Q&A section - Fascinate General

If I'm supposed to put my questions in the Q&A section, why is it not available on the mobile app? Our am I missing something? Lol
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App

I had the same issue and just un installed and reinstalled the app and it came up.
*edit* Previous thread.
good day.

ragarm said:
If I'm supposed to put my questions in the Q&A section, why is it not available on the mobile app? Our am I missing something? Lol
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
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The q&a section is a joke, now all you hear is wrong section!, wrong section!... what is the point exactly? I just was reading a post where a guy was getting yelled at for posting a question in the question forum...
Sent from a Superclean Fascinate

ziggy484 said:
The q&a section is a joke, now all you hear is wrong section!, wrong section!... what is the point exactly? I just was reading a post where a guy was getting yelled at for posting a question in the question forum...
Sent from a Superclean Fascinate
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Which thread was that you were reading?

Yeah, can you link me? More than likely it was a thread that was moved after the question was asked an the yelling happened.
Moderated from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Probably the ROM/Kernel combo for battery life thread.

ashasaur said:
Yeah, can you link me? More than likely it was a thread that was moved after the question was asked an the yelling happened.
Moderated from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium.
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Well im sure not going to waste time looking for it again... but lets say your right and it was moved after the yelling, how about why all the yelling anyway? Only at xda are the majority of conversations polluted with arguing over where to properly post. Ok fine, dont post general stuff in the dev section, thats a no brainer... but q&a, and general are the same thing.
Sent from a Superclean Fascinate

ziggy484 said:
Well im sure not going to waste time looking for it again... but lets say your right and it was moved after the yelling, how
Sent from a Superclean Fascinate
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Moved by the moderator. OP thought he was posting his thread in the General section when he was actually posting in the developer section. Not hard to find. Is this the thread to which you were referring?

landshark68 said:
Moved by the moderator. OP thought he was posting his thread in the General section when he was actually posting in the developer section. Not hard to find. Is this the thread to which you were referring?
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Its development section, not developer... are you suggesting that only the devs are allowed to post anything there?
Sent from a Superclean Fascinate

ziggy484 said:
Its development section, not developer... are you suggesting that only the devs are allowed to post anything there?
Sent from a Superclean Fascinate
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No, sorry. Development section. I'm not suggesting anything. I was just trying to answer your question as to how it got moved.

landshark68 said:
No, sorry. Development section. I'm not suggesting anything. I was just trying to answer your question as to how it got moved.
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Ok... but tell me the truth, does there really need to be q&a and general? Isnt the whole nature of android forums, people asking, others answering?
Sent from a Superclean Fascinate

ziggy484 said:
Ok... but tell me the truth, does there really need to be q&a and general? Isnt the whole nature of android forums, people asking, others answering?
Sent from a Superclean Fascinate
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I see the confusion generated by the q&a and general sections. What kind of questions belong in which? I just started posting here with some frequency like 3 weeks ago. I agree the whole nature of forums is asking and answering questions, sharing information, and helping each other out. I think how each forum handles that and how they are formatted are going to be different. I'm not a moderator or anything like that. I'm just someone who is wanting to share information and give and get answers and I'm still trying to figure out exactly how this forum is structured. Still haven't nailed down all the rules and particulars, but I keep searching. I know pretty much all the devs hang out here, so I figure it must be a good place to get some good info.

ziggy484 said:
Ok... but tell me the truth, does there really need to be q&a and general? Isnt the whole nature of android forums, people asking, others answering?
Sent from a Superclean Fascinate
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How about we take a step back and think about this.
You're asking why is there even a Q and A & General Forum. Well think about if there was just a Samsung Fascinate forum, and nothing more. Everything lumped together. Better yet how about we just make a Samsung forum, people can ask what they want about any Samsung android device. Sounds great right, everyone has a voice and there is no way it would be complicated to use!
The reason they are here is to help you, to help me, to help the devs, to help everyone. Order and organization is the name of the game.
There has to be structure, that is why if you have a question about the Samsung Fascinate and/or its development you place it in the Q and A forum. If you have something you would like to bring up in "general" then..... you see where this is going.
We can either have one large room with everyone yelling at different people, or smaller rooms where there is no need to raise your voice!
But there is no real yelling on a forum, its online. The tense of any one sentence is how you make it.

gkirby11 said:
How about we take a step back and think about this.
You're asking why is there even a Q and A & General Forum. Well think about if there was just a Samsung Fascinate forum, and nothing more. Everything lumped together. Better yet how about we just make a Samsung forum, people can ask what they want about any Samsung android device. Sounds great right, everyone has a voice and there is no way it would be complicated to use!
The reason they are here is to help you, to help me, to help the devs, to help everyone. Order and organization is the name of the game.
There has to be structure, that is why if you have a question about the Samsung Fascinate and/or its development you place it in the Q and A forum. If you have something you would like to bring up in "general" then..... you see where this is going.
We can either have one large room with everyone yelling at different people, or smaller rooms where there is no need to raise your voice!
But there is no real yelling on a forum, its online. The tense of any one sentence is how you make it.
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Sorry, but that makes no sense... all you need is general and development for each device
Sent from a Superclean Fascinate

ziggy484 said:
Sorry, but that makes no sense... all you need is general and development for each device
Sent from a Superclean Fascinate
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So I guess the themes and apps section and the accessories section should be put in general? That would make the general section completely unusable.
To the OP, all you need to do is remove the fascinate forum from your favorites. when you add it back to favorites, q&a should be there.
As far as what should go where:
General should be for general discussions like "what rom and why?"
Q&a should be for questions like, "how do I fix xyz?"
If anything should be changed, maybe q&a needs to be renamed "help"

ziggy484 said:
Its development section, not developer... are you suggesting that only the devs are allowed to post anything there?
Sent from a Superclean Fascinate
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sounds like a good suggestion to me. I think only devs should be thread starters in the dev section.

Lemme break it down for you all:
General is for everything that is a general discussion, not a specific question. Is it confusing, yes. Does it mean that people will still post questions without searching? Yes. But that's why you all have me, I can sort it all out.
Q&A is self described. All questions, whether they are specific device questions or development questions are to be posted within the Q&A section.
Accessories is of course for accessories. Not much to say.
Development is ONLY meant for the releasing of new ROMs and such. General discussion or questions are not permitted within the development section. With the exception of kernel or source discussions, all general development discussion should be posted within the general section.
And themes and apps is self explanatory.
Now, not to be a douche, but if you don't like my rules...don't post! I for one am getting tired of having to stop these arguments when all I am asking is that people read the XDA rules, post in the correct section and use the search button before posting.
Any beef should be brought to me via PM.

ashasaur said:
Lemme break it down for you all:
General is for everything that is a general discussion, not a specific question. Is it confusing, yes. Does it mean that people will still post questions without searching? Yes. But that's why you all have me, I can sort it all out.
Q&A is self described. All questions, whether they are specific device questions or development questions are to be posted within the Q&A section.
Accessories is of course for accessories. Not much to say.
Development is ONLY meant for the releasing of new ROMs and such. General discussion or questions are not permitted within the development section. With the exception of kernel or source discussions, all general development discussion should be posted within the general section.
And themes and apps is self explanatory.
Now, not to be a douche, but if you don't like my rules...don't post! I for one am getting tired of having to stop these arguments when all I am asking is that people read the XDA rules, post in the correct section and use the search button before posting.
Any beef should be brought to me via PM.
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I for one am tired of you acting like such a big shot... and rambling on about YOUR rules and where to post this and that, blah blah blah. but thats why i dont come here much anymore. You and chopperdog, and landshark all think your so much better than everyone else
Sent from a Superclean Fascinate

ziggy484 said:
I for one am tired of you acting like such a big shot... and rambling on about YOUR rules and where to post this and that, blah blah blah. but thats why i dont come here much anymore. You and chopperdog, and landshark all think your so much better than everyone else
Sent from a Superclean Fascinate
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He is laying out the rules, how is that acting like a big shot? Would you rather have an unmoderated, disorganized, cumpled together forum? If that is the case then you are in a very small group of people with that type of preference. You dont have to be here if you dont want to, so why punish yourself if you clearly dont like being here?
The Q&A forum makes perfect sense, as does breaking the forum up based on specific interests. It makes people with certain interests able to more easily find the information they seek as well as get answers to the specific answers they have. It also cuts down on the clutter than can liter a forum because it clumps all information together.

The ONLY reason I made ANY rules is because YOU, as the collective users of the Fascinate section wanted them, you wanted order, and I gave it to you. If you don't feel that my simple rules are worth your time to follow, then do us all a favor and don't post. There are plenty of more open minded users who are happy with the way things are going, and appreciate a little order and structure over the chaos that once was.
Moderated from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium.


Is it just me or do you think it is odd to have a Q&A forum and a general forum?

I mean the description "For all your questions" pretty much covers anything that would be asked anywhere else? Just sayin.
For instance. "What screen do I have, Epson or Novatek?". It is a question but some one would give me a tip on how to figure it out.
Yea they're pretty sub-forum happy here.
i like the way it is...
i like it i would rather go to q & a for my questions than weed through answers to questions that are buried beneath topics like 'cool tricks' or 'would you rather the droid x' ...i like it for those reasons.
I think of it this way, Q&A is just that, general is more like an off topic forum just for us
PAPutzback said:
I mean the description "For all your questions" pretty much covers anything that would be asked anywhere else? Just sayin.
For instance. "What screen do I have, Epson or Novatek?". It is a question but some one would give me a tip on how to figure it out.
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Shouldn't this post go in the Q&A forum??? It IS a quesiton!
If everyone used it properly and only asked questions in the Q&A section then it would be fine.
But since the reality is different it just makes it more work for everyone to check both sub forums.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
ramiss said:
If everyone used it properly and only asked questions in the Q&A section then it would be fine.
But since the reality is different it just makes it more work for everyone to check both sub forums.
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True, I'm amazed so many people are allergic to logic.
I am a programmer and for the masses I live by the KISS rule. Not the disco rock band, the Keep It Simple Stupid rule. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle
No, what is odd to me is that you knew there was a General and a Question forum, so ignorance can't be the excuse, and you STILL posted a question in the General forum.
Minjin said:
No, what is odd to me is that you knew there was a General and a Question forum, so ignorance can't be the excuse, and you STILL posted a question in the General forum.
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Except that I think the OP was more of a Statement formed as an ironic question.
Well the general forum has pretty much turned into crap. So the q/a forum is a place to go to actually help people without the general forum's level of retardation.
nebenezer said:
True, I'm amazed so many people are allergic to logic.
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After working retail so long, my amazement at that has long died XD

Dont start QUESTION Threads in this Section!

This section is Android Development, If you do feel the need to post here PLEASE keep it on development! New Builds and Such are NOT always released upon your personal request!
Most of your Questions Can be answered HERE at the HD2 Linux/Android Q&A Thread, just reading the first few pages may answer your question!
HERE at the [REF] ★★★The Definitve Guide To Android On HTC HD2 ★★★ thread.
ALL Android Builds should be Considered BETA, meaning that there will be Glitches/Freezes/GSOD's/Hoolahooping/etc.​
Respect this new Forum space and keep it clean guys!​
Since there isn't a seperate sub-forum for Q&A for Android on HD2 here is the only place to ask questions.
Wanna be moderators better stay out
narta said:
Since there isn't a seperate sub-forum for Q&A for Android on HD2 here is the only place to ask questions.
Wanna be moderators better stay out
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Well thats why theres some threads linked just a few lines up. Thats where questions need to be posted. Just trying to keep the Dev section clean.
thank you, I've seen alot of threads with questions that have already been answered, or problems that everybody all ready knows.
Sent from my HTC HD2 running DarkStone HD2Froyo v1
Shatterv2 said:
Well thats why theres some threads linked just a few lines up. Thats where questions need to be posted. Just trying to keep the Dev section clean.
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You are meaning well, but there is ONLY the dev section for Android on HD2. It's bound to have people asking questions since there is no other place in the forum to do so.
narta said:
You are meaning well, but there is ONLY the dev section for Android on HD2. It's bound to have people asking questions since there is no other place in the forum to do so.
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Which isint always a bad thing, but when there are threads asking the same question everyday such as "Problem with 3G Darkstone", "Problem with 3G DanFroyo" it does get a little cluttered. Thing is many of the answers are waiting for the asker in the Q&A thread or in the ROM thread it self.
mskip can always take the kick/ban/smash hammer and clean up the mess I guess
narta said:
mskip can always take the kick/ban/smash hammer and clean up the mess I guess
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and please tell us why he should have to this forums is for us to use, so surley its easier to keep it clean and managable in the first place, everyone moans the search is hard to use yes cause crap threads being made all day long
sorry,i'm newbie on HD2 Android, may i noe how to transfer WM sms to Android?
anybody teach me?
thank a lot~
xiaomouse said:
sorry,i'm newbie on HD2 Android, may i noe how to transfer WM sms to Android?
anybody teach me?
thank a lot~
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA way to go with the troll on a useless thread taking up space, dont discourage questions people just encourage the right questions
i agree over 46 pages of threads and only like 7 builds
Literally, this thread is not belong here, it has nothing to do with Android Development.
I love how internet white knights like OP think they are saving the forum from n00bs and trolls with threads like this. In reality, threads like this clutter it up equally.
They should just lock down this forum altogether from new threads, force everything to be posted in the general forum. Then promote the actual developer posts to this one and allow replies. It'd be a lot less work for the mods than having to move a billion questions every day.
buzz killington said:
They should just lock down this forum altogether from new threads, force everything to be posted in the general forum. Then promote the actual developer posts to this one and allow replies. It'd be a lot less work for the mods than having to move a billion questions every day.
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buzz your the smartess person in the world right now , i think this will answer all our problems

A solution for our Development section ?

So, our development section gets littered with QUESTIONS. This is not where they go. It adds clutter. Just had a thought and was curious if
(a) would it would work and/or be possible
(b) what others thought of it.
Can the mods make it where you are not able to CREATE a thread in the development section unless the OP has an attachment?
EVERY thread in the development section that belongs there has an attachment/download.
EVERY thread that does NOT belong there does NOT have an attachment.
This is something I just thought of and I only glanced over the first page or so but it does appear to be a valid screening process.
Can this type of rule be in place?
I don't like that the developers and their section is littered with requests/noob questions.
s15274n said:
So, our development section gets littered with QUESTIONS. This is not where they go. It adds clutter. Just had a thought and was curious if
(a) would it would work and/or be possible
(b) what others thought of it.
Can the mods make it where you are not able to CREATE a thread in the development section unless the OP has an attachment?
EVERY thread in the development section that belongs there has an attachment/download.
EVERY thread that does NOT belong there does NOT have an attachment.
This is something I just thought of and I only glanced over the first page or so but it does appear to be a valid screening process.
Can this type of rule be in place?
I don't like that the developers and their section is littered with requests/noob questions.
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I'll AMEN to that.....Admins and Mods are like gods on these forums..i see that this forum is powered by vBulletin....i'm sure that can be put in place.......with a little modification
It is a public forum....restrictions will cause problems.
That said, mods are pretty good about moving things when needed--let it roll. Sometimes a [req] is needed, as is a [thinktank] that does not involve an attachment.
^ yeah, I agree, but I'm all about trying to improve xda and the mod's are always having to move threads and teach noobs.
maybe just a checkbox you must acknowledge the thread you are creating belongs in the development section... And if people don't obey a disclaimer you may get a time out (can't post for a week or something).
^ I agree with both points. But may I say, we as a community have the responsibility to steer noobs into the right direction. I admit, after being a noob since the development of Nexus One, I didn't know where to go, or what to do with my first android phone. Back then, in cyanogen mod days, there were friendly mods and community, whom helped me. That's why sometimes I still help some noobs, but steer them where to get more info... I don't know, times change, and all forum are cluttered, imo...
Sent from the helm of Vibrant Territory!
The attachment idea would not work only because most dev's are hosting their stuff offsite, unless they attached a change log which at that point anyone could attach a text file if required.
The additional check box acknowledging where and what you are posting might be a reasonable idea if the board's configuration allows it.
rsfaze said:
The attachment idea would not work only because most dev's are hosting their stuff offsite, unless they attached a change log which at that point anyone could attach a text file if required.
The additional check box acknowledging where and what you are posting might be a reasonable idea if the board's configuration allows it.
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I agree. Also, the mods have been excellent abbot moving things and keeping them on topic but they need our help. If you use xda on a computer, please use the report button for threads in the wrong place or trolling.
s15274n said:
So, our development section gets littered with QUESTIONS. This is not where they go. It adds clutter. Just had a thought and was curious if
(a) would it would work and/or be possible
(b) what others thought of it.
Can the mods make it where you are not able to CREATE a thread in the development section unless the OP has an attachment?
EVERY thread in the development section that belongs there has an attachment/download.
EVERY thread that does NOT belong there does NOT have an attachment.
This is something I just thought of and I only glanced over the first page or so but it does appear to be a valid screening process.
Can this type of rule be in place?
I don't like that the developers and their section is littered with requests/noob questions.
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should just lock the threads in development for everyone except the op. This will only allow the op to update their change log and add any answer or solutions from Q&A. It will force people to use Q&A instead of flooding the dev. section. Most importantly, it'll make finding solutions and fixes easy.
^ hmm.. every developer could link to a bugs/discussion thread in the Vibrant General or Q&A section... that COULD work. Not sure if developers would like that or not?
I generally agree with s15274n, but the problem is very few people respond to questions in the Q&A........so people go where there is going to be a better response.........The General and Development sections. Trying to change human nature is difficult....(try looking at a beautiful woman and only think platonic thoughts)
Maybe it there was a way to tag question in the Q & A so the scroll at the top of the Dev section crawled along as new questions were submitted so there more exposure to the questions..........The problem with that is people will not adhere to the format, they will just ignore our requests in Q & A and go along their merry way doing what they do...... maybe we could get everyone to take a proficiency test before logging on ..........kinda like a n0oB i.q.alyzer test
we need more consequences about it, people will post in the development section after being warned, In their mind its okay because nothing will happen. The agreement is a great idea, the op is warned right away so no real explanation will be needed
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
iwillkillyou said:
we need more consequences about it, people will post in the development section after being warned, In their mind its okay because nothing will happen. The agreement is a great idea, the op is warned right away so no real explanation will be needed
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
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This is why I was suggesting that the threads in the dev section should be locked to the devs only. Everyone else can read but not post. The dev can link to q&a for others to post their questions.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
mr2t32 said:
This is why I was suggesting that the threads in the dev section should be locked to the devs only. Everyone else can read but not post. The dev can link to q&a for others to post their questions.
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that would be a good idea but devs still need feedback, leaving it to Q&A will be more chaotic. There ALL those who have questions, joyful comments will come out because its in the right section.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
^ agreed.
i really feel the best idea is a new topic in development requires you to click an acknowledgment saying your thread belongs here, and if not there may be a consequence.
All of this is pointless unless a mod comments though.
We really have a lot of work in moderation.
The idea is good, however we can not deploy yet, but I'm passing on the suggestion for moderation.
Thank you for helping and supporting the XDA!
Sounds good, I know you guys will get it right.
s15274n said:
Sounds good, I know you guys will get it right.
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Nice! They heard your calls, hopely we will get something like that. But wouldn't it affect all of XDA?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
iwillkillyou said:
Nice! They heard your calls, hopely we will get something like that. But wouldn't it affect all of XDA?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
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Yes! affect all of Xda, if ok!

Holy Forum Reorganization, Batman!

Looks like a ton of threads just got moved to Q&A -- most of the threads in the last few days, in fact. Can a mod give some guidelines as to what should be in here vs there? I always thought of Q&A as someone having a specific "how do I" question. I see a number of threads that I would think qualify as general discussion moved, such as:
What twitter app do you use and why?
Anyone else bored with their evo now?
pocket BLU app- Controlling PS3 Blu-ray with an EVO
What is sprints stance on locking phones down?
It doesn't really matter, but it seems like there's a lot of overlap between the purpose of the two forums, and I don't know if it makes sense to be slapping people on the wrist this way. Plus the "moved:" headers make the "cleaned up" forum actually look pretty cluttered to my eyes. I didn't personally have any of my threads moved and I'm not all that concerned about it. I just wanted to ask about it as a regular reader and participant in both forums. Just my opinion, but maybe if this many people are having trouble figuring out which section they should post in, maybe that indicates there doesn't need to be a separate "Discussion" and "Q&A" section at all.
bkrodgers said:
Looks like a ton of threads just got moved to Q&A -- most of the threads in the last few days, in fact. Can a mod give some guidelines as to what should be in here vs there? I always thought of Q&A as someone having a specific "how do I" question. I see a number of threads that I would think qualify as general discussion moved, such as:
What twitter app do you use and why?
Anyone else bored with their evo now?
pocket BLU app- Controlling PS3 Blu-ray with an EVO
What is sprints stance on locking phones down?
It doesn't really matter, but it seems like there's a lot of overlap between the purpose of the two forums, and I don't know if it makes sense to be slapping people on the wrist this way. Plus the "moved:" headers make the "cleaned up" forum actually look pretty cluttered to my eyes. I didn't personally have any of my threads moved and I'm not all that concerned about it. I just wanted to ask about it as a regular reader and participant in both forums. Just my opinion, but maybe if this many people are having trouble figuring out which section they should post in, maybe that indicates there doesn't need to be a separate "Discussion" and "Q&A" section at all.
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I think it's pretty straight forward - does your thread start with a question? It goes in Q&A.
I think most discussions pose a question as well. The examples I linked to were ones where yes, the subject ended in a question mark, but they seemed to me to be questions intended to prompt a discussion, not questions that have a straightforward answer.
DirtyShroomz said:
I think it's pretty straight forward - does your thread start with a question? It goes in Q&A.
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correct if it a question please post it in q&a (one is asking a question and would like an answer)
on the OP question about the clutter look of "moved" being everywhere. i put a 2 day redirect on the threads i moved because i moved so many. just in the event an op or member shows up tomorrow going "wtf happened to my favorite thread". after 2 days the redirects will be gone. till then they will just drop down as other unmoved threads are posted in.
on another note. sometimes i over look question threads in the general section due to being busy with other projects or matters. when i feel froggy or get time i like to clean it up a bit (like today). i also move EVO 3D related threads over to the EVO 3D section to clean up a bit.
hope you guys understand im just trying to do some spring cleaning
Toastcfh for MFin' President!
DirtyShroomz said:
I think it's pretty straight forward - does your thread start with a question? It goes in Q&A.
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Sorry but that's an awful response, and awfully wrong.
I had a thread moved from Development to Q&A because it had a question in it... unfortunately that question was: here is some app code that isn't working, anyone have feedback/input?
That's about as dev friendly as it gets. I am starting to really dislike the mods around here.
skylar.sutton said:
Sorry but that's an awful response, and awfully wrong.
I had a thread moved from Development to Q&A because it had a question in it... unfortunately that question was: here is some app code that isn't working, anyone have feedback/input?
That's about as dev friendly as it gets. I am starting to really dislike the mods around here.
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Actually, policy is, and has been for a long time, that ANY thread that is a question (even one pertaining specifically to development) belongs in Q&A. It has been discussed MANY times before now.the reality is, it is as simple as dirty said. If you were worried about not getting eyes on your problem, you could send out a few pm's.
Edit: btw, why are you so upset? Your thread wasn't deleted, it was just moved.
skylar.sutton said:
I am starting to really dislike the mods around here.
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IMO..you ought to redirect some of that dislike towards so many jerkface or willfully ignorant members. The ratio of mods:members is laughable at best. These guys and gals have a big job to do and do it for free.
Most of the mods are pretty cool if you just talk to them.
tejasrichard said:
Actually, policy is, and has been for a long time, that ANY thread that is a question (even one pertaining specifically to development) belongs in Q&A. It has been discussed MANY times before now.the reality is, it is as simple as dirty said. If you were worried about not getting eyes on your problem, you could send out a few pm's.
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Interesting. I will certainly respect the rules, It just seems to me that most Discussions would start with a question...and thus the Q and A forum will now become the default place to discuss things.
It just means that users will need to follow both forums.
Sent from my device.
I just notified a mod.
adamantypants said:
I just notified a mod.
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But for real tho thanks toastcfh for all you work man I know ain't easy to be a mod I uses to be one in another forum and you can't keep everyone happy is your job !
Anyways I'm happy with the organization
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Incidentally, I meant no disrespect to the mods when I posted this. I don't think toast took any offense, but I certainly don't mean to criticize him or any other mod. toast is awesome.
I still do think the line between a Q&A and a discussion can be thin, and that some of the threads that were moved were closer to a discussion than a Q&A. But it doesn't really matter and I'm not losing any sleep over it tonight.
DirtyShroomz said:
I think it's pretty straight forward - does your thread start with a question? It goes in Q&A.
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gotta agree the general section was getting pretty freaking clogged with [Q]
skylar.sutton said:
Sorry but that's an awful response, and awfully wrong.
I had a thread moved from Development to Q&A because it had a question in it... unfortunately that question was: here is some app code that isn't working, anyone have feedback/input?
That's about as dev friendly as it gets. I am starting to really dislike the mods around here.
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want a tissue ?
tejasrichard said:
Edit: btw, why are you so upset? Your thread wasn't deleted, it was just moved.
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I'm not upset, so much as I am frustrated. Lately, the mods have been spending their time moving posts around and slapping people on the wrist for posting in the wrong area. Meanwhile, they continue to let thousands of "ZOMG! Here's a question that's answered in the sticky's" and "ZOMG! WTF is [Some Term A Google Search Would Answer]?" through every day.
The forum is quickly degrading into a wild wild west and when the Sheriff's DO show up, they chase down jaywalkers instead of bank robbers.
I used to subscribe to the RSS feeds because these forums produced the best content/discoveries/knowledge... now it just produces a jet stream of crap.
I get your frustrations, man, but what did you think was going to happen when 10's of thousands of new members (often people with little tech knowledge, who heard about xda on some gadget site) started showing up? These mods are buried under an avalanche of posts everyday. Toast doing a bit of cleanup to keep things organized on top of actually monitoring the comments for abuse, etc, deserves a round of applause; instead, he gets people *****ing at him because he didn't do it in a way that pleases them. Having things posted in the right section is ultimately just as important as reducing the number of redundant threads, if for no other reason than it will make things easier to search for in the first place and (tada!) reducing the number of redundant threads! Fix the problem, not the symptom.

Just a little help to maybe keeps this place cleaner/spam free

Hi guys,
ok, so, recently i have been browsing round the whole of the X8 forum and i think that we all need a little help.
Ok, so i am going to use bullet point everything that i think needs helping/discussing if you know what i mean .
This is NOT a guide. so here goes:
Thread redirection
So, recently, I have seen alot, and i mean ALOT of threads in the wrong sections.
So i am going to try and help you post in the correct sections
If you have a question, then obviously post it on the Q & A section,
but if you have a general question like this then it should be posted in the general section preferably.
BUT, any question related to ROM's, bugs and that kinda stuff, then post it in the Q&A section.
heres some examples: This thread belongs to the General section because it is not a question about the X8's hardware, or a question about ROM's etc its a question about your opinion (i mean, its a question about someones thoughts, who they think is the best developer, and the thread may be for fun ) and another thread that belongs in the general section is this thread.
However, threads that dont belong in the right sections usally get closed by the moderator.
So if you dont want your thread closed, try and follow the rules, by posting in correct sections.
More examples: this thread is a question about a bug (?) and he asked how to fix it. This is a question, but it was in the general section when it should be in the Q&A, and because of that, it got closed.
Well that about concludes that bullet point any questions? reply to this thread
Making threads that already exist
Yeah, most senior members kinda dread this. Now this problem usally comes from n00bs, but sometimes seniors do it.
Please guys! Use the search button! We cant stress how important this is to you. Plus, if you do keep making threads that already exist, then you have broken the XDA rules!
1. Search before posting.
Use one of our search functions before posting, whether you have a question or something new to share, it's very likely someone already asked that question or shared that news.
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Yeah, sometimes the search button doesn't work and wont come up with what your looking for, but then you have to Google it! Lets not make the same mistake over and over again eh? lets keep the X8 community SPAM free eh No more 'which ROM is best' threads. cheers guys
Are you new? or are you about to leave the community
So, are you a new member to our community? Or are you about to leave our community?
Well, before you go ahead and post a 'good bye thread', take a look at deedii's threads (thanks deedii )
Here are the links:
Deedii's 'Leaving? Post your farewell message here ' thread
Deedii's 'New Member? Introduce Yourself ' thread
thanks guys, thats kept our community alot cleaner
Trolling and/or Spamming
Ok, we all hate being trolled and our boards Spammed don't we?
Now, recently, i have had someone trolling one of my threads (mentioning no names). I didn't like it much. Now, I had a thought about this recently, and after a long time of thinking, i finally though, instead of saying bad things back, try to encourage them not to troll (good idea or not???). We all want trolls to leave, but instead of telling them to leave, try to encourage them to stay, but be a part of the good community.And spamming, try not to spam, dont post unhelpful things etc. thanks guys, hope we have no more spamming or trolling
So thats about it for now, but once i have more idea's of how to maybe improve things ( ) then i will edit this post. Thanks for your co-operation guys, i hope we become a more spam and troll free place
PLEASE NO trolling or spamming, if your gonna post, please post something constructive or/and nice. Maybe more ideas on how to improve
Any feedback?
sent from my x8
wilbso said:
Any feedback?
sent from my x8
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Seconded...that ok ?
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Its a good idea but its too long, most people wouldn't be bothered to read it.
Sent from my E15i using xda premium
NIMBAH said:
Its a good idea but its too long, most people wouldn't be bothered to read it.
Sent from my E15i using xda premium
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ok, i get your point, but it seems n00bs used to read my guides that went on forever....
And it wasn't really an idea, its just to help clear out future SPAM
See http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1625939
That is what I'm talking about. That's one of the problems!!
sent from my x8
