[Q] flash please - Intercept General

is there any flash player that works on v.m intercept thanks in advance

flash on intercept
i had 10.1 before update to 2.2.2, tried to install 10.2, no go....so downloaded 10.1 apk and now its on froyo..by the way , skyfire has updated their browser..you might check it out..hope this helps..steve


[Q] adobe flash 10.1 for flipout

is there any flash 10 working for flipout? I installed adobe flash 10 from some websites but the browser cant recognize it..its still flash 9...i hope you can help me with this... Thank you...

P3100 wont flash CM9

hey good morning everyone
so like it says in the title i ve got a problem with my galaxy tab 2 7.0
i use the european version of this tab the p3100.
i did root it and installed cwm the newest version (without touch only pressing buttons)
so the cm9 kernel for the p3100 i can flash without any problems but if i want to install the cm9 rc2 custom rom it says: aborted...
i dont know what should i do now. does anyone have an idea?
i was searching 2 hours yesterday how i can flash it but not working...iam back now on stock ics 4.0.3 and its rooted.

[Q] Recovery for S7 classic 2.2.2 upgraded???

Guys I need the working CWM recovery zip which can be installed through windows for my 2.2.2 upgraded S7 classic. All the known links are dead now for cwm by goodoane. Plz can someone upload it to file sharing site.....
download the try-zed rom and in there is the recovery for android 2.2

[Q] Radio apk for cyanogenmod 10.1 v4 please :)

Im using this new rom that is fabulos
cyanogenmod 10.1 v4
This rom doesnt come with a radio apk
I have instaled spirit fm and it works fine but I dont like this apk.
I have tried to install the FM Radio ap that came with aurora ics but it doesnt work.
I have downloaded the app from xda "Huawei_FMRadio" but at the ending of the instalation it fails to install.
Could it be some bug in the file or this apk isnt compatible with this rom ?
can anyone sugest other apk radio for our device ?
Does anyone has the FMRadio apk file free of any bug that can send me ?
big thanks
Cyanogenmod 10.1 isn't supporting FM Radio right now.

Installing ROM with wrong clockwork mod version

Greetings, i am new here and i am posting this just in case someone gets problem like this and doesn't know how to fix.
If you accidentally tried to install ROM for ZTE Blade III with older Clockwork mod recovery version (i.e. tried to install KitKat 4.4 CM 11 with instead with
Just find older CM version in this case CM 10.1 and install it, it should get you JB 4.1.2 version working and then you can install newer CW version or install back stock ROM.
Hope this helps someone.
