Sprint SGT: Stay or Go? - Galaxy Tab General

I've been ecstatic with my Sprint SGT until 1.) the recent OTA which cost me root access and 2.) I learned my $30/month data plan does not include the hotspot/wifi access.
Since 99% of my access is via home wifi, and my Moto Droid is rooted and provides wireless tether, I'm not sure why I need to pay the monthly fee. At $300 + tax for the Tab, and another $750 for the two year contract, I'm thinking I should cut my losses and pay off the $200 early out fee.

if your still within the grace period to try it out, then go return it.
I'll give you mine for cheaper then what youll be spending on it totally by paying an early termination fee.
I'll give you my NEW Replacement Unit with Accessories / Box(previous original tabs), and even throw in $70 Zenus Folio Case Leather for $410-$420.
A couple people want it from me so far, but yea.
BTW: you shud be able to gain ROOT back if you use the One click root on PC software. It worked for me previously on my original tab(with the new update) before i sent it in to get a new replacement.
- I used to also Teather my iPhone 4 to the Tab. Worked perfectly with the WPASupplicant found in these forums.

Thanks for the response... I'm past the return period and I'm having a heck of a time getting root access back. I believe I read where Sprint locked the bootloader with their latest update.
I'll probably keep my contract with Sprint; my response was purely reactionary to the two issues I mentioned. Just for giggles, I may load Easy Tether, which I used once on my Moto Droid, although I really don't need it. I just like to know that I can.
Question: Was the original Tab you rooted CDMA?

SDW90808 said:
Thanks for the response... I'm past the return period and I'm having a heck of a time getting root access back. I believe I read where Sprint locked the bootloader with their latest update.
I'll probably keep my contract with Sprint; my response was purely reactionary to the two issues I mentioned. Just for giggles, I may load Easy Tether, which I used once on my Moto Droid, although I really don't need it. I just like to know that I can.
Question: Was the original Tab you rooted CDMA?
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I have sprint tab that I've flashed and updated multiple times, you should not have a problem rooting using superoneclickroot method, just make sure you have kies2 installed for the drivers. Also you should be able to go to pre -update by flashing the stock rom that's in the zephyr thread in the dev section of this forum. Just make sure you don't flash the version with the modem. Note that u will lose everything if you do this so use titanium backup to get everything back. Honestly if you follow the instructions found all over this forum you should get your tab back to whatever state you want.
Sent from my SPH-P100 using XDA Premium App

Thanks. I'm using Kies but the darn thing doesn't recognize or connect with my SGT. I understand this is a prerequisite to SuperOneClick.
I originally rooted my Moto Droid with adb commands but with so many flavors of the Galaxy, I'm not sure what works with what. I'll go to the zephyr thread and do a little more homework. Thank you.

SDW90808 said:
Thanks. I'm using Kies but the darn thing doesn't recognize or connect with my SGT. I understand this is a prerequisite to SuperOneClick.
I originally rooted my Moto Droid with adb commands but with so many flavors of the Galaxy, I'm not sure what works with what. I'll go to the zephyr thread and do a little more homework. Thank you.
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Kies won't work with a Sprint tab (Sprint disabled it). UniversalOneClick should root your tab. I'll attach it for you. Need to unzip, click on the Superoneclick exe, make sure universal tab is chosen then click root. It's possible that windows antivirus will see this as a virus but it's not.

Definitely cancel it, not worth $30 a month. I thought sprint said it was 69.99 a month though?
and what does it give you 5 gb? i flashed my epic to cricket and i think i'm going to do the same
for my tab, unless i sell it first.

Sorry for the delayed reaction... I just saw the response. First of all, thanks for letting me know about Kies and Sprint. I been going batty trying to make it connect. Second, I've tried SuperOneClick but it seems to get stuck at OK Waiting for device.
I have my SGT mounted with USB Debugging on...


Possible Root for OTA 4.24.651.1

I noticed that the evo 3d now has temp root.
Would be nice if we could get someone with the latest ota to attempt it and if this temp root would work for the evo as well. I won't be able to test this until later tomorrow evening.
If anyone tries it please let me know.
I have an evo with a broken screen that I will try it on...but not today. Too much BBQ'n to do. So, unless someone has another sacrificial lamb, or is just feelin' the itch, I'll take one for the team.
Well sh1tsticks! Just read in q&a that 2 people have already tried it...no dice.
Yeah word is it is a Sense 2.0+ exploit, yet another slap in the face from Sprint & HTC for not upgrading us EVO owners to a newer version of Sense with that lackluster gingerbread update.
tejasrichard said:
I have an evo with a broken screen that I will try it on...but not today. Too much BBQ'n to do. So, unless someone has another sacrificial lamb, or is just feelin' the itch, I'll take one for the team.
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Today's not the 4th, so go and root that phone.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Evo 4g OTA 4.24.651.1 Rooted
Hi guys,
Well I'm fully rooted. Cracked a screen on my old one, 5 days ago got new unit with 4.24.651.1 Looked at every forum, could not find a way to root, finally broke down and found a person on Craigs List and he helped me via remote PC session. He charges $35 but I trated him some services I provide. I gues it involves some keygen, cuz when I have him my serial number he than came back with another number and we pushed few files on via USB Mode and I'm rooted with Revolutionary CWM v4.0.1.4 and than I chose MikG-v2.45-signed.zip By far the best Rom I tried on my EVO 4g. Guess I'm just mentioning this to those that still believe that that firmware has the HBOOT locked still. It is for sure rootable. I would share if I had his permission. I don't even know what was involved when he took my phones S/N but it took 10 mins to root
I'm not even promoting his services, look on CL if you like. I'm just happy to be rooted. Also I was blown away that the built in hotspot now works !! no need for wi-fi tether app ! Also i noticed much better connectivity using the hotspot from Sprint, it only allows 5 devices but worked excelent and faster. Hope I don't get a bill in the mail though Hope this info helps someone guys
Ohh my goddd hahahahahahhaah root has been available for a few days now. For free(lmfaooo) look at the date of this thread..
PS. Sorry about laughing
Deck's + SZ + SuperCharger script + ViperMod script.
Yeah that's funny. All you need is this link. http://revolutionary.io/
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
julianikos said:
Hi guys,
Well I'm fully rooted. Cracked a screen on my old one, 5 days ago got new unit with 4.24.651.1 Looked at every forum, could not find a way to root, finally broke down and found a person on Craigs List and he helped me via remote PC session. He charges $35 but I trated him some services I provide. I gues it involves some keygen, cuz when I have him my serial number he than came back with another number and we pushed few files on via USB Mode and I'm rooted with Revolutionary CWM v4.0.1.4 and than I chose MikG-v2.45-signed.zip By far the best Rom I tried on my EVO 4g. Guess I'm just mentioning this to those that still believe that that firmware has the HBOOT locked still. It is for sure rootable. I would share if I had his permission. I don't even know what was involved when he took my phones S/N but it took 10 mins to root
I'm not even promoting his services, look on CL if you like. I'm just happy to be rooted. Also I was blown away that the built in hotspot now works !! no need for wi-fi tether app ! Also i noticed much better connectivity using the hotspot from Sprint, it only allows 5 devices but worked excelent and faster. Hope I don't get a bill in the mail though Hope this info helps someone guys
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Wow. You paid for something you could have done yourself for free. Got an iPhone? Ill jailbreak it for 30 bucks.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App

[Q] Samsung intercept, prepaid on platinumtel, is it safe to root.

Just got my daughter this phone for Christmas, through the prepaid provider platinumtel. I know that they piggyback off of Sprint towers, but does anyone know if this is safe to root and flash a custom Rom onto. All of my rooting and flashing has only been done with OG Evos, but I would like to give my daughter's phone the freedom my Evos have. Would flashing a custom Rom mess with the prepaid settings in any way?
Well I powered it up today for the first time, and its loaded with all the normal Sprint bloatware. I would like to root it if for nothing else, to get rid of sprints bs bloatware.
Sent from my now rooted, Revolutionary, OG Evo.
Where did you buy the EVO from? I am also looking for a better phone on Ptel and as you know it has to be plbl in order to get it to wwork and I have been having a hard time finding high-end plbl phones that I can get over to ptel.
Flashing a kernel to get root wouldn't affect the prepaid settings, flashing a rom might affect voicemail and mms.
intercept root will get temporary root, and you can then flash cm01 recovery with it, then in recovery, make a system/data backup to the sdcard, delete the bloatware in the filemanager, you can always root it later if you want with the same app
Joeseph Mother said:
Flashing a kernel to get root wouldn't affect the prepaid settings, flashing a rom might affect voicemail and mms.
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Thanks, I will go ahead and root it then, any suggestions on roms for this phone, my EVO usually runs Mik roms. Just want something lean and clean.
Sent from my now rooted, Revolutionary, OG Evo.
Boltons75... I am also busy trying to root a Intercept on Ptel. What I cannot come past yet, is the 1st step of rooting - Loading the USB drivers for the Intercept.
Have you done this yet?
If you have and connected to the phone, what drivers did you use? Also, what OS? Windows 7 32-bit? Windows 7 64-bit or XP?
jluyt said:
Boltons75... I am also busy trying to root a Intercept on Ptel. What I cannot come past yet, is the 1st step of rooting - Loading the USB drivers for the Intercept.
Have you done this yet?
If you have and connected to the phone, what drivers did you use? Also, what OS? Windows 7 32-bit? Windows 7 64-bit or XP?
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Just did it today with the apk intercept root, easy, install the app, and press the root button. It was rooted in less than 3 minutes from the time I installed the app. Now I'm just looking for a suitable Rom for it, it doesn't have the selection that I have for my evo.
Sent from my now rooted, Revolutionary, OG Evo.
jluyt said:
Boltons75... I am also busy trying to root a Intercept on Ptel. What I cannot come past yet, is the 1st step of rooting - Loading the USB drivers for the Intercept.
Have you done this yet?
If you have and connected to the phone, what drivers did you use? Also, what OS? Windows 7 32-bit? Windows 7 64-bit or XP?
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Here is where I found it.
Sent from my now rooted, Revolutionary, OG Evo.
Morning -- this looks great. I am going to give it a try tonight and will let you know. I looked at Ubuntu last night, but a all new OS to learn in addition to this intercept issue could take me a while so this apk hopefully does it for me too.
jluyt said:
Morning -- this looks great. I am going to give it a try tonight and will let you know. I looked at Ubuntu last night, but a all new OS to learn in addition to this intercept issue could take me a while so this apk hopefully does it for me too.
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I hope it works as smooth for you as it did for me. Compared to rooting mine and my wife's evos this was a piece of cake. I wasn't really expecting it to work, but it did. I installed titanium and did a backup of the apps, then installed an uninstaller to get rid of the Sprint bloat ware that came on the phone. So far it all works great. I just wish that some of the evo devs made a rom for the intercept, mik in particular. Good luck, and root on......
Sent from my now rooted, Revolutionary, OG Evo.
I will try that tonight.
I also wanted to ask you what Sprint comonents did you remove? I dont have the phone with me now, but as I remember there was:
- Sprint TV
- Sprint <something> Zone
- Sprint Updater
I am wondering about the Updater. Did you remove this one too? I wans sondering if the phone will act-up if you remove the updater.
jluyt said:
I will try that tonight.
I also wanted to ask you what Sprint comonents did you remove? I dont have the phone with me now, but as I remember there was:
- Sprint TV
- Sprint <something> Zone
- Sprint Updater
I am wondering about the Updater. Did you remove this one too? I wans sondering if the phone will act-up if you remove the updater.
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First I backed up everything I removed, then went on to Sprint football, nascar, and Tv and nav. As long as you do a backup on recovery, you can always fix it if it does kill something.
Sent from my now rooted, Revolutionary, OG Evo.
Well, it is all done!!! It worked and 2 weeks of struggling with this cable thing is no more. I uninstalled all the Sprint bloatware, loaded the overclocking widget and man.... performance is dramatically better. thx for all the help.
One more question. I see you have a rooted EVO. Is it on Ptel?
I have to add, after rooting the Intercept and removing Sprint bloatware -- HUGE performance increase. I uninstalled most of the Sprint Bloatware except the Sprint Updater, since I am not sure how it will behave.
Also added the Overclocking Widget and I have to say, very impressed with the performance now for this little Android device.
jluyt said:
Well, it is all done!!! It worked and 2 weeks of struggling with this cable thing is no more. I uninstalled all the Sprint bloatware, loaded the overclocking widget and man.... performance is dramatically better. thx for all the help.
One more question. I see you have a rooted EVO. Is it on Ptel?
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Nope, its on sprint.
Sent from my now rooted, Revolutionary, OG Evo.
Step by Step
Hey guys, I'm thinking of buying the Samsung Intercept on Platinumtel. However I am totally new at this whole rooting thing. Do you guys have like a step by step process for rooting the phone and making up the proper backups so I dont break it. Also, I was wondering where you got the overclocking widget and how it affects the battery life.
Her eis the deal. Look at this link, it has everything you need.
Now, the intercept as a phone, it is "ok". I bought one for my wife and for her it is fine. If you want high-end, this is not it, but at least you get 800 Mhz on your phone.
---------- Post added at 01:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 PM ----------
One last thing... getting any driver to work on your PC (win7, Xp, etc) is an act of God.... so that is why the apk was the only way i could root it, but it is a stuborn little phone when it gets to USB connectivity.
Link Broken
Sorry, but when I click the link it says that is forbidden. I think that maybe I just need to register on that specific forum maybe. I'll check it out. Thanks again for your help!
Okay I got to the link now and it seems pretty self explanitory. My only last question is if we can get a froyo (2.2) update on this phone. It looks like theres been an update though Virgin Mobile...so it should work. But how can we get it on this phone with PlatinumTel?

Just Got My Galaxy Note Today

Hello, Guys I just got my GNote International today, I'm fairly well at the rooting and getting things going after I get a push in the right direction. My Current devices are only the Galaxy Note and Asus Transformer Prime, HP Touchpad, But in the past Ive done rooting with The original GTab from Viewsonic -First tablet, Nook, Streak 7, ZTE warp, Galaxy Tab 10.1, HP Touchpad, Asus Transformer Prime- Current Tab. I have never rooted a phone before besides the Warp and it was very simple, one click deal, The GNote seems very complex it is a different beast. So I really need some help with This bad boy, If you can help thank you very much.
Here is the Rundown on my Phone. Just got it Today. Sim Will be here tomorrow.
International Ver.
Gingerbread 2.3.6
Kernel N7000XXLA4-CL886827
[email protected]#2
1. I wont get my Straight Talk [email protected] Sim card until tomorrow, I was told to order the att straight talk Sim Card is that right. I had the option of unlocked or ATT and on the message board most responses said get att, so you don't get stuck on EDGE and t-mobile.
2. Should I let it update and root before I get the Sim in it. I'm ready to get started now but like i said I wont get my Sim until tomorrow. Its already asking me to update but I haven't done anything yet because I know update can ruin rooting methods, etc.
3. I live in the US this phone will be fine as working right it was the only white one and I wanted a white one with the home button. I don't think it matters just making sure I didn't jump the gun, and that this will work with straight talk ATT Sim.
On my current version and rom, kernel etc. what would be the easiest root method for me. So I can put CWM and start setting it up to my liking.
If you need anymore info just let me know I haven't put this thing down since I got it. My Asus Prime aint been out all day. It seems like the Phone are way more complicated to root and get set up with Sim Cards. Maybe its just because I'm new to the phones, my Warp was a 4.3 Boost Mobile and I thought that would be all the bigger I would need but I like Samsung products and this is just so much bigger than it sounds like it would be, and the use of a tablet and phone is what made me jump.
My tech knowledge is decent at least 7-8 so I will figure it out. I just don't want to skip important steps. I want to make sure I do everything in order, that's why I asked if I can root and all that before my sim card gets here tomorrow, remember this is my first root on a phone that is unlocked. If anyone can help me make sure I don't do anything out of order, I will appreciate it a lot. Thanks for any help in advance.
It doesnt matter if you root with or without sim card. Probably need to find the apn settings for your chosen carrier.
Best way to answer all your other questions is below. Search is your friend.
Ok I understand that but will it matter if I root it first, set up ICS and CWM before setting up my APN settings with straight talk on my original rom? Does it really matter?
Root put on ICS rom then I can still set up service with straight talk or
set up service with straight talk then root CWM and ICS any difference?
I'm just wondering if I root this thing and set up my new ICS rom will I still be able to set up my straight talk service, or should I wait first to set up my service when my Sim gets here?
drvsbsm said:
Ok I understand that but will it matter if I root it first, set up ICS and CWM before setting up my APN settings with straight talk on my original rom? Does it really matter?
Root put on ICS rom then I can still set up service with straight talk or
set up service with straight talk then root CWM and ICS any difference?
I'm just wondering if I root this thing and set up my new ICS rom will I still be able to set up my straight talk service, or should I wait first to set up my service when my Sim gets here?
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For APN, download APN backup & restore from market, then backup your current APN, then even if you flash official or custom roms, you can always restore your son if the from doesn't have it
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
drvsbsm said:
Ok I understand that but will it matter if I root it first, set up ICS and CWM before setting up my APN settings with straight talk on my original rom? Does it really matter?
Root put on ICS rom then I can still set up service with straight talk or
set up service with straight talk then root CWM and ICS any difference?
I'm just wondering if I root this thing and set up my new ICS rom will I still be able to set up my straight talk service, or should I wait first to set up my service when my Sim gets here?
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You can set your apn first/middle/last, it doesnt matter. Just like your previous devices, your apn is always available in your settings option. You can change it whenever or add one whenever. Root just gives you access to system files and will not effect your apn.
Stop thinking so hard lol. But make sure you read, read, read before installing ics. I would recommend downloading a few stock gb roms and making backup of your current rom before going forward. Its extremely hard to brick a samsung device, but make sure you have something ready before installing.
Root now..the sim card is just your service..you set apn on any new rom.just jump on wifi for data...don't ever update the phone through settings..unless you want to lose root..always install rooted roms so you may wait a day for a rooted version.
Personally Samsung is a different animal then what I'm use to which is HTC.
I have not used Odin for the PC at all..I've only used mobile Odin pro from the market or cmw.
Sent from my GT-N7000
Root now..the sim card is just your service..you set apn on any new rom.just jump on wifi for data...don't ever update the phone through settings..unless you want to lose root..always install rooted roms so you may wait a day for a rooted version.
Personally Samsung is a different animal then what I'm use to which is HTC.
I have not used Odin for the PC at all..I've only used mobile Odin pro from the market or cmw.
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Yeah I know that is true I have only rooted one cell in my life and it was one click job, simple! This seems to be a lot more technical but I will figure it out. I have rooted many tablets though right now I have a Asus Transformer Prime, HP Touchpad, ZTE Warp-Phone, Nook Color all rooted. In the past I've rooted plenty other tabs but just one phone and it was with one mouse click, and done.
When you first get into something new its like **** man this is crazy, then after about a week it gets easier. I hope that is the case with this phone. So why not ever do an over the air update? So I need to uncheck this RIGHT NOW So if the original ICS comes out don't do it over the air? Wait and do it another way correct? My phone already did one first boot, it was already check marked to download and install updates in the settings when I turned it on it did an update. I really didn't even have time to see what it was but it was a small minor update I think so. I used the settings for straight talk from here in the thread and I get around 3-5 MB down but have only tried it like 5 times in my basement.
The weird thing is that it thinks I'm in Kansas or something because speedtest.net app says finding the closest server and it finds one in Kansas and says I'm like 30klm away from the server and its the closest one? Anyone know why this is, or WTF is going on? I gave them my correct ZIP when I ordered the ST Sim Card. Most of the time it stays on HSDPA mode but I never see where it says who my carrier is, edit I see it says HOME I guess that's my carrier? so far that Ive noticed. I don't understand the location issue. maybe I should set up my GPS I don't like it on if I don't need it.
How do you avoid from them catching on or saying I'm using too much data, I know to use WiFi whenever possible, that's a given, but what else do you guys do? Don't unlimited mean unlimited? I mean if I bought a straight talk phone and watched you-tube all day can they really say anything, its unlimited right or at least suppose to be. Anyways any tips on keeping straight talk out of my business, and off my @ss would be appreciated. Thanks
Any other tips are welcome I got two cases coming their TPU style cases which I prefer but I might have to put this in a wallet type case also? But I got super slim TPU style cases so it don't get much bigger I don't want to really add more bulk to it its getting hot outside, time for shorts, and that means no jacket pocket, I wear mostly loose fitting jeans/shorts nylon sports type. so I should be alright. Do I need a screen protector I saw one that strengthens it suppose to anyways. Alright enough questions I just don't want to ruin a $650 phone I just got, that's all.
drvsbsm said:
Yeah I know that is true I have only rooted one cell in my life and it was one click job, simple! This seems to be a lot more technical but I will figure it out. I have rooted many tablets though right now I have a Asus Transformer Prime, HP Touchpad, ZTE Warp-Phone, Nook Color all rooted. In the past I've rooted plenty other tabs but just one phone and it was with one mouse click, and done.
When you first get into something new its like **** man this is crazy, then after about a week it gets easier. I hope that is the case with this phone. So why not ever do an over the air update? So I need to uncheck this RIGHT NOW So if the original ICS comes out don't do it over the air? Wait and do it another way correct? My phone already did one first boot, it was already check marked to download and install updates in the settings when I turned it on it did an update. I really didn't even have time to see what it was but it was a small minor update I think so. I used the settings for straight talk from here in the thread and I get around 3-5 MB down but have only tried it like 5 times in my basement.
The weird thing is that it thinks I'm in Kansas or something because speedtest.net app says finding the closest server and it finds one in Kansas and says I'm like 30klm away from the server and its the closest one? Anyone know why this is, or WTF is going on? I gave them my correct ZIP when I ordered the ST Sim Card. Most of the time it stays on HSDPA mode but I never see where it says who my carrier is, edit I see it says HOME I guess that's my carrier? so far that Ive noticed. I don't understand the location issue. maybe I should set up my GPS I don't like it on if I don't need it.
How do you avoid from them catching on or saying I'm using too much data, I know to use WiFi whenever possible, that's a given, but what else do you guys do? Don't unlimited mean unlimited? I mean if I bought a straight talk phone and watched you-tube all day can they really say anything, its unlimited right or at least suppose to be. Anyways any tips on keeping straight talk out of my business, and off my @ss would be appreciated. Thanks
Any other tips are welcome I got two cases coming their TPU style cases which I prefer but I might have to put this in a wallet type case also? But I got super slim TPU style cases so it don't get much bigger I don't want to really add more bulk to it its getting hot outside, time for shorts, and that means no jacket pocket, I wear mostly loose fitting jeans/shorts nylon sports type. so I should be alright. Do I need a screen protector I saw one that strengthens it suppose to anyways. Alright enough questions I just don't want to ruin a $650 phone I just got, that's all.
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you never do OTA updates because you will lose root and possibly the exploit that gave you root has been patched so you may be stuck without root..
The latest stuff will always be available very soon after its released so don't worry.
You're on prepaid so it will show Home as your carrier even though you're on AT&T and thats what you're on if you have a AT&T sim.
I would imagine if you use too much data they would throttle you instead of cut you off...that appears to be what at&t likes to do..I am almost always on wifi so its no biggy..
I would consider ICS ROM's advanaced so if this is new I would stick with gingerbread for the time being.
I'm used to ICS on my Transformer prime and I got it on my HP Touchpad, using CWM clearing old data caches and data etc. Then install my new rom so I don't think ICS would be that new to me. Is that what you are referring too. Or something else specific?
The question I have is that wont OTA Rootkeeper work while doing over the air updates, I use it for everything almost?

Need some help.

Ok so I am switching my wife over from our daughters old bb tour (which has battery life issues) to my daughters old samsung continuum. I have the phone with me but it is unactivated as of yet. I would like to bring the software up to date prior to activating it if I can. Unless this isn't the right way to do it?
Basically my wife just needs a phone that works and is stable. I would also like to setup wireless tether for her (we all have grandfathered unlimited plans), and swype.
That is really all she needs. I was going to just give her my incredible which is already setup, and get a new phone but I don't have the money right now for what I want so this seems like a good alternative.
Any help, tips would be great. I have already figured out how to get past the activation screen and the phone says its on 2.1-update1 firmware.
{tpc} said:
Ok so I am switching my wife over from our daughters old bb tour (which has battery life issues) to my daughters old samsung continuum. I have the phone with me but it is unactivated as of yet. I would like to bring the software up to date prior to activating it if I can. Unless this isn't the right way to do it?
Basically my wife just needs a phone that works and is stable. I would also like to setup wireless tether for her (we all have grandfathered unlimited plans), and swype.
That is really all she needs. I was going to just give her my incredible which is already setup, and get a new phone but I don't have the money right now for what I want so this seems like a good alternative.
Any help, tips would be great. I have already figured out how to get past the activation screen and the phone says its on 2.1-update1 firmware.
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You have several options. Activate, update then flash.
Flash a rom directly from odin,
Ota, then root with soc, and go from there.
All will work, depending on your comfort level. If you swing into irc, I can give you something a little more comprehensive.
Dished out by my dumb digits
Thanks! I went with the activate then OTA which went extremely fast, then root with superoneclick (was kinda confused because 7zip kept installing a bunch of things I didn't want) and then downloaded WT and was done.
It was fairly painless afterall and the wife has a new phone! Her only issue now is battery life...do they make a extended battery for these?
They do make a 3200 mah with back cover for like $30 I seen on a cellphone site. If I see it again ill post link
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Running Stock - Will newest OTA (2.41.605.23) making rooting harder in future?

I bought a used HTC 10 running 2.41.605.20, so I haven't found a way to root yet. I'm holding out hope someone will develop a method. I don't want to take the new update if it may make rooting harder in the future. I'd hate to go to .23 and then a few weeks later someone come up with a way to root .20 and I have to wait again. It relentlessly keeps popping up.
indigoataxia said:
I bought a used HTC 10 running 2.41.605.20, so I haven't found a way to root yet. I'm holding out hope someone will develop a method. I don't want to take the new update if it may make rooting harder in the future. I'd hate to go to .23 and then a few weeks later someone come up with a way to root .20 and I have to wait again. It relentlessly keeps popping up.
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If your phone is S-0ff and bootloader unlocked, it will be just as rootable on the new RUU as before.
If you are not unlocked and S-0ff, sending your phone to the root.ninja crew for $25 will get you fixed up for rooting and romming.
See http://theroot.ninja/verizon10.html
Its not unlocked or s-off, I bought it completely stock. I knew about root.ninja just was hoping someone would find a method so I could do it myself and not be without my phone for a week. Also I checked that link and looks like starts at $33 plus shipping now. The only thing I really want is being able to wifi tether which I assume needs root for a provision hack.
indigoataxia said:
Its not unlocked or s-off, I bought it completely stock. I knew about root.ninja just was hoping someone would find a method so I could do it myself and not be without my phone for a week. Also I checked that link and looks like starts at $33 plus shipping now. The only thing I really want is being able to wifi tether which I assume needs root for a provision hack.
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You could go ahead and try wifi tether after a factory reset. 100% stock tether works fine for me (!?!)
Other than that, only choices are root.ninja or selling on Swappa and getting a USUnlocked version
to convert to Verizon. Don't update if thinking of sending to root.ninja.
OK. This is weird. Just got my HTC 10 on 7.0 as well. Been searching all day for s-off to get tether for hot-spot because root has always been the way besides a few wired apps. I literally just hit hot-spot button and it turned on. No pop up... WTF did Verizon finally give up?
