Battery life? - Bravo General

I have a Bravo coming in the mail that I bought on Ebay and I'm just wondering what to expect for battery life? I've been using both a Captivate and an Aria and the battery life of those has been okay. I always charge sometime throughout the day because I'm worried I'll get low at night.
Anyone have any comparison to battery life of the Bravo compared with the Captivate or Aria?

Had the Aria and returned cause the battery life was horrible. The Bravo has great battery life for a smartphone. If you play with it constantly, it will need to be charged at the end of the day (I do have wifi, gps on always). Otherwise in standby, it goes for a few days. Make sure u intall launcher pro. Cause motoblur slows down the phone. And motoblur is horrible. Hope this helps.
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This is my first day with the Bravo. I work with android phones all day everyday and the Bravo has truly impressed me. I have made numerous calls, text messages, internet, wifi on all day, gps off and on, app downloads, 2 factory resets, and 1 hard reset. I am just now at 40%. Excellent
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[Q] Droid X Battery Life

Is it normal for my battery to only last 1 day before it needs a charge? I have everything turned off practically and yet I still have it dying after 1 day. According to Battery usage, the only things draining it are the Display and Cell Standby. Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.
That's about the battery life I get. With light to moderate usage, it lasts about 15 hours before getting down to 20%
I'm in a fringe area and get most of a work day with moderate email, data, and constant music
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Same here...11-13 hours is a pretty good stretch for me.
Biggest culprits for battery drain are display and automatic data syncing.
So if you want to extend your battery life lower the brightness on your display.
So for syncing you can either disable it completely so that your applications only refresh for new data when you use them or change the frequency that they check.
I'm getting about the same. Actually I was pretty happy considering all this thing does. Keep an eye out for the extended battery. It's gonna make it thicker but might be a good tradeoff for some of us.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
My battery only lasted around 6 hours, so I'm getting a replacement.
I'm with you guys about the battery issue. I mean I know that Android is known to have bad battery life, but the X was heralded as supposedly having decent battery life.
Even with GPS and wifi turned OFF, and my display brightness turned all the way down to 0, I am still only getting about 10-12 hrs of usage. That's BS.
Overall I really like the phone, but the battery issue is getting on my nerves - as well as the damn wifi issue.
I doubt it's going to matter, but I can only hope that Froyo offers up better battery life (maybe more options to turn stuff off). I would love to be able to underclock the CPU or reduce the screen brightness even more.
I am coming from a blackberry that got two days on a charge. The phone sucked though. I get about 13-15 hours per charge on stock battery. I use tasker and y5 to set profiles that toggle wifi and gps so I'm never using extra battery but still able to use device to fullest. I also went on ebay and found two generic batteries with external charger for $13. Now when my stock battery dies, I just throw in a new one that freshly charged and charge up the stock one. Having three batteries to shuffle through means my phone is never plugged in, and never dead. Plus in not charging batteries as often so it should extend over all life of batteries.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
How does the battery life compare to the original Droid(stock of course)? Do you guys think the Droid 2 will have similar battery life, or will Froyo and the smaller screen improve it?
I only get around 7 hours when im forum browsing 7 hrs straight
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
I've noticed the 50% bug on several x's including my own
If i don't use my phone a lot i get 10+ hours easy
But you gotta remember if you're using this phone all out and a lot then of course you're gonna use the battery up quicker.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Seems to be a bug with the gps. That is causing the battery drains. Even after you shut down the program using gps system won't go into a complete Sleep mode seems to be a big study going on over tested mine today with gps off except when in use battery lated 20 hours versus 10 with it on.
Not real technical myself and don't wanna post link to another forum.
Good luck fyi motorola is aware of bug and suppose to be a fix in 2.2
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I use the widget "Extended Controls" and leave my WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth, etc off unless I need them.
I had the SGS Captivate for three weeks and before that I had the G1 since it came out - the DroidX battery life is longer than both of them.
I'm really happy with the battery life so far.
Also, I read somewhere that it can take a few full drain/full charge cycles to get the most out of your battery. Both myself and my wife completely drained and then completely charged our batteries within the first two days.
I've had the DInc, eris, droid, and nexus one, i couldn't put into words how much better the battery is on my x. I mean its nothing like a dumbphone. But this thing packs as much punch as some older laptops so i don't expect a lot out of the battery. Check ur apps, sometimes u get ****ty" rogue" apps that screw it up, and if u use a task manager only kill intense apps like web or messages or gmail. The other processes are need to make the phone run correctly, i know i've seen better performance and battery life since i stopped using one.
sent from Shawn Micheals...The heartbreak Kid
I leave everything on wifi, gps, auto brightness, blue tooth, and im getting the best battery life of any phone i have ever owned, even better than my nexus one . My sister has a Droid X, and all she does is complain about her battery life. Although she is coming from a blackberry, i think that most people expect more from the battery than it can physically give, if you wonder about how long it lasts just take a look at the screen, and realize it takes alot of juice to run this huge beast .
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
xmunk said:
I've noticed the 50% bug on several x's including my own
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I had never heard of this before so I did some research and my X was doubling the time on in Cell Standby and showing 50% used. I was getting 12 - 13 hours of battery life. I did the airplane mode cycle trick and now I'm getting 24+ hours of battery life. And now Cell Standby displays normally. Amazing.
A big thanks to xmunk as that was the only thing that was driving me nuts about the X and I was thinking about getting a replacement. Now the battery life is great!
I would recommend anyone having poor battery life check to see what Cell Standby is reporting.
Oh wow.... Im showing since unplugging my phone 3hr 54m ago I've used the following for power:
51% Display
38% Cell Standby
12% Phone Idle
I just cycled Airplane mode and will checkout what happens next.
That a ton of power being used for standby. My Nexus one used 1-2% per hour while not in use and on standby. Battery left is estimating my battery is at 76% right now with a system % of 80% showing.
I hope this gets looked into.
gchglobal said:
I had never heard of this before so I did some research and my X was doubling the time on in Cell Standby and showing 50% used. I was getting 12 - 13 hours of battery life. I did the airplane mode cycle trick and now I'm getting 24+ hours of battery life. And now Cell Standby displays normally. Amazing.
A big thanks to xmunk as that was the only thing that was driving me nuts about the X and I was thinking about getting a replacement. Now the battery life is great!
I would recommend anyone having poor battery life check to see what Cell Standby is reporting.
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Well- since you guys have already done all the work -would you mind maybe sharing a few links?
-thanks if you can.

Battery Life

I've been reading the thread about battery life and I was wondering if someone could just say whether or not its good or bad. Just give me how many hours it lasts you through the day. I use the nexus one currently and I unplugged my phone at 7:45 AM and it's now 11:33 PM and my Nexus One still has 25% battery life and its been on for 15 hours.
So will I be making a sacrifice going to the G2? Will my battery life be horrible?
Nah, your good. Come to the darkside.
Battery life couldn't be any better. Especially running CM.
[G2/HTC Vision]
i was in major debate on leaving my N1 for G2, my usb port broke in my N1 so i grabbed a G2 while the N1 is sent in to HTC. i told my girlfriend she can have my N1, i am happy with the G2 now in every aspect including battery.
i did tell the gf, she has to take care of the N1 like her child though, still love that phone and may want to use it again in the future.
I've had my phone unplugged since 3pm~ and it's currently 1:41am (nearly 11 hours later) and I'm at 85% battery. Running stock and haven't done anything besides a few calls and texts today. (Auto brightness and data sync are on with 4G going too) I could probably make the phone last over 48 hours if I left it idle. Beats the hell out of my last phones battery (G1)
Thanks guys, this has really made me feel alright.
My battery sucks
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
I used to think my battery was horrible. However, I did a complete wipe of my phone including the Dalvik cache and now it is better. I receive push email on my phone throughout the entire day. During a normal day's use I can go about 9 hours. Last night I left my phone alone complrtrly from about 8 pm till now after fully charging at 2 pm and I still have a little juice left. For those experiencing bad battery life you may wanna try wiping everything then fully charging and finally wiping the battery stats.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

Desire HD battery. Any resolution?

Just wondered if there was a better battery on the market to buy or if HTC are developing one?
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
3rd Parties do sell batteries with higher capacity. But quality is not assured and they are not endorsed by HTC.
I've always had bad experience with 3rd party batteries.
Custom ROM + setting up your phone correctly is the best way to improve your battery life
Turn your mobile off..
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
My battery lasts at least 35 hours no problem and i browse constant i just turn data off wen not using it. I also fully charged my phone let battery die without touching it then fully charged and its great
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
try callibration as described in one of the many battery threads on here, and if your running a custom CM7 based rom try mad-murdocks battery fix, But in reality with a high powered smart phone you aint gonna get much more than a days usage out of it without charging.
In the beginning I also had huge problems with my DHD's batterylife.
Now, it easily lasts 2 whole days with constant hspda connection, push on and no task manager, rooting or anything... ow, and my screen is always set to 100% brightness.
Don't know why I had such low batteeylife in the beginning, but I'm absolutely loving it now, lasts way longer than my iPhone 3gs
I have fount using the MIUI rom, has helped my battery.
I wouldn't buy a 3rd party battery...I dont think they live up to the claims they make.
i've bought an extra chinese battery for when im travelling where there's no outlets. works good for me
For me my battery lasts easily 35 hours.
My best advice is, if you have a account, remove it. It drains battery very fast.
I am on CM7 RC1 with maddock's new kernel and android assistant with auto quick boost every 2 hours, works pretty well for me. idling only 1% power consumption an hour sometimes even less.
THats with push gmail, wifi, 3g constantly turned on.
My battery started of very poor but its improving over time.. current stat : 22 hrs phone idle , screen on : 1:15 , voice call : 22min , WiFi : 4hrs , data connection on when no WiFi , music : 45min , fair bit of browsing , 25% battery left ....
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Problem solved.
I am loving it!
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
Using Revolution 4.0 rom and took 13 hours to take 10% of battery. Pretty good.
Wireless on and some calls
third party battery's are really cheap, so carrying a few extra battery's while on a flight off more then 8 hours for example is really convinient, because a few extra battery's don't take alot off space and they are really cheap.
And I also do run custom roms, right now I have the Gingerbeard rom from Mike running, but it was said that the custom roms use less enegry, but I don't know if you would notice alot off difference.
Getting at least a day use out of the stock battery
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
My battery was crap before i rooted,
With root and gingerroms i cant complain on the battery lifetime anymore.
I got an external battery instead: (search for TeckNet Dual-Port iEP380 5000mAh on Amazon, I can't post links yet).
Lots of capacity, but rather slow to charge (both itself, and the phone)
I can lasts 2 to 3 days with normal use (tweeting sometimes, updating weather, twitter, facebook, htcsense, and anything else every hour, txting 5x a day, calling 0 to 3 times a day, and spending 5 to 10 minutes on market every day).
I am using stock rom.
And using JuiceDefender with UltimateJuice to let my phone turn of 3G every time, and turn on 3G every hour for 1 min to update.
I'd love to have an extr battary.

Battery Rubbish?

hey there
basically, last night i:
1)wiped battery stats
2)discharged till phone shuts off
3)turned phone on again so it turns off again
4)went to sleep with it charging
5)woke up 9 hours later, on 100%
so if its fully charged, battery ETA is only giving it 7 hours and 44 minutes estimated time, WITHOUT WIFI, GPS OR MOBILE DATA, AND 25% BRIGHTNESS USING 'BRIGHTNESS PROFILES' APP. isnt this like.... rubbish? this is my setup
stock battery
cyanogenmod 7.0.3 w/ Eugene's Smartass overclock kernel V9
*******Setcpu profiles: default 245/1228 smartass
Screen Off 192/368 conservative (100 priority)
Temp >38.5C 245/806 ondemand (priority 80)
Charging 368/1459 ondemand (priority 78)
battery <10% 245/368 ondemand (priority 71)
battery 15% 245/768 ondemand (priority 60)*********
ADW launcher w/honeycomb theme
-no widgets!-
i dont want to buy one of those bulky batteries, as it wont fit in my school blazer. the question is, how do i extend my battery?
Sounds like a duff battery. I get about 20 hours with everything on on stock rom.
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk
oh okay thanks, where could i buy a decent battery, adding no bulk but not too expensive?
I'm wondering the same thing... the Desire Z only comes with a 1300mAh battery... My previous phone had a more powerfull battery (2100mAh) and that was an older model WM6 smartphone (which was rubbish on power savings) and it would outlast the desire Z... Even after two years of extensive use, the old phone's battery is better then this phones brand new battery
I've been unable to find any official HTC batteries for the Desire Z which pack more juice...
At the OP. What is your signal strength like? Mine is rubbish at work as I work in a converted barn and that makes a big difference to the battery life.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
at home i ALWAYS have 3/4 bars out of 4
btw i am also using JuiceDefender, if that would make a difference :L...
since the OP, ive been on facebook for about 30-40 mins, already 82% battery.....
Have a look through the accessories section. Lots of threads about replacement batteries.
Sent from my 'SilverBullet' HTCDesireZ running CM7
I am in the process of 'breaking in' a new 1800 MuganPower battery. Fits perfectly with no mods needed.
It should take a few more charges etc to settle down, so things should theoretically improve.
I pulled the plug off charge 6.5 hours ago.
I have it set to use wifi when at home, and 3g for the phone connection (I have a 3G femtocell at home).
When I leave my home area, it switches off 3g and wifi and drops to 2g.
I have made a couple of 2 minute calls, checked my emails and twitter, and was out of the house for say 1.5 hours earlier.
I have had a couple of texts to which i replied.
I am on 95% charge now, and pretty pleased with that.
I've got the same mugen battery, and get through a full day easily no matter what I do. Screen full bright, wifi always on, some internet, games, gps.... etc. Only 7 hours of battery to me sounds terrible.
since my last post, i havent touched the phone at all, and its got 66% charge -__- i seriously need a better battery, may buy the mugen, would you say they are worth it?
xT4Z1N4TRx said:
since my last post, i havent touched the phone at all, and its got 66% charge -__- i seriously need a better battery, may buy the mugen, would you say they are worth it?
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Have you made sure there are no apps or services that are using to much?
Sent from my 'SilverBullet' HTCDesireZ running CM7
Are you using the Google News and Weather widget? I still don't know why, but it was murdering my battery. Soon as I removed the widget, battery life shot back up.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
nope, no widgets except the built in analogue clock.
the battery usage is used by mobile standby, wifi, display etc. no apps....
xT4Z1N4TRx said:
nope, no widgets except the built in analogue clock.
the battery usage is used by mobile standby, wifi, display etc. no apps....
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What percentage per section(standby, display) is being used?
Sent from my 'SilverBullet' HTCDesireZ running CM7
mobile standby 33%
wifi 28%
phone idle 28%
display 5%
im surprised its been 10h 15m and im still on 58%
the battery seems okay when not touching the phone, as i have only checked facebook for 2 minutes, and sent around 10 texts (been playing football)
looks like imma turn off wifi when not using it from now!
When I first got my Desire Z when it first came out I was pretty disappointed in the battery life. I tried programs like juice defender and minimized every possible battery sucking option I could find. I could maybe get 12 hours of use out of it so I bought a 1800mAh MuganPower battery which gave me maybe 15 hours instead. Pretty poor I thought but what more could I do?
A couple of months ago I finally did a factory reset after encountering a lot of frustrating little bugs, some of which had been around since the phone was new. Since then not only has my phone worked a lot better and faster, but battery life is MUCH improved. My phone now consistently lasts 24 - 30 hours with the same usage or more than I was using it before. So obviously buggy software can make a huge impact on battery life and it's not something you are going to be able to easily discern as to what program(s) are causing the problem.
Hmmm im not sure then..
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Okay, played a bit of speedx 3D, heavy texting and facebook/gochat, still on 31%. Battery seems ok, still going to invest in a better one though, as using the phone for games or internet heavily drains the battery, whereas standby seems to be quite good, but need to turn off wifi. I will see how it fairs tomorrow, and post a picture.
Sent from my HTC Desire Z using XDA App
28% for wifi seems really high. I always have wifi on and it only takes up 6%.

Battery life on this phone?

I just got this phone, instantly updated to jellybean, still did a factory reset to help with little issues that happen sometimes on android updates ... and the battery life is terrible. Nothing at all like everyone is bragging about. I even made a lot of smart actions to try to help (i.e. put in airplane mode when I'm not using it, 4g off when wifi on, background data only when using phone, etc.).
I'm getting around 2h and 45 min of screen on time. And it still loses around 12-15% overnight with airplane mode on. No apps downloaded or settings synced from account.
Are there other things I could check?
Facebook freezing and FC constantly too.
SilverTipp said:
I just got this phone, instantly updated to jellybean, still did a factory reset to help with little issues that happen sometimes on android updates ... and the battery life is terrible. Nothing at all like everyone is bragging about. I even made a lot of smart actions to try to help (i.e. put in airplane mode when I'm not using it, 4g off when wifi on, background data only when using phone, etc.).
I'm getting around 2h and 45 min of screen on time. And it still loses around 12-15% overnight with airplane mode on. No apps downloaded or settings synced from account.
Are there other things I could check?
Facebook freezing and FC constantly too.
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I'd disable smart actions and also Google now. People report that helps a little
Sent from my XT907 using xda premium
I also found it took about 3 weeks for the battery to settle down and really give good long life on each charge. Now I'm super impressed with battery life of this gem of a phone...
Hmm ... I'm debating on sending it back. How was your battery life in the beginning?
No one experiencing huge facebook issues? Some other apps seem to take awhile to load.
I have the official jelly bean and I'm a rooted. So far today has been the best battery life that I've had even since flashing from ICS last week.
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
Amazing freaking battery life. Definitely. Probably top five of all time considering the power of the phone
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
I disabled location reporting in Google Latitude and find the battery life good.
SilverTipp said:
Hmm ... I'm debating on sending it back. How was your battery life in the beginning?
No one experiencing huge facebook issues? Some other apps seem to take awhile to load.
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Seeing you had 2-3 hrs on screen time, its no wonder the battery is dying on you. At first I found the battery life ok, would get through the day, but as I used it more the battery seemed to settle and now get 2 days a charge...BUT as with everything concerning battery this is relative.
I don't sync pretty much anything. I don't sync gmail, facebook, etc...which i know do take up substantial battery life. One thing I've found with this phone from using CPU Spy (app), is that when it goes into deep sleep, it really uses no battery power...I mean NONE! The other day at work it was just sitting on my desk doing nothing for 3 hours and went from 90% at 9am to 90% at 12 noon.
Battery is great on this phone...
SilverTipp said:
I just got this phone, instantly updated to jellybean, still did a factory reset to help with little issues that happen sometimes on android updates ... and the battery life is terrible. Nothing at all like everyone is bragging about. I even made a lot of smart actions to try to help (i.e. put in airplane mode when I'm not using it, 4g off when wifi on, background data only when using phone, etc.).
I'm getting around 2h and 45 min of screen on time. And it still loses around 12-15% overnight with airplane mode on. No apps downloaded or settings synced from account.
Are there other things I could check?
Facebook freezing and FC constantly too.
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I've had this phone for about a month now and my battery life is incredible. Better than I ever expected. I'm getting 2 full work days out of a single charge. I can suggest an app that I'm convinced works very well for Motorola's as this is the second one I've had. 2x battery saver seems to work better than juice defender. Cutting off background data when the phone is idle will help out a lot and that app does that very well. Smartactions should also be kept to a minimum. My phone uses virtually no battery when it is idle. If you play around on the internet a lot then its gonna drain your battery. For mostly talking and texting, its great.
Same problem but it does get resloved
When I got my razr m it had the same battery problem, but with time it will start holding more of a charge. It takes roughly month, and now i'm getting two days easily with it.
Yep. The battery here is unbelievable. I used ~1gb data, about an hour of calls and a few games for bout 30 min or so. Oh and some music. About 1.5 hours to charge and 2 days battery. Best battery life I have seen since the Nokia 1700 with net ten. Really. Its that good.
And I mean straight out the box. I bought it on Thursday last week and charged it maybe 3 times.
Charged it on Tue at 830 or so till bout 10 central standard time. I got 35% right now. I'm TRYING to kill it before I go to bed. I'm not very optimistic. Outstanding battery. Shoot, unheard of. 4.1.1
Oh and PS. I ain't rooted it yet either.
Sent from my XT907 using xda premium
To speed the settling in process.
Use the phone unit it dies. And then Charge it fully with no interruptions. Dont unplug and replug.
I had 4 of these going through my place now.
My girls, Mines and 2 from friends.
My girl's was settled in well when we received it already.
Mines took 1 week to settle in. My 2 friends took 1 weeks with that Calibration process and the other took 4 weeks of normal usage.
The phones battery is a monster !!!
2 hours worth of phone calls Screen is on time 3 hours, 16h wifi, I am at 40% and been off the charger for 17 hours.
The battery on this thing is great! One thing Motorola does better than any other manufacturer. I'm getting all weekend off a charge as my phone pretty much runs off wireless
Sent from my XT905 using xda premium
Anyone compared battery life of RAZR M vs RAZR i battery life?
I've seen on gsm arena that battery life of RAZR i is incredible, but there is no battery test for RAZR M.
Sent from my MB525 using xda app-developers app
Proda said:
Anyone compared battery life of RAZR M vs RAZR i battery life?
I've seen on gsm arena that battery life of RAZR i is incredible, but there is no battery test for RAZR M.
Sent from my MB525 using xda app-developers app
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The i is more efficient when using it acctionally by 5%
Heavy usage the M is by 3% better, at conserving battery but the i is faster on heavy usage on large application
I have to get the screen shots we got few weeks ago.
Also the i tends to suck more power on some apps due to the emulation. But is not slower in anyway.
They are marginally almost the same.
Its just where u need the Processing power to be.
Heavy need of processing power the i is very competitive on single 3D apps
Need 100% compatibility with the apps store use the M with its ARM CPU
1.5 ARM Dual core or 2.0 Hyper Thread Single Core
I'm getting AMAZING battery life on my RAZR M. I get through the entire work day (lots of voice calls, wifi usage, bluetooth, maybe 1.5 hrs of screen time total) and still have about 35% remaining before I go to bed (about 15 hrs of usage). I even try to kill the battery by watching videos at home, putting the screen brightness on 100%, still havent managed to kill the battery.
So far very impressed with this phone, especially compared with my old Galaxy SII on TMobile
My Record:
2d 4h with 3.30 screen on
v0rtex604 said:
My Record:
2d 4h with 3.30 screen on
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Dudee how are you getting that much!
Sent from my XT907 using xda premium
I think you got a borked phone, ive had this phone for 3 days now, noticed the amazing battery life the first day, phone came with a 50% charge, didnt charge it all day, finished day 1 with 30% after heavy use, day 2 heavy use navigation, texting, games, ect, finished day again at 30%, now day three same heavy use as day 2, days almost over and im at 50%, think i got a good one well deserving of the trident case i bought for it.
jarzy00 said:
Dudee how are you getting that much!
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I've got rule in SmartActions.
If screen off - then turn off mobile data.
