[Q] Whatsapp on folio? - Folio 100 Themes and Apps

I'm looking if its possible to put whatsapp for our Folio!
I Found a thread in Modaco talking about, but is for Advent Vega, that have same hardware than Folio. I can't try it for my folio because I have a WIN MOBILE PHONE
If anybody try it please report if it works or not
Thanks Lot!

I've downloaded and installed it right from the MarketPlace.
Can't you find it there?

Arnoutdv said:
I've downloaded and installed it right from the MarketPlace.
Can't you find it there?
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Whats app its running on your Folio?
I have Folio Mod 1.3d and don't run when I try to execute can't Load

I use Foliomod 1.4 Android I can download,install and run Whatsapp. To be able to accept the license you need a 3g card.

Arnoutdv said:
I use Foliomod 1.4 Android I can download,install and run Whatsapp. To be able to accept the license you need a 3g card.
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Ok, if i put a 3g modem on my folio it can works or via thethering can run also?
Thanks a lot!

Maybe you should try the website of WhatsApp instead of a generic forum:

Arnoutdv said:
Maybe you should try the website of WhatsApp instead of a generic forum:
I don't think so, but i ask to whats app staff for it.
Thanks for yours answers!
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You can backup with Titanium your mobile version and restore it (app + data ) in your tablet.
I did that and it works perfectly.
Enviado desde mi Folio 100 usando Tapatalk

Merxthik said:
You can backup with Titanium your mobile version and restore it (app + data ) in your tablet.
I did that and it works perfectly.
Enviado desde mi Folio 100 usando Tapatalk
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I made a couple of months ago and it works, is a good solution for feet whatsapp in a tablet whithout telephone.


Huawei Hi Suite

Hello everybody,i found this very useful official application from Huawei that lets you sync your phone contacts,sms,applications and music.
It also takes screenshots from the device and lets you send sms and play phone's music from your pc.
You can also make a backup and restore!
Here it is http://www.huaweidevice.com/resource/mini/201105239635/hi_suite_en/index.html
You can also connect via wifi.
AceDroidX said:
You can also connect via wifi.
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How? Do you mean I can connect the phone and Hi Suite via Wi-Fi?
Blefish said:
How? Do you mean I can connect the phone and Hi Suite via Wi-Fi?
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Yes he does
Sent from my Huawei u8800 using XDA App
this works only with stock roms, right?
darkado said:
this works only with stock roms, right?
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It works with the void costum rom too.
Sent from my Huawei u8800 using XDA App
it only works with froyo then
where are my contacts?
installed Hi Suite and synchronised my contacts from outlook 2007 to my smartphone. Everything worked fine (except 1 of the 318 contacts failed), but I cannot find my contacts on my smartphone. Any ideas?
Can someone upload it to somewhere? I click the download button from the site and it says Error 500:
eversp01 said:
installed Hi Suite and synchronised my contacts from outlook 2007 to my smartphone. Everything worked fine (except 1 of the 318 contacts failed), but I cannot find my contacts on my smartphone. Any ideas?
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Go to contacts - press menu - then go to display settings (my phone is in German, soI don't know how excactly) there you press on your mail account and check all the boxes.
Sent from my Huawei u8800 using XDA App
Maybe someone have this program uploaded to some sharing site? CAuse official link does not download, shows http 500 error.
Tommixoft said:
Maybe someone have this program uploaded to some sharing site? CAuse official link does not download, shows http 500 error.
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the link doesn't work
I also waiting for someone to upload this app to a site...
OziiX said:
I also waiting for someone to upload this app to a site...
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Just google for hi suite and you will find a few links...
Sent from my Huawei u8800 using XDA App
I know how to google and I wouldnt want your help If I find it. Anyway the download button now works.
OziiX said:
I know how to google and I wouldnt want your help If I find it. Anyway the download button now works.
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I just tried it and it worked. Maybe you should try another Browser
And i mean that there other Websites from where you can download it
Sent from my Huawei u8800 using XDA App
Last link worked for me too.
Sent from my IDEOS X5
levibuko said:
I just tried it and it worked. Maybe you should try another Browser
And i mean that there other Websites from where you can download it
Sent from my Huawei u8800 using XDA App
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at the top link do not work but if you scroll at the bottom-then works i just downloaded
Hi there...
I have some serious issue here...
Since i use Huawei Tablet Mediapad(before that i use Ideos and have same issues)... I can't connect it to my Laptop using this Hi Suite....
I don't know why this happen...since i do everything to make it connect like check the usb debugging and enabled the mtp initiator.. but it still says can't connected...
any of u fella know why this happen? i use Win XP SP 3 and my Mediapad use ROM B016 not Rooted yet...
Since Hi Suite that Ideos and Mediapad use is same at version.. i think it wouldn't be problem that i ask here isn't it? since there is have a thread bout Hi Suite..
thankz a lot...
I'am Noob here... Greeting..

[23AUG] "Hacked" Play Store (Wishlist, delta "smart" updates, gift cards)

[23AUG] "Hacked" Play Store (Wishlist, delta "smart" updates, gift cards)
Hey guys,
I was looking for this yesterday and I found nothing, so I decided to "hack" the Play Store apk myself.
It's just 3.8.17 Play Store with Wishlist and (US only for now) gift cards activated.
How to install (or update)
1. Make a nandroid or backup Play Store by Titanium
2. Go to Settings » Apps » All » Google Play Store, tap "Uninstall updates" (if active) and confirm
3. Download my APK, place it on /sdcard and rename to Phonesky.apk
4. In Root Explorer (or any other file explorer that uses root permissions, but don't use ES File Explorer) go to /system/app and remove Phonesky.apk
---4.1. If you see any com.android.vending-*.apk file in this directory, remove it too
5. Copy Phonesky.apk from /sdcard to /system/app
6. Reboot
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FC fix
updated to 3.8.17
something big is coming!
based on the latest Play Store 3.8.16 (nothing new - updated DE, FA, JA translations and minor bug fixes)
mobile connection emulation when over Wi-fi (Store thinks you're over 3G and activates Smart [delta] Updates - downloads only small part of every update instead of a whole file)
increased cache size
easter egg (ha! find it!)
buf fixes and performance improvements
removed device restrictions (you can install every app available in Play Store - even if your device isn't compatibile)
Store won't update itself to any newer version
bug fixes
first release
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Tested on Galaxy Nexus w/ Jelly Bean (CM10, clean build) - it just works.
Disclaimer: Do NOT reupload the APK. Link to this thread instead. Thanks.
Twitter: @maciej (don't donate, just follow )
What exactly does this do? Aren't giftcards already enabled?
atrix4g18 said:
What exactly does this do? Aren't giftcards already enabled?
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They aren't. It enables both them and wishlist. Both are fully usable, however there's no way to buy any gift code ATM
Got a better link? On my phone it wnt let me copy the text to put in my browser
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
InfantryMarc said:
Got a better link? On my phone it wnt let me copy the text to put in my browser
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
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Works awesome thanks.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
webDeWo said:
Hey guys,
I was looking for this yesterday and I found nothing, so I decided to "hack" the Play Store apk myself.
It's just 3.8.15 Play Store with Wishlist and (US only for now) gift cards activated.
How to install (or update)
Tested on Galaxy Nexus w/ Jelly Bean (CM10, clean build) - it just works.
Disclaimer: Do NOT reupload the APK. Link to this thread instead. Thanks.
Twitter: @maciej (don't donate, just follow )
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Can I ask if this is dpi hacked? As in for those who have a dpi of 162 like me it will fix the market incompatibility error?
If not how can I hack it to force the market to use a set dpi? Instead of reading my build.prop?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
elesbb said:
Can I ask if this is dpi hacked? As in for those who have a dpi of 162 like me it will fix the market incompatibility error?
If not how can I hack it to force the market to use a set dpi? Instead of reading my build.prop?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
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Nope, it's not. I can hack it if you want.
elesbb said:
Can I ask if this is dpi hacked? As in for those who have a dpi of 162 like me it will fix the market incompatibility error?
If not how can I hack it to force the market to use a set dpi? Instead of reading my build.prop?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
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OK, updated to See changelog.
webDeWo, Does it work for GB 2.3.4 ?
seksith said:
webDeWo, Does it work for GB 2.3.4 ?
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Android 2.2+. Assuming: yes.
I dont understand, this version let the download payable apps?
Tapatalk 2 ile Desire HD cihazımdan gönderildi
turko9999 said:
I dont understand, this version let the download payable apps?
Tapatalk 2 ile Desire HD cihazımdan gönderildi
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Nope. It lets you download apps unavailable in your country (they aren't shown in search results!) or for your device. It also lets you access and manage your Wishlist and gift cards.
Is that possible to free download to payable apps, can u do it?
Tapatalk 2 ile Desire HD cihazımdan gönderildi
It's impossible and illegal. Do not even ask for it.
Nice work webDeWo. Imma download this now. Funny how you hack a app that is free but not yet available now people want you to start getting apps for free. smh.
Hi, and thanks for sharing your work.
I have one question though : if I install an app while on the play store website on the PC, it will still download it to my phone with this hacked store ?
I'm sorry if I don't make any sense, English isn't my native language.
AngelFeoras said:
Hi, and thanks for sharing your work.
I have one question though : if I install an app while on the play store website on the PC, it will still download it to my phone with this hacked store ?
I'm sorry if I don't make any sense, English isn't my native language.
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Unfortunately, I don't know what you mean
webDeWo said:
Nope, it's not. I can hack it if you want.
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Can I ask what you did to change it? I've been trying to figure this out for the longest time. Plus sorry to be a pain but can you get rid of just device restrictions and not auto updating the market? I wouldn't mind if the market updated itself
webDeWo said:
OK, updated to See changelog.
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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
---------- Post added at 08:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 PM ----------
AngelFeoras said:
Hi, and thanks for sharing your work.
I have one question though : if I install an app while on the play store website on the PC, it will still download it to my phone with this hacked store ?
I'm sorry if I don't make any sense, English isn't my native language.
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the answer is yes.
webDeWo said:
Unfortunately, I don't know what you mean
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He's talking about going to play. Google. Com and installing an app from there. But Google services framework is what handles that (if I'm not mistaken)
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
I just modified the function that checks whether the application is available for user to always return true. Simple, isn't it?

[Q] Unable to install drop box

I'm unable to find dropbox on the google playstore for my Nook Simple touch and the version on Amazon says the store isn't available in my area.
Does anyone have a direct link to a compatible .apk ?
Thanks in advance !
bobkskins1 said:
I'm unable to find dropbox on the google playstore for my Nook Simple touch and the version on Amazon says the store isn't available in my area.
Does anyone have a direct link to a compatible .apk ?
Thanks in advance !
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look for dropsync - the free version syncs only 1 folder but it should be enough
dkuku said:
look for dropsync - the free version syncs only 1 folder but it should be enough
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That worked perfectly ! Thanks !
bobkskins1 said:
That worked perfectly ! Thanks !
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Hi, where did you find it? Searchmarket comes up empty and google play from online is incompatible.

screen mirroring directly to laptop or pc ?

every one and i want to know is there a way for screen mirroning directly to my laptop or ? pc ? (both in the same network )
witht out any apps .. or some apps ?
Tried Sidesync? It's a stock app.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk 2
ShadowLea said:
Tried Sidesync? It's a stock app.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk 2
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thanks a lot for help
not try it.. cann you give me a link or interduction link ?
dverbame said:
thanks a lot for help
not try it.. cann you give me a link or interduction link ?
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The instructions are in the app descriptions. The app is likely already installed on your phone, as it is a Samsung stock app.
Possible without any apps?
That screen gone blank.
Could cable mirror Note 3 to PC/laptop?
Please advice.
dverbame said:
every one and i want to know is there a way for screen mirroning directly to my laptop or ? pc ? (both in the same network )
witht out any apps .. or some apps ?
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If you using Windows 10,
1. Open the Connect App
2. Turn on Screen Mirroning and connect(on your phone)

Huawei - How to activate clone app function

if this is old news, please forgive me...however...
I used to use this method to clone my whatsapp to use with my 2 different lines:
however ever since updating to EMUI 5.0.1 this seems to not be working. Instead I stumbled upon this method:
which in my opinion is even better, as it will show the apps under Twin App section in your settings, as it was intended.
I can confirm it works on my MHA-AL00C00B233. Also, with this method, no need to use Tasker for launching via Nova etc.
If there's a similar thread on this solution/method, please forgive me. I tried to search but couldn't find.
Is it only for rooted?
yes it is
le grande magnetto said:
Is it only for rooted?
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yes it is....
