Rotate Animation ! - Android Software Development

Hello everyone, I've looked for many months but I can't find anything that deals with this issue. There is no animation for rotating the screen in default 2.3.3..
Does anyone know how I could achieve this?
I'm looking for a sort of iPhone-Esq turn of the screen, or a fade out and then in type.
If anyone knows of this being done already or would try to do it that would be great!
Sent from my Nexus HD2 using XDA Premium App

As far as I know the animation on the iPhone is just a screenshot rotating with the real rotation happening in the background.
So as it was not possible to take screenshots on pre Android 2.3 without root/ADB.. I guess it wasn't really possible?
Dunno though. But I think it's possible in some ways with 2.3 and the api to capture the screen now. Just need some dev to give it a try. But I believe best bet would be the team around MIUI.. as they kinda try to imitate the whole iOS..

I've added some kind of rotation animation in my app... search for sgstools on google code and look into AnimatedActivity class.
It's not perfect... it would be better to handle the orientation change on your own.

When I played bejewelled 2 for the first time I was very impressed by the screen rotation animation.. if you haven't played it, try it out .. the rotation animation is very fast and smooth.. this shows that it can be done
Tapatalkin' it from my Epic 3g

Will your app work on the original Motorolla Droid? I'm rooted and running CM7. Thanks.

The Xoom has this rotation animation. I wonder if anyone could port over what's necessary.

Honestly I can't believe that a dev hasn't tried to create a rotation animation for their custom rom. I would think that people would really be drawn to it, kind of like the gingerbread screen off animation.

Yeah. This is one thing I envy about Iphone and WP7, turning to landscape looks cool instead of just... like appearing.

Its present in honeycomb, so most likely will be present in the next android release? Maybe someone can port it to gingerbread.
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I'm also surprised that it can't be found in any of the custom launchers. I've used almost all of them, currently using launcher pro, and I haven't noticed it in any of them.

I think it was in one browser I tried, Netfront Life Browser (I think it was pretty good as well).

adobe reader does the rotation animation too, so it is possibly but it seems nobody cares abou that :S

Great point. I also just noticed that launcher 7, which is a windows phone like home replacement, has a nice "tile animation" when the phone is rotated. So we know from these two examples that it is possible. Also, as many people have mentioned, the animation is included in Honeycomb. It's probably just a matter of time, but I'd like it sooner than later.
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Just a quick update, the snes9x ex app, which is super nintendo emulator, has a great rotation animation. Think it could somehow be used for other purposes?

Look at the Samsung Galaxy S 2. It has a animation in the stock browser.
Look at 1:11...

I have a feeling thus sort of thing will make the AOSP in the future. It would be great to contact the dev that created snes9x ex and ask if he knew how to integrate this into framework. I would think this task would nit take too much time, but then again adding a whole new transition animation, writing how this animation is initiated etc.. Could be more time consuming than I would assume.

The first iterations of Stock Android had rotate animations. The first one I remember was the screen zooming out, shaking left and right, then zooming in. In a later release it did this whole fade out/fade in thing, with some pulsing. The delays between rotating phone and screen completing rotation was big.
I don't know why the rotate animations were removed, but I guess that shows who's an Old school android user, as peeps now don't even know about it

we have screen off/ on crt animations TAKE THAT GAYOS! xD
back on topic: @pctechnerd wasn't this on rc22 of android? It might have been left out in later releases because of instability.

Animation on Droid X
The 2.3.3 leak of gingerbread for the Droid X has a very nice rotate animation built in.

Cool! Any idea how to get it to work on the moto droid (D1)?
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Something annoying about HTC Sense..

So i've been watching videos of both stock android (Nexus one, G2) and videos of the Desire HD rom with Sense on other devices. Something that's become quite apparent in the sense rom is that HTC decided to strip a lot of the nice animations that make stock android pleasing to the eye.
Examples include, when you open and app you get a zoom in effect, and when u close it u get a zoom out. Also when the keyboard pops up it sort of slides from the bottom. Another is when you open the app tray, the icons fly in.
But on sense there's no animations. Everything just appears instantly. That really is sort of putting me off Sense, and that's a big disappointment considering i like the look of HTC's widgets.
Has anybody else noticed this? What do you think of it?
Agree to disagree...
Must say, you are right, but aren't the guys from Cyanogen Mod going to do something about that?!
CyanogenModders only work with stock Android, so whatever magic dust they decide to sprinkle on the DHD, it will not have Sense in the mix
Next week is looming large... Im gonna take a day off work to show my new baby some love when it arrives)))
I had a nexus and the zoom's are really nothing to write home about
SupremeBeaver said:
So i've been watching videos of both stock android (Nexus one, G2) and videos of the Desire HD rom with Sense on other devices. Something that's become quite apparent in the sense rom is that HTC decided to strip a lot of the nice animations that make stock android pleasing to the eye.
Examples include, when you open and app you get a zoom in effect, and when u close it u get a zoom out. Also when the keyboard pops up it sort of slides from the bottom. Another is when you open the app tray, the icons fly in.
But on sense there's no animations. Everything just appears instantly. That really is sort of putting me off Sense, and that's a big disappointment considering i like the look of HTC's widgets.
Has anybody else noticed this? What do you think of it?
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Im sorry to say but you are wrong. If you go to the display settings and under animations set it to 'All' you will get keyboard sliding animations, screen transition animations, the only thing you dont get is a 3D effect with the app draw, but it does slid nicely into view from the bottom and is just more professional. However as mentioned previously its android, customise! Add all the animations you want!!
bratfink said:
Im sorry to say but you are wrong. If you go to the display settings and under animations set it to 'All' you will get keyboard sliding animations, screen transition animations, the only thing you dont get is a 3D effect with the app draw, but it does slid nicely into view from the bottom and is just more professional. However as mentioned previously its android, customise! Add all the animations you want!!
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seriously? well i've only been going by what i've seen from videos ( i dont own an android phone). Could u provide a link or video showing this?
In the setting there is a window transition option. I have mine on very slow, Looks Great
MacaronyMax said:
In the setting there is a window transition option. I have mine on very slow, Looks Great
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could u tell me what all the options are? thanks
The Desire HD Sense has a fade in/out effect by default for both Sense tabs and applications unlike older Sense versions ... its actually very pleasing and runs smoothly on HD2 so definitely will be awesome on the actual HD
Animations are nice eyecandy, but everytime they play you have to wait till they are finished. After some time they'll only anoy me. I am happy with as few animations as possible, so I turned them off. Just my humble opinion.
Sent from my Evil Lair using Doomsday Device

Samsung Galaxy S Rotation Animations

Hey Guys
Just wondering if it is possible for us to have rotation animations on the Galaxy S. It would much improve the looks of it, and would make the phone feel more smooth. I heard that cupcake versions of Android had it, so can we not use the libs to port it to 2.2 FROYO on the Galaxy S?
I put £20GBP as a bounty to the person who does this. Please post here if you wish to offer a bounty to a developer who manages to do this!
Adam Downing
This is one of those situations where open source would come in handy.
Your best bet would be to wait for cm/aosp for our phones and then modify source.
I too would appreciate this as long as it didn't sacrifice performance in any way, shape, or form
Another thing that bugs me is that the screen fade on/off is not quite perfect. It was terrible in Eclair, in the latest Froyo XWJPA the fade on is nearly perfect but fade off is still choppy.
You'd think something as simple as fading the display on or off would be piece of cake for this beast. The Aria and Milestone that I use do it very smooth no problem.
It's just little things like this that, when put together, make or break the experience.
If yo guys try it in SGS Tools it will animate. Maybe someone can port that over to all other apps? Pretty sure its not very simple...
Beast11 said:
If yo guys try it in SGS Tools it will animate. Maybe someone can port that over to all other apps? Pretty sure its not very simple...
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SGS Tools or SpareParts?
I know this is pretty old but has anyone been able to add screen rotation animations to the SGS yet ? (Possibly for 2.2.1?)
currydude said:
I know this is pretty old but has anyone been able to add screen rotation animations to the SGS yet ? (Possibly for 2.2.1?)
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Not as far as I know. No Android device has had it since cupcake and I don't see it coming back based on the fact that nobody has worked on it for any phone AFAIK.
The latest Froyo ROMs like JPY are fast enough that's it not as important as it once was, but I still feel that it would give an awesome premium feel to the UI and I'd gladly donate if it was done.
AdamDowning said:
Hey Guys
Just wondering if it is possible for us to have rotation animations on the Galaxy S. It would much improve the looks of it, and would make the phone feel more smooth. I heard that cupcake versions of Android had it, so can we not use the libs to port it to 2.2 FROYO on the Galaxy S?
I put £20GBP as a bounty to the person who does this. Please post here if you wish to offer a bounty to a developer who manages to do this!
Adam Downing
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what do you mean by rotation animations? is it same as transition effects? as I start with Froyo I dont have any Imagination about cupcake
^he means the iphone animation when you rotate the screen. you seen it or not?
I see it on the Tablet-PC Video with Android 3.0. But it is a long way to it. So I would love to see a good animation on the Galaxy. I would donate, too!
I wonder if we could do a pseudo rotation.
You could run a service that monitors the sensor and when the phone is turned it could quickly take a screen shot. The animate that and then show the real screen.
So it would go: Sensor rotate triggered> Portrait Screen shot before rotate allowed, Rotate screen, but show Portrait screen, Screen shot screen underneath> Spin Portrait screen shot around center>Fit and overlay ontop of Portrait screen the landscape screen shot to center and stretch to correct size> then show real landscape Screen.
Hmm I know it sounds alot, but this phone it fast and actually the Iphone rotate isn't THAT fast, it seems to have a little more delay tolerance on rotate than Androids do.
I'm sure this kind of thing would be very easy for a dev to try out. Wish I was a dev
Yeah SGS Tools has Rotation animations, try it and you'll see what i mean. I tried using the XML's from the app in the framework but nothing changed
Has anyone find solution on this one jet? Seems like the SGS2 has got it ...
We have kind of rotation animation on ICS but it is far away from what can be...
.... take a look at this ....
You also can install an other launcher. I'm using nova launcher prime.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using SlimRom4.2+Semaphore1.2.6s

TouchWiz UX on Galaxy Tab 10.1

I have updated my thread in development with a download and guide for installing TouchWiz UX on our Tab 10.1's.
See here:
Okay this is getting ridiculous...!
Currently there is a TouchWiz UX rom avaliable for...
Asus EeePad:
Acer A500:
Tab 10.1v:
All of which appear to be based off a 3.1 Rom for OUR device... So why is it I can't find a single thing about installing 3.1 TouchWiz UX on OUR 10.1!?
i feel you brother this is crazy no devs i guess on the 10.1 i need to start going to school and learn my self lol
That's okay. I'm pretty meh regarding TouchWiz. Has kept me away from sammy phones. I know, ROMS, but when you lean over the bleeding edge, there are no ROMS.
Just saw this video that shows all the features of touchwiz. I don't care how much people want to know it. If half the stffntheynjust showed works without force closing I'll beeee soooool stoked. It impressed the pants off me.
" hang on to your dookie, its about to get spooky "
Yay! Managed to get it booting on my tab.
I've been using it about 15 minutes and I love it! The book reader is great... I love the bounce scrolling and the new colours are very nice. Everything has a better feel and still seems super fast.
I might get some instructions up tomorrow for how I did it. Bed time for me now though.
The thing I want to know is if it has improved video playback.
Sent from my Fascinate with MIUI Gingerbread
I'm looking forward to the Allshare app, official DLNA support, the Media hub, and the mini app tray/bar.
It definitely adds another level to the tablet and will impress many consumers. I haven't actually owned anything Samsung beside cameras but I'm impressed so far with this tablet.
LevitateJay said:
Yay! Managed to get it booting on my tab.
I've been using it about 15 minutes and I love it! The book reader is great... I love the bounce scrolling and the new colours are very nice. Everything has a better feel and still seems super fast.
I might get some instructions up tomorrow for how I did it. Bed time for me now though.
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You did! Hallejulah... I hope a train rattles through your town, and wakes you up prematurely!
Instruction please? This what I have been waiting for!!
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
He' sleeping....or laughing about us now...or both...
Logically the 10.1v rom should not be hard porting, but i havent looked into it.
FrezoreR said:
Logically the 10.1v rom should not be hard porting, but i havent looked into it.
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oh really? not hard?
without 3.1 kernel source code...
I have a 3G Galaxy Tab 10.1 with Touchwiz (sold in Sweden).
While I don't mind some of the apps that Touchwiz brings I hate their OS-wide changes, while iOS-style overscrolling doesn't really change anything their altering of default UI element does. They have changed buttons, dialogs, menus, fonts and more making many applications look odd as they don't have the same design as Samsungs own apps.
They have also changed they background of the status bar so when it is in "light out" mode it is still very noticeable (default is completely black, Samsung is grey with a light border on top). This is very annoying when watching movies!
All in all I rather be without Touchwiz.
It's only a theme - it'll be customizable at some point
TouchWiz Review/Update
illojal said:
I have a 3G Galaxy Tab 10.1 with Touchwiz (sold in Sweden).
While I don't mind some of the apps that Touchwiz brings I hate their OS-wide changes, while iOS-style overscrolling doesn't really change anything their altering of default UI element does. They have changed buttons, dialogs, menus, fonts and more making many applications look odd as they don't have the same design as Samsungs own apps.
They have also changed they background of the status bar so when it is in "light out" mode it is still very noticeable (default is completely black, Samsung is grey with a light border on top). This is very annoying when watching movies!
All in all I rather be without Touchwiz.
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My only annoyance with TouchWiz UX so for is that it has that gray bar at the bottom rather than black... I get that it fits there theme but black still blends in the the tablet better... We'll be able to change that later though once the rom is deodex..
Aside from that I love all the other changes. Everything just looks more 'styled' and less 'neon' which I love.
Their eBook application is the best app I've ever used on Android.. except maybe Tasker..
Social Hub app is a great Twitter/Facebook integration.
Their widgets are very cool except they seem to slow down the homescreen a tad due to their large size (don't worry! you can always remove them )
The mini apps are so very cool. You can bring up a little calculator/note taking app/calendar/and more and move it to the side of the screen and keep interacting with whatever app you're running under it while it stays on the screen! Awesome feature that Google should definitely look at adding.
Copy and Paste now has a large clipboard that you can build up multiple items on!
There are even problems in Honeycomb 3.1 that are now fixed
e.g. In 3.1 stock if you want to change your lockscreen wallpaper to a custom image from your gallery you had to go to settings> display>screen settings>lockscreen wallpaper now you can do it from the top-right Plus or long-press home screen
The browser is actually smoother and handles pinch gestures much better and has some cool new features you can enable in settings.
There is motion control like tilting your tablet to change homescreens when placing a widget
The quick control toggles are much faster and to get into Settings is now only 2 taps rather than 3.. another thing Honeycomb should have had from the start.
And much more things that I'm missing... This is definitely an upgrade.
I'm uploading a rom now and will update my Thread in development when it's uploaded so everyone can flash TouchWiz UX.
FrezoreR said:
Logically the 10.1v rom should not be hard porting, but i havent looked into it.
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The 10.1v rom is actually a port of a rom from OUR device... It's a bit silly to port a port from our device back to it...
Update with Download and Guide
Hey I have updated my Development post with a download and guide for flashing TouchWiz to our Tab's... Check here:
Any update on when touchwiz will officially be released for us? I know Samsung set the hard date of "coming soon", but I didn't know if there was any further update.
The screenshot button is useless and gets in the way. If the screenshot app was combined with the note app it would be great. You would pop up the notes and annotate whatever is on the screen and save it all.
why is everything so fricken big? I dont see the reasoning behind all the text being like 90pt font...

[Q] Orientation Animation..?

Hey I just seen the review for the droid 3 and noticed it had a nice orientation switch animation. Is there any for the epic? I know on spare parts there is an option but it only works for android 1.5.
I noticed that too, and was wonderng the same thing.
Please click both links below and vote:
From what I saw it looks like they kind of half assed the animation, unless the animation is different from closing the keyboard or opening the keyboard, which is what I saw. Looked like they did the first half of a turn animation and then just snapped to the new orientation.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Turn off power-off animation?

Hi Fellas,
I'm wondering.. the G2 provides with 3 power-off animations to choose from. If you notice for those who are having lock screens, the retro TV off isn't very smooth. There is some graphical glitches at times.
Overall, I'm wondering does anyone know a hack to turn off the animations completely? That will definitely speed up the screen off lag.
I would love this too. None of the choices are attractive or smooth.
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
I noticed that when you preview them they're not the same as real world use. They're a ton smoother when they're applied than when you preview it. The fade one is the same as stock Android is it not?
Sent from my LG-D800 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I find retro TV to be the best. It's smooth for me and I think the "graphical glitches" you mentioned is part of the animation.
colbyfink said:
I noticed that when you preview them they're not the same as real world use. They're a ton smoother when they're applied than when you preview it. The fade one is the same as stock Android is it not?
Sent from my LG-D800 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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You are absolutely correct.
However, even with real world usage, the glitch does appear intermittently. And I'm pretty sure if I have my lock screen turned off, this glitch is not to be seen.
You can consider it as part of the animation, but I find it ugly The while light of the retro TV animation is supposed to be too fast to be seen as a whole chunk, but with the glitch on, you will see the "chunk" of light with some other colors in it. Not sure if ya guys get what I mean
I've recorded a clip of my retro TV power off animation:
Is this the same effect as what you're getting on your side? I know the preview version if it looks horrendous but the actual animation is snappy and I like the look if it.
Sent from my LG-D802 using xda app-developers app
I've got the sprint ls980 variant and while I have the menu options to change my screen-off animation, none of them make a difference. The preview work, but the actual animation is unaffected. Also, the old CRT animation that was released with gingerbread looked infinitely better than the retro TV animation on here. LG made so many odd decisions with this phone. Though to be fair, the only other LG phone I've owned was the G2x, and it was vanilla-ish android, so I'm not very familiar with their UI, whatever calling it. Looks a lot like touchwiz to me.
EDIT: I just realized how old this thread is. Sorry for beating this dead horse, everybodies.
