[Q] question about custom arc rom - Xperia Arc General

will the arc room work for the neo? since both are identical in a lot of ways


[Request] S2 Theme/Port

hi guys, so i was rooting and putting a custom rom on my cousins S2 today, and i came across this ROM
imo it looks very slick, i was wondering if someone could convert that theme or the ROM itself to work on the gt i9000.

Xperia 2011 type theme for w8

I am trying to help my friend as he is so frustrated of his old & obsoleted Sony Ericsson w8
I tried many custom rom to have a new look and better performance but what we end up with are bug,lags etc
So want to ask are there any mods mde to run on W8 with stock 2.1 rom?
Themes which can make w8 look like 2011 xperias or something like that?
Here is an Xperia 2011 theme for stock ROM. You just need to install it with xRecovery.
And ask your questions in the Q&A section.
Use search... There is xperia s launcher, xperia s theme, xperia s locksecreen... And use those with MiniCm7 2.2.1 NO BUGS with this rom...

gear fit manager on i9505

anyone uses the galaxy gear fit with the i9505 ? i tried on a htc one and a xperia z1 and it works but if i install a aosp rom i open the app and give me forced closed , i tried diferent aosp roms and its the same force closes only work in original or custom i9505 roms its strange because htc or sony if its not aosp its similar im tired of Tw based roms and if i cannot use the gear fit manager i cannot use the gear fit

[Q] how to use i9300i custom roms on i9301 ?

no difference between this phones {except dual & single sim} so should be an easy way to use 9300i roms on 9301
but how we can do it?

Best Rom for i9506 ?!

hi there, i would like to know which custom rom is the best for S4 LTE-A i9506 (S800), i tried some but there is always something missing...... can you suggest a stable & smooth rom with no bugs and if possible based on S6 port , please ? (of course it must have air view /air gesture and all the other stock features working also )
Thanks !
