Help enhance my demo Xoom at [redacted] to increase sales! - Xoom General

I'm an employee at [removed (PM me if curious)] and we are selling WiFi Xooms. We haven't sold ANY yet! I need some help and advice.
First I need to solve a problem. Some SOB uninstalled the Google Books app, and a factory restore not only didn't fix that, but it wiped the bundled in music as well! I figure I can just make a dummy account for the Xoom and reinstall the Google Books app, but I need to add music so that people can try the music app and test the speakers.
How can I put music on the Xoom so that the music app will have nice album art like before?
Second, I need a way of locking certain apps and settings IE, I need a child-proofing app. The Xoom didn't come with any kiosk software so any Apple fanboy can sabotage the tablet! I also could use a way to return the tablet to a default demo setup, just in case something does happen, like Ti Backup. (The boss says I can't root it )
Is there any app that allows me to "Lock" the settings and/or access to certain apps?
And finally, I need suggestions on apps that show off the functionality. Bonus points for things the iPad CAN'T do. I need apps that show off the power and graphics ability of the Xoom. They have to be fairly easy to use as people might open them themselves, but others I can use to quickly demonstrate features.
Also, I need apps that don't use an internet connection, as sometimes the public wi-fi goes down. That way if it does go down, I can still demonstrate the Xoom's abilities.
Help me sell Xooms and show up all those iSnobs that come into my store!

TheGeek007 said:
I'm an employee at [removed (PM me if curious)] and we are selling WiFi Xooms. We haven't sold ANY yet! I need some help and advice.
First I need to solve a problem. Some SOB uninstalled the Google Books app, and a factory restore not only didn't fix that, but it wiped the bundled in music as well! I figure I can just make a dummy account for the Xoom and reinstall the Google Books app, but I need to add music so that people can try the music app and test the speakers.
How can I put music on the Xoom so that the music app will have nice album art like before?
Second, I need a way of locking certain apps and settings IE, I need a child-proofing app. The Xoom didn't come with any kiosk software so any Apple fanboy can sabotage the tablet! I also could use a way to return the tablet to a default demo setup, just in case something does happen, like Ti Backup. (The boss says I can't root it )
Is there any app that allows me to "Lock" the settings and/or access to certain apps?
And finally, I need suggestions on apps that show off the functionality. Bonus points for things the iPad CAN'T do. I need apps that show off the power and graphics ability of the Xoom. They have to be fairly easy to use as people might open them themselves, but others I can use to quickly demonstrate features.
Also, I need apps that don't use an internet connection, as sometimes the public wi-fi goes down. That way if it does go down, I can still demonstrate the Xoom's abilities.
Help me sell Xooms and show up all those iSnobs that come into my store!
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10% of your commission, and you got a deal
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

TheGeek007 said:
I'm an employee at [removed (PM me if curious)] and we are selling WiFi Xooms. We haven't sold ANY yet! I need some help and advice.
First I need to solve a problem. Some SOB uninstalled the Google Books app, and a factory restore not only didn't fix that, but it wiped the bundled in music as well! I figure I can just make a dummy account for the Xoom and reinstall the Google Books app, but I need to add music so that people can try the music app and test the speakers.
How can I put music on the Xoom so that the music app will have nice album art like before?
Second, I need a way of locking certain apps and settings IE, I need a child-proofing app. The Xoom didn't come with any kiosk software so any Apple fanboy can sabotage the tablet! I also could use a way to return the tablet to a default demo setup, just in case something does happen, like Ti Backup. (The boss says I can't root it )
Is there any app that allows me to "Lock" the settings and/or access to certain apps?
And finally, I need suggestions on apps that show off the functionality. Bonus points for things the iPad CAN'T do. I need apps that show off the power and graphics ability of the Xoom. They have to be fairly easy to use as people might open them themselves, but others I can use to quickly demonstrate features.
Also, I need apps that don't use an internet connection, as sometimes the public wi-fi goes down. That way if it does go down, I can still demonstrate the Xoom's abilities.
Help me sell Xooms and show up all those iSnobs that come into my store!
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Honestly, if the person wiped this and the device will not reset it when it is wiped you need to call Moto and let them know or call your Home Office and let them know. PM me what store you work for and I will try and help as best I can.

Verrrrry interesting original post...
I'm guessing Best Buy. First thing:
Move it out of the stinking netbook aisle at the very back, put it in a more prominent place, where it deserves to be. If you hide stuff like that, people aren't gonna see it, therefore they aren't gonna buy it. This should be basic stuff for a retail chain, but for some reason these types of things slip their mind. When I went to bestbuy to get my xoom, I wouldn't have even known it existed if I hadn't done some research beforehand, and the tablet was waaaaaaaaaaay in the back of the netbook section, and I mean the VERY back...last "stall" there.
As for your boss, I think he can take the hit on ONE xoom to sell many of them. Tell him that the most effective way to "ipad baby-proof" the thing is to root it and install TitaniumBackup. He probably thinks rooting means radically changing things, which currently, it doesn't. You're going to have to explain it to him, probably in baby terms if he's anything like most managers I've had, who didn't know their butt from a hole in the ground. If you put it in terms of profitability, he MAY understand.
As for cool apps, just give the sales force a demo model to play with when they're not doing anything else. Let them get to KNOW the device. When I go to buy something, it's not so important for the sales person to know what they're selling me because I already have done a ton of research, but I am not your typical customer. You're going to get a lot of people in there who aren't really that tech-savvy, so if the sales people on the floor know how to use the device, they can demo some of the cooler features to the people.
For example:
Your grandmother walks into the store, she's looking for something to use to email her grandchildren, perhaps a video chat occasionally and she wants something EASY to use, fairly inexpensive and something she's not going to have to pay the geek squad to set up. Well, right this way ma'am, I have something that would be perfect for you, <insert sales demo here>... unit sold.
Another example:
Younger person comes into the store, looking at iPads. Ask them what they're looking to do with the device. If your sales force KNOWS both the iPad and the Xoom, it's kind of a no-brainer to be able to make the best sale for the customer and isn't that what business is all about?
I rarely go into a superstore like Best Buy and find truly knowledgeable people when it comes to the latest electronics. The BestBuy in South County, Missouri lost a sale not too long ago from me because they told me I couldn't buy the Verizon Xoom off contract, which is nonsense. So I simply went to another store and bought it. Perfect example of a person not knowing what the heck they're talking about.
I realize that there are a LOT of new products out there, but it's the responsibility of the store's employees (and ultimately the store's management) to LEARN about these devices so that when people ask BASIC questions, they can answer them.
It wasn't too long ago that I attended a sales lecture at college. Younger people (age 35 and under) normally knew what they were going after when they went to buy tech, and often preferred to be left alone to fiddle with the product a bit and basically only needed help during the actual sales process (or the retrieval process if the item was locked in a secure case). People 35 and over almost universally wanted help from start to finish because their understanding of the tech wasn't always so great. To sell to that person over 35, which is going to be a sizable portion of your business, your employees need to know that device and demo what it it can do on a moment's notice.
So, to me, you've got the "location, location, location" problem and also the "knowledge, knowledge, knowledge" problem if you haven't sold any of these things yet.
Here's something you can do, which will really appeal to older folks... set up one xoom on one side of the aisle, set up another one in sight of the first, but farther away, perhaps on the other side of the aisle. When someone comes in and asks what the xoom can do, just turn on video conferencing and SHOW them how cool it is. Have your sales people be able to demo the different features.
You can also show them how much FASTER the xoom is rendering web pages than the iPad. Everyone loves to save time, irrespective of age.
Another thing the xoom does EXTREMELY well is reformatting text. It will automatically reformat the text when you zoom in on a website, to make it readable. In fact, it makes the text beautiful.
You can show them how they can have live widgets on their home-screens, and the iPad can't.
Honestly, if people knew what the xoom could do, who in the hell would buy an iPad anyway???
Motorola made a HUGE mistake with their superbowl commercial too, they didn't show what the xoom could do. Nobody is going to buy a device like this because it looks cool. Sure, that's something they think about, but that's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down their list, probably down around "what kind of towel do I need to use to clean the screen" or something. What matters most is functionality and price. If it doesn't do what I need it to do, if it doesn't enrich my life in some way, what good is it??
I guarantee you that if you gave me 10 minutes with 10 people who were going to buy an iPad, and they gave me a fair chance to demo what the xoom could do, at least 7 of those would buy the xoom instead. The number would be even higher if it was just a basic netbook buyer, because a good netbook is even MORE expensive than the xoom.
It baffles me that these things aren't FLYING off the shelves. I think that's mostly due to bad sales tactics and poor marketing. It's unfortunate too because it's such an amazing device.
Oh yeah, FLASH. iPad can't give you the web like a desktop can, but xoom can.

Didn't you say you worked at (Hint - That was easy) - Anyways when I purchased my XOOM from (Staples) it was right in the front near the registers? Had its own display with other accessories, etc. I've been in retail sales before and the only way I would imagine to make more of a push on the product is have both positive and negative reviews about the product compared to other competitors. I believe in 100% honesty and if you are straight forward with a customer and tell them the benefits and disadvantages of the unit compared to what’s on the market currently they will appreciate it. Honesty in my opinion goes a long way then any marketing gimmick a retail chain will try to implement on its staff or customer.

stevenege said:
Honestly, if the person wiped this and the device will not reset it when it is wiped you need to call Moto and let them know or call your Home Office and let them know. PM me what store you work for and I will try and help as best I can.
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Oh it boots, but its missing the Books app and the music that was preloaded. Hence my problem. I guess doing a factory restore from recovery mode won't get back the music. :/

if you have a Nexus or some other phone that can do mobile hotspot on display or some phone that can do mobile hotspot, that'll be your best chance of getting internet connection. from there you can reinstall anything.
i think most of the displays i've seen failed because of the lack of internet. every ipad i've seen always had internet connection. impressed with some of the free games like Gun bros or dungeon and defenders

vkuber said:
Didn't you say you worked at (Hint - That was easy) - Anyways when I purchased my XOOM from (Staples) it was right in the front near the registers? Had its own display with other accessories, etc. I've been in retail sales before and the only way I would imagine to make more of a push on the product is have both positive and negative reviews about the product compared to other competitors. I believe in 100% honesty and if you are straight forward with a customer and tell them the benefits and disadvantages of the unit compared to what’s on the market currently they will appreciate it. Honesty in my opinion goes a long way then any marketing gimmick a retail chain will try to implement on its staff or customer.
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Darn! I made it too easy. ^_^
I'm very honest in my sales, I always mention its V1.0 of the software and that the apps aren't there yet. Its very hard to explain its potential without demonstrating it somehow.
And yes we have an endcap right near the registers with lots of accessories. The Xoom deserves a prominent place in our store TBH.
It really irks me, people come in to the store and in that sheepish voice ask "do you have any iPads?". By the time I say "No. But I would love to show you our android ta..." they are halfway out the door.
Still looking for a "kiosk-mode" or "kid-safe" app that locks the device settings in some way. That and apps that really bring out the Xoom's best qualities.

Hey check this out for app locking.
Sent from my HTC Incredible using XDA App

Also, I'm looking for a way to keep the device on and at full brightness 100% of the time (it will be plugged in 24/7). I know under apps/development you can keep it from powering off while charging, but that doesn't keep it bright.
I'll look into zoodle, but perhaps "kid-mode" is too much control. But its a start. Thanks. ^_^

TheGeek007 said:
Also, I'm looking for a way to keep the device on and at full brightness 100% of the time (it will be plugged in 24/7). I know under apps/development you can keep it from powering off while charging, but that doesn't keep it bright.
I'll look into zoodle, but perhaps "kid-mode" is too much control. But its a start. Thanks. ^_^
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Download Quick Settings (Free) from the market. Once installed, in the menu, choose customize and drag the Screen Timeout to the top area. You can set it to "Never Timeout". This appears to keep the screen from dimming, at least in the 5 minutes I tested it.

Gotta say +1 on the bad placement at best buy. They even had a whole featured section called "tablets" with the streak, galaxy, Ipad, etc. I had to ask someone if they were selling xooms. They were out (this was wifi release day) but they directed me to their demo model all the way on the other side of the store BEHIND all the computers, near the random stereo cables. Went to staples and it was front and center and in stock. Sorry BB, I came to you first and you let me down.
But forget about attracting new people to buy the xoom, put it somewhere that I can find it if I came there SPECIFICALLY for it.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk

My suggestion would be putting the wallpaper of android that came preinstalled. Put games like gunbros,dungeon defenders, cordy on the center homescreen. Also gmail widget. And YouTube app is very pretty and lots of people use it and it'll be a very good bet to get people. Also, sideload Amazon appstore as well as the market on there. Picsay also is an awesome little app. Good luck.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App

Are you allowed to lock apps with a password? If so, there ares dozens of solutions already in the Android market:
Just apply a password to the apps you want to protect, at least I assume its thats simple... I haven't tried these apps myself, so you'll have to experiment.

TheGeek007 said:
I'm an employee at [removed (PM me if curious)] and we are selling WiFi Xooms. We haven't sold ANY yet! I need some help and advice.
First I need to solve a problem. Some SOB uninstalled the Google Books app, and a factory restore not only didn't fix that, but it wiped the bundled in music as well! I figure I can just make a dummy account for the Xoom and reinstall the Google Books app, but I need to add music so that people can try the music app and test the speakers.
How can I put music on the Xoom so that the music app will have nice album art like before?
Second, I need a way of locking certain apps and settings IE, I need a child-proofing app. The Xoom didn't come with any kiosk software so any Apple fanboy can sabotage the tablet! I also could use a way to return the tablet to a default demo setup, just in case something does happen, like Ti Backup. (The boss says I can't root it )
Is there any app that allows me to "Lock" the settings and/or access to certain apps?
And finally, I need suggestions on apps that show off the functionality. Bonus points for things the iPad CAN'T do. I need apps that show off the power and graphics ability of the Xoom. They have to be fairly easy to use as people might open them themselves, but others I can use to quickly demonstrate features.
Also, I need apps that don't use an internet connection, as sometimes the public wi-fi goes down. That way if it does go down, I can still demonstrate the Xoom's abilities.
Help me sell Xooms and show up all those iSnobs that come into my store!
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Quick list:
Flash (47% of all web sites have flash according to a research firm as of today)
Higher quality cameras (Many times better then the iPad 2)
Excellent battery life
A solid screen. (It might help if you turn the brightness off auto and place it at 100%)
Put it next to the ipad2's, not by netbooks. (some kind of DroidDoes-eque banner would be great, but I can understand that could be hard to get.)
A SD slot (stress that it WILL happen soon. (like may)
4G upgrade (Stress it's FREE, something the iPad 2 will never have, and that it's a hardware upgrade and will only take a matter of days)
I would load up a couple of graphically advanced games on the main home screen. (like maybe GunBros and SpeedX 3D, both of which are fun, free, good looking games)
Stress how open it is to making it individual (ease at which to customize)
If the person looks tech savy, be sure to say the boot loader is unlockable.
Stress the widescreen (16:9) over the "full screen" (4:3) iPad
Use some of the tablet optimized apps to show the multipane options. (show this next to the iPad as an OS designed for a tablet screen, not a handheld screen.)
And lastly for my list, compare the browser to the ipad browser, with tabs and a fuller experience. it earns high marks.
Hope this helped and wasn't too repeative.
(p.s. on the hole lack of books app, just go through and reinstall the apps and register with the same account as the Xoom is on.)
p.s.s. just customize it, make it look like a person uses it, not like it just came from a factory.

Another thing you can show them...
HDMI Out, with HD support. They could even do video chats on their TV (something the ipad can't do w/o an expensive add-on, and even then it doesn't look very good due to it not being HD and being in 4:3).
The ONE area where the ipad beats the xoom is standby battery. But for all that battery, you give up all the cool widgets and what makes android cool. So to me, it was a no-brainer.
If you have the authority, send a demo xoom home with your sales associates, let 'em keep it for a weekend or something so they KNOW what all they can do with it. Encourage them to play with it and do whatever they want. Once a person gets ahold of this device, they'll realize how amazing it truly is and they'll start to spread that enthusiasm to customers. I loved my android phone at first, but after a week of playing with it, I wouldn't trade it for a dozen iphones.
It's all about getting these things in peoples' hands. If they can SEE what it does, they'll want one, it's just that simple. It beats the ipad in virtually every area. When you couple that with the fact that the xoom is incredibly customizable, themeable, unlockable and the browsing experience is so much better, it's a winner of a tablet.
If they want a tablet to play the guitar, drums or some other synthesizer nonsense, then the ipad is for them. If they want to CONNECT to other people and experience the web as it's meant to be, they need the xoom.

Google maps with 3d buildings look great on zoom.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk

Prepare your Xoom with Moboplayer and load it up with some movies in different formats with all different kind of subtitles (.srt, .ass (this is a subtitle format), and be sure to get some .mkv with built-in subtitles). Then choose the correct subtitle for the correct customer.

>It really irks me, people come in to the store and in that sheepish voice ask "do you have any iPads?". By the time I say "No. But I would love to show you our android ta..." they are halfway out the door.
I don't know what you can do for the Xoom, but it'd help your sales pitch by not starting with a "no."
That said, there isn't much you can do or say, other than to wait for Moto to drop its premium pricing--or until it releases the 16GB SKU at a more competitive price.

Most people don't want a Xoom and you can't make them.
Sent from my Captivate


Summarization of complaints regarding the XOOM.

Why are people complaining that their Motorola Xoom isn't a phone? I get a real laugh out of the "I'm so pissed because I can't call someone from this device" threads. Texting is another laughable point? Really you aren't carrying a phone around with you at the same time as your Xoom that you can't pull it out for 3 seconds and fire off that txt? One guy wants to know why he can't use his Xoom as a GPS while he's FLYING.
Here is a short list of features that I *love* about the Xoom so far:
- Holy **** the screen is sexy. Playing around with some of these apps on a 10" widescreen is awesome.
- Battery Life - I am charing the thing overnight, picking it up in the morning at 100% and then typically ending the day at 70+% remaining. This is fantastic to me.
- Portability and ease of access - Using my acer netbook was a pain in the ass because I had to wait for windows to load, the desktop to show up... the workspace to be ready. This is instant on and ready.
- RDP works well - I can get into my books from anywhere, generate invoices and e-mail them to a customer right there on the spot. It's impressive and when you're a technology company it just looks good.
- Email support - The exchange support is awesome. The stock mail client could be a little stronger but I am very happy that it supports HTML as the android 2.2 / 2.3 mail client on my Nexus One does not/did not.
- Available storage space - Not having the SD slot isn't bothering me one bit. I would go as far as saying I may not ever even need it. Shipping the product with 32GB of internal storage was the way to go.
- App support - Out of the box, like 90% of my apps worked fine (granted I only use heavily maybe 5 out of the 40 that i have installed). The one or two apps that were missing at launch I've already gotten word from the developers that tablet ready versions or updates are on the way.
- Connectivity - Being a first time Verizon subscriber I am very impressed with the radio and/or 3G network behind it. When my AT&T phone has a **** signal or no signal at all, this Xoom tablet still picks up signal. That's cool to me and is a point that I would like to make separately about the need for the 3G version. Sure, I can tether through my AT&T phone but then I've got two points of failure to worry about.
My thoughts and comments regarding media consumption on this device:
- Music - I haven't had any issues at all. I use Windows Media Player 12 as a part of Windows 7 to manage my music library and it works wonderfully with the Xoom. I sync music to it just like any other generic MP3/music player. I susbcribe to the Zune Pass so actually obtaining music for me is a function I do on my PC, and then just transfer the music as I want or need it. To say that I must be able to download or purchase XYZ song on the road isn't necessary... isn't that what Pandora is for? Use Pandora to listen to what you want until you are in a position to purchase music, then do that. That's how I approach it.
- Videos/Movies - I'm not really a big "watch videos/movies on your portable" guy to begin with. That said, I do like to use youtube to show off certain things like video game trailers or movie trailers or something... but you tube isn't the issue on the Xoom and I don't think ever has been or ever will be. Some people have complained that the Xoom doesn't play the same H.264 videos that they can play on their Droid. To them I say that I'm sorry but your droid isn't running a Tegra 2 chipset. I do agree that the Tegra 2 should be able to handle a lot but I didn't design it.. shrug, what do I know. Seemingly however... the thing plays H.264 just fine if its encoded properly and it looks damn good. I ripped Kill Bill Volume 1 to H.264 with a 2k bitrate and it looked fantastic on the Xoom screen. I will admit that I'm not the best guy to take advice from in this area.
My thoughts / comments on whiners:
- Flash / SD Card Support - I really don't have anything to say about this. Flash 10.2 will be out soon enough and as far as the SD card is concerned I don't even need it. I only have a 4GB Class 6 micro SD card what's that going to do for me? It's laughable in size compared to whats in the unit.. I would only want to put a matching 32GB sd card in and that's gonna be another $100 minimum. Now your $799 device is an $899 device... where's the complaint for that?
- Can't make phone calls / TXT - Jesus christ, go buy a phone.
Nice review, particularly liked, "- Can't make phone calls / TXT - Jesus christ, go buy a phone."
Couldn't agree more!
Just ordered myself a Xoom and you've made me feel even better about my purchase. I'm a little worried about the video codecs thing but I'm sure Rockplayer or some such will sort that out. Thanks for a great review.
Thanks for the comments. If anyone has particular questions about the device or advice on how to best use the device for their situation fire away.
agreed up to one point
i agree man, def however
google voice must be used on this. not because of texting as a cellphone but because it does much more and can be so amazingly baked with all other google products.
that my friend, is inarguable.
please help that at least here
You'll have to expand on your thought process for me. What do you want to use google voice for? Will it help you avoid scratching your Xoom up so you don't have to return a second one?
cwizardtx said:
You'll have to expand on your thought process for me. What do you want to use google voice for? Will it help you avoid scratching your Xoom up so you don't have to return a second one?
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Google Voice gives you a platform independent texting and voicemail interface. It does help to have it handy.
Why shouldn't your android tablet and phone be linked in some way so that you could receive notifications on either device and respond to them exactly like how webos works? Who could act like this is a ridiculous request??
Also, don't get your hopes up with regards to media playback. Tegra 2 is awful in that regard and has been proven on here in a different thread to be incapable of 720p high profile, which all galaxy s phones can do flawlessly.
Also, asking got certain features or if something is possible is not complaining.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
my second one is much more protected now thanks for the sad comment.
anyways, i am baffled at how one wouldnt want this, clearly people havent FOUND the use of it, to which i understand.
the customizations on notifications; be it text or voicemail is amazing and so useful, having this on your tablet WILL be a big plus trust me.
controlling voice mail set ups for particular people, having transcribed vm being able to foward that/ download that, controll recorded phone conversations, archiving, starring emails/texts
cwizardtx said:
- Can't make phone calls / TXT - Jesus christ, go buy a phone.
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Couldnt you use an app to hand those stuff over your 3g/4g services?
I don't necessarily expect the tablet to act as an independent texting device, but I would prefer to not have to pull my phone out of my pocket while I've got my Xoom in my hands already. I know I'll almost 99% of the time have my phone and tablet on me at the same time, but its more of a convenience thing.
The way that WebOS pulls your notifications to your tablet via bluetooth from your phone is perfect. I'm already tethering my Xoom for internet off my phone, why not just have text messages pop over too?
martonikaj said:
I don't necessarily expect the tablet to act as an independent texting device, but I would prefer to not have to pull my phone out of my pocket while I've got my Xoom in my hands already. I know I'll almost 99% of the time have my phone and tablet on me at the same time, but its more of a convenience thing.
The way that WebOS pulls your notifications to your tablet via bluetooth from your phone is perfect. I'm already tethering my Xoom for internet off my phone, why not just have text messages pop over too?
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The way Palm... or well, HP, made the WebOS phones and WebOS tablets work together is very impressive. Implementing that text idea would be perfect.
Eclair~ said:
The way Palm... or well, HP, made the WebOS phones and WebOS tablets work together is very impressive. Implementing that text idea would be perfect.
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I agree. And its something that iOS and Android aren't even close to implementing. I see no reason why Google couldn't figure this out. I'm assuming that it will come later, probably with 2.4 for phones which will apparently implement what Google learned about 3.0 back into phones.
Automatically archiving your incoming text messages to an email address linked to your Xoom would at least be a step in the right direction. Granted it's only 50% of the issue, but it's better than nothing. At least you know whether or not to check your phone with a glance at your inbox notification.
theahlenius said:
Automatically archiving your incoming text messages to an email address linked to your Xoom would at least be a step in the right direction. Granted it's only 50% of the issue, but it's better than nothing. At least you know whether or not to check your phone with a glance at your inbox notification.
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I use SMS Backup for this very reason and just put gmail label shortcuts on my tablet. If my phone is upstairs or in my bag, I can just check the email to see if I got any texts.
But it would be cool if I could automatically notify on my tablet.
Sent from my SPH-P100 using XDA Premium App
cwizardtx said:
Why are people complaining that their Motorola Xoom isn't a phone? I get a real laugh out of the "I'm so pissed because I can't call someone from this device" threads. Texting is another laughable point? Really you aren't carrying a phone around with you at the same time as your Xoom that you can't pull it out for 3 seconds and fire off that txt? One guy wants to know why he can't use his Xoom as a GPS while he's FLYING.
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I am so sick and tired of this pompous ass attitude. Maybe I keep my Xoom with me everywhere, maybe I use a bluetooth and never "pull out" my phone... MAYBE I dont want to pay to keep several devices active that do the exact same ****. What myself and many others have been after does not degrade the tablet devices that are out one bit, and in fact has been simply DISABLED on some devices.
Long story short, I do not appreciate you calling my desires for this device laughable, especially considering there are quite a few people with the same wants/needs.
/rant off
Morkai Almandragon said:
I am so sick and tired of this pompous ass attitude. Maybe I keep my Xoom with me everywhere, maybe I use a bluetooth and never "pull out" my phone... MAYBE I dont want to pay to keep several devices active that do the exact same ****. What myself and many others have been after does not degrade the tablet devices that are out one bit, and in fact has been simply DISABLED on some devices.
Long story short, I do not appreciate you calling my desires for this device laughable, especially considering there are quite a few people with the same wants/needs.
/rant off
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I agree. People that make an argument like this are no better than apple in telling them what limits their device has.
And the guy wasn't complaining about airplane GPS, he was just wondering about it. There's a lot of people that do recreational flying and only do daylight clear weather trips. A GPS is great to tell you where you are, its not like they'd be using it to get from point A to point B or landing on a runway in fog or flying a commercial airliner.
Just because someone wants something better (for them) doesn't mean its a complaint, its merely a wish. Ideas and hopes make these devices better and inspire devs to create things we all love.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App

[Q] Debating a Return before Wednesday

First off, let me say that i'm no fan of Apple and I really can't stand Steve Jobs. Yes, i've bought his products, but I hate being told what to do once I give him my money. I like customization. I like options. Hence, I do not like Steve Jobs.
I was very excited about the Xoom. I checked online every day for information about it since it's announcement. I had very high expectations and, even though the price tag was higher than I wanted to pay, I was the first to buy it at my local Best Buy.
Now, with that being said. I'm coming up on my 14 day return policy and am debating if I should keep it. I am new to this forum and have been reading through all the threads and learned a lot. However, in my learnings, I have also found things that concern me.
To start, let me tell you why I bought it. I had an iPad before and I mainly used it for online browsing around the house. For movies when I go on trips. And I wanted to use the Xoom for all of that, but also as my work and personal organizer. For easy access to business plans and work integration.
Here's where I'm having problems. If these are things that I should expect to be fixed with updates over time, then great. If not, then I'll have to find another option.
1) The Tegra Processor. I read on here that the Tegra Processor is what is preventing the Xoom from playing my divx movies. Now, I have gotten them to work on RockPlayer. But it has that watermark in the top left hand corner and my status bar at the bottom of the xoom never fades out. Also, and this is the biggest problem, the quality doesn't look good. It looks like their is a subtle light grid in the background. Almost like the original LCD's you saw in airports back in the day. When I first heard about the Tegra issues, I was just going to return the Xoom and get another Honeycomb tablet, but then I saw that all of the Android Tablets will have one.
2) The Browser. I did the trips where you go into debug mode and tell the Xoom to view all webpages in Desktop mode, but there are still a few sites that will only show me the mobile mode. Also, I like to have my bookmarks sorted by the order in which I visit them, yet the Xoom seems to randomly organize them for me. Kinda annoying.
3) Accessories. The only thing that I loved about my iPad was not the unit, but the Apple portfolio case. The motorola porfotlio case is just bulky, scratches the unit, and the latch is loose at best. I've found some nice leather cases online, but none that fold over and cover the screen. Yes, I have a screen protector. But, even those I can't find a good one with anti-glare.
4) eMail. I use exchange and apparently my work email is one of the ones that won't work on the xoom. I had to get Roadsync, which is okay, but I just prefer to use the default, integrated email/contacts/calendar programs. My EVO is perfect for this.
5) Widgets. Seriously, what's the deal with having cell phone sized widgets on a 10.1" screen. LauncherPro is nice, but still has custom icons like it's a phone, which I find to be in the way.
I know that most of these things seem small. But when you drop $800 on a device because you expect atleast the same functionality as your smaller cell phone, you come to have higher standards. I knew about Flash and the SD card issue going in, but the rest is bothersome. I know i'm an early adapter and with that comes quirks.
In any case, you all are 1000x smarter than me with this thing. I will take whatever advice you have.
1. Touchdown for tablets is great for email.
2. Some sites might not have updated their pages yet.
3. Apple always gets the third party love but more and more products are coming online everyday check Amazon
4. Being this is Google's flagship devise you have to believe this will be supported with updates and the file types should change
OK, first off, I agree with alot of what you have said, your right the software is a bit buggy at this time, again at this time. What you have to consider is that that this is an android device, and by that I mean it does not have all the overage that alot of companies put out on top of the overall software that make it look nice and neat, to include custom apps and infrastructure, but this also means that it is much easier to update. Half the time lost between when an actual Android update comes out and the time it takes for your device to get that update is due to all the crap that the company puts on top of the original Android infrastructure.
Give it a bit of time and I am sure that most of your problems can be worked out to you satisfaction due to them being software and not hardware problems.
Also take into account that since Motorola chose to use this clean interface it makes it much easier to modify by the hacking community , which is definitely something that an iPad cannot due.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
virgil1528 said:
1) The Tegra Processor. I read on here that the Tegra Processor is what is preventing the Xoom from playing my divx movies.
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Any CPU/GPU can play video so long as it supports the right codecs. Have you tried transcoding to a supported codec?
xlGmanlx said:
1. Touchdown for tablets is great for email.
2. Some sites might not have updated their pages yet.
3. Apple always gets the third party love but more and more products are coming online everyday check Amazon
4. Being this is Google's flagship devise you have to believe this will be supported with updates and the file types should change
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Well said.
+1 for Touchdown. It is fantastic for exchange, I use it on both my Evo and Xoom.
If this wasn't a Google Experience device, I'd say your complaints would carry more weight.
However, Google has always done a good job of keeping their GE devices updated and at the forefront.
This device only just came out, I'm fairly sure they will get things handled fairly quickly.
As far as the apps/widgets go. This is still a new device and platform. All android tablets are going to suffer from the same right now. However...again... this issue is largely due to the limited time the device/platform has been available. Within a few weeks...I'm sure we'll see a lot more apps/widgets (even the ipad had limited selection out right). Just think of what it'll be like in a couple of weeks/months with more custom apps/roms/kernels etc...
I had buyers remorse for the first evening...not for any particular reason...and now I can't put it down. Not to mention my wife (who has an iPad), won't shut-up about when she is getting her Xoom
So I would say hang on to it, but that's just me. Do what makes you happy
I've come to the decision that I'll be taking mine back on the 13th day.
I've tried to really give it love and get use out of it, but tablets just don't really fill any niche except "web browsing on the couch".
I'm a sysadmin by day, and although I've carried the Xoom with me every time I step away from my desk, it just hasn't served a single purpose on the job. I had imagined it would be neat to dial into servers using RDP, but the interface is just horrible. I'm much better off just dialing into the server in question at any desk I'm in front of. I'm never more than 8-12 feet from a desktop machine, so there goes that.
Pulse news reader is basically the killer app, but is hardly worth 1000 (799 + tax + extra charger + 129 protection plan against drops for 1yr + case).
Motorola certainly hasn't won me over on the price especially considering I prepaid for it on the first day I could (at two different best buys just to cover bases), and then people who *DIDN'T* do that had a chance at 200 dollars off that was honored in the end. Ridiculous.
I had intended to pick up android development for tablets eventually, but I can hold off and stick with honing my Python until these come way down in price or offer some more functionality.
That's too bad, this has taken over as my laptop and let's me have a mobile office so to speak
For RDP I use Remote RDP light and it works credibly, but if your looking for true RDP functionality then you have to have a mouse and keyboard, and guess what, you bought a tablet with a touch screen interface, you can buy a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse if you want, but that just means more devices to carry around. A tablet, any tablet, will not be the proper interface for RDP, it can't, it is not a PC with all the perifials. A tablet, as far as RDP is concerned, is a device to do what you have to do when a PC is not around and a cell phone is impractical. As a network administrator I can do some of the emergency things that I need to accomplish while out on the town with my tablet, reading a book, surfing the web, commenting on a blog, watching a movie, all without lugging a laptop.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
Yeah, unless you wanted to leave the mouse and just use the tablet as a touch screen with a keyboard your better off with a laptop. But like you said in a pinch its tough too beat
richardjr said:
For RDP I use Remote RDP light and it works credibly, but if your looking for true RDP functionality then you have to have a mouse and keyboard, and guess what, you bought a tablet with a touch screen interface, you can buy a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse if you want, but that just means more devices to carry around. A tablet, any tablet, will not be the proper interface for RDP, it can't, it is not a PC with all the perifials. A tablet, as far as RDP is concerned, is a device to do what you have to do when a PC is not around and a cell phone is impractical. As a network administrator I can do some of the emergency things that I need to accomplish while out on the town with my tablet, reading a book, surfing the web, commenting on a blog, watching a movie, all without lugging a laptop.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
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Keep the tab. U will love it in 6 months when everything is revamped
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
Usmc7356 said:
Keep the tab. U will love it in 6 months when everything is revamped
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
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I don't imagine I'll walk away and never look back, but now I know what they're good for (and not good for) and when the price wars drive these down to 400ish I'll scoop one up again. : /
Not all tablets are create equal, and sometimes it takes having one first hand to validate all the information out there and how it applies to your situation
ixobelle said:
I don't imagine I'll walk away and never look back, but now I know what they're good for (and not good for) and when the price wars drive these down to 400ish I'll scoop one up again. : /
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Return your Xoom and buy it in 6 months for cheaper price
Or probably there will be a new kind of better Honeycomb tablet at that time.
Usmc7356 said:
Keep the tab. U will love it in 6 months when everything is revamped
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
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codeman05 said:
Well said.
+1 for Touchdown. It is fantastic for exchange, I use it on both my Evo and Xoom.
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I downloaded the free version of Touchdown this morning after reading this thread. Could you explain to me why it is so great? I haven't had time to use it extensively but maybe you can quickly list some advantages over the stock mail client?
I understand your frustration and you ultimately need to do what makes you feel most comfortable. Most of your issues are software related and you know things can only get better with updates. Google has a lot riding on Honeycomb so I expect updates to come fast and often.
1) The Tegra Processor - Seems like your issue is not with the Tegra but with how the codecs handle Divx. Software update could fix this but also developers can do wonders.
2) The Browser - Software update again. The browser is a great starting point and, with some minor tweaks, will be fantastic.
3) Accessories - As more Xooms sell, more 3rd parties will have a business case to make accessories for it. I'm thinking that when the Xoom wifi and Xoom for Europe are released (indications say that will happen at the same time) then we'll see a flood of new 3rd party goodies.
4) eMail - Software update. ALTHOUGH, I'm not 100% sure this is a priority for Google. People complain that they wish the AOSP phones went a step further with their Exchange implementations. Still, the chances are you'll be ok moving forward.
5) Widgets - This is a microcosm of the entire app market right now for Honeycomb. Devs need to start updating their apps with Tablets in mind. Again, more people owning Honeycomb, more reasons for devs to get on it.
The point I'm trying to make is the only way for the Xoom to go is up. As more people buy, more attention the aftermarket will pay to it. If previous Android versions are any indication (and they are,) this is a snowball effect. It'll just get bigger and bigger.
As to the RDP: I use the XtraLogic Remote Desktop app and it works wonderfully, completed designed around the touch interface.
Between Remote Desktop and ConnectBot, I've found a million uses for this as a sysadmin. I don't know how you haven't found a single use for it.

Cool Xoom Story at my Dr's Office Today

I went to see my Spine Surgeon today ( I have a really bad back and need a 2nd Spinal Fusion, Facet Joints this time, I take Percocet 10/325 and HydroMorphone 4mg for Pain). Any ways when I was done and leaving I over heard my Dr. talking to another Dr. about the Motorola Xoom and how he would like one to replace his laptop and the the iPad 2 was out of the question (as he has a Droid X and liked Android). As it happened I had my Xoom with me (I take it everywhere with me and showed it to him and he was VERY impressed and said this is what he was/is looking for. He asked about Google Voice (as that's important for him and I said it will be coming). I explained how Honeycomb was a new OS and needed sometime to grow and he understood and said he did not like iOS. I showed him Evernote and used it with my Stylus Pen and he said he would get one later today
If Dr.s start seeing an advantage of the Xoom/Honeycomb over iPad/iOS, Honeycomb will make a big splash. I also showed his nurse Toy Story 3 and Avatar (Blu-Ray) and she was sold as well.
The Dr. he was talking to asked me if I had Rooted yet ( he obviously knows what's going on and I said No as I had not seen any ROM's worth Rooting for yet) and that the only reason for me to root so far is to Overclock to 1.5ghz. I told him that the SDK or AOSP for Honeycomb had not been released yet but when it does I will definitely Root and start Flashing ROM's/Kernel's. I showed them my Rooted HTC EVO and how I was using it as a Wireless Hotspot (in the Hospital) and they were really impressed.
Suffice it to say but if Dr's are starting to hear about the Xoom/Honeycomb it has major potential (especially in that area). I told him about the HTC Flyer and that it may be worth looking at as well as it may be more to his liking. I told him it was only 7" but he liked the 10" form factor and wanted to replace his laptop and use it while talking with patients
if he has the income, he could probably get them all XD
As great as the Xoom is and the I pad, hospitals will take a while to get behind it due to security. Drs can store Protected Health Information on the device and run the risk or a data breech if lost ormaliciuos software allows access.
At my org there has been talk about the Playbook due to it being on a blackberry platform, but the pressure is out there for them to allow droid and apple tablets which they are trying to delay implimenting.
By the way...I carry my Xoom with me at my hospital and get lots of questions from the docs, butuse it primarily for school so its not on our network
A 2nd fusion - wow. That sucks. I hope this one gets you all set.
We need more folks in the professional sphere to start touting the benefits of android. That will come with time though - apple effectively has a head start on the whole tablet thing, just as it did with popularizing the smart phone, but it won't last. I see android tablets taking this market over as well - once two or three iterations of hardware and software occur.
You DID show him Google Body, didn't you??
XOOM'd from the XDA app.
GarnetandBlack said:
A 2nd fusion - wow. That sucks. I hope this one gets you all set.
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Me too bro, me too. Right now I am on Percocet 10/325 and HydroMorphone 4mg (4x a day) and that stuff is VERY, VERY, Strong. The HydroMorphone is 4x more powerful than Morphine. They are going to Fuse my Facet Joints as they have become loose and Arthritic
As a PA for an orthopaedic surgeon I use my xoom a lot. Rdp to our office emr is a snap. The battery life is way better than our office tablet laptops. In fact....just before surgery he asked if I could pull up the office charts on a patient we were getting ready to do surgery on.....I trurned on the EVO hot spot and (I have the wifi only model) I had the chart up in a minute. I don't like ios. He is a Mac guy but I'm slowly winning him over. Its gonna take time but I can tell you after booting the iPhone / ios ill never go back for our needs. I can send scripts to pharmacies, check patient charts ( hospital system and office emr) with the click of three buttons.
Android kills.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
Well I am primary in commerical real estate investing but I also own som retail businesses and I have replaced my laptop with my xoom. So far so good. My biggest complaints are that the office programs are not robust enough, especially on the spreadsheet side (I have quickoffice hd and docs to go full). Also, I think google needs a builtin file manager for the tablet os (one more reason not to have one os for all android devices). Google needs to treat the tablet like a netbook and not like a big phone (like apple does with the ipad).
The portablility is awesome and the beats carrying my laptop around or reading docs and spreadsheets on my epic and blackberry. Basically when need I need to create a spreadsheet or scan something I hope on one of the desktops at the office. Otherwise its zoom. Plus with google cloud print I can even print from the xoom!
Overall its getting there. Make the tablet a laptop replacement not some cool extra toy like the ipad and google will completely capture the business market.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Should have told him you can use Google Voice but you just need to install the apk.
diablonyc2 said:
As great as the Xoom is and the I pad, hospitals will take a while to get behind it due to security. Drs can store Protected Health Information on the device and run the risk or a data breech if lost ormaliciuos software allows access.
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Fortunately Honeycomb supports encrypted the storage drive so that should not be that big of a problem for Android
Cool Story bro!
Now we just need more tablet compatible apps.
If Google wants to sell its OS to doctors, they really need to come out with some special medicine oriented apps/s. I'm not talking about apps from users or small companies, I am talking about official Google apps like Body.
bet he just wants it for Google Body -
diablonyc2 said:
As great as the Xoom is and the I pad, hospitals will take a while to get behind it due to security. Drs can store Protected Health Information on the device and run the risk or a data breech if lost ormaliciuos software allows access.
At my org there has been talk about the Playbook due to it being on a blackberry platform, but the pressure is out there for them to allow droid and apple tablets which they are trying to delay implimenting.
By the way...I carry my Xoom with me at my hospital and get lots of questions from the docs, butuse it primarily for school so its not on our network
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More than likely, they will be using some manner of client/server situation, where the patient data is centralized, and the client just being a dumb terminal. Only have to worry about access control, since no critical data would be stored locally.
FrayAdjacent said:
More than likely, they will be using some manner of client/server situation, where the patient data is centralized, and the client just being a dumb terminal. Only have to worry about access control, since no critical data would be stored locally.
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my thoughts too
you'd not want any data stored on the device - only apps/whatever to get at the data remotely.
problem is you'd then need wifi to corporate network and that may be a big security no-no in some places, unless a vpn solution is incorporated...
It will be interesting to see "what's next" in this governemnt regulations on protecting data become more and more intesne. Client/Server seems to be the best scenario currently through a secured connection.
If someone could build a better mousetrap the market is wide open! It will be interesting to see how the Playbook fairs....could it revive the brand?
As for the Xoom --- love the size of it...cannot wait until I get a good portfolio for it to make carrying around inconspicious! I plan on phasing this in to take the place of my notepad.

Give me some reasons why I should get a Xoom and trade my iPad 2

I want to hear from Xoom users some advantages on getting the Xoom. I currently have an iPad 2 and it's cool but there is no JB for it yet. I saw some articles on Google IO today and was amazed at the USB host support which would make it awesome for emulators.
What are some advantages you guys think would be? I currently own an Evo so I'm familiar with Android. I'm more interested in knowing the cool things you can do with it. I found someone in CL who is interested in trading his Xoom for my iPad 2. Thanks.
Reason #1, it gets you away from Kool-Aide drinking mac-bots who think everything has to be white.
Anyone else have a constructive response?
gqstatus0685 said:
I want to hear from Xoom users some advantages on getting the Xoom. I currently have an iPad 2 and it's cool but there is no JB for it yet. I saw some articles on Google IO today and was amazed at the USB host support which would make it awesome for emulators.
What are some advantages you guys think would be? I currently own an Evo so I'm familiar with the Evo. I'm more interested in knowing the cool things you can do with it. I found someone in CL who is interested in trading his Xoom for my iPad 2. Thanks.
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Those of us who show our loyalty to google will be rewarded with land and women once the takeover is complete.
Additionally, flash is neat, USB hosting, I'm fairly siked about google music. Greater customization. I'd wait to see how 3.1 runs but it looks very promising in the dev notes.
you are not bound to itunes, you can customize your UI, your notifications wont interrupt you, its positioned to be compatible with a ****load of other devices, hdmi ready, amazon and sony love android
gqstatus0685 said:
Anyone else have a constructive response?
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How is that not contructive? Apple confines you to their standards. Time to open up and do what the user wants to do....Coca-cola taste a ton better than Kool-Aide
Best advice I can give you is just read the reviews and see if you like it. Seriously read up.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
Upcoming ice cream sandwich!
Sent from my Evo using XDA Premium App
dunno why you need convincing ... just check out the features and play with one at a best buy.
Is Google Body available for the Xoom? I'm interested in that. I'll still have my 1st gen iPad so I don't mind trading it in. Are their any cool things you can do with it like connecting bluetooth devices, etc?
One thing I hate about the iPad 2 is the camera. I took a picture of my daughter up close and it was so blurry I thought she was a UFO. I think it's rated at under 1MP.
MitchRapp said:
dunno why you need convincing ... just check out the features and play with one at a best buy.
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I played with one at Best Buy but it was molested beyond recognition. There was so much stuff scattered all over the screen I didn't have the patience to look through it. I wanted input from someone who owns it and has played with it for over a month.
Are the apps catching up? What I mean by this is are there a lot of tablet apps out yet or just phone apps.
gqstatus0685 said:
Is Google Body available for the Xoom? I'm interested in that. I'll still have my 1st gen iPad so I don't mind trading it in. Are their any cool things you can do with it like connecting bluetooth devices, etc?
One thing I hate about the iPad 2 is the camera. I took a picture of my daughter up close and it was so blurry I thought she was a UFO. I think it's rated at under 1MP.
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see, something you could have easily checked online Google Body is one of the "made for Honeycomb" apps. It was released along with the XOOM.
gqstatus0685 said:
I played with one at Best Buy but it was molested beyond recognition. There was so much stuff scattered all over the screen I didn't have the patience to look through it. I wanted input from someone who owns it and has played with it for over a month.
Are the apps catching up? What I mean by this is are there a lot of tablet apps out yet or just phone apps.
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Plenty of tablet apps and "tegra HD" apps available.
Also, pretty much every app I've tried that didn't specify Honeycomb support worked anyways. the "HD" games are spectacular (youtube "pinball HD honeycomb" ... it's 2.99 USD (2.84 CDN haha) and it rocks.
multitasking, much better webexperience than safari, flash support
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
Starting a thread like this is just to fan the flames of fanboyism. Don't come on this forum and try to stoke fires. Go try them out and make your own decisions.
I actually purchased the Ipad 2 and received it about 2 weeks ago. It took me less than a week to call Apple and request and return package. I then went into Best buy and purchased a Xoom.
Here are the reasons why:
- FLASH: I watch videos online all the time, and most of them are sites that use flash
- Being able to just download a mp3, an image, or even videos right from the browser and save it wherever I want to
- Being able to open the downloaded file with the app I want
- Being able to connect my Xoom to my PC at work and transfer whatever file I want
- Being able to customize my homescreen to my liking
- Notifications
- Widgets (I just hated that fact that I always had to go to the settings to activate bluetooth or wi-fi for example
- Now with Honeycomb 3.1 announced, I'm really not regretting buying the Xoom
h_zee13 said:
I actually purchased the Ipad 2 and received it about 2 weeks ago. It took me less than a week to call Apple and request and return package. I then went into Best buy and purchased a Xoom.
Here are the reasons why:
- FLASH: I watch videos online all the time, and most of them are sites that use flash
- Being able to just download a mp3, an image, or even videos right from the browser and save it wherever I want to
- Being able to open the downloaded file with the app I want
- Being able to connect my Xoom to my PC at work and transfer whatever file I want
- Being able to customize my homescreen to my liking
- Notifications
- Widgets (I just hated that fact that I always had to go to the settings to activate bluetooth or wi-fi for example
- Now with Honeycomb 3.1 announced, I'm really not regretting buying the Xoom
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Thanks. I'm going to pull the trigger and do the trade. I still have an iPad 1st gen so I can fall back on the apps I love like Netflix. Hopefully they hack other OS's on the Xoom like Linux. Thanks for all the positive responses from the few of you who weren't just looking to increase your post count.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
In short, it's not quite a slick as the iPad 2 and there are nowhere near enough tablet specific apps, but imo the browser is better, it's more customizable, google maps is far better as is the multi-tasking. But you should know that HD videos will require re-encoding due to the Tegra2 chip and it's limitations.
I think the biggest reason you have already mentioned in your post.
iPad2 is a Jail. It needs to be broken.
I used to be an iPhone user (3GS and 4G).
I am sick of being told you should do things this way and if you don't , you are screwed.
Xoom and all other android device brings me "freedom" in what I OWN.
Specifically in terms of functions
0. Flash
1. You get much better camera (5mp back, 2mp front facing)
2. You have the rights to root it, install customized roms/themes
3. You can install third party apps freely.
4. You can flash kernels to overclock your CPU to 1.5Ghz while iPad 2 is stuck at 1G max
5. You have strong Dev community to create stuff. as long as there is a need. Apparently it requires certain level of computer proficiency but from what you mentioned, you definitely have it.
6. You have google rolling out more and more exciting updates and with an open source concept, the market share of Android will bypass iOS by much and developer community will definitely notice this part of the market and create apps (commercial apps) around it.
7. many apps you know what is going on because you can see source code.
8. To someone who may worry that iPad apps are more than Honeycomb apps, I think at the current rate of brining new apps to platform, it wont be a problem a few months later at all.
9. Oh, you can install and dual boot Ubuntu in it.

Thoughts on [email protected]?
I understand this is a bit off topic (not directly Evo related), but I thought I'd still throw this out there because it may help me. I am working on a competitive analysis report in home automation and wanted to see if anyone had thoughts on this technology. With the announcement of [email protected], this went straight to the top of the list.
Do you think developers are excited to get their hands on this technology? Google mentions the creation of an alarm app that slowly turns the lights on to wake you up, etc. Although the company I just started working for is a few years ahead of Google in this aspect, the robustness and amount of resources available to Google has us wanting to keep a close eye on them.
I personally think that they do have potential here with these ideas, but it would require a lot of effort which they may or may not be willing to do.
I am by no means an expert in this field but what I do think Google's role in this field will be a large one. Having a big name in that arena can help propel smart home technologies in a way that is beneficial to all companies that are in sector.
I think at the end what they will bring is unity just how they did in the smart phone arena.
I'd be all for it. The more things I can eliminate and replace with my phone (which is a must-have anyway), the better.
My question is is Sony going to team up with Google Sony wanted to do this with the ps3 before it came out but I don't think it worked out so well or they cut that idea out of the plan lol
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
I am in full support of it...I love the idea and concept.
This epic reply brought to you by none other than my roxx'd out Evo.
I'd like to see this come to fruition, but I'm also intersted in what microsoft is doing with home automation. They have some pretty cool ideas that they are working with.
I could definitely see something like this being a benefit. A novel, but not entirely surprising, idea for more control / automation. +Tasker support and this could pwn.
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teh roxxorz said:
I am in full support of it...I love the idea and concept.
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I have to agree with you. I have been thinking of some great use cases that may be possible with this technology.
I like this technology idea, however I don't think it should be limited to just Android but should include iOS/Windows, etc.. and be an open spec. I think there are a few things that are stunting this technology growth which I will go over here in this long sleepy thread, which was the only one I could find on XDA in search. This highlights my first point very well.
1. Interest:
There is simply not enough interest for this technology that could be so amazingly cool. First people have to be interested in smartphones and then they also have to be interested in home automation. I have been ever since I've head of Gates's "smart house" and even before then when many of these ideas were covered in sci-fi flicks of the past.
2. Price and Practicality:
Let's face it, anyone who wants home automation right now will pay through the nose for it. This will also lock out many, I mean why pay money to turn on a light remotely when you can just walk over there and do it yourself. What practical purpose does it serve? The disabled is an obvious market that would benefit from such technology but generally most things I see for the disabled cost an arm and a leg because I think they expect people to gouge their insurance companies for the cash.
3. Implementation:
Most people are idiots and can't even figure out how to wire in a light socket, let alone a smart one where you can adjust it remotely from thousands of miles away. They would have to hire a contractor to install/upgrade things/run any wire (more secure than wireless,) etc... which also costs that money thing.
4. Fragmentation:
There are already quite a few competing technologies for home automation. x10 is probably one of the more obvious ones. That's why I say it shouldn't be [email protected], it should be [email protected] or something like that and work across as many mobile devices/computers as possible.
Why am I writing this now? Yesterday my space heater shorted out on me, so at the moment I'm using my dad's spare to keep warm. I'd like to shut it on and off when I'm not at home, specifically to turn it on 30 minutes to an hour before I get home so it's not absolutely frigid when I do. I can't find any home automated space heaters online, anywhere. These should be a thing.
Why here? I love XDA, more specifically I love the people who are developers. If an open standard were to be developed where anyone could modify hardware to work with it I'd expect you guys to come up with the most amazing stuff, especially on the phone/controller end. Also I'm hoping that when this gets big enough that the mods will give mobile home automation a separate subforum as well.
Sony had wanted to do this a long time ago I don't really seeing this going anywhere as dude above said most people can't figure half their crap out nor want to drop money in their house if everything works
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I know cost is a bit high but I work with a supplier in this field. Name is Crestron with an app in market that already does controllers and systems that work within a home. I work in audio visual in regards to these systems that can be controlled with a phone or touch panel. Pretty cool stuffs.
Sent from my EVO
Can you explain the difference between free and pro (for $100!) Just wondering.
There is also autom8 but the server is for windows and I use linux :/
It would be nice if there was a complete list of apps/information on this somewhere.
I haven't specifically looked at the paid vs free Creston apps, but in order for you to use the app you need to first own a Creston system. And per the point made earlier, cost is definitely a limiting factor. $100 for the app is nothing compared to the system. A good whole home Creston automation system (excluding their low end prodigy line) would probably run you over $100k. There are cheaper options out there, but cost is still a big issue which is exaggerated by the fragmentation of the industry.
I have not heard much more about Androids home automation system since the initial announcements. Since then apple has also made plans to enter the arena. Many companies have tried in the ibm...but most fail. Goggle has already suspended it's energy division which is closely related to automation. It will be interesting to watch this market grow as I'm sure it will...
Yeah I remember at Google IO all the lights and stuff they showed off and said a company(forget who exactly) would have some out in the later year but this obviously never happened.
Regardless to do automation you have to change out a ton of things in the home and it gets costly like others have said. Prolly the cheapest is getting stuff like zwave devices switches and controling stuff that route.
I looked into crestron here but it was deff costly. Wouldn't be the 10k you said since my home isn't huge but it was not cheap in the very least still.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Yes, super expensive. But some times you can piece together the systems to get a result you'd love. Guy I work with got the main control unit for 200 bucks. Sounds expensive but its typically a ton more than that lol. Having the Ethernet version of the controller allows him to use his home network and his EVO to send out these commands like turn on tv and at same time turn on surround sound. Or when dvd player is turned on also turn on tv and dim the lights. Just little things like that.
Sent from my EVO
I think they would be do to the fact that we always want one remote for everything rather then the 4 I have now. I think they will come out with alot of things that will be pretty cool.

