[Q] [developer needed] Athletics Application and Website - Android Software Development

Hello everyone!
I am thinking of making a new app, including a website. Since I am a website builder I would love to get some help with building the android app (my knowloedge of java is minimal...).
The fact is; I always have good ideas for building websites etc, but never really have the motivation to develop it. Now I have this thing; I am an athlete and study sports marketing. There are a lot apps for running and fitness, but there is no database-like app for athletics.
What should the app do?
- The app should syncronize with the website I will build, it should be able to upload the user data to the MySQL database.
- It will be a 'social' app so you should be able to put things on twitter with it.
- You should be able to upload your new personal records to it. So you can keep track of your best performances
- There should be information about specific technics (for example the fosbury flop, on high jump).
and more if I can come up with more ideas.
What am I looking for?
- A developer that has about 2 or 3 hours time a week for this project
- Creative people
- People who know how developing for android works.
In a later stadium the developer(s) can earn money from selling the app and adds, 100% of the profit of the app is for the developer(s). The profit I get from the website is 100% for me.
If there's nobody interested, do you guys know where to find someone like this? I can't do it all myself since that's way too much work. But I would love to make it. I will make a logo, and we can discuss about a name for the website and the app.
Please help me. If you have questions, please ask!


Looking for your help guys, Transferring ownership for free!

As most of you know, I am the sole owner of touch innovation. I have done alot to this website (and I still have more to come). THe problem is, over the next half year I have alot of work ahead of me, that affects my future. But I don't particulary want to go into it.
I want someone that can look after and keep the site going for up to 6 months. I know you're thinking "What's the point in this, what do I get out of it?". Well, you get experience.
You'll get a weekly number of emails, submissions etc from people that use the website, you can monitor these, and help out there questions.
You can add programs from here etc.
Why Am I asking this?
I have spent months and months of coding this website (considering the website is only 4 months old, it's a lot of work). And I've hit a niche in the market, people want a website like this, and I am supplying them with one, but I need it to be updated while I am gone. Maybe some marketing (aka advertising) as well, so everything is running peak, and more users are coming.
This is a non-profit organisation, I make no money out of it.
I will pay the guy at the end (maybe), dependant on how much they have done to the website. And I want them to take it upon them self to make any adjustments. The site will potentially be yours for the half year (I will be checking up on it, and If there are some changes that are iffy, I will contact you about it).
It's good experience, and maybe helping me + the community out for a while.
Thanks guys,
Okay, another idea, A team of people can request to be part of the team, and keep the site running well and keep it updated for the time I'm gone
Touch Innovation team (to-be's):
Thanks for anyone who helps in advance, I will be up for giving a little price tag at the end, dependant on whether they've applied effort to maintain the site
No one?
I think it would be awesome to have this opportunity but I have no experience in html coding. Just the basics.
I thought I had replied to this :/
Erm, you dont need any html coding skills. You just need to know how to keep a website updated (using xda, and others) using my simple but easy and clever admin panel. Also advertise to keep hits up etc.
Napbree, I would gladly take this website, but i'm MEGAbusy with studies and work.
I suggest that instead of granting this website to another "sole" person, you create users in your admin panel and grant them to a few people who will keep it updated. I build websites and I can tell you that there's no way i'd be able to handle even one of those i've built, myself.
If a group of people are willing to help, I will be one of them.
I'll also try creating commercial opportunities for the website - profitwise.
I'd usually say "This is not the place to post these kind of posts.. use the Q&A section".. which comes naturally nowadays..
but considering the importance of this... I think we need this thread bumped up until you manage to get what you wish for.
Yes, that would be great. You've given me an awesome idea. A team of people that can mointor and keep the site up and running well, and content updated etc.
I'll start making a list of people who want to become part of the team
And if you could get a commercial opportunity, that would be amazing. I'd be up for selling it as well (maybe). It's just I want to keep the site of my hands for a while. Because my dad died only a week ago, and i'm entering a state of depression, and I need to get out into the world and keep myself busy.
I really like this site, and would like to see it continue.
Nathan has done such great job on developing this site, it would be shame, to see it gone waste!
So anyone who has motivation and some time to take this site under ownership, please contact nathan!
Ps. I'm one of admins of this site, and can tell you that it's really easy to update site, because of the nathan's clever admin panel. I would do it myself if i had the time, but my studies and and other projects takes too much time.
All friends of this site, let's get this thread bumped until we get some help for nathan
Firstly.. i'm sorry. Be well.
Secondly, I have some connections.. I can't promise anything but i might be able to get some advertisments going.. we'll see how it goes.
Also, if manage to get some time off .. sometime.. I'll create flash banners and put them up.
Thank you allevant
And nir36 thanks again, that would be mucho appreciated! very generous
I'm willing to help...
But I'm not sure if I got any use thou as I got no tech experiences or running a website.
My best experience is being a gaming forum moderator and basic computer/pda knowledge.
But, if you think I'm a good canadiate please let me know as I would like to help in anyways.
You don't really need experience in running a site. As long as you can spend some time on the admin panel to add content, it's all good.
I've added you to the to-be team , hope you don't mind.
Thanks! future for the site is looking brighter this is just a bump post
I'll bump your bump
Dear Napbree,
I am an Application Consultant and actually my job consists of making corporate websites for government entities.
Websites I've done include (not exhaustive list)
Same domain but totally different things.
So do count me in if you need help running the website.
I am certified in JAVA (Have Sun Certified Java Programmer and Developer certs) and am proficient in both JSP and Applications.
Currently I am writing CMS based websites using PHP, CSS, HTML and Javascript.
I can definitely write some code to add more cool functionality to your website
I'll bumb your bumbing my bumb
Hi Kenshino,
Application consultant heh, nice!
At the moment, I will be able to code up new sections for the site, for example, the new update that will come sooner or later (when I have time to finish it), has live submission, which means users can instantly add applications, as long as it applies with a few of my automated checks.
But if you have any ideas, and you want to code them up, you can definately! But I wouldn't be able to give source code, but you can code it seperately and then I can incoroporate it nicely
Thank you lots for your interest
Hey, I volunteer too. I am a PC administrator and had had success in hosting my own sites in the past as well as prior administration duties to games like http://www.swcombine.com
Sounds great
Added you to the list, I will contact you all in the future, once I have a nice big list of contributors
let's keep this on top.

I need to hire a developer!

Howdy, the name's Mike. I've got an idea for a comics app that I think has legs. I want to release it for the Android Market, but I'm a graphic designer and I'm absolutely useless when it comes to code. The App Inventor isn't robust enough for my needs. So, I need to hire someone who can take my graphics, concepts and instructions and make it into a real app.
I'm planning this as a commercial application (~1.99/free with ads), so you will be paid well for your work. Preference will be given to developers who can code for multiple platforms (Android/iOS/WP7), have proven development and Android Market experience, enjoy internet comics, and who can meet in person in north Texas.
I've been lurking on XDA since I got my HTC Touch three years ago, and I can't think of anywhere else I'd like to start looking for talented developers. I supply the ideas, the capital and the interface. You supply the rest. Let's make an app. Email me at aggie20x at gmail dot com to get the ball rolling.
[Mods: If this post violates XDA rules, please take it down and email me to let me seek alternatives. I don't want to make any trouble.]
I was wondering a similar thing, but a search doesn't give much.
I didn't want to make a new post, I'm surprised there wasn't a long list of devs for hire already
Please post here if you might be available. I have a rather simple app request.
AndyCr15 said:
I was wondering a similar thing, but a search doesn't give much.
I didn't want to make a new post, I'm surprised there wasn't a long list of devs for hire already
Please post here if you might be available. I have a rather simple app request.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Let's hear it.
Basically I just want an app for my site (see sig below) which will give the posts in a list, have a tab for comments and a tab for videos (from our YouTube channel).
My idea was it would be a way for people to say thanks (I would charge 99p for it) and it would maybe help fund further progress of the site...

[COLAB] Collaboration among developers to advertising APPs

Hi all,
it takes a long time to develop an app and it takes even more to achieve that your app is known.
My app (so far) Voice Message has ads from admob to help me to get some money from the users.
I don't know if this is already said, but I think we can collaborate with Admob auto-ads. For example, I can put ads in Admob of another app as if it were mine and the other developer could do the same.
If you think this is a good idea to promote our apps, I will put ads in Admob to promote your apps, and you will do the same for mine.
We can put in Admob until 50% ads from auto-ads and collaborate among us.
What do you think?
Hi pacosal,
I do really like your idea! You can develop the best apps but if nobody knows them them they're useless.
In the end that's bad for the users and the developers!
I do have two apps in the Market with one of those as a paid app. I would really like to have more advertisement, because personally I think it is the best one available. If we can find more developers who are willing to collaborate we could get a large user base and increase popularity and therefore sales.
I'm willing to put my free app (~60000 downloads and ~30000 active users) into the pot.
Who's next?!
// edit: wow that was my first post, really?! Almost one year after registering...
ok, perfect!
We can wait for more developers or we can start right now and when others developers want to join us, they have to write in this thread.
My app is Voice Message, you can put this kind of ads.
Try the free Voice Message App with url to: market://details?id=com.pacosal.voicemessage
What is your APP?
Tell me and I will promote yours.
Anyone more?
Anyone else?
sorry for the long delay.
Currently I don't have ads in my free app (called 'Stats') and I don't want to update it just to add ads into it. It will take some time for me to put a little work into it.
We should collect more developers to build some kind of community. What do you think about a small website?
It could be a good idea, but at first we need more developers interested in.
Waiting for more developers...
I will post into a German developer board, let's see how it works...

[Q] Newbie needs advice on app development

I'm an IT consultant so I'm not a dummie, but I'm not exactly a programmer either.
We need to create an inventory/audit app for an Android tablet. I looked at the Eclipse documentation and I don't think I want to take the time to learn Java well for just this one app. Which leaves me with these options.
Has anybody used Mobiforms to create apps, and would a smart but untrained newbie be able to develop something reasonably quickly? They don't offer a trial version which I find more than annoying.
Should I just outsource the project to somebody in Bangladesh? I have some experience outsourcing.
Any other recommendations on getting an app created relatively quickly?
Or Google App Inventor...
No offense, but the outsource to Bangladesh comment isn't going to win you a lot of friends that aren't in Bangladesh.
I'd say try app inventor and see what you can learn, you'll know in relatively short order if it will do what you need.
Otherwise maybe you're in over your head and someone should outsource you to Bangladesh. ( kidding! ). Seriously though, if you don't find what you need I would hire out at that point.
I don't know much about Mobiforms, but their website looks terrible. Not that a website is the final word on a company but it strikes me as odd at least.
I spent an while with App Inventor. While it is surprisingly useful it lacks one thing that I must have, that being read/write access to the file system.
Today I just discovered Basic4Android and WOW! I haven't coded in basic in many years, but it's still easier to re-learn that than to learn Java from scratch. I'm sure none of the developers here have any interest in it, but for the occasional hobbiest like myself it's a lot easier to start out with. I recommend it for anybody who doesn't plan on making a career of Java programming or who already have a background in BASIC.
I reviewed Mobiforms and not only is their website aweful, but the documentation for it is aweful too. I can't recommend it for anything.
I will probably still outsource this project though.

[Q] I've Put My App On Kickstarter... Need Genius Marketing Ideas, Help Please!!

Hey guys, long time lurker here...
So basically I'm building a new Android launcher that's designed to make Android more productive and more capable of multitasking... and I decided to do something different and try putting it on Kickstarter to raise some funds! I thought that basically this would prove there was a market for the app, it would build some interest and it would help me to afford to work with other designers and developers. I want to add support for MSOffice file formats but that's something I'm going to have to outsource...
The link to the Kickstarter project can be found here: kickstarter.com/projects/983549908/mulit-window-desktop-launcher-for-android - sorry it's not a live link, I'm new see
So far it's not going well, I asked for £8,000 (it's too much in retrospect, but after tax and Kickstarter/Amazon take their cut it will be a lot less) and so far I have £138 pledged with 23 days to go.
I've sent out countless press releases - even to editors who know me have published things of mine in the past - and had no response. I've tried paying for AdSense and that was a waste of money, and I've posted through every social media outlet I can find... About to try Instagram :-/
My best success so far was posting in the Basic4Android forum where I'm an active member - that's the secret I think, knowing lots of people online and being active. That's my advice to anyone else thinking of doing this! Get active on forums and get known, wish I'd done that more!
Now obviously I'd appreciate any helps with pledges but what I really want is your ideas for marketing and a critique of my video and project page (I think there are areas for improvement). I think that if I could get just one article onto a well-read site then it could potentially snowball... but how can I get noticed?
Has anyone else tried using Kickstarter for an app?
Thanks a lot for your help in advice guys, and I hope you find this useful too. Maybe we can work out what I'm doing wrong and then we've learned how not to raise money for an Android app... :laugh:
I've attached a picture of the app by the way for those interested...

