[Q] Help needed Please!! - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Ok firstly please be gentle and take your time as i am an older person and am still getting to grips with technology lol
ok basically i want to put android on my htc ht2 so i can dual boot , at the mo it is running windows 6.5 , so could some kind person point me in the direction of where to download the files from and an idiots(well not quite) guide as to how to do it
Many Many thanks in advance

binky69 said:
Ok firstly please be gentle and take your time as i am an older person and am still getting to grips with technology lol
ok basically i want to put android on my htc ht2 so i can dual boot , at the mo it is running windows 6.5 , so could some kind person point me in the direction of where to download the files from and an idiots(well not quite) guide as to how to do it
Many Many thanks in advance
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Depends on which ROM you are planning to flash.

RayHeath said:
Depends on which ROM you are planning to flash.
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He doesnt want to "flash" any rom, he specifically said he wants to dual boot and only way to dual boot WM6.5 at the moment is to boot Android via SD card.
@ OP
Go here and read the guides..

TheATHEiST said:
He doesnt want to "flash" any rom, he specifically said he wants to dual boot and only way to dual boot WM6.5 at the moment is to boot Android via SD card.
@ OP
Go here and read the guides..
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True, sorry I didn´t see dual boot. Ooops

1 first install hspl3
2 then go to the sd android forum find the best rom for you there
read carefully .for beginner sd is the good solution.wish you good luck

shahnowaz said:
1 first install hspl3
2 then go to the sd android forum find the best rom for you there
read carefully .for beginner sd is the good solution.wish you good luck
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I don't think you need HSPL to launch Android from an SD.
BUT you need HSPL to flash the radio to the versions compatible with Android.
... the snake bits its own tail...

binky69 said:
Ok firstly please be gentle and take your time as i am an older person and am still getting to grips with technology lol
ok basically i want to put android on my htc ht2 so i can dual boot , at the mo it is running windows 6.5 , so could some kind person point me in the direction of where to download the files from and an idiots(well not quite) guide as to how to do it
Many Many thanks in advance
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I recomend you to follow this guide by MCCJOON76 which includes THE BEST ANDROID ROM OUT FOR THE HTC HD2.


[Q] How to find a simple and precise procedure to install Android 2.2 on HD2 ?

Hello !
I found here a lot of informations about the developpement of many roms for Android 2.2 on HD2. But as you guess, i'm not specialized in mobile developpement, so i'm a bit lost in this huge amount of informations ...
I simply try to find a simple and concise procedure to install android 2.2 on HD2 (wm 6.5 is installed at the moment).
Must i strictly use the loader Haret ? Android can be loaded only in dual boot ?
Which roms must i choose ? Why is there many roms ?
Is there still major known bug ?
Best Regards
theres a damn guide thread on the first post of this section as well as on the first page of android development section...
theres no simple way of doing it ... every one has his own journey ... think of it as a graduate thesis , but there are some guides for your aid i wish u luck and fortitude on ur way
gonna read and test these docs. Thank you.
charly222 said:
gonna read and test these docs. Thank you.
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this this one, might appeal to you as a newbie
[GUIDE] Newbies Step by Step Guide in booting ANDROID for HD2
Thanks because i start the instructions and at first
"NOTE: If you have Vista or Windows 7, update WMDC to v6.1 *HERE* first"
the programs fails to install on Win7 64bits ultimate offical
Second attempt : RAPI.dll is missing ...
ok need the 64bits version : Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 Driver for Windows Vista (for win7 of course )
just a question after falshing the rom ...
a) i took the Parad0XUA_Experimental as suggested here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=732380
b) plus the Elegancia MaxSense WITHOUT HTC Messaging (i guess i could send message with another interface ?)
how i install the Parad0XUA_Experimental ? it works with Haret which is a sort of bootloader isn't it ? is there a better alternative ?
what are the avantage/disavantages of installing the build on phone or sdcard ?
The rom must be installed too on the phone memory or the sdcard ?
Thank you for your kindfull help
ok so i finally test the
- New Froyo build by dan1j3l V1 that my win 7 don't recognize when i plugin the phone
- Miri_Steve0007_EleganciaMaxSense_V5.0_FINAL_NoHTCMessaging
that is a sort of skin but not an OS as i expected. The RUU file patched the windows mobile 6.5 OS instead of the android one ... while i was in an active sync session.
is there an Android 2.2 ROM that works well, for which i could connect to my PC ??
Has somebody tested the FroyoStone Sense - Version 3.1 (29-September-2010) ?
gawd u r hopeless...
1. flash hspl to change radio to 2.10.50
2. flash chuckydroidrom
3. download android file to SD card
4. click on android loader
charly222 said:
Has somebody tested the FroyoStone Sense - Version 3.1 (29-September-2010) ?
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Tinkering with the phone isn't for everyone. From your posts you may fall into that category of 'don't do it.'
The thread you are referencing has hundreds of posts of people that are and have been using it.
Dude. Stop. Before you brick MY phone!
apallohadas said:
Tinkering with the phone isn't for everyone. From your posts you may fall into that category of 'don't do it.'
The thread you are referencing has hundreds of posts of people that are and have been using it.
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Hi !
It's not a thread but just a download link referenced here http://gamesquare.co.uk/android.html
apallohadas said:
Tinkering with the phone isn't for everyone.
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the HSPL v3 is installed so i can go back anytime ? What's the problem ? You think you're part of an elite so i'm too stupid to undunstand what you try to explain clearly ?
mini_robot said:
gawd u r hopeless...
1. flash hspl to change radio to 2.10.50
2. flash chuckydroidrom
3. download android file to SD card
4. click on android loader
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Yo mini !
I'm gonna try your solution just to try. Just 2 last question :
why elegancia update my win mobile os(on phone memory) instead of Android one (on sd card). I've just run the CustomRUU.exe file from win7 with active sync enabled ...
is there a way to avoid the Haret process and to simply replace the win mobile os ? How can i check if it's ok for Europe Mobile ?
p.s. : i use Radio Leo
FroyoStone Sense - Version 3.1 (29-September-2010) seems to be ok
charly222 said:
Hi !
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It's not a thread but just a download link referenced here http://gamesquare.co.uk/android.html
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Do *you* even know what you're talking about? Did you try reading the very thread you linked?
the HSPL v3 is installed so i can go back anytime ? What's the problem ?
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The problem is that you obviously didn't read. Not reading in this case can get you a nice bricked phone.
You think you're part of an elite so i'm too stupid to undunstand what you try to explain clearly ?
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The only person calling me elite is you. Thanks.
And it's entirely possible that you are indeed too stupid to follow my explanation. That is for you to decide. Just keep in mind that *I* didn't call you stupid. You did.
it works dude
I dont like android... Why go do the time-eating thing with black and white text all the time? Naaaah I will wait for a easier solution... Havent got time to wait everytime I want to do android....

[Q] Many many questions about another os in my hd2

I don't know i have post this in a right or not section, i can't find the Q&A section, is it removed???
Ok, i have these question:
1) I see many os can used in hd2, which one is the best(fastest, more apps)
Android vs WP7 vs WP6.5(???) vs MeeGo vs Ubuntu
2) Are there any way only "install" this os on a sd card, and i can change a sd card?? Eg. 8gb sd for wp6.5, 4gb for android
3) Can i not "flash" my phone, only "install" a os in my hd2?
4) Will install hspl will broke my warranty?
5) What difference between HSPL and SPL???
6) Which bootloader was the best? GEN.Y???
7) What was the most popular android vesion for HD2?
8) Can i have multi os? more then 2?
9) Will i "install" android on hd2, not "flash", also will broke my warranty?
10) If my phone broken (eg. mon broke, water inside the phone), which i cannot flash back to stock rom, what should i do?
11) Can i backup my rom???
12) What is "Ship ROM"?
13) What is radio?
All answered!
14) My SPL is 3.03, so what should i do now?
Install HSPL???
There are many HSPL version, which are suitable for me?
How to uninstall HSPL?
15) How to uninstall this android? Just del the folder? (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870518)
16) Are this Android build have flash?
There are lots of question...
Pls answer me
You need to do a lot more reading.
WM6.5 came with the HD2 and is outdated but some still like it.
Meego is not yet completed/available.
Ubuntu works but isn't really perfect as a mobile phone OS IMHO.
Android or Windows Phone 7 are your two main options.
There is only one version of WP7 available from DFT and it works pretty perfectly. WP7 has a unique and slick user interface and works quite well. The problem with WP7 is connecting to windows live services for the market, etc.
Android is the favorite of many here.
There are many versions available 2.2, 2.3, sense, stock, CM, etc.
WP7 and Android can be flashed using MAGLDR.
You cannot flash multiple operating systems at once.
A shipped rom is one provided by the manufacturer when you buy the phone.
The radio is part of the software that allows communication between the OS and the various radios" (GPS, WIFI, 3G, BT).
Thanks for reply!
But there are still some question u have not answer me yet.
Are there any way only "install" this os on a sd card, and i can change a sd card?? Eg. 8gb sd for wp6.5, 4gb for android <-- Added, Can i install WP7 in SD Card?
Can i not "flash" my phone, only "install" a os in my hd2?
Will install hspl will broke my warranty?
What difference between HSPL and SPL???
Which bootloader was the best? GEN.Y???
Will i "install" android on hd2, not "flash", also will broke my warranty?
If my phone broken (eg. mon broke, water inside the phone), which i cannot flash back to stock rom, what should i do?
Can i backup my rom??? <-- This one is the most important
In order...
You can install (and run) Android from the SD card. But not WP7.
Install and flash are basically the same thing. Unless you are running Android from the SD card.
Yes... HSPL is not acceptable to manufacturers or operators (a little bit like kiddy-fiddling and the police). You can 'uninstall' HSPL though.
SPL doesn't allow you to flash 'custom' ROMs, only official ROMs.
Your bootloader question makes no sense.
Installing Android isn't the issue with your warranty. You will most probably have flashed HSPL to get Android... that will break your warranty. You can use an SD version of Android with the latest official WWE ROM and Radio however... but are YOU able to flash the WWE ROM in your country without HSPL?
If you get water in the phone I would throw it in the toilet and flush it if i were you. Most providers do not cover water damage. Anything else, just flash back an official ROM and return it for replacement.
Yes, you can backup your ROM. By using ClockWorkMod, you can create backups.
hopkinskong said:
Thanks for reply!
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Some answer to your questions.
Can i not "flash" my phone, only "install" a os in my hd2?
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Yes, Android can be run from your SD.
Will install hspl will broke my warranty?
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If you return your device to HTC repair center and thy see HSPL, you don't will have warranty. But if you install HSPL, and if for one or a other reason you need to send your device to HTC repair center just remove HSPL, (yes you can remove it) Ons it's bean removed there are no trace that it was bean install so there is/are no problem more.
What difference between HSPL and SPL???
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SPL = Secondary Program Loader. Think of this in the same sense as bios on a pc. (it sets where your system boots from, intialises sub system process etc)
SSPL = soft spl (this allows you to flash another spl or hardspl).
HSPL = Hard Spl.
HardSPL is involved in unlocking your phone to install a custom ROM that is not signed by carrier. Without unlocking you can only install ROMs from your carrier.
Which bootloader was the best? GEN.Y???
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Don't understand the question.
Will i "install" android on hd2, not "flash", also will broke my warranty?
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All depends sir, if you will use/install Android on internal memory you need to have/install HSPL, and about this I have reply the previous question.
If you will used Android running from your SD, well then you need to know that Android needs minimum Radio 2.08.50 if this is your case; well than no problem.
If you have a earlier Radio for example Radio 2.07. well if you don't will to change your stock ROM who have a newer radio; well than you need to install HSPL for upgrading your radio (again take a look on HSPL)
If my phone broken (eg. mon broke, water inside the phone), which i cannot flash back to stock rom, what should i do?
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Well water inside your device don't fall into the warranty condition, so if there is HSPL ore a other Rom, it don't mater anymore.
Can i backup my rom??? <-- This one is the most important
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There are backup programs on the market. But what exactly do you mean with "Backup your ROM"??? I mean mostly peoples are looking for backup there contact list/mail/sms. But ROM????
backingup my rom... i found the software already...
but I have I few more question now ...
refering this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870518
1) I have a updated rom version already, but my spl is v3, still ok?
2) it seems not need hspl, is it?
3) how to uninstall this android? after uninstalling this, will my warranty will still safe?
4) Are android are support flash?(WORKS ON HD2)
thx a lot
hopkinskong said:
I don't know i have post this in a right or not section, i can't find the Q&A section, is it removed???
Ok, i have these question:
1) I see many os can used in hd2, which one is the best(fastest, more apps)
Android vs WP7 vs WP6.5(???) vs MeeGo vs Ubuntu
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hopkinskong said:
2) Are there any way only "install" this os on a sd card, and i can change a sd card?? Eg. 8gb sd for wp6.5, 4gb for android
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Yes, ofourse there is, Have you even attempted to read any topics before creating this one?
hopkinskong said:
3) Can i not "flash" my phone, only "install" a os in my hd2?
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Yes you can flash a android rom to your phone, go read some threads, stickies, guides etc.
hopkinskong said:
4) Will install hspl will broke my warranty?
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Yes but you can return it to stock spl if you need to send it in.
hopkinskong said:
6) Which bootloader was the best? GEN.Y???
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When I used to boot android from SD I used "Exceller BootLoader"
hopkinskong said:
7) What was the most popular android vesion for HD2?
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There is no most popular and I would strongly advise not to go creating threads asking what is the "best" android rom/build as they will be closed.
Dont try and rush into it, The best action is to look, read and try some for yourself and see which works bets for YOU.
hopkinskong said:
8) Can i have multi os? more then 2?
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Yes, you can run multiple builds of Android from Your SD and have another on NAND or you can also have WM6.5 or WP7 on NAND.
hopkinskong said:
9) Will i "install" android on hd2, not "flash", also will broke my warranty?
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Not if you dont change your spl. This can be reverted though anyway.
hopkinskong said:
10) If my phone broken (eg. mon broke, water inside the phone), which i cannot flash back to stock rom, what should i do?
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If there is that much damage then it wont be inspected anyway and will simply be replaced.
hopkinskong said:
11) Can i backup my rom???
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Yes, if you install a ClockWork Recovery Mod. Or alternatively you can backup all your contacts via google and your phone will sync them and you can also backup all your apps/games/settings etc with a program like Titanium Backup.
hopkinskong said:
12) What is "Ship ROM"?
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An official rom by a mobile carrier/phone manufacturer.
hopkinskong said:
13) What is radio?
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Software that enables your phone hardware to communicate via bluetooth/wifi/mobile network etc.
hopkinskong said:
There are lots of question...
Pls answer me
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100% of these questions are already answered on forum if you had took time to look and read.
Thank you! But pls reply #6 first, thx a lot!
Added question 5, 6
5) Are this andoid is only INSTALL Android in the phone, not FLASH it?
6) Is data.img, is the harddisk(interal storage) for Android?
7) My SPL version: 3, ok?(The page didn't said want is the mini requirement of spl/radio!) [(http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870518)]
8) Are RAM Version = SD Version? (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870518)
hopkinskong said:
Thank you! But pls reply #6 first, thx a lot!
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I already did reply to #6, Please learn to read because not only are you not reading here properly you are not reading other topics either.
Sorry... I still CANNOT see it!
EDIT: Sorry, i want to correct this, you haven't answer me #8, not #6, i mixied up 8 and 6, sorry!
EDIT2: The answer that u gave me was answering #1, not #6! #6 was another question, so i am refering to #8(Added 4 question)->#6
hopkinskong said:
Sorry... I still CANNOT see it!
EDIT: Sorry, i want to correct this, you haven't answer me #8, not #6, i mixied up 8 and 6, sorry!
EDIT2: The answer that u gave me was answering #1, not #6! #6 was another question, so i am refering to #8(Added 4 question)->#6
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Are you insane? I already answered #8 aswell.
ffs dude learn to read.
hopkinskong said:
8) Can i have multi os? more then 2?
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Yes, you can run multiple builds of Android from Your SD and have another on NAND or you can also have WM6.5 or WP7 on NAND.
TheATHEiST said:
Are you insane? I already answered #8 aswell.
ffs dude learn to read.
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LMAO now that made me laugh.
Ah, now I see, He has decided to create a whole new random numbered questions on a seperate post to his original post instead of editing his first, that makes sense.
hopkinskong said:
Thank you! But pls reply #6 first, thx a lot!
Added question 5, 6
5) Are this andoid is only INSTALL Android in the phone, not FLASH it?
6) Is data.img, is the harddisk(interal storage) for Android?
7) My SPL version: 3, ok?(The page didn't said want is the mini requirement of spl/radio!) [(http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870518)]
8) Are RAM Version = SD Version? (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870518)
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5) That was very hard to understand unless you have Phd in random translation of arse vomit. but ill try...
As already stated earlier you can run android from either your SD card which doesn't require any installation you simply boot from it OR you can flash a ROM to your phone.
7) No you need to downgrade to 2.08. afaik.
lol believe it or not I read the whole thing and I was wondering same thing. Then I even scrolled up to look and make sure if he actually edited his original post and amended the question and didn't see it. By the time I got to your last post lol I was laughing out loud IRL.
But advice for him is he does pick WM on NAND go with WM6.5.X as base 29XXX is much more stable and from /sdcard he can use Android. Taking he has good microSDHC that is over class 4+ that is.
Can't beat: HD2 WM6.5.X(NAND) and Android(mSD).
TheATHEiST said:
Ah, now I see, He has decided to create a whole new random numbered questions on a seperate post to his original post instead of editing his first, that makes sense.
5) That was very hard to understand unless you have Phd in random translation of arse vomit. but ill try...
As already stated earlier you can run android from either your SD card which doesn't require any installation you simply boot from it OR you can flash a ROM to your phone.
7) No you need to downgrade to 2.08. afaik.
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Oh ic...
What happen if i use SPL3 to boot RAM android??? (No HSPL?)
I am going to:
WP6.5(Stock ROM)+Android(DarkSTONE, RAM Version, Running alone in a MicroSD(HC) 4GB(May be 8gb are better?) Class 10)
hopkinskong said:
Oh ic...
What happen if i use SPL3 to boot RAM android??? (No HSPL?)
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It don't work.
Sorry to say, but almost all your questions are mentioned on the instruction post of each rom builder.
You don't need to looking for a answer if you don't follow the instructions. just follow them and all will be okay.
It's the same thing if you have a diesel car you pout diesel in it and you don't ask you the question what if I put engine in my diesel car.
kurt-willems said:
It don't work.
Sorry to say, but almost all your questions are mentioned on the instruction post of each rom builder.
You don't need to looking for a answer if you don't follow the instructions. just follow them and all will be okay.
It's the same thing if you have a diesel car you pout diesel in it and you don't ask you the question what if I put engine in my diesel car.
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That post's instruction HAVE NO ANYTHING about SPL/HSPL
So i decided asking here...
I have corssed out all the question now and i have put all the question to the #1 Post
Dude you are confusing but ill try to clarify from what you posted. You want to install NAND Android from SPL? WTF you need to have HSPL which HD2 are you using? Leo512/Leo1024? Why don't you want HSPL? Afraid of voiding the warranty?
As I said your best option for "you" is WM(NAND)+AOSP(mSD), far as the sdcard question goes you might want to go with 16gb class 4-6. As 4-8gb is way to small but you can use it if you don't have alot of media.
STHNS said:
Dude you are confusing but ill try to clarify from what you posted. You want to install NAND Android from SPL? WTF you need to have HSPL which HD2 are you using? Leo512/Leo1024? Why don't you want HSPL? Afraid of voiding the warranty?
As I said your best option for "you" is WM(NAND)+AOSP(mSD), far as the sdcard question goes you might want to go with 16gb class 4-6. As 4-8gb is way to small but you can use it if you don't have alot of media.
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Hmm... Seems my english was so... bad...
ok, now i retold you all the details with my "best" english xD
I want to install a RAM version of Android 2.2, i will buy a 4gb(or 8gb) class 10 sd card later, but i have a "few" question: I want ANDROID(RAM)+STOCK WM6.5(original one, which one have already installed when u buy the phone)
I am going to install this Android build: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870518
But in that thread, the install instruction, it is not very cleared, so i decided to ask here...
I have upgraded my ROM recently, and now my SPL was 3.03.000, and u have said that ANDROID WILL NOT WORK ON HD2, so i am asking what should i do to use Darkstone's Android in my HD2.
Do i need to install HSPL?
Which version of HSPL will be suitible for me?
Any tutorial that teaches me to install hspl?
AND I AM NOT AFRAIDING IT WILL VOID MY WARRANTY, BECAUESE IT CAN BE UNINSTALLED! I have search through google, are i can restore my phone to NON-HSPL if i put the leoimg(or sth) in the sd card, and press some thing to make it restore, or just flash my ship rom?
And i have some EXTRA QUESTION i want to ask:
Firstly, how to uninstall Darkstone's Androind? Just delete the folder in the SDCard?
Secondly, are Android 2.2 on HD2 will support flash?
That's all my question, thanks for help.
Make sense now as I didn't keep up with the whole HD2 world after I lost my Leo. It was my mistake I see the Android being allocated from RAM now I thought you wanted to install it on NAND. Also where did I say Android will not work on HD2? I thought you wanted Nandroid lol thats all.
You keep editing your freaking posts man I can't keep up but as you are trying to use RAM Android you will not be affected so don't worry about it as I stated above it was my mistake. Skip the whole HSPL convo and yes it will not void your warrenty cuz you didn't and don't need installing in first place. But if you do then yes you can use leo.img to restore it.
Now dude I have read the whole instruction and its very clear so my question to you is why are you asking? Just download and place it on your /sdcard and then CLRCAD.exe and haret.exe there are like 10000s of tutorials on howto do this lol if you need to watch video then thats your last worry, just use FileExp. So if you don't like it just format the mSD hope it helps for what its worth.

[Q] Q FEb 1. Regarding Android GIngerbread 2.3 flashing?

I know this may sound stupid but I just cant get the gingbread 2.3 to work. I have the MDJ_GingerBread_HD2_v.1.0_RC5_RAM_STOCK . I don't have data.exe but have data.img will that work? I am new to this and have been trying to get this to work for the past 4 days. I have zImage and initrd.gz do i need those on my sd card? any help would be so greatful....
Go here and read instructions. If you cant follow them it means you haven't read any of the guides in stickies.
You dont have to manually put a "Q" or put the date in your topic title.
TheATHEiST said:
Go here and read instructions. If you cant follow them it means you haven't read any of the guides in stickies.
You dont have to manually put a "Q" or put the date in your topic title.
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Don't be so hard on newbs man....
TheATHEiST said:
Go here and read instructions. If you cant follow them it means you haven't read any of the guides in stickies.
You dont have to manually put a "Q" or put the date in your topic title.
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Thank you I am re-reading instructions and guides. Hopefully I get it this time Im just not cell phone savy thats why im not getting it...sorry hopefully this time around i will
jalshah05 said:
Don't be so hard on newbs man....
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How in the hell was that "hard" are you on crack or something?
Get off your high horse dude.
bunnysface said:
Thank you I am re-reading instructions and guides. Hopefully I get it this time Im just not cell phone savy thats why im not getting it...sorry hopefully this time around i will
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The "best" way to learn bud is to do some real reading. I know it can be a bit daunting at first but honestly its the best way. Been walked through something is too easy and you wont pick up valuable information as much as you would if you worked it our yourself.
There is some really good guides to follow, have a look through them and have a go.
i cant see this page
who i can do to this content???
marcocr05 said:
who i can do to this content???
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it is a lot of reading ! I have logged several hundred hours of reading to get to the point that i'm at !
Struggling while installing Android 2.3 Gingerbread on HTC HD2 (NAND)
Thanks guys for your prompt replies. This my situation: I installed Android 2.2 on my HTC HD2 with
HSPL 2.08
Android 2.2
Everything works great. Recently, I wanted to upgrade to Android 2.3 Gingerbread so to I upgraded successfully the MAGLDR1.11 to MAGLDR1.13.
Now, I spent a longtime reading your replies to the other users and it seems my case is a bit special, therefore I have 2 questions:
1- The MAGLDR113_DAF file I downloaded contains the ROMUpdateUtility (that you advise users to use) and also has a DAF file. I can see clearly at system start up that my MAGLDR is 1.13. So, does this mean am good? or do I still need to open the DAF through the tri colour screen bootloader, as some have suggested? Please help clarify my confusion.
2- I downloaded Android 2.3 Gingerbread on HTC HD2 (NAND) and extracted it to my 8GB SD card root, when I open the Android folder on my HD2 and tap on CLRCAD.exe, I get "file type exe not found" message, I tried with haret.exe as well but I always get the same message. Could anyone advise what I am doing wrong?
By the way, I used first a 2GB SD card, after being formatted, in vain then formatted a 8GB SD card, copy, paste Android folder on root, in vain. always same message.
Thank you very much guys and once again, I really appreciate your time and patience with us.
well if you're going for NAND you should not been able to toutch the CLRCAD.exe/Haret.exe wich probably means that you've downloaded a SD build.
you should go to the NAND section of this forum and find a rom there.
the instructions for installing a NAND rom are in de first few post by the dev himself.
Struggling while installing Android 2.3 Gingerbread on HTC HD2 (NAND)
Thanks XthelordinatorX for your prompt feedback . I will try your suggestion and share my findings.
Need help with installing Android 2.3 Gingerbread on my HTC HD2
Hi XthelordinatorX, I have to admit that Mobile technology is not my strong point. I am not sure what rom to install. could you advise what's the best one you recommand for HTC HD2 Leo.
I am open to your suggestions guys! your help is highly appreciated
I have right now Android 2.2 Nand on my HTC HD2 with
HSPL 2.08
Android 2.2
Thank you very much

HD2 Rooting with Android

Answered thanks for the help
Sure u can m8 in short steps:
1.u put hspl 2.08
2.radio that supports 576mb
3.magldr 1.13
4.u pick a nand,ram android
5.u flash the rom u picked
and ur done u have HD2 with Android and only Android!
harrisburg192 said:
So the question being is it possible to completely flash Android on the phone without having windows and android on the sd card? Also, the opinion on the best way you feel is to make this happen. Thanks in advance.
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Yes it is Go to the NAND section and you will find a huge amount of ROMs. See here for a really good Guide how to flash.
Thats all I needed! Thanks for the help

How to Dual Boot Android and Windows mobile 6.5

hello sorry I don't know where to post this, I read hundreds of threads now so I won't need to start a new thread, but I really can't understand what to do sorry I'm a noob I'm new to this actually I get used to apple so this thing's very new to me,
Let me stop the introduction, Here's what I want to do I want to dual boot my htc hd2 with Windows mobile and Android ( I want the AmeriCanAndroid ) can you tell me the step by step procedures what to do first to successfully do that to my phone?
I read about the HSPL,Radio, and dual boot apps but I can't understand anything can you make it easy for a noob like me to understand it?
thank you very much!!!
blazer345 said:
hello sorry I don't know where to post this, I read hundreds of threads now so I won't need to start a new thread, but I really can't understand what to do sorry I'm a noob I'm new to this actually I get used to apple so this thing's very new to me,
Let me stop the introduction, Here's what I want to do I want to dual boot my htc hd2 with Windows mobile and Android ( I want the AmeriCanAndroid ) can you tell me the step by step procedures what to do first to successfully do that to my phone?
I read about the HSPL,Radio, and dual boot apps but I can't understand anything can you make it easy for a noob like me to understand it?
thank you very much!!!
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Go to the HTC website and flash the latest stock ROM 3.14 for HD2. After this all you need to do is download a ROM from the SD Android section, place the Android folder on the root of your SD card (i.e. not in any folders), go to file explorer, in Android run CLRCAD and then HaReT.
Nigeldg said:
Go to the HTC website and flash the latest stock ROM 3.14 for HD2. After this all you need to do is download a ROM from the SD Android section, place the Android folder on the root of your SD card (i.e. not in any folders), go to file explorer, in Android run CLRCAD and then HaReT.
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thank you for your reply, but I have a question when I go to the htc website it shows that the page that I'm looking for is not available, and can you tell me please how to upgrade my stock rom? thank you very much. sorry if I demand too much.
blazer345 said:
thank you for your reply, but I have a question when I go to the htc website it shows that the page that I'm looking for is not available, and can you tell me please how to upgrade my stock rom? thank you very much. sorry if I demand too much.
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go there...click hd2
the give them ur imei(verification, dont worry)...download.
then do what that other guy said
I just want to say thanks to both of you now I'm running my htc HD2 on Android! YAY!
You might also like to use this app (Android Loader), to assist your dual boot...
If you do use & like it, don't forget to Thank the author.
For the life of me i cannot find anythimg for my UK o2 HD2. Anyone suggest wher i can get 3.14 from?
is it possible to Switch between Android and anohter Android rom?
Like NAND and SD
djdigitald said:
For the life of me i cannot find anythimg for my UK o2 HD2. Anyone suggest wher i can get 3.14 from?
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Luckily I'm on O2 UK so I may be able to attach it. I've never tried this though so sorry if it doesn't work.
You tell me if it worked.
EDIT: clearly it didn't. You can try this one though.
Ok, i think it´s not possible.

