At least we still have the echo - EVO 4G General

I mean verizon gets the xperia play and at&t gets the attrix and iphone but at least we get the echo...that is a good pay off right...right?
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Blitzpwnage said:
I mean verizon gets the xperia play and at&t gets the attrix and iphone but at least we get the echo...that is a good pay off right...right?
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I hope you're kidding...

Oh I am
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Sprint... dropping the ball before the evo, and after the evo.

the echo sucks. i really hope we get another phone with higher specs than the evo, NOT from samsung by june.

wow... how many of these threads is there going to be? how long did it take the other carriers to pass the evo? give sprint a chance... man... so many whiners

TorxT3D said:
Sprint... dropping the ball before the evo, and after the evo.
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do you develop anymore torx?

I'm waiting to see all the Craigslist ads of people desperately dumping off the echo for another phone.

Evo 2 is coming but sprint wants to sell more evo's 1st

phatmanxxl said:
I'm waiting to see all the Craigslist ads of people desperately dumping off the echo for another phone.
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That's if Sprint can sell any in the first place.
PS. My name is HondaCop and I approve this message.

With them cutting most peoples yearly upgrades, who cares anyway!

They're not selling a lot of evo's? I thought they were backordered... even so, I'm giving them some bit of hope that they'll release an Evo 2, I honestly don't see why they wouldn't. If they don't make a #2 then I at least hope they put out another amazing phone like the Evo.
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Check engadget...please!

I am so happy right now! finally some news
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No more *****ing?
Woohoo hell yeah. U go sprint
wtf...I'm returning my Atrix! Good thing I didn't cancel my Sprint account or sell my Evo
Awesome news~!
i can't wait myself!!
Its on engadget... and androidcentral doesn't have any news on it... lol
2.5 hours is something to hopefully get excited about.
pure speculation on my part but id expect to hear something about
New Android pone
Maybe Pre3?
Galaxy 10, playbook, or the HP tablet
WiMax/LTE news
Sounds promising, but I'm not going to hold my breath for anything until the actual announcement. My EVO isn't even 6 months old yet, but if they come out with something that blows my mind, I'll probably pay retail for a new handset.
Lets go sprint. I've been with sprint since they came into the cell phone world and their service was the worst. Now I am quite glad that I stuck with them for all these years.
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jrmatics said:
Lets go sprint. I've been with sprint since they came into the cell phone world and their service was the worst. Now I am quite glad that I stuck with them for all these years.
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damn...16 years?!
Notice that redirects to the home page, where if you type something else instead of Nexus it gives you a 404....
Now if only sprint didn't kill my ability to upgrade my damn phone! Guess if it's that amazing I will have to buy it off ebay
Oh man....I'm going to have to get an NS 4G and an Evo 3D. Double fisted phone junky.
I cannot wait to see the actual announcement. The Nexus S is a beautiful phone.
billfold said:
I cannot wait to see the actual announcement. The Nexus S is a beautiful phone.
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I just hope they made it faster.
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12MaNy said:
Oh man....I'm going to have to get an NS 4G and an Evo 3D. Double fisted phone junky.
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I'm in the same boat...I have had an upgrade since December with nothing to upgrade they are going to release phones and I'm going to have to wait
Nexus s is overrated. Samsung phones are crap I don't care what name they give it. Evo 3d sounds promising.
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Yeah, I'm more interested in the Evo, but 3D doesn't do anything for me. Waiting to see what the other improvements are.
jstalford said:
Yeah, I'm more interested in the Evo, but 3D doesn't do anything for me. Waiting to see what the other improvements are.
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hopefully it will run a tegra2 since the only 3d tablet out right now does

Sgs2 or e3d not a battle just pure fact please

Ok maybe you guys can help no bias please lol sgs2or e3d if no bootlock issues please help lol I'm on sprint but if it is better then e3d is it worth the cutoff fee and new buy of sgs2
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I would buy the lol .
JJEgan said:
I would buy the lol .
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Lmao thanks
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JJEgan said:
I would buy the lol .
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roflmao. heh
But foreal I've been up spec searching even contacted Samsung and Qualcomm LOL this is a huge decision LOL I know its stupid there equally great but i can't seem to find who tops who I mean engadget says its best phone out but i feel there bias they also said ps3 network was better then 360 bleeehhh idk helppp
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alchemist316 said:
But foreal I've been up spec searching even contacted Samsung and Qualcomm LOL this is a huge decision LOL I know its stupid there equally great but i can't seem to find who tops who I mean engadget says its best phone out but i feel there bias they also said ps3 network was better then 360 bleeehhh idk helppp
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Are you talking about the EVO 3d? it's not even close to out yet... just wait and see what happens.. it might have TONS of issues keep in mind it's the first 3d screen phone on android right? who knows the thing might be complete balls in terms of Bugs and issues.
Yea the 3d I'm gonna wait till virus or myn has a chance to look at the bootloader but to be honest the sgs2 great but i hate touch wiz and Samsung but ill sacrifice my not liking something for great hardware and they both tip the scales so ur right though I should wait but now thus thread will be attacked by EVO sgs2 fanboys LOL like the others
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Phones aside for a second, you're talking about a big expensive switch on the carrier side. If you're on a SERO plan you're not going to find anything close to that on AT&T. Read the posts on the USA threads and you can scam your way to unlimted HSPA+ data and messaging for $20 but your all in monthly bill is still going to higher than Sprint. I don't know what the ETF is with Sprint but it cost me $200 to leave T-Mobile (and worth every penny).
At current prices you're looking at $700-800 for a SGS2. That may come down when inventory catches up with demand but I don't see it dropping below $600 any time soon. Also you'll lose all carrier support for your phone so warranty work will be provided directly by Samsung (direct or via Expansys USA). If you buy it off eBay you have no warranty at all.
As for comparison of the two phones, I'd say the real comparison is between the SGS2 and Sensation. They (for now) are both the flagships from Samsung and HTC. There's a thread on the Sensation forum which details the differences. You could use that to compare against the E3D specs.
If you want a flashship phone, and can live with the locked bootloader, the subsidized Sensation will cost you a lot less on T-Mobile. I got the SGS2 but was willing to pay a rediculous amont for it and willing to take the risks. I'll see in the long run if that was a good decision. So, think about all of this before you make your decision. Also, Sprint will probably get a CDMA version of the SGS2 sometime in the next nine months so if you wait you wont have incurr as much expense. Good luck...
BarryH_GEG said:
Phones aside for a second, you're talking about a big expensive switch on the carrier side. If you're on a SERO plan you're not going to find anything close to that on AT&T. Read the posts on the USA threads and you can scam your way to unlimted HSPA+ data and messaging for $20 but your all in monthly bill is still going to higher than Sprint. I don't know what the ETF is with Sprint but it cost me $200 to leave T-Mobile (and worth every penny).
At current prices you're looking at $700-800 for a SGS2. That may come down when inventory catches up with demand but I don't see it dropping below $600 any time soon. Also you'll lose all carrier support for your phone so warranty work will be provided directly by Samsung (direct or via Expansys USA). If you buy it off eBay you have no warranty at all.
As for comparison of the two phones, I'd say the real comparison is between the SGS2 and Sensation. They (for now) are both the flagships from Samsung and HTC. There's a thread on the Sensation forum which details the differences. You could use that to compare against the E3D specs.
If you want a flashship phone, and can live with the locked bootloader, the subsidized Sensation will cost you a lot less on T-Mobile. I got the SGS2 but was willing to pay a rediculous amont for it and willing to take the risks. I'll see in the long run if that was a good decision. So, think about all of this before you make your decision. Also, Sprint will probably get a CDMA version of the SGS2 sometime in the next nine months so if you wait you wont have incurr as much expense. Good luck...
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Thank you very much a non bias opinion rare LOL but yes in my reality I can afford it but I was going to get the 3d then saw sgs2 but its so close spec wise it comes down to very tiny detail like do I want 3d or not LOL.
Now i have the EVO 4g love it love sense love Sprint my plan was get EVO 3d not through upgrade but 2nd line cause thank god my brother wants my EVO or I'd be stuck with a 150$ bill plus dual 4g payout.
If the sgs2 does drop.on sprint ill have an upgrade so might as well stay on for now get 3d if sgs2 comes to sprint or price goes down why not have the two best at least till the new jaw droppers come out LOL .
Anyways thank u much
Oh idk what my plan is they said I can 10 devices in my plan LOL
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Lot of votes for the LOL makes you laugh when we don't even know the specs .
JJEgan said:
Lot of votes for the LOL makes you laugh when we don't even know the specs .
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We know the specs for both we don't know much more on the 3d cause knowone has tested it in its yet just from 2-3 months ago do u know what specs means we know adreno 220 mali 400 yhos are specs am I wrong
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alchemist316 said:
sgs2or e3d if no bootlock issues
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Seeing that the thunderbolt and sensation have signed bootloaders the evo3d will probably go down the same path, if thats an issue for you than the sgs2 would be the only choice. Or even the lg optimus 3d.
peachpuff said:
Seeing that the thunderbolt and sensation have signed bootloaders the evo3d will probably go down the same path, if thats an issue for you than the sgs2 would be the only choice. Or even the lg optimus 3d.
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Problem is encryption not sighned right reports not encrypted will confirm
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jangomango said:
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I would rather wait for the LOL2
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stoney73 said:
I would rather wait for the LOL2
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I will get both
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Now that the SGS2 (Samsung Within) is coming to Sprint, that might make your choice easier... or harder. lol
Bukem75 said:
Now that the SGS2 (Samsung Within) is coming to Sprint, that might make your choice easier... or harder. lol
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Not really because as u may have saw I'm gonna get both cause why not but they will not put both major phones out at the same time for Sprint it will be great if they would but the info I have from a person who worked within all companies ATT Verizon tmo and Sprint ATT and Verizon district man for years on each told me the way the makers of the phone are told Sprint persay will flagship there phone not giving any flagship releases so I don't see it hitting shelves for Sprint for a few months I want the 3d now sgs2 maybe later but god knows there is gonna be a better phone then both soon enough
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I wouldn't get either of them, because they've just announced the lol 3d
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ziggazee said:
I wouldn't get either of them, because they've just announced the lol 3d
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What do you mean the release date ?
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Samsung Within

I figured since there isn't a topic on this handset yet that I'd go ahead and start one. Android spin is reporting the phone will release on sprint by the end of July. Does anyone have any information on what will be different about the handset other than the radio. I don't see why sprint would give it a different moniker if its the same as the international version.
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RushAOZ said:
I figured since there isn't a topic on this handset yet that I'd go ahead and start one. Android spin is reporting the phone will release on sprint by the end of July. Does anyone have any information on what will be different about the handset other than the radio. I don't see why sprint would give it a different moniker if its the same as the international version.
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Whosdaman got an email from his source saying that it would be coming at that date. From what I see WiThin=WiMax+Thin. So, they're marketing two features of the phone(4G and size) with one name. So, that's my guess t the name change.
Sent from the only thing i need.
zanderman112 said:
Whosdaman got an email from his source saying that it would be coming at that date. From what I see WiThin=WiMax+Thin. So, they're marketing two features of the phone(4G and size) with one name. So, that's my guess t the name change.
Sent from the only thing i need.
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Hmm I never thought about that lol that makes sense then. I thought it was within like within my soul lol I can't wait for this phone. I got my brother in law to jump ship from his iphone and he says he has "digital explodgasms" over it lol great success!! (borat voice)
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RushAOZ said:
Hmm I never thought about that lol that makes sense then. I thought it was within like within my soul lol I can't wait for this phone. I got my brother in law to jump ship from his iphone and he says he has "digital explodgasms" over it lol great success!! (borat voice)
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Nice. It'll have ben out 2-3 months before my upgrade is due, so I doubt I'll get it to turn around and a new phone come out.
Sent from the only thing i need.
zanderman112 said:
Whosdaman got an email from his source saying that it would be coming at that date. From what I see WiThin=WiMax+Thin. So, they're marketing two features of the phone(4G and size) with one name. So, that's my guess t the name change.
Sent from the only thing i need.
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End of July? That's awesome! My upgrade date is beginning of August!
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Yep yep. Gotta start finding bidders for my epic lol
sent from the ePc4gee
zanderman112 said:
Nice. It'll have ben out 2-3 months before my upgrade is due, so I doubt I'll get it to turn around and a new phone come out.
Sent from the only thing i need.
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worldwidepmp said:
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Lol. It'd be our luck and sprint wouldn't release anything till the next summer . Doubt that'd happen though.
Sent from the only thing i need.
On man I can't wait for this.
"The greatest respect you can earn is self respect" Louie Simmons
I hope thats true I curently have the 75 discount and would love to use it tword this phone
silver03wrx said:
I hope thats true I curently have the 75 discount and would love to use it tword this phone
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it'd probably be cheaper to buy a brand new one from craigslist or ebay than to use your 75 discount and lose atleast a year of your contract agreement
I just upgraded to the epic a month ago lol, looks like I'll have to put a few bucks to the side till its offically released
Posted by some phone named the Epic.
Can't wait to see it come out! I barely got the Epic in March but I wouldn't mind the quick change
RushAOZ said:
Android spin is reporting the phone will release on sprint by the end of July.
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is there a link for this cuz wen I looked it said q3, and realistically, that usually means towards the end of q3 if not, end of they year
Sent from my Epic 4G, using Tapatalk
I have been sitting on my upgrade since february, preordered the evo 3d, then heard about this phone a few weeks ago. If you look at the specs, this thing blows the evo 3d out of the water. Internal memory is huge and the bench marks are insane. So, it looks like I will be sticking with samsung.
Happy I got my epic brand new in box from a friend for 3bills. I refuse to lock a contract.
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Shoulon said:
Happy I got my epic brand new in box from a friend for 3bills. I refuse to lock a contract.
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Sent from the only thing i need.
Shoulon said:
Happy I got my epic brand new in box from a friend for 3bills. I refuse to lock a contract.
Sent from my Epix 4G using XDA
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Best way to do it. Ill probably sell my epic on Craigslist and but the within on Craigslist or eBay. I hate signing contracts
"The greatest respect you can earn is self respect" Louie Simmons
been sitting on my upgrade since february as well, specifically for the sgs2. i had the moment, intercept, transform, and the epic so i might as well keep her goin samsung style.
So I got my Epic in December. I stupidly locked into a 2 yr contact. I definitely want this phone tho. Even if it means breaking my contract and starting a new one. What's the smartest route to take?
Sent from Tim's Epic via Tapatalk

Sprint Premier Program Ending?

Pissed off!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
What's the point of staying a loyal customer to sprint?
I saw that on android central, and al I can say is le boo.
Well, at least they are moving the new customer pricing up to 20 months for upgrades, that's cool.
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Those one year upgrades have got to cost them a bundle. That's the only perk I'll miss. least we get 20 month upgrades. But the rest sucks.
Looks like ill have to go back to getting 1 year upgrades from assurion.
"Excuse me, my epic mysteriously got dropped in the toilet, then broken in half, then microwaved somehow, then I lost it.What's that, your out of epics? Well I'm not getting off the phone till I get an equal or better replacement. Why yes, ill take the epictouch if i have too. Since it doesn't have a keyboard, your going to comp me the deductible, right? Kthanxbai!"
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poit said:
Those one year upgrades have got to cost them a bundle. That's the only perk I'll miss.
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But really, what % of lines qualify for that? Sprint premier is something that helped them keep customers long term. Now people won't have an incentive to stay. Now the only thing Sprint will have to hold it's hat over T-mo is true unlimited data.
Wow!!! That really sucks big time :S BIG TIME....I really hate this.
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I'm more pissed because I go 10 years gold in November which would have set my upgrade to January 1. Woosah!
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shane6374 said:
But really, what % of lines qualify for that? Sprint premier is something that helped them keep customers long term. Now people won't have an incentive to stay. Now the only thing Sprint will have to hold it's hat over T-mo is true unlimited data.
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The question here will be...until when? After all, they gotta be competitive to the other carriers...damn you sprint!
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austin420 said:
Looks like ill have to go back to getting 1 year upgrades from assurion.
"Excuse me, my epic mysteriously got dropped in the toilet, then broken in half, then microwaved somehow, then I lost it.What's that, your out of epics? Well I'm not getting off the phone till I get an equal or better replacement. Why yes, ill take the epictouch if i have too. Since it doesn't have a keyboard, your going to comp me the deductible, right? Kthanxbai!"
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How often do they not have replacement phone at assurion?
coming next.... true unlimited data goes away. after that price increases to match the competition. i'm done with sprint. my service has been too shoddy recently in areas that other companies have been good (including ATT) if i'm going to end up paying the same amount as those companies i'm jumping ship.
lepapirriky said:
The question here will be...until when? After they gotta be competitive to the other carriers...damn you sprint!
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So Austin, would this be considered a change in the TOS?
Paris6906 said:
How often do they not have replacement phone at assurion?
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That's something we'll know very quick, the comunity is so big that as soon someone is able to score a phone like that, it'll be post here for us to do the same
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Ugh, why Sprint? One of the things I liked about you was actually caring about us customers. Now with this, the iPhone, maybe eliminating our unlimited data it just seems they want to be like Verizon and AT&T and be "one of the big boys on the block."
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worldwidepmp said:
Pissed off!
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That is totally GACHO ! This was one of the major benefits of staying with Sprint all these past 7 years ..... they better NOT change the unlimited data or they will lose customers because that is another main reason for choosing Sprint !
Well I've been a customer for 15 yrs. I still say they are better than the other carriers but i'm tired of getting dicked over. But that is the new company standard?
lepapirriky said:
That's something we'll know very quick, the comunity is so big that as soon someone is able to score a phone like that, it'll be post here for us to do the same
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The first time someone sucsesfully pulls this, I garuantee there will be a massive thread. That's how I got a diamond (they were out of the vogue) and a tp2 (they were out of touch pro 1s)
It happens. Thbey usually will be out of stock for a few days while they are awaiting refurbs and will have to offer something from the authorized exchange list.
Its amazing how many phones take a bath that week.
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It's how I got my TP2
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TexasEpic4G said:
That is totally GACHO ! This was one of the major benefits of staying with Sprint all these past 7 years ..... they better NOT change the unlimited data or they will lose customers because that is another main reason for choosing Sprint !
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Seriously Texas? u just had to bring in the inside joke?lol

Want a new phone early? Here's how!
The article basically explains that if you have had your phone for longer than 9 months, you can "upgrade now" for a slightly higher price. For example, I will have had my Epic for 18 months as of March, meaning I will only have to pay $19 more than the original upgrade fee, and can get a new phone 4 months earlier than what I originally intended to do.
The deal only lasts until April 14 of this year, so if you're willing to spend an extra $20, you can get a new phone today (or next month, assuming you had your phone in September)!
I'm guessing they're trying to empty inventory of epic touch, photon, etc before the summer's new phones hit.
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Isn't there another thread about this already?
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kennyglass123 said:
Isn't there another thread about this already?
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Oh wow...I saw that thread but for some reason I completely assumed it was for something else. I don't know why. Damn that's embarrassing lol
Maybe it's cause that thread is really about Iphone vs Android warfare.
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Vizzo said:
Maybe it's cause that thread is really about Iphone vs Android warfare.
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Android is clearly the superior OS.
stir fry a lot said:
Android is clearly the superior OS.
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It wasn't about os it was about the phone it self I don't understand why he was defending what he doesn't like. That's like saying " don't talk crap about the New England pats they are pretty good team" what team do you like again? "Oh I'm a giants fan."
Sent From My SPH-D700 Running Android 4.0 :sly:
I love my epic so much, so its hard to switch to anything even if its cheap in price. The galaxy s2 is tempting though.
Sent from my C9AN0GEN-MOd EpicOG
b16flybye said:
I love my epic so much, so its hard to switch to anything even if its cheap in price. The galaxy s2 is tempting though.
Sent from my C9AN0GEN-MOd EpicOG
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Not as tempting as the gnex
Sent From My SPH-D700 Running Android 4.0 :sly:
Switching now to new Wi-Max phone seems pointless....I don't see Sprint investing anything in the Wi-Max 4G network any time soon given the whole "network vision" thing.
They are trying to sell out because they have to stop selling wimax phones soon. Basically they are trying to screw everybody over.
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marcusant said:
They are trying to sell out because they have to stop selling wimax phones soon. Basically they are trying to screw everybody over.
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They have been doing this since .... hmmmm Idk
They announced the iPhone
Moral: Apple screws everyone
marcusant said:
They are trying to sell out because they have to stop selling wimax phones soon. Basically they are trying to screw everybody over.
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They aren't screwing anyone over. Its been stated multiple times that they'll support the wimax network til 2015. They never said they were going to expand it any though, so if you don't have it now, you're SoL. You'll certainly have 4g capabilities until you're due for yet another upgrade to an LTE device
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Biggoron said:
Not as tempting as the gnex
Probably better to just wait for the iphone5 crushing galaxy S3.
Sent From My SPH-D700 Running Android 4.0 :sly:
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Sent from my C9AN0GEN-MOd EpicOG
I feel bad for anyone who got a gs2. They got f****d royally. No lte til late 2013
Who would want to upgrade their epic with CM9 goodness now available.
Ive only had the epic about a month and I love the thing. But I am running it on Virgin Mobile, can't beat $25 a month for service.
JBakey said:
They aren't screwing anyone over. Its been stated multiple times that they'll support the wimax network til 2015. They never said they were going to expand it any though, so if you don't have it now, you're SoL. You'll certainly have 4g capabilities until you're due for yet another upgrade to an LTE device
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They are selling phones with outdated network technologies.
In Soviet Epic forum, clockworkmod root you!
brooksyx said:
Who would want to upgrade their epic with CM9 goodness
Ive only had the epic about a month and I love the thing. But I am running it on Virgin Mobile, can't beat $25 a month for service.
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Well to be honest, this "upgrade now" idea doesn't really apply to us. It does, however, apply to people like my dad who was cursed with the Samsung Intercept, and knowing there's a way to upgrade 4 months earlier for only $20 more made him exhilarated.
|| Acer || said:
Well to be honest, this "upgrade now" idea doesn't really apply to us. It does, however, apply to people like my dad who was cursed with the Samsung Intercept, and knowing there's a way to upgrade 4 months earlier for only $20 more made him exhilarated.
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Eww... I had the intercept for a couple weeks. Now that was a horrible phone. haha. Swapped it out for the optimus v.
|| Acer || said:
Well to be honest, this "upgrade now" idea doesn't really apply to us. It does, however, apply to people like my dad who was cursed with the Samsung Intercept, and knowing there's a way to upgrade 4 months earlier for only $20 more made him exhilarated.
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Yea it cost me 45 bucks to get my wife a upgrade and now I will be able to hear her, she has a rumor touch, it sucks. Also I found on you can get the sgs2 epic touch upgrade price 149 no rebates. Looks like the wife will be happy. I can wait till the epic 2 with a keyboard makes its way out.
sent from the other woman

