[Q] Dexter Mod1.2 - A7 General

I am running Dexter 1.1 and I want to put 1.2 on but I no longer have a wipe, clear data option or I can no longer find it. Will doing a reset serve the same purpose? I do not want to get the loop when rebooting that some have had.

Turn your a7 off. Then push the power button to turn you a7 on. Then quickly let go of the power and then press and hold it again. A message will apper saying hold power button for 5 seconds to enter Recovery mode. There you will have the option to wipe/clear data. Continue your 1.2 update instal.

Dexter mod 1.2
Thank you for the excellent help. That did work but now I cannot sign into my google account. Will I be able to get to the market?

Something is odd today, I did an update and have also lost the ability to login or add my google account to the device. Not sure but, it seems like something related to authentication has changed.

google account
I have no trouble logging into my gmail account it will not let me into the market.

fatate said:
Thank you for the excellent help. That did work but now I cannot sign into my google account. Will I be able to get to the market?
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Answer here:


HELLP!!! Password issues!!!!

So ya ummmm, I added a passcode to my new HTC dream. Well I forgot it and got it worng to many times. Now it asks me to put in my email and password so I think it's asking for my gmail info so I enter it and it tells me it's worng. So I reset my gmail password and it still says it's wrong. IDK what to do it tells me that I have entered to many wrong patterens or something so what do I do how can I fix this is there anyway I can go back and retry the parrern?
its prob stolen
ya that makes sence I just can't get in I'm only asking for some help what do you want me to scan the bill?
I also don't like being called a thief I think you owe me an apology
well you could wipe and it will take you to the setup, from there you can make a new gmail account.
can you log into the account on google from pc?
yes I can access my gamil form my PC. So how do I wipe the phone?
Power off the g1 then hold home and power to boot it into recovery, from there flip out the keyboard and type Alt-L then Alt-W to wipe.
after that is done press home + power for about 5 sec then release
if this works I owe you something
Well you just saved my life thanks I'll never do something like that again
yeah those password things are tricky
I did the same thing, my gf at the time was playing with it and the phone went into defcon 4 lol

Market Issue with Magic Sense [SOLVED]

Hi all.
First thing you will need to do is to delete your setup settings, just open up your 'Settings | Applications' tab and delete the data for 'Google Apps'. Now you will be prompted to setup your account for the phone once again but instead of logging with your regular account you will need to make a new one, when the phone has done it's magic (pun inteded) just fire up the market application, everything there?
Now you can delete your new settings and once again you will be prompted to enter your account but now you can use your regular account and hopefully your market will work as it should, mine did.
sadly that did not work for me
Ok, please try this. Do a wipe and flash to another rom (normal cupcake or donut), go into Market and make sure everything is there (might take some time for it to sync). Do a wipe again and flash the Sense rom.
Once the phone boots up, DO NOT log into Google Account using wifi. Skip the initial intro part and go key in your APN settings. Then launch Market and sign into Google from there.
It worked for me and fingers crossed that it will go smoothly from here.

[Q] Google Account - applied Dexter Mod 1.2

Installed the Dexter upgrade 1.2. Update went flawlessly. Followed all the steps outlined in earlier posts. Now have Calendar!!!! and market icon. When I try to add my gmail account I get the following message -
"Can't establish a reliable data connection to the server."
I can sign into my gmail account through the browser...but can't seem to connect via the "add a google account" or through the gmail icon (which was not a problem before the upgrade.)
Also tried to set up a new gmail account. Get the same message.
Any ideas?
Make sure your date and time is set correctly
Time and date are set properly. But I switched to automatic just in case...
Still get the same message. Worth a try though. Thanks.
Market issues
I am having the same issue with the google / gmail account setup. It does not appear to be connecting through the wireless when connecting to google. I have let the inital connection fail then it sets up the wireless and that gives the message about not being able to connect to data services (cell network). I can browse with the browser fine and is otherwise normal but will not set up google accounts. Did the factory wipe and the install went great without any other issues.
Cannot get to market HELP!
Ok this is a major problem, market won't allow you to sign in with your google account. Ever since the update to 1.2 is like they put a lock on the market! I wiped both the user settings as well as the cache before updating to 1.2 and I am still locked out. Can anyone clarify what I am doing wrong?!
still not working
OK...came to my office and tried a different wireless network..not that I thought that was the problem, but anything is a shot. I have wiped the cache, etc. et.c
Still a no go.
All the workarounds that I have found use You Tube...but A7 doesn't have You Tube and no other sites that I can access offer it.
Since this thread isn't on the "developer" part of XDA not sure if anyone who can help is seeing it.
Here's the upside...I didn't have market before..so I haven't lost anything except a lot of time.
Has anyone gone back to the previous mod version to see if it doing the same thing? Could it be an issue with Google and not the mod?
I have not done that...but will try it tonight. I had othe problems with 1.1...FC on both sound and brightnes and the calendar, so I went right to 1.2 after that rather than load anything back onto the device.
This has been happening since yesterday. the g tablet section is having the same issue, as are many other I'm sure. Google seem to be screwing with the market.
For a fix see here:
rojastkd said:
this has been happening since yesterday. The g tablet section is having the same issue, as are many other i'm sure. Google seem to be screwing with the market.
For a fix see here:
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worked like a charm!
sbk613 said:
worked like a charm!
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BTW...took about 30 seconds to install...what a pleasure.
That worked great!
My other A7 is now working without the Market enabler, so looks like Google was screwing with stuff yesterday...
Thanks for all the help

[Q] CANNOT get market to work

I have tried rooting the device twice. Each time, the market icon shows up. I put in my gmail credentials and it moves into the market. If I try downloading apps, they just get stuck on "Starting Download'. In my limited experience, I sideloaded Google Talk, but I can't get it to connect.
Does anyone have any ideas?
What I've tried:
-factory reset
-rooting the device (2x)
-sideloading GTalk
-clearing both the cache and app data of both the market and gtalk
-re entering google credentials
I have no idea what to do next. . .
go to recovery mode (power + volume up) and click on "wipe cache" and see if that helps
inspiron41 said:
go to recovery mode (power + volume up) and click on "wipe cache" and see if that helps
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No go. Same old nothing happens.
brianmichaud said:
I have tried rooting the device twice. Each time, the market icon shows up. I put in my gmail credentials and it moves into the market. If I try downloading apps, they just get stuck on "Starting Download'. In my limited experience, I sideloaded Google Talk, but I can't get it to connect.
Does anyone have any ideas?
What I've tried:
-factory reset
-rooting the device (2x)
-sideloading GTalk
-clearing both the cache and app data of both the market and gtalk
-re entering google credentials
I have no idea what to do next. . .
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How long did you wait at "starting"? I think I read that sometimes it takes a while provisioning you device, it eventually starts..
are you able to log into google services?
clockcycle said:
How long did you wait at "starting"? I think I read that sometimes it takes a while provisioning you device, it eventually starts..
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Well, at first I waited about 15 minutes. I just tried letting them download overnight and nothing happened.
inspiron41 said:
are you able to log into google services?
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I don't think so. I am not able to connect to google talk.

WOW! PlayStore won't connect, can't login! First time ever!!!! How can I ??

This is insane!
I go to playstore to check updates. It says "Error checking updates". I repeat the process and get frustrated. I clear data on playstore and go to add my account again only it brings up the side menu and when I move that out of the way, it says "try again". I hit that button and the menu slides back out! And I repeat this process and get frustrated.
So I did all the cache clearing, data clearing stuff for play, play services. I have no download manager. And still this problem.
I did not and will not remove and try to add my google account again because then I might lose access to my contacts. In fact, I haven't even checked if they still sync. If they don't, I suppose I could do that.
Other than that, what can I do?
This is the craziest thing I've ever seen.
reilus said:
This is insane!
I go to playstore to check updates. It says "Error checking updates". I repeat the process and get frustrated. I clear data on playstore and go to add my account again only it brings up the side menu and when I move that out of the way, it says "try again". I hit that button and the menu slides back out! And I repeat this process and get frustrated.
So I did all the cache clearing, data clearing stuff for play, play services. I have no download manager. And still this problem.
I did not and will not remove and try to add my google account again because then I might lose access to my contacts. In fact, I haven't even checked if they still sync. If they don't, I suppose I could do that.
Other than that, what can I do?
This is the craziest thing I've ever seen.
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Lol hello again sir
Go to www.gooogle.com/contacts
From any web browser, are your contacts in place?
Guessing you haven't but reboot your phone, cycle your WiFi and see if anything prompts you to sign in or sync.
Then go to settings/ accounts / Google and make sure it's allowed and syncing, check both sync and Google
Re-open Google play and see if it's working.
Oh and perhaps change WiFi to another or test on mobile data if you don't have a second signal to use.
=) Thanx for your help. I can get contacts in a browser. I rebooted a couple times, did wifi and mobile, and nothing. It syncs everything in the account as well. I just can't use play store. I cleared data and cache on playstore and services. And I can access play from a browser; so I didn't get banned or something. It's specific to this phone, it occurred sometime after the update to the latest firmware. I'm not sure if it's related.
reilus said:
=) Thanx for your help. I can get contacts in a browser. I rebooted a couple times, did wifi and mobile, and nothing. It syncs everything in the account as well. I just can't use play store. I cleared data and cache on playstore and services. And I can access play from a browser; so I didn't get banned or something. It's specific to this phone, it occurred sometime after the update to the latest firmware. I'm not sure if it's related.
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Only thing I can think of would be to wipe all play services, store then reinstall.
This has happened before?
First time.... What is the best way to restore this stuff on the stock ROM w/o factory reset?
reilus said:
First time.... What is the best way to restore this stuff on the stock ROM w/o factory reset?
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So you can usually clear data on all Google services.
But if that doesn't work then boot to recovery and just wipe system, not the whole phone.
This will mean you have to set up your phone again but your storage will remain unaffected. So images, files, music won't be touched

