[Q] weird screen issue - Touch HD General

Sorry for my bad English.
A few days ago, I decided to flash back my touch hd to the stock rom due to the big battery drain and slow performance.
Now my problems are gone and my phone is really fast,
but my screen is acting weird.
It happens mostly when I'm typing an sms, for example: I'm using swype and I want to swype a word that starts with the letter 'd', so I press 'd' and the swype line goes from the a to the d and then follows the path I've swyped.
It even writes a word that starts with an 'a'.
this is just an example, so I can describe what my problem is.
basically my screen thinks that I'm tapping somewhere else on the screen and then knows my actually tap-place.
This is not a bug in swype or sms, it happens everywhere in windows mobile.
It also isn't a screen allignment problem.
does anyone know how to fix this?
so again: it is the stock rom with the stock spl. is this a known issue, or are there any fixes?

Hmmm interesting...
so this did happen on any other rom you had flashed?

No, only on this stock rom.
I never had it with the stock rom when I had just bought the device, and I didn't had it on the cooked roms.
The problem began when I reflashed from energy rom to the stock rom.
Everything else (phone, wifi, bluetooth, battery...) is just fine.

i had strange issues with my touch screen before.
first i was sure that it came with the installation of mobile icq, so i got rid of it, didn't fix anything, hard reset, everything was fine for a while. then the problem came back, tried different roms, no change....
to cut a long story short, everytime the issue came up, i would panic, align the screen dozens of times and in the end perform a hard reset, just to realize it got me nowhere, until i finally found, that removing the display protector did the trick, apparently, there was a tiny air bubble somewhere on the very edge, that distorted all my inputs to slightly different spots.
since then i run the device without protector and everything is fine. from time to time it will still behave strange but carefully cleaning the display always resolves the issue, sometimes teeny tiny spots of dirt keep the device pressed in one spot and due to the way resistive touch screens work, it would only accept the middle of the 2 virtual press points as input.
so my advice would be:
1. clean your display, really clean it, especially the very edges, there can be something stuck there, practically invisible.
2. make sure, it is not software related, by flashing hspl, then a cooked rom and another radio, in combination with task 29 and hard resets makes sure, everything on your device is replaced.
3. if all that doesn't fix a thing, you might need to think about getting a new digitizer or entire screen.

hmmm. try a hard reset! or try flashing to a custom ROM, then reflashing again?


Blank / White screen but everything else works

After upgrading to WM6, every works perfectly. But then, it seemed randomly, the display is blank/ all white, but I can the phone is still functioning, because i can tap on the screen and get the tap sound. Soft reset and hard reset doesn't work. I'm doing the hard reset blindingly since the display is showing nothing, guessing the key push (i pressed record-camera 3x then mail button). I'm pretty sure it did the reset because after about 30 secs I get the beep that comes on when the screen is showing Tap to setup your device.
I figured it might be a loose lcd cable, but if go into the bootloader, power+record+reset. The display works fine! Showing Serial V 2.07.
I took apart the BA anyways and made sure the lcd cable is firmly attached. It didn't work.
Sometimes the phone would go back to normal randomly, or if I let the backup battery drain, but not always. When it goes back to normal, the clock is always reset to 2004 12:00 AM.
Can anyone help me? Is it possible to have a loose LCD connector which won't be able to show normal display, but can show the bootloader normally? Or is it caused by something else?
Here are other things about my BA that may or may not be related to the problem:
-Can't use DOC_Repart to resize storage, I'm getting the FL_IOCTL_FORMAT_PHYSICAL_DRIVE failed as described here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=255585
-When upgrading the upgrade program can't detect my current OS version (showing blank under "Your device is about to be update from:"), but otherwise the upgrade works fine.
-I tried Helmi R0, PDA Viet , and xplode's 6.00 roms. They all give me the same problem
I am also experiencing the same issue... currently phone is at white scren, but using My Mobiler i can see my desktop and see that the phone is fully functional, just white screen so cant use...
Mine too. I can see the display working perfectly using SOTI pocket controller pro. So the phone seems to be functioning except for some reason the screen is showing all white screen.
cubangt, are using an extended battery or the standard battery that comes with the phone?
Have you tried flashing with a different rom??
Sorry, I fear my message won't be useful at all for you, but I'll post it just for the record. I hope you can find the solution to your problem anyway!
My BA now can't show anything but a white screen because of what I think is damage to the screen cable (while sliding the display the backlight goes on and off...).
But the cable is not loosely connected, it is sort of strongly bent at one point, and maybe some contacts got kind of cut. Now it does not work anymore, but some time ago switching it off and the on again used to do the trick: the display would be readable again (even though with annoying colours, stripes and so on). I don't think this is your case, but I'd like to warn the newbies like myself that they should care not to lose any piece while changing the LCD on their BA: I think I probably forgot about some sort of protection which could avoid damages to the cable in its movement.
As for the missing version number when upgrading, the same has always happened to me.. I think.
Ok, sorry for my English, I would have had some troubles with exposing these few silly things even in my mother tongue... bye... and good luck.
I tried 3 different WM6 roms. And if I remembered correctly this also problem also occurred for a brief while I downgraded to WM2003SE while trying to resize the storage(which failed).
Yeah I'm not sure if mine is a hardware problem, since I can always go into the bootloader and the display works fine there.
I have new info to add though. I found out I can reliably get rid of the problem by draining the backup battery. Now I have a new question, since draining the battery takes a while, is there a way to reset the phone as if the backup battery is emptied (and return my display to normal)? If I can find a way to simulate this, then I can actually use my phone again, even if I have to do this once a day.
Obviously soft reset doesn't work. And I don't wanna do a hard reset either. Maybe the experts here now what kind of data is reset when all batteries are completely drained.
Thanks for the help
quick thinking.....i was working on my phone tonight and came across this thread.....if not grounded properly it could be that you statically fried a component in the process?

litle problem with screen!!!

ok guys actually two problems here:
1. my wizard works fin no problems at all until i go to use the keyboard for txting or emailing, sometimes its ok other times the screen goues fuzzy and then a lot of lines appear?? any ideas is it hardware or software problem??
2. ive recently tried flashing a new rom to my pda actually a few bu everytime i flash its the same rom that comes up as before ive hard reset after flashing also soft rest but its still the same rom any ideas?
Have you CID unlocked your device?
I'm having the exact same problem with my keyboard, although it doesn't *only* happen with the keyboard. Every now and then--more and more often now--the device just stops responding for five or ten seconds, and then the lines appear, and the screen fades completely white after a few more seconds. Sometimes it reboots itself, but not always. It never responds to any input after that.
It really sounds like a hardware problem to me, but I have no idea what to do to fix it. A friend of mine who is very much into (read: addicted to) ROM flashing said that a re-flash would solve the problem, and suggested I go back to an official ROM first, just to be safe. I did exactly that, and it did nothing at all to help the symptoms. I've gone so far as to start using a Blackjack II for the moment, because I can't deal with my phone locking up randomly all the time. Any help would be very appreciated.
I too have a similar problem, except its just with my screen that occassionally i get lines down the screen then it fades to white, putting it into standby and back on again gets the screen back. My device still responds however.
Sounds like hardware issue. I have come across quite a few threads with similar problems
yes my device is cid unlocked i used to have no problem flashing roms but now it just doesnt happen all it does it resets the standard rom and all the tmobile gumf loads up
**also does anyone know how to get rid of the tmobile stuff permanently?

touch screen problem - calibration

After I installed new rom on my blackstone a new problem came out...
Time to time something hapens to my touch screen. It gets very very imprecise. For example, when I'm writing a SMS message I press the "V" button but then "G" is written on the screen... But this doesn't happen just when I'm writing a SMS but it happens no matter what I'm doing with the phone... Everything seems to be "shifted"/moved for about 1 centimetre upwards.
I made a hard reset and reinstalled rom but nothing didn't helped...
But it's funny because this isn't happening all the time but just time to time. Then I recalibrate the screen (voUp and voDO + tap the screen) and it helps for a few moments and than the same problem again. Then I'm doing the recalibration procedure till this problem vanish...
What is the problem, how can I solve it???
Please help because it is really annoying...
May be that the change of Rom is only a coincidence?
It is not excluded that the touch screen of your blackstone can be a little damaged.
I have a pda that sometimes have the same problem, but I not updated any Rom to it.
Simply I stressed his touch screen with some abnormal pressure (I think).
thanks for reply...
It's funny because it works fine all day but suddenly you need to write a SMS or just answer the call, but that is not possible.
Well the screen might been damaged but it's weird because when I start calibrating the screen I tap the cross and it's not moved...
What can I do?
Same problem
I have same problem and I didn't make any ROM update. I didn't install any new software, but suddenly my screen started to be unaccurate and shifted somehow. calibration helps but after while it's shifted again. I was thinking about updating ROM, but if this is not a solution, then I don't want to ...
Well I send my phone to repair. They said that it was a mechanical issue so I think you should send it also due it looks like this is the only way to solve this problem. I hope you still have your phone under guarantee...
Oh and make sure whether you need original ROM or you may use the changed one, because in Slovenia you need stock ROM and no programs installed (like Garmin etc.). So the best think to do is to hard reset the phone and then send it to repair, so you don't have any problems...

Leo Screen freeze crash Issue

I have been having some problems with my leo where i cannot unlock it after coming out of standby. The screen just freezes.
And sometimes when i press the END button to get it out of standby, the key lights come on, but nothing else happens.
Apparently others have this issue too! - check out u-tube video:
Has anyone else had this or still having this? Do i have to return my phone for another one?
Have you tried a hard reset?
ronald_adi said:
I have been having some problems with my leo where i cannot unlock it after coming out of standby. The screen just freezes.
And sometimes when i press the END button to get it out of standby, the key lights come on, but nothing else happens.
Apparently others have this issue too! - check out u-tube video:
Has anyone else had this or still having this? Do i have to return my phone for another one?
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Haven't had the issue. Vaguely read about this somewhere else, might be related to the default WM 6.5 lockscreen. Disable it and try something like S2U2 and see if u still have the same issue.
I have same problem with my device. Is this software or hardware problem? I have to do hard reset, and after that display can be stack. So I have to do soft reset, and phone working. It happens to me 2 times in one day, both times after I have been in room with very bad signal. Maybe that can produce problem. Symptoms are same as on YouTube video.
Does anybody know how to solve this?
i face this b4, it happend few times a day. but after i do hard reset the problem is solved. i think should be installed something conflict with the phone or inproper amended some registry
i used to have this but now it is less common after I have installed WMTask to Close applications when I hit "X" (instead of WM just minimizing the app). In effect it frees up memory and hopefully does cause your HD to struggle for memory when waking up?
for your info, I installed a new ROM and this didnt help. So it is NOT a SOFTWARE issue. I returned my phone for a new replacement unit and no more issues.
Sorry to say but if u have this problem u need to send your phone back.
I now have no more issues!
Mine has been doing this a lot. Turning it back on just results in the keys lighting up and nothing more.
Work around is to turn on so keys light up, hold down power key until lights all go off, then press power key again ... it will come back to the lock screen.
Thanks for your prompt answer.
It is not seems as memory problem, because if I remove and return battery problem stay. Maybe it can be problem with display driver. Also it is a little strange that after hard reset, I have to do soft reset to get it work again. I not like to change rom version, because it can void my guaranty, and maybe it is hardware problem.
Mine does exactly the same thing once it gets warm. Decided to return it after trying multiple hard resets. ROM changes and S2U2. Made no difference.
As I've joked on this forum before (although it's true), I had to put mine in the freezer to get the screen to work again so it sounds to me like a hardware issue.
Mine's going back for a replacement next week...
HTC HD2 freezes quite often Solution
le_paulo said:
Mine does exactly the same thing once it gets warm. Decided to return it after trying multiple hard resets. ROM changes and S2U2. Made no difference.
As I've joked on this forum before (although it's true), I had to put mine in the freezer to get the screen to work again so it sounds to me like a hardware issue.
Mine's going back for a replacement next week...
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Well thanks for the solution so if we get that bug , just put your brand new HTC HD2 on the freeser lol
I had similar problem four mornings in a row. Hardware keys would light up but screen dead. Soft reset got it going again, and a hard reset made no difference, even without reinstalling my softwares (I had a clock alarm set for each morning, maybe this is just coincidence). Someone on another forum with a similar issue suggested installing MemMaid, and for me this has worked. Running a regular 'clean' has meant that the problem has not returned, for three days now. So far! I notice that every clean finds many duplicate or invalid 'notifications', not sure if these somehow accumulate and cause the device to crash? Maybe worth trying? So problem for me at least is software related. HTC need to sort this as it is really annoying, and MemMaid is only free as a trial.
dazz29 said:
I had similar problem four mornings in a row. Hardware keys would light up but screen dead. Soft reset got it going again, and a hard reset made no difference, even without reinstalling my softwares (I had a clock alarm set for each morning, maybe this is just coincidence). Someone on another forum with a similar issue suggested installing MemMaid, and for me this has worked. Running a regular 'clean' has meant that the problem has not returned, for three days now. So far! I notice that every clean finds many duplicate or invalid 'notifications', not sure if these somehow accumulate and cause the device to crash? Maybe worth trying? So problem for me at least is software related. HTC need to sort this as it is really annoying, and MemMaid is only free as a trial.
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I am not quite sure that is software problem, if you done hard reset, and display still not respond on touch.
Soft or hard reset could clear the problem, I just mean that a hard reset didn't avoid the problem coming back. My current ROM is the official 1.48, didn't have this issue on the previous official ROM.
I got confirmation from service today, that it is hardware issue with phone display.
Bogi79 said:
I got confirmation from service today, that it is hardware issue with phone display.
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How do you know if youre phone should be replaced? Does it happen every time?
This happens to me every so often.
ya, I'm experiencing this as well. real drag!
The same thing happened to me aswell.
I recieved a message and when I tried to unlock the screen, nothing happened. The hardware keys worked but the screen didn't register my touches.
Tried soft reset, didn't work. Removed battery for a while, didn't work. Hard reset, didn't work. Flashed official ROM from HTC, didn't work.
It's been sent for repair. Hope I get it back quickly
I actually don't. But I insist to get phone replaced. I wrote appeal to company where I buy phone. Also I wrote down S/N and IME so I can check if I get new one.
Got the exact same problem, have been complaining about this in different topic here.
Sometimes couldn't unlock screen for many hours... then suddenly works again.
I've tried everything : decreasing/inscreasing screen sensitivity with reg, removing the screen lock, stopping the weather animation as suggested, putting a second finger in a corner while touching the screen : NOTHING WORKS
The only thing i'm convinced : it IS a hardware problem.
When the screen didn't react at all for some hours, sometimes playing with its humidity could help for a few minutes only ( by cleaning the screen with some special wet lcd cleaner or cleaning the screen with some humidity from my breath).
Also i'm travelling a lot (several countries a week)... and noticed THE PROBLEM APPEARS IN COUNTRY WHERE HUMIDITY IS HIGH. (that's also the reason why freezer could help. in a freezer, it's so cold, that the humidity is not in the air anymore, but is in ice state).
I recently bought the HTC screen protection for the HD2 (5 days ago).
Thanks to it, Air humidity doesn't touch the screen directly anymore.
And the problem hasn't appeared, not even once!
I just arrived a few hours ago in the country where i always had the problem (cause of its high humidity), and guess what ? Screen is still working great
I'll keep u up to date if problems come back.... but for now, i really think this is the solution (with logical explanation).

LG G2 screen unresponsive

Hi all,
My D802 seems to be giving up the ghost at the moment. Current problem is a delay of about a second between me pressing the screen and it detecting the touch.
It's not just a straightforward lag though, if I don't hold my finger on the screen long enough, it doesn't seem to notice that I've even pressed anything, and once it has detected the touch I'm free to swipe around as normal again. Until I take me finger off the screen and then I'll have the same problem again with the next touch.
Reading this back, it's a terrible explanation of the problem but I'm hoping somebody knows what I'm on about and has some ideas. It sounds like software rather than hardware to me, is there anyway to uninstall and reinstall something. Last resort would be a factory reset but I'd rather something a little less drastic if anyone has any thoughts.
Thanks in advance
Stock rom or any other?
I read on some topics persons that lost the touch after flashing some specific rom.
vinilr said:
Stock rom or any other?
I read on some topics persons that lost the touch after flashing some specific rom.
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The digitizer is a cheap replacement rather than an original part but, as I said, the fact that everything works fine once you've held your finger on the screen for a second or two would suggest that's not the issue

