Any rumors on the first OTA update? - Xoom General

Just curious if anyone has heard from a reliable source when we might see the first OTA update for Xoom?

I read today that we may see flash the firstweek of April.

If I were to guess, I would say they would push an OTA update before it comes out in Europe.
PC world in the UK put up a preorder for the Wifi Xoom with a delivery date of 09 April. So that might give you a rough idea when to expect it.


Rumor: All 3g xooms will get 3.1 update by Friday 3/13 EST

I just got this from another forum:
"just got off the phone with Verizon... all 3g versions will get the 3.1 update by midnight EST Friday."
Like the title says: just a rumor. I know nothing else. But it sets my mind at ease to know that I won't have to wait weeks. I'll stop doing the hourly update thing and just let it happen (OK, I might do it again, but not as often...). Can't wait to have resizable widgets and mouse support!
Google are doing a few things right in following apples lead when it comes to announcing updates and releasing updates on the same day, but as someone who lined up on launch day for my Xoom, and who still hasn't got an update it is still terribly frustrating...
Yes their are options for people who just cannot wait, and I understand that OTA updarea have to be managed to for load/ capacity reasons but I almost think the best solution is an either or solution. OTA update or for those that can't wait then an official tethered update....
I wanted to be able to go to work today with an updated Zoom, and stick the update in the apple fan boys eye
Pihrana said:
Google are doing a few things right in following apples lead when it comes to announcing updates and releasing updates on the same day, but as someone who lined up on launch day for my Xoom, and who still hasn't got an update it is still terribly frustrating...
Yes their are options for people who just cannot wait, and I understand that OTA updarea have to be managed to for load/ capacity reasons but I almost think the best solution is an either or solution. OTA update or for those that can't wait then an official tethered update....
I wanted to be able to go to work today with an updated Zoom, and stick the update in the apple fan boys eye
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oh, man. i thought i am obsessed with my xoom
Do anyone know about the European 3G update?
I guess "3G" for Verizon is not WCDMA, its EVDO.
As someone who also purchase their xoom on launch day and has yet to receive the update, I am equally as frustrated. The load/capacity argument however seems weak with the small number of xooms sold to date. If they can't support that number...
Sent from my Xoom
frustrated here also. Got mine 9am the first day they had them available. No update yet for me this morning. Tried setting date ahead, it did check but nothing new.
Just curious, has anyone with a deactivated 3G Xoom actually received the OTA?
Some postings across several forums refer to the fact they only got the OTA after they activated their service with Verizon.
It seems suspect to me that that would be the case since any deactivated device I had with Verizon still received updates through WiFi (my OG droid and the last update (3.0.1) for the Xoom as examples).
Mooem7 said:
Just curious, has anyone with a deactivated 3G Xoom actually received the OTA?
Some postings across several forums refer to the fact they only got the OTA after they activated their service with Verizon.
It seems suspect to me that that would be the case since any deactivated device I had with Verizon still received updates through WiFi (my OG droid and the last update (3.0.1) for the Xoom as examples).
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I haven't received one yet. But if I do I'll post on here. Because I bought mines from a local shop brand new and never activated any 3G.

How is it that some wi-fi only model get 3.1 update before me?

I have the 3G Xoom that I bought the second day after it first came out. I even bought it at the Motorola site.
My question is, how can some wi-fi model get the update before me? I still don't have the update OTA yet. Isn't the wi-fi model suppose to come out after the 3G version. I wonder how this update work?
I heard there is no such thing that wifi users will get after 3G users , at least officially from google.
I think it is kind of scheduled update, batch by batch. So individual case varies.
Hope you will get one very soon! And I did heard Verizon mentioned they will make sure their 3G users get it before end of this week?
Its not a race you get it when its your time complaining won't do you any good
PaulG1488 said:
Its not a race you get it when its your time complaining won't do you any good
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It is true that complaining does not make the update to my Xoom any faster.
However, we all have a brain and we think. When thing doesn't make sense, we have to question it.
If the wi-fi version comes after the 3G version then it is logical that the 3G version should have earlier updates. If it is true that the update is done by batches, then the 3G batches should be done before the wi-fi batches. Wi-fi version came out about 1 month after the 3G version.
Now if number order does not discriminate between the 3G and wi-fi version, then that is another story.
That is why I stated in my first post by my statement of "I wonder how this update work? "
both models are basically the same. they were both "born" at the same time in a lab somewhere. just because the 3G version went on sale first does not mean it should get updates or anything special over the wifi version. people who purchased the launch day product feels a sense of entitlement.. and thats fine, however the Google servers dont discriminate and the updates are pushed out by a certain method Google is using. you dont have to understand it--thats just how it is.
it has been proven that the Google servers dont discriminate because in fact some wifi versions are getting the update before the 3G versions. i have a 3G version and the wifi version sprint started selling on may 8 and the wifi version got the update a couple days after my feb 24 launch day 3G version. both of which have gotten the update before you.
so relax and wait for the update. im in the southeast and depending on where you are could also play a factor. you will get it perhaps tonight or maybe you have it already since your last post?
I have a US purchased Xoom, I live in the UK, am away on holiday in Fuertaventura (Canary Islands) and got the update today...
Ran smoothly,all OK.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
I thinks its like lottery, Google said in a couple of weeks, that is the time to finish the roll out, if its June already and you haven't received anything then start crying and complain, in the mean time just hold on tight, and check for updates, or do like me and others, build your own OTG and do it yourself.
On a side note...
Just because you bought the 3G/4G version with 1000 years warranty and all the accessories and a contract for 40 years paid in advance doesn't mean you're gonna get it first...
Following that same scheme then The GOLDEN xoom's that were given at the oscars should be the first ones to receive the update. anyone heard of them?

Update from supplier

I just want to point out that one of my suppliers in HK are saying that the Note can be arriving by end of September. Believe it or not, up to you. Hopefully, their update is true.
If that's the case then I'm sure there releasing for U.S for all carriers on October 21
Sent from my Verizon Nexus
Deliximus said:
I just want to point out that one of my suppliers in HK are saying that the Note can be arriving by end of September. Believe it or not, up to you. Hopefully, their update is true.
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They need to announce it soon then
Most retailers here show an expected release around 27th September. There's some on 26th, 28th, 1st Oct, 3rd, but most show late next week. If that's the case then by next week I'll have what to do.

HTC One in Australia - delayed until Mid-Late April

I've had a preorder with MobiCity since early March and just received the following communication from them:
We appreciate your recent order with us and have an update for you. Please read below for the latest information.
Your ETA/item status is - Release has been pushed back to mid-late April due to component supply issues. This affects all outright HTC One at this stage and only officially confirmed to us by HTC yesterday. If stocks are avialable earlier we will source immediately. Apologies for the delay. Alternate models are available (such as Sony Xperia Z - White), so please contact us should you wish to make a change.
Your order status is Pending Fulfilment A.
Damnit! Anyone else received anything like this from their supplier of choice?
Let us know!
Damn. I was planning on getting one for my birthday. At this rate it might not arrive for a while after then.
Does anyone know when Telstra will get the handset?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Before the end of April is all HTC will say about Australia.

S4 Release Date Speculation

Hi all,
Has anyone else noticed that in some of the snapshots of this phone, like the ones used to advertise the cases being released for it, the screen shows a date of April 22nd?
I also saw a case on Amazon that said it would be in stock April 20th.
Could there be any basis in the rumor that the GS4 is going to be released on April 20th/22nd/sometime during that week?
What is the point if realeased 20 21 or 26 april???
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda app-developers app
Good looking out...and who has an upgrade in April? Oh yeah
Sent from my PG86100 using xda app-developers app
This guy has an upgrade in April, too!! I've never had a smartphone and I'm sick of being behind the curve, so I am buying whatever is the latest and greatest.
New car, new apartment, new phone, new start to life
One more month to go. I think S4 will reach Malaysia earliest by July. Still a long time to wait...
I really hope it comes out in April or in early May. I don't want to wait that long I wish Verizon would hurry up and announce the release date!
opethfan89 said:
Hi all,
Has anyone else noticed that in some of the snapshots of this phone, like the ones used to advertise the cases being released for it, the screen shows a date of April 22nd?
I also saw a case on Amazon that said it would be in stock April 20th.
Could there be any basis in the rumor that the GS4 is going to be released on April 20th/22nd/sometime during that week?
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for eastern europe:
I've had my upgrade since December. I'm tired of waiting for this sucker.
Does anyone know when models with greater than 16gb of built in storage will be available? I've noticed all the ones up for pre-order are 16gb here in the UK, I called Vodafone because their website wasn't working, and they said best they can do is let me know when they know. Does anyone else know?
