How I do this command? - Legend General

In Blayo 0.7 rom written
kernel modules
Loading kernel modules is done by editing /data/local/modules file. If you want to enable for example ipv6 support, you have to edit this file adding "ipv6" (without absolute path and any suffixes) to it. The same goes for other modules too. Modules are added separated by spaces.
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So how I edit this files?or how I can find their location?
Has this forum some information about editing Android system?

Using some file manager (astro, open intents, root explorer.. whatever you have installed), navigate to that modules file and open it in a text editor, then literally just type in 'ipv6' without the quotations, then save and exit. Reboot your phone and you're good to go.

If you feel intensely nerdy you could echo it in:
adb shell
echo "ipv6" >> /data/local/modules

el.dizzee said:
Using some file manager (astro, open intents, root explorer.. whatever you have installed), navigate to that modules file and open it in a text editor, then literally just type in 'ipv6' without the quotations, then save and exit. Reboot your phone and you're good to go.
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I opened in a text editor but it doesn't show me nothing
I use root explorer
TheGrammarFreak said:
If you feel intensely nerdy you could echo it in:
adb shell
echo "ipv6" >> /data/local/modules
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write "ipv6" quotes or not?

With quotes, I think. To check what you added to the file you'd just echo or cat the file back. If it's go quotes then you can overwrite the whole file by using a > instead of >>

TheGrammarFreak said:
With quotes, I think. To check what you added to the file you'd just echo or cat the file back. If it's go quotes then you can overwrite the whole file by using a > instead of >>
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Sorry for this silly question but what the difference between echo or cat?
I think I will be on the first way because I don't really know how to use ADB right?

virus54 said:
Sorry for this silly question but what the difference between echo or cat?
I think I will be on the first way because I don't really know how to use ADB right?
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Lol. Cat would be better in this case. And I did suggest this method with the preface "If you feel intensely nerdy you could ..."
ADB is easy though

Can you plz give me a guide with ADB?
I will try your way but there is may be something bad with my phone?

Download this (it's the ADB tools) to a known location. Then extract the zip to a known location. Open a command window in that location (for the sake of this guide: C:\ADB) So open CMD (start, run, type CMD, hit enter) In CMD type "cd C:\ADB". Plug your phone into the computer (make sure you're using CM). Debugging mode should be on (you'll get a notification in the status bar of your phone). Type "adb shell". You'll end up with a "#" and nothing else (if you get a "$" just type "su" and hit enter, and on the phone's screen accept the Superuser request).
Execute your comands

TheGrammarFreak said:
Download this (it's the ADB tools) to a known location. Then extract the zip to a known location. Open a command window in that location (for the sake of this guide: C:\ADB) So open CMD (start, run, type CMD, hit enter) In CMD type "cd C:\ADB". Plug your phone into the computer (make sure you're using CM). Debugging mode should be on (you'll get a notification in the status bar of your phone). Type "adb shell". You'll end up with a "#" and nothing else (if you get a "$" just type "su" and hit enter, and on the phone's screen accept the Superuser request).
Execute your comands
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Thank you.
I succeed
what else I can do with ADB?

virus54 said:
Thank you.
I succeed
what else I can do with ADB?
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thank you with your help i did it

virus54 said:
thank you with your help i did it
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virus54 said:
I opened in a text editor but it doesn't show me nothing
I use root explorer
write "ipv6" quotes or not?
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I guess I'm kinda late on the response, but yeah, it's supposed to be blank. And then all you have to to is add in "ipv6", WITHOUT the quotes, and then save and exit. But TGF's method works well too, didn't know to do that.

No problem I will look and learn too
better that i will enter as a 'Hex editor'?
because on "text editor" I cannot edit


root Tattoo with Mac

Hey Boys and Girls,
where i can find an manual to root the tattoo with a mac?
sorry, i have search for this, but i cant find information for this
I don't thing that there is a difference.
As soon as you have SDK installed and adb works, the commands are the same.
i'm also doing all the rooting process from mac, just put the directory contain 'adb' shell into your home/user places and executing it with 'terminal'..
Same here, using a Mac ever since and also using it for Android development. Due to the underlying Unix core of OS X you just have to follow the steps as described for Linux. If it's just adb commands it's the same on every platform anyway.
You might want to add a
export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/yourusername/android.sdk/tools
to your .bash_profile file in your home folder so you don't have to cd to the SDK tools folder everytime. Happy rooting!
Mod. edit: not dev related, moved to general
Okay thanks for yours answers but i'm a newbie.
the background story is, I want to edit the boot.mp3. Because the startsound is really annoying
So i have download SDK, open the terminal and switch to usb-debbugging mode on my tattoo.
And now? sorry, I'm still missing a few knowledge
thanks for your help
well just use the various adb commands in Terminal Just type in "adb", press enter and you'll get a list of all possible commands. Assuming you've added the path to your sdk tools folder to your bash profile. Otherwise just drag & drop the adb binary from the tools folder onto your Terminal window, et voila.
The most used commands are probably push and pull where you can, well, push stuff to your phone or pull it to your computer.
So if you want to modify the boot.mp3 you would pull the original from the phone to your computer, modify it and push it back, overwriting the original file. In Terminal speak: ;-)
adb pull /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
adb push /path/to/boot.mp3 /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
Please note depending on the ROM you're using the paths may be different. To browse the device via Terminal type in "adb shell" and make a simple "ls" to list the directories, "cd" to change directories etc.
Or if you just want to use another mp3:
adb push /path/to/whatever.mp3 /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
Again, on the Mac you can just drag & drop files onto the Terminal to get their full Unix paths like to your custom mp3
Thanks a lot. i love it its really simple
and now i have load and edit the the boot.mp3. But i can't push it to my tattoo, because i can only read but not write
I have tried to root my phone with "adb root" but it is the message "adbd cannot run as root in production builds"
Terminal: "adb remount", then push again
damn the next bad message "remount failed: Operation not permitted"
You need to root your phone first.
Okay i have executed the instructions. But I've stop at this part:
You should get something like this:
# id
uid=0(root) gid=1000(shell) groups=1003(graphics),1004(input),1007(log),1011(adb),1015(sdcard_rw),3001(net_bt_admin),3002(net_bt),3003(inet)
uid=0(root) is important.
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Yes i've root but i'cant download the "su binary" because its doesnt exist.
But its absolute essential to need the "su binary" to only copy the boot.mp3 to my phone? Or there is an other way? What are the commands to push the boot.mp3 back to may tattoo then i'm in the root mode like >> "#".
okay hope you understand me
You need "su" to do root stuff... no other way.
Download the package from 1 click root thread and find "su" there...
now, i have install the su binary. Then i does this command
user:~ user$ /Users/user/android-sdk-mac_86/tools/adb shell
$ /data/local/bin/su
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And now? Is there a comand to push the boot.mp3 back to the phone in this mode >> "#" ?
I have try to open an new terminal window and type
adb push /path/to/boot.mp3 /system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3
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but the answer is
failed to copy '/Users/android-sdk-mac_86/boot.mp3' to '/system/media/bootscreen/boot.mp3': Permission denied
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and adb remount doesnt work to
You also need tattoo-hack.ko file and do insmod tattoo-hack.ko to make /system writable.
Or even better... flash custom amon_ra recovery image and then a custom rom with all this already included.
Mine for example
It doesnt have boot sound enabled
Okay thank you very much.
now it was successful

Command Propt??

sorry but how do i get to adb shell from the command propt??
cd to the sdk\tools folder. That is where the commands you need are.
adb remount
adb shell
wadeheisen said:
cd to the sdk\tools folder. That is where the commands you need are.
adb remount
adb shell
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but once i am in the tools folder what program do i use because when i click on them they come up and go away real fast??
xxxk15 said:
but once i am in the tools folder what program do i use because when i click on them they come up and go away real fast??
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What are you trying yo do? What rom are you running? Are you rooted? Need more info please.
cd to the sdk\tools folder. That is where the commands you need are.
adb remount
adb shell
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but once i am in the tools folder what program do i use because when i click on them they come up and go away real fast??
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Go to a command promt. In other words go to start and search for this
Then type commands mentioned above
The easiest way is to just hold down SHIFT and then right click on blank space, and then select Open Command Window Here. Also, I'd HIGHLY recommend adding ADB to your PATH.
well i am running 2.09.1 DC and i am rooted. when i download apps it tells me "Insufficient Storage Available" I have enough internal memory so i searched that and one person said they fixed it by
cd /data/data
rm -rf
So i wanted to try it but i am really confussed on how about going to do this
xxxk15 said:
well i am running 2.09.1 DC and i am rooted. when i download apps it tells me "Insufficient Storage Available" I have enough internal memory so i searched that and one person said they fixed it by
cd /data/data
rm -rf
So i wanted to try it but i am really confussed on how about going to do this
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I assume you used a kitchen to root?
FWIW This is really basic knowledge that you will need as you use your phone.
So if you are a PC:
0. Click Start
1. Click RUN
2. type CMD in the box press enter
3. In the command prompt type
cd C:\AndroidSDK\Tools
this is just a guess and where most people have it. It MAY be different for you.
4. Type
adb remount
adb shell
5. You should see a "#"
6. Now type
cd /data/data
rm -rf
Kcarpenter said:
I assume you used a kitchen to root?
FWIW This is really basic knowledge that you will need as you use your phone.
So if you are a PC:
0. Click Start
1. Click RUN
2. type CMD in the box press enter
3. In the command prompt type
cd C:\AndroidSDK\Tools
this is just a guess and where most people have it. It MAY be different for you.
4. Type
adb remount
adb shell
5. You should see a "#"
6. Now type
cd /data/data
rm -rf
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ok i understand but my command propt comes up with stuff in it
C:\Documents and Settings\Admin>
How do i get rid of this??
I assume you used a kitchen to root?
FWIW This is really basic knowledge that you will need as you use your phone.
So if you are a PC:
0. Click
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ok i understand but my command propt comes up with stuff in it
C:\Documents and Settings\Admin>
How do i get rid of this??
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Nothing just type the commands that were given and UT will take u to the right directory
Papa Smurf151 said:
Nothing just type the commands that were given and UT will take u to the right directory
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o ok thanks it worked!!

[REF] Making use of Windows "Send to" menu

Pushing files over adb has never been easy. There are some external tools for sending files over adb, but I like native, Windows-integrated ones.
The trick is extremely easy. It works with adbWireless and similar applications. It could work with USB connection too, but I rarely use it.
HEADS UP: Be sure to check all nice(r) scripts by Daneshm90 down the thread!
-adbMagic or similar for wifi connection, none for USB only.
How to?
For better look you will need two files:
adb connect
adb push %1 /sdcard/
and a shortcut to it, where you can customize icon and name.
1) create your adb_send.cmd anywhere on disk (I put mine in android-sdk-windows\tools directory),
2) customize the ip address, to point at your device (I have router with static DHCP, so everytime my device connects it leases the same address)
3) then go to:
Windows Vista/7:
(paste it in explorer's address bar, or hit WIN+R and paste there, Enter), and place shortcut to script file created earlier. (drag it with right mouse button)
4) customize the icon and name of the shortcut
Next time you click on any file menu appears:
good idea, btw how did you find the ip address? i am not able to send using the same
When you use adbWireless, under big orange button you will see something like: "adb connect"
ravi4chahal said:
good idea, btw how did you find the ip address? i am not able to send using the same
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I think that you will have to find your own ip adress mate
xan said:
When you use adbWireless, under big orange button you will see something like: "adb connect"
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ok thanks, I installed adbWireless and now it is working ... however is there any way of getting rid of the CMD window that pops up while transfer?
I think there is. Right click on the shortcut (this in "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo")properities -> run -> minimised
Delete "pause" line from script, and command line is hidden.
//double, sry
How's this :
@echo off
echo Where to push the file ? eg (/data/1.apk)
SET /P pat=Enter :
echo Pushing...
adb push "%1" /sdcard/%~n1
adb shell su -c "cp /sdcard/%~n1 %pat%" -root
adb shell rm /sdcard/%~n1
echo Done
It works directly for me.
Right click the file, Send to - > Bluetooth Devices.
Select my Phone and press Send.
Very cool tip, made a couple different cmd shortcuts to copy to different part of the sdcard(roms/apps/misc).
peachpuff said:
Very cool tip, made a couple different cmd shortcuts to copy to different part of the sdcard(roms/apps/misc).
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The script i posted above does just that except you don't need multiple shortcuts.
When you run it'll as you where u want the file to go.
Thanks for the tip.
And Daneshm90 i tried your command, there a way to do it without su? Since when i try ur command i always have to accept the root request, and it dosnt seem to push the file right anyway. So im asking is there a way to do it without su? Cuz if i do the original i dont need to press the root request all the time.
Thanks in advance mate.
borgen92 said:
Thanks for the tip.
And Daneshm90 i tried your command, there a way to do it without su? Since when i try ur command i always have to accept the root request, and it dosnt seem to push the file right anyway. So im asking is there a way to do it without su? Cuz if i do the original i dont need to press the root request all the time.
Thanks in advance mate.
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It should only ask you to accept once, not everytime.
Well sure i can modify mine where if u say /sdcard/ then it doesn't do that whole root crap and just pushes to sdcard.
Gimme a few.
Daneshm90 said:
It should only ask you to accept once, not everytime.
Well sure i can modify mine where if u say /sdcard/ then it doesn't do that whole root crap and just pushes to sdcard.
Gimme a few.
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Thanks alot man, you'r awesome
Here try this one
@echo off
echo Where to push the file ? eg (/data/1.apk)
SET /P pat=Enter :
if not "%pat:sdcard=%"=="%pat%" goto sdcard
echo Pushing...
adb push %1 /sdcard/%~n1
adb shell su -c "cp /sdcard/%~n1 %pat%" -root
adb shell rm /sdcard/%~n1
echo Done
echo Pushing...
adb push %1 %pat%
echo Done
Note, if you have a rom where when you do "adb shell" and ur automatically in "su" mode. Then u can simply change the script to :
@echo off
echo Where to push the file ? eg (/data/1.apk)
SET /P pat=Enter :
echo Pushing...
adb push %1 %pat%
echo Done
Thank you!
Does this require root?
Daneshm90 said:
Here try this one
@echo off
echo Where to push the file ? eg (/data/1.apk)
SET /P pat=Enter :
if not "%pat:sdcard=%"=="%pat%" goto sdcard
echo Pushing...
adb push %1 /sdcard/%~n1
adb shell su -c "cp /sdcard/%~n1 %pat%" -root
adb shell rm /sdcard/%~n1
echo Done
echo Pushing...
adb push %1 %pat%
echo Done
Note, if you have a rom where when you do "adb shell" and ur automatically in "su" mode. Then u can simply change the script to :
@echo off
echo Where to push the file ? eg (/data/1.apk)
SET /P pat=Enter :
echo Pushing...
adb push %1 %pat%
echo Done
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thats awesome, how would one make it crate and copy the folder structure as well? did this with a folder with pics in it and it just put every pic on the root of my sd card.
or how about asking for ip then using what was imputed?
Send To Menu For ADB Install
You can modify the above instructions to use the Send to Menu to install applications over wireless.
adb connect
adb install %1
Substitute your IP address for (may or may not need the port)
Save your Install.cmd or anything.cmd anywhere on your hardisk. Make a shortcut in
to the .cmd.
Right click an .apk and select Send To -> Install.cmd
Works like a dream using my Nexus 1 and adbWireless
nice one @wacckkoo1
this has so much potential.
i found an app on the market called ADB over WIFI widget. it dosent care if your connected to wifi or not, it will just start, making this possable to do while wireless tethering to a laptop
thats why im wanting to know how i can get it to ask for ip address because it wont always be the same.

how to disable light sensor in stock rom

this light sensor is really pissing me off , is there any way to shut it off , i'v found a way that is telling me to chmod 777 the patch file after installing it manually but idon't know what chmod 777 is and how to do this please help me
Is stock eclair there isn't a GUI option to disable it.
About chmod 777, I haven't done it yet... but I guess you have to adb shell something.
To know how to use those commands, just have a click on the search button...
maveloth said:
Is stock eclair there isn't a GUI option to disable it.
About chmod 777, I haven't done it yet... but I guess you have to adb shell something.
To know how to use those commands, just have a click on the search button...
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i searched and found nothing please help it's pissing me off for real !! se u suck i bought this phone because of it's design but their software update service sux !
I have found what you were looking for [just search in devs forum].
Here it is an explaining link:
maveloth said:
I have found what you were looking for [just search in devs forum].
Here it is an explaining link:
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thanks i found this thread before but i can't apply this method because i don't know how to chmod777 the file so i can't get this to work ? can you try it and then tell me how to exactly do it please , thanks again m8
First thing, you have to learn how to adb shell.
But you have to make everything ok before using it.
So, let's see how it has to be done..
Download the .zip file posted on the other thread [linked above].
Using root explorer, just copy and paste the content of the .zip file under the /etc/ path of the phone.
After you have done this, let's adb shell.
1. Download this file:
2. Extract the file to C:\adb [there will be a folder named "adb" within the C:\ path, with 3 files within it].
3. On your phone, click Settings > Applications > Development, and make sure USB Debugging is on.
4. Plug your phone into your computer via USB cable [it needs to be on]. It should say installing drivers if your phone is plugged for the first time and you are using Windows.
4.1 You'd better install the drivers which comes with X8 software [PC Companion], or just google for them.
5. After it installs the drivers, go to the Start menu and type "cmd" into the search bar to open the command prompt.
6. Type the following into the command prompt window [hitting enter at the end of every line]:
cd adb
adb devices
You should see a serial number pop up, it’s the serial number of your phone. This means you are all set.
After all this procedure, you can finally "chmod" your files.
Always from the CMD, type this:
adb shell
You should see a "#" on the left. That's good.
Now enter the path with the file to chmod:
cd /etc
Then finally chmod it:
su chmod 777
You're done.
Hope this helps.
maveloth said:
First thing, you have to learn how to adb shell.
But you have to make everything ok before using it.
So, let's see how it has to be done..
Download the .zip file posted on the other thread [linked above].
Using root explorer, just copy and paste the content of the .zip file under the /etc/ path of the phone.
After you have done this, let's adb shell.
1. Download this file:
2. Extract the file to C:\adb [there will be a folder named "adb" within the C:\ path, with 3 files within it].
3. On your phone, click Settings > Applications > Development, and make sure USB Debugging is on.
4. Plug your phone into your computer via USB cable [it needs to be on]. It should say installing drivers if your phone is plugged for the first time and you are using Windows.
4.1 You'd better install the drivers which comes with X8 software [PC Companion], or just google for them.
5. After it installs the drivers, go to the Start menu and type "cmd" into the search bar to open the command prompt.
6. Type the following into the command prompt window [hitting enter at the end of every line]:
cd adb
adb devices
You should see a serial number pop up, it’s the serial number of your phone. This means you are all set.
After all this procedure, you can finally "chmod" your files.
Always from the CMD, type this:
adb shell
You should see a "#" on the left. That's good.
Now enter the path with the file to chmod:
cd /etc
Then finally chmod it:
su chmod 777
You're done.
Hope this helps.
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lol it's freaking hard , thanks for your help m8 i appreciate it is there any easier way?
Have you tried installing Spare Parts from the market. I know it has light sensor tweak option plus has tons of other useful tweaks and monitors.
Sent from my I7500 using Tapatalk
Master Darko said:
Have you tried installing Spare Parts from the market. I know it has light sensor tweak option plus has tons of other useful tweaks and monitors.
Sent from my I7500 using Tapatalk
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tried it still no use , the sensor is still working !!

[Q] Question about LMT

Hi all!
How I can configure the pie so it takes a screenshot?
There is a forum specifically for questions (Hint: This isn't it)
You shouldn't bump your own threads
You should ask in the LMT thread itself:
There's a native "screencap" binary that can be setup to execute in a shell script, that you can then assign the script to run for specific pie location.
Sample code:
#command line screen capture
sleep 1
screencap -p /sdcard/Pictures/Screenshots/screencap_$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S").png
Adjust to your needs / location where you want the captures saved.
Drop your script in a file, such as "", push to your phone, change permissions to make executable, point PIE to the script, and you're good to go.
styckx said:
There is a forum specifically for questions (Hint: This isn't it)
You shouldn't bump your own threads
You should ask in the LMT thread itself:
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Sorry, I didn't know it.
JsChiSurf said:
There's a native "screencap" binary that can be setup to execute in a shell script, that you can then assign the script to run for specific pie location.
Sample code:
#command line screen capture
sleep 1
screencap -p /sdcard/Pictures/Screenshots/screencap_$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S").png
Adjust to your needs / location where you want the captures saved.
Drop your script in a file, such as "", push to your phone, change permissions to make executable, point PIE to the script, and you're good to go.
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Edit: How I change permissions? I don't understand : point PIE to the script
Dejotaa said:
Sorry, I didn't know it.
Edit: How I change permissions? I don't understand : point PIE to the script
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From adb shell you can 'chmod' the file, or if you don't use adb, use a file manager instead. In adb, "chmod 777" should do the trick
In LMT, once your script is in place, and tested to work from the command line and/or terminal emulator, go to the 'PIE' tab, select the piece piece, i.e. "Pie item 1 longpress', scroll to 'Advanced Commands', select 'Script', point to the location where you placed the script, such as "/system/, profit.
JsChiSurf said:
From adb shell you can 'chmod' the file, or if you don't use adb, use a file manager instead. In adb, "chmod 777" should do the trick
In LMT, once your script is in place, and tested to work from the command line and/or terminal emulator, go to the 'PIE' tab, select the piece piece, i.e. "Pie item 1 longpress', scroll to 'Advanced Commands', select 'Script', point to the location where you placed the script, such as "/system/, profit.
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Can you do the instructions for "dummies" ?
Where I have to put the file for use "chmod 777" in adb?

