[Q] flashing help -debricking - HD2 General

Sorry guys, but i am totally lost.
I did some searching on debricking, but it is over my head.
I have a 512mb hd2.
I flashed it to android and have been using it for a few days.
I decided to go back to windows mobile using this guide
the file was called RUU_Leo_HTC_WWE_1.48.405.2_Radio_Signed_15.28.50.07U_2.05.51.05_2_Ship
i flashed the unbranded rom.
now the phone no longer turns on.
I really hope i didn't break it permanently.
If i hold the vol down button and power button, nothing happens.
if i plug it in, nothing happens.
please. My employment is solely through my phone (service rep).

Sorry to tell you but you flashed a radio to. T-Mobile HD2 and a 51 radio bricks a T-Mobile HD2. The only way to fix it is to use a JTAG and a Riffbox on it. Do you live in the US?

its not a tmobile hd2 its a European hd2.

Are you sure it is a EU HD2 cause that shouldn't have bricked a EU HD2, but it will instantly kill a TMOUS. Is all of your buttons white, you don't have a green send button and a red end button?

there is no tmobile version of the hd2 with only 512mb of rom.
buttons are white, not colored. and not illuminated in any way.

Sorry just had to check to make sure. This is odd to me I do not know why that ROM would have bricked your HD2. Your HD2 didn't turn off or come unplugged or anything like that during the flash did it? Also did the progress meter on your computer and the HD2 go all the way to 100% and then your HD2 rebooted it self?
I am truly lost to why your HD2 is dead now. How about it guys anybody else out there know.

it did complete, and when it 'rebooted' it never came back on.

ABigNoob said:
it did complete, and when it 'rebooted' it never came back on.
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I am looking at the starring at the ROM in your first post and I do not see anything that would have causedcthos in the ROM name. Just out of curiosity where did you get the HD2 you have cause I am kinda wondering if you have a test T-Mobile HD2. It doesn't have like some writting on the back battery cover does it? I can not remember off the top of my head what it said but I am not talking about the HTC on the cover. You see the T-Mobile test devices were just like EU HD2s as far a ram and flash size. Also the test devices looked just like regular EU HD2s.

Ok go to this thread and tell me if your HD2 looks like the one in the picture. Also if you look atcthe list of test ROMs senior member xmoo has the ROM you flashed is the next to last ROM. So I think you flashed a T-Mobile test ROM to your HD2. And I think the test ROMs were only meant to be run on the test devices. Here is the link to the thread.

bent battery pins?

battery pens are fine.
T-Macgnolia your dead on. its a test tmobile hd2.
any chance of recovery?

ABigNoob said:
battery pens are fine.
T-Macgnolia your dead on. its a test tmobile hd2.
any chance of recovery?
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Well with it being bricked the one and only way to save it is to have it JTAGed. If you are willing to ship the phone I can hook you up with someone that can JTAG it.
I was looking at the thread I linked for you in my last post. Do you know if you have the HT97 or the HT98 test model HD2? I ambetting you have a HT97.

no idea what version, but theres a guy on craigslist in my area that is advertising he can jtag it. 20 bucks is cheap.
i appreciate your help. if it falls through can i contact you?

ABigNoob said:
no idea what version, but theres a guy on craigslist in my area that is advertising he can jtag it. 20 bucks is cheap.
i appreciate your help. if it falls through can i contact you?
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Yeah feel free to contact me if you need to. Twenty bucks is cheap, about thirty bucks cheaper than the Guy I know but the Guy I know is a complete professional too. He does cell phone repair for a living. I hope the Guy you found on criegs list knows what he is doing as the HD2 is not an easy device to work on. And to JTAG it he will havecto remove the intior main board from the phone.
Knowing now that you have a HTC Pro Three I still say the radio is what bricked your HD2. Cause I think that even though the radios used in the HTC Pro Three's were x.xx.50.xx radios, and they will brick a TMOUS.HD2. I do not think they used any x.xx.51.xx radios in them as a 51 radio will brick a regular and test TMOUS HD2. You must have got that ROM from HTC as I think the ROM version is a ROM version for the EU HD2s but they have the 51 radio where the ROM for the HTC Pro Three have a 50 radio. Best of luck and let me know if I can help any further, sorry for your bad luck.


Bricked HD2 Can It Come Back?

I installed the HSPL for the 1024 HD2 all went smooth then I proceeded to flash a Energy rom and all was smooth. Then I downloaded a dutty rom from 3/28 that I find out later was not the right one flash went accordingly 100%. The phone did not restart. It will not turn on. No power on and no light when charging. No bootloader mode, no regular boot nothing. I read you might be able to bring it back so i was wondering if you guys could help me out. I plug it in and says it has the wrong drivers. So is there a way to take it back to stock as I cant get mh money back on this phone?
oops, another non starting tmous after bad radio flash.
same problem HERE and HERE (post three) and HERE , , it's also mentioned in the mtty and the HSPL (regular HSPL and tmous HSPL) threads.
samsamuel said:
oops, another non starting tmous after bad radio flash.
same problem HERE and HERE (post three) and HERE , , it's also mentioned in the mtty and the HSPL (regular HSPL and tmous HSPL) threads.
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So is it safe to assume that there is no way to fix this? Because none of these things in the other threads have worked for them and they have not worked for me. With the current state would they be able to tell it was flashed if I send it to tmobile? Or I am good to send it in for an exchange?
if they can make the phone boot to bootloader then they will see hspl and refuse to replace it.(shouldn't matter what rom is on it, its the hspl that invalidates it.)
if they can't start it, then you are in theory safe.
I have seen a few people say they got it replaced, but I would be quick!
I won't say there is no fix, just no ones mentioned one yet
samsamuel said:
if they can make the phone boot to bootloader then they will see hspl and refuse to replace it.(shouldn't matter what rom is on it, its the hspl that invalidates it.)
if they can't start it, then you are in theory safe.
I have seen a few people say they got it replaced, but I would be quick!
I won't say there is no fix, just no ones mentioned one yet
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I will keep you updated!
plus one for me. same exact thing happened with dutty's newest rom. so now i have a nice brick sitting here. still searching.
This will not be fun because i purchased the phone from wirefly and not tmobile...so i am not sure walking into the local tmobile store will be of any help.
ramontrotman said:
plus one for me. same exact thing happened with dutty's newest rom. so now i have a nice brick sitting here. still searching.
This will not be fun because i purchased the phone from wirefly and not tmobile...so i am not sure walking into the local tmobile store will be of any help.
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dont forget the phone is manufacturer warrantied for 1 year, plus wirefly are legaly bound to support you for a while too.
Tear a hole in your short's pocket and go jogging. After the run you'll realize your HD2 is no longer in your pocket. Report it lost and pay your deductible.
samsamuel said:
dont forget the phone is manufacturer warrantied for 1 year, plus wirefly are legaly bound to support you for a while too.
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true indeed. i called tmobile sending me out a brand new one...so i am not really complaining. so i am getting an extra battery and back
ddgarcia05 said:
Tear a hole in your short's pocket and go jogging. After the run you'll realize your HD2 is no longer in your pocket. Report it lost and pay your deductible.
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lol nice!
same here. I just got my phone like 7 hours ago and I already brick it coz I accidentally flash it to the wrong ROM. So I went back to the Tmobile store today and they try to swap the batteries and think that its just the batteries. Then, they can't figure it out whats wrong with it. The manager said he's going to call once he get his shipment of HD2 and replace it.
ddgarcia05 said:
Tear a hole in your short's pocket and go jogging. After the run you'll realize your HD2 is no longer in your pocket. Report it lost and pay your deductible.
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My favorite fix, of all time!
Snarksneeze said:
My favorite fix, of all time!
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That is what i ended up doing now I am flashing away! Kumar has a sweet rom go try his stuff!
Please help ..........im new to this.
can you please help me out, i follow your tutorial it was very simple to the point but the only i issue i still have is that when i tried to load the room following the instructions everything was successful but i get stuck on the initial T mobile screen and it shows the following message
D 1. 66. Kumar
but it doesn't advance from that screen... can you please point me on the right direction.
did i BRICK THIS THING what can i do
eddie05ne said:
can you please help me out, i follow your tutorial it was very simple to the point but the only i issue i still have is that when i tried to load the room following the instructions everything was successful but i get stuck on the initial T mobile screen and it shows the following message
D 1. 66. Kumar
but it doesn't advance from that screen... can you please point me on the right direction.
did i BRICK THIS THING what can i do
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i already answered the post you made an hour ago, go read here
same here
i did the same thing, but when i try to install a custom room for my tmobile hd2 ,,,, it stuck at HTC screen with 0% ..... ???? i try the custom room or stock room , they stuck at HTC screen forever
Has anyone been able to work out a "Bootloader Repair" programme that will help people bring these bricked HD2's back by re-flashing the loader on the the flash memory?
I imagine a hundreds of HD2 fans will need it...

HELP!!! flashed radio, now phone wont power on!!!

So, like it says, all i did was flash the new radio... now my hd2 wont power on. im using the core cell evo v3 rom. it was working perfectly, aside from the low reception... so i flashed the different radio. when the phone power cycled after the radio installed, it wouldnt power back on... please, please, PLEASE help!!!
Uhm, you didn't read ANYTHING before starting this whole process....did you? A Radio ROM with X.XX.51.X WILL ALWAYS BRICK A TMO-US HD2. Seriously, its at the top of like EVERY subforum...
as ashasaur said above... sorry my friend, but you have a nice paper weight on ur hands... any radio with a "51" in it is for european HD2's and will BRICK a USA HD2... <--- evil
rlee008 said:
as ashasaur said above... sorry my friend, but you have a nice paper weight on ur hands... any radio with a "51" in it is for european HD2's and will BRICK a USA HD2... <--- evil
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awe crap!! this isnt the first time i hacked this phone too... i read that warning so many damn times... i dont know why i overlooked that... by any chance, is there some hope of unbricking this thing... its not even my phone...
As much as I hate to say this because I was a complete noob once as well. But damn it dude did you not do any research what so ever before hand? I mean come on thats like the first thing you read is ONLY flash .50 radios to US TMOBILE hd2's . Read next time bro.
vampsandbats said:
As much as I hate to say this because I was a complete noob once as well. But damn it dude did you not do any research what so ever before hand? I mean come on thats like the first thing you read is ONLY flash .50 radios to US TMOBILE hd2's . Read next time bro.
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ummm... like i said... i read that warning a million times, and i dont know why i overlooked it this time. it was a stupid mistake on my part... but i DO read everything before getting started on stuff like this... my question still remains, can it be unbricked? i know its a slim to none chance, but im hoping it can be done...
Check this out: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=668347
Hope it helps.
savd said:
Check this out: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=668347
Hope it helps.
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I already read that one... unfortunately the phone needs to power on for that fix to work... thanks anyway...
gonna be a warranty issue I'm afraid. the phone is dead and gone.
Yup. I did this to my first HD2, the night I got it. I managed to take it down to T-Mobile the next day, and convince them it was a bad model, and they gave me a new one, but they only do that in the first 14 days after you purchase it.
There really is nothing to do but get a new one.
Personally, after I got my second one, I just stuck with the stock radio.
yup its a brick my friend... i did the same thing but with a .50 radio that wasnt good it was like the first edition... but yea my phone was brick insurance had to pickup the tab..
BrianYost24 said:
yup its a brick my friend... i did the same thing but with a .50 radio that wasnt good it was like the first edition... but yea my phone was brick insurance had to pickup the tab..
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JTAG maybe..?
I was in your shoes
samsamuel said:
WARNING- DO NOT USE 2.04.50.x OR 2.05.50.x - They WILL brick the tmous.
all work on tmous phones
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The second post on the radio thread was probably from my doing as I flashed a 2.05.50.xx on my T-Mo and bricked. I got mine off of cragislist and luckily it was under 30 days and the guy was cool enough to do (...for discounted Wii and 360 moding) a replacement for me.
But...It all goes back to what then seniors have always said when I started on the ROM dev forums. READ! I know you are getting that left and right and it doesn't change your situation, but YOU WON'T do that again.
Don't flash (or mod) anything late at night is a good rule of thumb...I HAVE learned my lesson when I disobey that rule...luckily Walmart/Target are unaware of gut swaps. But I bricked my HD 2 and did a semi-brick on my old Tilt before the semi-brick information was available at no fault of my own. I am sorry for your situation... I HAVE BEEN THERE. I keep a cheap flip phone (since I left the CDMA world) handy at all times since my first Brick way back when.
I don't even post that much anymore...I just read. But I am still a flashing junkie.
Hopefully, you will get a replacement and have attained some wisdom from the situation so it won't happen again or this thread you started will keep others from the bricking wayside.
It's most likely not a brick did u try to put your sim in an other phone? This happened to me and my sim was got fried and got a replacement from t-mo , this is one thing the other time I had to reflash an other rom with the radio recommanded for it worked try these first and then if all goes wrong it's just not ur lucky flash.
issam1979 said:
It's most likely not a brick did u try to put your sim in an other phone? This happened to me and my sim was got fried and got a replacement from t-mo , this is one thing the other time I had to reflash an other rom with the radio recommanded for it worked try these first and then if all goes wrong it's just not ur lucky flash.
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no, you're wrong. Its been proven over and over again that radios with a 51 in the version kill tmous hd2s.
I didnt say i was sure i said likely, but trying more ways wont hurt, u can try to flash tmo stock rom to it's known to fix problems, i wish u luck
raysaboy said:
I already read that one... unfortunately the phone needs to power on for that fix to work... thanks anyway...
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Whatever you do don't send it to HTC.. $600 fine..
PM me
Scabes24 said:
Whatever you do don't send it to HTC.. $600 fine..
PM me
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Fine? or Fee? Also, do you have an alternate method of repair?
SuperSport said:
Fine? or Fee? Also, do you have an alternate method of repair?
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I think a fine.. :/
I recently bricked an HD2 (not radio related) and was told by a few people that if I send it to HTC and they figure out the device has any custom/cooked ROM or an SPL that is hacked, or from a test ROM (MFG spl) or basically anything that isn't an official/shipped release then they'll hit you w/ a $600 fine. And I'm assuming they don't send the device back to you..
Just what I've heard, and maybe it was just for my 'type' of brick - My thread
And no, i don't have another method, was just gonna inform him about JTAG if he wanted, I guess the ".51 Radio brick" isn't quite as hard to recover as it is others (correct me if I'm wrong).
thank to EVERYONE for all your input. i'm still on a quest to try and salvage this phone because like i said, it wasnt even mine. i already thought of exchanging it at tmo, but my friend got it off of craigslist, so thats out... and i am a former employee of tmous, and i know all the little sim card tricks and what not, and that wasnt successful either. im trying to find someone with jtag gear locally, but here in hawaii there arent a whole lot of options as far cellphone repairs and reprograming... ive bee scouring the net looking for other solutions, and if i do find something, i will be SURE to post it here so that others with the same problem can bring their phones back to life... thanks again everyone!!

Bricked hd2 urgently help needed!!!!

i flashed a wrong stock ROM on my T mobile hd2..
its bricked so badly that not even booting.. nothing happens when i press the power button.. no tri color mode at all ..
its not being detected in my win7..
any help will be highly appreciable
Was it a tmous??
What did you try and flash??
A stock rom with a .51. radio?? If so then sorry, shes gone..........
Lets us know the details and then we'll know if its fixable......
conantroutman said:
Was it a tmous??
What did you try and flash??
A stock rom with a .51. radio?? If so then sorry, shes gone..........
Lets us know the details and then we'll know if its fixable......
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how do i check if its tmous.. as far as i know its T mobile
i flashed the stock RUU_Leo_HTC_WWE_1.66.405.2_Radio_Signed_15.30.50.07U_2.06.51.07_Ship
Does it have green and red call/hang up buttons..... does it say tmobile under the earpiece??
smjunaid said:
how do i check if its tmous.. as far as i know its T mobile
i flashed the stock RUU_Leo_HTC_WWE_1.66.405.2_Radio_Signed_15.30.50.07U_2.06.51.07_Ship
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Like conantroutman said above if you have T-Mobile in silver right below the speacker for your ear at the top of your HD2 and it has a green send/answer button and a red end/power button then it is a TMOUS HD2
From the description you given on the ROM you flashed it has the radio version and this is not a radio version compatible with the TMOUS HD2's. If you do have a TMOUS HD2 then sorry to tell you but yes your HD2 is bricked, dead, done. The only hope you might have is JTAG. Type something like "JTAG for HTC HD2" into Google and the search bar on YouTube. Maybe you can resereck your HD2. If it is still under warranty you can try to do a warranty replacement or see if they will do a warranty repair. But being you have the wrong ROM and Radio on it I do not know if they will do it, but then again if it is bricked how are they going to tell it is the wrong ROM and Radio?
yes its tmous
smjunaid said:
yes its tmous
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yes it is bricked if u have installed hspl then you can try the step provided above or the best is to get a replacement and go through process properly next time
thanks alot guys.. i gave it to a repairing shop here .. he had that jtad thing with him.. he told me he will take a week to fix it because of work burden.. any ways lets hope.. am back the nokia 1100 LOLZzzzz
smjunaid said:
thanks alot guys.. i gave it to a repairing shop here .. he had that jtad thing with him.. he told me he will take a week to fix it because of work burden.. any ways lets hope.. am back the nokia 1100 LOLZzzzz
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I hope he can fix it for you man. Be sure to come back and post here and let us know if he did fix it or not. And if he does pay very close attention to the radio versions from now own.
i will keep posting here about the latest situation
me 2 have the same problem and I need to have a soultion for iy . I have NO WARRANTY .. so it is total loss
T-Macgnolia said:
Like conantroutman said above if you have T-Mobile in silver right below the speacker for your ear at the top of your HD2 and it has a green send/answer button and a red end/power button then it is a TMOUS HD2
From the description you given on the ROM you flashed it has the radio version and this is not a radio version compatible with the TMOUS HD2's. If you do have a TMOUS HD2 then sorry to tell you but yes your HD2 is bricked, dead, done. The only hope you might have is JTAG. Type something like "JTAG for HTC HD2" into Google and the search bar on YouTube. Maybe you can resereck your HD2. If it is still under warranty you can try to do a warranty replacement or see if they will do a warranty repair. But being you have the wrong ROM and Radio on it I do not know if they will do it, but then again if it is bricked how are they going to tell it is the wrong ROM and Radio?
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Because the T-Mobile repair shop will have JTAG capability and will see what happened?
Are you still able to enter bootloader? (press and hold volume down while briefly pressing power button)
stevedebi said:
Because the T-Mobile repair shop will have JTAG capability and will see what happened?
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Good point stevedebi, I actually thought about that not long after I posted that comment but never bother editing it. I am actually thi.king of purchasing a JTAG and a ORT and buying a bricked HD2 and learning how fix it so I can stare making some money fixing bricked HD2 it is enough of them out there.
a rom/radio with .51 will brick it... only use .50... if u flash a .50 radio and stick with wp7 or android nand then you wont have to worry about radios but still read closely if you get a wm6.5 or a task29/update
Sent from my HTC HD2
hakuchi18v said:
a rom/radio with .51 will brick it... only use .50... if u flash a .50 radio and stick with wp7 or android nand then you wont have to worry about radios but still read closely if you get a wm6.5 or a task29/update
Sent from my HTC HD2
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This is very much correct but also do not flash a radio with 2.04.50.x's or 2.05.50.x's. These Radio verson were used on the TMOUS text divic es but they were still used on regular HD2's. So they are lethal to TMOUS HD2's also.
hi every one.. my cell is alive again.. that guy used a jtag on it ( accorging to him)
it cost me apprx 50$ to repair it. and i immediately flashed the MYTOUCH4g ROM which worked just fine..
$50 sounds pretty reasonable. Seeing as jtag is the only way to save your device then some people would probably try and charge you a lot more.
Glad you got it all sorted.
smjunaid said:
hi every one.. my cell is alive again.. that guy used a jtag on it ( accorging to him)
it cost me apprx 50$ to repair it. and i immediately flashed the MYTOUCH4g ROM which worked just fine..
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Good to hear you got your HDW fixed. Just wtch those radio versions though.
Fifty bucks that is a really good prise. You should tell him to post his information here, he could make a lot of money from people with bricked HD2's ha ha ha.
T-Macgnolia said:
Good to hear you got your HDW fixed. Just wtch those radio versions though.
Fifty bucks that is a really good prise. You should tell him to post his information here, he could make a lot of money from people with bricked HD2's ha ha ha.
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lolzz.. i am from pakistan and so is he.. it cost a hell lot of shipment cost..
any ways .. guy is there a better rom for tmous then this one MYTOUCH4g ROM
if there is .. please let me know.. actually every thinng is working in this one but i didnt liked the interface in it..

[Q] Noob Need HELP! ....Please

Hi everyone
First I would like to thank the people who are here that make these awesome developments, I enjoyed them until today when I was trying to find a better
radio rom. I am/was using tytung's NexusHD2 NAND. I was going threw the radio roms listed in one of the threads and tried "Leo_RADIO_15.29.50.07U_2.06.50.04"
I had to get up for a second and when i returned about 5 min. later the phone was unresponsive. When I try to turn it on i can feel the vibrator motor spin for a split second and noda...No light with the wall charger pluged in or USB.
If anyone has an idea to what I did or what can be done I would be ever so grateful. This is my first smart phone and was so happy to have android running on it. I NEED it back. I've only had it for about a week and am lost with out it already.
I want to thank everyone in advance willing to give me some help!
Thanks from The NooB
I was reading some more and I'm sure its bricked but the PC does see it when its plugged into the USB...but it doesn't have drivers for it and it didn't have drivers for it before this problem.
I guess the problem is I shouldn't have loaded a TMOUS rom?
I thought It would be "OK" as long as it was a ".50" and not a ".51"
Such a sad day...first my little Leopard gecko broke her leg and then flying ants invade my house and go into my saltwater aquarium and mess that all up and now my new favorite toy is a fishing weight or new target.......I'm afraid to go outside to even go to McD's cause i'm sure i'll die somehow!?!?!?!
Someone please tell me there's hope.
I should have just traded it in for the G2X when I was up the mall today...
But I thought this Nexus NAND was the best thing in the world only problem with this phone was that I had no reception in my house.
Which is why I was messing w/ the radio in the first place...
If anyone figures anything out I'll be in the corner crying..
Thanks again fellas..
If you boot up with the volume down button held down, does it go into bootloader (tri-color screen, not MAGLDR)?
And does your pc have ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center installed on it?
If you can get into bootloader, there is still hope...
Hey Huggs
Thanks for the the reply, No There is no bootloader screen, No nothing just a little blip from the vibrator motor for a tenth of a sec. when I try to just turn the power on, If I try to hold the Vol. key and power at the same time it wont do anything.
I did notice when I plug it into USB it try's to install drivers for a "QUALCOMM CDMA DEVICE" and after about 10min it starts to get warm near the bottom of the battery. I have windows vista so Windows Mobile Device is installed.
I left it go for about 4 hrs from 4am to am and then tried the battery again and again nothing, I'm pretty sure there's nothing I could do from USB.
Does anyone know if any JTAG will work or does it have to be the one I see people using, not the cheap Flea-BAY ones for $50?
also when using a JTAG do you have to have a special file or just the stock rom?
Or is there someone on here offering this service?
The phone never had reception in the house so I should be looking for other methods but this thing is like brand new and I would like to see it come alive.
Sorry dude but you have 100% bricked your phone. You have no excuse other then lazyness as this is a very well documented fact and warnings against flashing and incorrect radio.
If you had taken time to read things properly you wouldn't have made this mistake.
Your only option now is to send it away for JTAG repair so they can replace your bootloader.
I wouldn't say its because of laziness. I looked up that rom and found a thread where people were using it. It was a ".50" and not ".51" rom and that was all I knew that was uncompilable.
Instead of starting the name calling or your this and that, How about some constructive criticism and say well "that particular rom isn't compatible because of"
I stayed up for 3 days strait and been reading for over a week trying to learn about flashing and what not. could I have spent more time reading YES but I flashed roms about a 2 dozen times and everything was OK. Like I said I used it because of the fact it was a ".50" and thought it was safe to use and the fact I seen the tread that it came from HTC and was safe to use. Guess not!
Thanks for your .02cents theatheist though.
Can someone tell me which JTAG box I have to use?
or what does the box have to support? I see others using the "RIFF BOX"
but 150 for a box is alot for one time use. does the box just have to support an arm7?
Again Thank you for taking the time to read this
Hope every ones have a nice holiday weekend
Can someone tell me why this particular radio rom bricked this phone?
and if anyone could tell me which JTAG box I would have to use?
would a cheap one from the BAY work?
what does the JTAG box have to support?
I am reading but I don't understand some of it.
Thank you for your time and reading this.
As soon as i finish posting this I will send you a PM with a link to someone that offers a JTAG service for $50 USD and lives in US. He is very good too, I would not recommend him if he was not very experienced with JTAGing HD2s.
I do not know why that Radio version brickedc your HD2 cause from what I know only the 2.04.50.xx or the 2.05.50.xx radio versions or the only radio versions with 50s that will brick a TMOUS. Looks like I might have to add 2.06,50,xx radio versions to that list. The reason why these radios with 50swill brick a TMOUS is because these radio versions were used in the Test TOM/Test T-Mobile HD2s which were actually regular HD2s and not the TMOUS that is out now with the extra ROM and RAM. There for these radios were not designed to run on the TMOUS.
Oh and you are correct about the %1 radio versions to0, they were all made for the regular HD2s also.
Thank you so much for your time Sir.
and thanks for the explanation, I would really like to try and JTAG it myself
do you know if any of the cheap JTAG boxes on ebay that support the ARM7 would work? I will shoot that guy a PM.
I hope you have a Safe Holiday weekend!
SeaWeed89 said:
Thank you so much for your time Sir.
and thanks for the explanation, I would really like to try and JTAG it myself
do you know if any of the cheap JTAG boxes on ebay that support the ARM7 would work? I will shoot that guy a PM.
I hope you have a Safe Holiday weekend!
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To be honest i do not know if the "cheap boxes" you refer to will work or not. Maybe a link to the exact box you are referring to would help.
I do know this if you want to try it yourself that is cool, but be warned you have to have a small torques head srew driver, a HTC HD2 JTAG, a Riffbox with proper connection cables, a Omnei Repair Tool (ORT), the software to use the Riffbox, and it is best if you have a small power supply for the mainboard but you can use the power from the HD2 battery. Plus you have to completely remove the mainboard of your HD2 to JTAG it, which means you pretty much have to totally disassemble the HD2.
So not only is JTAGing a HD2 just for yourself expensive, but you need to have some skill to do it as well.
PM the guy I referred you to is a very good idea, best of luck with however you decide to JTAG your HD2.
Thanks for the response...Your very helpful.
I didn't know If links were permitted.? Here's the link's
1&2 are the same but different prices, They both support ARM7 architecture Which I thought the QSD8250 was?
#1. http://cgi.ebay.com/JLINK-J-LINK-V8...155?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4aab620ae3
#2 http://cgi.ebay.com/JLINK-J-LINK-V8...551?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35b1f2c6e7
There is a RIFF for $150 that I found but I cant really pull that off ATM.
There is others that support the ARM also. I've also found a no-solder connecter for about 15 bucks but I don't know if the pin-out is the same on the ribbon cable as the ORT-JTAG box(company that has the connecter). I'm sure I could change it around If i could find a schematic for the both of them(connecter and box)
I do have the tools to dismantle this and power station(I also mess with the Arduino platform and circuit building when I have time and recently have just dismantled my HTC TP2 for craps and giggles and have fixed multiple IPOD touches) I have been also ripping everything apart that had a battery/wire connected to it since I could remember. And try to get it back together before my old man would come home and would find his stereo taken apart...
The only thing that has me is the programming part itself like the actual file.
I don't know if it's something special for the box or just the stock rom?
I have watched some youtube on it but nothing really helpful.
I'm thinking I could do it and maybe help some others if I could nail it and do some more reading. My brothers into IT(servers) and a HTC nightly rommer so I was hoping he could help he and I was really hoping for some help from you good fellas here.
I want to thank you for the PM (very helpful) and the reply.
I will probably end up sending it to him because it's about the same price and I don't have funds for a new phone if I toast it, and hes a very nice guy. I just love messing with stuff.
Have a good one.
To be honest I do not know if the JTAG Emulators your linked would work or not. It looks as though it might could but I can not saw proof positive it would work.
Ii seems like you might would be able to do it yourself. You have a lot of the needed tools. I think the software for the Riff Box comes with the Riff Box but not sure as I have never JTAGed a device. The software allows you to reload or as the program calls it "res-erect "the SPL, you see JTAG restores the bootloader and that is it. Then you just flash a ROM of your choice to the HD2 and you are good to go. But I do recommend you flash a stock Windows Mobile ROM just for precautionary purposes.
Yes you want the no solder JTAG that makes it a lot easier as far as the set up process.

Bricked HTC HD2

Hi guys, I am attempted to unbrick my friend's HD2? The phone will not turn on. When I plug the phone into a wall charger, it will charges, but without anything on screen. I cant turn it on and it won't vibrate. Please help!
I believed that he was trying to flash it to Android?
Well the device boot to the bootloader?
T-Macgnolia said:
Well the device boot to the bootloader?
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Bootloader is the power and two volume buttons together right?
Volume down plus power, ,, both plus power is hard reset.
Which model HD2? Tmous or regular?
’trying to flash Android,, ’ did your friend byanychance follow a guide that said he must flash some rom to downgrade the spl? (All non Tmous stock roms will brick a Tmous)
samsamuel said:
Volume down plus power, ,, both plus power is hard reset.
Which model HD2? Tmous or regular?
’trying to flash Android,, ’ did your friend byanychance follow a guide that said he must flash some rom to downgrade the spl? (All non Tmous stock roms will brick a Tmous)
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Volume down plus power = no reaction
I have no idea. He had abandoned this phone for at least a year and I am sure he doesnt remember of what he did.
This is the T-Mobile version one
Thank for for your reply
as i understand, a bricked HD2 (cannot enter into bootloader) can no longer be revived..
is that still holds true or is there a new way to unbrick it aside from jtagging? any thoughts please...
axesd said:
Volume down plus power = no reaction
I have no idea. He had abandoned this phone for at least a year and I am sure he doesnt remember of what he did.
This is the T-Mobile version one
Thank for for your reply
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Seeing that it is a TMOUS and it will not boot to bootloader it is probably radio bricked. The only fix for this is JTAG, contact MobileTechVideos.com they offer JTAG services and are the best I know
plus their price is very reasonable as well as they offer a money back guarantee if they can not revive the device.
phezthie said:
as i understand, a bricked HD2 (cannot enter into bootloader) can no longer be revived..
is that still holds true or is there a new way to unbrick it aside from jtagging? any thoughts please...
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Nope no new way that I know of besides JTAG to fix a bricked HD2.
Without checking post1 cos im mobile,, ,have you confirmed its not just simply a flat battery?
T-Macgnolia said:
Seeing that it is a TMOUS and it will not boot to bootloader it is probably radio bricked. The only fix for this is JTAG, contact MobileTechVideos.com they offer JTAG services and are the best I know
plus their price is very reasonable as well as they offer a money back guarantee if they can not revive the device.
Nope no new way that I know of besides JTAG to fix a bricked HD2.
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samsamuel said:
Without checking post1 cos im mobile,, ,have you confirmed its not just simply a flat battery?
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What do you mean by a flat battery? faulted battery?
sorry mate, me too once had in the same condition as urs i guess, no other way around than JTAG
^ at least, there's still hope..
riff box is there for a reason. its user friendly making jtag procedure as simple as ABC..
flat battery = no power (busted or no charge, as the case maybe)
There is another possibility that has happened that know one has brought up yet. Sometimes there can be a screen issue causing the phone not to show a display. This happened to me before and I just used my insurance I have through T-Mobile to get the device fixed. Even if you don't have a warranty through your carrier you could call up and talk to them about it. Just say something like you woke up in the morning and looked at your phone and it was blank. That there is no damage and your not sure why it just all of a sudden stopped working on you after a nights charge. Sometimes just knowing what to say works. Not always but you could luck out, worst thing is they say there is no warranty left.
^ a long shot IMO but its probable... my cent
I would agree it is a long shot. I've had great luck though by simply calling back. Like lets say I get an answer I want, I'll hang up and call back to talk to someone else. Normally that does the trick. For instance one time I had a problem with my credit card company after bring in the hospital for awhile I hadn't made a payment. One person said I would need to make a $400 payment and there was nothing they could do to help. I hung up and called back, talked to someone different and that person took off $400 from my bill so I didn't end up needing to make a payment. Just shows that you slipped be persistent.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
Thank you to everyone for their input! I greatly appreciated it
No problem.
Off subject but man this slideit keyboard really made a lot of mistakes. I didn't notice until I reread my comment. It looks like I'll need to go back to touchpal.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
samsamuel said:
Volume down plus power, ,, both plus power is hard reset.
Which model HD2? Tmous or regular?
’trying to flash Android,, ’ did your friend byanychance follow a guide that said he must flash some rom to downgrade the spl? (All non Tmous stock roms will brick a Tmous)
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i folishly flashed a tmous with wwe rom. any way to unbrick it?

