[Q] Treo Pro vibrating problems - Palm Treo Pro

Hi there,
I hope to find someone helping me to solve my "little big problem" :
when a call comes in, and my treo usually vibrates in interval, (i mean it vibrates, stops, and vibrates again) it keeps vibrating until i accept or decline it.
it is not a hardware issue, because it does vibrate with interval when receiving a new sms.
it cannot a slightly problem with the software, because the problem exists too, after a hard-reset is done.
the problem was solved ago, when changing the ringtone, but after it came back, no change in the preferences solved my problem, and i began to get frustrated...
the palm support told me to send my palm to their service center, but my palm is bought new at ebay, so i cannot verify the date i bought it...
i think, because the problem was solved once, it can get solved twice within software, but how?
maybe if i would reflash the windows mobile system... actually it is original, no flash was done on the device.
when reflashing it could solve my problem, it would be great, if someone could help me flashing it, because i never flashed a winmob device...
i would need a original untouched ROM, if possble too...
or does someone have another idea? please help me!

Quite a bit simpler than that. All you need to do is a hard reset.
Remeber to backup everything you want. I would suggest activesync, or if you have sprite backup, backup everyting except sysem settings (documents and contacts, appointments...)
Once it is all backed up, simply hold down the red button on the front. While holding the red button, use stylus to reset phone. Then it will say reset? Press up on d-pad and you will be set.

Nope, srry... like i allready wrote: "it cannot a slightly problem with the software, because the problem exists too, after a hard-reset is done."
i allready did a hard reset, and the problem is still there...
Any more Ideas?
Now, (20.04.) the Treo's LED does not light up, when connected to charger.

Okay, finally i got a sollution without reflashing the device!
The combination with HookMGR (nedded for next)
And VAlert 2.21 let me configure the vibrating problem...
So, it's running all fine now
Love Palm! Love Treo!

vAlert 2.21 Download Location
Do you have a download location for vAlert 2.21? I have a Treo Pro that I am trying to reconfigure the length of time it vibrates. It stays on continually when I receive a phone call and it is really loud in meetings.


on/off button doesn't react...

Just bought mij S100 and already a problem. My phone automatically shuts down the display, this is nothing strange. But when I want to turn it back on again using the on/off button, sometimes it does not react (sometimes it does). When this happens, i also cannot receive any calls. I tried to call myself with another phone and it did not ring. It looks like a crash to me. When I do a soft reset it works again.
I have the newest Qtek rom (1.12.00 WWE / 1.12.550 WWE) installed. Originally the phone came with T-mobile software.
I hope someone can help me with this problem.
If there is a problem with the power button, then you can go into Settings - Button Lock - do not lock buttons. This way you can turn on your device using any of the green or red buttons.
hi robbertje,
sometimes i have the same problem on my MDA compact (=imate S100).
on/off button does not respond - display dark.
soft reset resets the MDAc and everything is ok.
then a few days no problems. if this problem occours then more times.
I found out that if my MDAc is in this state and if I pull the SD Card out of the device, the screen is on but frozen. The time which is shown an the screen is not correct. Seems that it shows the time when the device went to the freeze status.
Also battery is very low after such problems.
I used to have it when I first upgraded to big storage. A hard reset seemed to fix the problem. What I found was that the screen would react, but it could be up to a minute after I hit the power button. Same thing when the screen was on, I'd hit Start and wait. After a while the start menu would pop up. This was before I even managed to install any other software so it's a windows bug that's fairly random. I haven't had it happen for a few months now, though.
I think PPCProfiles made the problem. I reinstalled PPCProfiles and it seems that the problem is solved but I will see ..................
Hey, I've already ur problem. It's an hardware problem!
The mess is that, when the PDA is cold (strange, huh?) it won't reactivate, causing to do a soft reset. Mystically, the LEDs are still functioning (I mean, if it's green, it will continue to blink BUT doesn't change for any reason)
The only way to fix it is to send it to the repairing center. Sorry for who is out of warranty.
new ROM?
In this topic: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=25761 it is said a new ROM wil fix the problem ...
Is this possible?
check http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=27956&highlight= too - may not be relevant, but it shows that power button wierdness can actually be the result of a dodgy battery.
remove your battery,and wait 1 day,my problem solved this method...

cant enable wireless.

Hi i cant seem to enable the vireless netowrk on my i-mate jasjar. It worked in the beginning but now it just blinks realy fast when i press the button to enable it.
The only thing i can think of is that i installed the extended rom thing from buzz...it was that cab file i found in the comments on his site.
pls can anybody help me with this?
Please help me ppl. I tryed reverting the settings for the extended rom and that did not help eather.
Please i really need som help here guys
I had my wifi stop working at one point for unknown reasons. Soft resetting didn't fix the problem. It did start working again after a hard reset. It was not doing any fast blink like you describe, so it may be that whatever your problem is has no relation to whatever my problem was. I don't know if you have tried hard reset, but in any event I'm hoping one of the wizards here will have better advice for you.
Hehe by fast blinking i mean when i press the "wifi" button in the wireless manager. It just blinks breafly to indicate that i pressed it..but it does not turn blue like its suposed to and it does not turn wifi on like its suposed to.
Had hoped i wouldnt have to do a hard reset as i have my device set up just perfectly now
So if anybody has some tips here ill try anything.
btw what is sddeamon? i had sevreral of thouse in the notification que and i remoced all but one. could this be the problem?
OK, now I know what you mean, and unfortunately my problem was different. It would presumably turn on (button would change color) but not connect with anything, including access point that was no problem before. And sorry again since I don't know what that sddaemon thing is for sure. It might be related to the voice dial function, but I'm really not sure. Hard reset is definitely a pain. I've made a little cheat sheet for myself with all my tweaks to get things set up again. But it's a pain anyway. Part of the cost of being on the bleeding edge with these wonderful little machines.
so true so true. But since it seems that nobody else has this problem im a bit afraid that there might be a hardware problem.
Well only way to fighure it out is to do a hard reset!. Is there any way to back up WM5 like there was in 2003?
well i have now preformed a hard reset and that did not work. I also installed the imate rom twice (installed arabic first LOL) and that did not good eather.
So i guess there is a hardware issue with the phone itself...
Any thoughts?

Vibration doesn't work...

Hello everyone!
My Wizard's vibration has suddenly stopped working
I tried everything but it still doesn't work whether for incoming calls or sms...
What can I do?
Thanks in advance
What exactly 'did you try everything' ?? And what did you do before it stopped working? Maybe this way we can nail down the problem a bit faster ...
I tried all those settings in the control panel about "notifications and sounds", for incoming calls and sms...but nothing
Before it stopped working I didn't do anything, it just stopped...but I guess I did something, PCs don't go crazy like this
I am not sure if you made any changes in the Registry (actively or by installing software).
If you have not much stuff on your device or if you have the possibility to make a FULL BACKUP (with Spb Backup or similar application) try if the vibration will work after a hard reset (before loading back you backup).
There can be also a hardware failure (vibration motor defect) but before asuming that it is better to check if it will work again after resetting the device to factory defaults.
I re-installed the operating system twice but it still doesn't work
I guess i'll have to get it repaired...
Did you perform a hard reset?
I'm not sure..what do you mean by hard reset? How do I do it? And what does it do?
Try searching.
I performed a hard reset but still nothin.
Plus it does not ring too, it just appears im receiving a call or a SMS on the screen
Suddenly it started vibrating again this afternoon but now...it stopped again :|
It's driving me crazyyyyyyyy
Any ideas?
It started vibrating again...but now it has stopped
The phone started vibrating again today...but now it has stopped again :S:S:S
It's driving me crazy
Any ideas?
mmm maybe could be the vibrator pice you should change it or .... i dont know
enjoy it
Mine didn't work when I received the phone from the person I bought it from. I opened the phone, spun it with my finger a few times and then put a little spray of WD-40. I let it dry overnight and put it back together. I got the phone in the beginning of March and its been working ever since.
BBowermaster care to share a schematics and opening instructions i have a similar problem
The link is in the Wiki
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard/Docs_Tutorials/Wizard_Service_Manual.pdf

Big problem!!!

I have a huge problem with my MDA compact III. The problem is, I have to hardreset my device almost everyday. Thats because all of a sudden the device acts strange and won't open almost every program. When I softreset the device then, the device won't pick u a signal. In stead of showing how strong the signal is, it diplays a !. Also after the softreset sms, mms or my mailaccount is deleted. I have never spoken anyone with the same problem or anyone with a solution. I only have Windows Live Messenger installed, but many people have and none of them have my problem so that doesn't seeme to cause this problem. It's really annoying and it's getting worse by the day. Yesterday I had to reset my device 3 times(!).. If anyone knows this problem or more important, knows a sollution, please share it with me cause i'm close to driving my car over my MDA
Are you doing an actual hard reset where you hold the two soft keys on either side of the chome wheel, then hit the sunken button on the left side with your stylus while holding the two soft keys and then confirming with the green talk key? If so, sounds like a hardware problem.
No not using the softkeys. I always perform a hardreset in settings menu, i don't know how it's called in english but in dutch is called 'opslag wissen'. Sometimes I get an error saying cold boot could not be completed blabla and then i have to confirm to hardreset.
Sounds like you are using the 'clear storage' option. Try the actual hard reset procedure and see if that fixes things...thats how I do it.
I just performed a hardreset using the the softkeys. I hope this will make a difference and solves my problem. If not, my MDA gets his first swimminglesson and I'll contact my insurancecompany.
I'll let you know it worked out. Thanks for you're help
Tomschayk said:
No not using the softkeys. I always perform a hardreset in settings menu, i don't know how it's called in english but in dutch is called 'opslag wissen'. Sometimes I get an error saying cold boot could not be completed blabla and then i have to confirm to hardreset.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
As far as I know, this 'opslag wissen' is the equivalent of a hard reset. So it should not make any difference, unfortunately.
no it didn't make a difference. had to be hardreset allready. going over to plan b, allready filling the bathtub.
If you do teach it to swim, however, please post pictures.

touch screen problem - calibration

After I installed new rom on my blackstone a new problem came out...
Time to time something hapens to my touch screen. It gets very very imprecise. For example, when I'm writing a SMS message I press the "V" button but then "G" is written on the screen... But this doesn't happen just when I'm writing a SMS but it happens no matter what I'm doing with the phone... Everything seems to be "shifted"/moved for about 1 centimetre upwards.
I made a hard reset and reinstalled rom but nothing didn't helped...
But it's funny because this isn't happening all the time but just time to time. Then I recalibrate the screen (voUp and voDO + tap the screen) and it helps for a few moments and than the same problem again. Then I'm doing the recalibration procedure till this problem vanish...
What is the problem, how can I solve it???
Please help because it is really annoying...
May be that the change of Rom is only a coincidence?
It is not excluded that the touch screen of your blackstone can be a little damaged.
I have a pda that sometimes have the same problem, but I not updated any Rom to it.
Simply I stressed his touch screen with some abnormal pressure (I think).
thanks for reply...
It's funny because it works fine all day but suddenly you need to write a SMS or just answer the call, but that is not possible.
Well the screen might been damaged but it's weird because when I start calibrating the screen I tap the cross and it's not moved...
What can I do?
Same problem
I have same problem and I didn't make any ROM update. I didn't install any new software, but suddenly my screen started to be unaccurate and shifted somehow. calibration helps but after while it's shifted again. I was thinking about updating ROM, but if this is not a solution, then I don't want to ...
Well I send my phone to repair. They said that it was a mechanical issue so I think you should send it also due it looks like this is the only way to solve this problem. I hope you still have your phone under guarantee...
Oh and make sure whether you need original ROM or you may use the changed one, because in Slovenia you need stock ROM and no programs installed (like Garmin etc.). So the best think to do is to hard reset the phone and then send it to repair, so you don't have any problems...

