[Q] Endless reboot / cant get into Xrecovery - XPERIA X10 General

Hey guys.
Big problem here.
So I decided to update my phone with Free X10 Froyo 2.2.1 Beta 4
Installed it. worked. hotfix worked fine too.
After that I installed X.HC for beta 4. Worked fine too.
So I wanted to recover my data i backup with xrecovery before installing.
After that I'm stuck with an endless rebooting process. I boots, crashes, boots again, crashes and so on.
While I was writing this I finally got into xrecovery, but it took me 30 times to get there.
So my question is... is there any way to restore my data? Do I have to recover the cache to? I just tried to recover the data part of the back up.

Do not dare to restore data if you are changing android versions.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App

Use titanium backup for backup and restore apps and data, not xRecovery when updating/downgrading between Android versions.

Ahh okay. So I wont get my data back but I will use this the next time.

You can use your back up to restore your data, but make the full restore, not just data.

I have the same problem as mentioned above, just that I cant get into xRecovery and dont know what I should do. I tried a few methods but nothing worked so far.
If someone might know any sollution answer me in this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=14532797#post14532797


Wiping my data off X10?

Hey peeps....couple quick questions here. I flashed my X10 with the nordic 2.1 update....a post from bin4ry a while ago....i also rooted it with z4root and deleted some things. Now, im handing my X10 over to my fiancee to have but I wanna wipe my google account and all my info. If I just did a factory reset will the nordic 2.1 still load properly and will the phone still be rooted for her? And will the apps I removed still be gone?
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
well, if u had flash the phone, i will restore back to original which means all data u previously have are wiped out.
it also means that rooting and app u once installed also wiped out.
if u did a backup using titanium, then the data still will exits in the sdcard in the form of titanium backup. so be sure the card formated.
sorry for my bad english
I have a similar q. I did the factory reset since my phone has to go to the service repair centre, but it still works mostly.
Anyway, I signed in with my google acc, and I want to remove it without having to do a factory reset again.
Where do you remove your google info in 2.1? I can't find it

CM6 boot animation taking forever…

Hi everyone @ XDA,
I think I got a problem…
I just flashed CM6.1 with the following method:
1. Made nandroid backup of my Liberated R12
2. Wipe data/factory reset
3. Cleared dalvik cached memory
4. Flashed CM6 and it works fine, just like a brand new phone without all the previous apps and data from my R12
The I wanted to transfer all user data (apps, contacts, etc) from Liberated R12, so I did the following:
i. Reboot into nandroid
ii. Advanced restore
iii. Restore user data
Did that and now my Aria isn't starting up! The Cyanogen boot animation has been playing for about 5 mins now and I can't force reboot by holding the power button down. Neither does holding volume down + power button do anything other than putting it to sleep.
What did I do?! What can I do??
I think I just need to restore nandroid backup… but how to get there? Manually taking out the battery??
Please help. Thank you very much.
////////* UPDATE *////////
I took out the battery manually and restart the phone, but the same CM6 boot animation kept looping endlessly. So I took out the battery again and restore my Liberated R12 nandroid backup. Now it's running back to before I flashed CM6.
Even though I'm lucky I didn't destroy the world, perhaps someone with more knowledge on this can share what I did wrong so that others may avoid making the same mistake.
I think it was the step where I made an advance restore of user data that something went wrong. If so, then how do I retrieve just the user data from my nandroid backup without installing the R12 ROM?
Now I've experienced first hand the power of nandroid backup! ALWAYS remember to make a nandroid backup all n00bs out there!
Thank you again guys!
emigre said:
////////* UPDATE *////////
I took out the battery manually and restart the phone, but the same CM6 boot animation kept looping endlessly. So I took out the battery again and restore my Liberated R12 nandroid backup. Now it's running back to before I flashed CM6.
Even though I'm lucky I didn't destroy the world, perhaps someone with more knowledge on this can share what I did wrong so that others may avoid making the same mistake.
I think it was the step where I made an advance restore of user data that something went wrong. If so, then how do I retrieve just the user data from my nandroid backup without installing the R12 ROM?
Now I've experienced first hand the power of nandroid backup! ALWAYS remember to make a nandroid backup all n00bs out there!
Thank you again guys!
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What user data are you trying to restore? If you used titanium backup and also used Google's syncing for contacts/calendar/etc then what else would you need? I wouldn't put much faith in nandroid's data restore when going across different roms.
I was trying to restore all user data, including installed apps, contact lists, notes, calendars, etc.
My titanium backup is one of the apps (which i need to restore) i would need too if i were to restore using your method right?
So if i were to reflash cm6 again, what is the best and most reliable method to have ALL my current data in R12?
Basically everything except the R12 ROM.
Thanks for your guidance! Appreciate it.
Sent from my HTC Liberty using XDA App
back everything with titanium. Then do a clean wipe and flash cm6 and gapps. from there the only thing you need to download is Titanium backup again from the market. All the backed up data is saved to your SD card so once you reinstall Titanium it can then restore whatever apps/data you backed up from liberated. contacts and calendars you can sync to Google.
Duh! Thanks CallmeAria, you got me there! It is so obvious now that I got it, can't understand why it didn't cross my mind to do it that way!
Just wanna share this though:
Funny thing that when I restored all backup apps and system data (wifi, messaging, etc) —*it didn't really restore everything except for apps. I had to bluetooth my contacts from my other phone (Sony Ericsson w890i) to my Mac, then bluetooth it from the Mac to my Aria.
It just wouldn't connect from the Ericsson to the Aria.
Which now actually brings up 2 questions:
1. Why didn't my contact get restored (Batch > Restore missing apps + all system data) with Titanium backup? I followed the instructions to Batch > Backup all user apps + system data.
2. Aria rejected incoming bluetooth connection from my Ericsson even though I already successfully paired them. Supposed I don't have my whole phonebook.vcf, I'd be a dead man walking by now.
Good news is, finally got a working CM6 with all my contacts. Time for me to tinker around
Thanks again!
That happened to me, i did wipe the data again, then did start. normaly

Have anyone try the CM7 120901 by tezet? I have encountered a problem in sending sms.

Yesterday, I have installed the new CM7 120901 by tezet. Almost everything is working perfectly. But when I try to send sms, it shows failure immediately, and the error code in sms detail information is 254. But it can receive sms normally.
I tried to change the SMS center in the menu after *#*#4636#*#*, but it doesn't work.
Is there anyone trying this rom? Do you have the same problem?
If you have the same problem, could you help to post this issue to the develop forum? I have the permission to post reply to the tezet's thread.
I don't have this problem....
Sent from my MotoA953 using xda premium
Try to full wipe. I don't have this prob but when restore from titanium backup, many app get FC. Wifi auto disconnect and reconnect after. Batterry drain so fast.
Will try reflash and full wipe tomorrow.
Sent from my MotoA953 using Tapatalk 2
thanh933 said:
Try to full wipe. I don't have this prob but when restore from titanium backup, many app get FC. Wifi auto disconnect and reconnect after. Batterry drain so fast.
Will try reflash and full wipe tomorrow.
Sent from my MotoA953 using Tapatalk 2
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It's a problem specific to Titanium backup on quite some roms for some time now (at least the CM9/10 in here) since it doesn't happens when you do the same with My Backup Root (another backup ap, free one, that works a bit differently than TB).
Try the rom without restoring apps with TB and reinstall them from market, only reinstall the app's data you REALLY need (like highscores, saved games, sms/call log and so on) and reinstall the apps manually (making an AppBrain list for that helps).
Restoring SMS and call logs via Titanium backup made my phone and sms apps crash, since then i'm using SMS Backup + (it's in the market) which backs them up on my gmail.
Restoring data for system applications usually makes them FC!
I've reflash and make full wipe, it's ok now. using go backup and all app don't have any FC
Sent from my MotoA953 using Tapatalk 2
It seems to be solved by another wiping data and wiping cache.
It's strange that I have done the both wiping after installing the CM7 120901. Maybe the cause is that my phone is in fly mode when I installed the rom.
Thanks for your kindly reply.
zjuerkzhang said:
It seems to be solved by another wiping data and wiping cache.
It's strange that I have done the both wiping after installing the CM7 120901. Maybe the cause is that my phone is in fly mode when I installed the rom.
Thanks for your kindly reply.
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No it's something that has to do with the flashing process, sometimes it seems unable to wipe properly the /system partition and some strange things happens.
It regularily happens to some people to have to make the whole process twice for it to work properly.
Now the technical explanation is surely out there, but it's out of my reach for now (and i'm not interested enough to search for it, since there is a workaround for it ).

Cant boot anymore...

Hey fellows,
I got a little problem with my phone. I tried to run some benchmarks on it and wanted to reboot, but then it stuck on 'Starting apps'.
To my phone:
I run the latest P.A.C. Rom with Faux Custom Kernel. So I tried to clear Cache and Dalvik to get it to run, doesnt fix anything. I tried to flash the Rom again, once without Faux Kernel, the other time with, doesnt fix the problem. Then I restored the system partition from a very old backup of the same Rom version, the same...
Finally I restored the old data partition of my backup and it works, BUT the status of this backup is too old.
So I did a logcat and it says: WifiStateMachine ... NOT_HANDLED and this goes on and on. I can see that all functions have been loaded in the background, but it doesnt go further than this screen.
Hope u guys are enjoying your holidays and can help me.
Thanks very much
Dont worry!
Just dirty flash the same version of rom and kernel again. You wont lose your data or apps.
sivabommakanti said:
Just dirty flash the same version of rom and kernel again. You wont lose your data or apps.
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I tried that a hundred times buddy, didnt work..
I restored my old backup and Im trying to restore all my apps + data from the broken data & system backup with Nandroid Manager. He finds the apps to restore out of the nandroid backup and tries to load the information of the apps, but after a while he says that no apps can be found...
Android gets stuck at starting apps when you undervolt too much and it corrupts your data only fix was a data wipe and reflash rom for me
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium

Nandroid - apps crashing after restore

I I have a Galaxy S4 with KitKat 4.4.2 and TWRP installed. I have been using Nandroid for backups.
Today I (stupidly) deleted the CSC.apk file with Uninstall and the phone started acting really strangely. I tried restoring the CSC app but it wouldn't do it (I tried multiple times). So I booted into TWRP recovery mode and did a full restore which worked fine...until I rebooted the phone.
I have quite a few apps that continually crash with:
Unfortunately, (App Name) has stopped
and then all I can do is tap the OK button. After tapping OK the errors popup continuously.
Is this normal? How can I fix this without reflashing the phone? This is my first restore ever done with Nandroid Any ideas? Annoyingly I also lost the activation for my GPS app (CoPilot). I thought Nandroid was an exact clone/backup so when you screw the phone up you can restore back to EXACTLY how the phone was when the backup was done?
Anyway, appreciate any help or thoughts on how I can get my apps to work without the constant stopping popups!
Thank you!
Can anyone help please?
Go back into recovery and wipe both the regular cache and dalvik cache.
As to the lost CoPilot activation, you'll need to contact CoPilot, then explain the situation to them, and they should be able to help you.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
Go back into recovery and wipe both the regular cache and dalvik cache.
As to the lost CoPilot activation, you'll need to contact CoPilot, then explain the situation to them, and they should be able to help you.
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Thanks! I tried that but after wiping both caches and rebooting the phone and entering my SIM PIN, I am still constantly getting the "Unfortunately, (App Name) has stopped".
Is there anything else I can try? I'm a but confused by this as I thought Nandroid was an exect image of the phone! I'm not worried about CoPilot at all but the rest is important
Do a factory reset from within TWRP, then restore from the nandroid backup. How old is this nandroid?
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
Do a factory reset from within TWRP, then restore from the nandroid backup. How old is this nandroid?
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I'll give that a try tonight. I am running Nandroid 4.4.5 and the backups were created about a week ago.
Many thanks for your help!
BB007BB said:
I'll give that a try tonight. I am running Nandroid 4.4.5 and the backups were created about a week ago.
Many thanks for your help!
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So I tried doing a factory reset from TWRP and then doing a Nandroid restrore but after rebooting the phone I was still getting LOTS of errors with applications not working. Even the firewall wouldn't work as it couldn't find the config file.
I don't get it, I thought Nandroid made an EXACT image of your phone so if something went wrong and you performed a restore, your phone would be back to a working state?
BB007BB said:
So I tried doing a factory reset from TWRP and then doing a Nandroid restrore but after rebooting the phone I was still getting LOTS of errors with applications not working. Even the firewall wouldn't work as it couldn't find the config file.
I don't get it, I thought Nandroid made an EXACT image of your phone so if something went wrong and you performed a restore, your phone would be back to a working state?
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It does, but your backup can get corrupted.

