Etiquette... Please Read - Vibrant General

Some of us (noob and non-noob) do a few things that make XDA not as enjoyable for all of us.
1 - Please do NOT make MULTIPLE threads on the same topic (5 topics on page 1 are by the same person, 4 of which are all related to the same topic). Wouldn't ONE thread with everything be nicer for the OP and ALL of XDA?
2 - Edit your posts - if you forgot to say something or you need to word it better, just edit your initial post, no need to make more clutter.
3 - Be respectful... as much as you can tolerate.
4 - Try and help if you can.
5 - Rather than go back and forth in a thread (arguing/talking), PM the person. Hint, WE do NOT care.
6 - Developer's ROM threads are for THAT purpose, developing. It is NOT to be compared to another rom, and nobody cares if you are about to flash it.
7 - Post in the correct section! This is not hard... questions go in the Q&A. Apps/Themes go there... ONLY developers should post new threads in the development section. General is a catch all for everything else, related to the Vibrant.
8 - Spell Etiquette correctly (I'm flashing Gingerbread on my Nexus, doing this while backing up.... my excuse )
Also, if you feel a thread like this IS the issue.... you may need to look in the mirror.

may want to edit title, it's spelled etiquette...
just friendly heads up before the flaming starts lol

psst...! i think you mean "etiquette".
you might wanna add "please take your disagreements outside of the thread or just agree to disagree".
i dunno about you, but i'm getting sick of seeing arguments when reading threads in the dev section. ~_~

Is this topic meant for that person that rides x's?

WOW, thanks guys... my mind is somewhere else. Fixed the OP. I will continue to add if more come up, but these seemed needed now.

ferhanmm said:
Is this topic meant for that person that rides x's?
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It's meant for EVERYONE. Not trying to call anyone out.

Awesome post. If the xda app had a thanks button, I'd use it. I'd be using the report button, too. A LOT.
Mods need to bust out the ban stick and use it excessively.
Bionix Frost
Dragon Kernel v5 Test4

This is a result of xriderx66 making three of the exact same thread right? Cuz that ****s annoying.
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christpuncher said:
This is a result of xriderx66 making three of the exact same thread right? Cuz that ****s annoying.
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Posts like this are ALSO the reason I made this thread... actually.
Lets not go down this road, it's exactly what I am saying to not do. No offense!

I agree with all of your points.
Sticky please!

richiehd said:
I agree with all of your points.
Sticky please!
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richiehd said:
I agree with all of your points.
Sticky please!
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(10 chars)

christpuncher said:
This is a result of xriderx66 making three of the exact same thread right? Cuz that ****s annoying.
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I'm sorry if i did, but which are the exact same threads? I'm not sure i made the exact same threads 3 times.
Can you possibly tell me their title or link?

Here is another one. Comments in a rom are supposed to be for that rom only. Ie. Bugs fixes, performance, etc. You should NOT compare roms.. Ex. " boomers" rom is much faster than this... " comments like this are pointless and do nothing for the development of the rom the thread is about.
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xriderx66 said:
I'm sorry if i did, but which are the exact same threads? I'm not sure i made the exact same threads 3 times.
Can you possibly tell me their title or link?
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I think these are the links you were looking for,
Not as similar but could probably have been combined:
Doesn't bother me though, any activity in the vibrant forum is good activity to me : )

ferhanmm said:
I think these are the links you were looking for,
Not as similar but could probably have been combined:
Doesn't bother me though, any activity in the vibrant forum is good activity to me : )
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I'm sorry?
I posted the first thread "vibrant comes with 2.2!" because i'd made a thread a day or two ago asking if Vibrants now come with 2.2
Everyone on the thread said NO.
I wanted to let people know that it does, because i just got a refurb with 2.2.
the second was a question kind-of.
I was wondering why people were hating on stock ROMS because i had great experiences with it. (not 2.1) Everyone on this forum says "STAY AWAY FROM STOCK, ITS LAGGY!!!!" I wanted to oppose that because i had no problems what-so-ever with that.
I don't see how their related just because they both have something to do with 2.2 though.

I really dont see what ya'lls problem w/xrider is, his posts may have been similar but they are still different.
This is an open forum and with so many new people coming and going it will always be like this,theres no way to control it,and in trying to do so will only create undue stress
The only way it can be some what "controled" is to make it a closed forum :-(
And by editing does it bring in new viewers not likely.
Imho i dislike cyber arguing but some times it apperently takes a lil cyber flogging to set some straight or get rid of the bashers
This is in no way a negitive post towards the OP nor anyone else
Bionix-V 1.3 w/a Splash of Color

I'd be content with from here on nobody identifying a person.... I was not trying to call one person out by my post.

s15274n said:
I'd be content with from here on nobody identifying a person.... I was not trying to call one person out by my post.
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Just to be clear i didnt think you were but others did bring him up and part of my reference was meant to be directed at those who did.
I apologize if in my statement you felt i did.
As your op was ment as a general statement so was mine. Sorry i didnt clarify that.
I believe we all fit into your general statement at some point or another
Bionix-V 1.3 w/a Splash of Color

s15274n said:
I'd be content with from here on nobody identifying a person.... I was not trying to call one person out by my post.
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+1 Agree totally. Singling out some person just creates a feud and that is rarely productive. The real issue is for people to try and remember that when writing in the thread, sarcasm, double entendres, and other other verbal expressions rarely make sense in written form. Plus, the macho adolescent comments do not go over well either.
My best advice and rule that always works is this :
Try to make your comments so if your parents or some one you respect was reading they would understand what you are saying and the intent.
Follow that rule and you will never have problems (of course unless you are a sociopath-)


Everybody knows this already. Don't read. It wont help anyone.

There were always a few occasions when I was playing with my vibrant and noticed my brightness would increase randomly. I just figured out after some investigation, that if you slide your finger ALONG the status bar, so left to right either way, it will adjust the screen brightness. Just a tip in case anyone wasn't aware. It's really not an obvious feature to discover so I figured it might help people.
Ha, what a strange feature.
Nice find!
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OP you SHOULD read this
For your own good
ejamin73 said:
OP you SHOULD read this
For your own good
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Shutup .
joe.kerwin said:
Shutup .
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i hope that you forgot the /sarcasm..........
wow, nice response. all he was telling you that there is a link to all kinds of good and useful tips like that...
hmm, cant figure out why developers leave xda
Wasn't asking for more tips. Wasn't asking if there was a two line blurb saying this already. Posted to help out people that didn't pick up on this. I've seen a lot of complaints of brightness not being in the notification bar toggle. Compared to all the other things that are repeated over and over I don't see it necessary to tell me what's for "my own good". If you already knew, hit back and move on. If my thread was entitled "I want to learn new tricks and tips" it'd be appropriate. Besides from this one "tip" everything else in the sticky is stuff I was already aware of.
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joe.kerwin said:
Wasn't asking for more tips. Wasn't asking if there was a two line blurb saying this already. Posted to help out people that didn't pick up on this. I've seen a lot of complaints of brightness not being in the notification bar toggle. Compared to all the other things that are repeated over and over I don't see it necessary to tell me what's for "my own good". If you already knew, hit back and move on. If my thread was entitled "I want to learn new tricks and tips" it'd be appropriate. Besides from this one "tip" everything else in the sticky is stuff I was already aware of.
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No reason to get sensitive. . all you had to do is ssay thanks. .again he was trying to help you.
Dude, just don't title this "does everybody know...". Anyone who knows how to use this forum knows your useless trivia. You successfully informed 2 noobs about a known feature that's been threaded a dozen times already. Congrats.
joe.kerwin said:
Besides from this one "tip" everything else in the sticky is stuff I was already aware of.
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LOL... Perhaps you could write the next guide for us? Should I put a "word" in quotes so it has more meaning?
XfooYen said:
Dude, just don't title this "does everybody know...". Anyone who knows how to use this forum knows your useless trivia. You successfully informed 2 noobs about a known feature that's been threaded a dozen times already. Congrats.
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But, yeah, this is fairly well-known. I still use auto-brightness instead, though, cuz I'm lazy like that.
joe.kerwin said:
Wasn't asking for more tips. Wasn't asking if there was a two line blurb saying this already. Posted to help out people that didn't pick up on this. I've seen a lot of complaints of brightness not being in the notification bar toggle. Compared to all the other things that are repeated over and over I don't see it necessary to tell me what's for "my own good". If you already knew, hit back and move on. If my thread was entitled "I want to learn new tricks and tips" it'd be appropriate. Besides from this one "tip" everything else in the sticky is stuff I was already aware of.
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good hell is it that time of the month again?
IF you/other people would read the stickies, or use the search function you/other people would have found what you were looking for. not to mention he responded with a link to the sticky that has loads of other very useful information that you may be trying to figure out, and that when you do figure out you will post a new thread for something that has already been covered in another thread that isn't that hard to find because it is stickied....
XfooYen said:
Dude, just don't title this "does everybody know...". Anyone who knows how to use this forum knows your useless trivia. You successfully informed 2 noobs about a known feature that's been threaded a dozen times already. Congrats.
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So it wastes time because my title is bad, yet you took more time from your life to post that? 2 people is still 2 people. I get more pleasure from people like you that think you're defending....I'm sorry what exactly are you defending right now? Anyone who knows how to use the forum can figure this out, yes. However anyone who has a life and doesn't read every word of every thread can find this easier. It's a feature that will be used daily. This thread will eventually go to the bottom just like all the other old thread. RELAX.
d_bot said:
good hell is it that time of the month again?
IF you/other people would read the stickies, or use the search function you/other people would have found what you were looking for. not to mention he responded with a link to the sticky that has loads of other very useful information that you may be trying to figure out, and that when you do figure out you will post a new thread for something that has already been covered in another thread that isn't that hard to find because it is stickied....
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Look I found this feature on my own, accidentally, and shared it. I wasn't going to search the entire forum to see if it had been mentioned before I shared. Idiot.
Don't worry. I edited the title since everyone knows everything. Go rag on the consistent threads of people asking where to find froyo roms, lag problems, and people starting threads wondering whats wrong with their gps.
joe.kerwin said:
Look I found this feature on my own, accidentally, and shared it. I wasn't going to search the entire forum to see if it had been mentioned before I shared. Idiot.
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holy hell how old are you 12? you bring out new levels of douchbagery....sad and childish really....
d_bot said:
holy hell how old are you 12? you bring out new levels of douchbagery....sad and childish really....
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You're right. And the word "douchbagery" is definitely one of those common terms found in the word choice of an adult.
Why can't we play nice?
your new title brings even more attention to this thread, I clicked because I was curious wtf was going on in here...
so now are you not only wasting everyones times with a feature that everyone knows, but now you're also wasting my time by giving your thread a confusing title.
I hope you burn in hell.
sigeltek said:
your new title brings even more attention to this thread, I clicked because I was curious wtf was going on in here...
so now are you not only wasting everyones times with a feature that everyone knows, but now you're also wasting my time by giving your thread a confusing title.
I hope you burn in hell.
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Haha. Hey it says don't read now! Damn I can't do anything right hahaha.

Everyone read

Everyone someone needs to set up an epic rom bible. I would but i dont have an epic. I keep up with stuff for it for a friend and im tired of going through 10 pages to find a single thing for the phone.
I agree,and people need to stop "coming soon" posts.
KellyLewis3985 said:
Everyone someone needs to set up an epic rom bible. I would but i dont have an epic. I keep up with stuff for it for a friend and im tired of going through 10 pages to find a single thing for the phone.
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a bible for 3 roms and 2 kernels and 1 recovery.... totally.... needed... too much reading
no... the problem is with every swinging **** asking their dumbass questions in the developer section..... includeing this one.... mods should be alot stricter on what is considered "dev talk" and what is considered "general talk"
so... what are you actually contributing to this phone programming wise? oh wait... i thought this was a developer question
johnsongrantr said:
a bible for 3 roms and 2 kernels and 1 recovery.... totally.... needed... too much reading
no... the problem is with every swinging **** asking their dumbass questions in the developer section..... includeing this one.... mods should be alot stricter on what is considered "dev talk" and what is considered "general talk"
so... what are you actually contributing to this phone programming wise? oh wait... i thought this was a developer question
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lol... +1
honestly i think the problem is there isnt another place to ask questions about specific roms or root issues
and the roms keep getting bumped down
<3me said:
honestly i think the problem is there isnt another place to ask questions about specific roms or root issues
and the roms keep getting bumped down
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ask them in the thread that involves that rom, if someone is going to answer you they can do it there... a new topic for each issue isn't the answer
What I meant to say was we need a general question section for the epic
<3me said:
What I meant to say was we need a general question section for the epic
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soooo..... like here?
+1 lmfao
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+1 and can we change the title of this thread?
amosher13 said:
soooo..... like here?
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more like
Quick, everyone internet!
If a bible is made, please keep it locked except for new ROM posts. Otherwise, it will be like every single stinking thread on here and turn into why your grandma thinks the EVO is better than the Epic. Newsflash: no one cares.
Please. No Bibles. I try to avoid religion at all costs as it is the leading cause of insanity.
..Certainly a nice way to encourage involvement. Let me guess, your the "1337" guy that is sittin behind the VIP ropes of the "Dev" section. I had no prior computer experience before rooting my samsung moment 4 months ago, which SDX *graciously lays out in plain form. Since then Ive done a lot of homework and there is a reason why all the noobs go there, b/c they arent pretentious Milli-Vanill's like some on here...Last I checked registration on this was free and w/o dues or fees. Add those both then you may complain about the company you attract.
lame thread is a lame thread.
Totally retarted thread. I shoulda known by the title.
can i haz some cheese?
what happened to SEARCH - its amazing what it turns up if used!!!!!!!!!
Lol @ thinking this thread was going to end up any other way then what it actually did. Awful thread.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Lol I wasnt posting it as anything but to tell someone to get off there azz and make the epic dev section easier to use.
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[REQ] CyanogenMod 6.1 Beta2 for Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000 Working on the Vibrant

Hey people
I was wondering if some body can port this ROM over... I've been hearing about this ROM when I was still on windows (TP2) I seen Noobnl try to do something with it. But I heard he quit (Great DEV)... Okay back to what I was saying I was playing with it a little bit with his release. Seems like its banging
I seen this on the Vibrant forum with a Port Link and was wondering if somebody-anybody who knows how to port if they can port this over
Thanks for your help
this thread made me die a little on the inside
johnsongrantr said:
this thread made me die a little on the inside
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Seriously! I really hope we can get this ported over.
Huh. Well there's an idea that definitely no one in the entire world has started 80 billion threads about already.
Another dumb ass who disregards using common sense on forums. Try SEARCHING next time.
OP reported as belonging in general section.
Thanks for keeping up with the times......
Sent from my *Epic* using XDA App
ghostrid3r said:
Another dumb ass who disregards using common sense on forums. Try SEARCHING next time.
OP reported as belonging in general section.
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What you mean by that... BRO!
bobbyblack said:
What you mean by that... BRO!
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That was pretty clear and concise to me... You just had to prove his point? Lol
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azyouthinkeyeiz said:
That was pretty clear and concise to me... You just had to prove his point? Lol
Sent from my *Epic* using XDA App
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Haha I was thinking the same thing
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its threads like this that make every one of us die a little inside with every click.
just so everyone is clear....a title that begins with:
[ROM] means this post contains a rom. not a request. those have a different title all together.
yes im a troll. but maybe, just maybe, someone will learn and spare the rest of us.
I believe we can't port over the Vibrant because it's GSM and we're CMDA..
Could be wrong; but I think thats what i've read before.
Also.. Your title is a little misleading; you shouldn't put ROM in brackets if you arn't launching a ROM
Wow... Computer bullys, LOL only on a computer not face-to-face
Okay the post has been changed, y'all didn't have to be asses
XtaC318 said:
I believe we can't port over the Vibrant because it's GSM and we're CMDA..
Could be wrong; but I think thats what i've read before.
Also.. Your title is a little misleading; you shouldn't put ROM in brackets if you arn't launching a ROM
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Thank you .
XtaC318 said:
I believe we can't port over the Vibrant because it's GSM and we're CMDA..
Could be wrong; but I think thats what i've read before.
Also.. Your title is a little misleading; you shouldn't put ROM in brackets if you arn't launching a ROM
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Also, no CM rom because Sammy hasn't given us source code for drivers and whatnot.
The other thing about this post that i find just staggeringly stupid is that if you look down a little bit on most days you'll see noobnl's posts about 6.1 betas for the epic and how hes working on it, which only goes to prove that the search feature is either dead or non function for the Epic section of the forums, or somehow the words get distorted when other people that the poster and the literate read them.
like this one here
Another useless thread in the wrong section, again. OP no one really means to be an ass but we are sick and tired of this ****.
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art3mis-nyc said:
The other thing about this post that i find just staggeringly stupid is that if you look down a little bit on most days you'll see noobnl's posts about 6.1 betas for the epic and how hes working on it, which only goes to prove that the search feature is either dead or non function for the Epic section of the forums, or somehow the words get distorted when other people that the poster and the literate read them.
like this one here
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HAHA, love it. Yeah I was commenting the other day on how google's servers are apparently down. Perhaps we could start a thread "[ROM][FIX][BUG][REQ][WIKI][STICKY][SEX][PLEASE][STOP] SEARCH FUNCTION BROKEN!!!!!!!!!" to let everyone know that they will need to just man up and create a new thread every time they have a question about anything, no matter how stupid, useless, or even already answered.
I will work on setting up a petition for the new thread?
sign me up!
i would say someone should sticky a post with some ettiquite (cant spell since my work's IE doesnt have spell check lol) "tips and tricks" kind of like the forum's rules that you have to read when you sign up, except it would probaly be moved to the general sub forum because it has nothing to do with development and probally be ignored worse than XDA's rules.
Wow, there's so much negativity on these forums sometimes. I wish people would stop being such whiney little *****es. If it's been posted and answered before and it bothers you that much, just move on. Forums are a place for helping and spreading knowledge. Contribute something, or don't say anything at all...
los1223 said:
Wow, there's so much negativity on these forums sometimes. I wish people would stop being such whiney little *****es. If it's been posted and answered before and it bothers you that much, just move on. Forums are a place for helping and spreading knowledge. Contribute something, or don't say anything at all...
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We are contributing by trying to *bully* some sense into a format(forums) that was tried and true, within our circles, until those who probably don't fit into anything we do here, (just want hand outs) come and muddy the waters....
I go to a good number of forums daily, and this nonsense is only on xda.. There are forum rules, if people can't live by them, they shouldn't post...
Swyped from my *Epic*

Incoming Call Screen

Hello, does anyone know if it's possible to get the answer call screen on the Epic as the same style as the Fascinate???
Prefer Fascinates answer call screen more than Epics..
Thread moved to General. Please stop flaming the OP.
egzthunder1 said:
Thread moved to General. Please stop flaming the OP.
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The forum rules specially state to use the search option and to post in the right sections. Either he did not read the rules our he is just to plain dumb and should not be on this forum! You sir should be giving light bans to all the people that ignore forum rules and they might think about what they are actually doing before they post something that could have easily been found with a search or flagrantly posting in the wrong section!
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I did use the search and I couldn't find what I was looking for and I thought probably post in dev since they know what they doing :k??
Its not likeyou are such a senior member sir "ihaveanepic" with your 50 posts to be making suc remarks
anyways you said I need touse the search first, which means you have seen a thread with this same question and it has a solution, so please link to it instead of making stupid comments; and if you don't have a link then you need to just shutup.
Sakujou said:
anyways you said I need touse the search first, which means you have seen a thread with this same question and it has a solution, so please link to it instead of making stupid comments; and if you don't have a link then you need to just shutup.
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I agree.
Sent from The Chaotic Void.
i haven't been able to find it either. i haven't seen the fascinates one but im curious. if you could please post a link to the thread and stop yelling at the poor guy it would be much appreciated.
sniperwitagun said:
if you could please post a link to the thread and stop yelling at the poor guy it would be much appreciated.
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Again, I agree.
Sent from The Chaotic Void.
sniperwitagun said:
i haven't been able to find it either. i haven't seen the fascinates one but im curious. if you could please post a link to the thread and stop yelling at the poor guy it would be much appreciated.
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I'm going to have to agree. I've kept a close eye on these forums but I have never seen this before.
As far as the Fascinate answer/decline method goes, if you have your Samsung Epic upgraded to 2.2 Froyo, and set the alarm, the way the alarm is put to snooze/exit when it goes off is the same way the Fascinate answers/rejects calls which I like WAAY better than the Epics way of doing it.
The Fascinate has had the answer/reject method since it came out(my friend got fascinate same time I got epic) and ever since I been jealous of the answer/decline method also looks waay cleaner and nicer..
Actually I think the call screen I'm looking for is the default would I get the default instead of the one sprint or whoever gave us...
bump for this - I'm looking for the same thing
Still looking....
Nothing I guess
Sakujou said:
I did use the search and I couldn't find what I was looking for and I thought probably post in dev since they know what they doing :k??
Its not likeyou are such a senior member sir "ihaveanepic" with your 50 posts to be making suc remarks
anyways you said I need touse the search first, which means you have seen a thread with this same question and it has a solution, so please link to it instead of making stupid comments; and if you don't have a link then you need to just shutup.
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Yes yes yes you took the words right out my mouth. Can't stand when people feel the need to flame like they so much better. If you don't have anything to say that can help the topic just stfu up and not post anything at all.
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new to android world , want to root :)

ok im new to all this android thing so bare with me
my first android phone is the SGS2 its stock 2.3.5 unlocked and i want it rooted i readed and watched videos about how to do it and i think im rdy to do it i just need help with the kernel files so i dont make a mistake by chosing the wrong ones
can some put plz the rooted kernel and the original kernel so i can remove the triangle after
preferable as atachmed both ones ty
here about phone pic
have a read of this
Darkside Agent said:
have a read of this
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im lucky you incrased your post count by 1 more usless post
if you dont want to help then dont post ffs
CF-Root, KI8 kernel, KI8 stock kernel.
Shomi87 said:
im lucky you incrased your post count by 1 more usless post
if you dont want to help then dont post ffs
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Lol, like post counts matter
If you don't want to educate yourself first and read up, then...
You know the rest
oinkylicious said:
CF-Root, KI8 kernel, KI8 stock kernel.
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tnx for help and not acting like an wiseazz like the other dude
But honestly, Darkside had a point but maybe not presented in the best way. I guess some people are tired of answering the same questions when there are clear posts/threads about it that are also easy to find.
I'm a beginner as well but I tend to look for a solution myself rather than asking. But we are all different I guess.
Such is society. The world is full of people who would prefer to have information hand fed to them. No wonder many people cannot infer from information.
Bergaliden said:
But honestly, Darkside had a point but maybe not presented in the best way. I guess some people are tired of answering the same questions when there are clear posts/threads about it that are also easy to find.
I'm a beginner as well but I tend to look for a solution myself rather than asking. But we are all different I guess.
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Your post explains EXACTLY where im coming from, thank you.
And the part about searching yourself is music to my ears.
yes, maybe i went about it the wrong way, i will admit that...BUT:
I know this isnt my forum, i have no say in anything on here at all...but its depressing having to read the same thing over and over and over - and all these threads do is push the good informative threads off the first couple of pages and makes it very hard to garner good honest information posted by people making a genuine effort to improve things for our phone.
Check the Q&A & General section, count how many ICS threads there are already...all talking about the same thing. Its like all of a sudden theres an influx of new members (probably young guys/girls) who are in a competition to feel part of something, and satisfy this need by posting threads on massive forums like this one without using the search function...that function is there for a reason, its mentioned in the rules and its just common sense to check if what you are about to post is already available...isnt it?
Maybe im completely wrong, maybe im looking at it the wrong way, but i now struggle to find anything of value on this forum because im wading through...well, you get my point....
/end rant
Shomi87 said:
tnx for help and not acting like an wiseazz like the other dude
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lol...feel superior now?
Darkside Agent said:
Your post explains EXACTLY where im coming from, thank you.
And the part about searching yourself is music to my ears.
yes, maybe i went about it the wrong way, i will admit that...BUT:
I know this isnt my forum, i have no say in anything on here at all...but its depressing having to read the same thing over and over and over - and all these threads do is push the good informative threads off the first couple of pages and makes it very hard to garner good honest information posted by people making a genuine effort to improve things for our phone.
Check the Q&A & General section, count how many ICS threads there are already...all talking about the same thing. Its like all of a sudden theres an influx of new members (probably young guys/girls) who are in a competition to feel part of something, and satisfy this need by posting threads on massive forums like this one without using the search function...that function is there for a reason, its mentioned in the rules and its just common sense to check if what you are about to post is already available...isnt it?
Maybe im completely wrong, maybe im looking at it the wrong way, but i now struggle to find anything of value on this forum because im wading through...well, you get my point....
/end rant
lol...feel superior now?
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I am not that clever, but I do know that Search & Read are the most valuable things to use this site. And if I am able to do it, then most can do as well.
I can understand if the Rooting and Flashing of ROMs was explained in a very technical way, but the posters have taken time to do step-by-step instructions. Okay sometimes for noobies it can still be confusing. I guarantee that if they read through that thread then they will have found someone already who asked that question for clarification (which will have been answered).
I am indebted to some very clever folk have developed programs or modified ROMs so that we can root and flash. And also to those who took the time to make the guides for us.
I only wish I knew how to go about learning about developing - it does seem to be a very steep learning curve.
Darkside Agent said:
Your post explains EXACTLY where im coming from, thank you.
And the part about searching yourself is music to my ears.
yes, maybe i went about it the wrong way, i will admit that...BUT:
I know this isnt my forum, i have no say in anything on here at all...but its depressing having to read the same thing over and over and over - and all these threads do is push the good informative threads off the first couple of pages and makes it very hard to garner good honest information posted by people making a genuine effort to improve things for our phone.
Check the Q&A & General section, count how many ICS threads there are already...all talking about the same thing. Its like all of a sudden theres an influx of new members (probably young guys/girls) who are in a competition to feel part of something, and satisfy this need by posting threads on massive forums like this one without using the search function...that function is there for a reason, its mentioned in the rules and its just common sense to check if what you are about to post is already available...isnt it?
Maybe im completely wrong, maybe im looking at it the wrong way, but i now struggle to find anything of value on this forum because im wading through...well, you get my point....
/end rant
lol...feel superior now?
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if its depresing for you to read it why you read it then and why post ?
just skip the thread then
and yes i feel ty
Shomi87 said:
if its depresing for you to read it why you read it then and why post ?
just skip the thread then
and yes i feel ty
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How is he supposed to know what you have posted without reading it. You may have tried searching & reading but there was a problem with actually doing the rooting.
There are a lot of folks on here that English is not their first language, so may need help with following the instructions.
If you have learned to use the best thing on this site - the Search - then his reply was worth it.
Shomi87 said:
im lucky you incrased your post count by 1 more usless post
if you dont want to help then dont post ffs
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No you're the useless one who can't read. It's in the bloody stickies FFS.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
olyloh6696 said:
No you're the useless one who can't read. It's in the bloody stickies FFS.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
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what ever i asked about the files to be sure i didnt ask for whole root procedure now gtfo
Shomi87 said:
what ever i asked about the files to be sure i didnt ask for whole root procedure now gtfo
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Oooh. You got me there.
If you can't find the kernel in the development section you obviously must be too thick. USE THE SEATCH BUTTON.
Er, no I won't 'gtfo'
You get out with your pointless posts.
And with your attitude, no one is going to help you out.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using xda premium
saying to some1 use the search button is not helping
you think idk to use the search buton ? i used it i found the files i just wanted to be sure if those r the right ones
now srsly stop posting **** i dont need your "use search button" replays
Shomi87 said:
saying to some1 use the search button is not helping
you think idk to use the search buton ? i used it i found the files i just wanted to be sure if those r the right ones
now srsly stop posting **** i dont need your "use search button" replays
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Clearly you didn't use the search button, or you'd have found the answer quickly. Or if you bothered to check the stickies for the kernels, or read through the thread.
If the files have already been posted by the developer and confirmed working, why are you asking people if its 'safe'?
And yes, asking people to use the search button is useful, if you even bothered to read the XDA rules.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using xda premium
blow me ?
10characters dooh
Shomi87 said:
saying to some1 use the search button is not helping
you think idk to use the search buton ? i used it i found the files i just wanted to be sure if those r the right ones
now srsly stop posting **** i dont need your "use search button" replays
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I have to agree with Olyloh6696 on this one. The advice given was quite acceptable. Everyday new threads are started for no reason when the info is already available. Some people just want to be spoon fed simple information. Maybe they are in a rush to solve their problem and decide why spend hours looking when I can just start a new thread and ask. Only problem is; hours of other peoples time is waisted looking at threads like this one.
Shomi87 said:
blow me ?
10characters dooh
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You have a very cocky attitude. No one will want to help you in the future.
'Blow me' possibly the worst insult I have ever heard.
And you've used it twice before you edited your other post.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium

