2.3.3 and back button stuck issue - Nexus S General

I had a NS with a back button that used to get stuck and i exchanged that NS for a new one. Since then i did not have the issue. Here comes 2.3.3 and the little monster is back. I have seen it twice in the past few hours. Google fix this ASAP or this phone is going back for good.
Anyone else with this problem?
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App

FlyingRequin said:
I had a NS with a back button that used to get stuck and i exchanged that NS for a new one. Since then i did not have the issue. Here comes 2.3.3 and the little monster is back. I have seen it twice in the past few hours. Google fix this ASAP or this phone is going back for good.
Anyone else with this problem?
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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That's not good!! I had this issue occasionally (never exchanged the phone though) and so far since 2.3.3 it's not happened.
I would strongly suggest raising the issue on the google support forums - there is an existing thread from before the 2.3.3 update which as it happens was meant to fix the problem......

Mine is N1, I also got back button problem occasionally since 2.3.3. I press the Back, I feel the vibration, but there is no action. I should retry few times.
I guess this is 2.3.3 bug.

kikikaka said:
Mine is N1, I also got back button problem occasionally since 2.3.3. I press the Back, I feel the vibration, but there is no action. I should retry few times.
I guess this is 2.3.3 bug.
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u know i had this issue on stock 2.3.2, both home and search was not working, then i wiped data & cache from stock recovery, and then it started working again, worth giving a try!!!

back button is very irresponsive in 2.3.3 !!! i thought google was supposed to fix that s**t. instead it has got even worse for me.

deeren said:
back button is very irresponsive in 2.3.3 !!! i thought google was supposed to fix that s**t. instead it has got even worse for me.
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my back button is very responsive maybe you need to reflash.

OK I take back what I said previously, this has started happening to me again now. In fact I'd say it's worse than it was before.
I have no idea what to do other than trying to exchange the phone which will probably be a nightmare because I've had it since early January..........

weird cause i read people saying that if their phone had a back button issue it was fixed with 2.3.3

Well I've taken it back to the carphone warehouse where I bought it, they are going to attempt a repair..............will hopefully end up with an exchange for a new handset - i'll keep you posted.

Well the nexus one never had this problem at all, never. And now since the update it too has this issue. So that's pretty solid proof to me that this problem exists and needs to be fixed by Google.

I have non rooted nexus s 2.3.2 and noticed this for the first time last night. Back button key would either stick and/or be un responsive (light would turn off).
I wonder I'd this be a memory issue in that it might occur more frequently when the device is low. Notice a lot of apps run services around midnight and in the morning when this is happening for me..
I have also seen problems with green screen from flash when memory is low.
Closing some apps seems to solve this.
Just a thought. Hope this is not a sign of a hardware failure.

I'm waiting to collect my "repaired" Nexy - wondering what if anything they will have done to try and fix it.....
Feel naked without my phone........

Take off battery cover. Tighten up a bit the screws on the back of the phone. See if that changes anything. I experienced that a little while ago, tightened the screws and now all's good. Haven't seen a single issue since. 2.3.2 and 2.3.3
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bogdi1988 said:
Take off battery cover. Tighten up a bit the screws on the back of the phone. See if that changes anything. I experienced that a little while ago, tightened the screws and now all's good. Haven't seen a single issue since. 2.3.2 and 2.3.3
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Well I dont have the phone right now but I'll certainly give this a try if the problem happens again once I have the phone back.
Out of interest what size/type of driver do you need to fit the screw heads??

moon-unit said:
Well I dont have the phone right now but I'll certainly give this a try if the problem happens again once I have the phone back.
Out of interest what size/type of driver do you need to fit the screw heads??
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a small philips head screw driver

same problem with me. I upgrade to 2.3.3, the back button will stick for several seconds especially when you hit back key very fast and repeat after fast scrolling the screen.
I flash back to 2.3.2, change rom, not install apps, the problem is still there. And even in bootloader, the issue is still there.

I've just been told my phone is being sent to some central repair hub and might take 28 days to get back to me :-(
will probably get scratched to bits and still wont be fixed.....
Guess I'll have to dig out the old Sony handset to keep me going for a few weeks..today is a bad phone day...

Well I picked up the phone today and noticed a few things where different, firstly I now have an unlocked padlock icon at the bottom of the bootscreen - On checking recovery it would seem my bootloader has been unlocked....
Secondly it was running 2.3.1 which I also found odd?
Going charge it up and do a manual update to 2.3.3 using the full 90mb ROM, wonder if the back button issue has been fixed......? the repair notes said the PCB had been checked and cleaned......
I'll keep you posted.


[Q] Diagnosing instability

First a disclaimer ... actually two disclaimers ...
#1. I'm an Android noob - I had installed it onto my old AT&T Fuze and loved it and based on that bought a Dell Streak which arrived today;
#2. Within an hour of getting it, it was rooted and 2.1 O2 image installed
I love it. Faster than I can believe is possible over 3G, smooth, lovely.
Except it constantly shuts down. It seems almost every time I go to switch it on it's booting from startup again ... Dell logo ... O2 logo ... then home screen.
OK, 3 disclaimers ...
#3. I've installed a ****load of apps onto it already
Is there an application that will allow me to monitor which applications are causing the instability, or do I just have to suck it up as the cost of running something that's beta/unstable/wrong network/wrong device ... ?
p_razzi said:
First a disclaimer ... actually two disclaimers ...
#1. I'm an Android noob - I had installed it onto my old AT&T Fuze and loved it and based on that bought a Dell Streak which arrived today;
#2. Within an hour of getting it, it was rooted and 2.1 O2 image installed
I love it. Faster than I can believe is possible over 3G, smooth, lovely.
Except it constantly shuts down. It seems almost every time I go to switch it on it's booting from startup again ... Dell logo ... O2 logo ... then home screen.
OK, 3 disclaimers ...
#3. I've installed a ****load of apps onto it already
Is there an application that will allow me to monitor which applications are causing the instability, or do I just have to suck it up as the cost of running something that's beta/unstable/wrong network/wrong device ... ?
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have you checked the back plate is secure? when i had random shut downs it was because the backplate wasnt in place correctly. that could be the reason your having random shutdowns? the backplate is a little temperamental
I'm 99% sure it's secure ... it's flush to the device and can't see that it could possibly slide any further up.
It just shut down while I was using it ... hit the menu hard button in the XDA app ... reboot ... although this one was much faster restart.
p_razzi said:
It just shut down while I was using it ... hit the menu hard button in the XDA app ... reboot ... although this one was much faster restart.
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hmmm, how odd. i dont think there is a app that will allow you to diagnose the problem. the best way would be to factory reset then reinstall one by one each app and try to find one which may be the problem
I've disabled the live wallpaper - will see how that works.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
Power it up let it sit and dont run anything. Pick it up and drop it back in your hand then tap on the back plate. If it powers off then either the cover is loose or like me i actually had to mess with the two tabs on the back that senses thae cover is on. It was easy fix but took a bit to find. Thought I had a lemon for sure. I am not sure why they care if the back is on or not but it drops the unit without warning. Your problem sounds similiar to mine.
I think you guys could well be right. Last night I picked it up and dropped it about an inch onto the table and it rebooted.
So far today it seems to be behaving after I really pushed the back plate for all I was worth!
A bit of a design flaw to have it quite that sensitive I think.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
p_razzi said:
I think you guys could well be right. Last night I picked it up and dropped it about an inch onto the table and it rebooted.
So far today it seems to be behaving after I really pushed the back plate for all I was worth!
A bit of a design flaw to have it quite that sensitive I think.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
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You also need to remember that 2.1 is currently in Beta and is pretty buggy, that could also be causing the reboots
I'm on the 2.1 beta also, so expect the odd bug. Mine rebooted this morning after I dismissed the night clock after it had been running fine all night and the alarm woke me up fine.
Random rebooting is something I hope is fixed in final release
The back plate does become easier to fit after a bit, the first time I fitted mine I thought I was going to break something.
Not seen any random reboots on 2.1 (or none that I remember),4399 was much more prone to it.
Since giving the back cover a major push, the reboots have stopped. Kudos to flumps and martywix.
Loving this device ... why did it take me so long to discover Android?

How many people have problems with the back button

This is the only thing stopping me from getting this phone.. I'm trying to determine how wide spread the issue is. I figured a poll was the best way to see how wide spread the issue was, and whether its worth it to shop around to try and find a working phone
Mine seems to work fine Its not as sensitive as say my girlfriends Incredible buttons, the ones on the Epic seem to work more like physical buttons but they aren't. You have to use a little force for it to recognize and I actually prefer that because I always found myself coincidently hitting the buttons on my girlfriends Incredible when i didn't mean to/meant to press another button
It is really a non issue for me. Haven't noticed it.
I think if you used one of the defective phones, it would have been obvious.. All the other buttons worked without issue. The back button on the one I tried wouldn't register no matter how hard or how long you pressed it - some times. Some times it would register for a light little hit, other times I'd be pressing down pretty hard and nothing. By the second or third time, you'd feel the feedback buzz (which was pretty cool), and it would actually work..
It was sort of funny, the rep who was trying to sell me the phone started off to try and down play it and say "I'd just have to get used to it"... until I gave it to him. In the end, he agreed there was something wrong.
I didn't want to make the guy try other phones because I was planning on purchasing the phone from my business' phone retailer... It would have been sort of wrong to make the guy go through 3 phones and just leave if I found one that worked..
Not sure if it matters, but what state are you guys in? I'd imagine that similar batches ship to the same region.. I'm in LI, NY
Absolutely never had a problem with the backbutton.
All 4 of my capacative buttons work with light taps AND full presses.
Its hard to tell wherethe buttons are when the lights time out, and you have to hit the button in the right spot for it to register. My nexus was the same with its capacatives.
beamed from the stars on a Epic 4G
While I don't think there is an issue with the buttons persay. I was doing some testing and seems there might be some "lag" I was having this issue more with the home button at times. One time after i knew i clicked it i let is sit. took a few seconds but continued to do its thing... So maybe its the same with the back button as well. Next time after you click it once let is sit and see if it proceeds.. that way we know its a lag issue vs button issue. A lag issue would be easier to fix I would think.
First of all NeonMonster, thank you for being awesome with the Nexus One back in the day of rooting it and changing things! Haha.
I had a defective Epic 4G. The back button was the worst of the bunch. I would have to hit it 10-15 times to get it to work. But it wasn't the only faulty button. All of the capactive buttons seemed to falter just about anytime I went to use them.
I went to Sprint the next day and explained the problem and she said I was the first to bring it to their attention. But long story short, she exchanged it and the buttoms work perfectly. There aren't as sensitive as say the EVO or Incredible but they work as intended and the phone I once thought was hopeless and I hated, is now a phone I'm contemplating keeping.
So there are definitely defective devices out there but it is as simple as going in and getting a replacement.
Thanks for everything you guys do!
I picked my Epic on launch day and all was well..my brother on the other hand just got one this afternoon and after we got it activated i hvae noticed his has this same problem.
lithid-cm said:
While I don't think there is an issue with the buttons persay. I was doing some testing and seems there might be some "lag" I was having this issue more with the home button at times. One time after i knew i clicked it i let is sit. took a few seconds but continued to do its thing... So maybe its the same with the back button as well. Next time after you click it once let is sit and see if it proceeds.. that way we know its a lag issue vs button issue. A lag issue would be easier to fix I would think.
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I didn't notice any lag... Again, I think if you have a defective phone, it would be obvious. A press just didn't register, even if you'd wait..
Yeah, there isn't a lag. It just straight up does not register any contact. You have a defective phone. I took mine back and got a new one and it works EXACTLY like it should. Night and Day!
Buttons work great.
I bought the cheap screen protecter at RS and had it put on in store, my button presses were instant. When I got home and decided I didn't like or really need the screen protector, I took it off and then my button presses didn't register as smoothly may be a quick fix for some that want to use a screen protector.
asiana_jones said:
First of all NeonMonster, thank you for being awesome with the Nexus One back in the day of rooting it and changing things! Haha.
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Aww from the nexus forum?? That was such a fun time! The nexus is truly a phone meant to be rooted. kinda miss that thing but the keyboard on the epic is too good.
But yes, there will always be phones that are defective and need to be replaced.
yeah i noticed some lag on mine. i also tripped out when then home and menu buttons were switched (compared to the evo) and kept pressing the wrong buttons.
its looking like a 50/50 so far on getting a phone without tis problem :-\
nicknomo said:
its looking like a 50/50 so far on getting a phone without tis problem :-\
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That logic doesn't work.
1. Most people that don't have the problem won't vote.
2. Remove the people on the last option and it's 70/30 (at the time I write this).
You might be right with #1 (I don't know), but as for #2 it is 15-14 for people who are and aren't having some sort of problem with the back button (or other buttons)..
I do agree that this is far from scientific, as people who have never used the phone are likely to be voting..
Only read because I had the issue
Yep. I think you might just skip over this thread all together unless you've had the issue. Personally, I got one phone with the issue, exchanged it, and got another with the same problem - although not as bad as the first. However, I haven't returned the second one yet and the problem seems to have gone away. I'm not sure exactly how these buttons are engineered, but I'm wondering if more people with this problem will simply see it go away. FYI: the first phone I had was getting better but it started out as more of a 70% fail/only work with hard mashing.
My back button has a mind of its own :-( it presses itself when it wants to. Very annoying.
Sent from my Epic 4G - Rooted for My Pleasure!!
My first phone didn't have a working 4g radio. The second had this problem and it is very annoying if your used to a working button I returned it to radio shack. My third phone is perfect in every way.(hardware wise) this was all in the first week of the phone release. I would deffinetly go back and return it.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

keyboard popping up randomly and other strange things

I am running the CM7 with the newest OTB kernal, and I am still getting the keyboard randomly popping up, the back key randomly will work 2 or 3 times in a row. I had the same problem on EF 3.6, com rom and even on the SC roms. Has anyone else had these random key strokes? I heard it was a froyo related issue? Is it hardware related? I had a screen protector that covered the soft keys and removed it, but it is still happening. Any thoughts on how to get rid of it?
FWIW I have odined back to stock, with the atlas pit and even used the ext4 reformatter before I switched to EF3.6.
Any help, advice or thoughts would be great.
I encounter the same issue but it always seems to happen when on the edge of losing cell signal. When going back n forth quickly from service to no service the capacitive buttons (I believe that's what they are called) seem to push themselves. And I have noticed this issue since DJ05 on any rom I have flashed since then and any kernal. I have run just about every rom posted except for miui and cm7. I can not confirm if cm7 has this issue because it is on my other fascinate and not on the cell network. I have terrible signal in the building at work and I have always seen this happen there, at least once a day.
You know am pretty sure I replied to this question before. I guess no one else has really has this issue and the thread died.
Also didn't matter which radio verison I used. I have come to terms that my fassy is just possessed lol
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
apparently you and I are the only ones that it happens to. I was hoping someone could give me some insight on how to at least find some relevance to a rogue program, bad kernal/rom combo or something. It's very strange and it does it to me more than once a day, and I have good signal most of the time.
Happens to me all the time when I'm at home where I have terrible signal.
I just started having this happen on CM7. The keyboard or the menu would randomly pop up. For me it happened more than just when I had bad signal, but it did seem to happen more often when I had poor signal.
I have this problem too, it would back out of apps I am in too. Quite annoying.
I've been having this problem as well on CommRom 2.1. Seems to be related to poor signal for me. It's pretty annoying to deal with.
Happens on a stock device also
chasmanian said:
Happens on a stock device also
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Um. No. Not in my experience. Its something that has been well known that is associated with weak/intermittent signal. Didn't start for me until Comm Rom and became more pronounced with CM7…
This happens to me too. Oddly though it only seems to happen during the night when it's plugged in and it doesn't happen all the time. Sometimes I will wake up in the mornings and my screen is on and the keyboard is up.
Do a search for phantom softkey presses. It's pretty common and is a hardware issue.
I as well have this happen. Mostly it happens in low signal area. Recent, my keys just stop working, until I got better signal, or sometimes I am forced to restart the phone.
I just went back to stock ED05 mainly because of this ultra annoying issue and I am completely devastated to find out that it's still #$*%ing happening.
I am so pissed too because I called VZ a week ago and they offered me the Charge replacement, but I couldn't make it to the corporate store until yesterday where I was informed they stopped the replacement policy that day and that I was SOL. Argh. So angry.
420fan said:
I am running the CM7 with the newest OTB kernal, and I am still getting the keyboard randomly popping up, the back key randomly will work 2 or 3 times in a row. I had the same problem on EF 3.6, com rom and even on the SC roms. Has anyone else had these random key strokes? I heard it was a froyo related issue? Is it hardware related? I had a screen protector that covered the soft keys and removed it, but it is still happening. Any thoughts on how to get rid of it?
FWIW I have odined back to stock, with the atlas pit and even used the ext4 reformatter before I switched to EF3.6.
Any help, advice or thoughts would be great.
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I commented on this a while ago in the CM7 thread. I have it on stock ed04.
What I wanted to know was if you guys have a screen protector on yours or not.
I wondered if my Zagg Invisible Shield was what was "pressing" the capacitive buttons.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
lane32x said:
I commented on this a while ago in the CM7 thread. I have it on stock ed04.
What I wanted to know was if you guys have a screen protector on yours or not.
I wondered if my Zagg Invisible Shield was what was "pressing" the capacitive buttons.
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You have a shield on gorilla glass???
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tyler1234567 said:
You have a shield on gorilla glass???
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Verizon makes a metric **** ton selling screen protectors to those spending $200+ on a smartphone that doesn't need it.
jamesnmandy said:
Um. No. Not in my experience. Its something that has been well known that is associated with weak/intermittent signal. Didn't start for me until Comm Rom and became more pronounced with CM7…
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Well, just to back this guy up. I had it happen back before and during the time I rooted my phone, and it still happen after I returned to stock (via Factory reset and OTA updates).
EDIT: To the guy who asked about the screen protector, I did have a ZAGG on there, then took off only the section covering the softkeys. Still did it even after I made sure to fully clean it to eliminate any residue. Took the protector fully off, same full cleaning, and it seemed to have gotten worse (if thats possible lol).
I'm about to call tech support, but wonder if it's worth it now that the good trade-in is over.
ElStormChaser said:
Well, just to back this guy up. I had it happen back before and during the time I rooted my phone, and it still happen after I returned to stock (via Factory reset and OTA updates).
EDIT: To the guy who asked about the screen protector, I did have a ZAGG on there, then took off only the section covering the softkeys. Still did it even after I made sure to fully clean it to eliminate any residue. Took the protector fully off, same full cleaning, and it seemed to have gotten worse (if thats possible lol).
I'm about to call tech support, but wonder if it's worth it now that the good trade-in is over.
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yeah im sure it happens but its fairly rare on a stock phone i would say....
I have it happen semi-regularly. I'm currently on MIUI 1.7.22 / Glich 11.1 / ED05 radio, and never used a screen protector. I also had it happen back before when I was on Super Clean 2.9.2 (don't recall the radio), as well as most any other ROM I've been on.
It's not too uncommon that I would hit the power button to turn off the screen when back on SC2.9.2 and instead it would take a screen shot, because it assumed the back button was being held down!
Gotta love the Fascinate...
jpricesd said:
This happens to me too. Oddly though it only seems to happen during the night when it's plugged in and it doesn't happen all the time. Sometimes I will wake up in the mornings and my screen is on and the keyboard is up.
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Yup, I got the same issues! Although minor, these things just shouldn't be happening? There's gotta be a fix for this?!?!?!

Sketchy Power Button

I just used a case for a few days and thought the case was acting funny with the power button, but now that I removed it the button is kind of depressed and not as responsive as usual. It's not a huge deal, but something that bugs with such ”high quality” electronics.
Anyone else notice this? And has anyone talked to tmobile or htc with any luck? Thanks.
And I'm on the app and looked through the topics trying to find something like this, I apologize if this is a repeat.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
The same thing happened to me about a month after I got the phone because my friend was a bit too rough with. Same has happened to like 1 or 2 other people I know with the phone as well. None of us have ever used a case btw, so I doubt that was the cause of it.
The MT4G just seems to have a sensitive power button. One of my friends told me his jammed at one point too, and all I could do was tell him to shove a card into the little gap and unjam it. Once it gets messed up it seems to stay slightly depressed all the time too, never to the point that it activates on its own(at least not for me), but it definitely isn't as responsive.
Yea, it seemed it was coincidence it happened after I used a case. Have you or anyone you know tried to get a replacement due to it? I assume they'd just tell us we should've been easier on our phone, even if we were easy with it.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Had the same problem with my MT4G I got off eBay. Not even 48 hours of having it, the power button went on me (due to repeated power cycling trying to root it). I called HTC about the problem and I sent it in under warranty.
They say that if you've modded it in any way (rooting included) it voids the warranty but I sent in my phone rooted and they sent it back (upgraded to GB) with a 1-day turnaround. I've read people who sent in their phones with CM7 got theirs back.
I try to not use the power button at all now. To put the phone to sleep I use a software app lock and to wake I push the optical pad. Once someone figures out a root for GB, I'll probably re-map the genius button to wake and sleep.
Unfortunately power button issues are pretty common with the mytouch 4g samething happened to me like 3 mytouches ago lol um u can simply call tmobile n get a warranty exchange for that if your still under warranty thats what i did i had actually called cause i had the bad screen which apperantly isnt reason enough for them to change the phone but as soon as i mentioned the power button issue the sent a new phone right away. the one i have now ive had for quite some time and i havent had any issues with it. thats a hardware issue mostly so not much u can do with a factory reset or anything another option is to just use the trackball wake for turning phone on n off frequent and use power button only for powering phone on in off usually what i do . hope this helps

touch screen problems?

I have a small line on my screen that is unresponsive. It goes straight across the top of the screen exactly where the install button is in the play store (about 1" from top of screen at roughly 1/4" thick). Its in a pretty awkward spot and causes a lot of problems. For some reason it has also disabled the tap to wake feature of my phone.
I installed the "Touch Test" app which shows that my entire touch screen is working. However it shows the phone recognizing 2 pointers (touches) being active whenever I touch that area of my screen. I've been having this problem for 2 or 3 months now and all of a sudden today on my lunch break it went away. I was able to tap to wake the screen (worked perfectly the 20 or so times I attempted it), I was also able to hit the install button in the play store and life was great... Or so I thought. A few hours later on my next break my phone went back to annoying piece of junk that I completely dislike using.
Now I dont know exactly when this started happening. I did notice it sometime soon after the 4.4 update, and flashing a custom rom/kernel has made no improvement. Anyone got any ideas? I loved this phone before this started, and my phone is so frustrating now that I completely disrespect the thing and have scratched the crap out of the screen. I'm really hoping this can be fixed so I can go on with enjoying whatever life I have left with the g2, if not I'll probably just abuse it until it breaks then switch over to a water proof z2 or something along those lines... Phone was very well taken care of before the problem started, wasnt dropped or exposed to water (other then using outside in the rain for a few min at a time)
mikeinaus said:
I have a small line on my screen that is unresponsive. It goes straight across the top of the screen exactly where the install button is in the play store (about 1" from top of screen at roughly 1/4" thick). Its in a pretty awkward spot and causes a lot of problems. For some reason it has also disabled the tap to wake feature of my phone.
I installed the "Touch Test" app which shows that my entire touch screen is working. However it shows the phone recognizing 2 pointers (touches) being active whenever I touch that area of my screen. I've been having this problem for 2 or 3 months now and all of a sudden today on my lunch break it went away. I was able to tap to wake the screen (worked perfectly the 20 or so times I attempted it), I was also able to hit the install button in the play store and life was great... Or so I thought. A few hours later on my next break my phone went back to annoying piece of junk that I completely dislike using.
Now I dont know exactly when this started happening. I did notice it sometime soon after the 4.4 update, and flashing a custom rom/kernel has made no improvement. Anyone got any ideas? I loved this phone before this started, and my phone is so frustrating now that I completely disrespect the thing and have scratched the crap out of the screen. I'm really hoping this can be fixed so I can go on with enjoying whatever life I have left with the g2, if not I'll probably just abuse it until it breaks then switch over to a water proof z2 or something along those lines... Phone was very well taken care of before the problem started, wasnt dropped or exposed to water (other then using outside in the rain for a few min at a time)
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I have this problem too, any fixes?
Well I am in shock as to how we all have the same exact problem.
I first thought it was hardware failure on the screen itself and was pretty bummed. But now I see people have the exact same unresponsive touch screen in the exact same spot as mine? What ROM/Kernel are are you guys running? I am running what is in my sig and had not noticed it before until a couple of days ago. Coupled with the unresponsiveness, my Knock on does not work and the phone becomes mildly warm faster than usual. I think it might be a kernel software issue.
Ugh... I was hoping this wouldn't turn in to this big of a problem. I've got the same thing here, VS980 after flashing a Cloudy ROM.
I took over a thread here recently http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=52858791 , but I'll post here again anyways. I wonder if it's the same spot with you guys too. It's right where the install button is on the Play Store, right? For a few hours after it started it went back to normal, then messed up again permanently.
TOT'ing back to 12B didn't help, so I got a replacement device from Verizon. I've yet to send back my old one because I'm worried about the unrooted flag in the bootloader and settings.
I don't have enough posts yet to be able to do this, but can someone alert a dev about this? Particularly in the thread of whatever ROM it was that you last used? A lot of people in the last thread said it came from Cloudy, and I figured it might make sense as Knock Code was supposed to be a feature on there even though the VS980 source wasn't out. Then again I probably have no idea what I'm talking about, but I'd love to hear from someone who does.
I dont think my blacked out area is quite as thick as yours but yes its in the exact same place. To confuse things even more my phone just started working properly again (for how long is another story). Its very odd that It hasnt worked once in 2 months or so and now twice in 2 days its started working.
As a side note I'm pretty sure I started having this problem immediately or very shortly after the OTA kitkat update. I'm now running cloudypro II 2.0 with 3.4.0 kernel, which as i said before didnt fix the problem in the 1 month ive been using this rom.
I originally thought it may have been a software issue, but for it to randomly start/stop working all of a sudden after so long of no function (with no software being added or changed) I'm thinking its more likely a hardware problem? When I fly home on Monday I'm going to try opening up the phone and cleaning the contacts to the from the touchscreen to the mainboard.
If it is software related it may have something to do with air plane mode. I get almost no signal where I'm working at the moment and the constant searching for signal kills my battery pretty fast so I've started using air plane mode the past few days. Thats the only thing out of the ordinary that i've done software wise.
Having the same issue!!
Has anyone found a solution ?
Please reply.
hashir1296 said:
Has anyone found a solution ?
Please reply.
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Yes, we've sent it to LG for repairs and they were able to fix it easily.
Sfkn, was your phone rooted when you sent it to them? I'm having the same issue, and it either started happening today, or I just noticed it today, but it's bugging the crap out of me. I'm running stock kk, rooted with twrp and on the cloudyfa kernel.
Sent from my LG-D801 using XDA Free mobile app
Had the same today but at the middle of the screen, I pressed on the corners and around the screen pretty hard and it is back to normal(for now).
Hope it wont come back.
You can unroot the device by flashing original rom with LG flash tool.
Sfkn, was your phone rooted when you sent it to them? I'm having the same issue, and it either started happening today, or I just noticed it today, but it's bugging the crap out of me. I'm running stock kk, rooted with twrp and on the cloudyfa kernel.
Sent from my LG-D801 using XDA Free mobile app
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No, I am completely stock.
Yeah I used the LG mobile support tool and that unrooted it. Now I'm just waiting for my replacement phone to arrive.
Sent from my LG-D801 using XDA Free mobile app
Yeah I used the LG mobile support tool and that unrooted it. Now I'm just waiting for my replacement phone to arrive.
Sent from my LG-D801 using XDA Free mobile app
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You claimed insurance rather than with LG repair?
Sfkn2 said:
You claimed insurance rather than with LG repair?
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I went with T-Mobile's warranty replacement. I already sold my backup phone so I couldn't send the phone to LG for repairs and still have a phone
Sent from my LG-D801 using XDA Free mobile app

