[Q] - Exchange settings, best note taker with sync - Xoom General

Hi All!
I agree with most people that I go back and forth about how much I love or hate my Xoom, but I willing to wait it out a few more days.
Two things that would help:
1. I have set up my exchange email at work. I love the new mail app for the most part and it syncs well. However, why did they set it so that pictures within the email appear as attachments and one inline? My DInc shows them inline - why can't Xoom? Also very annoying...when responding to meeting requests, I can deny, but I don't have the option to not send a response which I prefer to do since I'm on a list, but don't generally need to attend their meetings. That is, I get all their meeting request, which I would decline, but the sender doesn't need to receive notification of my declining.
2. I'm looking for a good way to take notes in a meeting and have it synced to something. Ideally something I can have directly on the home screen, so it can be one-click. What do you guys use? So far, I've tried:
a. Dropbox (but I dont think it syncs up)
b. Google docs via DocsToGo - not a bad option, but it's several clicks to get to a screen where I can write
c. A direct link to a google doc, but this requires internet connection
any ideas?
much appreciated.

I don't have my xoom yet, so I am not sure if Evernote works or not. I have it on my Captivate and it is great. It syncs to Evernote's servers and you an access anywhere.

Evernote works on my Xoom.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk

I'll third Evernote. I use it constantly.


Why Google needs “Direct Push” for Google Apps

Direct Push with Google Apps?!?!?!
Hi everyone. I think I might have asked this question before but maybe something has developed in the last few months.
I am running my own IT consulting business and as I get more and more busy my calendar is becoming an ever more important tool. My dear wife went out and got me a good old-fashioned spiral bound day-timer but I have a sophisticated day-timer right here in my pocket in the form of my HTC Touch. As an IT consultant I think I should be using it rather then pulling out the pen and paper. Right now I am using the calendars in my Touch, Outlook, Google Apps and the calendar in the Exchange account I have with one of my customers. Too many calendars and all because I really want to use my Google Apps calendar and have it sync with my Touch.
I really want Google to develop “Direct Push” technology so that I can get my email, calendar and contacts all from my Google Apps account just like it was an Exchange Server. I am even considering switching my email back to an Exchange Server just so I can sync with my Touch. This way my wife could login and add stuff to my calendar and it will appear on my Touch. Right now I have my Email coming in from Google Apps via IMAP, my Calendar synching with Outlook (installed locally on my laptop without Exchange) and my Contacts syncing with my customer’s Exchange server. This is a pain and I want everything in one place that can be maintained/synced in real-time.
I will say this right now and keep in mind that as an IT consultant I like Microsoft’s products and install things like Windows 2003, SQL Server and Exchange on an almost daily basis. If Google develops “Direct Push” for Google Apps it will be an Exchange killer. The only, and I mean only reason I am thinking about switching my domain back to Exchange (I moved from Exchange to Google Apps about 1 year ago) is for the ability to sync everything (not just email) with my Touch.
On the other hand if Microsoft comes out with a version of Outlook/Exchange that dispenses with the whole “Inbox/Sent items/Delete” model and goes for the Google-style “conversation & archive” model along with the search capabilities I might fall back in love with Exchange.
The Fish
Oh and just in case anyone from Microsoft is listening, “threaded inbox” isn’t what I mean by “conversation style”. Come on Microsoft. Just admit that Google has actual built a better mousetrap and managed to improve on the age-old email model of “folders” and “sent items”. Go ahead and copy them… copy, copy copy! Oops sorry, I mean “embrace and extend, embrace and extend”
Something like that would be great!
matthew232 said:
Something like that would be great!
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And not to mention totally do-able. There is already an non-Exchange mail server out there called “KerioMail Server” that implements Microsoft’s Direct Push protocol. Check out this link http://www.kerio.com/kms_activesync.html
Microsoft’s Direct Push is entirely HTTP based. It shouldn’t be that difficult for Google to do.
The Fish.
I guess you have to wait for Google Android.
thefish123 said:
On the other hand if Microsoft comes out with a version of Outlook/Exchange that dispenses with the whole “Inbox/Sent items/Delete” model and goes for the Google-style “conversation & archive” model along with the search capabilities I might fall back in love with Exchange.
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The moment they do that (without giving an option) is when I would have to quit using Exchange. I **hate** Gmail's threading and forward those mails to another account that isn't threaded (and the fact that they don't let you turn it off).
I know it's not exactly what you're looking for, but have you checked out any of the 3rd party sync options? GMobileSync is a free little program that allows bidirectional syncing for your calendar (not push though). GooSync offers a free service level that also gives you calendar syncing. If you upgrade to their payed version (I think it is something like $30-40 for a whole year) you get not only calendar sync, but contacts, tasks etc. Might be worth a look.
jeffreycentex said:
The moment they do that (without giving an option) is when I would have to quit using Exchange. I **hate** Gmail's threading and forward those mails to another account that isn't threaded (and the fact that they don't let you turn it off).
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Microsoft would never do it without making it an option. But I am surprised to hear you say that you head Gmail’s threading. Quite honestly you have got to be the FIRST person I have heard say that.
I have never (till now) talked to anyone who switched to Gmail who didn’t have anything but good to say about it. Most people I know who use Outlook or Outlook Express and who do ANY real volume of email spend at least an hour to two hours a day “organizing” their email. They have a whole list of sub-folders under their Inbox and then have almost the exact same set of sub-folders under their “Sent Items”. They spend time trying to decide how to file things or if they should file it in the first place or just delete it. Sometimes they delete and email and two of three days later the whole issue has ballooned into a big issue and they are filing the responses but no longer have their original email because they didn’t think it would become important.
Gmail lets me keep my Inbox clean while at the same time never worrying about filing or organizing or having trouble finding things back. I would probably hate Gmail if I was still trying to fit it into my narrow 20-year-old “I must use folders” paradigm of thinking (which I did when I first started using Gmail) but it was fun to give up on that and the new paradigm of “never file, never delete” is so superior.
I don’t really case WHERE my email is as long as I can find it back in a natural way. I think in years to come we are going to see the same thing happening on computers and to some extent we already are. The #1 reason most people hate Windows Vista is because of the way the new “Explorer” obscures the hierarchal folder model that everyone is used to from our Norton Commander days. It is really very Mac-like. Most Mac users couldn’t tell you where their pictures were in terms of a “directory” or a “folder” but they have less trouble finding them, or copying them to a USB drive, or attaching them to an email then most Windows users.
If we ever do see WinFS (Windows Future Storage) it is supposed to be a Microsoft SQL layer bolted on top of the file system and gives you database-style searchability with all kinds of meta data attached.
The thinking behind the Reiser file system is that any structure on top of the file system for storing data indicates that the file system isn’t doing it’s job. And I can kinda see the point.
The Fish
I agree, Gmail should definately come out with direct push technology
I currently use gmail with pocket outlook with imap.
It's annoying having it set to check my email in intervals.
I didn't even know what direct push was until today, until i saw a friend using his phone w/ his private exchange server...my first reaction was wow...i want that!!
I'm hoping android will implement features like direct push, among others.
surgex0 said:
I didn't even know what direct push was until today, until i saw a friend using his phone w/ his private exchange server...my first reaction was wow...i want that!!
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It’s not even so much that I want “push” email (although that would be cool). The biggest issue is that there is no way to sync my Calendar and my Contacts with Gmail. This means I either A) have to use the Calendar/Contacts on my Touch in their “stand alone” form without syncing to anything or B) have to sync them with something else.
I really like being able to use my web-based Gmail calendar (Google Apps) but I wish like crazy there was some way to get this on my Touch.
The Fish.
PS: when you sign-up for Google Apps it asks you what (if any) previous mail system you used. As an example it says in brackets “Microsoft Exchange”. This makes me think that Google Apps is positioning themselves to take the SMB email market away from Exchange. I think if they really want to do this they will make Google Apps look just like an Exchange Server to the millions of WM devices out there. Currently I am seriously considering moving my email back to Exchange when I get my own server online (in a few weeks).
Google's apps for WM are all in java aren't they?
I know the gmail one is, and it sucks big c---.
I'd rather use opera and gmail html mobile than use their ****e java client.
surgex0 said:
Google's apps for WM are all in java aren't they?
I know the gmail one is, and it sucks big c---.
I'd rather use opera and gmail html mobile than use their ****e java client.
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Googlemaps apparently has a native app now (altho I would rather use Livesearch), so no, they aren't all JAVA. I take it you visit the HTML site instead of using IMAP so that you can see the threading and other g-mail features?
If you want gmail to push, use SEVEN at
Sync & Push
I use www.mobipush.com to push my gmail and it works instantaneously. Fantastic. This is free, perhaps only while they are in beta.
I also use www.oggsync.com for syncing my calendar. There is a free version, but I bought the software and daily sync about 11 calendars 2 months backwards and 2 years forwards. Hardly ever any issues. They are working on contact sync - have a public beta out now.
surgex0 said:
Google's apps for WM are all in java aren't they?
I know the gmail one is, and it sucks big c---.
I'd rather use opera and gmail html mobile than use their ****e java client.
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I don’t know if it’s really the Gmail client that sucks so much as that it just doesn’t run properly on the version of Java that comes on my Touch (the Bell Mobility Touch in Canada). I was pretty happy to have the Java Gmail client on my Razr back before I got my Touch.
That being said I keep hoping they will come out with a native Windows Mobile version like they did with Google Maps. But then again it seems kinda silly to come out with an email client for a device that already has a built-in integrated email client. The better solution would be to make the pre-exiting email, calendar and contacts features work properly (as in within their native capacity – meaning DirectPush) with their Gmail counterparts.
The Fish

Converted from WinMo - Please help me stay...

Ok, I already know all the benefits of Android over WinMo. I'm not here to start a flame war. I just want to get at least some of the functionality I had with my Touch Pro 2. I'm really struggling here....
I'll list the problems I'm trying to surmount, in order of most important to least:
1) In-Call Recording: It worked perfect on my TP2 (legal in Colorado). I just hit Menu > Record. Every app I've tried on the Market sucks. If it even records at all (without a Force Close), I have to have it on speakerphone. With the TP2, it didn't matter if I was holding the phone, using Bluetooth, or had it on speaker. It just recorded... and very clearly. I saw one developer mention this is a hardware/software limitation. Will this ever be overcome?
2) Lack of sync options (primarily, text messages): Windows ActiveSync with Exchange was PERFECT. I could sync not just mail, contact, and calendar... but I could also sync Tasks (which is how I get most of my work done) and text messages (which was great for archival). A benefit of synching text messages was that I could send/receive/reply to texts from Outlook or Outlook webmail. Plus, if I had to flash my phone, all my texts were back after I set up my mail account. Will Android ever get to this level?
3) Mail folders: All I see is a giant, alphabetical list of email folders at the top of my Inbox. If I want to get to my "Mustang Stuff" folder (where all my Mustang-related thread notifications go), I've gotta spin the begeezus out of that list until I get to it. I don't want every folder in that list. There are archival folders (that start with the date in number format) that of course show up first. Not to mention, I have so many folders, that getting to the end (where Sent, Deleted, and Drafts) are, is a real PITA.
4) Bluetooth Functionality = Fail: I can't voice dial from my earpiece. I need this or I'll be running people off the road. This is something so fundamental, I can't believe Android was rolled out w/o it working. I've heard Froyo will fix this. Is that true? Will I be able to touch the button on my earpiece and "call, friend" without having to pick up my phone?
5) Answering calls on headset while BT earpiece is on: Again, something so fundamental.... With a Windows phone, if my earpiece is in my pocket and I answer the call with the phone itself, I can talk through the phone. Windows was able to tell if I answered the phone with the handset. If I wanted to switch to BT, I simply put it in my ear and hit the button. With the Android phone, I have to answer the call, then press the "headset" button. Not a huge deal, but definitely annoying.
That's about it for now. There are others, but they're pretty minor. These are the big ones.
Can anyone help/provide advice?
Sadly its all down to drivers. I don't even know if the sgs has hardware to record voice as early HTC phones didn't have like my Titan. Also you must understand android is not as mature as winmo (8 years for phone edition), like all new software it will have teething problems. Hell winmo 6.1 had heaps more problems then Droid 2. 1. We just need to be patient. Also what do you expect with syncin as ms controlled the OS and your apps. Shame we don't have that with but goggle isn't a OS company. There's always 3rd party apps to help you sync exchange. Ask around. I miss task and notes from Outlook but I've converted over to springboard, give it go as desktop ver is coming out soon. Evernote is good also with great desktop but sucky Droid app.
'Backup to gmail' is a good paid app that backs up sms/mms and call logs. Also does kies not do Outlook sync? I don't use kies or outlook anymore so I don't know as I've converted to using cloud based apps which ms is already trying to do with winmo 7
Sent from my Apple Newton 2100
coming from HTC WM phone i'm extremely happy about the move.
1 - just keep checking out difference call recording software from Market, personally i've not found any good one yet.
2 - to "sync" or backup SMS messages, i use the titan backup, which you can backup to your Gmail account
3 - no problem here as i use gmail
4 - working great for me for Audio and Stereo and Remote features
5 - same as 4 works perfectly out of the box
Car Deck is a Clarion CZ509 (sub, amps, & speakers... off topic ), stereo ear piece is Jabra BT8010 and/or Moto HT820
Of course, I have to agree with a lot you've said. WinMo has been around forever. 6.1 was kind of a fail, but so was 1.5-1.6 on Android. 2.x leaves us in a much better state.
When I compare WinMo 6.5 and Android 2.1, I feel WinMo is still the better OS. I'll have to see what 2.2 brings to the table, though. All that voice activation should be good.
As for the drivers, I hope this is overcome... just like it was in Windows. There are still many phones that can't do it. All of my latest phones have been HTC phones, and all could do it without issue.
Are you running Android 2.2? There is a rumor that answering from a headset with a BT device on will now act "smart".
no 2.2 yet,
still on stock firmware JH2
3) voice dial via Bluetooth is in Froyo as is http://www.google.com/mobile/voice-actions/
I just found another ridiculousness that needs resolution.
I cannot download a .rar or a .zip file using the Android browser. Seriously... wtf?
My son was playing a game on his DSi Acekard that needed updated software (a legitimate backup, of course). So I head over to GBATemp.net to get the latest software. It was in rar forum, so I figured "No problem, I'll just hit the market after".
When I go to download, it says something to the effect of "this type of download is not supported".
So using an RDP program, I log onto my home PC, download the rar and convert it to .zip (thinking the problem was with the rar file itself). In addition, I put it on my own web server.
When I go to download, same message.
On my Windows phone I could download/extract Rar/Zip files all day long. How can something so fundamental be blocked by Android?
Flapjack said:
1) In-Call Recording: It worked perfect on my TP2 (legal in Colorado). I just hit Menu > Record. Every app I've tried on the Market sucks. If it even records at all (without a Force Close), I have to have it on speakerphone. With the TP2, it didn't matter if I was holding the phone, using Bluetooth, or had it on speaker. It just recorded... and very clearly. I saw one developer mention this is a hardware/software limitation. Will this ever be overcome?
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This is a hardware level restriction, Android requires that the call steam be un-interceptable at a software level. It simply cannot be recorded like you want. The best apps can do is set the mic to record one side of the conversation (using speakerphone loopback) and actively record what you say at the same time. It's defiantely not ideal.
You might want to look into using something like Google Voice, that lets you record all your calls sever-side.
EDIT: Some phones allow this, in which case try using this... http://www.cyrket.com/p/android/com.killermobile.totalrecall.trial/
Flapjack said:
2) Lack of sync options (primarily, text messages): Windows ActiveSync with Exchange was PERFECT. I could sync not just mail, contact, and calendar... but I could also sync Tasks (which is how I get most of my work done) and text messages (which was great for archival). A benefit of synching text messages was that I could send/receive/reply to texts from Outlook or Outlook webmail. Plus, if I had to flash my phone, all my texts were back after I set up my mail account. Will Android ever get to this level?
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Install an app called SMS Backup+, it automatically syncs your SMS with Gmail as proper threads, and you can both read and reply to them in GMail, aswell as import them into another android phone. ( The sync is only active in one direction however, you need to manually 'restore' from GMail if you use another phone. )
As for tasks, you should give Astrid a try, it has full RTM (Remember The Milk) sync support and can manage your tasks very well.
Flapjack said:
3) Mail folders: All I see is a giant, alphabetical list of email folders at the top of my Inbox. If I want to get to my "Mustang Stuff" folder (where all my Mustang-related thread notifications go), I've gotta spin the begeezus out of that list until I get to it. I don't want every folder in that list. There are archival folders (that start with the date in number format) that of course show up first. Not to mention, I have so many folders, that getting to the end (where Sent, Deleted, and Drafts) are, is a real PITA.
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Obviously you aren't using GMail. I can't vouch for the crappy (others) e-mail client that comes with this phone.
Flapjack said:
4) Bluetooth Functionality = Fail: I can't voice dial from my earpiece. I need this or I'll be running people off the road. This is something so fundamental, I can't believe Android was rolled out w/o it working. I've heard Froyo will fix this. Is that true? Will I be able to touch the button on my earpiece and "call, friend" without having to pick up my phone?
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I was under the impression that this worked already, but I guess not. You could setup shortcuts to otherwise bring up voice dial by pressing a shortcut, then it would work... :\
Flapjack said:
5) Answering calls on headset while BT earpiece is on: Again, something so fundamental.... With a Windows phone, if my earpiece is in my pocket and I answer the call with the phone itself, I can talk through the phone. Windows was able to tell if I answered the phone with the handset. If I wanted to switch to BT, I simply put it in my ear and hit the button. With the Android phone, I have to answer the call, then press the "headset" button. Not a huge deal, but definitely annoying.
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Are you saying that if your bluetooth headset is paired and you want to answer the call using the phone itself and not the headset, you have to click a button to disengage the headset? Again bluetooth is not very well integrated, it's a shame but at least it's not impossible to do what you want. :\
Flapjack said:
I cannot download a .rar or a .zip file using the Android browser. Seriously... wtf?
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The problem here is the stock browser doesn't want to download files that aren't compatible with the android system, the easy fix is to install any file manager in the market that can handle ZIP or RAR. You won't need to open them (of course you can though) when you download them but it will certainly download the file for you.
Alternatively you could choose another browser that doesn't care about compatibility in downloaded file types.
There might be an option for this but I'm not aware of it.
Flapjack said:
2) Lack of sync options (primarily, text messages): Windows ActiveSync with Exchange was PERFECT. I could sync not just mail, contact, and calendar... but I could also sync Tasks (which is how I get most of my work done) and text messages (which was great for archival). A benefit of synching text messages was that I could send/receive/reply to texts from Outlook or Outlook webmail. Plus, if I had to flash my phone, all my texts were back after I set up my mail account. Will Android ever get to this level?
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There's an app in the market called GTasks. It syncs two-way with Google tasks (which you can find in Gmail, Google calendar, and which you can also access on your phone by going to gmail.com/tasks. The app is ad-supported, but you can also buy a key to remove the ads. It also comes with a very simple widget.
A lot of your comments seem to be related to Androids handling of Outlook integration.
You have to realize, Android is not made by Microsoft. Third party outlook integrations will never be as good as theirs. Android is geared to sync with google apps and the cloud.
That said, I have heard the best exchange client for Android is TouchDown http://www.nitrodesk.com/dk_touchdownFeatures.aspx It's not free though.
As for all your bluetooth questions... I am not having any problems with Bluetooth at all. Maybe it is your headset?
I came from Windows mobile and I too find a few things in Android annoying, but trying to go back is not even an option. Downsides of WinMo are far fewer than downsides of Android.
I'd rather just get an HD2 and be done with it. You are too much dependent on Windows Mobile and that's not a bad thing since it's pretty much worked for you well. I'm just saying, if it's become too much of a hassle to stay on Android, why bother?
Or you can have a WinMo device AND an Android!
Ok, I'm back. Overall, I love the phone. I've had some nasty episodes with )(*#$Y% Google's shoving of contacts down my throat. Apparently, anyone I've ever sent an email in Gmail to becomes a contact, whether I like it or not. On top of that, all those contacts got sync'd to my Vibrant when I first logged into the Market (which requires a Gmail account). Nowhere did it ask if I also wanted to sync my Google contacts, calendar, etc.... Well, the point is that I had almost Google 1000 contacts that I had to delete. I only want my Exchange contacts showing up. Freaking duplicate city. This was after I went into the synchronization settings and removed all synching of google mail, contacts, and calendars.
So, for the most part, everything has been fine. I even convinced my fiancee to give up her iPhone today (which is running like crap since an iOS 4 update) and get a Vibrant as well.
So I'm setting it all up and went in right away and set up Exchange email, only to find that I could not even open the built in "Calendar" App without adding a Gmail account? WTF? This phone is marketed as having Exchange Mail, Contacts and Calendar support.
Giving in, I add her Gmail account, which she NEVER USES, which of course automatically tries to take over her email to remove the Google synchronization. I get all that cleaned up and the only thing left is trying to make appointments work.
Setting up a new appointment, the phone always defaults to "My Calendar", which exists nowhere but the phone. I've been told that once I select my Exchange account, it should remember that. It doesn't. Occasionally, I'll forget to select my home mail and the appointment will stay on the phone. Another gripe... I don't think it can be fixed.
Finally, calendar invites allow you to select participants, but the invites never go out. I have to wait until the appointment syncs with my Exchange account, then go into Outlook on my PC, open the appointment, click on "Invitees", then click on "Send Update" (which returns an error that nothing has been changed). Once I've done that, the other invitees get the calendar invite. WHY?
Sorry for the long rant. I just don't see how this OS can ever be marketed as a corporate solution. I won't be going back to WinMo simply because the hardware in the Vibrant is fantastic. It does MOST of what I want... it just has some serious shortcomings. I'm hedging my bets on Froyo now. Does anyone have a good link that details the differences for Exchange on 2.2? I mean, really... Apple bit the bullet and paid the licensing to put true Microsoft Exchange Activesync on their iPhones. Can't Google do that too?
PC App that I love and works with outlook is Google Calander Sync give you the option of 2 way sync and one way sync. Works for me
Well for me the Samsung bloatware handles Exchange Accounts very well.
I'm syncing (by WiFi or 3G) 3 Exchange Accounts and just one of them with Contacts and Calendar.
Woolios said:
PC App that I love and works with outlook is Google Calander Sync give you the option of 2 way sync and one way sync. Works for me
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So you use that on your PC to sync Outlook to Google Calendar? Then Google Calendar syncs to the phone?
But then you'd have to have it running on one PC that is always on, correct? I don't leave my PCs running 24/7 (nor am I going to), so this will be an issue.
If there was a program I could install on my Exchange server... that'd be a different story, as it does run 24/7 (obviously).
gmc said:
Well for me the Samsung bloatware handles Exchange Accounts very well.
I'm syncing (by WiFi or 3G) 3 Exchange Accounts and just one of them with Contacts and Calendar.
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i have agree with that
i'm using the samsung hub, and it's amazing how it can handle all my 5+ different other accounts just using 1 simple app
and the most amazing thing is, it actually works!
back in the windows days, i had to dance up and down, and jug left and right just to be able to find 3 or more Apps to accomplish the same thing
AllGamer said:
i have agree with that
i'm using the samsung hub, and it's amazing how it can handle all my 5+ different other accounts just using 1 simple app
and the most amazing thing is, it actually works!
back in the windows days, i had to dance up and down, and jug left and right just to be able to find 3 or more Apps to accomplish the same thing
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I have to agree, too. Funny that WinMo only allowed one Exchange account. The rest you had to use IMAP or POP. Pretty lame.
I'm also seriously considering trying RoadSync or TouchDown. Not sure how well they'll integrate, though. I tried an early version of RoadSync on the MyTouch and it was a PITA.
Trying TouchDown now...
Well, Touchdown is pretty nice... most of the time. Since last night, I've had to force close it about 5 times. It locks up the entire phone... I can't even turn the screen on/off. Eventually, the screen will come on and a "Force Close/Wait" option will be up.
AllGamer said:
i have agree with that
i'm using the samsung hub, and it's amazing how it can handle all my 5+ different other accounts just using 1 simple app
and the most amazing thing is, it actually works!
back in the windows days, i had to dance up and down, and jug left and right just to be able to find 3 or more Apps to accomplish the same thing
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I find the native Android outlook support to work way better than Samsung hub. Same with the native facebook sync.
I wish I could just delete Samsung hub. I don't know why companies feel they have to re-invent the wheel when Android already does this stuff.
brunes said:
I find the native Android outlook support to work way better than Samsung hub. Same with the native facebook sync.
I wish I could just delete Samsung hub. I don't know why companies feel they have to re-invent the wheel when Android already does this stuff.
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you can, using Titanium Backup, to uninstall Samsung Hub

Exchange Integration questions

I'm tempted -- the hardware platform seems to be very close to what I'd want. (Don't like that the front buttons aren't hard-buttons, but I can probably live with that.)
I'm waiting (for now) to hear some feedback about Exchange integration (calendar sync, push email, contacts sync.)
(I got (and returned) two Android phones so far: an N1 on the day they came out, and a Galaxy S (pretty nearly the day they came out) and ended up returning both. (History: Blackberry 857, Blackberry 5810, Blackberry 6710, Blackberry 7290, Blackberry 8310. Yes, I'm used to my Exchange email and calendar being rock-solid.))
Questions for anybody who gets their hands on one and has Exchange:
- Does calendar sync work? Comments?
- Can you: accept/reject/tentative meeting requests from email app?
- Can you: accept/reject/tentative meeting requests from calendar app?
- Can you create a meeting request?
- Can you view availability?
- Can you change the meeting reminder tone? (Believe it or not, on the Galaxy S running 2.1, there's no way to do this.)
- Does email push? Comments?
- Do email subfolders push?
- Can you move messages into subfolders?
- Can you view and/or search server subfolders?
- Can you get a unified view of your Exchange and Google/GAFYD inbox?
- Can you access the GAL?
- Do contacts sync?
- Do contacts in subfolders sync? Can you choose subfolders to sync or not?
- Can you do these things in the stock apps, or do you have to use Touchdown or K9 or Moxier to get the results you want?
From what you list, Touchdown would be your best bet I think. Granted, I haven't used (or have ever heard of) K9 or Moxier so I don't know how they are but I have used Touchdown since Android 1.5 and it's been fantastic. Last night I got my G2 and decided to try the stock Exchange in Android to see how well it fared and it's fine for basic Exchange email but that's about it. A co-worker of mine swears by it but I'm wondering if he just doesn't want to pay for Touchdown? Then again all he does is basic email. If you're doing more like meetings, availability, etc... then you'd need to look at something other than stock Exchange. In my case, I'm sticking with Touchdown. I don't know if you've used Touchdown at all but you can download it (fully functional) and use it for 5 (or is it 7?) days before it asks you to purchase it.
Now for K9 and Moxier...I haven't even heard of them but will check them out myself to see if they are a better way to go than Touchdown.
Exchange integration is very important to me and so far, this phone is outperforming the Blackberry that I used before I got the G2. Granted, I was not on a BES with the BB; I imagine that there's pretty much nothing better than a Blackberry on a BES when it comes to Exchange.
Here are answers to your questions:
Calendar sync works great. I create an event in Outlook and see it on my phone really quickly, and vice versa. I cannot say that the sync is instananeous but does the trick.
Accepting/rejecting/creating meetings and availability I've never had the opportunity to do, so I don't know.
You can change the overall meeting reminder tone, but not for each individual meeting. At least not natively....there may be an app available for that.
Email pushes. Sometimes instantaneously, sometimes with a bit of very reasonable lag (30sec - 1min).
I'm able to access my email subfolder on my phone. The sent messages sync between my Outlook and my phone, as well as my junk mail folder syncs also (unfortunately).
It appears I cannot move emails from one folder into another (bummer).
It also appears that not only can I not search through any of my emails, I also cannot copy/paste from the body of the emails I receive either (major bummer).
I only have one email address syncing right now.....but I believe you can have the inbox either split your two email addresses into their own respective inboxes, or combine the two and show all in one. I did this on the Vibrant while I had it for a very short time. I can say though that Gmail has its own icon and MAY not show in the general Email application. I don't know for sure as I don't really even use gmail and have not tried adding it under the general Email application.
The GAL is supported and it's pretty cool cause I can start typing a recipient's name in the "to" field in my email and it'll auto search the GAL.
Contacts sync in the same manner as email/calendar sync.
I haven't seen any options to choose contact subfolders to sync. I will say though that distribution lists/contact groups don't sync.
Everything I've said in this post deals with the native Email application of Android 2.2. I am not using any third party application.
Tasks and Notes do not sync.
Best of luck to you.
I have been using TouchDown for +1 year. Started on the MyTouch 3G and it is easier to use on the G2.
The G2 integration is basic: calandar, email and contacts only . Touchdown is a full fledged Exchange client that allows you do everything you can do from your desktop. Took less than 2 mins to configure and it was up and running. There was 0 issue transfering the license from the myTouch to the G2 as they have integrated the license to your google email account, not the phone you purchased it for.
^ Stock does contacts sync too.
The Froyo email client supports Activesync version 12, that eliminated some of the limitations that the stock exchange intergation had. On my G2 I have 3 exchange accounts setup. all sync'ing calendar, contacts, email add, moves, changes and invites. In addition to that I can sync my public folders, most particuarly my GALs.
So that there is no confusion on what I am saying:
Here are important points:
- It is possible to synchronize ALL public/shared folders to the devices. This
includes emails, contacts, calendars and tasks.
- The folders must be explicitly selected for synchornization
- Only few devices can display more than one calendar or contact folder, so all calendars, and contacts even shared will be contained in the native folder. Only a problem with you use multiple accounts.
The only current Activesync limitations with contacts are as follows:
Activesync can synchronize up to 3 email address. Phone number synchronization is limited to 2 Home numbers, 1 Home Fax, 1 Mobile, 1 Pager, 3 Work (one will be labeled 'Company Main') and one Work Fax number."
So you do have options, but as you can see from the other posts, what you want to do can definitely be supported.
I call BS on you syncing tasks and being able to move emails between folders natively.
I bought a license for Moxier Mail back in the days before Android 2.x. I don't keep any third party EAS clients around anymore thanks to the built-in EAS. However, if you absolutely need features like GAL, accept/reject meetings, availability, basically anything beyond mail and very basic calendaring, then you better get one of the third party EAS clients.
aedv said:
I call BS on you syncing tasks and being able to move emails between folders natively.
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What exchange server version are you trying to do it on, and what is the version of Activesync?
markdurant said:
What exchange server version are you trying to do it on, and what is the version of Activesync?
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I have no idea......my school runs it.
aedv said:
I have no idea......my school runs it.
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Other than your phone how do you connect to your email account?
For what it's worth the implementation of ActiveSync on the G2 is not supporting any security provisioning.
Passcode lock is not enforced, and I am not 100% about remote wipe. I will be testing at some point in time tomorrow.
I will be contacting HTC tomorrow, T-Mobile didn't have any info about the lack of support for these features.
I was surprised as this is the only 2.2 phone I have tested that does not support these features. (Droid 2, Droid X, HTC 4G, CM6 on my HD2)
Remarkably HTC was even less help than T-Mobile
I was basically informed that not enough people had complained about the bungled implementation of ActiveSync yet, so they didnt have any further information and were not investigating a fix.
It was a nice 12 hours G2, but it looks like you are going back to Tmo
markdurant said:
Other than your phone how do you connect to your email account?
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Outlook 2010 direct to the exchange server
mark925 said:
From what you list, Touchdown would be your best bet I think. Granted, I haven't used (or have ever heard of) K9 or Moxier so I don't know how they are but I have used Touchdown since Android 1.5 and it's been fantastic. Last night I got my G2 and decided to try the stock Exchange in Android to see how well it fared and it's fine for basic Exchange email but that's about it.
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I tried Touchdown back on the N1, and I recall being very unimpressed with the UI; I'm afraid I don't remember specifics, but it didn't leave a good taste.
When you say "it's fine for basic Exchange", can you clarify what you consider non-basic? (I would, for example, consider everything I mentioned to be "basic"; non-basic would be delegate management, category administration, rules....) Thanks.
I tried Touchdown when I tried the N1, and was so unimpressed that I don't think I tried it again on the Galaxy S. Moxier doesn't appear to be updating MoxierMail, but it worked pretty well. K9 was new to me, but appealed because it was rapidly evolving with a strong, tech oriented, development and discussion community -- a couple of small bugs I found were reported, tested, and fixed during just the week I had the Galaxy S.
UPDATE: Just saw this on the Touchdown site: "TouchDown does not work with POP3 or IMAP servers". In other words, I couldn't use it as a single client for Exchange and non-Exchange accounts; for me, that's a killer.
aedv said:
Exchange integration is very important to me and so far, this phone is outperforming the Blackberry that I used before I got the G2. Granted, I was not on a BES with the BB; I imagine that there's pretty much nothing better than a Blackberry on a BES when it comes to Exchange.
Here are answers to your questions:
Calendar sync works great. I create an event in Outlook and see it on my phone really quickly, and vice versa. I cannot say that the sync is instananeous but does the trick.
Accepting/rejecting/creating meetings and availability I've never had the opportunity to do, so I don't know.
Email pushes. Sometimes instantaneously, sometimes with a bit of very reasonable lag (30sec - 1min).
I'm able to access my email subfolder on my phone. The sent messages sync between my Outlook and my phone, as well as my junk mail folder syncs also (unfortunately).
It appears I cannot move emails from one folder into another (bummer).
The GAL is supported and it's pretty cool cause I can start typing a recipient's name in the "to" field in my email and it'll auto search the GAL.
I haven't seen any options to choose contact subfolders to sync. I will say though that distribution lists/contact groups don't sync.
Everything I've said in this post deals with the native Email application of Android 2.2. I am not using any third party application. [...]
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aedv, thanks for your response -- I'm a little confused though. You say you don't have BES, but your back end is Exchange? If that's right, thanks -- valuable info. I'd appreciate it if you'd check the contacts subfolder thing; if you're willing, PM me your email address, and I'll send you a test meeting invite so we can see if you get the option to accept/decline.
My back end is Exchange, and I did not use BES while I was on my Blackberry. The Exchange server is run by my school and they don't have a BES.
I tried contact subfolders and that didn't work. I sent myself an invitation to a meeting and I was given the option on the phone to either accept or deny the invitation, so there's your answer.
markdurant said:
The Froyo email client supports Activesync version 12, that eliminated some of the limitations that the stock exchange intergation had. On my G2 I have 3 exchange accounts setup. all sync'ing calendar, contacts, email add, moves, changes and invites. In addition to that I can sync my public folders, most particuarly my GALs.
So that there is no confusion on what I am saying:[...]
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markdurant, thanks -- despite your great answer, I'm still a tiny bit confused. Can you clarify re:
- contacts subfolders: I have a main Contacts folder, with a subfolder "manufacturing contacts". Can I cause the subfolder to sync? (I understand from your answer that the appearance on the device may be "flat", i.e. all in one giant list; that's ok.)
- message filing: You are able to move messages from Inbox to other Exchange folders?
- Common inbox: You mention having three Exchange boxes; do you get a consolidated view, perhaps with color coding? Do you have any non-Exchange (e.g. Google) email accounts?
Thanks again.
Nothign can be worse than the Vibrant's exchange integration... for some reason it will NOT sync the majority my calendar entries on my exchange account. Email is fine but the calendar on the vibrant is just terrible. Worked fine on the nexus, and has sync'd fine on any nokia (symbian s60/maemo) phone I've used as well.
One of the reasons I'm ditching the vibrant and jumping to g2 goodness.
moxie said:
For what it's worth the implementation of ActiveSync on the G2 is not supporting any security provisioning.
Passcode lock is not enforced, and I am not 100% about remote wipe. I will be testing at some point in time tomorrow.
I will be contacting HTC tomorrow, T-Mobile didn't have any info about the lack of support for these features.
I was surprised as this is the only 2.2 phone I have tested that does not support these features. (Droid 2, Droid X, HTC 4G, CM6 on my HD2)
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How does it not support passcodes? It's a feature of Stock Android 2.2...
SuperFly03 said:
How does it not support passcodes? It's a feature of Stock Android 2.2...
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My point exactly...

Exchange integration

What is the exchange integration like on the tab? Does it do calendar integration like on the iPad with full options to accepts meeting requests etc?
Also, can it open word and excel docs from email and are there options for editing?
firedup said:
What is the exchange integration like on the tab? Does it do calendar integration like on the iPad with full options to accepts meeting requests etc?
Also, can it open word and excel docs from email and are there options for editing?
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Yes to the first question. And as for the second one, there is ThinkFree Office installed on the Tab out of the box so you can at least open MS Office Documents. As for editing, I think you would require something like the paid version of ThinkFree or Documents To Go from Dataviz (which is what I use). Neither of those softwares are as great as Keynote, Numbers or Pages are on the iPad.
The version of Thinkfree that came on my UK spec Tab can create/edit documents. I guess this may differ from region to region.
foxmeister said:
The version of Thinkfree that came on my UK spec Tab can create/edit documents. I guess this may differ from region to region.
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OK thanks guys.
How do you find the functionality of the ThinkFree? Is it adequate for creating and editing word and excel docs? This is really the dealbreaker for me.
Just thought I'd post and say that the email client is the best if not on par with the HTC Mail client for use with Exchange. Its definitely the best looking too!
Calendar invites don't seem to work for me
I was just looking for any info/comments about exhange integration.
I've got a tab and have it set-up with my works Exchange server. Email/Calendar seems to work fine but I see no way of accepting new calendar invites. I can do this on my Desire just fine though.
Am I being a total moron or have others also noticed this?
There's no need to reply to this question as I found another thread further along and this seems to be a Android<>Exchange issue and not me being a moron. I recall reading just before I got my HTC Desire that HTC had done some extra work on exchange integration and I guess calendar invites was one example. Hey ho - hopefully it will work in the future but in the meantime the 7" screen on the tab means it's easy enough to log in to webmail and accept the occasional invites.
I still love the tab.
I've been testing it for about 2 weeks ...
ThinkFree office suite allows you to create/edit/review xls, doc files.
Works well. PDF viewing is better than Adobe Acrobat reader ... (faster).
About Exchange integration, IMHO it is there but it remains a bit light ...
It supports :
- Multiple Exchange email accounts with push mail (both Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007).
- Multiple Exchange Calendars sync & display (display merge feature is there)
But ...
- Meeting requests buttons ... Accept/ Reject / ... are not there. (known issue ?)
- New meetings or updates added to main Exchange calendar - using your own main account - are seen by other clients for the very same Exchange account (OWA, WiMo, ...) as they were sent by someone else.
- Meeting "Busy/Temporary/Out of office" status cannot be set from Tab UI.
- Meeting "Busy/Temporary/Out of office" status are not displayed.
- Contacts only from the main Exchange account are accessible. Contacts from other Exchange accounts are synced, but cannot be seen.
HTC Desire HD (and Z) Exchange integration is better than the one provided with Galaxy Tab... Let's hope we'll get an update with next firmware.
Appart from all that, Galaxy Tab is a delight to work with ...
cant view folders on the tab
in addition to the inbox, i cant see the sub folders i created in my outlook and the mails routed to these folders dont show up on the tab..The Ipad & Iphone pushes mails even in the subfolders...need some help !!
When I click on the word Inbox next to the exchange server name, I get a drop down list of all the other subfolders to sync them as well, but by default it doesn't load them.
Sent from my GT-P1000M using XDA App
I miss the swipe friendly folder tabs on the Galaxy S, but the dropdown box ain't bad.
I actually think in many ways the Galaxy series has better Exchange support than Windows Phone 7. Really.
Sent from my GT-P1000M using XDA App
Croak said:
I actually think in many ways the Galaxy series has better Exchange support than Windows Phone 7. Really.
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Just got my tab for a few days and just found out that the Galaxy Tab's email client has no way to accept invitations.
This is a very basic exchange functionality working on most other Android Phones.
I do like the GUI though, but this is unforgivable as it is a basic Android 2.2 feature. As is tagging appointments as for example "private", which is also not possible with the Galaxy Tab's Agenda application.
What you could try to do is to look at what date the invitation concerns and then open up your calender and go to that date and you should be able to accept/decline the invitation.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
With exchange access on my (personal) mobile, my company also has the possibility to wipe out my mobile (company policy). Is there a way I could limit this wipe to only affect all the exchange data? I don't mind that in the worst case when they do a wipe, all my exchange data is unavailable (makes sense), but I don't want to lose all my personal apps/data/pictures/etc. as well... (Is this possibly different per exchange client?)
Touchdown handles more complex Exchange integration including client certificates, "device" encryption, PIN code access etc. The good thing about it is that it creates its own encryption and pin locking zone so that it doesn't affect your whole device. On data wipe etc, it only affects the exchange area.

[Q] Does email reside on the tablet?

I have been trying to figure out email as it runs on Honeycomb (prior to purchase, but this is an interesting question I hope). What I want to do is ditch my computer running windows Live Mail, where all the emails are saved to my computer, and replace with a slinky new tranformer. I realise that a tablet is mostly an online tool, but it has heaps of memory, and I travel too much and still need to access old emails.
But, I cant seem to locate good information regards how the email app operates. Or how others such as K-9 work. So the question is; Do the emails reside on the tablet, can I place into folders, backup locally etc more or less as I do on my PC?
To my knowledge the stock app stores them as entries in an SQL database. You can backup the whole lot, but probably not individually.
Having set up my personal e-mail on my TF I've not been able to setup new folders with the default client, I can't find any option to do this. Also it appears as though a copy of your e-mails is downloaded onto the TF and stays on the server unless you enable the option to delete a message only when you delete it from the Inbox. It'll also only download the first 25 messages the first time round, you'll need to hit the 'load more conversations' button if you want to get more to display.
As for your existing e-mails I'm guessing that they are stored locally on your computer and are no longer available 'in the cloud', is that right? If so that will be a bit tricky to get them transferred over to your TF. If those messages are still in the cloud however you shouldn't run into any problems setting up your account on your TF.
By default POP3 email servers should keep the emails on the server (until it is too old by server's auto-delete definition) and you should be able to download your old emails on your transformer (unless you deleted them from your email app on PC, which will cause it to tell the server to delete it too). There's a reason why I started using Exchange instead of POP3.
So am I alone in wanting offline email, archiving etc? Really the only person desperate to replace notebook with tablet, but needing solid productivity from email?
alhart345 said:
So am I alone in wanting offline email, archiving etc? Really the only person desperate to replace notebook with tablet, but needing solid productivity from email?
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Why do you need to archive your emails? If you need to back the lot of them up, you can. Using a root explorer, you can browse to the /data/data folder on the device and copy the email client folders located within (I believe com.android.email and com.google.android.gmail) to whichever storage medium you like.
Unfortunately you cannot back up or copy individual emails.
I run a business, when visiting customers, vendors or travelling I am often without internet access or it is too slow to be good for much. But I need to access old emails regularly, and email is the central tool for managing my workload. So I sort my old emails by activity in folders locally on my notebook and often refer in meetings to past actions, prices etc. Pretty typical business/corporate action. I may be asking too much of a tablet at this stage, seems most people use it to augment their PC, not replace.
I think storing much locally goes against how Google and Apple view tablet devices. They view storage as a cloud based resource. So emails and documents are stored on their (or your ISPs) servers and accessed from the mobile device. This ensures that your data is constantly backed up and accessible from any device you have, phone, tablet, netbook, etc.
The downside is that this data is in the cloud so access assumes that you have a connection.
alhart345 said:
I run a business, when visiting customers, vendors or travelling I am often without internet access or it is too slow to be good for much. But I need to access old emails regularly, and email is the central tool for managing my workload. So I sort my old emails by activity in folders locally on my notebook and often refer in meetings to past actions, prices etc. Pretty typical business/corporate action. I may be asking too much of a tablet at this stage, seems most people use it to augment their PC, not replace.
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I suspect that part of your problem is that you are using your email folders as a "CRM" database, whereas you'd probably be better off if you could actually move to a true CRM solution. This may be easier said than done if the data volumes (i.e. your email "database" is large) but will probably provide a much better solution in the long run.
I haven't used the stock Android email app since Android 2.0 and my OG Droid, but I'm rather sure that the GMail app will only locally store the most recent emails, either by date or by number, not sure which. My personal email only goes up until the 23rd before it has to 'load conversations', which I believe is grabbing them from the network.
There is a degree of offline email with these recent conversations, as I've typed up emails off-network and they send as soon as I hit Wifi (or 3G in the phone's case). But nothing like the Outlook-level of Offline email. There is GMail offline for PC, so it is possible Google will bring it to tabs eventually...who knows.
alhart345 said:
I run a business, when visiting customers, vendors or travelling I am often without internet access or it is too slow to be good for much. But I need to access old emails regularly, and email is the central tool for managing my workload. So I sort my old emails by activity in folders locally on my notebook and often refer in meetings to past actions, prices etc. Pretty typical business/corporate action. I may be asking too much of a tablet at this stage, seems most people use it to augment their PC, not replace.
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I don't use the tablet for work that much, but I understand your situation. eMail is actually a pretty lousy tool for what you're doing. A good practice is to just delete mails as soon as they get to you, get read and the information is used. But, of course, there are times when you will need to keep some of the information a mail came with, but not the email itself. The reason is that email *is not always available*. You either store it on the servers or you store it locally. Being on the servers makes you dependant on an internet connection. Having them locally makes it more prone to database corruption, and simple things such as search, backup and restore are more complex (before I get bashed, I didn't say difficult or impossible, just complex).
I'm used to a Microsoft ecosystem for personal productivity which means that I have outlook and onenote. What I do is:
emails with attachments, where I need to keep the attachment for future reference: I save the attachment and delete the email
emails with information: I drag the email to Onenote and delete the email.
In a PC/Tablet environment there is no reason why you can't do something similar, although it might not be as streamlined as how Microsoft designed their own products.
But, what I picture you being able to use is:
- Mails with attachments - save them to dropbox or get some other PC-Android folder syncing solution. Get rid of the email.
- Mails with information - Save them to evernote or catchnotes and they automatically get synced to your tablet. I think the premium version of Evernote has offline access (i.e. local storage of notes) and Catch does it anyway.
Evernote has a nice feature where you can mail stuff to your evernote account and it will show up.
As you can see it involves that you change a bit how you work and manage information, but if you make this step you can be more productive.
Hi Ferparedes, thanks for the response, took me a while to get back to it. It may be possible to use a notetaker to do this, but I am pondering the steps needed to integrate as you suggest. I take about 100 emails a day, covering say 50 customers and 1-5 new projects per customer, plus ongoing business - folder structure is 3 and 4 deep. I guess, suck it and see is the final result. If working on the TF is so satisfying for everything else, then a way will be found...
Thanks again for the input.
Well, then again it could be that a tablet is not the best tool for your needs, right?
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
For everything else, it is just right. But the email thing is a show stopper for me. I shall have to curb enthusiasm and wait for the software to come up. Or a windows tab
alhart345 said:
For everything else, it is just right. But the email thing is a show stopper for me. I shall have to curb enthusiasm and wait for the software to come up. Or a windows tab
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Windows tablets have been around for ages, no?
alhart345 said:
For everything else, it is just right. But the email thing is a show stopper for me. I shall have to curb enthusiasm and wait for the software to come up. Or a windows tab
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Windows 8 tablets should appear in spring 2012.
alhart345 said:
For everything else, it is just right. But the email thing is a show stopper for me. I shall have to curb enthusiasm and wait for the software to come up. Or a windows tab
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It seems like the easy solution is to get internet access on the go. Why not just get a 3g hotspot from your provider? Or, if you have an android phone, set up the mobile access point?
if my experience can help...
Avoiding complex configuration setting up a mail server at home, I've the following config:
- the home pc access my accounts (isp, yahoo, gmail) through pop protocol, with accounts configured to leave messages on the server 15 days
- tablet has same accounts configured with imap access
This way all mails are anyway downloaded and backedup on my local pc, while still being accessible from the tablet.
Of course some diligence is required: if erasing a mail from the tablet while having the pc in standby, the mail will never be available on the pc (but I suppose this is not a big deal: mail has been read and judged to be erased).
My 2 cents

