MAGLDR - battery question - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

I've noticed that when I'll turn off phone and then put USB in, red LED is lighted for few seconds, suddenly phone starts, battery stops loading and MAGLDR is executed. It seems MAGLDR substitutes code for battery loading. Does it mean, that if I'll make battery totally empty I won't have a chance to load it without OS (which handles battery loading process)?

i thought they fixed it in magdlr .13? so you can drain your battery to 0% without problems...

Read the bit that says "New in 1.13"..... It's pretty simple.
On a side note, no, you can't kill the battery. Once power is connected, your phone uses that, it's just the light goes off while MAGLDR is booting.

Same here, when I turn off the phone and charge it, it turn on automatically. Help please!

seVIIen said:
Same here, when I turn off the phone and charge it, it turn on automatically. Help please!
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Like what mattOG has posted, READ!
Sent from my HD2 Droid HD using XDA App

seVIIen said:
Same here, when I turn off the phone and charge it, it turn on automatically. Help please!
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Yet another user confirming that magldr works exaclty the way that Cotulla designed it to work. Thanks for the feedback

seVIIen said:
Same here, when I turn off the phone and charge it, it turn on automatically. Help please!
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It's suppose to do that... that's a new feature in version 1.13 so that there isn't the problem where you have to remove battery to get phone to boot like what happened with earlier magldrs. People complained about that, so cotulla fixed it the only way possible... so it will turn on automatically, and now people are complaining about that. He said in next version it will have setting to allow the uncontrolled charging while phone is off, but you might have to remove battery to get it to boot again. Also not sure if uncontrolled charging is bad for battery or not.
You have to understand... you're hacking your phone to run OS's that weren't meant for it... things are not going to act the same as a native phone. You should feel lucky you can do these things at all.

I have 2300mAh extended battery and with almost every android rom it is useless. When android boots up to the stage when you must enter sim pin than hd2 reboots and it is going into loop. I have discovered when I isolate middle pin on the battery everything is working fine, battery is charging and it can be used without problems.

Doesn't any body READ anymore???

mdrazic said:
I have 2300mAh extended battery and with almost every android rom it is useless. When android boots up to the stage when you must enter sim pin than hd2 reboots and it is going into loop. I have discovered when I isolate middle pin on the battery everything is working fine, battery is charging and it can be used without problems.
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So isolate the pin... or use a kernel compatible with extended battery

TheATHEiST said:
Doesn't any body READ anymore???
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What??? People post explanations to be read???
I thought we were just losing our time trying to help. It seems many prefer to read the title, go to the last page and ask a question for which the answer is on the first post
For their defense, the search functionnality is too complexe. Isn't it possible to just clic on a button and receive answer to all our question directly in our mailbox. Or maybe a button we can clic and directly solve our issues.
I found one... it's the "add to basket" button for an Android phone on an online shop. Works great

this thread helps me a lot! thanks for good article!

truc007 said:
What??? People post explanations to be read???
I thought we were just losing our time trying to help. It seems many prefer to read the title, go to the last page and ask a question for which the answer is on the first post
For their defense, the search functionnality is too complexe. Isn't it possible to just clic on a button and receive answer to all our question directly in our mailbox. Or maybe a button we can clic and directly solve our issues.
I found one... it's the "add to basket" button for an Android phone on an online shop. Works great
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Complex? are you having a laugh?
You type in your keywords and click tyeh search button, whats hard about that?
You also get a "similar" threads list whyen creating a topic prior to posting and 9/10 you can find your answer this way also.

TheATHEiST said:
Complex? are you having a laugh?
You type in your keywords and click tyeh search button, whats hard about that?
You also get a "similar" threads list whyen creating a topic prior to posting and 9/10 you can find your answer this way also.
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Of course I was having a laugh
In French we call "ironie" (not sure at all about the translation).
I write stupid things to make the owner of the thread realize that the question has not to be asked.
For this question, you don't even have to use the search function (which is not complicate, I agree).
The answer is on the first page of MAGLDR thread!!! (know issue, not corrected in x.13 but a paliative solution has been applied... the phone start to prevent having to remove the battery).
Honnestly it's sad to see that you keep posting the same answers and it seems some people never take time to read. They just ask directly their questions.
Maybe I'm sometime difficult to understand as English is not my language.
So our answers don't help... the question neither. It just make a lot of useless thread with the same question again and again.

I can also add that when you post a thread, the forum give you the thread which could give you the answer!!!

truc007 said:
Of course I was having a laugh
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Sorry missed that
truc007 said:
I can also add that when you post a thread, the forum give you the thread which could give you the answer!!!
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Your not adding anything. Its already been said 2 posts up

Sorry for this, but the search function do not work now, and haven't worked for the past few hours. My phone was charged to 100% yesterday night, and today it was turned off because of no battery.
i plugged in the phone to my computer and it just reboots, i cant charge the battery. I need some seriously help here. Yes i have read this post but i cant find a solution to this problem.
I have also trieed it in my wall charger but the same happens, just reboots all the time.
I use this rom: [17 FEB][DFT] CleanDROID v2.02_smu - Super Clean Froyo+Cyanogen [Kernel GL_Core_v2b] By G.Lewarne link to rom:
I use MAGLDR 1.13
please help me in the right direction


My wizard won't boot up....

my wizard won't boot
My wizard isn't going past the WM6 splash screeen, it gets stuck on it. I've tried soft and hard reseting a number of times as well as removing and reinserting the battery but nothing helps...
I recently flashed it with Blackdiamond 2.0 and have been using it without a single problem for the last 2 weeks or so.
Last thing I did on it last night was to use the 'Advanced Settings' in the settings menu and checked the options to make the scroll bars thinner and the scroll buttons smaller, it asked for a soft reset but since I was using it at the moment I clicked no and continued using it eventually powering it off and went to bed.
Now when I turned it on this morning it just won't go beyond the blackdiamond splash screen (pic attached)
I can't flash the rom again since activesync can't establish a connection with it(doesn't recognize that its attached with the pc, probably because the ROM never loads). I really don't know what to do... any help would be greatly appreciated
Check XDA-Wiki (top of this page) for troubleshooting guide under Wizard section
I'm not sure what is wrong with it, but it started because...I was trying to turn the bluetooth on and it wouldn't let me, so I did a soft reset, and what happens is it will just go to the loading screen for windows and stay there forever! I don't understand what happened . I've tried to reset a couple more times but it won't work...and also the power button on top doesn't work anymore.
Can anyone help me?
problem solved thanks
I just can't understand why people find more comfort in asking a question than doing a simple search and find the answer by himself. It's less time consuming and you feel a bit proud that you solved your problem on your own.
I think we should make a sticky with things like this :
"My wizard won't boot !"
"Which is the best rom ?"
"Will WM6 work on my device ? and where to find it ?"
All questions above have been asked hundreds of times, perhaps more and are still asked by almost every new guy that just registered.
how did you resolve your problem? I don't see troubleshooting anywhere...unless I"m very blind or maybe dumb.
monicaha said:
how did you resolve your problem? I don't see troubleshooting anywhere...unless I"m very blind or maybe dumb.
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You got 2 choices :
- flash a new rom (put it into bootloader and connect it to the PC then flash)
- hard reset
anichillus said:
I just can't understand why people find more comfort in asking a question than doing a simple search and find the answer by himself. It's less time consuming and you feel a bit proud that you solved your problem on your own.
I think we should make a sticky with things like this :
"My wizard won't boot !"
"Which is the best rom ?"
"Will WM6 work on my device ? and where to find it ?"
All questions above have been asked hundreds of times, perhaps more and are still asked by almost every new guy that just registered.
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The world is turning this way - wrong way. Too much lazzy people, too less macgyver thinking ...
anichillus said:
I just can't understand why people find more comfort in asking a question than doing a simple search and find the answer by himself. It's less time consuming and you feel a bit proud that you solved your problem on your own.
I think we should make a sticky with things like this :
"My wizard won't boot !"
"Which is the best rom ?"
"Will WM6 work on my device ? and where to find it ?"
All questions above have been asked hundreds of times, perhaps more and are still asked by almost every new guy that just registered.
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You missed one:
Do I have a G3 or G4?
anichillus said:
You got 2 choices :
- flash a new rom (put it into bootloader and connect it to the PC then flash)
- hard reset
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I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that, but I will try it later.
Thanks though!
jacknjill said:
You missed one:
Do I have a G3 or G4?
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Hehe, I missed allot more
Like i said it before, why wait for an answer when you can find it for yourself. Maybe i just don't like to wait
P.S. I liked the MacGyver thing. I must admit i watched those series and i was really jealous on the guy...he knew too much
My Wizard was dead unlimited times.........,
it is easy to get life back, isn't it ?
WTF is wrong with u guys?? If its dead is dead. If the screen works, led works, the pda isnt dead. So hard to understand??

Questions and Answers Section for BA Forum. Post Your Questions Here.

As a celebration for my 1000th post, I decided to open a new thread based on Tweakman's idea, which seemed to work very well in the Development and Hacking Section. The idea is simple, a single thread for all Questions, Problems, and Concerns regarding Blue Angel. This includes, but it is not limited to:
[highlight]*Problems with Flashing.[/highlight]
Can't get your device in bootloader? Did it freeze during flashing and now it doesn't get past the 4 colored screen? Are you a complete noob and need some guidance as to how to flash? Etc.
[highlight]*Have questions about which Rom is best?[/highlight]
[highlight]*Want to install software but don't know if it is compatible with your BA[/highlight]
You get my point. All the questions that I have seen/answered over the past couple of months are just repetitions of posts, threads, and things that are readily available on the wiki or in other threads. However, people are either lazy, don't know what a Wiki is / where to find it, or just flat out don't know how to search (or read the forum rules for that matter). Having something general (in this case a sticky) that says "Hey, if you have a question, you can ask here" should draw enough attention and start minimizing the number of new threads and posts opened by users (both new and seasoned). This way, we will be able to keep the development threads a little cleaner and smaller... hence making the site's search function work a little better in the process.
Kinda like the Q&A team, I will need your help in trying to keep the influx of questions to a certain level by answering them as we see them. None of us are logged in 24/7 (or at least some of us aren't ), but if you guys see a question, please try to answer it. I know that xplode, Chef_Tony, markanthonypr, red_hanks, sun_dream, imatrix, +Que_PPC, motisu, and others normally try to keep this under control, but if we centralize it and contain it, we will have a cleaner forum.
Reserved for future use.
Post Stickied Per Request...
Siemens SX66 BlueAngel Q&A, Help
You know very well you can count on us. Great idea mate. Also congrats on your 1,000's post. I've added a few "tags" to the thread. I hope some others do the same to. Tags help users to find what they are looking for when they use search.
hi specialists
my friend has Blue Angel,he has strange problems.
in (sounds & notification),it didnot saved after changing any parameter,we tried by reflash the rom again,but nothing changed,also we reinstalled radio 1.15 but no change,also the ring tone of the msg is discontinue or irregular when played,and some times didnot wake up (of the device) when recieve a msg.
this is strange issued problems but in mine (BA) every thing is ok,this problems only in my friend (BA),I mate PDA2K.
any ideas?any suggestions?
notice:when we down grade to wm 6.1 every thing is ok
homam_france said:
hi specialists
my friend has Blue Angel,he has strange problems.
in (sounds & notification),it didnot saved after changing any parameter,we tried by reflash the rom again,but nothing changed,also we reinstalled radio 1.15 but no change,also the ring tone of the msg is discontinue or irregular when played,and some times didnot wake up (of the device) when recieve a msg.
this is strange issued problems but in mine (BA) every thing is ok,this problems only in my friend (BA),I mate PDA2K.
any ideas?any suggestions?
notice:when we down grade to wm 6.1 every thing is ok
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Hey homam,
Thanks for kicking things off
First of all, which OS were you having problems with? This is important because it could have been a bug in a rom that could have been fixed in a later version.
I know I can count on you, buddy I need help from the mods as well though. I cannot redirect posts to here and/or close threads
My BA, keeps turning on from standby, by a light shock! I maen, if you press the Power button, and then you knock gently on it's back, it turns back on!!
I've set to "Lock all buttons except the power button", However, I still have this issue.
Well, I must confess that once it dropped off of my hand, and it's the result of that...
Any ideas?
by "it turns back on" i assume you mean it wakes up from stand by, it doesn't really start like after a soft reset, right?
since the BA's only battery activated wake-up is in the cradle and we are not talking about soft reset, my first guess is, the battery is not to blame.
have you checked whether you can use your camera at all time? i mean, the camera_detect does not usually run at all times but if the camera connector is a little lose, from now and then it could "discover" the new camera hardware and wake up, that is unlikely for normal devices, but if yours had a crash before...
you could refer to this site for checking possible hardware reasons:
the hardware things aside, there are also many possible software reasons for the device to wake up on:
- update of titanium weather
- automatic email checking
- cell broadcast
- if bluetooth is on
- if beam is on
- automatic update of any software...
plus of course the usual:
- incoming call
- incoming text message
- incoming mms
- upcoming calendar event...
so please check the possible software wake ups first to make sure this is really a hardware issue, because that would be a shame, that could be tricky to solve.
or let me put it this way, if it is really the moving that wakes it up, you have the first BA with accelerometer
EDIT: last but not least, it could only be a bug, maybe a hard reset or change of the rom could also be a way to go, since spontaneous waking up is a known bug for BAs
If there was only a way to hack the hardware and make this work at least on Edge. I can live with everything else, but its a shame paying for a full unlimited Internet service and only getting G connection Sighhhhhhh
Ok, I had to let that frustration out !!!!!!
Chef_Tony said:
by "it turns back on" i assume you mean it wakes up from stand by, it doesn't really start like after a soft reset, right?
since the BA's only battery activated wake-up is in the cradle and we are not talking about soft reset, my first guess is, the battery is not to blame.
have you checked whether you can use your camera at all time? i mean, the camera_detect does not usually run at all times but if the camera connector is a little lose, from now and then it could "discover" the new camera hardware and wake up, that is unlikely for normal devices, but if yours had a crash before...
you could refer to this site for checking possible hardware reasons:
the hardware things aside, there are also many possible software reasons for the device to wake up on:
- update of titanium weather
- automatic email checking
- cell broadcast
- if bluetooth is on
- if beam is on
- automatic update of any software...
plus of course the usual:
- incoming call
- incoming text message
- incoming mms
- upcoming calendar event...
so please check the possible software wake ups first to make sure this is really a hardware issue, because that would be a shame, that could be tricky to solve.
or let me put it this way, if it is really the moving that wakes it up, you have the first BA with accelerometer
EDIT: last but not least, it could only be a bug, maybe a hard reset or change of the rom could also be a way to go, since spontaneous waking up is a known bug for BAs
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Wow! Tony! I really appreciate your complete answer. I mean it.
Yes, as you correctly assumed, I meant wake-up. It just wakes up and continues the routine WinMo operation; no soft-reset occurs.
It's less than a year that I've replaced the battery with a new one. I remember all the funny things used to happen when the old battery was dying. But non of them were similar to this one.
It can't be the Camera. Well, I'm able to use it all the time, and the "camera_detect" has been always loaded in the processes whenever I've checked it. About the looseness thing, ummm, I'm not sure. I tried to knock on it to see if it's more sensitive than other parts. I think the upper part of the device is more likely to wake it up by an easy hit (like knocking). but it's the whole upper part, not only the camera section nor the camera button.
Unfortunately, the software possibility, is unlikely to be the problem:
I've used many ROMs on my lovely BA which 3-4 times of them taken place since the wake-up problem.
The software and the usual reasons you counted, do wake it up. but shakes, too.
Finally, to be honest, I'm agree with you! This is the first Blue Angel with accelerometer. yeaaah! I did it!
I bet my friends that I can wake my BA up, without touching any buttons or screen! It's fun this way, but I comes to be annoying when I put it in my pocket or just put it on a table! and it wakes up... consider the forced battery consumption, unwanted screen taps if I don't lock the screen. God bless A_C! and... .
I know it's a hardware issue (((((
@raizaM: My Thought.... Have you ever taken it apart? One of my BA's had 3 loose bolts inside. All 3 were from what I think is the Radio/Antenna part at top. However, in my case, I had a rattle going inside. Thats why I put it apart. You might have something loose inside, causing a connection to arc when you knock on your phone. If you do deside to open it, there is a tutorial on the wiki on how to.
markanthonypr said:
@raizaM: My Thought.... Have you ever taken it apart? One of my BA's had 3 loose bolts inside. All 3 were from what I think is the Radio/Antenna part at top. However, in my case, I had a rattle going inside. Thats why I put it apart. You might have something loose inside, causing a connection to arc when you knock on your phone. If you do deside to open it, there is a tutorial on the wiki on how to.
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Hey mark!
I had that same issue a while back, but with only one screw (also from the same area as yours).
Just to knock off Chef_Tony's theory out of the table completely, try to erase camera_detect.lnk from \Windows\startup and SR your device. If Chef was right, then your issue might be gone. However, I would follow markanthony's advice and take it apart in case Chef's idea doesn't work.
Oh man, your not my hero anymore LoL.. and here I thought I would be the only one with a mechanic inside my phone.
markanthonypr said:
Oh man, your not my hero anymore LoL.. and here I thought I would be the only one with a mechanic inside my phone.
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Well, it kept me entertained when my BA would run out of juice
Thanks for your kind advices.
Actually, I tried to remove "camrea_detect" from the startup once, but any way, I gave it a shot again... no success...
Frankly, I'm a lil bit afraid to take my lovely BA apart... :-s... What if... :-(
But, I guess sooner or later I need to do so. so what the heck... lets do it.
Maybe I'll do it tonight. Guys please help me through it. I don't wanna loose my Angel!
Ton'y link provided in the previous posts, would be my start:
any more advices?
raizaM: You're not going to go that far deep. Only remove the cover. If you look at picture #4 on that link, the top green area has about 6 bolts all around it. Those were the ones that were loose on mine. 2 of them were rattling inside the phone. I still can't believe they didn't cause a short circuit. You don't need to go down into the camshell area. Do you use the sliding keyboard? If so, you could have a bad flex cable. But, don't worry about tha for now. Just remove back cover and carefull inspect for loose bolts. Don't over tighten them.
all the master please help, my BA strange,,,,, the screen suddenly go dead after actived wifi or playing game, its suddenly dead, and i must push power button to turn it on again through proses like softreset, that in battery power. but if i conect in charger power mode, i turn wifi,playing game, its normal, the BA still on and working normal,
please2,,,,,if someone knows the problem please help, im desper now....
loryshoe said:
all the master please help, my BA strange,,,,, the screen suddenly go dead after actived wifi or playing game, its suddenly dead, and i must push power button to turn it on again through proses like softreset, that in battery power. but if i conect in charger power mode, i turn wifi,playing game, its normal, the BA still on and working normal,
please2,,,,,if someone knows the problem please help, im desper now....
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It seems that you have the backlight settings set to dim/turn off too fast. Go to \Settings\System\Backlight and modify the settings in there (particularly the ones labeled "On Battery Power"). Then, soft reset the device (stylus on the bottom).
Hope this helps.
markanthonypr said:
raizaM: You're not going to go that far deep. Only remove the cover. If you look at picture #4 on that link, the top green area has about 6 bolts all around it. Those were the ones that were loose on mine. 2 of them were rattling inside the phone. I still can't believe they didn't cause a short circuit. You don't need to go down into the camshell area. Do you use the sliding keyboard? If so, you could have a bad flex cable. But, don't worry about tha for now. Just remove back cover and carefull inspect for loose bolts. Don't over tighten them.
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egzthunder1 said:
It seems that you have the backlight settings set to dim/turn off too fast. Go to \Settings\System\Backlight and modify the settings in there (particularly the ones labeled "On Battery Power"). Then, soft reset the device (stylus on the bottom).
Hope this helps.
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not the setting, it got black scren, its dead screen after running wifi or application, suddenly goes dead, black screen,.
Have you tried with another battery? It sounds to me like your battery is about to die. It won't hold the heavy battery consumption of Wi-Fi and heavy CPU usage while on Games. Try with another battery. Also make sure you followed Egzthunders suggestion to change your Power Settings. If you still need help, post back and include more info about your device, such as, what version of Windows are you running and how old/new is your battery.

Noticed Something Strange.. Hard Buttons Have Lights?

Okay, I'm not sure what has happened. I picked up my HD2 last week, I had WinMo running until I got home from the store LOL. After trying the different builds I settled on Darkstone FROYO for obvious reasons to me. Ran it ever since, until today, I decided to give a different radio a try due to the fact that large file downloads ie Google Sky Map would fail and I read that a different radio may help. After flashing the radio I went from the Chucky ROM to RC4.7 BLACK TMOUS VR ROM. All went well. Backed up my SD CARD DATA and reformated it to FAT32 32KB, copy my backup back on the SD and loaded dual boot.
Booted right up into Android and right away i see my hard keys are lit up. To be honest I didn't know they even were lighted. LOL.
Anybody else notice this?
They are not working in any build as of now. Are you sure that when you booted into Android from WM, these buttons were not lit up.
If they were, they gonna be lit up all the time (even if you lock the device). If that is the case, would suggest you to reboot it to windows and boot into android only when the buttons are not lit up.
They are on... but yes you are correct. they are on all the time. Even when I lock or when the device goes to sleep.
You booted it from WM with them on, wait til they turn off before booting android
I noticed something else too... I still had the boot screen from the Chucky ROM even after the flash to the VR ROM. So I just reflashed to AxLor DF1 Xlite and that is taken care of. my lights are now off yet again.
wasted thread this has been talked about 1000 times over find another way to get your post up
they shouldnt be lit up lol
thatruth132 said:
wasted thread this has been talked about 1000 times over find another way to get your post up
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not being rude but dude u need to relax.people need help and they want solution quick not everyone is like u on finding solutions the easy way.if u not gonna try to help someone dont bother posting anything.
GHOST99K said:
not being rude but dude u need to relax.people need help and they want solution quick not everyone is like u on finding solutions the easy way.if u not gonna try to help someone dont bother posting anything.
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i agree... but maybe that how "he's" getting his post count up... lol
anyways, this has happened to me a couple times and i agree with earhog, wait till they are off in WM before u run HARET. this way they'll be off when you boot android and wont drain your battery as quickly...
Damn... I have always searched the forum for answers and advice prior to posting any questions... hence my post count. I did do a search and all I could pull up was posts about them not working. This was more of observation than a question that I thought was strange.
Nothing more.
Sent from my HD2 DROID with XDA.
sicdroid said:
Damn... I have always searched the forum for answers and advice prior to posting any questions... hence my post count. I did do a search and all I could pull up was posts about them not working. This was more of observation than a question that I thought was strange.
Nothing more.
Sent from my HD2 DROID with XDA.
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exactly my point since this android port hit all we get are people posting things that are not helpful is this helping any one , so what u are telling me is we need to help him figure out why his button lights are staying on ..the is a effin emulator about i go post a thread ..."my android market is working" is that going to do for any one when there a 15 threads saying the same thing find one of thse thread to "CONTRIBUTE" to ...
Every post should be from a Developer or Chef?? The point of the post was... hey this is what is happening, has it happened to anyone else? How did you fix it? Ideas?
The EXACT point of this forum. If you you knew the answer and it was nothing that intrigued you... why did you open the post? Lol. Anyway, it has been answered, issue solved.
Sent from my HD2 DROID with XDA.
and you do have a point but the forum has rules and there specific rules for this whole hd2 android forum , thats why when you see people like me saying this stuff we never just put the answer its because would you tell your child the answer all the time no because we all know he really wont learn anything...which is the real reason for this site
thatruth132 said:
and you do have a point but the forum has rules and there specific rules for this whole hd2 android forum , thats why when you see people like me saying this stuff we never just put the answer its because would you tell your child the answer all the time no because we all know he really wont learn anything...which is the real reason for this site
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I am using my first post just for you. You sir, are an ass and need to go elswhere with your "higher-than-mighty" attitude. Since none of the roms are finalized, this is an acceptable topic for this section. OP even stated later on, all he found was posts for the buttons NOT working. And it is apparent that he was asking if anyone else has ran into this issue. For all we know, there may be an issue the the ROM he has loaded that is causing the buttons to stay on like that.
So heed your own advise and stop padding YOUR post count.
noticed something like that too. the button lights are on SOMETIMES. I can say for sure, I didnt start haret with the lights on, but at some point the lights went on during running android (and stayed on). I think an incoming call triggered it, but I'm not sure.


i restart my pphone but it stayed in the "windowns" screen instead of the home screen no matter how many times i restarted it, so what should i do now !!!!!!
I think it would be helpful if you provided addition information about your phone like what ROM you're using, etc.
um.... i cant even go on to the home screen so cant really tell.....
hard reset
Which windows screen? Titanium? Or the boot screen?
What were you doing when it happened? What happens when you pull the battery out for 10 minutes and put it back in?
We really need more details to help you.
why, why why do i click on topics that say help
carhigh said:
why, why why do i click on topics that say help
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Likes this^^^
then the OP will come back on 2 months later saying "thanks guys, I soft reset and all was good"
carhigh said:
why, why why do i click on topics that say help
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thought exactly the same......
kitkityeah, instead of just making new thread.. do the same as everyone should do, SEARCH, GOD, ITS NOT THAT HARD
i think i read this question atleast 5 times in the last 6 months......

Task 29 brick

So... today I was on my way to installing WP7. As I was having trouble, I decided to start over. I started to task 29 the phone... At 8% it vibrated 5 times, I panicked and the cable wound up unplugged. Now I'm here with a phone that won't go into the bootloader. I've tried letting the battery charged. I've also tried taking the battery out and leaving the phone alone for an hour.
Well if your USB cable came unpluged and you can not boot into bootloader. Then yes you have hard bricked your HD2. The only options you have are to get it JTAGed or have the main board replaced.
a task29 doesn't touch bootloader, so i think it's not a brick
have you used last 24mb nand??? (you can choose this option in magldr)
Before the task 29, yes. It was in the instructions.
Also: I'm going to the T-Mobile store today and playing stupid... maybe they'll help me out
"I'm going to the store today and play stupid... maybe they'll help me out "
Classic !
psykick5 said:
Before the task 29, yes. It was in the instructions.
Also: I'm going to the T-Mobile store today and playing stupid... maybe they'll help me out
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NEVER use last 24mb, they are used for bootloader flashing, radio flashing and other operation during flashing, you are not the first user that report brick for this problem...but people continue to write stupid guides!!! Please contact the autor of this guide and warn it to delete this step!!! Or we will have an HD2 cemetery very soon!!!
pirlano said:
NEVER use last 24mb, they are used for bootloader flashing, radio flashing and other operation during flashing, you are not the first user that report brick for this problem...but people continue to write stupid guides!!! Please contact the autor of this guide and warn it to delete this step!!! Or we will have an HD2 cemetery very soon!!!
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The sad irony was after the task 29 I was going to skip that step since I thought it was stupid...
Glad to see others posting on this thread as people start threads here to get other more experienced users answers. But let us look at post #1 again shall we?
psykick5 said:
So... today I was on my way to installing WP7. As I was having trouble, I decided to start over. I started to task 29 the phone... At 8% it vibrated 5 times, I panicked and the cable wound up unplugged. Now I'm here with a phone that won't go into the bootloader. I've tried letting the battery charged. I've also tried taking the battery out and leaving the phone alone for an hour.
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Now yes Task 29 does not touch the bootloader or radio partition of the NAND. But in my honest opinion letting the USB cable come unpluged or your battery dieing in the middle of any kind of flash is just not something you want to happen. Also anytime your device vibrates multiple times in secession you know you got some kind of major problem. This is a notification to you that something is wrong. I think the exact problem is determined by the number of vibrations.
Last if your device will not boot into bootloader via the external hardware keys. You either have faulty hardware keys, a faulty screen which is not showing the bootloader, or a screwed up bootloader which means your device is bricked. From post #1 I eliminate the first two reasons, just leaving a bricked device.
pirlano said:
NEVER use last 24mb, they are used for bootloader flashing, radio flashing and other operation during flashing, you are not the first user that report brick for this problem...but people continue to write stupid guides!!! Please contact the autor of this guide and warn it to delete this step!!! Or we will have an HD2 cemetery very soon!!!
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You have to use the last 24mb nand for Yuki XDA's wp7.. It worked fine for me..
T-Macgnolia said:
Glad to see others posting on this thread as people start threads here to get other more experienced users answers. But let us look at post #1 again shall we?
Now yes Task 29 does not touch the bootloader or radio partition of the NAND. But in my honest opinion letting the USB cable come unpluged or your battery dieing in the middle of any kind of flash is just not something you want to happen. Also anytime your device vibrates multiple times in secession you know you got some kind of major problem. This is a notification to you that something is wrong. I think the exact problem is determined by the number of vibrations.
Last if your device will not boot into bootloader via the external hardware keys. You either have faulty hardware keys, a faulty screen which is not showing the bootloader, or a screwed up bootloader which means your device is bricked. From post #1 I eliminate the first two reasons, just leaving a bricked device.
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Yeah I shouldn't have done that. Is there a key or reference for vibration error messages?
psykick5 said:
Yeah I shouldn't have done that. Is there a key or reference for vibration error messages?
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I am sure there is such a reference list somewhere, but I really have no idea other than requesting one from HTC where you can find one. I do know without any doubt though that the vibrations are meant to be a indication to a tech of what is wrong with the device. As I have read some post by some very hardware knowledgeable people here on XDA, such as Senior Member facdemol, talk about the vibrations. If I were you I would hit up Google hard and search for one cause as I said I am sure there is one out there.
