Ginerbread vs Froyo - speed - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

I have tried pretty much every version of NAND gingerbread now and I am finding them all just a but laggy compared to Older froyo builds, anyone else find this, I thought ginger was supposed to have speed optimisations?
Just want a clean, quick Ginger, no frills or crap as I like to customise myself, I think I have tried them all but I might be missing one, anyone using a clean ginger that is nice and snappy?

NexusHD2-Gingerbread V2.1 NAND [App2SD+][720p][Kernel: tytung_r2_oldcam] works well for me

found that a big laggy like the rest, note I say laggy but I am comparing it to the froyo builds, anyone else find froyo builds faster?

I can say that gingerbread is faster and smoother than froyo. Actually i use gpc_hd2_gingerbread_1.5. Every froyo was picked up with different tweaks and progs. Normally people want decide itself what needed and what is cool or fun.
I think it will be very good point for htc android development, to start make every rom plain or stock version. Then let users add itself what they want or cooker makes custom roms. Then when we have plain or stock roms we can talk about smooth or speed.
I dont fight, just my opinion.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk

found that laggy myself compared to cleandroid, have you tried cleandroid, smoothest I have found yet.

Yes i have, more twice. Freezes on different places and needs time at time reboot.


Good, fast and complete ROM for Hero

Hi, i feel like my original Hero ROM is slow as hell.. freezing for 5-10 sec when i write an SMS.. So i'd like some tips on the "best, fastest and less buggy (Completed)" ROM out there for Hero.. There will probably be different tips from different people.. but the most popular ones perhaps?
Noticed this thread..
So pretty much...
Best Sense-ROM -> ChocolateEclair
Best Non-Sense-ROM -> FroydVillain or VanillaEclair?
Slemhelge said:
Hi, i feel like my original Hero ROM is slow as hell.. freezing for 5-10 sec when i write an SMS.. So i'd like some tips on the "best, fastest and less buggy (Completed)" ROM out there for Hero.. There will probably be different tips from different people.. but the most popular ones perhaps?
Noticed this thread..
So pretty much...
Best Sense-ROM -> ChocolateEclair
Best Non-Sense-ROM -> FroydVillain or VanillaEclair?
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That graph is a fair bit outdated, and most of the ROMs have since been updated maybe 5 or so times...
Just take a look in the ROM forums, read what people say, and pick one, give it a go, and move from there. Remember Froyo ROMs will be a fair bit faster than an eclair one, since they use JIT properly, and froyo is a newer version of android anyway (2.2 instead of 2.1)
hello there
I'm using villainrom 12, it's 2.1 sense rom, and it's ok
I heard some great things about robomix, kimera (all 2.1 sense).
If You are a fan of vanilla, I think that You should invest in 2.2 - froyd, elelinux (hope I spelled that correctly).
So, Froyo is the new name of the new version of Android?
What is Froyo in depth?
Just installed VanillaEclair and i got problem already
Which Froyo would you recommend? A stable one that is
The first and only ROM ive used was elelinux.. i loved it.. now i see there's a Froyo elelinux
Any good?
I think that there are no bad roms here
all Froyo (2.2) roms are similar, or at least I see them liek that, some have issues, that are promptly fixed.
Froyo is faster. simple as that. Some apps require froyo.
Also - there are some gadgets as "chrome2android".
native app2sd option is also nice.
automatic updates in market.
So quite nice features
Im a dedicated elelinux-user.. Love all his work so far.. AND he's swedish! makes everything so much better !

[Q] Experience with Ginger Roms? [Faster than Froyo Roms?]

im currently running Floyo on my HTC Hero. Im wondering what is the currently fastest and best running Rom out there.
Are the other Froyo Roms out there better than Floyo? Why are they better?
Shall i test the Gingerbread Roms? Are they faster than the Froyo Roms? Do they run better on your Devices ? What about the battery life?
from my experience I think elelinux 6.2 is the fastest, but for me it's also a little unstable unless he's solved that problem since I used it (which was a few weeks ago).
floyo is really good too though so you might want to stay where you are.
make sure to use launcherpro which is by far the fastest launcher on the hero.
gingerbread is fairly fast but not really as instantaneous to respond to your taps as some of the faster older roms out there. I actually find that cronos eclair light is the fastest rom to respond to my commands, but it's a highly modified 2.1 sense rom which means you're limited to 2.1 features (if that bothers you, it annoys me now that I'm used to gingerbread).
It's a trade off really. gingerbread is the best os so far, but it does have a couple of graphical framerate issues in UI screen transitions and some 3d stuff.
It's camera might not be quite as fast or good as with older roms also, however I'm not convinced of that yet.
You can always create a nandroid of your current setup (or a bart which will be a bigger backup but will include your ext partition - sort of a necessary thing imho). then wipe all and try a gb rom. you can restore to your floyo bart backup any time if you decide to.
Froyo at the moment is very rock stable and still faster than Gingerbread (Beta). It's like comparing Windows XP and Windows Vista. GB beta offers something interesting. However, from time to time, you may experience FC, lag, GPS problem, unexplained reboot and some apps not useable (not updated yet for GB). The default camera on GB is still bad, very colourless. If you use alternative like Camera 360, only then it is good. If you use GPS a lot, bear in mind Runkeeper or Buddy Runner will have problem connecting to GPS. My daily working ROM is also Floyo 1.20. Use Nandroid to backup your Froyo first. Wipe all, Flash any GB ROM (I had tried Ele's 0.6 and Cronos' 1.10) to try out yourselves.
dkelley said:
make sure to use launcherpro which is by far the fastest launcher on the hero.
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I haven't tried LP for a few months, but I am quite sure Zeam is faster
Of course Zeam doesn't have as many features.
Ive been running GB for about two weeks and have only had one lock up. (mind you I was reinstalling all my apps while trying to listen to music so probably my fault there..)
Only had 1 FC and that was in Gmail after I changed my signature in the settings but hasnt done it when I edit it since.
Havn't noticed any lag (then again I use Zeam, which flies along anyway),
and I get 3 days battery, half a day more than froyo with the same usage. (then again its using a different Kernel compared to what Froyo was using so that may be why).
As for colourless camera, ive not noticed any difference at all since updating. if it does worry people that much, you guys do know that the stock camera has settings for bumping saturation/contrast/etc up right..? and it remembers the settings so set and forget..?
But yeah. I switched to GB as soon as I was getting reports through it was all stable and nice and I have not been disappointed. In froyo I always used to run into market install problems every so often (items would download but not install, no matter what froyo rom I used this problem used to come and go randomly.) none of that yet!
Have not tried the GPS yet on a proper drive, but on preliminary tests (local runs around the block on foot and in car) I get a fix within 6seconds inside the house by a window and 4seconds out side, Google maps, Copilot and runkeeper all working fine.
As others said. Make a nandroid, full wipe, flash and have a try for a few days.
If you say the Ginger-Roms are still not stable, i will not test them and wait a little time until they are stable . Thanks for your help!!
So is there a difference between the Froyo Roms out there? Shall i test the others like Froyd or Elelinux or Cronos? Somebody made experiences with TastyFroyo from RaduG?
Im running Cronos Ginger (non-Anim)....
Its much faster than the froyo ROMs i had used in the past. Only problem is that some apps refuse to work... like Opera Mini, Angry Birds 1.5.1
But its not a big deal, its my day-2-day ROM and very useable
So far I'm finding the GB roms pretty damn slow (all of them, including fresh Cyanogen). The fastest ROMs are still probably modded 2.1 sense ROMS, but then your trading features for speed. There are a lot of very fast, stable and feature rich 2.2 ROMs out there though, so that is the safe middle-ground right now.
I've tried a bunch of ROMs, but as far as I can say, Elelinux's CM 7.0.0-based ROM (v0.6) is the fastest of all. Gingerbread ROMs for the Hero have gotten pretty fast over the last couple of weeks.
And concerning the launchers, I'd say Zeam's the fastest.
Sent from my Hero using XDA App
I've tried a lot of rooms too. When I went from eclair to froyo, I found many useful new functions (tethering the first one), but from froyo to ginger what are the advantages? I tried, but then I went back to floyo, the froyo version which gives me the highest scores on tests...
Tests arnt the be all and end all
For example, Tasty gingerbread rom gave me the best scores. but the UI was laggy as hell. the tests are just how information is moved about as apposed to how fast YOU can interact with the device. I hardly ever run tests any more I just use the best testing equipment for me, my eyes lol
hey thanks to all you answers.
So i put an eye on the new Cronos Froyo 1.8.0, which is out since the 10th. Somebody here who tested Cronos Froyo and somebody who can tell me about his experiences with CF?
Cronos is a very good developer... ive tested his roms in the past and there were many good roms out there a couple of them were the best out there!
What about Cronos Froyo?
fiden said:
hey thanks to all you answers.
So i put an eye on the new Cronos Froyo 1.8.0, which is out since the 10th. Somebody here who tested Cronos Froyo and somebody who can tell me about his experiences with CF?
Cronos is a very good developer... ive tested his roms in the past and there were many good roms out there a couple of them were the best out there!
What about Cronos Froyo?
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CF 1.8 is great. Coming from CG 1.1 but CF is much much much faster! Try it, in my eyes no G rom is faster than Froyo.

[Q] Most stable build

I honestly tried searching everywhere in the forum, no luck.
The question is: I need to find the most stable build, where stability is much more important compared to the functionality and all the bangs and whistles. I'll install it on someone else's phone and just don't want to have to upgrade/reinstall it every now and then.
If possible, I would like to hear about the most stable Gingerbread build and the most stable build in general.
I would love to hear about some user experience as well. I've been using
NRGZ Desire HD ROM. Beautiful and smooth but if I use it more than a few days
it tends to slow down and freeze on me. Anybody else out there care to share their
Experiences with stability?
the answer is simple: bauner's stock desire rom.
hardware wise desire is our hd2's closest cousin, hence great speed AND stability second to none. I use it with 1gb data.img on fat 32 and with use of multimount I had never any problems with data corruption, freezes, crashes or fc.
dhd roms are better as new sense is more advanced, but desire roms are also great plus speedier and butter smooth all the time.
what about gingerbread roms i have been running them off and on so far i thinks ginger runs better than froyo
i like to know toooooooooo
Been using Typhoon and its been ROCK STABLE to me and this is coming from a person that flashes new roms religiously.

[Q] Recommend a good rom

Just got a Hero again a few after i got my old one destroyed.. Back then there wasnt even made a custom rom, so now im going to ask here.
What Custom Rom do you guys recommend ? I have tried allready tried ChocolateFroyo and SalsaSense 4 .. However none of these two roms seems to perform good enough for me to use..
Actually its not that i want that much.. I just want a Android 2.x rom with a good performance and OC kernel + HTC Sense.. I just tend to stick to the 2.2 roms because 2.3 has too many bugs and i've heard that the Android 2.1 roms still suffer from the Random SMS sending issue..
Can you guys recommend anything ? Thanks !
If you want performace, go Vanilla Eclair. If you want Sense and over 2.1, it is a bit trickier. You can try Herolatte, but if you think ChocolateFroyo was too slow, there probably is no current rom which suits you.
Habarug said:
If you want performace, go Vanilla Eclair. If you want Sense and over 2.1, it is a bit trickier. You can try Herolatte, but if you think ChocolateFroyo was too slow, there probably is no current rom which suits you.
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I haven't even tried out the Stock 2.1 rom yet.. Hows the performance on that ? And its not like ChocolateFroyo is slow, i just a lot of lag spikes.. Like its performing well enough but then suddenly it all freezes for like 15 seconds and then comes back..
I reccomend Kimera 3.0. Its almost as fast as Vanilla, IMO a bit more stable. I used it for around a month, and recived all my texts, and calls. Only problem is that there is no Apps2SD if you use Fly13 (It's the best kernel imo)
bobbylouman said:
I reccomend Kimera 3.0. Its almost as fast as Vanilla, IMO a bit more stable. I used it for around a month, and recived all my texts, and calls. Only problem is that there is no Apps2SD if you use Fly13 (It's the best kernel imo)
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Gonna try that rom.. Just skipped it because of the extra steps when installing ! Not gonna need Apps2SD anyways as i only have around 7 - 9 apps installed
Well, kimera is nice, but it is Eclair, so if you're afraid of random messages... BTW I've never experienced these on any Rom. Seems it only affects some ppl
sent with love from me to you
Da9L said:
Gonna try that rom.. Just skipped it because of the extra steps when installing ! Not gonna need Apps2SD anyways as i only have around 7 - 9 apps installed
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The extra steps is actually just installing Fly13 >>
bobbylouman said:
The extra steps is actually just installing Fly13 >>
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Yeah i noticed that.. Not that big of a deal
I've tried loads of different rom's and the herodeck 1.3e from my sig is my favourite. I try others but keep going back to it. Why not backup your existing..... flash a new one..... try it out for your own needs and if it's no good.... flash something else that's been recommended or revert back to your backup.
Sent from my Hero using XDA App
Using Cyangenod released by Elelinux. It contains the latest android version 2.3.7 and is very stable. However this rom is in my opinion not very fast.
I've only really tried a few, sense roms are always slow with all the features. Try elelinux speedmachine running 2.2, I don't know of a faster rom, I haven't tried them all though.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
I've always used VillainRom 13 - nice and fast with Sense. If you don't need sense then VanillaEclair seems to be the best judging by what I've heard. I used Elelinux's Gingerbread for a while and that was nice too, but I like Sense too much
Good GB rom
The decked again Hero CDMA ported rom is the fastest GB rom I have tried ALOT of them, so I would recommend that for you!
I use
I use Elelinux-7.1-Hero-Custom-v2 on a every day basis.
Works fine, no FC and quite fast.
I can recommend it.
If you want a fast, stable build I'd recommend Villain Rom since the hero was build to support Android 2.1 and you'll have sense. If you like new and improved and are no stranger to tweaking I'd recommend HTX zero rom wit Android 2.3.5 and Sense 3.5. Very cool and fast.I use it daily now.
VR13 and the new release Heroine++ are the fastest for the hero. (if you like sense to much)...if you like AOSP you go for a CM rom or others
for aosp i tested:
1.CM7 - CM team
2.Eles Rom
3.OMFGB - JieeHD
Can you explain, what's the difference between AOSP and non-AOSP and why should i like and care if it is AOSP or not?
CrabMan said:
Can you explain, what's the difference between AOSP and non-AOSP and why should i like and care if it is AOSP or not?
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AOSP (android open source project) is regular android with no overlay like Sense or TouchWiz.
Non-AOSP is android with an overlay like Sense.
Sometimes the AOSP rom is faster because there is no extra overlay.
It comes down to preference - look and feel.
Sent from my HTC Hero using Tapatalk

Hero GSM rom

Hello everyone,
I am the unhappy owner of an HTC hero which is performing far toooo slow.
I decided to move from my original 2.1.1 to cyanogenmod 7.1 a few months ago, it was good, but far too slow. I kept it for good 2 months before eventually decided to give some other roms a go.
So i switched to chronos 2.4.4, far quicker than cyanogenmod, but still crawling..
My biggest problem is maps and waze, they are too slow to be useful...
chronos has shown to be also unstable, with the bluetooth causing lots of FC and phone going unresponsive for seconds...
Now, im fed up again.
I woudn't mind to go for android 2.1 or 2.2 i do not really need 2.3.3..
So i was wondering which rom to put on my hero.
Any suggestion?
It sounds like Vanilla Eclair is the ROM you want! It is old, but by far the fastest Rom out there
Sent from my Hero using XDA App
Heroine ++ is a 2.1 sense rom and is very fast
Decked_X is a 2.3 aosp rom which is similar to cm7 but a lot better in my opinion and is possibly the fastest and most stable gingerbread rom you'll find
You could also try Elelinux's Speedmachine V5 which is a 2.2 rom. Its based on cm6. Its my current rom and seems stable and fast. I haven't tried many 2.2 roms so there may be something better out there but this one seems good to me
Sent from my HTC Hero using Tapatalk
What is the best 2.2 sense rom?
matherdather said:
What is the best 2.2 sense rom?
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Unfortunately there is no fully working sense 2. 2 Rom. Camera issues. Still would love to see one though but hardly any development going on these days
at the moment im trying the heroine
quite snappy compared to chronos and cyanogenmod
battery seems a bit weak, 12 hours life more or less...
lets see how it goes
Try the new nightly off the thread of Pure CM 7.2 RC0 KANG ROM.. Speedwise I think it's better than decked. I mean comparing this to heroine, it sure is a tight one. Give it a shot you won't be disappointed.
I've just started using [ROM][2.3.7] LiGux (Coopoui) (RC2.0 - 01/12/2012)[Port] which is fast enough for me and before that the speedmachine rom which was also quick. I think what you might need to do is use an older version of your software rather than expect the rom to pick up the slack. The problem I see is that the maps etc is newer and slower on our older phones. So for the best combination why not get an older rom and an older version of your software (ex maps) and not update them?
At the moment the battery issues are fixed and the rom is going pretty well
quick and snappy it has its hiccups from time to time but i think is mainly because new version of apps software should be called bloatwares instead.
unless the phone starts to crawl again I will stay with this rom..

