Amount of Access Under TMO's Data Plan [EDITED] - Vibrant General

[EDIT] Some posters have responded that the assumptions made below are unrealistic as regards the average subscriber. That is absolutely true! This OP is unrelated to the "average subscriber." The thread is about the disconnect between the data download volume required by high-bandwidth apps being advertised by the carriers and the cummulative monthly data volume permitted by the carriers. I.e., this post would be valid if there were zero subscribers using these services. I would note, however, that these ideas will become increasingly applicable to the average subscriber as subscribers begin to use the cited services in greater volumes.
Other posters have commented that the 2 mbps assumption in this OP is unrealistically high. Please see posts 52, 54, and 75 for calculations related to actual apps that use similar bandwidths.
There has been much contraversy surrounding TMO's throttling network access speeds after a subscriber uses (or downloads?) 5 GB of data. Also, some people seem to be confused as to the meaning of the associated terms "bandwidth," "download speed," "total monthly usage," etc. This post is simply an attempt to clarify these terms and to add perspective to the issue.
I will use an (imprecise) analogy to household electrical power usage. The quantity of electrical power (measured in kilowatts), consumed at any point in time depends upon the sum of the current draw of the appliances, fixtures, machinery, etc. operating at that point in time. (Although power = voltage multiplied by current, the power company keeps the voltage relatively constant.)
Wireless data downloads can be considered as analogous to electrical power consumption if we analogize maximum link speed (also referred to as bandwidth) to voltage and bit flow to current. The power company maintains a (relatively constant) voltage to enable us to pull a variable amount of current according to our needs. A carrier maintains a (variable) amount of bandwidth to enable us to transfer a variable amount of data according to our needs.
Kilowatts and bits/second are both instantaeous values. So, the electric meter must continuously meter the current as it flows through the meter to sum the total energy used (kilowatt-hours). Likewise, TMO (apparently) implements a meter on their servers for each subscriber to monitor data flow over the course of a billing month.
Now, this is where the analogy gets interesting.
The power company charges per usage while TMO advertises and charges a flat monthly rate (assuming an "unlimited" data plan). On the surface (read: "as advertised"), the TMO plan sounds better. One is able to plan for a fixed monthly expenditure without having to worry about consumption. That is very appealing, because TMO has also heavily marketed their newer and ever-faster networks as well as devices and services requiring these greater bandwidths.
But notice what happens when a customer attempts to aggressively use the new devices, services, and supporting network bandwidths. When the data throttling hammer comes down, Internet data services are simply terminated until the beginning of the next billing month, for most practical purposes! (The modern Internet is largely non-functional at 56 kb.)
How would such behaviour play out with household energy consumption per our analogy? Say the power company initiates a big marketing campaign to place equipment and services in your home that require lots of power to operate, and sets you up on a flat monthly fee. To accommodate the new equipment and services, the power company drops 10kV service to your home. The first month, You use the new, very power-hungry equipment and services for 5-6 hours. By then, you have used 20,000 kwH. The power company's policy is to throttle users who reach 20,000 kwH. So what do they do? According to the analogy, they decrease the voltage to your house to 20 volts. Of course, 20 volts is not enough to run anything except perhaps enough to make a couple of light bulbs flicker. However, the power company can say that, technically, they have not breached their obligation to supply you unlimited power for a fixed fee. If you can do something with 20 volts for the remainder of the billing month, have at it!
For both the power company and a wireless carrier, these are peak loading problems. The difference is that the power company builds out the infrastructure necessary to handle peak loading for all of its customers, big and small.
A wireless data carrier can "build out" in two dimensions, speed and capacity. These are related but different quantities. Say TMO replaces transceiver technology on a tower. Say the old system had 4 transceivers, each capable of handling 1000 subscribers and providing data speeds of between 500kbps and 5 Mbps to each subscriber depending upon the number of data users connected to that tower. Now assume that the upgrade has five transceivers, each capable of handling 1000 subscribers. New technolgoy coding techniques now render a transceiver capable of providing data speeds of 1-21 Mbps, depending upon the number of data uses connected to that transceiver and their data requirements, etc. In this scenario, the carrier could do fancy marketing to pull in additional subscribers and some users would in fact sometimes see faster downloads. However, the carrier might not have accomplished much from a capacity standpoint in this scenario. E.g., tripling the number of 3G radios might be better from a capacity standpoint than replacing the existing 3G radios with 4G radios. However, the latter is much sexier from a marketing standpoint.
We will know when TMO has finally built out sufficient capacity to satisfy the data demand that they themselves create by hyping speed and speed-requiring services such as TMO-TV; because at that point there will be no further need for data caps and they will be removed or increased to higher thresholds. In the meantime, the following calculation is an indication of the amount of "unlimited" nework access we currently receive from TMO in exchange for our $80 - $100:
What is your average download speed? Of course it varies from region to region and from one moment to the next. Let us just pick some reasonable number as an average to work with, say 2 mbps. Consider that average and the 5 GB data cap. For quick calculation purposes, let us consider 10 bits/byte. (The real number is ~9 bits/byte after taking into account error correction overhead, etc.)
(5 x 10E9 Bytes) x (10 bits/byte) = 5 x 10E10 bits
(5 x 10E10 bits) / (2 x 10E6 bits/sec) = 25000 seconds
(25,000 seconds) / (3600 seconds/hr) = 6.9 hours
In conclusion: An "unlimited" TMO data plan provides about 7 hours of [clarification: high bandwidth application] access monthly, based upon advertised and provided speeds, before one is cut off from useful data access. Your available number of hours will vary according to the data speeds that you experience/utilize.
There are ~720 hours in a month. Thus, our carrier's plan provides for 2 mbps use of our phone about 1% of the time or about 25 minutes per day.
If you understand and are happy with this (as many no doubt are), wonderful! I believe that a subscriber should at least be aware of what he/she is getting for his/her $80-$100 per month, though; and the carriers should, but do not, disclose this information.

The only grip I have about it is, I wished it was cheaper, maybe $20-25 (i know about the loyalty plan but I haven't gotten time to ask about it). Or offer a $15 2gb plan (as opposed to the janky $10/15 200mb plan)

Unlimited means..
1. Having no restrictions or controls.
2. Having or seeming to have no boundaries; infinite.
3. Without qualification or exception; absolute.
This is what Unlimited mean,not the twisted version T-mobile trick some into believe,Unlimited mean no restrictions no controls,you can't abuse something that is presented to you in Unlimited form period.
I don't know why people have no sue T-mobile for this.

eltormo said:
Unlimited means..
1. Having no restrictions or controls.
2. Having or seeming to have no boundaries; infinite.
3. Without qualification or exception; absolute.
This is what Unlimited mean,not the twisted version T-mobile trick some into believe,Unlimited mean no restrictions no controls,you can't abuse something that is presented to you in Unlimited form period.
I don't know why people have no sue T-mobile for this.
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Who says unlimited means no restrictions and no controls? Unlimited defines whether there is a limit or not, not how you use the internet.
As for the OP, I regularly tether and use my phone and still haven't hit the 5 GB limit (downloading apps/games on my phone, roms, kernels, streaming Pandora, forum browsing on my laptop and youtube streaming).
The one's that get over the 5GB limit are probably doing things that they shouldn't be doing so imo it's fair and I would rather have it set to 5GB than having them raise rates for everybody and offer real unlimited.

not satisfied, but not upset. had i not streamed the entire super bowl through my phone, my data wouldn't be throttled right now!
my bad

Cap ?

sahil04 said:
Who says unlimited means no restrictions and no controls? Unlimited defines whether there is a limit or not, not how you use the internet.
As for the OP, I regularly tether and use my phone and still haven't hit the 5 GB limit (downloading apps/games on my phone, roms, kernels, streaming Pandora, forum browsing on my laptop and youtube streaming).
The one's that get over the 5GB limit are probably doing things that they shouldn't be doing so imo it's fair and I would rather have it set to 5GB than having them raise rates for everybody and offer real unlimited.
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You know i just quoted a dictionary definition of Unlimited right one of them is having not restrictions or controls.?
Maybe you know more than the dudes who wrote the dictionary maybe we should go by your terms and not what the real definition means.
In fact the terms i quote are not referring to the Internet.
Stop lying dude i download 3 gameloft games,and watched some video on youtube and i landed over 1 GB in just 3 days,games from the android market like gameloft ones are close to 300 MB,i have spiderman,SplinterCell and GT racing and with those 3 alone i got close to 900MB.
In fact i made a test and watched several videos on youtube,and did some download without tethering,and i landed on 1.3 GB in just 3 days,and i did not even tether dude,stop acting like 5GB is allot if not,in fact not even close to be that much 5GB is nothing this days,i have video on my Galaxy S that are 53MB just for a 3 and half minute video,just head over to youtube and see how much data and actual good quality video takes.
In fact i have Temperature by Sean Paul and is 53 MB,10 miserable video like that one,that is what enough to get you what an hour of entertainment or less,and you have 500MB is just 1 hours of watching videos,use it 2 hours and you have 1GB already eat up.
5GB is nothing.
In fact roms alone are 130+ MB,some are close or over 200 MB,download 7 of those on 1 week and you already have close to 1GB use,just for roms.
Your math doesn't add up,and even without tethering 5GB is nothing.
But show me what we should not be doing,since phones like the mytouch 4G are also throttle and those are advertise as video phones (not that the Vibrant can't do that) and as a wireless hub,where other devices can connect to you,(again no that the Vibrant can't do that either),so in the end you have a service that is been advertise as unlimited,only to be punish for using it,Verizon did the same thing and was force to settle in cash.
I read now that T-mobile was sue for this as well,i don't think the outcome will be any different than what happen with Verizon.
I like the dictionary version of what Unlimited means,not your or T-mobile twisted version,you most work for T-mobile you have to,to actually cheer for such a scam,and to accuse others of wrong doing,when the features all this phones have are bandwidth demanding.

I like Tmobile

n2ishun said:
Cap ?
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what's this a picture of?

eltormo said:
Unlimited means..
1. Having no restrictions or controls.
2. Having or seeming to have no boundaries; infinite.
3. Without qualification or exception; absolute.
This is what Unlimited mean,not the twisted version T-mobile trick some into believe,Unlimited mean no restrictions no controls,you can't abuse something that is presented to you in Unlimited form period.
I don't know why people have no sue T-mobile for this.
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Yes, that is what "unlimited" means. You got the adjective right but I believe that you may be misunderstanding the noun. "Unlimited" must modify something; it cannot be analyzed by itself. if you read the fine print you will see that TMO promises unlimited Internet access, not unlimited Internet access at any particular speed. Thus (they claim), they continue to supply "unlimited" Internet access at 56kb after switching on the cap. That is, you may download any amount of data possible at 56kb. They may not even promise that. They may simply talk in terms of an "unlimited plan," which is marketing sizzle that means essentially nothing, except perhaps suggesting an absence of up-charges.
It seems that you may be suggesting that TMO promises unlimited access at any speed. That would not make sense, of course, because they are not physically capable of providing "any speed." So, what bandwidth are you buying when you sign up with a carrier? Well, essentially you are buying into an uncertain, imaginary bandwidth. By that I mean that in your own mind you imagine/hope what the bandwidth will be like, based upon that carrier's generally-stated advertising, PR releases, reputation, etc. At the current state of the wireless art, a carrier will not promise a retail customer any particular bandwidth.
That is where the "trick" lies and how unpleasant surprises arise. The carriers speak out of two sides of their mouth. One side is the advertising, PR, press releases, etc. which suggest certain bandwidth availability by making references to services (movie downloads, Internet TV, etc.) that require such bandwidth availability. The other side of their mouths is the retail subscriber contract terms which suggest just the opposite. That is, regular use of the bandwidths suggested in the PR constitutes punishable abuse.
These are untenable, contradictory positions that will likely not persist for much longer (JMO). Unfortunately, the short-term "fix" could be a metering scheme that is even worse. If they take that route, though, their ad campaign might take a big hit, as they would likely have to abandon terms like "unlimited."
It may be helpful to keep in mind what the wireless carrier business really is. A carrier spends billions of dollars to purchase spectral bandwidth from the US government. That carrier then spends additional billions of dollars to build out a network which enables them to repackage the spectral bandwidth as voice/data bandwidth to sell at retail. Like any other business, a wireless carrier will attempt to sell its service (repackaged bandwidth) for as high a price as the market will allow. Understanding this is the key to understanding why a carrier will laugh all the way to the bank when a fixed price, high-bandwidth customer threatens to cancel their contract and/or take their business elsewhere. If that happens, the carrier will simply resell that bandwidth to two or more new customers who may be smaller bandwidth consumers. Following such a transaction, the carrier will have replaced $80 per month of revenue with $160 $240 or more of monthly revenue.
Please note that my writings in this or any other XDA threads are simply personal opinions relating to public matters and are specifically not intended as statements of fact or advice. Any references to particular carriers are intended as examples only and could be applicable to any carrier.

Interesting Poll
The poll at the top of the page is interesting. At this point, at least, the extremes of "very satisfied" and "completely dissatisfied" are fairly evenly split.
Please vote if you have not already done so.

I am sure T-Mobile will double the cap pretty soon, and $30 ($25 with EM+) internet will have tethering included in the near future because AT&T is pressing hard on the new 4G smartphone + tethering pricing:
$45 with 4GB and tethering, and $10 per GB overage.

zbt1985 said:
what's this a picture of?
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121 gigs of transfer over Tmo in the last 31 days ?

BruceElliott said:
Yes, that is what "unlimited" means. unlimited Internet access, not unlimited Internet access at any particular speed.
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I think if even YOU (a Tmobile shill) will look at it, limiting internet speed is still LIMITING.
My contract states in clear language, UNLIMITED INTERNET ACCESS.
They have tried to force me to change that contract many times.
Many many times.
I will not change it, or allow them to change it, it is a binding contract.
Yes, they offer free phones and minutes and even freemonths for me to change it...NFW, ain't happenin.

n2ishun said:
I think if even YOU (a Tmobile shill) will look at it, limiting internet speed is still LIMITING.
My contract states in clear language, UNLIMITED INTERNET ACCESS.
They have tried to force me to change that contract many times.
Many many times.
I will not change it, or allow them to change it, it is a binding contract.
Yes, they offer free phones and minutes and even freemonths for me to change it...NFW, ain't happenin.
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A T-Mobile shill? You must not be reading my posts very carefully... LOL!

n2ishun said:
121 gigs of transfer over Tmo in the last 31 days ?
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No; that is an application associated with a BitTorrent client that simply keeps track of Internet usage. Not sure how it is applicable to this thread, given that TMO provides the same information for TMO's wireless service.

mingkee said:
I am sure T-Mobile will double the cap pretty soon, and $30 ($25 with EM+) internet will have tethering included in the near future because AT&T is pressing hard on the new 4G smartphone + tethering pricing:
$45 with 4GB and tethering, and $10 per GB overage.
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That would be good. Let's hope that you are correct.

I pay good money for my data plan. And it is indeed very limited.

I had a talk with T-mobile on Twitter back when it was announced about the HSPA+ speeds and said why is there a cap after 5gb and I used the 21mb/s and gave them all the calculations as to how quickly that 5gb would get used up. I asked why give us faster speeds when you could be investing our money into expanding the network giving 3G speeds to areas stuck on EDGE or have no coverage from T-mobile. Their only response was stay tuned for what we have in store for our customers.
Yes throttling speed that is done purposely by T-mobile makes it not unlimited. If it was simply limited to the speed that you can get given where you are using your phone at then that would mean unlimited.

Scoobyracing03 said:
I had a talk with T-mobile on Twitter back when it was announced about the HSPA+ speeds and said why is there a cap after 5gb and I used the 21mb/s and gave them all the calculations as to how quickly that 5gb would get used up. I asked why give us faster speeds when you could be investing our money into expanding the network giving 3G speeds to areas stuck on EDGE or have no coverage from T-mobile. Their only response was stay tuned for what we have in store for our customers.
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Yep, you clearly anticipated what my OP is about when you communicated with TMO. Let's hope that the person who suggested that you "stay tuned" was well-informed!
I imagine that the early build-out in the speed dimension was a marketing tool designed to capture customers based upon the "wow" factor of enormous speed. However, a carrier who does not quickly follow this angle up with building out in the capacity dimension will (and has) disappoint(ed) customers and will likely fall flat on their face. Wireless carriers are, of course, a limited monopoly, limited by available spectral bandwidth constraints and huge investment costs. We in the U.S. are fortunate to at least have a few carriers to compete for customers. Hopefully that competition will be sufficient to continue to drive investment in capacity. If not, the public sector can always step in... At the end of the day, the freqency spectrum, like the air we breath, is owned by the people. We may lease it out. We may also cancel leases for the public good...


1GB Monthly Cap? 6kb/sec speed??

6kb/sec? thats slower than dialup!! I a cancelling my G1 order! Lets protest this!
This is from T-Mobile:
TMobile: If your total data usage in any billing cycle is more than 1GB, your data throughput for the remainder of that cycle may be reduced to 50 kbps or less. Your data session, plan, or service may be suspended, terminated, or restricted for significant roaming or if you use your service in a way that interferes with our network or ability to provide quality service to other users
It 1GB not 10GB
it is not 1gb im pretty sure t-mobile already established this
Welcome to last month. Tmobile announced at first it would be 1GB cap, but quickly changed that. But if you want to protest over something that isnt even true, go right ahead.
ok, T-Mobile didnt take it back but rephrased the sentence.
From Gizmondo
T-Mobile Removes 1GB 3G Data Cap for G1 Android Phone
T-Mobile's just rolled back on their 1GB usage cap on their 3G plans for upcoming G1 Android customers, instead going to a hold-up-while-we-figure-this-out route. The statement they give now states that they can reduce throughput for "a small fraction" of users who are using too much data, but exact terms and limits are still being reviewed before they're finalized. Statement after the jump.
Our goal, when the T-Mobile G1 becomes available in October, is to provide affordable, high-speed data service allowing customers to experience the full data capabilities of the device and our 3G network. At the same time, we have a responsibility to provide the best network experience for all of our customers so we reserve the right to temporarily reduce data throughput for a small fraction of our customers who have excessive or disproportionate usage that interferes with our network performance or our ability to provide quality service to all of our customers.
We removed the 1GB soft limit from our policy statement, and we are confident that T-Mobile G1 customers will enjoy the high speed of data access over our 3G network. The specific terms for our new data plans are still being reviewed and once they are final we will be certain to share this broadly with current customers and potential new customers.
he jus wanted to be cool but ppl tryin to be cool never succeed
brooklynite said:
6kb/sec? thats slower than dialup!! I a cancelling my G1 order! Lets protest this!
This is from T-Mobile:
TMobile: If your total data usage in any billing cycle is more than 1GB, your data throughput for the remainder of that cycle may be reduced to 50 kbps or less. Your data session, plan, or service may be suspended, terminated, or restricted for significant roaming or if you use your service in a way that interferes with our network or ability to provide quality service to other users
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Please cancel your order. I'm sure there's a Motorola with your name on it somewhere.
This is so retarded...people have had the phone for 2 or 3 days and is amazing all the nonsense crap they talk.
Dude get brand new Iphone that after 2 or 3 year in the market,finally is 3G (I'm kidding)Leave us alone cause we want to enjoy our G1.
For a 1st generation release is working pretty well.
brooklynite said:
ok, T-Mobile didnt take it back but rephrased the sentence.
From Gizmondo
T-Mobile Removes 1GB 3G Data Cap for G1 Android Phone
T-Mobile's just rolled back on their 1GB usage cap on their 3G plans for upcoming G1 Android customers, instead going to a hold-up-while-we-figure-this-out route. The statement they give now states that they can reduce throughput for "a small fraction" of users who are using too much data, but exact terms and limits are still being reviewed before they're finalized. Statement after the jump.
Our goal, when the T-Mobile G1 becomes available in October, is to provide affordable, high-speed data service allowing customers to experience the full data capabilities of the device and our 3G network. At the same time, we have a responsibility to provide the best network experience for all of our customers so we reserve the right to temporarily reduce data throughput for a small fraction of our customers who have excessive or disproportionate usage that interferes with our network performance or our ability to provide quality service to all of our customers.
We removed the 1GB soft limit from our policy statement, and we are confident that T-Mobile G1 customers will enjoy the high speed of data access over our 3G networky. The specific terms for our new data plans are still being reviewed and once they are final we will be certain to share this broadly with current customers and potential new customers.
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Yeah so if your burning throught 15GB a month dowloading torrents on your phone then they will cut you back but the average user, even power users will never have an issues. Your arguement is lame.
Guys, EASY! I am a noob in this forum!
Sorry all you G1 lovers! I did not mean to offend G1 or Andriod, I am just pissed at T-Mobile being a communist limiting access. The internet on the Wing sucks as the phone is always running out of memory all the time (besides being as slow as dial-up) so I hope it gets a bit better on the G1.
For most of us who are not tethering to download torrents or doing other outrageous things on 3g, it doesn't matter. Their current wording seems to indicate they'll chop the users off the top until the network speeds back up. I will not be using an outrageous amount of bandwidth. But I do want 1 meg a second when I get on to do something. I like the current wording, don't let others screw my network.
brooklynite said:
Guys, EASY! I am a noob in this forum!
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okay guys, both sides, calm down. i can see both side's arguments. but yes brooklynite, your first impression with tmobile is valid. but all other carriers do this too, they just don't come out and say it out right.
windows mobile transport layer stack has a transfer limit. so practically speaking, there are lots of things you can't do on your phone or impractical, when compared to your laptop (say using a USB 3G card). hence the most likely thing you do on yoru phone is email, web, chat, which are small data, and music and video, which are bigger but they will be most likely formated for the mobile device so smaller in size compared to the desktop version. so in conclusion, it is really really hard to top that 1GB data each month. you don't need to worry about a thing if you use your phone in a regular sense
now speaking on be half of the other side, "welcome to xda dev", they all mean it, but words came out wrong
buggybug0 said:
okay guys, both sides, calm down. i can see both side's arguments. but yes brooklynite, your first impression with tmobile is valid. but all other carriers do this too, they just don't come out and say it out right.
windows mobile transport layer stack has a transfer limit. so practically speaking, there are lots of things you can't do on your phone or impractical, when compared to your laptop (say using a USB 3G card). hence the most likely thing you do on yoru phone is email, web, chat, which are small data, and music and video, which are bigger but they will be most likely formated for the mobile device so smaller in size compared to the desktop version. so in conclusion, it is really really hard to top that 1GB data each month. you don't need to worry about a thing if you use your phone in a regular sense
now speaking on be half of the other side, "welcome to xda dev", they all mean it, but words came out wrong
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The 1GB cap had to be removed because the G1 does not to mobile web browsing so video and data is not the mobile version ie, not smaller webpages or formatted for mobile video.
Statement from t-mobile site:
Real Web BrowsingThe T-Mobile G1™ was built to browse the Web. Using the touch screen, QWERTY keyboard and trackball you can access your favorite pages and browse like you were sitting at your computer.
Access in one touch
Real Web, not mobile version
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In other words if you tend to watch youtube on your phone a lot you could reach that 1Gb limit. Not to mention if you received a lot of emails a day with attachments for work purposes, for example I receive about 10MB average a day in attachments varying from PDF files for manuals, electronic drawings etc, Images, in a month you could get 250MB there. Also you have music downloads available through amazon to your phone, averaging at 5MB per file. So 1 GB is quite easy to reach and after that with their previous statement you would be limited to 50K/s till your next cycle. That would be very frustrating.
If adobe flash starts working (I read something about a video player called Video Gadgetz which would enable that) then I'll start watching hulu from my phone when im stuck at airports at one of my many business trips. WiFi is great but you have to pay for it. So I'm hoping they leave it true unlimited but do punish any user who over does it (ie someone actually stupid enough to's will happen unfortunetly).
By the way..anyopne find any more info on adobe flash compatibility in browsing. I would be so psyched if I could watch hulu on my G1
And I just noticed..i have been a member for almost 2 years..use this forum for all my phone and updates and flashing..and just had my first post... many forumes..hard to keep track
I never hit 1GB while I was tethering with my Wing. I doubt I have hit 1gb on my G1 as of yet. I doubt I will go above 10GB unless I thether and I surely won't be downloading things like I did on the wing.
BTW you think tmobile is bad. Read the fine print on any of verizons PocketPC or Internet cards that have EVDO... After 5GB they have the right to cancel your contract and charge you the early termination fee. How is that for "being a communist" You do realize these are businesses trying to make money. Not governments trying to keep their people alive.
I use a usb modem on my laptop with a 5GB soft cap. I've hit it once. I don't watch movies online anymore!
When using my Axim online I paid attention to website size and noticed it was 250-400 Kb per click. That adds up fast. Plus watching youtube or downloading music. 1 GB comes up pretty quick.
Although listening to streaming radio doesn't use as much bandwidth as I thought it would. 35 ish for talk radio and 60-70 kb/sec (kilobits not bytes) for music. I used about 28 Mb over a couple of hours of talk radio.
Xbox live also didn't use as much as I thought. Web browsing used more bandwidth than live.
Enough on "picking" on him.
Remember we were all where he is now.
He made a mistake.
Although, flaming him is pissing me off. So stop.
Comcast caps their home service to their clients. So if Comcast can Cell providers will as well.

!!!Beware!!!!!T-mobile Data Unlimited plan has Limit

ya... and? it's called being throttled... 10gb in a month, really? how much porn are you downloading lol. anyway, they andother carriers will do this to free up bandwidth for moderate users ....and its still unlimited because you're not being charged any "overage"
10 gigs is a lot of data, especially on a cell phone. I 'm on the web all the time and don't even come close. And I use Slacker a lot as well. THe only thing I don't really do is tether so I guess that could boost your data but still 10 gigs is a lot.
My Comcast has 250gb limit, i don't agree with it but they all do it.
Find yourself a hotspot and enable wifi. Half the time it's faster than 3G anyway.
what are you saying? it's perfect! Other companies let you go past their puny 2-5 GB/month data limit and then charge you huge overages or cut you off completely from data. With T-Mo you don't get charged extra, 10GB is a lot for a month, and when you go over you can still use data, albeit slowly, so you still receive those tweets.
Best company ever, man
I have seen somebody use over 20gb a month on there iPhone and was not sent a message from AT&T or had to pay any overage charger or be forced to have a reduced bandwidth. It's truly unlimited Internet.
Throttling is a common practice with most providers. Tethering though, believe it or not, is actually against your T-mobile terms of use...and if you reached 10gb's of data without tethering you need to go outside lol. So...if you were tethering, you shouldn't be complaining that they put a cap on internet to prevent you from overusing a system illicitly. They could just claim breach of your contract lol...though I've never seen it done before...
when did tethering become"against terms of use "I remember back in the day calling up customer care and they walked me through the tethering process. I had the 3.99tzones hack and was happily using edge to stream internet radio as tmo was and is stil lmy only isp. nowadays netflix streams fine over 3g on the 9.99 web2go...I don't think I've ever been throttled haha! (sounds funny) I don't kno what my data usage is though...
Geez...I tether everyday, and its myself and 2 other individuals who use my connection. Plus normal web browsing and pandora on my HD2 on almost a daily basis and I have never come close to the 10Gig limit.
...the fact is, even thought they throttle you after 10gigs (which is an absurd amount anyhow) you can still access the web from your phone right? So since you still have an active connection that means its still unlimited...they are just not allowing you to continue to download torrents or use your phone as your home ISP replacement for the rest of the month.
Tethering is not against Tmobiles TOS. You can find step by step guides on their forums on how to tether with wimo and blackberry. The only one it doesnt support but isnt against your TOS is android because you have to root your phone which voids the warranty.
Tethering IS against you TOS
Tethering any 3G phone is explicitly against the terms and conditions of you service agreement with T-Mobile. Tethering was never explicitly allowed by the terms and conditions, but it was not actively monitored by T-mobile. Since edge speeds and low data usage were not likely to cause network issues, T-mobile unofficially supported it. This is the same as the way you can call T-mobile tech support for assistance with an unlocked iPhone.
3G tethering is explicitly against the TOS and is actively being shut down, I have had a hand full of customers come in to the store when their tethering was blocked since it began a couple of months back.
Those of you who think that tethering is permitted, had better read your terms of service again...your sorely mistaken:
Here is the current TOS:
Section 29: Subsection 1: (near the bottom of the page)
1. Permissible and Prohibited Uses
Your Data Plan is intended for Web browsing, messaging, and similar activities on your device and not on any other equipment. Unless explicitly permitted by your Data Plan, other uses, including for example, tethering your device to a personal computer or other hardware, are not permitted.
Subsection 2 covers throttling and the fact that if you do tether they can suspend or cancel your account.
So since when has it been against TOS? Since as long as I can remember LOL. And if it wasn't back in the is now.
The TOS should really be stickied so that people don't think it's okay.
Are you seriously complaining about getting throttled after using over 10gb of data??? Grow the eff up and stop using your cellphone as your internet connection to you computer. Tethering was meant for mobile users to have access to the internet while they were away from available WAPs. It wasn't meant for some 40 year old virgin to download porn all day. ******.
[highlight]Mod Edit: No Need for Insulting. Play Nice[/highlight]
I have to totally agree with you...LOLOLOLOL
+1 there... LOL
While I was at the Tmo store getting a new sim card I happened to ask the guy helping if tethering was allowed. He said it was as long as the phone supported it and you didn't go over the 10gb limit. My wife has been tethering her winmo phone for 2 years now and they have never said anything to us. although she's not downloading porn all day she does use it when she goes over to a friend's house that doesn't have internet. That being said, I don't doubt that it is against TOS but I doubt they will say anything as long as your not over stepping your boundaries.
2. Protective Measures
To provide a good experience for the majority of our customers and minimize capacity issues and degradation in network performance, we may take measures including temporarily reducing data throughput for a subset of customers who use a disproportionate amount of bandwidth; if your total usage exceeds 5GB (amount is subject to change; please periodically check for updates) during a billing cycle, we may reduce your data speed for the remainder of that billing cycle. We may also suspend, terminate, or restrict your data session, Plan, or service if you use your Data Plan in a manner that interferes with other customers’ service, our ability to allocate network capacity among customers, or that otherwise may degrade service quality for other customers.
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So basically it is up to TMOBILE to take (or not to take) actions if you exceed your allowed usage. Kinda went out of the subject matter a lil bit. I remember the title of this page was - !!!Beware!!!!!T-mobile Data Unlimited plan has Limit
I have been tethering using T-Mobile internet options for more than 7 years. Since I am considerate, I don't worry anything negative.
I don't mind people tethering whatsoever. What I mind is when people come onto a site dedicated to helping each other out; complaining that they are getting throttled because they are too inconsiderate to realize they are screwing other people over.

$15 tethering plan tmo :p

So this is what it's come to...
15 dollar for the right to tether. Still 5gb cap!!!
More like 5gb crap!
ntellegence said:
So this is what it's come to...
15 dollar for the right to tether. Still 5gb cap!!!
More like 5gb crap!
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like anyone here is going to buy that tethering a data plan is enough to pay for..just use it
You laugh...if they pull a sprint you hit 5gb you are tethering. You will pay. No tethering is in our contracts I believe.
They can do deep packet inspection from their network to detect tethering. Doesn't mean they will.
Even though TM has the 5GB cap, once a customer reaches the cap, TM has the option to throttle the speeds depending on the customer's past usage. But TM won't charge an overage fee like the other carriers.
I've thought about this after I saw the press release yesterday and was wondering if they weren't going to institute the soft cap for people that are buying the tethering. If that was the case, I may actually pay up and ditch my home internet or go to an economy plan just so my wife can surf. If they are still enforcing the cap for people buying the tethering plan, this is total crap.
dattaway said:
They can do deep packet inspection from their network to detect tethering. Doesn't mean they will.
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LOL. Trust me, unless a LOT has changed in the past 2 years.... deep packet inspection won't be happening any time soon.
For the most part, it is all cell phone companies can do to keep their sites working properly while slowly expanding service.
I'm not saying it won't ever happen... but we are still a few years from it making financial sense for them to dedicate resources to reading the user-agent on your http requests
Tarzanman said:
LOL. Trust me, unless a LOT has changed in the past 2 years.... deep packet inspection won't be happening any time soon.
For the most part, it is all cell phone companies can do to keep their sites working properly while slowly expanding service.
I'm not saying it won't ever happen... but we are still a few years from it making financial sense for them to dedicate resources to reading the user-agent on your http requests
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I find the trend towards cap + tethering fee quite offensive. A tethering fee with unlimited data makes some kind of sense, but when you're only getting 5GB regardless it seems horribly anti-consumer.
We can observe that, e.g., AT&T hasn't made an effort (at least, not a successful one) to crack down on tethering, and we can hope that the same is true for T-Mobile. But it doesn't change the fact that this is a horribly annoying move from a carrier that I used to think had the most pro-consumer policies in this country.
If it comes to it, I'll route through a VPN when tethering to avoid detection before I'll pay this fee.
JeremyNT said:
I find the trend towards cap + tethering fee quite offensive. A tethering fee with unlimited data makes some kind of sense, but when you're only getting 5GB regardless it seems horribly anti-consumer.
We can observe that, e.g., AT&T hasn't made an effort (at least, not a successful one) to crack down on tethering, and we can hope that the same is true for T-Mobile. But it doesn't change the fact that this is a horribly annoying move from a carrier that I used to think had the most pro-consumer policies in this country.
If it comes to it, I'll route through a VPN when tethering to avoid detection before I'll pay this fee.
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As has been stated MANY TIMES now, unlike other providers, all T-Mo will do if you hit the 5gb "cap" is slow the connection down, not cut you off or charge you up the wazoo, so it's not really capped
RobBull69 said:
I've thought about this after I saw the press release yesterday and was wondering if they weren't going to institute the soft cap for people that are buying the tethering. If that was the case, I may actually pay up and ditch my home internet or go to an economy plan just so my wife can surf. If they are still enforcing the cap for people buying the tethering plan, this is total crap.
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Your 5GB cap still applies while tethered. Download 100MB of slacker on your phone, then tether to your PC to download 100MB of porn, and you just used 200MB of your allotment (although you had an arguably fun time doing so).
That said, I don't see why a single person in this forum would be concerned. None of the rooted roms will have the tethering feature blocked anyways. So T-Mobile won't know the difference.
Oh, and for what it's worth, I hit 5GB a few days ago and will theoretically be capped for another few days.
You don't wanna get capped.
JeremyNT said:
I find the trend towards cap + tethering fee quite offensive. A tethering fee with unlimited data makes some kind of sense, but when you're only getting 5GB regardless it seems horribly anti-consumer.
We can observe that, e.g., AT&T hasn't made an effort (at least, not a successful one) to crack down on tethering, and we can hope that the same is true for T-Mobile. But it doesn't change the fact that this is a horribly annoying move from a carrier that I used to think had the most pro-consumer policies in this country.
If it comes to it, I'll route through a VPN when tethering to avoid detection before I'll pay this fee.
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I really despise the attitude that any additional charges automatically equals "anti-consumer". T-mobile is not anti-consumer. No corporation with individual customers is anti-consumer. These networks have every NEED and RIGHT to charge for data services, and charge in such a way encourages moderate consumption. If any single carrier implemented a 15$ unlimited data+tether plan, the flood of consumers would bring the network to it's knees.
In reality, a plan which encourages moderate consumption over vast over gorging on data is entirely "pro-consumer" according to your terms, because it increases the likelihood of stability of the network.
And last of all, T-mobile doesn't have a cap. It's a throttle point. It's not a cap. Furthermore, T-mobile doesn't charge for data over the "cap". Other networks do. It encourages moderate consumption, it protects itself from zealous consumers, and DOESN'T charge overrages and extra fees. That sound pretty darn pro-consumer to me.
I don't mind the tmo 5gb "cap", it's reasonable and I've never come close to it. I also don't try to use the cellular network for bittorrent and such. I do stream audio and video over it a fair bit though. IMO, the tethering fee is retarded. It shouldn't matter what device I use 5gb of data on, only THAT I use 5gb of data. That said, it's probably in part to pay for the support of idiots that can't figure out how to use it. Customer support is EXPENSIVE compared to network time. People here will just use our root apps and such to do it, and they will likely never know. DPI can tell, but encryption will remove that issue. VPN is easy enough to set up.
Thegreatheed said:
In reality, a plan which encourages moderate consumption over vast over gorging on data is entirely "pro-consumer" according to your terms, because it increases the likelihood of stability of the network.
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But that's not what a tethering surcharge is, when you're already capped at 5GB.
Pay per use? Fine. Charge for tethering when a plan's unlimited (I mean, really unlimited)? Fine, I can see that. But to both impose a 5GB limit (and don't kid yourself, you do not want to be throttled to dialup speeds) and to charge for tethering is just an arbitrary fee.
Mobile providers are dumb pipes, and that's how they should bill. I don't mind if they bill me for how many geebees of data I use, but I do mind when they bill me based on how I use that data.
Oh, and I realize that T-Mobile could be worse. There's a reason I'm still with them. But that doesn't mean that they're good, or that this policy doesn't negatively impact my perception of their pricing structure.
Do they have the right to do it? Sure they do. But it's a tactic that counts as a negative for me personally, so I'm more likely to switch to another carrier in the future if one has a pricing structure that I'm more comfortable with.
They aren't charging for "how" as much as they're charging for convenience. Tetherable smartphones undercut data stick sales and monthly data stick fees that road warriers used to pay. The fees are their way to make up for that loss.
does t-mobile have a dial code to check monthly data usage? like #674# for text?

Confusion about carriers and cloud services

So with all the U.S. Carriers either severely limiting or capping Data on their phone/tablet plans(only a matter time for sprint too) why all the focus on cloud based services like google music/ iCloud etc. I would think that these 2 are in direct opposition to each other. I am currently on Sprint and enjoying the unlimited data but not holding breath on it staying around forever. I use Google Music and Netflix/Hulu+ as well as Pandora. I have a premium account where possible and have used others in the past like rhapsody and spotify. What incentive do I have to keep using these services if my data is limited. I see very little point to using them if I have to "triage" my data usage based upon priority. For reference I typically use 4-6gb a month on my sprint account and no I don't tether, I have a Time Warner Cable connection at home rated at 30+MBPS.
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The thing is, that technologies like HSPA+ and EV-DO can't handle the amount of data that is pushed through them, that's why Verizon and AT&T are going to LTE, because it CAN handle the amount of data they push now, and more, which is why they give you such high speeds, because it can handle it.
As time progresses, and carriers realize that Unlimited data can easily be offered, they'll switch back to that.
I don't know. I would like to think that way but corporations have repeatedly shown that they will do anything they can to get us to pay more. I don't see them offering unlimited data regardless of the network's capability. It frustrates me to no end to try to get someone on an android phone to use any of the cloud services from drop box to Google docs and music and then realizing they are not on a data plan that allows for what is in my opinion one of the major benefits of the platform.
I own a Nexus S and I think I am one of the very few I have seen or talked to that has no problem with only 16gb storage, the cloud negates the need for a massive memory card but the data limitations on carriers trump that.
I have no illusions of my Sprint plan staying unlimited much longer either and once it is gone I am gonna to adjust my android experience to accomodate and use it in a way that I am forced to, not the way I prefer.
ktt4510 said:
I don't know. I would like to think that way but corporations have repeatedly shown that they will do anything they can to get us to pay more. I don't see them offering unlimited data regardless of the network's capability. It frustrates me to no end to try to get someone on an android phone to use any of the cloud services from drop box to Google docs and music and then realizing they are not on a data plan that allows for what is in my opinion one of the major benefits of the platform.
I own a Nexus S and I think I am one of the very few I have seen or talked to that has no problem with only 16gb storage, the cloud negates the need for a massive memory card but the data limitations on carriers trump that.
I have no illusions of my Sprint plan staying unlimited much longer either and once it is gone I am gonna to adjust my android experience to accomodate and use it in a way that I am forced to, not the way I prefer.
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Just give it time. Eventually the FCC will sue the carriers. That will be a fun day.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda premium
Longcat14 said:
The thing is, that technologies like HSPA+ and EV-DO can't handle the amount of data that is pushed through them, that's why Verizon and AT&T are going to LTE, because it CAN handle the amount of data they push now, and more, which is why they give you such high speeds, because it can handle it.
As time progresses, and carriers realize that Unlimited data can easily be offered, they'll switch back to that.
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I disagree. You'll see that Verizon and ATT's data tiers for 3G and 4G phones are the exact same, same price for the same amount of data. However, Verizon is running a limited time promo where 4G customers get twice the data for the same price, eg. $30 for 2gb turns to 4gb. They launched this promo right after ATT launched their first LTE smartphone last month, certainly not a coincidence. Thank goodness for competition!
The main reason is the carriers realize how hooked we are to our smartphones, many of us couldn't go back to a feature-phone and want to take advantage of our addiction by having us pay more and more to keep using them.
Sadly, I think unlimited plans will never come back. One reason tiers have been implemented is because of exploding data demand and capacity and strain issues. But really, the main reason is just pure greed. Why do you think after you pass your monthly allowance, ATT and Verizon charge you for each extra gig instead of throttling your speed like T-Mobile? They want to get you hooked on bandwidth intensive applications like NetFlix and after you go over your allowance, they hope you'll keep ponying up more cash for data overages to continue using your phone.
There was even a public interview recently with a Verizon executive stating he wishes for as many customers as possible to move up from the $30/2gb plan to their higher $50/5gb and $80/10gb plans just to gain increasingly more revenue each quarter.

Uncarrier-> "21GB Softcap"

Looks like John Legere just said, "hahaha sucka.. you've been baited to our unlimited data cap"
It has come to our attention over the past few days – thanks to a couple of our readers – that T-Mobile has changed the fine print to its unlimited 4G LTE Simple Choice plans. Head on over to the individual plans or family plans page on T-Mobile’s website and you’ll see the following short line added at the bottom of the page:
“*Unlimited 4G LTE customers who use more than 21 GB of data in a bill cycle will have their data usage de-prioritized compared to other customers for that bill cycle at locations and times when competing network demands occur, resulting in relatively slower speeds.”
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What are you thoughts?
I avg 35-45gb a month. But how do we know if our area is congested?
Legere has been bashing other companies about their throttle, but yet he's doing the same thing.
twe90kid said:
What are you thoughts?
I avg 35-45gb a month.
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What and how much are you downloading?
twe90kid said:
Looks like John Legere just said, "hahaha sucka.. you've been baited to our unlimited data cap"
What are you thoughts?
I avg 35-45gb a month. But how do we know if our area is congested?
Legere has been bashing other companies about their throttle, but yet he's doing the same thing.
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Not trying to pick a fight, but I'd like to hear how you consistently use that much data on your phone. I'd consider myself a heavy user, and I do break the tethering rules a few times a week, and I don't think I've ever passed 20GB in a month.
ummduh said:
Not trying to pick a fight, but I'd like to hear how you consistently use that much data on your phone. I'd consider myself a heavy user, and I do break the tethering rules a few times a week, and I don't think I've ever passed 20GB in a month.
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A fight it is, lol. But seriously is not about how much data someone's uses but if this is true then it's the fact that John goes around bashing AT&T and Verizon but then pulls this $hit. How much data you use is non of my business but have you ever watch a 5 min YouTube video in 1080 or 1440? There goes about half a Gb.
ummduh said:
Not trying to pick a fight, but I'd like to hear how you consistently use that much data on your phone. I'd consider myself a heavy user, and I do break the tethering rules a few times a week, and I don't think I've ever passed 20GB in a month.
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Breaking 30 - 40 GB is easy depending where you are. Last year I took a family vacation to Disney World and forgot to bring my laptop to store each days videos and pictures. At the time I had a G3 and wife had a Note 3.
At the end of the day our phones would be out of storage when recording videos in 4K and taking pictures in max resolution. Our only two options for making storage space available was to either buy storage for our phones or to upload everything to google drive, dropbox, youtube, box .... Having the unlimited dataplan, why not use it and just upload everything each night so we can clear our phones the next day. Doing this over five days four nights we used over 80 GB of data combined (all videos ended up on youtube while phones were saved in the cloud.
We are going to Disney and Universal in a couple weeks and I plan on doing this again. Outside of special occasions like this, I think we used between 6 and 10 GB combined a month.
moehagene said:
Breaking 30 - 40 GB is easy depending where you are. Last year I took a family vacation to Disney World and forgot to bring my laptop to store each days videos and pictures. At the time I had a G3 and wife had a Note 3.
At the end of the day our phones would be out of storage when recording videos in 4K and taking pictures in max resolution. Our only two options for making storage space available was to either buy storage for our phones or to upload everything to google drive, dropbox, youtube, box .... Having the unlimited dataplan, why not use it and just upload everything each night so we can clear our phones the next day. Doing this over five days four nights we used over 80 GB of data combined (all videos ended up on youtube while phones were saved in the cloud.
We are going to Disney and Universal in a couple weeks and I plan on doing this again. Outside of special occasions like this, I think we used between 6 and 10 GB combined a month.
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With a rooted phone and having xposed. My youtube is set to play 1440P as long as it's available.
I also upload my 4k videos that I record at car events.
Photos that you take are about 5mb each (16mp).
Just streaming music and video daily will easily eat 21 GB in less than two weeks. I have a feeling this might get repealed or changed to 31. At least that's a gig a day. It's kinda hypocritical like people have said. There's some interesting comments on tmonews under the article. This will really screw the commuters in big cities plus those who listen to music or videos via headphones at work etc. I guess we really need to see how it goes because there are a few unanswered questions here like what are the peak times and if this changes from tower to tower after depriorization. We'll have to just see how this affects people.
sino8r said:
Just streaming music and video daily will easily eat 21 GB in less than two weeks. I have a feeling this might get repealed or changed to 31. At least that's a gig a day. It's kinda hypocritical like people have said. There's some interesting comments on tmonews under the article. This will really screw the commuters in big cities plus those who listen to music or videos via headphones at work etc. I guess we really need to see how it goes because there are a few unanswered questions here like what are the peak times and if this changes from tower to tower after depriorization. We'll have to just see how this affects people.
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I still like to know what the deprioritize speed is.. for example, if you hit 21gb. And your in a congested area, what speed are you capped at? 1mbps? 5mbps? 10mbps?
Also, does it mean that if we jump from one network to another network, the prioritizing stops? What happens if we go back to the original network, does it start again?
twe90kid said:
I still like to know what the deprioritize speed is.. for example, if you hit 21gb. And your in a congested area, what speed are you capped at? 1mbps? 5mbps? 10mbps?
Also, does it mean that if we jump from one network to another network, the prioritizing stops? What happens if we go back to the original network, does it start again?
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Exactly... Not sure. Some people in the comments on tmonews are clarifying some of those concerns. But really it just seems like speculation so far. I guess we'll see... Not really happy about this myself.
I wouldn't get too upset about it. A good network always has a QOS system in place.
Note that the statement says 'de-prioritized', not throttled. Instead of assigning your account to a lower bandwidth speed, you could be placed in a lower tier in a packet queuing scheduler. This doesn't necessarily limit your bandwidth, it just lets other user's packets go first. When an area is 100% congested, your 'share' of the bandwidth will be less than others. Once there is free network capacity your bandwidth would go back to normal as there would be enough free resources to do so. Realize that network saturation changes by the second, so unless a congested area is constantly overloaded at 100% capacity, you shouldn't experience much speed reduction.
This is completely within the new FCC rules, and is actually a good network management practice.
xanmato said:
I wouldn't get too upset about it. A good network always has a QOS system in place.
Note that the statement says 'de-prioritized', not throttled. Instead of assigning your account to a lower bandwidth speed, you could be placed in a lower tier in a packet queuing scheduler. This doesn't necessarily limit your bandwidth, it just lets other user's packets go first. When an area is 100% congested, your 'share' of the bandwidth will be less than others. Once there is free network capacity your bandwidth would go back to normal as there would be enough free resources to do so. Realize that network saturation changes by the second, so unless a congested area is constantly overloaded at 100% capacity, you shouldn't experience much speed reduction.
This is completely within the new FCC rules, and is actually a good network management practice.
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Yeah it's good in theory (compared to plain throttling) but we haven't really seen it in practical application so far. I live in medium sized city (300 thousand city/1 million metro) and don't have much to worry about really. I have WiFi at work/home and no real excuse to use 60GB a month like I do. Just bad habits. I just have to remember to leave WiFi on lol! No biggie for me. The folks I feel bad for is those who work outside or have no WiFi in office (other than work purposes. Strick company policy a holes etc) and/or commuters that have to ride the subway. I don't really feel sorry for those (and I have a few friends like this) that are too cheap to buy broadband Internet at home. This isn't meant to be a replacement for home Internet unless you have a Hotspot device or whatever they call it these days. I get that. I guess we'll have to see. This plan has been in place a few weeks now. We'll have to see how much it affects people. Hopefully not too much. Good reply though! Clarification is always welcome here:good:
sino8r said:
Yeah it's good in theory (compared to plain throttling) but we haven't really seen it in practical application so far.
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Well, until we get some technical info or some really good test results, we won't know exactly what they are using. Though priority queuing and class based queuing are common in today's networks. I can guarantee they are already using hierarchical fair service curves as it is pretty much required for the HD voice feature to be reliable.
If this system is already in place, then they probably are not using regular throttling tiers, as I am well past the soft cap and am still putting down 80/20 speed. Though I am most likely in an un-congested area. I am wondering just how weighted the de-prioritization scale is for users above the cap.
I use alot of data (70gb) one month that was the most extreme. I download alot of movies and torrents while i sleep. Theres know doubt in my mind that they mess with my speeds especially during peak hours. I with search and get lte then 5 seconds later it drops down. I will search and get it again and the same thing will happen. Meanwhile my wifes phone stays on lte. I also noticed at times ill be on lte but will only be downloading at 100 or 200 kbs where im normally at 1 mbs. But like i said it's usually only at peak hours and lasts for 30min to a hour
twe90kid said:
Looks like John Legere just said, "hahaha sucka.. you've been baited to our unlimited data cap"
What are you thoughts?
I avg 35-45gb a month. But how do we know if our area is congested?
Legere has been bashing other companies about their throttle, but yet he's doing the same thing.
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Wait, this is just now making news? That's been in their fine print for almost a year now ever since they started their unlimited data campaign.
I average about 150-200GBs a month on my line alone. I really heavily on my phones data for everything I do while I'm not at home. Sometimes even when I'm home I'll use data just for the heck of it.
T-Mobile is throttling but not as rampant as the other carriers. T-Mobile's throttling depends on network congestion. Other carriers just throttle once you hit a certain number.
There really isn't a way to tell though if your area is heavily congested unless it's a major city; i.e Denver Metro, Manhattan, LA, etc etc.
I am very torn by this as I live in a congested neighborhood that this cap is designed to manage. The tower that serves my neighborhood is oversold. I routinely suffer from slow network speeds on the best of days and I personally have never used enough data to hit the cap. So on one hand, I certainly want my fellow users capped if they are data hogs as bandwidth is very constrained in my local neck of the woods. On the other hand, because my tower is so congested, if I did hit the cap and was de-prioritized, I would immediately hit 2G speeds because there is so much traffic to compete with. So T-Mobile has essentially told me that I have a 21GB data plan as in my neighborhood I will never get more.
With that figure in mind, I have to say that a 15GB plan from Verizon that actually would give me decent speed now seems not so far off from my 21GB "unlimited" plan. T-Mobile is supposed to be adding bandwidth in my neighborhood, but it is no longer a comparison of XGB vs unlimited, but XGB vs 21GB. Verizon and for that matter, Sprint (yes, I know) are offering competitive packages to 21GB and it is possible that even Sprint may give me faster speeds. I am not so sure that I may not make the jump to someone if they can deliver better speeds. For those that live in non-congested neighborhoods, that 21GB cap may never be seen. But in my area, that is a wall.
They are doing what Verizon started doing. Throttling only on congested towers to the top data people. I use to get throttled by Verizon when the Detroit Lions or the Tigers were playing since I work downtown Detroit. Once the games were done I would get better data speeds.
Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Using over 80gb a month is taking advantage of a good thing. People who consistently abuse the data limits are the same people who screwed this for everyone. These are the people who feel entitled to abuse every inch they can. Hotels have wifi, there are other ways. I have the unlimited data package fir years, never abused the privilege. Whenever at home I use my wifi even though I have sick DL speeds at home. I will never abuse a situation, just the way I am.
Sent from my Note 4.
So sorry that us heavy users misunderstood what unlimited means. Dangit I knew I should have paid more attention in vocabulary class.
Now I just need to remember not to buy that nice car I want because that would taking advantage of a good thing as others aren't buying it.
Not to step on anyone posting, but I believe that T-Mobile is at fault here. Notwithstanding the individuals that break the rules and tether more than the rules allow, T-Mobile sold me an unlimited plan. I have not exceeded the 21GB limit. My data, according to T-Mobile, is at 11GB. But when I subscribed to the unlimited plan, I asked what that meant and I gave some far out there examples (streaming videos 24 hours a day, etc.). I was told by the T-Mobile customer rep, unlimited means unlimited. No sweat.
The problem is that T-Mobile wanted to attract more business and they used and still use unlimited data plans to attract that business and their network wasn't really ready for that level of activity. I read comments to an article as much as 6 months ago that had users saying that T-Mobile's network was, unlike the other carrier's networks, impervious to slowdowns from added traffic which is simply not true.
But I believe T-Mobile has helped build that impression with the selling all of these unlimited data packages. TMONews had an article a couple of weeks ago asking if unlimited data packages are going away and they quoted John Legere saying that unlimited data packages are only guaranteed for 2 more years. ( Then shortly after they announced this cap. The article's point is that unlimited packages are unsustainable. But T-Mobile keeps selling the idea. All carrier's need to sell what they can provide and not promise more than they can deliver. Perhaps they should say no to a new customer that lives in a neighborhood that is oversold. But they won't.
I love T-Mobile, but I experience very slow speeds due to a wildly oversold network. I would have been much better off if T-Mobile only promised what they can deliver. They can't really deliver unlimited to me. What they told me last week is that unlimited is actually 21GB, if you could get 21GB at the slow download speeds they are currently delivering. For the fellow that got 80GB, if he followed the rules, he is paying for an unlimited plan. In my neighborhood, except for DSL that is unusably slow, I have no other options except wireless. No cable, nothing. I am willing to pay for my data needs. But I want and need the data at reasonably fast speeds. It is not clear that in my neighborhood that T-Mobile can deliver. But now that the cap is in place, T-Mobile has made the comparison clearer. Who can deliver 21GB faster, cheaper and more reliably than anyone else. Because in my oversold neighborhood, 21GB is all that I will get. YMMV.
Good luck finding another carrier that will only delay your packets after 21gb when there is congestion instead of crippling access all together. Your situation is unique and the result should be expected. There is nothing a carrier can do if your area is under serviced when it comes to internet access. xanmato completely gets the concept here. This is not a cap, even calling it a soft cap is a bit much. This is Quality of Service (QOS) at its best and T-Mobile shouldnt be slammed for doing this. Just because its unlimited doesn't mean you can go ahead and use it as your sole internet source for everything you ever do. That was never its intended purpose. If everyone used 80gb a month it would cripple any cellular network unless the heavy users had some kind of consequence and maybe make them use their wifi for once. Maybe in the future the cell network or whatever comes after that will be robust enough to handle everyone using large amounts of bandwidth at once but until then we have to respect the fact that a cellular carrier is not the same thing as an ISP

