i want to unlock my at&t dell streak 1.6
i want to update 2.2, i am in sri lanka,
what is the first step? and after?
The HTC website says that Rom update is not suitable for my phone.....Why Not? I am currently on ROM UK based phone on the T-Mobile Network. I thought that the latest ROM was 1.48 or am I wrong?
proably because it is branded by t-mobile, it is only suitable for unbranded phones, you will need to use the goldcard method if you wish to update your rom
Richy99 said:
proably because it is branded by t-mobile, it is only suitable for unbranded phones, you will need to use the goldcard method if you wish to update your rom
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Could you explain the Goldcard method to me and why wouldn't branded phones want latest ROM updates?
branded phones need updates from the carrier.
unbranded (as they have no carrier afflilation) gets theirs direct from the manufacturer (HTC)
This link should help give you more of an idea what you will need to do. Haven't done it myself. Still waiting for the new ROM to be made official on the UK HTC site(well waiting and learning only had it 4 days). They haven't given it to us yet.
i have original dell sreak device from dell, simfree.
my dell sreak rooted by universall androot.
i want update to android 2.1,
anyone know if there a version 2.1 offical from dell, no O2 etc. for root user.
I have the 7299 streak too... i bought it in hong kong.... i habe tried flashing it to the O2 eclair roms and found them lagging and not as good as the original 1.6..... i guess u have to wait for the official 2.2 from dell
Any word on updating 7299? I have the same build and baseband as the OP.
I have Dell Streak m01m of O2 how can i upgrade it from 1.6 to 2.1 while it is not unlocked just for O2
Also any solution to unlock it
Can I find any rom for it with portugese language.................
I will have a o2 2.2 streak soon I think, so will it be unlocked by a turbosim or rebelsim (with use of full 3G data, no dropping of reception and all carriers).
I know it did not work with DJ steves 2.2.
RebelSIM currently doesn't support 2.2 official. The latest version of DJSteve's Froyo ROM has a no baseband version that works with RebelSIM, using the older 2.1 baseband.
I don't know of anyone, nor do I think there's anyone who has had any luck with TurboSIM on the Streak.
Well, I finally debranded my UK Orange HTC Mozart and it promptly updated when I sync with zune!
Debrand with gold card using this Footbal ROM http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=858599 and it will update. No more waiting for Orange to "allow" MS updates.
Im fully ready for "nodo" and Mango updates now. My mozart is sim unlocked, debranded, updated and upgraded with 16G microSD!
Hello. Yes i use this roms too but with another web site. And yes after first sync the phone have a february ms update ( preupdate after major march upsate) one question after this update does chevron work on your phone? On mine never works
Yes, chevron still worked perfectly.
Does this method with goldcard and Football ROM unlock the SIM?
I can not say, I had already paid for unlock code for my phone. I doubt if it will be that simple.
Just unlocked, unbranded and updated my ex Orange UK Mozart! Finally an operator free phone Used GoldCard + Footbal ROM to unbrand and Zune to update.
How did you accomplish the unlock?
By paying $25 to an online unlock site, unfortunately
But it's nothing compared to feeling free
I wanted to do this myself but I am stuck on the card CID... I have no Windows Mobile 6.x device anymore and I am trying using other means to obtain it
abbas said:
How did you accomplish the unlock?
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Well my phone works only in one network, ORANGE AUSTRIA and i need to unlock it so i can use any SIM card from any provider...