error: revision froyo in manifests not found?? - Android Software Development

Tried downloading source from google source after reinstalling linux today but got this error:
"error: revision froyo in manifests not found ..."
I think that this is a problem with ubuntu, I don't know, but I've redownloaded and reinstalled ubuntu a few times and installed all the updates (it would not let me compile without updating certain parts of the system).
Any help? I might be doing something wrong in the setup process..
Thanks in advance.


-b froyo-plus-aosp

Thank you very much! It works!


New Ubuntu Update 10.10 Broke my SDK?

[Q] Hey guys, I just updated to Ubuntu 10.10 and now my SDK is gone! I tried to look into why it wasn't working and the software manager tool in Eclipse says that Android is installed. I don't even have any of the Android SDK buttons showing anymore? Can someone help a fellow dev?
[SOLVED] Go to the eclipse website, download Eclipse for linux, uninstall your old eclipse, extract your new eclipse wherever and go into the folder and click the application button titled eclipse. Then reinstall all the android stuff.
At the informal android developer's meetup tonight, there were two of us with this same problem.
One issue that I found was that PATH in .profile got broken.
We suspect that using the version of eclipse that came with ubuntu, rather than 3.5 downloaded directly from eclipse might also be causing problems.
I have the same problem; ellarsee, can you be more specific how you got it running again?
(what is .mprofile and where is it, for example? (Googling isn't helping me find out))
Same thing happened to me
Upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10 broken my Android SDK as well.
Is it possible the Java packages are not installed anymore in Ubuntu?
I tried this...
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk
Updated a lot of stuff but Eclipse Android is still gone...
Does anyone have this figured out yet??????????????????????????????? I NEED TO GET MOVING ON SOME APPS! THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!
Removal and re-install of ADT plugin does not help
This is the error that appeared in my project the first time I ran eclipse after the 10.10 upgrade from 10.04.
The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for java.lang.Object. Fix the build path then try building this project
I attempted to fix the build path (Properties->Java Build Path) and noticed that
com.adroid.ide.eclipse.adt.ANDROID_FRAMEWORK was not checked. I checked it but this made no difference.
Going to try complete uninstall of eclipse...
It's still not working for me
Not .mprofile .profile, it's like .bashrc, a script that is run when you log in, and can set your $PATH variable, or other environment variables.
emacs ~/.profile
vi ~/.profile
should enable you to edit it.
Has anyone tried just a fresh reinstall of everything to work on android apps?
Someone asked about java, it's still in /usr/bin/java
Can't post outside links. So you'll have to google the bug numbers I give.
Ubuntu bug is here: bugs.launchpad # 633198
This points at a debian bug: # 587657
Debian bug contains a workaround where you edit the file:
And you change the concurrent package location (I had too entries, I had to remove them both and insert the line in the debian bug)
and then things magically worked for me again!
Best of luck everyone
Someone else?
Someone else found a way to fix it?
Cuz, everything up till now didnt work for me


Hello, not sure if im posting in the right section or not apologies if im not. Ive been playing with ubuntu on my nexus 7 and want to start porting some x86 programs over. I recently installed crosstools-ng on my linux box. I've coded in the past but never tried cross compiling software. If anyone has used this software you know it allows you to be VERY exacting as far as architecture goes. I know nexus 7 is armhf but beyond that im lost. If anybody uses the software and has a config file i could use I would be very grateful. Thanx
Edit: I am aware I can choose a list of "pre-made" cpu choices but as I said my knowledge of the nitty gritty of the 7 arch is beyond me. If any of the premade choices will do please let me know.
Thanx alot guys
This post was one of the very few results that I found anywhere on the web regarding cross compiling for the Ubuntu Nexus 7 platform. Leave it to Ubuntu to have no documentation whatsoever on doing this. I spent two solid nights trying to get crosstool-ng to build binaries for my Nexus 7, and all that I could get to work was compilation with -static. I spent hours trying to figure out what was going on.
gcc -dumpmachine
Through Google/Bing searches, I again found nothing about this "hf" build other than it means hardware floating point, but I was building for the NEON/vfpv3-d16 FPU. After a bunch more searching, I found that this is a Debian-specific ABI, so no wonder I wasn't getting anywhere!
From there, I decided to try to get a canned cross compiler, but nothing worked. I then ran across this.
Note that I have three Ubuntu VMs and spent several hours trying to get ANY unstable or "backport" version of dpkg to work. For one of my distros, dpkg is new enough, and running dpkg --add-architecture armhf worked, but when I ran apt-get update, I got a bunch of errors that the armhf-related repositories couldn't be found (404s...) which I have seen before amounts to the Ubuntu release that you're using not being supported.
So this is why I have always avoided Ubuntu development especially for cross compiling. But since they're the ones doing a heck of a lot of work on this port, I'm not about to roll my own distro.
In case you are still looking for a cross compiler, look no further than Linaro. Download their 2012.12 binary package from this page.
I used this particular one.
Extract with
tar xfvj gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.7-2012.12-20121214_linux.tar.bz2
and export the bin directory to your shell's PATH variable for convenience.
These binaries are apparently compiled for 32-bit i686 Linux oddly enough, so if you execute them on an amd64 system, you will likely get the "No such file or directory" error. To get 32-bit binary compatibility in Ubuntu, run
apt-get install ia32-libs
Correct me if I am wrong on any of this. I hope that this helps someone out there!

need help installing Ubuntu 13.04 on nexus 7.

for the past couple of days i have been trying to install Ubuntu 13.04 on my nexus 7 but unfortunately, i keep running into problems. i have a laptop with Ubuntu 13.04 installed on it, but when i run the desktop installer it gives mean error for checksum validation. then i found a way that you could do it on a windows PC however when i go to download the cd images it bring me to a 404 (page not found) website. i would give the link but i am not allowed due to my account restrictions. if anyone could call me via Skype or team-viewer and could help me or perhaps provide an alternate way of installing Ubuntu or even tell me what i am doing wrong it would be much appreciated.
thanks in advanced, Kevin.
dont i also need the boot img?
kevinperyea said:
dont i also need the boot img?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you are installing it as the lone system, than yes, you will need the boot image. If you are using multirom to multiboot, than no, you wont need the boot image.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Its not very hard actually..First decide that do you want to remove android and replace it with android or yoou want to keep android untouched while multibooting ubuntu on your device as a secondary OPERATING system...
If you want me to I can write a full guide describing both procedures....I RECOMMEND MULTIBOOTING....
I need some help too
So i saw this video of a guy having ubuntu 12.04(pc version) on his phone,he was running the linux server on his phone and at the same time accessing it, using androidVNC . BTW i have a samsung galaxy S 4 (sprint Version ,without knox) Running cyanogenmod 11.0 , android version 4.4.2, the kernel version is [email protected] #1 Thu Jan 9 21:12:16 PST 2014 .
I checked if my phone is loop compatible using, the following in terminal emulator : zcat /proc/config.gz | grep CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP , i found it on a webpage , and i got y, that means it is a loop device, but when i ran CompleteLinuxInstaller i got into the following problem
Checking loop device ... FOUND
mount: mounting /dev/block/loop255 on /data/local/mnt failed : Invalid Argument
ERROR: Unable to mount the loop device
but when i did modprobe loop
it didn't find anything
so if you can help, me i am not a genius, just tell me the simplest way to fix this.
Thank's in advance,
* one more thing ,i saw someting about multibooting, does it work like in windows(when you boot up it's asking you which os to run) or how does it work, and tell me hwo do i do it.
Ubuntu 13.04 on Nexus 7 2012
Posting in wrong spot... couldn't delete :/

[Q] kernel compile error: "no machine record defined"

Hi All,
so this is my first post in this forum! Sorry for posting in the wrong sub-forum, but it doesn't let me post in the "Android Development" one unless I have 10 posts
I'm trying to get started with building Android ROMs for my trusty GT540, and while trying to build the kernel for my first ROM, this error came up:
LD .tmp_vmlinux1
arm-eabi-ld: error: no machine record defined
arm-eabi-ld: arch/arm/mach-msm/built-in.o: in function get_nand_partitions:nand_partitions.c(.text+0xd308): error: undefined reference to 'msm_nand_data'
arm-eabi-ld: arch/arm/mach-msm/built-in.o: in function parse_tag_msm_partition:nand_partitions.c(.init.text+0x1914): error: undefined reference to 'msm_nand_data'
arm-eabi-ld: drivers/built-in.o: in function mdp_refresh_screen:lowmemorykiller.c(.text+0x1e078): error: undefined reference to 'mddi_ss_driveric_innotek_position'
arm-eabi-ld: drivers/built-in.o: in function mdp_dma2_update:lowmemorykiller.c(.text+0x1e37c): error: undefined reference to 'mddi_ss_driveric_innotek_position'
arm-eabi-ld: drivers/built-in.o: in function flash_onfi_probe:lowmemorykiller.c(.text+0x6c424): error: undefined reference to 'msm_nand_data'
make: *** [.tmp_vmlinux1] Fehler 1
Do you have an idea how to solve this? I guess the first error ("no machine record defined") is the cause for the further errors?
So far, I tried to build an Android 2.3 Gingerbread ROM (using Cyanogenmod sources) for LG GT540; trying Gingerbread first because several other people have built it successfully already. So I checked out Cyanogenmod sources and pretty much followed the instructions from ; then checked out the kernel from and tried to build it. There was no .config file so I extracted one from the boot.img from Then started the build with "make -j2 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi-". It asked for some more config options which I answered so-so, then started building, and after quite a while ran into that "no machine record defined".
Building is done on Ubuntu 14.04 x86-64 in Virtualbox.
Google hasn't given much specific help for this problem, but it looks like wrong .config parameters can cause this. Is there an existing "good" config for building 2.6.35 for Swift phone? Or can I generate a good config somehow? Or is the problem somewhere else completely?
Just a little follow-up: the magic command is "make swift_defconfig" - when run in the Linux kernel source directory this will create a .config file which should have correct options set for building a GT540 kernel.
Apart from this I'm still struggling to build a kernel that actually boots... Some of the kernels I've built have worked but many just fail to boot (at least when using fastboot). I've built with lots of slightly different configs now and still don't see a pattern. And I've now used
- the guide from
- and the sources from
- and the toolchain from
- and a config based on the one from swift-squeeze-0.2.tar.gz
to build a working kernel under Ubuntu 12.04 (32bit, native system); but the exact same .config and toolchain and kernel source results in a non-booting kernel when built under Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit in Virtualbox!
Has anyone else ever seen such problems? Is this a known issue? So far I'm willing to just blame it on a hardware problem on my computer; but if anyone has an idea what else might cause this I'm interested!
Also: is there a way to get really early boot messages on GT540? With the failing kernels it just stays at the blue fastboot screen, and I'd really like to know what happens at that point

NVIDIA Shield Pro rooted using wget to download Dropbox file

Sorry, but probabely I am blind, or lost the track. I have rooted a NVIDIA Shield Pro 2019 running now Lineage OS 17.1.
I have installed BusyBox v1.34.1-meefik. I am trying to download a file from my Dropbox account by using:
wget -O /storage/self/primary/XXX/XXX.7z "";
Yesterday this piece of code was working as expected. Today (after I have rooted the device again, because I wanted to have a clean installation after trying different tools and things) it is not working anymore.
I am getting this message:
wget: note: TLS certificate validation not implemented
All files (tried different) I am loading from Dropbox having around 800kb, even if the Original file on Dropbox is smaller, or bigger. On my Linux PC the same command is working, so the files on Dropbox are okay.
With the "?dl=1" I am getting the message
wget: note: TLS certificate validation not implemented
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
does not work/have a effect.
I also have tried to download with curl. Same ****, but I think the files are 1kb.
What am I doind wrong? I mean Yesterday it was working on the same device. I just rerooted it for having a clean installation. And now I am stuck. Spend several hours on google.
Don`t know and understand if it has something to do with TLS, or SSL.
Really appreciate your help.
Thanks in advance.

