I had a mytoutch 4g simlocked
I did unlock it with (TRUE PermaRoot and the ULTIMATE S=Off!!! Check this out even if you're rooted!!!)
I installed clockworkmod
I wiped all data preparing to install custom rom
after that I am stuck after installing the room with htc logo loob
I understand that some roms don't boot with clockworkmod
so how can i downgrade to 2.5.x
thank you
tried with
[ROM]Glacier_TMOUS_1.17.531.2_Radio_12.28b.60.140e_26.0 3.02.26_M_release
but with no result
it says no image or no image
although i did all the steps
thunder2007 said:
I had a mytoutch 4g simlocked
I did unlock it with (TRUE PermaRoot and the ULTIMATE S=Off!!! Check this out even if you're rooted!!!)
I installed clockworkmod
I wiped all data preparing to install custom rom
after that I am stuck after installing the room with htc logo loob
I understand that some roms don't boot with clockworkmod
so how can i downgrade to 2.5.x
thank you
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Use the link in my signature to update your Recovery image to It should solve your problem.
use the "bootloop" one.
downloading I will report
thank for the replay
wow finally I was goinig crazy
thank very much
this topic MUST be sticky
thunder2007 said:
wow finally I was goinig crazy
thank very much
this topic MUST be sticky
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Glad you got it worked out. I feel the same way. With the bootloop issues. But i know the solution is out there and hopefully a quick search will point people in the right direction.
I cannot get this to work, in clockwork recovery i get several cant mount errors, nothing works im stuck without a phone any help would work. I went from a gorilla sense rom to a thunderbolt rom, worked for 5 minutes then shut off and went into bootloops and to where my problem is at now
neidlinger said:
Use the link in my signature to update your Recovery image to It should solve your problem.
use the "bootloop" one.
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So, he's running a custom ROM right now, the latest desire hd port, GB, etc.
Well, most everything else needs CWM 3.006 or whatever. So, I'm trying to flash that. BUT, his phone acts as if he doesn't have root. I't S-offed and has "su" (the app) but it just doesn't work.
Tried flashing cwm with fastboot, "permission denied"
Idk what else to do
smithisize said:
So, he's running a custom ROM right now, the latest desire hd port, GB, etc.
Well, most everything else needs CWM 3.006 or whatever. So, I'm trying to flash that. BUT, his phone acts as if he doesn't have root. I't S-offed and has "su" (the app) but it just doesn't work.
Tried flashing cwm with fastboot, "permission denied"
Idk what else to do
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doubt its bricked...(its not bricked if you can get to the bootloader
what h-boot version do you have?
use the PD15IMG.zip to restore your phone
VibrantOwnr said:
what h-boot version do you have?
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Click to collapse i believe... I followed the perm root tut before flashing this custom ROM, then he messed it up..
smithisize said: i believe... I followed the perm root tut before flashing this custom ROM, then he messed it up..
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i dont think you can flash using fastboot in .86.
if it wont boot to the rom try the PD15IMG.zip file to restore
if it boots to the rom, go back to the true s-off/permroot guide in the development section and flash your bootloader (there is directions at the bottom of the first post (the post with the instructions))
After that it should work for fastboot
You can alternatively flash recovery through rom manager (off of the market..the free version will do)
VibrantOwnr said:
i dont think you can flash using fastboot in .86.
if it wont boot to the rom try the PD15IMG.zip file to restore
if it boots to the rom, go back to the true s-off/permroot guide in the development section and flash your bootloader (there is directions at the bottom of the first post (the post with the instructions))
After that it should work for fastboot
You can alternatively flash recovery through rom manager (off of the market..the free version will do)
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ROM Manager didn't work (again, couldn't obtain permissions).
So, I'm going to flash the ROM, hope for the best, then if $*&^ hits the fan, I'll result to flashing a diff bootloader.
Thanks for your advice, didn't think about flashing a diff booloader... used to my Cappy xD
have you tried using TrueBlue's recovery .zip it was the only way I could get either of my phones to take
HERE is the thread for it
Well, I flashed regardless of the 3006 req, and it went fine... Whatever lol.
thanks for the help and suggestions
Hi guys, I'm new to this. I followed the exact instructions from Cyanogen Wiki on how to install Clockworkmod Recovery on a stock (2.2 Froyo) Vz Fascinate using Heimdall. I got the blue bar in download mode showing that 'recovery.bin' was successfully loaded onto the phone, but then when I try to boot in it (3-button method), I get the blue (3e) Recovery (probably the stock one). So, when I try to flash CM7, I get a "file verification failed" or similar message, probably because stock recovery doesn't allow custom roms. I have no idea what to do next. I've tried flashing clockworkmod again, tried again and again...same thing (I've also tried recovery boot from ADB, same thing, I get the blue (3e) recovery). I'd appreciate any help.
bollorr said:
Hi guys, I'm new to this. I followed the exact instructions from Cyanogen Wiki on how to install Clockworkmod Recovery on a stock (2.2 Froyo) Vz Fascinate using Heimdall. I got the blue bar in download mode showing that 'recovery.bin' was successfully loaded onto the phone, but then when I try to boot in it (3-button method), I get the blue (3e) Recovery (probably the stock one). So, when I try to flash CM7, I get a "file verification failed" or similar message, probably because stock recovery doesn't allow custom roms. I have no idea what to do next. I've tried flashing clockworkmod again, tried again and again...same thing (I've also tried recovery boot from ADB, same thing, I get the blue (3e) recovery). I'd appreciate any help.
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I take it you dont have a windows pc or else you would of tried odin? Also next time if you would, please post your questions in the q&a section. Thx!
Thanks for the reply. I just did it with Odin following your instructions, worked flawlessly. I don't get it why it doesn't work with Heimdall (and why CM folks use Heimdall). One thing though, I didn't remove the battery at all during the process . Thanks bro.
bollorr said:
Thanks for the reply, I just did with Odin following your instructions, worked flawlessly. I don't get it why it doesn't work with Heimdall (and why CM7 folks use Heimdall). One thing though, I didn't remove the battery at all during the process .
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awsome! glad you got it working.
Thanks to you bro ...listen, I know this isn't the thread, but is it still possible to root the VZ Fascinate (now with clockworkmod recovery and CM7 gingerbread), because all I've found are old instructions that don't work anymore...can you please direct me to a method that works? Thanks a lot!
CM7 is pre-rooted.
bollorr said:
Thanks to you bro ...listen, I know this isn't the thread, but is it still possible to root the VZ Fascinate (now with clockworkmod recovery and CM7 gingerbread), because all I've found are old instructions that don't work anymore...can you please direct me to a method that works? Thanks a lot!
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If your on cm7 your already rooted. Although If for some reason you need to root a stock rom, check out section:5 of my guide a couple threads down. If it helps ya hit the thanks button.
that's what I thought (saw in ROM manager, Super User)...cool, thanks again both of you
Hello. After updating my A500 to the official ICS rom, I easily rooted my tablet succesfully by downloading a program found on this website:
Then, I downloaded an app from the market/play store called "Acer Recovery" wich lets you flash CWM recovery (which is built in into the app). The app said it flashed the recovery succesfully. Now, when I press the "boot into recovery" button I get stuck in the Acer logo and on the top left corner it sais in red: Recovery Failed
I would like to flash custom roms. What am I doing wrong?
Many thanks...
domenicostorino said:
Hello. After updating my A500 to the official ICS rom, I easily rooted my tablet succesfully by downloading a program found on this website:
Then, I downloaded an app from the market/play store called "Acer Recovery" wich lets you flash CWM recovery (which is built in into the app). The app said it flashed the recovery succesfully. Now, when I press the "boot into recovery" button I get stuck in the Acer logo and on the top left corner it sais in red: Recovery Failed
I would like to flash custom roms. What am I doing wrong?
Many thanks...
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Which version of Bootloader are you running? The recovery installer app should tell you when you start it.
Also, which version of Recovery did you try to install?
Moscow Desire said:
Which version of Bootloader are you running? The recovery installer app should tell you when you start it.
Also, which version of Recovery did you try to install?
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Thanks for helping me out.
-Bootloader Version: 0.03.12-ICS
I tried installing the two only recoveries avaliable wich are:
-ClockworkMod Recovery rev1.3.4 by thor2002ro
-Stock USA 1.141.07_COM_GEN1 recovery
After flashing any of the two I click on "Reboot into recovery", it reboots but gets stuck in Acer logo and on the top left corner says:
-Recovery verified failed
I have the same problem too and I still couldn't find a way out
Firmware Specs are same as yours
I wonder if there is a simple way out
Anyone can help ?
Ok, both of you need to go to this thread and read over the info.
The reason why your recovery "might have failed" is probably because you didn't delete a certain file from your rom before you flashed your CWM. That is... "recovery.from.boot.p" in the system folder.
If you don't, every time you reboot your will lose your CWM.
Anyhow, read this thread. Everything you need is there.
And if you;re going to install some ICS Customs in the future, I advise you install a patched unlocked bootloader.
EDIT: One more important thing. Before you folks go off flashing and everything, PLEASE... Get your UID number now, and write it down in a safe place (like the box your tablet came in . If you tab gets borked up, it's the only thing that'll save it.
As MD stated be sure to read that thread , once down reading it, re-read it , I would try using that method first ,it helps you learn , but if you want to go to this thread and it will be a whole lot easier :http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1675939
I always tell people in here read as much as you can , read through the Android section as well!
uahuuuuuuuuuuu !
What can I say ......Afterota is AMAZING!!!!
Made my day, not my day...my month!
It works like a charm and it's really easy to handle
Thanks thanks thanks !
Thanks, I did it as well with AfterOta, what a great tool. I am already rooted in ICS and have public recovery working. I'd like to try some custom roms. Is there any other step I have to complete before flashing a new custom rom?
Thanks again for the help
domenicostorino said:
Thanks, I did it as well with AfterOta, what a great tool. I am already rooted in ICS and have public recovery working. I'd like to try some custom roms. Is there any other step I have to complete before flashing a new custom rom?
Thanks again for the help
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I would advise making sure you have at least Version 3 or higher of the unlocked bootloader. Version 4 is better as you can change the boot image. Also, with version 4 (and higher) you can flash any future bootloaders through CWM.
Also, make a system (nand) recovery backup before you go flashing roms. This way you have something to go back to if the flash doesn't go right.
part of the original problem you had was the recovery you tried to flash was an earlier version which doesnt match ICS , You can get the beta copy of Acer Recovery ,but you'll have to search for it , it also has updated ICS recovery listed
I had installed cm 13 and tried installing a new kernel but i guess since i was on a old version it didn't work out. So i proceeded with putting the old kernel back *sandy kernel* however now when the phone opens up i put my pass code it shows the background for a split second with a system ui crashed error and back to lock screen. hence i tried installing a recovery again (twrp hybrid) since the latest roms use that and I wanted a new rom anyway. But i thought id back my stuff up but alas the system ui error doesn't allow me to do so. Finally i ended up by using fastboot to flash the new recovery but even after it said OK ! my phone won't boot into recovery.
So now i am stuck with a OP2 that boots into cm13 but cant get past the lockscreen, a recovery that won't load and a fastboot mode that is the only working thing.
God I really shouldve backed it up i know. But is there a way I can resolve this without losing my data?
I have an exam and the notes are in them.
Help is appreciated !
rogermax said:
I had installed cm 13 and tried installing a new kernel but i guess since i was on a old version it didn't work out. So i proceeded with putting the old kernel back *sandy kernel* however now when the phone opens up i put my pass code it shows the background for a split second with a system ui crashed error and back to lock screen. hence i tried installing a recovery again (twrp hybrid) since the latest roms use that and I wanted a new rom anyway. But i thought id back my stuff up but alas the system ui error doesn't allow me to do so. Finally i ended up by using fastboot to flash the new recovery but even after it said OK ! my phone won't boot into recovery.
So now i am stuck with a OP2 that boots into cm13 but cant get past the lockscreen, a recovery that won't load and a fastboot mode that is the only working thing.
God I really shouldve backed it up i know. But is there a way I can resolve this without losing my data?
I have an exam and the notes are in them.
Help is appreciated !
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Please use the following Guide. Method 1 should be your answer. https://forums.oneplus.net/threads/...ck-guide-for-a-hard-bricked-oneplus-2.347607/
toxicore said:
Please use the following Guide. Method 1 should be your answer. https://forums.oneplus.net/threads/...ck-guide-for-a-hard-bricked-oneplus-2.347607/
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sir thats a 1gb file and im on data net right now. I'll download it but are you sure it will resolve my issue ?
Just download latest oxygen or cyanogenmod recovery and flash in fastboot it will sure boot to recovery
paradise220 said:
Just download latest oxygen or cyanogenmod recovery and flash in fastboot it will sure boot to recovery
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thank you for your help sir, even though i tried flashing all kinds of recoveries via fastboot, it says the flash was successful but it still doesn't boot into recovery. Any other suggestions ?
rogermax said:
thank you for your help sir, even though i tried flashing all kinds of recoveries via fastboot, it says the flash was successful but it still doesn't boot into recovery. Any other suggestions ?
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As I said. the method i showed you is most certainly the solution. But you need a Computer and yes, 1gb is propably too much for mobile data
Maybe, just maybe if you flash OOS-Firmware it might help. But i dont know for sure.
So i finally managed to get into twrp 2.8.7 (lollipop)by this http://forum.xda-developers.com/devdb/project/dl/?id=16684
thanks a lot for all your hard work guys ! (cant boot into os still but twrp will help atleast)
So I just got a 2nd HTC 10 Verizon, I noticed that this phone got S-OFF already so I install TWRP and succeeded.
After that I try flashing others ROM I found here in this HTC 10 Verizon sub-forum but after flashing and reboot, my phone stuck at boot loader and can't get into the OS.
Can you guys please help me out here, it's getting frustrated flashing ROM after ROM and still get stuck like that.
Thanks in advance.
polepoe said:
So I just got a 2nd HTC 10 Verizon, I noticed that this phone got S-OFF already so I install TWRP and succeeded.
After that I try flashing others ROM I found here in this HTC 10 Verizon sub-forum but after flashing and reboot, my phone stuck at boot loader and can't get into the OS.
Can you guys please help me out here, it's getting frustrated flashing ROM after ROM and still get stuck like that.
Thanks in advance.
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Is the bootloader unlocked? How did you flash the ROM? Have you tried one of the pure stock RUU's in these forums? Do you know which version of the firmware is on it? (These are a few questions which may help diagnose the problem).
hgoldner said:
Is the bootloader unlocked? How did you flash the ROM? Have you tried one of the pure stock RUU's in these forums? Do you know which version of the firmware is on it? (These are a few questions which may help diagnose the problem).
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I think the boot loader is unlocked because I can access the boot loader screen. It said:
*** Software status: Offcial ***
*** LOCKED ***
*** S-OFF ***
<VOL UP> to previous item
<VOL DOWN> to next item
<POWER> to select item
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Well, I flash the custom ROM using TWRP (copy ROM into SD card, then install the ROM with TWRP).
I did flash the pure stock RUU in those forums and got it working, but I don't want to use it because I'm using the phone out of US, I have countered so many problems and little things that bugging me off.
This is the detail info I get in the boot info:
hTC download mode
*** LOCKED ***
htc_pmewl XC S-OFF
[email protected]
Jun 8 2017, 11:30:46(857212)
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Wondering whether you have a firmware/ROM mismatch.
polepoe said:
I think the boot loader is unlocked because I can access the boot loader screen. It said:
Well, I flash the custom ROM using TWRP (copy ROM into SD card, then install the ROM with TWRP).
I did flash the pure stock RUU in those forums and got it working, but I don't want to use it because I'm using the phone out of US, I have countered so many problems and little things that bugging me off.
This is the detail info I get in the boot info:
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what rom are you trying to flash?
aer0zer0 said:
what rom are you trying to flash?
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Well I did flash PERFUME_WL 2.51.617.1 from this sub-forums.
And others popular Rom like I found in the htc 10 sub-forums
polepoe said:
Well I did flash PERFUME_WL 2.51.617.1 from this sub-forums.
And others popular Rom like I found in the htc 10 sub-forums
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And they all do the same thing?
aer0zer0 said:
And they all do the same thing?
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Yes, it stuck in boot loader after done flashing and restart.
polepoe said:
Yes, it stuck in boot loader after done flashing and restart.
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Hmm, you may have already done this. Did you flash the 2.41.605.20 ruu in the development thread (it will wipe data, back up prior)? That will place all current firmware and stock rom (which reading sounds like you don't want).
Once it boots to at least the login screen, reboot to bootloader, flash twrp, format data (type yes) then reboot to twrp.
From here (making sure you have rom of choice on your SD viper, leedroid etc...) wipe everything but your external sd card, and install the rom. It should work from here...
I also gave you the scorched earth method of making it boot up.. This most definitely should work. I would be more than glad to help if I can.
aer0zer0 said:
Hmm, you may have already done this. Did you flash the 2.41.605.20 ruu in the development thread (it will wipe data, back up prior)? That will place all current firmware and stock rom (which reading sounds like you don't want).
Once it boots to at least the login screen, reboot to bootloader, flash twrp, format data (type yes) then reboot to twrp.
From here (making sure you have rom of choice on your SD viper, leedroid etc...) wipe everything but your external sd card, and install the rom. It should work from here...
I also gave you the scorched earth method of making it boot up.. This most definitely should work. I would be more than glad to help if I can.
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Thanks, I will try this method, data is not a bit of a problem here so I will wipe that ****.
Let's see where this is going.
Edited: can you send me the link of the 2.41.605.20 ruu ROM, I'm getting a bit confused here.
polepoe said:
Thanks, I will try this method, data is not a bit of a problem here so I will wipe that ****.
Let's see where this is going.
Edited: can you send me the link of the 2.41.605.20 ruu ROM, I'm getting a bit confused here.
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@aer0zer0's own thread (which you should have looked for first): https://forum.xda-developers.com/verizon-htc-10/how-to/verizon-official-ruu-1-19-605-9-t3377586
hgoldner said:
@aer0zer0's own thread (which you should have looked for first): https://forum.xda-developers.com/verizon-htc-10/how-to/verizon-official-ruu-1-19-605-9-t3377586
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I did flash this RUU rom 1 week ago, so all I have to do now is the rest of the step right?
polepoe said:
I did flash this RUU rom 1 week ago, so all I have to do now is the rest of the step right?
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Reread post #9 of this thread.
hgoldner said:
Reread post #9 of this thread.
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TWRP flashing is done and it freeze at REBOOT phase so I have to hard restart the phone (with volume down + power for 11 seconds)
It still stuck in the boot loader.
This error message show up with the boot loader:
reboot reason: 0x776655aa
reboot message: KP: init PC:adsp_boot_store+0x2cc/0x368 LR:adsp_boot_store+0x2cc/0x368
polepoe said:
Thanks, I will try this method, data is not a bit of a problem here so I will wipe that ****.
Let's see where this is going.
Edited: can you send me the link of the 2.41.605.20 ruu ROM, I'm getting a bit confused here.
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There you go, flash via SD card or fastboot. Any instructions required you can get from there
aer0zer0 said:
There you go, flash via SD card or fastboot. Any instructions required you can get from there
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I did flash your rom 4 days ago, and got it working. Then I stop looking for any more ROM flashing stuff.
Now I retried and got the above error message.
So frustrated...
polepoe said:
I did flash your rom 4 days ago, and got it working. Then I stop looking for any more ROM flashing stuff.
Now I retried and got the above error message.
So frustrated...
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What error message?
polepoe said:
I did flash your rom 4 days ago, and got it working. Then I stop looking for any more ROM flashing stuff.
Now I retried and got the above error message.
So frustrated...
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Your reboot error appears to be a kernel panic.
What version of Twrp are you using to flash the custom rom/s?
I'm guessing an older one which isn't allowing Magisk to properly root the boot.img/kernel, therefor causing your kernel panics and inability to boot after flashing.
So,....again, what version of Twrp are you using?
You should be using the latest Official build.
Sent from my HTC6545LVW using Tapatalk
aer0zer0 said:
What error message?
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reboot reason: 0x776655aa
reboot message: KP: init PC:adsp_boot_store+0x2cc/0x368 LR:adsp_boot_store+0x2cc/0x368
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santod040 said:
Your reboot error appears to be a kernel panic.
What version of Twrp are you using to flash the custom rom/s?
I'm guessing an older one which isn't allowing Magisk to properly root the boot.img/kernel, therefor causing your kernel panics and inability to boot after flashing.
So,....again, what version of Twrp are you using?
You should be using the latest Official build.
Sent from my HTC6545LVW using Tapatalk
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I'm using the latest TWRP at this link: https://twrp.me/devices/htc10.html
polepoe said:
I'm using the latest TWRP at this link: https://twrp.me/devices/htc10.html
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And you've made sure to allow system modifications via Twrp swipe option when you first loaded it?
Check under Advanced > Mount and make sure system is not selected as Read Only.
Sent from my HTC6545LVW using Tapatalk