[TUT] Tasker - Total Data Connection & Sync Control V4 [MASSIVE Battery Savings!!!] - Android Software Development

[TUT] Tasker - Total Data Connection & Sync Control V4 [MASSIVE Battery Savings!!!]
Assuming your device is already very battery efficient because you are using my CPU profiles from here, next up is controlling your data connections and syncing schedule.
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The Theory
In order, the most important things in my life are as follows:
1) Preserving my phone’s battery life.
2) Sexually satisfying my girlfriend.
As you can see, it’s pretty important for me that I can get through a couple of days with medium usage without having a panic attack about the distance I am from my charger. Download my DistanceFromCharger profile here (just kidding).
So, I looked at my data connections and their battery usage when my scheduled once hourly sync of widgets, emails, facebook, twitter, rss etc etc took place. Without extensive testing, it became clear that these synchronisations became misaligned from the hourly slot due to data quantity, connection time/errors etc etc. Over time, it is therefore theoretically possible to have 10 applications/widgets/processes causing a data sync separately every six minutes (60 mins/10) and although some might say that the total data volume may be the same overall, the act of using the data connection so many more times tells me it will use more battery life. Do you concur?
Even if you don’t (liar!), the following Tasker profiles are to completely manage your wireless connectivity and prevent syncing of unwanted applications at misaligned times.
The Practice
My phone starts its day set to 2g networks only, data connection off, wireless off, screen brightness set so low I need there to be solar eclipse for me to see it and all system volumes set to only alert nearby dogs that I have a text message – all naturally for maximum battery preservation. Depending on the day, my location, calendar entries etc Tasker selects a relevant profile for me to use.
For the benefit of the profiles below, I am going to assume the phone starts in full battery saving mode and go from there. Once you’re up to speed with the flow of the profiles, you can adjust them accordingly to suit your usage.
Firstly, I learnt pretty recently that a wireless connection actually uses less battery than 3g (yes, honestly) and therefore whenever I sync data, I look to use wireless first. For those with constricting data plans, I’m assuming this suits you too?
Wireless states to consider:
On and connected to a preferred network
On and connected to an open network
On but not connected to a network
On and recently disconnected from a network
I think that just about covers it?
Download and install Locale Execute Plug-in free from the market here. Import all the profiles (un-tick them) and tasks and with the relevant profile and tasks open (it will make a whole lot more sense then), follow the guide below.
Before we can look at the syncing profile itself, we need to set up some variables for the above first. For battery preservation, I couldn’t have an individual profile for each of the above, as many of them would be active at the same time and constantly on - After a lot of head scratching (and I mean a lot) I came up with the profile WIFI-OnCon let’s have a look at it:
We start with the state of ‘Wifi Connected’. This state means wifi is connected to a network (rather than just ‘on’). The task WifiOnConVar firstly runs a separate task WIFIPREFCON.
WIFIPREFCON writes a text file containing the standard wifi info variable %WIFII (you can take a look at the output file for your information). The next step is to extract just the SSID from the file so Tasker can set this as a variable %WIFIPREF (short for a wifi preferred network). The task ends with speech for you to test the variable has been set correctly (make sure you are connected to a network at the time).
Next, WifiOnConVar sets a variable %WIFIOC (standing for wifi on and connected) to a value of 2. It then sets a variable of %WIFIHOME to the value 2 only IF the name matches that of your home wireless SSID. You can set and add as many of these variables in as you like e.g. %WIFIWORK, %WIFIGIRLFRIENDHOUSE, %WIFIMASSAGEPARLOUR with the IF statement for their respective SSID’s. Setting up these variables is very useful to let Tasker determine your location for use in other profiles, without the need of running GPS or cell tower location profiles (yes, I’m a genius).
Ok, so at the moment, Tasker knows wifi is on and connected (%WIFIOC set to value 2) and you are at home (%WIFIHOME set to your home SSID) (assuming you are testing this at home). A speech task confirms the variables are set.
The next state to consider is when wifi is no longer BOTH on AND connected. We do this in the exit task – the exit task starting when the state of on and connected is no longer true. Firstly it checks if wifi is still on, if it is (goto action 7), it sets the variable %WIFIOC to a value of 3 (another profile reads this shortly) and then clears the name of the preferred network in %WIFIPREF as of course, that cannot be connected anymore…
If the wifi is off, it sets the variable %WIFIHOME to the value 1 and if you have added multiple preferred network variables (%WIFIWORK etc), you should insert that it sets these to a value of 1 too. A speech action confirms the values for your testing purposes (remember, if you delete the speech when you are happy it is working properly, you’ll need to change the Goto Action number accordingly!), the variable %WIFIPREF is cleared as of course you cannot be connected to a preferred network anymore and the task STOPs.
Finally, to complete the wifi control, we need to deal with the wireless still being on, but out of range of a preferred network (that you were connected to). This is definitely a chance to save some battery life, as we’ve all left wifi on by accident when we are not going to be using it. Above, we set the variable of wifi on and connected (%WIFIOC) to a value of 3 when the state became ON but NOT connected. The profile of WIFI-AutoDiscon is set up to come to life when %WIFIOC is set to a value of 3. It activates the task to start a one minute countdown before checking on the wifi state again. This one minute wait allows time where you may have been in a black spot in your office or home and experienced a short disconnection. At the end of the minute, it checks that the value of %WIFIOC has not been changed back to 2 (it has reconnected to a preferred network) and then switches off wifi with your battery giving you a high-5.
That concludes the wireless management. The only missing eventualities are:
On and connected to an open network. (I have little use for this, but can’t sort something out if the demand is high enough).
On and not connected to a network. Not having a profile for this may surprise you, but in actually fact, how often do you turn wireless on when you are not around a preferred network and just leave it? The only reason you would surely do this, is if you were scanning for open networks, in which case a battery saving profile is pretty irrelevant to the scenario. Remember, the state of on and not connected to a network when you were previously connected IS covered, the %WIFIOC variable 3 and the WIFI-AutoDiscon profile monitors this. Happy?
If not, set up a new profile with the state of wifi connected and click ‘invert’ – but this of course will be active when you’re not even using wifi at all…
Taking control of your data syncing
The profile AutoSync is of course time activated, as you would set up your normal ‘between hours’ for email synchronisation. The repeat value sets how often you would like to sync your emails, widgets, applications, weather updates etc etc, by simply restricting their access to an active data connection in-between-times.
The task of AutoSync itself, firstly checks your battery is above a chosen threshold (you decide) to perform the action and that it’s not the weekend (if you want). Again, once you get to grips with the task flow, you can add in separate entries for individual applications, actions etc based on an individual setting – not syncing your work email on the weekend for example.
Action 4 sets a new variable of %WIFIORS. This stands for the ‘original state of wifi’ when the task began and populates using the previously created %WIFIOC variable. The purpose of this is to make sure that once the task has finished it does not turn off wifi if you were in the middle of using it – it will return wifi to the state it was when the task started – clever hey?
Next it uses the third party Locale Execute Plug-in. Locale will be executing commands that will create and record a logcat file for you for the duration of your sync. The purpose of this is so you can review the logcat file and determine what applications are syncing and pulling data. I’ll discuss this further shortly. LOGCAT ACTIONS REMOVED IN LATER VERSIONS DUE TO ERRORS.
The task continues by turning on wifi (if it is already on nothing will change) and waiting to see if it connects to a preferred network by checking the value of the variable %WIFIOC. If a wifi connection is established, it skips to turning on automatic syncing (settings/accounts and sync to view what will sync), if it isn’t, it turns wifi off and uses your phone’s data connection until either eventuality ends up at action 16 where wifi is requested to switch off IF it was off when the task began using the value of %WIFIORS (clever hey).
Mobile Data (added in V4)
Due to popular demand, the context of mobile data has been added as a profile and then to the tasks. Limitations allow the task only to tell if the mobile data is on, it cannot tell if your preferences are 2g only for example. The variable %MOBORS acts in the same way as %WIFIORS above and will not switch off the mobile data connection if it was on at the beginning of AutoSync. As standard, the profiles assume that your device was set to 2g only to preserve battery. The tasks therefore look to return the device to this state. If you always use 3g preferred, you will need to remove these entries.
Finally, logcat commands are run and files are created, renamed with date and time stamp, moved and zipped up for your future perusal.. *LOGCAT ACTIONS REMOVED IN LATER VERSIONS* The task STOPS if %WIFIORS tells tasker that wifi was on originally or it continues on to switch to 2g only and kill the mobile data connection (these wouldn’t have been activated if wifi had connected or already been on).
So there you have it… Full wifi control and full sync management, with not a single byte of data or rouge connection in sight… You are free to switch off your wifi, data connection, uncheck auto-sync (settings/accounts and sync) and go to 2g only. Tick the profile boxes, hit apply and it’s job done.
Don't forget to set all of your applications and widgets etc that will be syncing to just below the AutoSync repeat time!
Give me your feedback please folks and don’t forget the thanks meter! – At the moment I feel very unappreciated
What do I do with the logcat file? *THESE HAVE NOW BEEN REMOVED*
The logcat files are zipped up and stored in the /tasker folder on your sd card. Looking through these will alert you to any unexpected processes that are requesting to send/receive data. These may be applications you don’t use any more and therefore could be uninstalled or archived (archiving can be achieved with applications such as Bloat Freezer).
Another reason I have stored the logcat is so Tasker could read it and therefore confirm which of your applications have successfully synced, or alert you to failures. This is effort to design and I will only go on to do this by popular demand. In addition, Tasker could be used to kill the rouge processes that are lining up to sync, but are unnecessary… Again, you tell me…
What’s next?
Over to you! Please give me your suggestions. These profiles were set up to suit my individual usage and it may be that most of you focus on your mobile data connection management rather than wifi? Don’t be afraid to post and let me know.
Unknown for zip file profile
Bdanders for wifi variable inspiration

Knowing my phone can remain in deep sleep between syncing times with all data connections switched off has got to be good for battery life? If I ever stop fiddling with my phone for long enough, I'll let you know!
Let me know your feedback please folks, inconsistencies, errors, I’m all ears.
Q) I didn't understand the %WIFIPREF variables and how and where I add in my own %WIFIWORK ones etc? Help!
A) A wrote an additional tutorial on how to do this and why here
Q) These profiles always turn my phone to 2g only. I like to use 3g preferred - what do I do??
A) Remove action #21 in the task AutoSync
Q) I don't always want my data connection to be turned off after I sync & I want to leave wifi on if connected to a preferred network.
A) See this post for ideas - credit Nacrul
Q) I don't want to switch between 2g/3g and how do I keep mobile data connections to their original state so I don't disconnect?
A) See this post for ideas - credit lodder
Q) I have many other Tasker questions, can I post them here??
A) To avoid clutter, probably best to use this official Google group
Q) Where can I learn more about Tasker?
A) The manual and Profiles and step-throughs on the Tasker wiki and you’ll be up to speed in no time.
Change Log
The profiles and tasks include a lot of 'wait' times. These can be reduced to therefore reduce the time you are syncing and the profile is active. They are set to thresholds that ensure enough time is given to each task - you can adjust these manually depending on your device's performance and testing experience.
Additional wait times added to allow data connection more time after switching from 2g to 3g
Added additional example of [B]%WIFIWORK [/B]
[B]%WIFIWORK [/B]& [B]%WIFIHOME[/B] are reverted correctly to a value of 1 in the exit task
Unneeded split variables cleared for good housekeeping - credit Nacrul
Voice-overs removed (if you want to check your variables are assigning correct, add a pop up or speech anywhere!).
Adjusted positions of data connection to prevent lag.
Added time based notifications to show LAST successful sync
New [B]%INCALL[/B] variable added to ensure 2g/3g switch does not happen during calls *
* The [B]%INCALL[/B] variables are already created in my CPU tutorial [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1018245"]here[/URL]. If you are not running these, then you'll need to create two simple profiles:
[B]DuringCall [/B]- the event is '[B]phone offhook[/B]' and in the task 'variable set' [B]%INCALL[/B] to a value of 2 (2 = call active)
[B]EndCall [/B]- the event is '[B]phone idle[/B]' and in the task 'variable set'' [B]%INCALL[/B] to a value of 1 (1= no call is taking place)
The above will come in handy in many other profiles I'm sure...
[Should the running task be interrupted, the logcat may continue to be written to /sdcard/taskerlogcat.txt. Please check that this file is not present! If it is, delete it.] [/COLOR]
If you are really interested in the logcat contents to see what your device is up to when it has a data connection, V2 is stable and works well - the above considered.
Credit (and apologies) for the above - pasteyface
Updated incorrect 'goto' action in the exit task [B]WifiDisVar[/B]. Should have been 'goto' action 7 (not 6). Credit [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=3311156"]torsrex[/URL]
[COLOR="Red"]Nothing else has changed from V3, so very easy to change for those currently on V3, no need to download and re-install![/COLOR]
Fixed device-asleep notifications
Adding mobile data controls (equivalent to [B]%WIFIOC[/B] and [B]%WIFIORS[/B])
Added WiFi or Data to notifications so you can tell which your device used to sync.
Added Minimalistic Text task for home-screen widget.
Added days of the week as a context
'Sync Successful - %TIME' notifications not cancelled when device asleep - Fixed in V4
Future Requests
* Wifi remaining on when certain SSID's detected - I'll write up the instructions for this soon...
* Data connection to remain on if it was on at the beginning of the task - I'm working on it... Added in V4

Installation Instructions
In menu options/profile data 'Import One Task':
In menu options/profile data 'Import One Profile':
The thanks meter lets me know I'm appreciated!

Does these profiles/tasks work out of the box, or do I have to change them to make them work?
"I am going to assume the phone starts in full battery saving mode and go
from there. "
Is this Auto-set by the profiles?
"Import all the profiles (un-tick them) and tasks and with the relevant
profile and tasks open (it will make a whole lot more sense then),
follow the guide below."
I guess un-tick means deactivate. When should I tick (activate) them again?
"It then sets a variable of %WIFIHOME to the value 2 only IF the name matches that of your home wireless SSID. You can set and add as many of these variables in as you like e.g. %WIFIWORK, %WIFIGIRLFRIENDHOUSE, %WIFIMASSAGEPARLOUR with the IF statement for their respective SSID’s"
Do I have to set SSID manually?
You can set and add as many of these variables in as you like e.g. %WIFIWORK, %WIFIGIRLFRIENDHOUSE, %WIFIMASSAGEPARLOUR with the IF statement for their respective SSID’s.
Where/how can i set up those?
"The logcat files are zipped up and stored in the /tasker folder on your sd card"
I can't find any LogCat file in my /Tasker folder...
"Don't forget to set all of your applications and widgets etc that will be syncing to just below the AutoSync repeat time!"
So if the AutoSync repeat time is set to 30 min, the AppSync time should be <29 min...?

peswe said:
Does these profiles/tasks work out of the box, or do I have to change them to make them work?
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They work straight out of the box. You only need to enter your wifi SSID in place of the SKYXXXXX and adjust the sync times to suit you
peswe said:
"I am going to assume the phone starts in full battery saving mode and go
from there. "
Is this Auto-set by the profiles?
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No. If I had to consider all phone conditions from outset, such as wifi on, wifi off and data on, 3g off etc etc it would have been very complicated. It simply assumes all data connections are off and phone is set to 2g, which is the ideal battery saving state.
peswe said:
"Import all the profiles (un-tick them) and tasks and with the relevant
profile and tasks open (it will make a whole lot more sense then),
follow the guide below."
I guess un-tick means deactivate. When should I tick (activate) them again?
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Once you have made all of the adjustments you see fit (sync time, SKYXXXXX and tested) you can activated them.
peswe said:
"It then sets a variable of %WIFIHOME to the value 2 only IF the name matches that of your home wireless SSID. You can set and add as many of these variables in as you like e.g. %WIFIWORK, %WIFIGIRLFRIENDHOUSE, %WIFIMASSAGEPARLOUR with the IF statement for their respective SSID’s"
Do I have to set SSID manually?
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In the task WIFIOnConVar a variable is created of %WIFIHOME by matching the SSID with the IF statement.
You can create as many new variables here as you like, such as %WIFIWORK or %WIFICOLLEGE , just put the corresponding SSID in the IF statement. Tasker will look at the IF statement of each and when it finds a match, update the correct %WIFI'LOCATION' to a value of 2 - which means you are there! You can then reference this in other tasks you create - For example when %WIFIWORK = 2, set phone ringing volume to low. In other words, Tasker knows you are at work from the SSID and knows you want your phone to ring quietly when you are there. An exit task could be added so that when you leave, the phone volume increases again....
Get it?
peswe said:
You can set and add as many of these variables in as you like e.g. %WIFIWORK, %WIFIGIRLFRIENDHOUSE, %WIFIMASSAGEPARLOUR with the IF statement for their respective SSID’s.
Where/how can i set up those?
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As above, in the task WIFIOnConVar, same as action 3. Press +, select variable, select variable set, name it %WIFIWORK (for example), 'to' 2, tick 'IF' and enter %WIFIPREF matches your works SSID. ....
peswe said:
"The logcat files are zipped up and stored in the /tasker folder on your sd card"
I can't find any LogCat file in my /Tasker folder...
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It won't be created in that location until the profile AutoSync has run.
peswe said:
"Don't forget to set all of your applications and widgets etc that will be syncing to just below the AutoSync repeat time!"
So if the AutoSync repeat time is set to 30 min, the AppSync time should be <29 min...?
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Theoretically yes. My point was that your widgets, emails, etc etc should be waiting to sync when a data connection becomes active. If they are set to update every 1.5 hours but your AutoSync profile is set up for 1 hour, then they won't sync correctly every time!
Hope this answers all of your questions?

brandall said:
They work straight out of the box. You only need to enter your wifi SSID in place of the SKYXXXXX and adjust the sync times to suit you
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Could you please tell me were to look (Which Profile/Task?)
brandall said:
You can create as many new variables here as you like, such as %WIFIWORK or %WIFICOLLEGE , just put the corresponding SSID in the IF statement. Tasker will look at the IF statement of each and when it finds a match, update the correct %WIFI'LOCATION' to a value of 2 - which means you are there! You can then reference this in other tasks you create - For example when %WIFIWORK = 2, set phone ringing volume to low. In other words, Tasker knows you are at work from the SSID and knows you want your phone to ring quietly when you are there. An exit task could be added so that when you leave, the phone volume increases again....
Get it?
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Not really. In this and the next Question I need a full guideline.
If I add a Variable Set for let's say %WIFIWORK. Then I suppose it must have an corresponding Variable Set in the WIFI-OnCon<=Exit Task like %WIFIWORK To 1, and that affects the Goto Action 7 (in the first line).
A little step-by-step info about how to add multiple SSIDs would be nice.
brandall said:
As above, in the task WIFIOnConVar, same as action 3. Press +, select variable, select variable set, name it %WIFIWORK (for example), 'to' 2, tick 'IF' and enter %WIFIPREF matches your works SSID. ....
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peswe said:
You can create as many new variables here as you like, such as %WIFIWORK or %WIFICOLLEGE , just put the corresponding SSID in the IF statement. Tasker will look at the IF statement of each and when it finds a match, update the correct %WIFI'LOCATION' to a value of 2 - which means you are there! You can then reference this in other tasks you create - For example when %WIFIWORK = 2, set phone ringing volume to low. In other words, Tasker knows you are at work from the SSID and knows you want your phone to ring quietly when you are there. An exit task could be added so that when you leave, the phone volume increases again....
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Not really. In this and the next Question I need a full guideline.
If I add a Variable Set for let's say %WIFIWORK. Then I suppose it must have an corresponding Variable Set in the WIFI-OnCon<=Exit Task like %WIFIWORK To 1, and that affects the Goto Action 7 (in the first line).
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Yes, your understanding is correct! I know this can get a little confusing, but having these %WIFI'location' variables created can really come in handy in other profiles. In the next post I'll type a detailed explanation and update the FAQ so others can follow.

Creating location based wifi variables
A little tutorial for you:
In the task WIFIOnConVar the first action is to run a separate task called WIFIPREFCON (standing for 'wifi is connected to a preferred network'). To view its actions, click on tasks on the main Tasker page and scroll down to select WIFIPREFCON.
You'll see that it uses the inbuilt 'wifi information' variable (%WIFII) and writes the information it contains to a text file called wifii.txt on the route of your storage card. Make sure you are connected to a wireless network and press the 'test' button. The file will then be created and you can use your file explorer to view its contents.
The only information we require from this text file is the SSID (the public name of your wireless network). In the task WIFIPREFCON, the next step is to extract ONLY that, by 'splitting' (using variable split) the text file before and then after the SSID. This snips out the SSID and writes it to a new variable we create called %WIFIPREF.
So, at this point, when wifi is on and you are connected to a network, the SSID of that network will be contained in the variable %WIFIPREF. Back over in the task of WIFIOnConVar, tasker is setting the variable of %WIFIOC (on & connected) to a value of 2. (1=not connected 2=connected 3=recently disconnected). Our newly created %WIFIPREF variable contains the SSID name of your current connection. The next action is to set a variable that it matches. A variable is only set to a value of 2 (2=connected) >>IF<< the SSID name stored in %WIFIPREF matches the SSID you enter in the IF statement.
For example, my home SSID is SKY12345, so if I was creating the action from scratch +,variable, varible set, name = %WIFIHOME, To 2 , IF %WIFIPREF ~ (matches) SKY12345. You should add in ALL of your frequently used preferred networks in the same way:
name = %WIFIWORK, To 2 (connected), IF %WIFIPREF ~ (matches) Linkys12345.
name = %WIFIPARENTS, To 2 (connected), IF %WIFIPREF ~ (matches) BT-HomeHuB12345.
name = %WIFIGIRLFRIENDSHOUSE, To 2 (connected), IF %WIFIPREF ~ (matches) VIGIN54321.
This way Tasker can always determine where you are if you are connected to a preferred wireless network.
Why is this useful though? There are many profiles kicking around that use GPS or cell tower location so Tasker can estiblish your location. Such profiles can be battery intensive, so avoiding using them would be a bonus whenever possible.
Let's use a scenario:
You are at your girlfriend's house and your last AutoSync used her wireless network. Tasker will know that you are there because %WIFIPREF found her SSID, saw it matched the IF statement in %WIFIGIRLFRIENDSHOUSE and updated the value to 2 (connected). Imagine you are cheating on her and you set up a profile that activates when you are at your girlfriend's house (%WIFIGIRLFRIENDSHOUSE=2). The CheatingProfile reacting to %WIFIGIRLFRIENDSHOUE being updated to a value of 2, diverts all calls from your other girlfriend directly to voicemail, changes the text message recieved profile for just her to silent, copies the text message to a zip folder on the SD card and deletes her message from the inbox, before automatically reply to her saying "stuck in traffic, no hands free, battery low, catch you later princess, love you enternally xxx" Get it?
Another one:
You are at work. When you are at work you use your PC to check your emails and therefore to preserve battery you want to change your AutoSync shedule to 3 hours apart. This can be activated when Tasker sees that %WIFIWORK has been updated to a value of 2. It could also lower you ring tone volume and change it to something more business-like. Really pushing the boundaries it could read your calendar, check when you're next entry label is set to 'busy', read the location information within the entry, check the distance using an HTTP GET command for directions and load up sat Nav for you 5 minutes before the time it's read from google maps you would have to leave the office to get there! Not forgetting to change your AutoSync back to its normally interval. Oh and in your rush to leave, if you forget to turn off wifi, don't worry though, the profile WIFI-AutoDiscon will do it for you in one minutes time
Yes, with Tasker, the possibilities are endless, I just wish it could actually get me a girlfriend, let alone 2!
I really hope that's helped you understand how having location variables ready to use can assist you further in whatever profiles you choose to create.
Don't forget, that for every new location variable you set in WIFIOnConVar you will need to add the equalivalent entry into the exit task. An example is already in there under %WIFIHOME being set back to a value of 1 (disconnected). And finally, don't forget to change the first GoTO action so it points to the correction action after STOP.
I've just realised, that they also need to be added in to change the values to 1 in the profile WIFI-AutoDiscon - Oops! I'll do that in version 2.
Credit peswe for making me realise this!
Any questions, let me know...

hmmm... Not much interest so far!?
Version 2 out after the weekend - Mainly to prevent 2g/3g switching during a call! Oops...
Any feedback as yet, or suggestions?

brandall, I've subscribed and am interested, I'm just gonna have to try and find some time this weekend to read all of this and see about implementing. I will and will report back

I have juicedefender ultimate and it does all this automatically. Still, kudos to you for the write-up.

Just tested the profiles.
Seems to work so far, but got a question:
Do you need the WIFII1, WIFII2... variables later again? If not you can clean up the variables in the next version
Combined with my homeprofile this setup may replace the my old one

I just read through a bit and one thing I noticed:
Above, we set the variable of wifi on and connected (%WIFIOC) to a value of 3 when the state became ON but NOT connected.
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This is one of my problems with Android, it can take up to 10 minutes before it realizes that you are out of range of your access point.
For instance, I'm at work with WiFi connected, I put phone in pocket and get in my car for the 10 minute ride home. Tasker is supposed to switch Bluetooth/GPS on for me when Wifi is disconnected. Well, my car's Bluetooth device won't pick the phone up sometimes until I'm pulling into my driveway, because Android is still thinking I'm connected to work Wifi and I'm 5 miles away! This happens on AOSP and OTA and on 2 separate phones, the EXACT behavior. The phone should more aggressively switch from WiFi to 3G.. meaning when I step outside from Work, and I am definitely out of range, it shouldn't require me to wake the phone up so it checks "oh yeah, no WiFi lets switch"
I can improve the behavior a bit by using "Wifi connected" profiles in conjunction with "Cell near" stuff , but that only marginally improves the time and eats more battery..
The bottom line here is Android's WiFi management has some problems and you're stuck with leaving it on all the time or manually managing it

sacredsoul said:
I have juicedefender ultimate and it does all this automatically. Still, kudos to you for the write-up.
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Thanks for the kudos!
Agreed on juicedefender - it's just something about Tasker that makes me want to use it instead of other applications by replicating what they do... It gets pretty addictive! My next tutorial is how to use it as a task manager and they are ten a penny on the market!
It's just the complete flexibility that Tasker provides, the things you'd love to tweak and adjust on other applications, with Tasker you can...

Nacrul said:
Just tested the profiles.
Seems to work so far, but got a question:
Do you need the WIFII1, WIFII2... variables later again? If not you can clean up the variables in the next version
Combined with my homeprofile this setup may replace the my old one
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I think you are talking about WIFII2 and WIFI21 in the task WIFIPREFCON?
They are splitting the information contained in the variable %WIFII, which unfortunately doesn't just show the SSID - we have to extract it by showing Tasker where to start reading and where to stop <-- the stop is set by WIFII2 and the output is sent to %WIFII21 = SSID
If you have a look at the text file on your storage card/wifi.txt you'll see what %WIFII originally contained and why it needs dissecting.
That process can be removed if you don't find the SSID useful - but if you read post 8 here, I hope you can see how they are very handy!
Let me know if I didn't answer the right question!

crachel said:
This is one of my problems with Android, it can take up to 10 minutes before it realizes that you are out of range of your access point.
For instance, I'm at work with WiFi connected, I put phone in pocket and get in my car for the 10 minute ride home. Tasker is supposed to switch Bluetooth/GPS on for me when Wifi is disconnected. Well, my car's Bluetooth device won't pick the phone up sometimes until I'm pulling into my driveway, because Android is still thinking I'm connected to work Wifi and I'm 5 miles away! This happens on AOSP and OTA and on 2 separate phones, the EXACT behavior. The phone should more aggressively switch from WiFi to 3G.. meaning when I step outside from Work, and I am definitely out of range, it shouldn't require me to wake the phone up so it checks "oh yeah, no WiFi lets switch"
I can improve the behavior a bit by using "Wifi connected" profiles in conjunction with "Cell near" stuff , but that only marginally improves the time and eats more battery..
The bottom line here is Android's WiFi management has some problems and you're stuck with leaving it on all the time or manually managing it
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I'm sure you are correct crachel, but I have to say this is not my experience... I don't know why that would be though?
I've tested the WIFI-AutoDiscon in different ways, in different places and each time (even with the phone sleeping and speech updating me of the state) it shuts wifi down in around 1 minute.
Have you looked in the preferences in Tasker and looked what your display on and off settings are? I'm sure you are aware they will eat your battery if reduced dramatically.
None of my profiles are location based and therefore do not rely on these settings. Try them! It should kill wifi in one minute (less if you reduce the wait time).... Whatever you set the interval to in AutoSync is the longest it will take Tasker to realise where you are, as long as you've added in the SSID as detailed here, you can kick off other profiles such as 'work' or 'home' using the created variable %WIFIPREF
The times you normally arrive at work or back home you could have Tasker syncing every 5 minutes to pick this up quicker and then 1 hour at other times...?
You may know all of the above (it's hard to know what level people are at with Tasker), but regardless I hope they help and please let me know your feedback or ideas!

This is a paid app, so I am moving it to the Paid app section.

Im using this variable too, but i delete the unused variables after extracting the SSID. I check sometimes all variables in use with flash all variables and the splitted variable needs too much space for me of not needed. (And also better programming style to delete variables u dont need anymore i think)

Nacrul said:
Im using this variable too, but i delete the unused variables after extracting the SSID. I check sometimes all variables in use with flash all variables and the splitted variable needs too much space for me of not needed. (And also better programming style to delete variables u dont need anymore i think)
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Thanks for this Nacrul - I can understand clearing the variables is good 'house-keeping', but I didn't consider that not clearing them would take up resource. I've just tested this and indeed the variables %WIFII2 and %WIFII21 contain unnecessary data and clearing them does not affect the content of %WIFIPREF which was my concern.
I'll update this in the next release! (and look over all of my previous profiles!). Thanks again.
ps. 'flash variables' - I always 'speak' them - do you have an alternative method to quickly show their content??

V2 Up
Additional wait times added to allow data connection more time after switching from 2g to 3g
Added additional example of %WIFIWORK
%WIFIWORK & %WIFIHOME are reverted correctly to a value of 1 in the exit task
Unneeded split variables cleared for good housekeeping
Voice-overs removed (if you want to check your variables are assigning correct, add a pop up or speech anywhere!).
Adjusted positions of data connection to prevent lag.
Added time based notifications to show LAST successful sync
New %INCALL variable added to ensure 2g/3g switch does not happen during calls **.
* The %INCALL variables are already created in my CPU tutorial here. If you are not running these, then you'll need to create two simple profiles:
DuringCall - the event is 'phone offhook' and in the task 'variable set' %INCALL to a value of 2 (2 = call active)
EndCall - the event is 'phone idle' and in the task 'variable set'' %INCALL to a value of 1 (1= no call is taking place)
The above will come in handy in many other profiles I'm sure...
Feedback needed as always please!


Free up ram with minimal services

Does anyone have a list of what all the default services do, and what ones are safe to disable. And at that, is it worth disabling services to free up ram or does it even make a difference?
how can u disable services? i cant even end some of the running processes
axion68 said:
Does anyone have a list of what all the default services do, and what ones are safe to disable. And at that, is it worth disabling services to free up ram or does it even make a difference?
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This may or may not help, last time I tried it, I had to hard reset. http://pdaphonehome.com/forums/ppc-6800-xv6800/89501-look-my-free-ram.html
t0mmyr said:
how can u disable services? i cant even end some of the running processes
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I am using Dotfred's Task Manager. I'm sure he is on XDA, but his home website is:
I have a list of a couple things but I havn't tried them all I just found them somewhere else. I will put an * infront of ones that seem to be working on my system Mougle WM 6.1. I couldn't try all the keys because the weren't on my system or I need the services they provided. My RAM has increased my about 5MG I was starting at 19MG and getting as low as 2 or 3 through the day. Now I start at over 20 and I get as low as 15 normally.
Let me know if you come up with anything else.

What do you want? (Developing Silverlight App)

It looks like the future of applications for Windows Mobile is leaning towards silverlight 2. So My goal for this summer is to create a good, fun or useful application using silver light. I just need some ideas. What do you guys want?
One app I've been looking for for years. Some apps have some functionality but nothing puts it together in a simple package.
Location Aware Reminders
set up points on a map where a reminder of user defined text would pop up when the device is within a specified distance from that point.
Case #1:
I get off of my freeway exit going home, pass the stoplight before the store, my device plays a recording "DUDE! PICK UP SOME MILK!".
Case #2:
I drive away from my house on a vacation, my device plays a recording "Did you remember to pack your underwear?"
User should be able to:
1. View a map with current location based on gps.
2. Move map to different locations.
3. Define and save a point on the map.
4. Define a distance from that point where reminder would fire.
5. Define the text of a reminder.
6. Define an audio file as a reminder.
7. Define a title for reminder
8. View list of reminders
9. When reminder fires there should be a Snooze and Delete Option.
10. Reminders should have a date/time window of when to fire.
10 ex. All Days, only between 4pm and 7pm.
10 ex. On May 25th. any time.
Yes, there are apps that "sort of" do this. But they are unuseable for this use.
Keeping the functionality simple and specific will ensure EASE OF USE and actual functionality.
I will GLADLY pay you $10 for this app.
sudermatt said:
One app I've been looking for for years. Some apps have some functionality but nothing puts it together in a simple package.
Location Aware Reminders
set up points on a map where a reminder of user defined text would pop up when the device is within a specified distance from that point.
Case #1:
I get off of my freeway exit going home, pass the stoplight before the store, my device plays a recording "DUDE! PICK UP SOME MILK!".
Case #2:
I drive away from my house on a vacation, my device plays a recording "Did you remember to pack your underwear?"
User should be able to:
1. View a map with current location based on gps.
2. Move map to different locations.
3. Define and save a point on the map.
4. Define a distance from that point where reminder would fire.
5. Define the text of a reminder.
6. Define an audio file as a reminder.
7. Define a title for reminder
8. View list of reminders
9. When reminder fires there should be a Snooze and Delete Option.
10. Reminders should have a date/time window of when to fire.
10 ex. All Days, only between 4pm and 7pm.
10 ex. On May 25th. any time.
Yes, there are apps that "sort of" do this. But they are unuseable for this use.
Keeping the functionality simple and specific will ensure EASE OF USE and actual functionality.
I will GLADLY pay you $10 for this app.
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Would it use GPS or the GSM/3G Network to determine location? Also what navigation software would this use for the maps? This is a good idea however this seems very intermediate. More ideas people.
I'd like this...
I would hope it would use the internal GPS.
I like the voice mail thing Like the iPhones right?
It would be nice if my wife could easily make entries via a website or a client on her desktop. (maybe not).
Actually, it would be kinda interesting. Driving down the street and having the app pop up something my friend put in there.
So you could have a group, and allow people to post GPS Pop Ups to your app.
"This is where I proposed to my wife".
"Don't even bother coming to the game tonight sucka cuz you're goin' down".
That would be kinda fun.
Just thinking out loud.
sudermatt said:
It would be nice if my wife could easily make entries via a website or a client on her desktop. (maybe not).
Actually, it would be kinda interesting. Driving down the street and having the app pop up something my friend put in there.
So you could have a group, and allow people to post GPS Pop Ups to your app.
"This is where I proposed to my wife".
"Don't even bother coming to the game tonight sucka cuz you're goin' down".
That would be kinda fun.
Just thinking out loud.
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This is a great Idea. Only problem it is not even close to easy and I have no gps experience. But i might assemble a team to create this.
An XDA-Developers forum program that tracks your threads and alerts you when there's a new post, etc. Something that would be cooler than the actual site, and if you could, make it for our phones too.
This is very easy to answer:
1) To the date there isn't a SINGLE mobile e-mail client on the market, which is SIMPLE and FINGER FRIENDLY. In fact, there isn't any finger friendly e-mail clients at all. I think hords of users would welcome this kind of app.
2) Also there still isn't an on-demand connection chooser - look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=408243
Thank You.
sudermatt said:
One app I've been looking for for years. Some apps have some functionality but nothing puts it together in a simple package.
Location Aware Reminders
set up points on a map where a reminder of user defined text would pop up when the device is within a specified distance from that point.
Case #1:
I get off of my freeway exit going home, pass the stoplight before the store, my device plays a recording "DUDE! PICK UP SOME MILK!".
Case #2:
I drive away from my house on a vacation, my device plays a recording "Did you remember to pack your underwear?"
User should be able to:
1. View a map with current location based on gps.
2. Move map to different locations.
3. Define and save a point on the map.
4. Define a distance from that point where reminder would fire.
5. Define the text of a reminder.
6. Define an audio file as a reminder.
7. Define a title for reminder
8. View list of reminders
9. When reminder fires there should be a Snooze and Delete Option.
10. Reminders should have a date/time window of when to fire.
10 ex. All Days, only between 4pm and 7pm.
10 ex. On May 25th. any time.
Yes, there are apps that "sort of" do this. But they are unuseable for this use.
Keeping the functionality simple and specific will ensure EASE OF USE and actual functionality.
I will GLADLY pay you $10 for this app.
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Wow. I had the exact same idea. I'll be making this in silverlight/xaml since I know it's the future of WinMo.
Me and a couple of friends are trying to do this on 3 different platforms - and will be using WPF/Silverlight for WinMo
Don't we kinda need the WM Silverlight runtime first? Last time I checked, it's not out yet.
aiiro said:
This is very easy to answer:
1) To the date there isn't a SINGLE mobile e-mail client on the market, which is SIMPLE and FINGER FRIENDLY. In fact, there isn't any finger friendly e-mail clients at all. I think hords of users would welcome this kind of app.
2) Also there still isn't an on-demand connection chooser - look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=408243
Thank You.
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For #2, I might be completely misunderstanding you, but have you looked into G-Profile for this?
TheParadox said:
I like the voice mail thing Like the iPhones right?
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Yep. Pretty much
@ Sean D:
About #2. You remember back in the dial-up days when You started Internet Explorer it had an option whether to ask the connection to use or not? Well, I think for PPC and the apps that need internet connection this would be the ideal solution - if You start PIE for example, the system will ask You whether You'd like to use WiFi or GPRS or whatever else connections You have and You'd just check the option that suites You the most at the given location. If You're in a cafe with free WiFi You'd choose to use WiFi, if You're in the woods You'd choose GPRS (or 3G or whatever similar). Instead of manually connecting to desired network before launching browser. I hope You get the idea...
G-profile is not asking You how to connect, it just manages Your connections with profiles for different occasions. You'd still have to manually choose a profile with the desired connections before launching a browser.
aiiro said:
@ Sean D:
About #2. You remember back in the dial-up days when You started Internet Explorer it had an option whether to ask the connection to use or not? Well, I think for PPC and the apps that need internet connection this would be the ideal solution - if You start PIE for example, the system will ask You whether You'd like to use WiFi or GPRS or whatever else connections You have and You'd just check the option that suites You the most at the given location. If You're in a cafe with free WiFi You'd choose to use WiFi, if You're in the woods You'd choose GPRS (or 3G or whatever similar). Instead of manually connecting to desired network before launching browser. I hope You get the idea...
G-profile is not asking You how to connect, it just manages Your connections with profiles for different occasions. You'd still have to manually choose a profile with the desired connections before launching a browser.
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Okay, I misunderstood you. But the funny thing is, i was just thinking that WM needs this function the other day.
So yeah, this gets my vote too.
Good, then it's settled
Well, OK, just one minor issue left - kinda have to wait for the approval from the thread starter too
FloatingFatMan said:
Don't we kinda need the WM Silverlight runtime first? Last time I checked, it's not out yet.
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The whole point of this thread is that since it's pretty much confirmed there will be a silverlight or some type of WPF subset for WinMo, applications can be designed so that when devices do release, some changes can be made (e.g. support for accelerometer) so that the program can be released from the get-go.
It's also to provide devs with some practice with WPF/Silverlight
ND4SPD said:
Wow. I had the exact same idea. I'll be making this in silverlight/xaml since I know it's the future of WinMo.
Me and a couple of friends are trying to do this on 3 different platforms - and will be using WPF/Silverlight for WinMo
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I could care less about how it's written....I got $10 burnin a whole in my pocket for this app...
BTW...did you read my post about the community part of the app?
OK, seems it's again just one of those countless threads that get started with a big hooray and then is forgotten forever. I mean I still do post in these in hope that someone will some day build the connection manager I keep asking for, but having posted it already to couple of threads and seeing that after couple of days the thread just dies and the original author of thread mysteriously disappears, I think there are some dark forces behind it. OK, just kidding, but seriously, just from top of my head You can check this thread - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=413600 - or this thread - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=506672. They have all died as far as I know. Or if You just wanna have a laugh (completely off-topic) check this thread - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=425424

[Q] Problems making a 'Tasker' profile launch/activate?

Decided to try this app out due to reports of it being able to help battery life in android by controlling various functions of the hd2.
I'm trying out a simple test profile as described on a link I found via google, which is simply to enable wifi when the browser is launched.
I've set up the profile, the contexts and actions but cannot get them to work and I'm not sure why.
For instance, when I press the test button on the tasks screen, I get a message appearing to say "Wifi on" as intended, a vibrate, and when I later check in wifi settings it says it's scanning for a network so has clearly been enabled. That's great, but then when I click on Apply and close the Tasker app, nothing happens when I launch my browser.
Likewise I set one up just as a test for bluetooth, a message, and a vibrate to come on when I launch the camera. Again, when I press 'Test' on the action screen for this profile it all works fine, but when I try it for real by opening the camera app, nothing happens.
I'm assuming I've missed out one obvious step somewhere but for the life of me I can't see what, even though it must be staring right at me. I've set a message up as the first action in both cases so it's not just that they can't connect to wifi/bt etc.
Can someone help point me at what I'm doing wrong, or haven't done please? I hope this is in the right sub forum as well - apologies if not.
Many thanks
Are you talking about WM? If yes, you are in the wrong sub forum
Probably best to post the profile, the contexts and actions.
Tasker runs just fine on my HD2, so I'm guessing there is a problem with the script.
No it's Android, don't even know if there is a wm version!
KPN - Can I just export the scripts or something? Can't see a setting for that (sorry!) just an import option for profiles. Or do I need to install some screen grab app and just show the screens?
I just know this is going to turn out embarrassing when I get the solution!
I've tried a few different profiles now though, even one that does nothing except pop a message up when I open a browser. Same thing - works fine when I press the test button on the tasks screen, but does nothing outside the app itself.
KPN is my network provider
as described on a link I found via google
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maybe post the link?
otaku888 - Sorry, I was distracted by my mrs while I wrote that! Duh.
The first one I tried was via a link to the Tasker website where it describes the following:
Example Profile
(Application) Browser
(Time) 9:00 - 17:00
Enter Task:
(Setting) WiFi On
Flash: "Happy Browsing"
Exit Task:
Flash "Goodbye"
When the application Browser is started betweeen 9:00 and 17:00 WiFi is automatically enabled and "Happy Browsing" flashes up briefly.
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Now I tried that, and have since tried even simpler ones but no joy other than with the test button.
I see I can download ready made profiles from the app itself, so I might get and test one to see if A) they work for me and B) they can highlight what is wrong with my ones.
All sorted now, thanks for the assistance.
Cret said:
All sorted now, thanks for the assistance.
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you managed to get it working?
I have the same problems with application contexts - no good (on desire hd)

CommMgrPro for Android (Rules Engine) [ 2012-06-20 V1.1.19 ]

Market URL https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dhr.commmgrpro&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5kaHIuY29tbW1ncnBybyJd
I am porting CommMgrPro from Windows Mobile to Android.
This is the original post.
The goal of this project is to customize the behaviour of your device depending of many events, like time, date, position, battery state, calendar, radios states, and any environment element.
Rules Engine is a complete rules engine to customize your device behaviour automatically. The idea is simple and powerfull:
The device broadcast automatically events about many thinks
Hardware events like Bluetooth, wifi, battery level, cpu state, position events, time events, calendar events, phone ring state, screen state
And much more...
And the device can perform automatically many actions without user intervention:
Set hardware state, wifi, bluetooth, speaker, launch or kill a program, apply a predefined profile, send a SMS/Email, ringtones....
And much more...
With Rules Engine you can create many rules. Each one is composed of:
Conditions. Simple or complex conditions using AND/OR clauses. For example, if weekday is monday, between 7:00 and 9:00 and my current position is my office and battery level is higher than 20% then send an email .....
Actions. Actions to be executed when the rule passes from unmatched to matched and actions to be executed when the rule passes from matched to unmatched. User can set their order, delays, etc
Other features:
Profiles: These are set of actions that the user can select / unselect quickly from the main page.
Quick timed switchers: For example, set Bluetooth on, but put off again after 90 minutes
New actions and conditions are being added each day.
Current conditions:
Weekday and time
Wifi state
Speaker state
Bluetooth state
Flight mode state
Data connections enabled / disabled
AC power / Battery
Location. To be inside or outside of some place (defined by point and radius)
Screen state
To match or unmatch other rule
Some program is running or not
Battery level (min, max)
Bluetooth connected to an specified device
Phone status (ringing, in call...)
Calendar events. To be in a caleendar event that contains some word, like 'meeting"
Autorotation screen On/Off
Mobile network type in use (GPRS, HSDPA, CDMA, LTE, etc)
Data connection On/Off
Headphone plugged or not
Car mode activated / deactivated
Current action:
Set wifi state
Set speaker state
Set bluetooth state
Set flightmode state
Set connections enabled / disabled
Launch a program
Kill a program
Apply a profile (Set of rules)
Set autorotation screen state
Set screen bright state
Set auto sync accounts state (gmail, facebook, etc)
Play a song.
Send SMS
Send Email
Set car mode
Set wallpaper
Set ringtone (as user mp3 or android ringtone)
As we did with CommMgrPro for Windows Mobile I hope this project become a user driven project.
Known bugs
Next features being developed
Roaming condition
Condition connected to a specified hotspot
Was a CommMgrPro user for a long time on WM so I'm looking forward to how this turns out on Android, Daniel. Glad to see you're here!
For my part, I'd like to
1) have ALL of those notifications available to me (with the possible4 exception of date/time set)
2) be able to change settings, run scripts, use Locale plug-ins (no reason for you to replicate functionallity that's available in existing code), start/kill other apps and send arbitrary Intents to other apps. Output to a file would be nice as would being able to read and parse a file (rudimentary parsing is OK)
Perhaps a tall order, eh? Start small. GPS and/or cell tower location-based notifications to trigger actions like turning on/off WiFi, bluetooth, cellular radio, conditioned on time of day/day of week/date would be a good start, for me at least. I'd also like to be able to create profiles that I can trigger manually, preferably by a shortcut. While I'm not big on widgets, people will want them and give you bad ratings in the Market if you don't have them.
short/y said:
Was a CommMgrPro user for a long time on WM so I'm looking forward to how this turns out on Android, Daniel. Glad to see you're here!
For my part, I'd like to
1) have ALL of those notifications available to me (with the possible4 exception of date/time set)
2) be able to change settings, run scripts, use Locale plug-ins (no reason for you to replicate functionallity that's available in existing code), start/kill other apps and send arbitrary Intents to other apps. Output to a file would be nice as would being able to read and parse a file (rudimentary parsing is OK)
Perhaps a tall order, eh? Start small. GPS and/or cell tower location-based notifications to trigger actions like turning on/off WiFi, bluetooth, cellular radio, conditioned on time of day/day of week/date would be a good start, for me at least. I'd also like to be able to create profiles that I can trigger manually, preferably by a shortcut. While I'm not big on widgets, people will want them and give you bad ratings in the Market if you don't have them.
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Thanks¡ and happy to see you again
Hi Daniel,
Great news that you are thinking of a port to Android. You will make me (and a lot of others as well) very happy with that. I am still using a bunch of programs to let at least do a part of what your program did for WinMo. After I finally ported my HTC HD2 permanently to Android (one of the things that was holding me, was the lack of your program for Android), but I am still missing CommMgrPro.
short/y said:
1) have ALL of those notifications available to me (with the possible4 exception of date/time set)
2) be able to change settings, run scripts, use Locale plug-ins (no reason for you to replicate functionallity that's available in existing code), start/kill other apps and send arbitrary Intents to other apps. Output to a file would be nice as would being able to read and parse a file (rudimentary parsing is OK)
Perhaps a tall order, eh? Start small. GPS and/or cell tower location-based notifications to trigger actions like turning on/off WiFi, bluetooth, cellular radio, conditioned on time of day/day of week/date would be a good start, for me at least. I'd also like to be able to create profiles that I can trigger manually, preferably by a shortcut. While I'm not big on widgets, people will want them and give you bad ratings in the Market if you don't have them.
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I do totally agree with this. Lets start with cell-tower switched on and off, of 3G, WiFi and GPS. One of the biggest problems with Android is the huge amount of battery drain. This will make a good start. I know, there are a lot of programs which does it in a simular way, but CommMgrPro has a lot more to offer, after some time. And Daniel, you have the proof and skills of a very good programmer
Right now there is a fully working version. I am testing it myself and works very well. In a few days I will post it. Then I will fix bugs and will add more features. Basically:
1) More conditions to trigger a rule. Battery level, incomming call from XXX, incomming SMS, etc
2) More actions to be executed when a rule is matched: run or kill a process, etc
Gigabyte Gsmart G1345
I will be locking forward to get this working on my device.
It is really needed.
I sincerely hope that it could work on my device with Android 2.3.4.
God damn D man you finally turned to the dark side. Thought you had abandoned development. CMP was the only thing that kept me on WM until Jan this year. Have looked for CMP for android a couple of times but now you are ready. Cool man. I have started to use Tasker, and have some pretty crazy rules, but some things are not possible with Tasker, so I hope that you make it possible to integrate with Tasker as a plugin.
Anyway D. Its good CMP have not died.
One thing I miss. Being able to run my CMP as a service. Actually I believe tons of apps could save battery if they were better programmed and just called the part of the app that is needed. Maybe its nonsense, as I am not a dev, but I look forward to have you back on the train D.
---------- Post added at 11:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 PM ----------
Just went to the CMP page. MAN, memories from good old wm days. I really spent many hours tweaking CMP.
I miss the possibility to see all cell towers in a time scheme, and then add them to different profiles..... Is that part coming?
By the way, what phonie are you having?
HI answer in my next post (5 minutes)
Hi Martin. Time passes hehehehehhe
Well, as I posted before I didn't want to waste your time with buggie releases.
Answering your question, positions are given by location + radius. But I will develop a simple way to provide cells. It is a old way but has a good advantage. It doesn't require internet connection. You teach CMP which cells are near your home so CMP doesn't need internet. Well, currently you define a point and a radius.
As you know CMP is a rule engine. The device gets thousand of events (battery levels, positions, week days, hardware status, calendar events) so you can create complex rules to launch actions (set hardware status, launch programs, kill processes and much more.
The program will be FREE and will probably contain ADDs. There will be a donate version (0.99$) to avoid ADDs to support me.
Don't forget Martin, post suggestion about conditions and actions. Rememeber, one rule = Condition 1 AND Condition 2 AND condition 3.......and if matched then execute Action1 and Action 2 and ACtion 3......
There are other rules programs, but this one will what we really need (from programmer to programmer)
andddd just sold my galaxy S2 to buy a galaxy note. I ve iPhone 4s to develop projects for old and busy customers (you know, MAC=MONEY)
Don't worry, I will come up with suggestions if something comes up. Like your way to always answer our good and sometimes stupid questions, but important to me is flexibility. I know there is is problem calling GPS functionality, but Secure Settings solved that by an external plugin that could be called from Tasker and others. So are you planning an SDK or similar to let CMP interact with other software? In my head CMP could be a standalone app, but also the app that could be used in bits or integrated with other software.
Have another...
One thing I miss on android is being able to copy screen press like calling an app and then copy the button interactions. I will send you thoughts on this in a pm later when more thinking have been done as it could be a standalone app you could develope later.... And perhaps make some earning on.
Note..I am thinking about buying it, so I look forward to hear your thoughts about it.... When do you get it?
Hi Martin.
CMP will interact with other programs using android Intents. And other programs can interact with CMP, applying rules for example, using intents too.. I dont really know if you know what intents are, but they are a nice and easy way to allow programs interaction.
I didnt understand your sugestion about copy press. What does it mean? You know my english is poor, hehee
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Daniel, I've been away from CMP (and Windows Mobile/Phone) since Android launched but I have missed CMP just about every day. Because of the value I received from CMP back then, I plan to buy it as soon as it's available. And when you're ready for beta testers I want to participate.
looking to test myself,I remember testing back in the wm5-6.5 days
Very soon I will upload the first version. Let me finish a couple of conditions (a program is running or is stopped and other one, battery level range). So probably next week i will upload it,but remember, much work to do
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may i ask why you don't simply use one of the many many already available apps of this kind?
just to name a few:
settings profile pro
llama (it's free)
Well, it isnt a profiler. Its a rule engine. Of course, you can use it as a profiler. The idea is a total automation of the device. Soon the conditions can be used as complex AND/OR clauses. Well, its a rule engine as I think it should be. I did it in Windows MObile and I am trying to translate it to Android learning from old errors...
tasker is a rule engine too.
and llama and settings profiles is just a simpler rule engine, more optimized towords profiles, but not only!
Thanks, I am trying to make CMP better than those programs
ok. no worries. i just wanted to mention this as maybe it would be easier.
but this of course is a reasonable reason to port it.
good luck.
I've used several of the other apps (Locale, Tasker, Settings Profile and a few other profile programs I can't recall). Tasker is currently my workhorse. It's extremely powerful but it's a PAIN to program. There's no good way to cross-reference variables or other tasks so, to make global changes to a routine, I need to export my profile, bring it up in a file viewer on my PC and do searches and such on the PC while changing the programming on my phone. I'm not knocking Pent, the developer, he's done a phenomenal job on Tasker, especially given that it's only one person doing the development. But, for all its power, once I got beyond a few relatively trivial profiles, its become nearly unwieldy.
I don't know exactly what Daniel has in mind but I know what I did with CMP on Windows Mobile. With the additional capabilities in Android, I think Daniel could do really really good things (no pressure, Daniel). I'm looking for power with more facilities to make it easier on someone who does lots of things with the app.

2G - 4G switch

Is there any app or widget that can automaticaly switch to 2G network when I turn off data, and automaticaly switch to 3G/4G when I trun on data ?
I've found many apps where they can switch between 2G-3G-4G but not automaticaly.
Tasker can do this.
This app might also work
That thread no longer exists. Tasker is quick and easy to do it with bro try that. Will save your manual toggle efforts as well.
sunny.0092 said:
That thread no longer exists. Tasker is quick and easy to do it with bro try that. Will save your manual toggle efforts as well.
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I've read about Tasker but is seems to need Root access in order to alter 2G - 3G - 4G
Can someone confirm/deny that changing network modes require root ?
yonef said:
I've read about Tasker but is seems to need Root access in order to alter 2G - 3G - 4G
Can someone confirm/deny that changing network modes require root ?
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Yes it does require root unfortunately, sorry for half baked info earlier. But that (rooting) seems to be the only way to get what you want and a lot more using tasker few similar apps n plugin.
sunny.0092 said:
Yes it does require root unfortunately, sorry for half baked info earlier. But that (rooting) seems to be the only way to get what you want and a lot more using tasker few similar apps n plugin.
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I use Automagic to drive the UI to flip between 3G and 4G. Root not required for this, but screen needs to be on and the phone unlocked for it to succeed (as if you were doing it manually). My Automagic flow/script waits for the right conditions (unlocked/screen on and, for me, the phone being away from or at home) and then I see it make the change. It's better than remembering to do it manually, anyway...
WibblyW said:
I use Automagic to drive the UI to flip between 3G and 4G. Root not required for this, but screen needs to be on and the phone unlocked for it to succeed (as if you were doing it manually). My Automagic flow/script waits for the right conditions (unlocked/screen on and, for me, the phone being away from or at home) and then I see it make the change. It's better than remembering to do it manually, anyway...
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Is it possible to configure automagic to :
When I switch on DATA - do switch to 3G automaticaly (screen will be on and phone will be unlocked anyway)
When I switch off DATA - do wtitch to 2G straight away
I dont need nothing more.
yonef said:
Is it possible to configure automagic to :
When I switch on DATA - do switch to 3G automatically (screen will be on and phone will be unlocked anyway)
When I switch off DATA - do wtitch to 2G straight away
I dont need nothing more.
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My MXP only offers the user to switch between 4G and 3G - I don't know how to force it to 2G (I'm UK based)
Automagic does not seem to have a trigger to spot if you have set DATA on or off, but it DOES have an action which may work
The action Set Mobile Datanetwork State turns the mobile datanetwork on or off.
Warning: This function is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.
So, if it works, you could create a shortcut of your own to toggle DATA on or off and also explicitly drive the UI to make other settings at the same time...
Automagic has a trial so you could try it. It's all based on flow diagrams which you edit to accomplish what you want, and has scripting too.
I moved to it from Llama, I couldn't get my head around Tasker, and haven't looked back. Both Dev and users are VERY responsive on the Automagic forum too
For example, here is my flow to control 3G/4G. It looks for my location set in another flow and the current network state, setting it appropriately.
... and the script that drives the UI to check the radio button for 4G (if not already checked), return to what was on the screen before and set a global variable to the network type it set
WibblyW said:
My MXP only offers the user to switch between 4G and 3G - I don't know how to force it to 2G (I'm UK based)
Automagic does not seem to have a trigger to spot if you have set DATA on or off, but it DOES have an action which may work
The action Set Mobile Datanetwork State turns the mobile datanetwork on or off.
Warning: This function is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.
So, if it works, you could create a shortcut of your own to toggle DATA on or off and also explicitly drive the UI to make other settings at the same time...
Automagic has a trial so you could try it. It's all based on flow diagrams which you edit to accomplish what you want, and has scripting too.
I moved to it from Llama, I couldn't get my head around Tasker, and haven't looked back. Both Dev and users are VERY responsive on the Automagic forum too
For example, here is my flow to control 3G/4G. It looks for my location set in another flow and the current network state, setting it appropriately.
... and the script that drives the UI to check the radio button for 4G (if not already checked), return to what was on the screen before and set a global variable to the network type it set
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Thanks mate, I'll try it and see how it works

