Market Problem - Galaxy S I9000 General

I have struggled for a couple of days now trying to fix my market problem but still no luck.
When ever I try to update or download an app it gets aborted after just a sec. So I can't update any of my apps or download new ones.
I have tried this already:
Wipe market data both in settings and with SGS tools
Titanium market doctor
Flashed JM8 from scratch with dalvik wipe and factory reset then Doc's 9.6.6 (work on non of fthem
Tried Appbrain (but not fast web installer) nedd an .apk for it)
Don't now what more I could do now
Any ideas? Anyone else having problems the latest days? Maybe a Market problem!?
I'm now on Doc's 9.6.6 with Spedmood K13C 500hz (Got the problem after I tried the 2.3.2 leak).

Reboot recovery and clear dalvik and reboot
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colindodds said:
Reboot recovery and clear dalvik and reboot
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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Did try several times, no luck

Thats very strange, never heard of this before. I can only suggesst that you try flashing a different ROM like Darkys 9.3 final....Might not be any use

Now I also tried first flash JM8 with 512 and repartition.
And the flash one more time without repartition.
But still no downloads possible on market. "Download unsuccesful"

i got the same problem like 2-3 days now.#
any help pls. I did wipe dalvic, tryd another rom, used another market version , used another gmail account.. and so on.
Originally Posted by powerviga
Hi guys, I found out my solution for the market download problems
Had the market download problem accidentally after once rooting my i9k. Tried many ways, clear market and gtalk cache, wipe cache, factory reset, log out google, change password, change account, change sim, root after root, reboot after reboot still no working. Every time I downloaded or upgrade something, there was a download icon shown on notification shortly and disappeared. The download never finished! Reckon some of you encounter this as well.
But last night, I suddenly realised that there may be problems with my cache.rfs as I could not lagfix it to ext4 or any other form. I started to think cache.rfs is broken. So I searched on the Internet and found out a kernel (k12K) only have cache.rfs, instead of zImage. My market has survived right after installation and reboot! Brilliant! Then I install newer version of kernal with zImage and still working. The kernel name is update_SpeedMod_K12k_500Hz.tar. If you have same condition and problem with market, try it! I am not exactly remember where I downloaded this kernel from, and cannot post link cos this is my first post. But hopefully you can find it somewhere.
Good luck to your market!
My device: Samsung i9000
Kernel: [email protected]

You are my hero!!! My market works!!!


[Q] Market Issues

I have just rooted and installed kaosfroyo v38 on my Droid Eris. I am using LauncherPro. I was having serious battery life issues until I installed the latest CFS kernel (v9). Since upgrading my kernel, battery is great but the app market is broken. When trying to download and install apps, I get a download unsuccessful error.
I've read and read this and other forums for a fix and can't seem to find any that work. I did find some answers, but they didn't work. I cleared data and cache. I did a dalvik wipe. Did the market fix. Nothing works.
Strangely enough, I can install Verizon apps from the market, no problem. Also, some apps can install fine, like Best Buy. Specifically, I am trying to install "The Best Card Game Ever - Yaniv".
This is my first post, thanks for understanding my noobishness.
Try downloading "Eris Market Fix" from the Market, that's helped me in the past with similar issues.
As I said above, I did the Eris Market Fix. No help.
Have you cleared the Market's cache through Manage Applications? I've been running into the issue recently also. I'm using FroShedYo and that's seemed to work recently. Clear the cache on the Market app, reboot, and try the download again. I've also read where clearing all Google related app's cache helps, like Voice, Talk, etc but I haven't had the need to go that far.
Yep, did all that. Still not working.
I realized this thread is probably in the wrong forum. Sorry. I can't figure out how to delete it.
I had to wipe the delvik after the fix when that happened a couple roms ago, and it fixed the problem
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dfurr88 said:
I had to wipe the delvik after the fix when that happened a couple roms ago, and it fixed the problem
Sent from my ERIS using XDA App
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Yes... after running the market fix, you need to reboot into recovery and do a dalvik wipe. That should help with the issue.
Alkemi said:
I have just rooted and installed kaosfroyo v38 on my Droid Eris. I am using LauncherPro. I was having serious battery life issues until I installed the latest CFS kernel (v9). Since upgrading my kernel, battery is great but the app market is broken. When trying to download and install apps, I get a download unsuccessful error.
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Maybe it's just an apps2sd issue? I'm assuming that v38 + cfsv9 regarding apps2sd is not copacetic. Settings->CyanogenMod settings->Install location. Perhaps your install location is set as automatic or external.
After I recovered to CELB from KGB my market was broken, market fix and cache clearing dalvik and app did nothing... so I beat it into submission, tee hee, uninstalled market and reflashed gapps. Eventually I will have a computer again and will be able to fix things with more grace, but this method doesn't ever fail me.

Market problem (not the download one)

Today after I flashed the latest JPX Docrom, I wanted to visit the Market. Suddenly appeared to me the following error message: "Warning: Your device may not be compatible with Android Market For more information, contact the manufacturer of this product.". In the Market I have now lost my installed applications displayed and when I search for "documents" I hit only 5 results.
What I've tried:
-Re flashed the Rom
-flashed JM9 and then the standard JPX-
-flashed CyanogenMod
-searched for errors in the build.prop
etc. ......
I really do not know what more can I do? It would be very nice if you could help me.
I'm really sorry for my bad English
Have you wiped cache & dalvik cache after install?
This should be in general...
I wiped the normal and the dalvik cache and made an factory reset.
I have the same problem too
with original JPU, JPX, JPO, JM9, JP6... with all, the problem appears again
I have the same problem!
I tryed JPU clean without any mod/kernel ecc but 2 day ago was all fine..
Someone have this problem? what can we do to resolve?
Please help...
This could be another time a problem with google. Like with the download problem.
i had this problem too this morning (i'm not on Doc's rom or anything, just using Supercurio's VooDoo kernel on stock FroYo). I got it fixed after clearing the Market Cache, after that i restarted the Market app, and immediately had the NEW Market layout. Maybe it's worth a shot.
but why someone have this problem and someone no...
i can't understand this absurd situation...
But I´m glad to see that this not only my problem.
got same problem... tried everything, wiping everything lots of different roms.. nothing helps
Try updating to the latest version of market. Not via phone, but either search in the xda or google it & install.
ragin said:
Try updating to the latest version of market. Not via phone, but either search in the xda or google it & install.
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also tried this, will try it again.
Think it's somehow coupled to my google account.
Today i have the same problem. My device mounts the RSJP5 rom. I guess that it is a server issue, or a random google account issue.
Are your IMEIs ok?
Market shows & behaves perfectly for me as of THIS moment.
PS : Its even downloading Ulysse Gizmos update as of the moment.
ragin said:
Are your IMEIs ok?
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The IMEI of my device is corrupted. But the android market has worked until today. The Samsung market works still fine.
beat.kitano said:
The IMEI of my device is corrupted. But the market has worked until today.
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The same situation...
Everything had work fine untill yesterday/today, never i get problem with market for my corruted imei and i think is not the problem, but i dont know why i have this problem
ragin said:
Are your IMEIs ok?
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I meet some people with the correct IMEI and have the same problem with the market
Can some Dev post a hack for these people to STOP market from upgrading itself? Let them stay at a market that works.
ragin said:
Can some Dev post a hack for these people to STOP market from upgrading itself? Let them stay at a market that works.
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I tried to flash many roms, with the newer and the old market version and all times I have the same problem

[HOW TO] MARKET FIX + cache.rfs fix.

Found by powerviga.
This helped me too, market was not working for 4 days, after this fix my partition working again and my market.
hi guys, i found out my solution for the market download problems
had the market download problem accidentally after once rooting my i9k. Tried many ways, clear market and gtalk cache, wipe cache, factory reset, log out google, change password, change account, change sim, root after root, reboot after reboot still no working. Every time i downloaded or upgrade something, there was a download icon shown on notification shortly and disappeared. The download never finished! Reckon some of you encounter this as well.
But last night, i suddenly realised that there may be problems with my cache.rfs as i could not lagfix it to ext4 or any other form. I started to think cache.rfs is broken. So i searched on the internet and found out a kernel (k12k) only have cache.rfs, instead of zimage. My market has survived right after installation and reboot! Brilliant! Then i install newer version of kernal with zimage and still working. The kernel name is update_speedmod_k12k_500hz.tar. If you have same condition and problem with market, try it! I am not exactly remember where i downloaded this kernel from, and cannot post link cos this is my first post. But hopefully you can find it somewhere.
Good luck to your market!
here is the file FLASH with ODIN as PDA

Problem with custom rom and market

I'm new in XDA but I follow the forum since a long time ago.
I have a probleme as the title says.
I tryed floyo 0.20 and FroyoBread (I've the good baseband, i've done the full wipe ...) and when i'm trying to dl an app, my phone freezing et rebooting.
I've wipe the market cache, try to dl with wifi or 3G but the result is the same.
I hope someone will can help me. Thank and sorry for my English.
Strange, try to asign x8 with new google account.
Wysłano z X8 z użyciem Tapatalk
I've done a mistake.
My phone's freezing after the end of the dl, when he must install the app.
And the phone reboot on SE logo or I must remove battery.
Quoting from this thread:
Originally Posted by exonn
after install i have made a full wipe and clear cash but i cant download anything from market, it seems that download starts but instantly ends. In "my apps" section i can see selected program (game) but its not installed. Any ideas how to fix?
Reinstall rom and dont do again full wipe..... its classic prob on froyo
So, I guess, when it's happen again, just reinstall the ROM... (?)
Ok I will try tonight because i can't now.
It doesn't work.
My phone's rebooting again again again and again.
I don't find any solutions.
I reflash the rom without wipe anything and I reboot the phone etc...
I've tried everything and it still bug.
However, the rom is fully fonctionnal. Only the market is bugging.
I up my topic because I have more precision and I really want to put a custom rom on my X8.
So, after testing 3 roms (miniCM, Floyo 0.20 and FroyoBread), I saw that the problem is still the same.
I can't install any apk in my phone.
At the moment where the message "installation" appear in notification, my phone's freezing.
I'm trying to download in the android market's site but it still the same.
What can I do ?
You should try formatting your SD card...
I manage to solve my problem with restoring factory settings.
For the moment it's working.
I hope it will last.

[Q] Google play crash after flashing to cm7.2

Hey friends,
I flashed to CM7.2 today from CM7.1 on my Motorola Defy and everything went fine. I used the stable release, and the latest relevant gapp-ics file.
After reboot was over, I tried to access Google Play, it asked me for my user and started loading. After a few seconds it crashed and ever since I'm getting a server error message and right afterwards it crashes saying "process has stopped unexpectedly".
Means I cannot connect with my google account and can't install any apps at the moment.
I tried reinstalling the mod again; reinstalling the gapp file; using an older gapp-ics file; clearing cache and date; rebooting; clearing malvik cache and what not!
Now I noticed that google search is crashing as well.
Any ideas anyone?
* I searched for a similar thread for quite a while, all ideas were unsuccessful.
Many thanks!
bugrash said:
Hey friends,
I flashed to CM7.2 today from CM7.1 on my Motorola Defy and everything went fine. I used the stable release, and the latest relevant gapp-ics file.
After reboot was over, I tried to access Google Play, it asked me for my user and started loading. After a few seconds it crashed and ever since I'm getting a server error message and right afterwards it crashes saying "process has stopped unexpectedly".
Means I cannot connect with my google account and can't install any apps at the moment.
I tried reinstalling the mod again; reinstalling the gapp file; using an older gapp-ics file; clearing cache and date; rebooting; clearing malvik cache and what not!
Now I noticed that google search is crashing as well.
Any ideas anyone?
* I searched for a similar thread for quite a while, all ideas were unsuccessful.
Many thanks!
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A very simple solution - flash GB gapps. You flashed ICS (CM9) gapps. Gingerbread is CM7.2/7.1.
hotdog125 said:
A very simple solution - flash GB gapps. You flashed ICS (CM9) gapps. Gingerbread is CM7.2/7.1.
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geee... well that's embarrassing.
thanks allot!
bugrash said:
Hey friends,
I flashed to CM7.2 today from CM7.1 on my Motorola Defy and everything went fine. I used the stable release, and the latest relevant gapp-ics file.
After reboot was over, I tried to access Google Play, it asked me for my user and started loading. After a few seconds it crashed and ever since I'm getting a server error message and right afterwards it crashes saying "process has stopped unexpectedly".
Means I cannot connect with my google account and can't install any apps at the moment.
I tried reinstalling the mod again; reinstalling the gapp file; using an older gapp-ics file; clearing cache and date; rebooting; clearing malvik cache and what not!
Now I noticed that google search is crashing as well.
Any ideas anyone?
* I searched for a similar thread for quite a while, all ideas were unsuccessful.
Many thanks!
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have you tried to install a gb ggaps? cm7 is a gb not ics
There are some possible ways:
(1) Remove data of Google Play&Google Services Framework and after this, you may get stuck in launching Google Play(Server Error) and reboot and retry
(2) Launch GTalk first and launch Google Play
(3) If they don't work, reboot recovery and wipe DATA
Sent from my IM-A840S using xda app-developers app
D-Phi said:
There are some possible ways:
(1) Remove data of Google Play&Google Services Framework and after this, you may get stuck in launching Google Play(Server Error) and reboot and retry
(2) Launch GTalk first and launch Google Play
(3) If they don't work, reboot recovery and wipe DATA
Sent from my IM-A840S using xda app-developers app
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The problem has been solved. He was flashing CM9 gapps on CM7.2.
cm7.2 cannot access market
hotdog125 said:
A very simple solution - flash GB gapps. You flashed ICS (CM9) gapps. Gingerbread is CM7.2/7.1.
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Phone Defy mb525
For give me in advance if i use the wrong technical terms but i am an oldie nooby
i spent a couple of days trying to install cm10 onto my phone unsuccesfully . i solved all the problems ( i thought i had bricked it a couple of times but it would not work .
So i read a thread that starting at at froyoand flashing to cm7. it all seemed to work except when i was doing the clear cache parts before i flashed cm7 and goo. gaps-gb-20110828 it didn't seem to clear anything. II soldiered on and it all seemed to work except market . i have been back to the bootloader android bootmenu v1.2.0 , not sure what to do next??

