal perfectionists. The name "This is an album" and "This Is An Album" an "This is an album" are 3 totally different things. If they are not correctly tagged, with EXACTLY the same name, they are not the same as far as the phone is concerned.
Tagging is simple, use mp3 tag, loads your songs and fill in the form fields (album, arsits, title ,etc then save. Make sure they are identical for each song by same artist/in same album.
To help make sure, select all similar tracks of the same artist or album together before you fill in that field, that way you ensure the exact same data is input in all of them.
Although it makes little to no difference to WM player I also sort my music into folders.
Music +
It's just good housekeeping more than anything and keeps things tidy and simple. Besides, some other program (S2P)actually sort by folder in their library view.
P.S. I also recommend mp3tag, it's pretty close to perfect.
Ah...wait...you mean for the music to be in the same album, the artist must be the same? So exactly what are the factors that determine the music being in the same folder? (It goes by artists? Not by albums? And you mentioned titles. How can the titles be the same for all the music?)
Oh and despite the fact that I changed the tags for the albums, it somehow remains the same in itunes and the Media XPerience Panel. Oh and this is how I change tags. I highlight the whole set of music I want to place in the same album. I right click and press "extended tags". I then edit from there. Is that right? What do things like export/convert etc. do? (Oh and I do save.)
Only if you group them that way, of course if the artists are different just make sure the Album is exactly thesame on each track. I for example keep all compliation/etc albums in an artist called "Various".
That's the issue! I have edited the songs I want together by placing them into the same album by using "extend tag". And yet, The album cannot be found on the Media Xperiance and the Itunes.
No need
You shouldn't need to use the advanced tags, in fact I removed everything from advanced tags that was non standard leaving only album, artist, title, genre and maybe year. I also found that if I edited them directly on the card it didn't work. They aren't updated. I moved them to the PC, edited, deleted any files related to library on the phone then moved the music back.
I don't understand very well your question, because if you choose Menu - Open File - and then select your folder, but don't open it, click on "Read", it reads the files that are in the folder you selected.
But I recommend you doing playlists from your PC with Windows Media Player and synchronize them with your phone. Or there is a nice freeware, MPlayListManager which can create playlists directly on your phone.
Anyone have a Mac solution to this? I use iTunes as my library manager but it seems to me the music information isn't edited by iTunes.

Album covers show up in the gallery app - Is there a way to prevent this?

Does someone know a way of hidding the album covers showing up in the gallery app? I know the way of putting a ".nomedia" file inside the music folder but that prevents the music from showing up in the music app.
Thank you for your help.
I would also like to know if there is any answer for this? It is irritating to go into gallery and sort through a couple of hundred pictures of my albums.
Embed the art into the mp3 files themselves so you con remove the JPG art files.
There is only one way I know off to stop this and it means going through your music comprehensively.
You need to edit the music files in iTunes or similar, and assign the album art to the individual music tracks rather than just copying a .jpg to the folder.
If you right click on the music file or files (you can edit more than one track at a time) and then click on 'albumart'.
you then find the file you wish to use and click okay.
EACH track then has an assigned album art picture embedded.
It takes time though, I've done 120Gb of my 300Gb of Music!!
21000 tracks and counting so far.................
Personally, I use TagRunner. Downloads the tags and art automatically (and embeds it).
IMO Weak workarounds.
Pisses me off the Gallery wont let you select specific folders.
I once dled a sign language App only to suddenly have 100+ pics in my gallery.
Id you .hide them...the App wont see them either.
Terrible setup by Android , no idea why this hasnt been addressed.
Super noob question,I can't figure out how to add music to my n1.I hooked it up to my PC,do I need software to sync up to? Thanks
class01 said:
Super noob question,I can't figure out how to add music to my n1.I hooked it up to my PC,do I need software to sync up to? Thanks
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drag and drop after you mount your sd card
Um, you guys know that you can just drop a file called .nomedia in any directory and the music/picture/video finder won't index it, right?
Yes that was discussed. but if the album art is in the same folder as the music, you dont get to listen to the music. And if you put that file in the albumthumbs folder, then the music player wont show it either.
OP is looking to eliminate it from the gallery only.
Are the music files and artwork in the same folder?
If they are you can't do anything about it.
Properly tag the files folks...
Now if the artwork is in another folder you can make a 1 byte file with the name ".nomedia" and place it in the folder.
None of the Media Scan routines will process the folder; this means in the folder images *AND* music will be ignored.
Placing the .nomedia file in whatever folder has the images (music folder or albumthumbs) will most likely prevent the album are from being seen in the music player as well.
I agree that properly tagging the music is really the best way around this. I use mediamonkey for my media management and tagging on my desktop.
SilentMobius said:
Um, you guys know that you can just drop a file called .nomedia in any directory and the music/picture/video finder won't index it, right?
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I'm doing this, when I rename the file, it vanishes. Is this right? If I try make it again, it says it can't as a file with that name exists, so I guess that's how it should be.
When I go to album, these folders are still there though. Is there a way to make it refresh?
EDIT: Okay, I rebooted and this worked

Music Folder on MT3G

Just curious, is there a certain folder I need to place my music files in to play on my player? Everytime I go to music, it grabs all the files from notifications and my ringtones folders!! Is there a easier way to play my music?
Regarding Music...
Can anyone help me out??
Personally I don't use the stock music player for that very reason. Check out an app from the marketplace callled MixZing Lite (it's free.) It has the ability to monitor a specific folder for music and also comes with a pretty slick widget.
You can created a blank file called .nomedia (notice the dot at the front) in your ringtones folder which will stop the Media service (Gallery and Music) from searching in there for files. I have not tested if this will break ringtone searching, so give it a go and just delete your new .nomedia file if all your stuff disappears from ringtones.
You also may be interested to know if you call your album covers AlbumArt.jpg then they will appear in music player when a song from that album is playing, but Gallery will not index them and take a thousand years to load cos of all the covers called different names in different folders.

how to organize music into folders that i want?

ok so basically i organize certain music into certain folders the way i want to listen to them. sometimes i don't even organize them by the same genre. it's just a personal preference. in IOS, i would just make a respective playlist for each folder and i would have my music organized the way i want.
however on my nexus 4, even when i transfer my music by the folders i made, it i would just use the metadata and organize the music the way it wants, totally ruining my structure. how can i make it so the music would stay in whatever folder i put it in?
Uh like you said. You need to properly tag your music files, then make playlists.
Or use a file explorer and play/launch your music through folders. (Lame)
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
nxt said:
Uh like you said. You need to properly tag your music files, then make playlists.
Or use a file explorer and play/launch your music through folders. (Lame)
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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so sad....tagging my music won't help because it will still use other meta data to organize the music is a stupid way (according to me that is)
i thought android was better and had much more freedom and now i finally use it, i'm discovering alot of annoyances, and even flaws since some features are discarded. oh well, i guess there are plus and minuses to both OSes, so far i still like ios more. but let me use the nexus 4 for a couple of weeks before the final judgement
I really don't understand what you are doing but android doesn't move music files into any folders that I am aware of on its own once they are on the phone. If you used a file explorer they should be on phone exactly where you put them. The music player, any of them as they all work pretty much the same, can display the music files by artists, album, genres or playlists but not by special folder names. For instance say you setup your music in a folder called hip hop, the music player can only show you the artists and albums in there but not the folder itself because that isn't how they are setup to work but the hip hop folder will still be in the same place you put it. Personally I prefer WMP, tried iTunes and hated it, to sync my music playlists to my phone and don't really worry with how it is organized (by artist and album as that's default for anything) as long as the playlists work and sync properly.
Yeah, what exactly is your issue? It doesn't make sense.
If your metadata is screwed up, that's fine, just copy your music into folders how you want.
Then use any of the millions of file explorers available on the market to view your folders and tap on the music you want to play and it'll launch in your default music player (or its own).
Anyways, there's plenty of alternatives you can do with metadata.
If you have an mp3 named track01.mp3 u can name it whatever u want with id3/metadata name the artist "britney spears" and it'll show up as britney spears in the music app.
Or if you have a bunch of random songs and u want it to be "rage music" make the artist on all of them "RAGE MUSIC" or name the album "RAGE MUSIC" then it's all there.
Or like I said previously, properly tag your songs and make playlists like you did with itunes.
I think what it is is that the iPhone displays music with a file browser and not a music player and that's why you can see specially named folders. Don't know as I've never owned one and it doesn't really appeal to me.
Edit: Nope just looked at someone iPhone at work, it opens up a music player just like android. But it must have some type of file browsing ability if it can show folders not conventionally named.
In what format are you storing your metadata? I use ID3v2 tags so that the information is imbedded into the mp3, particularly the album art, and travels with it from device to device. Not sure what Apple supports.
kzoodroid said:
Edit: Nope just looked at someone iPhone at work, it opens up a music player just like android. But it must have some type of file browsing ability if it can show folders not conventionally named.
In what format are you storing your metadata? I use ID3v2 tags so that the information is imbedded into the mp3, particularly the album art, and travels with it from device to device. Not sure what Apple supports.
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Yeah iphone does NOT do folder browsing in the itunes app. No idea what the OP is talking about. He can do whatever he wants to do and better if he does it all with id3 tags. or simply use a real file browser.
