Nexus One Ginbread OTA rumored for this week - Nexus One General

According to this website, there have been multiple rumors from independent sources at MWC stating that Gingerbread is supposed to drop OTA by the end of this week or early next.
Any truth to this or do you guys call shenanigans?

I'll believe when I see it.
I'm afraid this rumour is even less reliable than @googlenexus' tweet in the early December days...


I really want to believe this one as there are multiple devices set to launch with Gingerbread, and it's been long enough. Yeah, I am running CM7 but I want it fully optimized with the OTA drivers.

Here it goes again...

I will believe it when I see it.

popophobia said:
Here it goes again...
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Eventually, one of these "here we go again" threads has to be the real one.

so wait, you said it might come this week, or next week.
so it might come in the coming weeks....and yeah this is what google has been saying all along.
let's see what happens next month.

They said "next few weeks" and that was 3 months ago, so following that logic, "next few days" will be 3 weeks

keep waiting...
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App

Gingerbread ota will drop the day I purchase a babana shaped galaxy s.

Been running gingy on my N1 for some time now...In CM7 form.

BREAKING NEWS #mwc11: "#Nexus One #Gingerbread OTA": "In the next few DAYS".That STILL is:From this very instant up to the rest of eternity.

I understand all of the scepticism, but, with the slew of devices announced at MWC that are set to launch with Gingerbread, doesn't it make sense that the Nexus One should receive the update soon?
With the passion branch alive and well in AOSP, it's highly likely that the Nexus One is still a viable handset for Google.

I did wonder if we'd see an OTA during MWC. It seems to be a good opportunity for Google to promote Android with all these new devices that are lined up to launch with Gingerbread.
Can only hope at this point i guess

offenberg said:
Gingerbread ota will drop the day I purchase a babana shaped galaxy s.
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Good. I would propose, you just go and buy it right now, so we can have our Gingerbreadz

Well i've played around with some roms here, some mostly work and some are still a work in progress. I'd prefer to get a polished Gingerbread whenever they decide to push it out, not really rushing this one.
I'd wait for 2.4

After using some of the AOSP built roms out there, and seeing how they are a bit wonky, I am perfectly happy waiting for a polished release. If that means 2.4 with all the bugs and fixes, then so be it.
At the end of the day, even though people who own the n1 are desperate to continue to feel like they are up to date, the fact is that 2.2.2 is functional as hell, and there isn't much that is going to be augmented by the release of 2.4. Honestly, it will look different, im sure it will have a few improvements but the functionality will still be the same. It is not the type of jump we saw going from 2.1 to 2.2

The easter bunny will be delivering it to your doorstep....

FFS, rumors or not, I'll believe it when someone ACTUALLY gets an OTA for 2.3.


Froyo - a few weeks away

Froyo will not be released today according to the Android Developer Blog and Google Press Release. Likely in the next few weeks.
"As I said at the beginning, Android 2.2 will be here soon, and some devices will get the update in the coming weeks."
Nexus One update in June, no doubt. What a great update, I can't wait!
If only they'd do some battery work and redo the interface; it would be perfect.
Man if they can give away 5,000 HTC Evo's to people there, they should have given Froyo out to every one else that was at least watching the keynotes on youtube... T.T
Thats weird, I have been reading that it will be available to Nexus One users today as an ota update. I thought the waiting thing was for all the other phones. If I cant get my hands on some Froyo, its gonna be a long few weeks.
Not sure how reputable this site is, but they arent the only ones saying it. and if its on the internet, it must be true.
tr.slate said:
Thats weird, I have been reading that it will be available to Nexus One users today as an ota update. I thought the waiting thing was for all the other phones. If I cant get my hands on some Froyo, its gonna be a long few weeks.
Not sure how reputable this site is, but they arent the only ones saying it. and if its on the internet, it must be true.
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Don't you think Google would have mentioned that it would be out today if it was? None of these sites actually say where their source is from. For all we know, one could have made it up to get page views and the others copied it.
kbeeveer46 said:
Don't you think Google would have mentioned that it would be out today if it was? None of these sites actually say where their source is from.
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Thats why I said "Im not sure how reputable it is." So like anything else, take it with a grain of salt.
The sdk is out already. We should see roms soon (like tonight)
shep211 said:
The sdk is out already. We should see roms soon (like tonight)
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i don't believe that an sdk = new kernel release, or ROM, or whatever. it's a kit for producing software that will work optimally with froyo once it is released.
timothydonohue said:
i don't believe that an sdk = new kernel release, or ROM, or whatever. it's a kit for producing software that will work optimally with froyo once it is released.
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Maybe I miss understood this post and link.
from Twitter...
Chris Soyars
Just successfully booted Froyo on the n1
mikebeatrice said:
from Twitter...
Chris Soyars
Just successfully booted Froyo on the n1
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I take it this would require being rooted?
ap3604 said:
I take it this would require being rooted?
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I have a rooted N1. Can't wait for froyo!
Not hugely impressed by this to be honest. After being screwed around by HTC with the Hero (which, interestingly, I note is still on 1.5 and will be for the forseeable future) I bought the Nexus One for the precise reason of being first in the queue when updates are released.
Unfortunately, if you're a Nexus One user I wouldn't get your hopes up about a release any time soon. If it was going to come, I imagine it would have been ready for the keynote. The Evo 4G is now Google's favourite toy and I should think that's the only way to get FroYo now.
shep211 said:
Maybe I miss understood this post and link.
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I think the issue is that blog says the ROM is out today when in fact it is the SDK and NDK. A ROM can be cobbled together from the SDK as is being thrown around twitter, but it is not stable.
Hopefully some developers (CM) start to play with these tools and get us Froyo-lite.
David Horn said:
Not hugely impressed by this to be honest. After being screwed around by HTC with the Hero (which, interestingly, I note is still on 1.5 and will be for the forseeable future) I bought the Nexus One for the precise reason of being first in the queue when updates are released.
Unfortunately, if you're a Nexus One user I wouldn't get your hopes up about a release any time soon. If it was going to come, I imagine it would have been ready for the keynote. The Evo 4G is now Google's favourite toy and I should think that's the only way to get FroYo now.
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N1 is still going to be first - The Evo runs Sense and will have to go through HTC before it will get a ROM release. I'd put good money that the OTA for the N1 will be available first.
David Horn said:
Not hugely impressed by this to be honest. After being screwed around by HTC with the Hero (which, interestingly, I note is still on 1.5 and will be for the forseeable future) I bought the Nexus One for the precise reason of being first in the queue when updates are released.
Unfortunately, if you're a Nexus One user I wouldn't get your hopes up about a release any time soon. If it was going to come, I imagine it would have been ready for the keynote. The Evo 4G is now Google's favourite toy and I should think that's the only way to get FroYo now.
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if the evo would be getting froyo first, wouldn't you think they would've demo'd with it instead of the nexus?
either way, it runs sense and not vanilla android like the nexus so it goes through htc before release.
David Horn said:
Not hugely impressed by this to be honest. After being screwed around by HTC with the Hero (which, interestingly, I note is still on 1.5 and will be for the forseeable future) I bought the Nexus One for the precise reason of being first in the queue when updates are released.
Unfortunately, if you're a Nexus One user I wouldn't get your hopes up about a release any time soon. If it was going to come, I imagine it would have been ready for the keynote. The Evo 4G is now Google's favourite toy and I should think that's the only way to get FroYo now.
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Hate to burst that bubble, but the Hero got 2.1 today.
David Horn said:
Not hugely impressed by this to be honest. After being screwed around by HTC with the Hero (which, interestingly, I note is still on 1.5 and will be for the forseeable future) I bought the Nexus One for the precise reason of being first in the queue when updates are released.
Unfortunately, if you're a Nexus One user I wouldn't get your hopes up about a release any time soon. If it was going to come, I imagine it would have been ready for the keynote. The Evo 4G is now Google's favourite toy and I should think that's the only way to get FroYo now.
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The Evo 4G is running 2.1 still! Nexus One will still be getting this first!
David Horn said:
Not hugely impressed by this to be honest. After being screwed around by HTC with the Hero (which, interestingly, I note is still on 1.5 and will be for the forseeable future) I bought the Nexus One for the precise reason of being first in the queue when updates are released.
Unfortunately, if you're a Nexus One user I wouldn't get your hopes up about a release any time soon. If it was going to come, I imagine it would have been ready for the keynote. The Evo 4G is now Google's favourite toy and I should think that's the only way to get FroYo now.
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I wouldn't use your experience with a third party company delaying the update to Android for any bearing because a never implied, expressed, or stated expectation of Froyo being released today over the air didn't come true.
I'm just... not seeing the logic.
David Horn said:
Unfortunately, if you're a Nexus One user I wouldn't get your hopes up about a release any time soon. If it was going to come, I imagine it would have been ready for the keynote. The Evo 4G is now Google's favourite toy and I should think that's the only way to get FroYo now.
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Christ, a little dramatic don't you think? Froyo was announced mere hours ago! And Google employees have said that devices will be getting it over the next few weeks and they demoed it ON THE NEXUS ONE! Why do you believe that we shouldn't get our hopes up and that the Evo will be the only way to get it now? Are you seriously that depressed, or is this just another troll? I can't tell.
The SDK is here today, and I'm sure Google is working hard at polishing up the firmware update for the Nexus One and will push it out in due time. No need to panic yet.

how soon till you think 2.3 is leaked

we all know its going to happen but how soon till we see the leaks
Leaks? It's already officially out. Nexus One's are receiving the update as we speak. As for an EVO specific leak from HTC/Sprint, who knows..I'm sure the devs will have something out soon if there aren't any major hardware changes / requirements.
SDK is out NOT a working rom its no "leaked" pushed yet to the nexus 1
This update sucks for me if it doesn't fix the CPU problem of almost maxing out when scrolling which causes scrolling to be laggy. If they don't fix this by the time my next upgrade comes up I'm switching to a Windows phone. I want a smooth interface.
CheesyNutz said:
SDK is out NOT a working rom its no "leaked" pushed yet to the nexus 1
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I guess I'm not following.
According to Engadget, Gingerbread, 2.3, is running on Nexus One's. They've received the OTA update.
Although, they may have been wrong and pulled the article and didn't say anything, since
no longer appears to be a valid link, but it was just a half hour ago.
I think this is what it said:
Nexus One owners feeling a little Nexus S envy can breathe a little easier -- we're hearing that Android 2,3 Gingerbread is being pushed out to the N1 as we speak. We'd imagine that all the slick new features that don't require new hardware (like NFC support) will be there, and we're definitely interested in playing with this built-in WiFi calling stack.
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the latest ota pushed to the nexus was just a minor update i don't think it was 2.3
Sirchuk said:
I guess I'm not following.
According to Engadget, Gingerbread, 2.3, is running on Nexus One's. They've received the OTA update.
Although, they may have been wrong and pulled the article and didn't say anything, since
no longer appears to be a valid link, but it was just a half hour ago.
I think this is what it said:
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That might have been an old link where the nexus one got a security update and people jumped the gun on calling gingerbread
Looks like Engadget was wrong and pulled the story. Nobody can confirm that 2.3 is out it seems, though some have tried to get their N1's to update.
Way to go Engadget, wrong information with no clarification. At least post a "Oops, we were wrong" update or something.
The N1 forums are saying it will be out on/around the 16th.
Think they heard me:
Update: Looks like our flood of tips came from people who were seeing their N1s get a different, less-interesting update -- we'll let you know when the actual 2.3 update roll out. Ah, the heady optimism of hope.
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One of the main guys on the Android team tweeted that no ota was released for the nexus one and that the source would be released in the "coming weeks". My bet is that the first rom with working Gingerbread on it will be Cyanogen and within a few weeks of the source being released.
donatom3 said:
One of the main guys on the Android team tweeted that no ota was released for the nexus one and that the source would be released in the "coming weeks". My bet is that the first rom with working Gingerbread on it will be Cyanogen and within a few weeks of the source being released.
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Yup, for our EVOs CM is the best bet and that will be AFTER the source (not to be confused with the Nexus One OTA) is released.
Award Tour said:
Yup, for our EVOs CM is the best bet and that will be AFTER the source (not to be confused with the Nexus One OTA) is released.
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Any sense rom will have to wait till a 2.3 gingerbread source is released by HTC which could be a while, if ever. Cyanogen is already on 2.35.9 kernel which hopefully means that porting their work to 2.3 shouldn't be that hard to do.
drmacinyasha said:
I'm going to say this once to head off the countless sheep who will ask...
Do not ask when Gingerbread will make it to the EVO.
Seriously, how the hell would any of us know? We're not psychics, we're not secret HTC/Sprint/Google/CIA/Mafia/Former KGB/NSA employees, we can't predict the future, so why on God's green Earth would you ask us?
Shut up, sit down, twiddle your thumbs, and wait for a press release from Sprint, HTC, Google, etc. announcing that Gingerbread will or will not be ported to the EVO. If you really want Gingerbread, go help Team Douche port it to be CyanogenMod 7. That's the most guaranteed way to get it to our phones.
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10 characters.
donatom3 said:
Any sense rom will have to wait till a 2.3 gingerbread source is released by HTC which could be a while, if ever. Cyanogen is already on 2.35.9 kernel which hopefully means that porting their work to 2.3 shouldn't be that hard to do.
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Not sure if there's any confusion with what I think I read from your post but.. I'm talking about the AOSP source not the HTC source. That'll probably take a month or so after the Nexus One OTA to be released and then another month or so before CM releases a RC of CM7/2.3.
apollooff320 said:
This update sucks for me if it doesn't fix the CPU problem of almost maxing out when scrolling which causes scrolling to be laggy. If they don't fix this by the time my next upgrade comes up I'm switching to a Windows phone. I want a smooth interface.
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windows phone? are you on crack?
I'm guessing you won't see a Sprint/HTC Gingerbread ROM until sometime next year. Rumor has the source code being released when the Nexus S ships which is allegedly on Dec 16. Expect AOSP based Gingerbread ROMs to start rolling out around then and an Official Sprint ROM after sometime well after that, after its been thoroughly QA'd.

Galaxy S to get 2.3 start of Q2?
It's a rumor I'd like to believe. The overseas Galaxy S has had 2.2 for a while now, and it's believable that after so many months, they might get 2.3. This works great for us because...
1- we might get it
2- if we don't, someone could use the i9000 code to make a copy for the Vibrant.
With this whole froyo mess, I see Samsung getting us 2.3 eventually just to appease us and bring the best out of our hardware (optimization for Hummingbird). If they can pull 2.3 for us sometime by the end of Q2/start of Q3- It would redeem them for the froyo debacle.
Honeycomb/Ice Cream, whichever, I just don't see us getting officially.
Edit: nm
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
SamFirmwares, the originator of this rumor, is a site that has gotten us a lot of Froyo leaked roms. I don't think they would say this unless they know theres a GB rom out there that they are trying to get their hands on.
After flashing from stock 2.1 to Axura I am enjoying a 2.2 ROM. I cannot wait until 2.3 gets out and the devs here play with it. The updates in it look promising, and the power management should definitely push the stellar battery life from these awesome ROMs.
Later than i9000
If history is any indication, we'll get Gingerbread when Honey Comb has been out for at least 3 weeks and thousands of hate tweets have been made.
I wouldn't hold my breath on it.
At this point, I'm just waiting for a new good phone to be released on t-mobile so I can drop my vibrant asap! my frustration has less to do with samsung updates and more to do with the failing GPS (even the latest version of Nero does nothing to alleviate my issues), lack of LED notification, and cheap plastic-feeling build quality
Damonkashu said:
I wouldn't hold my breath on it.
At this point, I'm just waiting for a new good phone to be released on t-mobile so I can drop my vibrant asap! my frustration has less to do with samsung updates and more to do with the failing GPS (even the latest version of Nero does nothing to alleviate my issues), lack of LED notification, and cheap plastic-feeling build quality
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Why don't you update to the Official KA6? I did and mine is running smooth like silk panties without even a lagfix. I am even getting gps fix inside my house with no tweaking done. Just a thought
Damonkashu said:
I wouldn't hold my breath on it.
At this point, I'm just waiting for a new good phone to be released on t-mobile so I can drop my vibrant asap! my frustration has less to do with samsung updates and more to do with the failing GPS (even the latest version of Nero does nothing to alleviate my issues), lack of LED notification, and cheap plastic-feeling build quality
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The LG optimus 2X is a good choice for a new phone.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
QS 755 on stock official Froyo. 2.1 OCLF2.0 QS 2000+....... hmmm?
That quite incredible since the Vibrant 4G is set to launch next month with Froyo. Their new flagship phone launches with Froyo and then the older, nearly identical version gets Gingerbread? I don't see it. T-Mo has every incentive to keep the original Vibrant a step behind so they can sell more new phones.
Let's start now with a class action lawsuit and twitter campaign for honeycomb
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
Are you on drugs?
I doubt we will ever see Android 2.3 on the original Vibrant. 1 year is an eternity in the world of Android smart-phones. There is so much competition and the pace is so fast that manufacturers will opt to put their best & brightest efforts into optimizing code for upcoming devices.
For example, the Motorola Atrix probably has a lot of manufacturers trying to figure out how they can make their devices that come after it stand out.
The only thing the Vibrant has going for it is that it shares most of its innards with 2 other phones.
richiehd said:
It's a rumor I'd like to believe. The overseas Galaxy S has had 2.2 for a while now, and it's believable that after so many months, they might get 2.3. This works great for us because...
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To the person who posted scores, Quadrant sucks, no use to test for real life performance. And the vibrant is not really that cheap feeling, would you rather have a few scratches on the backplate or a dent that cannot be replaced?
But sure, anything above 2.2 will probably be mostly theme overhauls for android, maybe a few optimizations for the hummingbird in 2.3 but nothing above that most likely.
for me froyo is the end of the vibrant. my only hope is the devs here who are working on it.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
The way I see it is that this phone is now obsolete. We got one update, so I guess we should consider ourselves lucky. Live and learn, no more RFS phones for me.
stop all this bullcrap.
Samfirmwares is talking about the I9000 not vibrant.
read that, then read some of the comments.
"Everyone, this is possible. Keep in mind, they could be talking about Galaxy S, not the American Variants, or they could be. Two possible scenario:
One: They are talking about the European Galaxy S(has had 2.2 for a while, just got 2.2.1)
Two: It could mean 2.3 could finally be built and ready for carriers to add their bloat and send off as OTA(or Kies*shivers*)Remember, Froyo for the Galaxy S in the states has been ready for months now, it has been the carriers, not Samsung."
I still think the US Galaxy S phones will get at least the update to Gingerbread, at least sometime in the first half of the year. I think that'll be the last update the phones get though.
richiehd said:
With this whole froyo mess, I see Samsung getting us 2.3 eventually just to appease us and bring the best out of our hardware (optimization for Hummingbird). If they can pull 2.3 for us sometime by the end of Q2/start of Q3- It would redeem them for the froyo debacle.
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It's ridiculous that I should be appeased by a 2.3 release 3-6 months after it's been released by Google. I want a new release on the same day that Google releases a new version and I want it from Google. Manufacturers can tweak and release it whenever they want to. At this point, I don't care. But Google needs to fix this. Make every manufacturer provide all the device drivers for all phones sold in the past 2 years available for every release and we should be able to get the latest Google experience for our phones.
The fact that 2.3 is not yet available for Nexus One shows that Google needs to spend some time making this their top priority.
I think a long as the carriers push two year contracts they should support the phone that long.
Sent from my Vibrant using Tapatalk Pro.

Android 2.4 coming April; Google Kills 2.3 Gingerbread Update

Check out this article from Android Headlines,
Pretty big news no?
Only if your aren't rooted and are waiting on an official gb update. Your wait just got a little longer
Sent from my HTC EVO
Looks like the only change is to make dual core apps compatible with single core phones
nomadicthoughts said:
Pretty big news no?
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Pretty big unconfirmed rumor at this point but it wouldn't be surprising after what happened with 2.0 and 2.1.
I find that a little concerning, unless the only actual difference relates to single/dual core compatibility. The reason I rolled back from Gingerbread to Froyo was because some of my apps weren't Gingerbread ready. I hope the difference isn't significant enough to cause a gap like this.
That's interesting to say the least, not exactly welcome news to hear of google telling phone manufacturers not to update.
xHausx said:
That's interesting to say the least, not exactly welcome news to hear of google telling phone manufacturers not to update.
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My feeling exactly... i mean why would u do that???
Is it really that big of a deal? Seriously we will have before any manufacturer upgrades to it and April is really not that far off. I just feel sorry for the CM team and others that have been endlessly working on GB Roms. I see this upgrade as a good thing and it says some of the elements of Honeycomb will be brought to the 2.4 smartphone version. Why complain if there is nothing you can do about it but wait patiently and be happy you have a great phone. Google, HTC nor Sprint are obligated to update your phone, so just be happy that they do.
housry23 said:
Is it really that big of a deal? Seriously we will have before any manufacturer upgrades to it and April is really not that far off. I just feel sorry for the CM team and others that have been endlessly working on GB Roms. I see this upgrade as a good thing and it says some of the elements of Honeycomb will be brought to the 2.4 smartphone version. Why complain if there is nothing you can do about it but wait patiently and be happy you have a great phone. Google, HTC nor Sprint are obligated to update your phone, so just be happy that they do.
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If google tells htc to not update to 2.3, and 2.4 isn't due out till april, then that pretty much guarantees that the Evo will reach it's eol on froyo. It still take a couple months after the updates released for it to be used
With a source like Pocket-lint it has to be "who the hell are they?"
No, really. I've never heard of these guys.
You wanna buy a bridge?
Well I heard they are killing the 2.4 release to solve the multi-screen issues, by releasing Android 2.5 "troufles" in July. So named because of the layers of screen, not shrooms ( did you get that big "G" ? )
And our long wait gets longer.
I'm LoL'ing at people who blindly believe the OP.

Android 4.0 ICS came to Galaxy S2[Update - Europe & Asia got the update ]

Finally samsung reveled
"We know you have been waiting and we're thrilled today to announce that we'll start serving Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich to GALAXY Note and GALAXY S II in the first quarter of 2012.
In addition, other ICS-upgradable GALAXY devices include GALAXY S II LTE, GALAXY R, GALAXY Tab 10.1, GALAXY Tab 8.9, GALAXY Tab 7.7 and GALAXY Tab 7.0 Plus.
Separate announcements on details of the OS update will be made soon, so stay with us on our Facebook & Twitter communities for more updates!"
Europe and Asia got the much anticipated ICS update .
Was just about to post this after seeing their tweet. not long
Laird_Attwood said:
Was just about to post this after seeing their tweet. not long
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Its not far ..! Also Samsung is improving when it comes to Updates .!
anshmiester78900 said:
Its not far ..! Also Samsung is improving when it comes to Updates .!
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Great work by sammy actually!! its just a matter of time before we get the leaks....
I am looking forward to this like the rest of us. However we need to take into account that delays (ATT i897 Gingerbread) aren't necessarily Samsungs fault. Quite often it is the carrier that causes the delays. So for those that are on ATT for example may have to wait longer then the rest of the world. Hopefully this is not the case.
Actual news came from. ...
This could still be 3 months away though, that's ages!!
Yup, Q1 is January to March. Who knows we might get it on the 31st of March
At least samsung is quicker than lg, it took them a whole year to update the optimius 2x from froyo to gingerbread. Really looking forward to ICS, hopefully it will land late January early February. I'm sure we'll have CM9 sometime in January.
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marcadam said:
At least samsung is quicker than lg, it took them a whole year to update the optimius 2x from froyo to gingerbread. Really looking forward to ICS, hopefully it will land late January early February. I'm sure we'll have CM9 sometime in January.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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+1. I was shocked when I read about the Gingerbread update for the O2X being released recently. I assumed all along it had Gingerbread. Shame on you, LG!
Speaking as someone who had to wait well over a year before my last phone *finally* got freaking Froyo (and was told it was never getting Gingerbread) this is a welcome and ambitious announcement. Here's to hoping Docomo can get on the same page as quickly as Samsung.
Looking forward to this - but I am still a noob enjoying all the custom roms the devs have to offer.
t0ph0id said:
This could still be 3 months away though, that's ages!!
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Yeah, that's ages,but be honest... do you REALLY need this update? I bet your phone works perfectly and you still would be absolutely happy even if ICS didn't exist yet.
Seeing as we're already getting leaks, I would be surprised if the official ROM for international users would take that long to come out.
soulicro said:
Seeing as we're already getting leaks, I would be surprised if the official ROM for international users would take that long to come out.
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Why do you think that? The current status rather clearly points to a february/march release.
Current leaks are unstable, so probably a month more development for decent stability, then comes a period of wider testing (all different carriers and Samsung sales companies in different countries), probably some certifications made in parallell as well. Now we're in end of january or later...
Then some bug fixes once again after these tests. And some additional tests of course after these fixes.
I cannot see any possibility for an official release before mid-february, probably a bit later in March.
But of course, the leaks in january used for wider tests might be pretty good for all-day use, so if you don't require official releases you don't have to wait that long.
What a clever way of "stealing" us 3 months...
tjtj4444 said:
Why do you think that? The current status rather clearly points to a february/march release.
Current leaks are unstable, so probably a month more development for decent stability, then comes a period of wider testing (all different carriers and Samsung sales companies in different countries), probably some certifications made in parallell as well. Now we're in end of january or later...
Then some bug fixes once again after these tests. And some additional tests of course after these fixes.
I cannot see any possibility for an official release before mid-february, probably a bit later in March.
But of course, the leaks in january used for wider tests might be pretty good for all-day use, so if you don't require official releases you don't have to wait that long.
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Because its not like the devs on here that do these things on their free time - the developers at Samsung working on the port are paid to do so, its their job, and they have to work on it several hours a day, every day.
But I might be an optimist. In any case, I'm sure a good enough leak will come along sooner than expected that is beneficial to the devs.
titooo7 said:
Yeah, that's ages,but be honest... do you REALLY need this update? I bet your phone works perfectly and you still would be absolutely happy even if ICS didn't exist yet.
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Agree - my SGSII is rooted so I got rid of all bloat-ware.
It's fast and battery is good
They say Q1 now, but if we look back at the updates they have done before they relese a update, that breaks something, then pull it again work on it for a month or 3 before releasing it again...
But that have ofc more been a kies problem then a update problem. Can remember when i had the Galaxy S and that got the GB update, that left the users in download mode, when updating over kies...
Samsung said:
Ice Cream Sandwich brings an entirely new look and feel to Android. It has a redesigned user interface with improved multi-tasking, notifications, Wi-Fi hotspot, NFC support and a full Web browsing experience. Ice Cream Sandwich also features a new People App which lets users browse pictures, messages and social network updates from friends, family and co-workers.
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Does this mean that the leaks are non-indicative of the actual update, and we will indeed get ICS launcher/TW5?
