Tabs and iPads- A new way of looking at them - Galaxy Tab General

Tabs and iPads - The discussion will never stop, the comparisons will go on forever.
But I am beginning to think that there actually is no comparison to be made because the two are totally different products, and have different concepts behind their creation.
First, look at the iPad. Yes, it is better at computing, and has the wonderful iOS and graphic interface that Apple is famous for. It has a faster processor, longer battery life, better display, and so on and so forth. It is a fine computer.
The tab on the other hand has been called an overgrown cell phone, why it even has a cellphone OS.
Of course, it has a bigger screen, cellphone capabilities, and those two cameras (even though the current Tab's cameras aren't great, they are decent). It comes with apps already built in and more available, just like iPhone, iPod Touch and the iPad. It is smaller than the iPad, and I have heard one iPad lover say that a 7 inch screen is too small to read on. To that person I say you need glasses because the standard book page prints in a less than 7 inch area and people have been doing fine with that for a few hundred years.
The main difference between the two devices, as I see it, is the iPad is based on an old concept of computing and the Tab is based on a new concept of portability connectivity.
The iPad has been in development for many years, beginning before smartphones were popular and readily available. It was developed based on the computing concepts of years ago, when laptops were still expensive, desktops were the main stay and netbooks were unknown. The iPad was designed to replace notebooks and netbooks, and be more portable than desktops. But they were stilled designed to be a portable desktop computer giving the desktop experience.
The Tab, however, is an outgrowth of the smartphone. The irony of this is that the Tab is an outgrowth of the popularity of the iPhone itself! As the iPhone grew in popularity Apple totally overlooked why it was popular. People didn't need the desktop experience when they were on the go. They wanted a phone in the beginning, but when they saw how much it could do the phone became a secondary part of the iPhone.
So Apple made the iPod Touch. Essentially an iPhone without the phone. Now people began to use these two devices (and all the clones) to do the main things they used the desktop for outside of productivity and work. They began to check their e-mails, get directions, chat, listen to music and watch videos. With the camera they began to take pictures and upload them to the web. And the web was now available anywhere: while waiting on the bus, sitting in the subway, waiting for your food to be prepared, and all the countless other times that used to wasted but now could become productive or entertaining.
Let us not forget the games! When PCs first came out everyone was scared they could somehow break them. After all the movies showing the Evil Supercomputer blowing up at the end with just a few keystrokes from the hero, everyone was afraid they would do this to the extremely expensive box they had just put on their desk. (The truth was that there was a way in some early computers to overclock the CPU that resulted in overheating and burning up the computer.) So games were installed in the OS's to let people become familiar with using the computer and get over their fears of it. Solitaire? It taught people how to use the mouse.
So fast forward to 2010. The iPad is introduced as the first tablet computer to be usable. It's initial success was because of the following that Apple had so carefully built up over the years. Is the iPad a good computer? Is it a good computing experience? The answer is a resounding yes to both questions.
The iPad is a good computer.
The Tab is a good portable computing device.
It is designed to fall into the area of portability and usability. When you are on a train, in a taxi, or in the doctor's office do you really want to work on a document. First of all there is the issue of privacy, and even trade secrets. You would, however, play a game, listen to music, or read a book.
And therein lies the difference between the two devices. The iPad is a portable computer, the Tab is a portable computing device. The iPad was built to replace your notebook. The Tab was built to be usable on the go. Try standing in line at the pharmacy and reading a book on your iPad. How easy it is on the Tab.
To be fair, writing a long document on the Tab is not feasible. But then who can concentrate on their work while they are out and about.
So to sum it all up, I propose that when someone starts touting the benefits of either one, point out that there is no real comparison. To compare them is to compare a notebook with a desktop. Or a stationary desktop with portable connectivity. The iPad has its place as a desktop replacement, and the Tab has its place as a mobile device that supplements the desktop.
I would not replace my Tab with an iPad, I have two notebooks and a netbook for that kind of work. I did replace my iPod Touch with the Tab. Ironic, isn't it?

Take a look at this
samspunker said:
First, look at the iPad. Yes, it is better at computing, and has the wonderful iOS and graphic interface that Apple is famous for. It has a faster processor, longer battery life, better display, and so on and so forth. It is a fine computer.
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Better at computing? Wonderful ios? faster processor? better display?
samspunker said:
The tab on the other hand has been called an overgrown cell phone, why it even has a cellphone OS.
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Same as the iPad then
Using swype on the tab is much quicker than the tapping on the iPad too!

Dude you need to check your stats. Stock galaxy is the same on many stats and performs better on several. Right outta the box it blows ipad away in just the ability to access half the internet that apple products dont allow. Then theres the fact that if you can follow directions well then the lil ol galaxy just drives the last nail in ipads coffin with roms.
But like I said, right outta the box it destroys ipad. And yea I have owned both. And just about every other electronic gadget to come down the pike since comadore ruled the market.
And as far as apple being built to replace a lappy. Dude if thats what they were shooting for then they failed miserably. Tab or pad cant touch a laptop atm. I hope that soon that will change but yea atm no flippin way. So if you think the ipad can I just have to wonder wth your doin on the net. Surely your not playing any games as the pad sure cant handle squat in that department. Must not be doing anything that requores hard proccessing power cause it sure isnt up to snuff there. Decoding, burning, oh my list goes on and on. Pad or tab arnt in the league of a laptop. So where you got that notion baffles me
So as far as I or most any thinking person who isnt deluded by mass marketing media is concerned the conversation is ended on that subject. Ipad got owned. Perhaps if apple would open up a bit and allow flash content as well then they would have a chance. As it stands now they dont stack up at all.
Sent from my SCH-I800 using XDA App

Opps- My bad- I thought I remembered the iPad had a faster processor. The screen resolution is a little more on the iPad. And the battery life is greater on the iPad.
has the wonderful iOS and graphic interface that Apple is famous for
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Perhaps you misunderstood that I meant this as sarcasm.
But I think both of you missed the point I was trying to make. That is that given all the stats you want to call forth, to compare the iPad and the Tab is like comparing a Lamborghini and a Rolls Royce.
There is no comparison because they are different products, aimed at different groups, and with fundamentally different purposes for existing.
Personally, I would never purchase an iPad because I already have my portable computers called laptops and netbooks. And after Mr. Jobs reaction to the antennae problem, I would never again buy any Apple product.
To make my point as clear as possible I don't think we should be comparing the two units because they are different products. The iPad was built to replace laptops and the Tab is an expansion of the mobility afforded by the smartphone into something far more usable.
It is unfortunate that the term "tablet" is a hot catch phrase right now as these two products are being lumped together, when, IMHO, they are not the same.

The ipad doesn't even have USB ports... that alone puts it below a laptop. Also, lack of flash, physical keyboard, and the fact that is it apple.
I say that tabs win easily. Yeah, they don't have a keyboard, but swype is fast and you can actually customize things how you want with android.
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samspunker said:
Opps- My bad- I thought I remembered the iPad had a faster processor. The screen resolution is a little more on the iPad. And the battery life is greater on the iPad.
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The screen resolution is higher on the ipad as it has a 10inch screen, but the pixel density is greater on the galaxy tab, and its only bigger by 148px. The only thing that is better is that its a IPS display.
Battery life isnt better either, my tab lasted a whole day of video recording and games at a festival on half back light.
ipads are gay tbh.

My galaxy tab pretty much replaced my laptop and netbook for on the go use
Mainly because the battery life is way better on the tab and its smaller and more uses like using it as a mp3 player ya i use it as a mp3 player which i have big pockets that fits the tab perfect and i also use Pandora with 3g
I was thinking of getting a ipad before i knew about the tab but than saw the tab and figure the 7in screen is more portable and yep it was, The ipad would be a bit to big because at work i mess with one for a bit and it did feel nice and all but it was heavier and more awkward and i preferred my tab over it.
Plus i got a really good deal for mine from hsn Should be around 320 so so when i get the 300$ back from sprint And payed with flex pay.

I got to thinking about this when I saw two high school boys at McDonalds. One had the iPad and the other had the Tab.
Both were busy doing what ever they were doing, but the iPad was laying on the table, taking up most of the room. The boy using it was bent over it and typying with both hands. All of his attention was focused on the screen, and being bent over was not comfortable for long, I'm sure.
The Tab boy was sitting back in his chair, holding the Tab with one hand. The other hand was busy touching the screen, holding his drink, eating his fries, etc. He would look away from the screen as people moved around him, yet he was paying attention to whatever he was doing.
The Tab boy was still interacting with the world around him, while the iPad boy was falling into the screen, literally.
I still say that they are two entirely different devices and should not be compared so closely.
But I agree, that in the long run the 7" form factor will win out over the larger bulkier unit. Unless you just want a cool looking laptop.

As natious said, greater resolution, but lower pixel density means the tab has a better screen, at least in the way that it is less fuzzy!
I think you've fallen into believing anything Apple is the best on the market in every spec! Not true, but lots of people automatically think that way...
Gotta hand it to their marketing dept.

samspunker said:
I got to thinking about this when I saw two high school boys at McDonalds. One had the iPad and the other had the Tab.
Both were busy doing what ever they were doing, but the iPad was laying on the table, taking up most of the room. The boy using it was bent over it and typying with both hands. All of his attention was focused on the screen, and being bent over was not comfortable for long, I'm sure.
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iPad boy really ought to have invested in a case with kickstand, huh? Also lol high school boys. Children these days sure are spoiled.

samspunker said:
I got to thinking about this when I saw two high school boys at McDonalds. One had the iPad and the other had the Tab.
Both were busy doing what ever they were doing, but the iPad was laying on the table, taking up most of the room. The boy using it was bent over it and typying with both hands. All of his attention was focused on the screen, and being bent over was not comfortable for long, I'm sure.
The Tab boy was sitting back in his chair, holding the Tab with one hand. The other hand was busy touching the screen, holding his drink, eating his fries, etc. He would look away from the screen as people moved around him, yet he was paying attention to whatever he was doing.
The Tab boy was still interacting with the world around him, while the iPad boy was falling into the screen, literally.
I still say that they are two entirely different devices and should not be compared so closely.
But I agree, that in the long run the 7" form factor will win out over the larger bulkier unit. Unless you just want a cool looking laptop.
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Looking at the Zoom ads I notice they are all landscape, and the iPad is often shown that way. I only use my Tab in landscape if the app demands it - NFS or Slingbox. Do others think that is part of the portability thing?

Tablets do replace laptops. You just need to focus on the right market, that is the people that need a computer to watch movies, pictures, listen to music, surf the web, email and do a little of word processing. Surprise surprise, that's their target demographic.
But now i laugh a bit, the tab out of the box better than any iDevice for web browsing! Ah! Maybe you meant "random not Samsung Android device" because out of the box the Tab is AWFUL for browsing duty. And with awful i mean slower than an iPhone 3g, roughly surfing at half the speed of a technically inferior SonyEriccson Xperia X10 Mini. That is without the flash on, otherwise it's just masochism. Then you disable the "panoramic" option, start to zoom out to see the whole page, and there it gets his speed back. Or you just download another WebKit browser (not out of the box anymore) and deal with the incredible tendency to crash of the tab's WebKit build (stay away from animated gifs!). Then you download Opera Mobile, lose the flash, gain a working browser.
You lose only half the web with an iDevice? I think that flash ads are more than half the web! But i have to admit it is nice to have it, just download a flash game and play it with a flash player. Can't do that on the Apple side.
The Tab has roughly the same cpu as the latest generation of iDevices. A better video chip. An IMPRESSIVE video decoder that shows with no trouble 1080p h264 videos at 50mbps while iDevices are limited at 720p (unless i got my facts wrong). Back and front camera, that don't record in 720p as opposed to the iPhone4 and relative iPod touch. Still, the iPad has none. Nor it has phone capability.
To sum it up: out of the box the Tab gets beaten on the web, email (Samsung app is really a disaster, slow and memory hogging), picture viewer, os side. Then a new browser and the gmail app "fix" those issues. The gallery app would be fixed using the Android one and not the flashy Samsung attempt. The os... With time, if Samsung dosen't drop the support in just a few months as opposed to the almost 4 years of an iDevice? Or with a custom rom.
I say that an unlikely 7" iPad with similar hardware to the Tab would be the best choice.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App

I debated on getting the ipad orig, but my main purpose of getting it was for school and overall netbook activities. Ipad is way too limited in options compared to a netbook, the only downside I saw between the ipad and tab was the screen size, ill take the 7" screen with even 10% of the extra options over the ipad anytime

CASz said:
Looking at the Zoom ads I notice they are all landscape, and the iPad is often shown that way. I only use my Tab in landscape if the app demands it - NFS or Slingbox. Do others think that is part of the portability thing?
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Absolutely. It's what worries me about Honeycomb--so far, no portrait mode shown at all. What the hell? Using a tablet in landscape constantly is so very awkward without a keyboard dock or kickstand. I mean, balancing that thing on your lap is no fun.

I'm with Sam, the Tab is carryable, I never see people with iPads carrying them around and then it seems like it's an effort for my co-workers to have them out in meetings, again though they use them hunched over a table, and never actually holding them. Even with a stand that holds it up, they only ever have it standing up at like 10 to 15 degrees off the table or desk.
On top of which, my notebook with a 13 inch screen and 0.75 inch thickness was a portable without the power of a desktop replacement for playing games. In fact the Tab actually performs better at games than my notebook used to. When I really want to play a game, I'll play on my desktop system, with a kilowatt power supply and a 30 inch screen. Since I have a bluetooth Keyboard and headphones, the only thing I find I can't do on the Tab as well as on my Notebook is VPN, and connect to a projector at the office. And as was stated above, the Tab beats the pants off my notebook on battery life.

CASz said:
Looking at the Zoom ads I notice they are all landscape, and the iPad is often shown that way. I only use my Tab in landscape if the app demands it - NFS or Slingbox. Do others think that is part of the portability thing?
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I hadn't thought about that, but you are right. There were ads here on TV for the iPad. All were showing the landscape mode. In the Motorola Xoom ads all I have seen is landscape.
But the Tab is almost always seen in portrait. The exceptions in the ads are when it is doing the navigation things, cameras, games and the sky maps. They even use portrait mode when doing the walk around the city and the overlay shows you shops and stuff around you.
Just more proof that they are conceptually different products.
Your car has more computing power than my first computer, a Vic20. But I would not call the car a computer or compare it with one. Different designs and different uses.


10.1 vs Transformer vs Ipad2

After I could compare the Ipad2, 10.1 and Transformer for days now, I decided to go and buy an Ipad2. Yes, I turned my back on Android and here's why:
Very nice lookings, high quality and hardware but there is a big problem: the colors. On some pictures the saturation is so high that it kills lots of details every time 2 similar colors are nearby. Here you can see what I mean, check the right circle where orange and red meets - if the orange circle would be more reddish, you could hardly tell there are 2 rings:
If you compare it to a perfect calibrated monitor, it looks like crap. Flashy, colorful and nice but details are gone. That's the one and only weaknes from what it offers. It's 16:9 display is a winner when it comes to videos but video playback is poor. Ipad2 is much better, even for flash, later more to come about it.
Another MAJOR problem is Samsung support. Android is a fresh system and needs tons of support. Samsung provides NONE. For EU, they still have no release dates or closer info about their device - just lol. For me, the 10.1 is just a step in the process to upgrade to Tegra3. They built the shell now and can use it for the next device to compete with Apple. Same like they did to the 10.1v - no support, they just forgot about it.
Diplay is pretty good but the build quality is crap. After I saw the Archos tablets with the bronze frame, I knew where Asus bought their stuff. Both have those sharp metal frames which are wrapped around the screen. TF and Archos have gaps between the frame and glas, with some kind of rubber to fill it. Asus tried to even out the sharp edges but you can see how cheap it is. Archos tablets can cut in your finger if you swipe around the edges ! For me: complete garbage quality, should cost 250$ max to satisfy the minimalist who just want's to read or something.
This device is pretty awesome. First I thought the 4:3 diplay sucks for reading but after I measured books and calculated ratios, they were ALL closer to Ipad2 standards. That menas you will have less wasted space on Ipad. When surfing internet you will learn to love 4:3, everything fits perfectly while you feel how broken sites are on 16:9. The drawback are 16:9 movies without a border and the good about it, you have FULLSCREEN ! in emulators without scaling. There are also a lot of older movies/series with 4:3, which I prefer on travel anyway.
It is fluent everywhere and feels like my Galaxy S after getting the lagfix. Stock 3.1 is bull**** compared to it. The only point where it is superior, are widgets.
Jailbreaking an Ipad is a piece of cake, visit a website, click on a button, your done. No bull**** to flash around or to risk your device. After that you have Cydia which is an alternative market. You can also add repos to it, so you gain access to apps of all kind, also the not so legal ones.
You can play Flash Videos on Ipad using Iswifter or other apps. Inconvinient sometimes but to my surprise, they are fluent on the Ipad - Androids are sluggish. The Ipad even played a movie fluent with 10 other flash animations around it !
The crappy part about the Ipad is itunes and the structure how app files are arranged. Every app has it's own folder, so if you use FTP or something to transfer via network, you have to put those files IN the app folder, so they can find it. Not a big deal, if the app folder wouln't be named like 429403290239203023948393. Android is way better, copy somewhere on SD and browse it. Sure you can use itunes to put everything together but Itunes won't work with Jailbroken apps from Cydia. This breaks the use of my NAS server at home, leaving me with ****ty USB-to-PC solutions if I want it the easy way. Music and Videos which are supported by NAS can be played over UPNP but I found more nice apps for that on Android as I could on Ipad.
10.1 is a nice device but it's like to own a ferrari and only have crappy roads to drive on. Android kills the Tab, sadly. It's good for smartphones but not for tabs - it's worse as an alpha build of windows. Every manufactuerer does what he wants, there are no standards. Compatibility between Android versions are a joke - imagine you upgrade from win7 to win8 and everything stops working - arrrrrrrgh.
This may be fixed with 4.0 but it will take another 1-2 years for the software. Until then, there will be Win8, which could break Androids neck (if it's compatible to Win7 programms!). Also I can sell the Ipad2 for 200-300 bucks, even if Ipad3 is released, so screw it, will lose ~150-200€ to it. But it will buy me at least 6 months of fun.
The best is, I don't have to care about the future. There is no "will it work after OS upgrade" problem with Apple.
Wow there are so many problems with this post I don't even know where to begin. I think I will just address your last line:
The best is, I don't have to care about the future. There is no "will it work after OS upgrade" problem with Apple.
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Try telling that to the iPhone 3G users who upgraded to ios4 and had a device that was next to worthless. Apple pushed that update out to ose iPhones knowing it would turn it into a piece of **** 100% of the time.
dcc22 said:
Jailbreaking an Ipad is a piece of cake, visit a website, click on a button, your done. No bull**** to flash around or to risk your device. After that you have Cydia which is an alternative market. You can also add repos to it, so you gain access to apps of all kind, also the not so legal ones.
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Having met way more people with iPodTouch4/IP4/IPad1&2 that do this than those who DO NOT do this, it makes me wonder if the ideology of app devs to take preference to iOS for financial considerations is not completely flawed.
....what is the point of this post?
your inability to play with android OS and tweak it is not an excuse for you to say that android is flawed..with that said, i agree some stuff need to be fix, but its minor stuff such as typing on the browser...and...well thats it for me.
if you want something that work out of the box, agreed pick ipad 2, but if your geeky or you like linux pick android, more custimization then IOS can ever dream of.
THE firmwares with ripped features for different devices, as they become incompatible with every next release the iphone 3g and now 3gs with ios5. Don't tell me jailbreak is easy, it took the developers 3 months to make a jailbreak for ipad 2 which is still raw with compatibility issues! If buying the idevice is an excuse for free apps...probably games in your case with a new handheld gaming device than off board ye pirate! People jailbreak the device for customisation which is the soul of android os (which is not fresh but time tested and evolving i need not wait a whole year for new features to sprout, mostly inspired and already popular in other os!).
Ever heard of DFU mode, recovery mode? Similar terms and combos are used here! Atleast in android thanks to diversity if one model ain't suitable there is a myriad to choose from! Compare two devices of same platform when making a point.
I agree with G1 and the person above but since you decided to share...let me take a turn.
Why you felt the need to justify your iPad 2 choice in an Android related forum is beyond me.
You either realize or fail to see that Apple purposefully limits their tech. Minimal upgrades between generations. Even the newest iPhone won't support 4G from what I have heard yet they want to use LTE patents against Google?
Your train of thought that the iPad 2 is perfect is already starting to form.
The iPad's dimensions do not in any way make it better for video, reading, and web surfing. I was just having a debate with a friend who started complaining about where the dock port was on my Galaxy Tab 10.1. He was quickly shut up when I pointed out that cell phones have the port at the bottom so our hands can grip the sides. However a tablet is meant to be held in LANDSCAPE...that's why sticking the port in a different place was a smart decision.
Point being...he turned into another person claiming everything is horrible with Android. Guess what? He never owned an Android device. He actually has a Touch Pro 2 right now. IGNORANCE!
Look I've had an iPad. I know that jailbreaking it is POINTLESS. Your battery dies out super fast, the app selection is fairly weak, and all of that jailbreaking does nothing but try to replicate an Android experience. But it fails.
Unlike you, I do care about the future. I don't want to live in a world where everybody has the same glossy tablet with a slippery back so you can drop the darn thing. I don't want to be told what I can and cannot do on my tablet. I do not want to support any company intent on holding back technological progress for the sake of money or who buys patents just to sue other companies out performing them.
You have EVERY right to buy an iPad 2 but just know that your choices and who you choose to support speaks volumes. I have friends just like you. One day they're talking about freedom and openness. The next day they're justifying EVERYTHING Apple does. Cool. As long as I have a choice too.
As for your claims about Windows 8, it only serves to buttress how you allowed us yourself to come to your decision.
"Ignorance is bliss." That should be Apple's new tagline.
I love the OP and how he compares the worst of Android tablets to the best of iPad2 lol
4:3 is perfect for reading books with less wasted screen space. Yay! Now try reading comics and watching WS movies You prefer 4:3 movies? Good for you
Jailbreaking is easy for the iPad2 NOW! But do you know how long it took for the jailbreak to come out? That's right, they've been working on it since the iPad2 was released in March. Four months for a jailbreak to give you the 3rd party features equivalent of... Android. Who knows how long it will be the next time a new iPad/iDevice comes out. Compares that to the usual quick turn-around of rooting an Android device.
I'm happy that you're happy with your iPad 2. It's a nice device. But it sounds like you're just an iOS fan who tried Android and didn't like it.
I'm so glad you guys posted such thorough responses, so now I don't have to. I particularly like the point about why an Apple Fanboy felt the need to post his decision in an Android forum was beyond sensible.
goalweiser said:
I agree with G1 and the person above but since you decided to share...let me take a turn.
Why you felt the need to justify your iPad 2 choice in an Android related forum is beyond me.
You either realize or fail to see that Apple purposefully limits their tech. Minimal upgrades between generations. Even the newest iPhone won't support 4G from what I have heard yet they want to use LTE patents against Google?
Your train of thought that the iPad 2 is perfect is already starting to form.
The iPad's dimensions do not in any way make it better for video, reading, and web surfing. I was just having a debate with a friend who started complaining about where the dock port was on my Galaxy Tab 10.1. He was quickly shut up when I pointed out that cell phones have the port at the bottom so our hands can grip the sides. However a tablet is meant to be held in LANDSCAPE...that's why sticking the port in a different place was a smart decision.
Point being...he turned into another person claiming everything is horrible with Android. Guess what? He never owned an Android device. He actually has a Touch Pro 2 right now. IGNORANCE!
Look I've had an iPad. I know that jailbreaking it is POINTLESS. Your battery dies out super fast, the app selection is fairly weak, and all of that jailbreaking does nothing but try to replicate an Android experience. But it fails.
Unlike you, I do care about the future. I don't want to live in a world where everybody has the same glossy tablet with a slippery back so you can drop the darn thing. I don't want to be told what I can and cannot do on my tablet. I do not want to support any company intent on holding back technological progress for the sake of money or who buys patents just to sue other companies out performing them.
You have EVERY right to buy an iPad 2 but just know that your choices and who you choose to support speaks volumes. I have friends just like you. One day they're talking about freedom and openness. The next day they're justifying EVERYTHING Apple does. Cool. As long as I have a choice too.
As for your claims about Windows 8, it only serves to buttress how you allowed us yourself to come to your decision.
"Ignorance is bliss." That should be Apple's new tagline.
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God, I really like this post. Spoke about everything I wanted to say.
I dont want to be told what I can or cannot do. I want to tweak, optimize and control every setting that I can. There are tons of problems with JB and everyone, even a non-apple user like me, knows it. And without JB youre just living in a matrix that Steve Jobs dictates.
I would really like to hear the OP thoughts on flash. My friend tried to buy something on the web and couldnt use her credit card on the iphone. in the end I bought it for her using-yes my samsung 10.1- and she wrote me a check. And Steve Jobs is saying people dont need/shouldnt use/ cannot use flash on their mobile device.
This kinda makes me think of how I am training my 2 year old son to use the potty.
I just recently got a galaxy tab 10.1, after spending the last month using an ipad2, I need both tablets for an app i am building.
And I can tell you this much, anyone that has an iphone will love an ipad2. Anyone that uses an ipad2 will be very very very happy with it.
But trust me, use that device for a month, then switch to honeycomb..... and it will blow you away.
One think I can say about apple is so easy to use, than it becomes boring after a while.thats why I have the samsung galaxy tab.
evolishesh said:
One think I can say about apple is so easy to use, than it becomes boring after a while.thats why I have the samsung galaxy tab.
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Apple's draw over its competitors has been its simplicity for years - well before Android. Back in the day it was Microsoft. The sad truth is that reduced functionality in a shinier package is what most people want. Thankfully for those of us with a bit more intelligence, we have products like Android to keep us entertained.
SolusCado said:
Apple's draw over its competitors has been its simplicity for years - well before Android. Back in the day it was Microsoft. The sad truth is that reduced functionality in a shinier package is what most people want. Thankfully for those of us with a bit more intelligence, we have products like Android to keep us entertained.
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You are right. I love android and its platform
Um, wow. Glad everyone else said already literally everything I could think of responding to the OP with.
And personally, I will never buy a Win8 tablet until I can wipe it and install Android, Ubuntu or MeeGo on it.
Lorddeff07 said:
I just recently got a galaxy tab 10.1, after spending the last month using an ipad2, I need both tablets for an app i am building.
And I can tell you this much, anyone that has an iphone will love an ipad2. Anyone that uses an ipad2 will be very very very happy with it.
But trust me, use that device for a month, then switch to honeycomb..... and it will blow you away.
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For the non-ipad users, could you elaborate some points on that? I just want to know some actual comparisons aside from the well advertised facts, ex: flash.
All of these tablets have their quirks and flaws. Mostly with the software. I actually need to return my second 10.1 because it's been randomly turning off like my first. Must be due to heat.
In any case, I will wait for the next batch of tablets instead. Hopefully we start getting some stuff that's really spectacular. Like a processor that can handle the native resolution of HC and has more video codecs.
Colors are pretty drab on ipad and saturated on tab. Both screens need calibration.
Tabs screen is brighter and higher Res. Side by side with same pics regardless of source tab wins everytime. Anyone saying otherwise needs prescription checked.
There's a reason ipadhd is coming. Apple knows full well there display is now second rate.
dcc22 said:
After I could compare the Ipad2, 10.1 and Transformer for days now, I decided to go and buy an Ipad2. Yes, I turned my back on Android and here's why:
Very nice lookings, high quality and hardware but there is a big problem: the colors. On some pictures the saturation is so high that it kills lots of details every time 2 similar colors are nearby. Here you can see what I mean, check the right circle where orange and red meets - if the orange circle would be more reddish, you could hardly tell there are 2 rings:
If you compare it to a perfect calibrated monitor, it looks like crap. Flashy, colorful and nice but details are gone. That's the one and only weaknes from what it offers. It's 16:9 display is a winner when it comes to videos but video playback is poor. Ipad2 is much better, even for flash, later more to come about it.
Another MAJOR problem is Samsung support. Android is a fresh system and needs tons of support. Samsung provides NONE. For EU, they still have no release dates or closer info about their device - just lol. For me, the 10.1 is just a step in the process to upgrade to Tegra3. They built the shell now and can use it for the next device to compete with Apple. Same like they did to the 10.1v - no support, they just forgot about it.
Diplay is pretty good but the build quality is crap. After I saw the Archos tablets with the bronze frame, I knew where Asus bought their stuff. Both have those sharp metal frames which are wrapped around the screen. TF and Archos have gaps between the frame and glas, with some kind of rubber to fill it. Asus tried to even out the sharp edges but you can see how cheap it is. Archos tablets can cut in your finger if you swipe around the edges ! For me: complete garbage quality, should cost 250$ max to satisfy the minimalist who just want's to read or something.
This device is pretty awesome. First I thought the 4:3 diplay sucks for reading but after I measured books and calculated ratios, they were ALL closer to Ipad2 standards. That menas you will have less wasted space on Ipad. When surfing internet you will learn to love 4:3, everything fits perfectly while you feel how broken sites are on 16:9. The drawback are 16:9 movies without a border and the good about it, you have FULLSCREEN ! in emulators without scaling. There are also a lot of older movies/series with 4:3, which I prefer on travel anyway.
It is fluent everywhere and feels like my Galaxy S after getting the lagfix. Stock 3.1 is bull**** compared to it. The only point where it is superior, are widgets.
Jailbreaking an Ipad is a piece of cake, visit a website, click on a button, your done. No bull**** to flash around or to risk your device. After that you have Cydia which is an alternative market. You can also add repos to it, so you gain access to apps of all kind, also the not so legal ones.
You can play Flash Videos on Ipad using Iswifter or other apps. Inconvinient sometimes but to my surprise, they are fluent on the Ipad - Androids are sluggish. The Ipad even played a movie fluent with 10 other flash animations around it !
The crappy part about the Ipad is itunes and the structure how app files are arranged. Every app has it's own folder, so if you use FTP or something to transfer via network, you have to put those files IN the app folder, so they can find it. Not a big deal, if the app folder wouln't be named like 429403290239203023948393. Android is way better, copy somewhere on SD and browse it. Sure you can use itunes to put everything together but Itunes won't work with Jailbroken apps from Cydia. This breaks the use of my NAS server at home, leaving me with ****ty USB-to-PC solutions if I want it the easy way. Music and Videos which are supported by NAS can be played over UPNP but I found more nice apps for that on Android as I could on Ipad.
10.1 is a nice device but it's like to own a ferrari and only have crappy roads to drive on. Android kills the Tab, sadly. It's good for smartphones but not for tabs - it's worse as an alpha build of windows. Every manufactuerer does what he wants, there are no standards. Compatibility between Android versions are a joke - imagine you upgrade from win7 to win8 and everything stops working - arrrrrrrgh.
This may be fixed with 4.0 but it will take another 1-2 years for the software. Until then, there will be Win8, which could break Androids neck (if it's compatible to Win7 programms!). Also I can sell the Ipad2 for 200-300 bucks, even if Ipad3 is released, so screw it, will lose ~150-200€ to it. But it will buy me at least 6 months of fun.
The best is, I don't have to care about the future. There is no "will it work after OS upgrade" problem with Apple.
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I did the same thing,I had the transformer for week return it and waited for the galaxy tab,I love the galaxy tab but too much force closes and app crashing.I exchange tab for ipad2 and jailbreak it.
I am very happy with the ipad,but I miss honeycomb,hope ice-cream sandwich and all manufactures they stop using nvidia Tegra
The hardware is there, and Google is revving up for Ice Cream Sandwich right now, which will hopefully bring some much needed changes to current Android
Sent from my Fascinate with MIUI Gingerbread
The fact that you're here means you don't mind getting your hands dirty.
So you have one simple choice - have your device running as you want it by managing the device yourself, loading ROMs from XDA - or not and wait until Apple decide to fix something.
XDA is fantastic - here there's talented bunch of guys & gals mixing & matching the best features from roms of different vendors into something unique.
There is no comparison between Apple & Android.

Comparing HC devices to the ipad2

Has anyone else noticed the number of complaints about light bleeds, freezing, and glitches about the ipad 2?
I regularly run into ipad and ipad2 users and their universal attitude seems to be "my tablet is better than yours".
Isn't the ipad 2 suppose to be the perfect hardware and software integrated product?
goodintentions said:
Has anyone else noticed the number of complaints about light bleeds, freezing, and glitches about the ipad 2?
I regularly run into ipad and ipad2 users and their universal attitude seems to be "my tablet is better than yours".
Isn't the ipad 2 suppose to be the perfect hardware and software integrated product?
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No idea what you're talking about, seriously. I had an iPad and now iPad 2 as well as the Iconia and love em both for their separate strengths. We have 3 ipad2's in our house and due to my job, they are stuffed to the gills with all kinds of apps and none have frozen, needed to be restarted or crashed. There have been an occasion app that has refused to load, but nothing like you are gleefully mentioning.
As for your rumor regarding screen issues, I posted something about this earlier today- - the iPads have consistently been the screen by which all others are compared and reports of light bleed, from what I've read, have been a rare defect.
I'm also loving my Android devices now that my Infuse is rooted (ROM is next) and my Iconia has HC3.1. There are days when I only use something running iOS for phone calls (my iPhone still has my main number). But Android it still doesn't have the polish iOS does (/ducks to avoid flames and large stones... ) which I blame more on the OEM's than the software. Android, again IMO, also doesn't have as many quality apps- game, productivity, multimedia, graphics, etc. But this is just a matter of time.
Is iOS the "perfect" blend of hardware and software? Maybe not, but IMHO, it's the closest to it for an "out of the box" experience at the moment. I'm sure with enough tweaks, ROMs and hacks, an experienced owner could create a near perfect tablet experience and while the ability to do all that is the beauty of Android, you can't expect your average user to do anything close to that.
So I don't know if your post was a troll shot and I got suckered into replying, but I guess I'm replying as an iPad and Android owner that doesn't feel like I have to boast about one product to denigrate another. Other than stating how a particular OS suits their expectations more than the other, I've never been around any iPad owners chanting about how superior their tab is, that's just ridiculous... of course all the iPad owners I know other than my son are adults...
goodintentions said:
Has anyone else noticed the number of complaints about light bleeds, freezing, and glitches about the ipad 2?
I regularly run into ipad and ipad2 users and their universal attitude seems to be "my tablet is better than yours".
Isn't the ipad 2 suppose to be the perfect hardware and software integrated product?
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I think some Apple folks suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect as well as some cognitive dissonance - caused by the ADF (Apple Distortion Field).
Any and all Apple products, therefore - as superior to any competing product. Any and all Apple strategies are superior to any competing brands strategies.
Any and all Apple "stuff" is superior to any competing "stuff".
Once you understand and agree to compromise (shut yo mouth, foo!), you'll get along with them.
Now, these statements are a mixture of jokes and certain feelings I may possibly really believe .
Either way, the truth of the matter is the iPad and iPad 2 are great products. I think they are extremely thoughtfully made for better or for worse. I think they choose processes that make them great looking and 'easy'. I also think they are terrigreedy, holding back tech. and restricting certain features in order to squeeze money from customers. But give any company a chance and they'd do this - don't think it's just Apple. They are simply getting away with it, and that upsets folks.
I haven't seen many products which touch Apple quality in terms of materials they use and such. Apple's been shipping laptops with backlit keyboards for a while, look how long it took PC makers to do the same? (Granted, Apple notebooks are at a more than 70% premium, but still...nice, right?).
The light bleed may be an issue for some but think about it, most Apple users aren't doing anything to accentuate it. We're hard on our stuff! We really are. We penalize our hardware harshly, they don't (for the most part) and those that do are probably not Apple fans.
We turn lights off and make our screens pitch black in order to check for problems we wouldn't notice unless/until we search for them, they don't...they use and enjoy their stuff. While I do not agree that the iPad 2 is a BETTER device than even the A500, I do think it contains some parts that may be considered superior. That doesn't mean the competition (A500, Tab 10.1, TF) doesn't beat the pants off of the iPad 2, they in general do in terms of playing movies, games and such - but it means that a TYPICAL user will probably get 1. less heartache and 2. more enjoyment out of the iPad 2, while there's sort of a small learning curve for Android Tablets.
I hope this makes sense.
I'm a little biased, you can tell...but I'm objective enough to know good technology when I see/use it.
tazm0n said:
So I don't know if your post was a troll shot and I got suckered into replying, but I guess I'm replying as an iPad and Android owner that doesn't feel like I have to boast about one product to denigrate another.
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Actually, no, it's not a troll shot. I take the train everyday to work, so I encounter quite a few ipad users on a daily basis. Even at work I run into them. There's something about the ipad that makes people want to look down on everyone who uses something else.
Neoprimal said:
I haven't seen many products which touch Apple quality in terms of materials they use and such. Apple's been shipping laptops with backlit keyboards for a while, look how long it took PC makers to do the same? (Granted, Apple notebooks are at a more than 70% premium, but still...nice, right?).
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I mean, no, not really. I HAVE a macbook, and don't care about, nor will look for a backlit kb on my next laptop... The mofo has also developed an annoying problem where it seems to see phantom touchpad presses and repositions my cursor at random.
I've the Iconia and the original iPad.
If I didn't have 'weird' requirements from a tablet, which are:
Connect a KB/Mouse for RDP
Use Bittorrent client (for legit purposes of course!!!)
... I would use the ipad every single time.
IMO, it's just a much much much nicer experience to use. Now, don't bother contradicting me on that. It's MY opinion and it's MY experience.
It's just smoother, nicer, better apps and the tablet itself is nicer (esp the iPad 2 which I have access to at work).
I've been thinking recently tho.. what I really want is a 13.3" Windows 8 tablet with Tegra 3, full size USB/HDMI, and something like a retina display and be same weight/thickness as iPad2.
Then I can ditch my laptop which I really only use to play Windows only games.
I also want 13.3" cos 10" is too small to work on all day long and I hate my work desk cluttered by a big fat clunky external screen. Just waiting for those transparent displays like u get in Avatar.
Windows 8 so I can install Diablo 3 on it when it comes out. Or OSX or whatever since I guess D3 will be out on Mac as well.
All I want is one all-encompassing device (and by the time D3 comes out, that shouldn't be too hard....)
MrBoingy said:
... I would use the ipad every single time.
IMO, it's just a much much much nicer experience to use. Now, don't bother contradicting me on that. It's MY opinion and it's MY experience.
It's just smoother, nicer, better apps and the tablet itself is nicer (esp the iPad 2 which I have access to at work).
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Not trying to argue against you, but thought I'd just offer my personal view on that too, since I have experience on both devices too. I have an Ipad and the Iconia in my home as well, my wife has the iPad2 and I have this tab. Before I got the tab, she used to have the original iPad, and I used it quite a bit...she upgraded to the 2 around the time when I got my toy, after which I've barely touched the iPad2.
Now, I really like the iPad - I really do. When we just had that, I used it all the time (too much according to my wife ). It's snappy, clear to use, simple...nice device, I really like it for very basic stuff.
However, when that was the only tablet thing we had, I had to use my laptop/desktop much more than I do now, I felt like it was "too basic" for my needs. I didn't use to think I go to many flash sites, but I guess I do...there were plenty of things that just didn't work with the Safari, unfortunately. Plus the whole media experience is completely different, with the iPad I never watched anything since I just couldn' supported absolutely nothing of my current video collection, nothing works, everything should've been re-encoded and somehow (itunes I guess) brought into the iPad, which I didn't want to bother with - I have my setup and there are plenty of standards to go with how I access my stuff (DLNA, SMB, etc.), I didn't want to bend over backwards to redo everything. And now, with my Iconia, I can stream vidoes of whatever format from my home server, copy files by plugging in the USB or using samba etc. all sorts of options for that. So to me, the Iconia / HC tabs are clearly more useful than the iPad, the Android tablet is more of a computer in that way, it works with my existing network, just plugs into it. So yeah, I prefer it. Greatly. And even physically, I have to say I prefer the Iconia now...the 4:3 aspect ration on the iPad just looks wrong now.
But anyway, not trying to argue, just offering my views on the two devices. Like you, I see good points in both, but I'd say I strongly prefer the Android tablets for the more "computer-like" power they have and the way they interact with the existing setup I have.

What to buy: New ipad vs tab 7.7

Hey guys i m in a big trouble.I cant decide what to buy
After searching the whole market according to me the two best tablets are tab 7.7 and new ipad.And the below points are my liking,
NEW ipad:
1.Retina display
2.5mp camera
tab 7.7:
1.superamoled plus(I am crazy about this display)
2.form factor
Its a kind of battle between my brain vs my heart.My brain keeps on saying to me that new ipad is the one u need but my heart opposes that and says that u cant live without that gorgeous samoled plus screen
I am not starting a war between the ios vs android, but i found the ios better suited for me, YES i love the customisation,multitasking,widgets,live wallpapers in short the freedom of android but i love more the fluidity of ios despite i hate that itunes
According to me everything goes against the tab 7.7 except that gorgeous screen but that too is faulty.I know about those horrible burn in issues of samoled screen.After searching xda,even i found more issues like dark circles,uneven brightness etc.
On other hands,the new ipad has a retina display which is not better than samoled plus IMO but its still better than the others display,a slim body(though a bit bigger than ipad2),butter smooth ios,twice apps than android that too optimised for tablet's big screen and a better camera too! !
One more thing is this that i love bigger screen ,because according to me a tablet is fully enjoyable only when its around 10inch IMO,agin on ipad side.
From my chilhood i have been listening to my heart most of the time, so here are my options:
1.Buy galaxy tab 7.7 and live with that small faulty but gorgeous screen a new ipad with large retina display and a galaxy note too(because i cant live without samoled plus), which will obviously tends to be a big hole in my pocket.
So guys plz put some light on my problem,
thanks in advance . . . . . .
My suggestion; if you own a lot of ios devices, buy the Ipad. If not, and you enjoy android and the form factor of the 7.7, buy that. I have an ios device in a sea of android devices and its a pain to make the ios device work with the others. Personally, I regret buying apple, but that is no reason for you to base a decision on.
Sent from my GT-P6810 using Tapatalk
if your gonna use the device for gaming go for ipad the ios really has more games but if your into viewing movies or reading comics or ebooks go for the 7.7 tab nothing as i have seen on a phone or a tablet can beat the screen
and ios really is crappy when playing videos not encoded thru itunes XD and android has a full arsenal of video players ranging from sw or hw decoding to suite your taste it also plays mkv with subtitles
another note also really hate how you always need itunes to sync files and the tab has a microsd card and can use flashdrive if you use the connection kit another + for android
geogetski666 said:
and ios really is crappy when playing videos not encoded thru itunes XD
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Not true, AVplayerHD works great on iOS and has played all of my MKV's so far with out issues, no need to re-encode anything unless you really want to save on file size.
Reading your pros/cons, there is no "real" reason for you to buy a Tab7.7.
I previously hated the Tab7.7, but configuring it a bit and using another launcher, I now love it! I won't compare these two anyways. It's a totally different use case. iPad has nearly twice the size and weight. Yes, iOS is more solid/fluid and has more optimized software, but Android is developing fast and there is sooo much more freedom and possibilities with it that I personally won't buy an iPad.
If you are a user and just want to use it, go for an iPad. If you want to "play" with it, go for the Tab. If it just depends on screen size, there are a lot more 10.1 tablets out there (the Asus Prime is great and a new HD version is also coming soon). So, yes, it is a decision between Android and iOS, not only hardware. And accoding to Amoled - it is great for viewing videos, but personally I don't like the oversaturated colors...
the tab is a beautiful device from the build quality to the super amoled screen but i cant live without both of them, android and ios work harmoniously in my ecosystem.
But every time i need to browse the web it's always the ipad i'm grabbing even if it does't have the flash capability html5 is almost everywhere now .
Ipad 3 is better on all aspects on my opinion BUT ONE! The size-factor!
If you want it to be mobile go with the 7.7... the best 7"er there is atm.
I take my tablet anywhere... I actually put it in my pocket and use it as my mobile phone as well... I usually wear jeans or some trousers so... It does get a lot of attention when I put it to my ear as I get a phone call... but ohh well...
That's just my 2 dimes
I've owned 3 ipads and now have the iPad2. I recently looked at tab 7.7 and I fell in love. I have an android phone. I love android os and love my iPad. If you don't have an iPad you would probably get more with it than the tab, but don't settle get both. I know I am
Sent from my ADR6400L using xda premium
One more killer feature, for some, is the tab is a pretty good if ridiculous phone. Unlike the 7.7, which was only a speaker phone, it had a speaker and microphone in the normal position.
I would also argue that Swype makes the tab more productive, in a pinch. I'm not saying you'll want to write power point presentations with it but you can. I have and it wasn't the worst experience.
Sent from my GT-P6800 using Tapatalk
EarlZ said:
Not true, AVplayerHD works great on iOS and has played all of my MKV's so far with out issues, no need to re-encode anything unless you really want to save on file size.
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my bad i didn't know that ios has those layers now it has been years since i last touched an ios product hehe
before i was watching mkv already on my nexus and the ipad and ipod touch still has those crappy players that won't even load mkv files hehe
but i still hate apple for not including a microsd slot and the connectivity kit that phones now are having also that horrid itunes sync XD
Please, let the apple be
Even if there is the same hardware, ios and android are completely incompatible..... it is not about hardware but about philosophy
If you like democracy and want to adjust your tablet, buy android
If you like to be led by anyone and don't need to adjust your tablet and look stylish than buy ios. And of course if you dont want to have widgets, buy ios.
But really I really can't imagine to live without widgets....there is year 2012, not time for windows desktop from 1995
My experience
I had the iPad 2 and loved it but found myself allways bringing my laptop with me aswell becouse there is a lot of things in relation to work where i often felt iOS is way to restricted (unless you JB it and uses a lot of ninja tricks all the time)
Now i have the 7.7 and in the beginning i was a little disapointed with the lacking and smoothesness in the OS but after having used a litte time getting to know it and configuring it for my needs and wants i absolutely love it.
Everyday I encounter new things i can just do rigth away instead of having to breake or get around a restriction first.
The formfactor, size and screen is just another thing that makes it so much more handy and right for me.
My biggest advice is that you give it at real chance if you should choose to try the 7.7
GadgetMe said:
The formfactor, size and screen is just another thing that makes it so much more handy and right for me.[emphasis added]
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I feel that this really captures the essence of the issue. What's right for you? The differences have already been highlighted, which I review in order of importance to me:
1. iOS vs. Android: no religious wars, please, we all understand this one
2. 9.7" vs 7.7": do you want more real estate or more portability?
3. High-res IPS LCD vs. SAMOLED+: do you prefer more resolution and mature technology, or do you prefer black blacks, more saturated colors, and faster response time?
It's just a matter of weighing those three points. I do think it's unfortunate that if you prefer the larger form factor but the beauty of OLED, there is no option for that. Personally I am squarely in the 7.7 camp for all three points, but obviously this is something everyone needs to evaluate for themselves.
Apple devices are great. They have the best build quality (I mean the body is actually CNC machined out of a slab of billet aluminum, not a plastic body with a thin piece of aluminum sheet metal glued on). The apps are the best on Apple, after all App is the first part of their name! Where it all falls apart are no memory cards for expansion, little to no control over the GUI, no direct drag and drop, and the worst of all you MUST install and use iTunes for everything.... Grr. For some that may not be a big deal but for me it was so annoying that I finally dumped the ipad. I am not sure why but I loathed itunes with the heat of a thousand suns.
Buy both and be happy... I just got the new iPad and browsing is so pleasurable with the text being so clear.
The 7.7 is awesome In its own accord being so portable and android.
The new iPad is cool in its own rights.
Sent from my New iPad
copualt3 said:
Buy both and be happy... I just got the new iPad and browsing is so pleasurable with the text being so clear.
The 7.7 is awesome In its own accord being so portable and android.
The new iPad is cool in its own rights.
Sent from my New iPad
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+1, really depends on what you want/need, both products are geat!
i've owned the touchpad and the 7.7 and really it comes purely down to form factor, what you use it for, and the OS.
i personally find 10.1 and 9.7 form factor too big to be hauling around.
one thing that a lot of people don't mention is that the super amoled screens absorb a lot of reflectivity. One thing i cant stand about almost every tablet out there is that i can see myself in the screen almost constantly. if you are going to get a device for video watching, i would say go with the 7.7 without a soon as that screen lights up, most reflections dissipate.
I think the biggest consideration between new Ipad and 7.7 is a phone feature.. if you wanna has call function go with 7.7 because Ipad cant do unless skype and also size i found 7.7 is compact and easy to carry maximum portability while you got tablet sized + Micro SD expansion & USB FD
for me between iOS and Android i prefer android because you can made it custom for your need even you can remove original "junk" apps, if you still doubt better go to the shop and try the demo for each tablet see which better for you
Got both and i'm happy I'm a proud android and iOS fanboy !
I had the original iPad for two years, and just chose the Tab 7.7 over the new iPad. For me the screen wasn't the clincher (both are great), but instead it is all about two things:
1. Screen size -- the Tab's screen is the perfect size for me. I read a lot on my tablet and the iPad is too big for an ebook reader.
2. The Tab is also a phone. Get the 3G model and you have an all in one device. Instead of carrying around a tablet and a phone, now I just carry the tab and a Bluetooth headset.
These two differences are BIG.

Why I HATED the Surface Pro (just in case you were tempted) ...

I just had to do it. All the hype, all the articles, the lure of OneNote's full power. I had to drop $1000 on a Surface Pro just to see what the fuss was about. Hell, I could always return it but I had to know for myself.
I truly truly HATED the Surface Pro. Here is as short list of what sucks:
1) It's HOT. How hot? After holding it for 30 minutes I felt like I had grabbed a ceramic cup I heated in the microwave. My hand was actually bright red. I have no idea how any sane person could stand holding this toaster over in their hands for any period of time.
2) It's HEAVY. How heavy? Big piece of metal heavy. Also because of it's hard angles it is no fun to hold.
3) It is IMPOSSIBLE TO USE IN PORTRAIT. I mean, this tablet must be a foot high in portrait. If you are trying to type on the soft keyboard the keys are literally 10 inches from the words you are typing so thumb typing is pointless.
4) Considering this has an i5 CPU it actually lags. Scrolling on web pages stutters and dragging pictures across OneNote jerks around like mad (this may actually be a feature of OneNote as it snaps to a grid - so not a bug necessarily).
5) Firefox (if you like that browser) is a DISASTER on this. Pinch to zoom is total fail. Again a lag fest.
6) 1920 x 1080 may sound awesome but on a tablet this small it's not. Even zoomed at 150% text and icons can be tiny and very hard to click.
7) Windows 8 is a schizophrenic mess even on this. Whoever decided Metro was a good idea HAD to be high.
8) The included stylus has a hard plastic tip. Hard plastic tip on slick glass equals HARD TO WRITE. The Note 10.1's rubber tipped stylus is far better.
9) The Surface Pro is not designed to be a tablet. It is more like an ultrabook with a removable keyboard and a pen that you can hold in your hands (if you must).
Why did I write this? Well, if like me you have felt tempted by the Surface Pro and access to full blown OneNote with inking, I wanted to put your mind at rest - don't. The Note 10.1 is a far more "useable" tablet for half the cash.
I totally agree with everything you wrote. My company has given me a surface Pro to test out and I would add the following to your list:
Battery life is only about 4 hours so you are forced to have extra chargers, one for home and one for the office.
The size of the charger is huge. Its a small brick!
There is no silo for the pen! You are supposed to attach the pen in the magnetized power port which means that any little bump and you lose the pen. I give Samsung a lot of credit of delaying the release of the Note 10.1 to redesign a silo for the Spen.
The things I like about the Pro is having Office 2013 and the keyboard cover. However, I actually do not like OneNote. I prefer SNote a hundred times. There is an SNote app for Windows 8 but only for Samsung branded devices. I wish they would make it available for all.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using xda app-developers app
mitchellvii said:
I just had to do it. All the hype, all the articles, the lure of OneNote's full power. I had to drop $1000 on a Surface Pro just to see what the fuss was about. Hell, I could always return it but I had to know for myself.
I truly truly HATED the Surface Pro. Here is as short list of what sucks:
1) It's HOT. How hot? After holding it for 30 minutes I felt like I had grabbed a ceramic cup I heated in the microwave. My hand was actually bright red. I have no idea how any sane person could stand holding this toaster over in their hands for any period of time.
2) It's HEAVY. How heavy? Big piece of metal heavy. Also because of it's hard angles it is no fun to hold.
3) It is IMPOSSIBLE TO USE IN PORTRAIT. I mean, this tablet must be a foot high in portrait. If you are trying to type on the soft keyboard the keys are literally 10 inches from the words you are typing so thumb typing is pointless.
4) Considering this has an i5 CPU it actually lags. Scrolling on web pages stutters and dragging pictures across OneNote jerks around like mad (this may actually be a feature of OneNote as it snaps to a grid - so not a bug necessarily).
5) Firefox (if you like that browser) is a DISASTER on this. Pinch to zoom is total fail. Again a lag fest.
6) 1920 x 1080 may sound awesome but on a tablet this small it's not. Even zoomed at 150% text and icons can be tiny and very hard to click.
7) Windows 8 is a schizophrenic mess even on this. Whoever decided Metro was a good idea HAD to be high.
8) The included stylus has a hard plastic tip. Hard plastic tip on slick glass equals HARD TO WRITE. The Note 10.1's rubber tipped stylus is far better.
9) The Surface Pro is not designed to be a tablet. It is more like an ultrabook with a removable keyboard and a pen that you can hold in your hands (if you must).
Why did I write this? Well, if like me you have felt tempted by the Surface Pro and access to full blown OneNote with inking, I wanted to put your mind at rest - don't. The Note 10.1 is a far more "useable" tablet for half the cash.
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Why don't you try out one of the Samsung Atom Tablets and let us know your experience.
The Atom editions should solve issues:
1 & 2.
If you install and Dual Boot Android 4.0 x86, then that should solve issues:
Thus, you can retain the convenience of the Android OS and have the power of Windows 8 without carrying more than 1 device.
I played with one at local store. Win 8 is just not a touch environment. Metro was a try and fix. Microsoft will have to forget they own windows and start thinking fresh to compete with android and crapple. Which both rather you dislike either of the two are becoming very mature and complete operating systems build around your fingers. Not a true business class os patched to try and compete. I will also add tablet software is getting better at productivity and will eventually be able to compete with the true ms type program's. The power of these device's are amazing. If you need full productive programs for now stick with a ultra book type notebook computer. The note 10.1 is the second best thing to that. There is no 3rd place device
My opinion of course conclusion is get a traditional notebook or a note 10.1 tablet
klau1 said:
Why don't you try out one of the Samsung Atom Tablets and let us know your experience.
The Atom editions should solve issues:
1 & 2.
If you install and Dual Boot Android 4.0 x86, then that should solve issues:
Thus, you can retain the convenience of the Android OS and have the power of Windows 8 without carrying more than 1 device.
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I can't say I agree that Android x86 is a solution. I don't even know how easy it'd be to install on the Pro. Android x86 project has come a long way but there are still issues with it, once it's as easy as just compiling it to x86 then let's talk
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
was walking around the mall and finally saw a surface pro. funny thing is i just read the ts mention the things yesterday. the thing that mostly stuck out was the weight. so first thing i did was pick it up. man that is like picking up a plate of iron... couldnt really get anything going well in the few minutes i messed with it. win8 definately not something for me. nor is carrying around an iron plate...
from a traveling salesman's viewpoint, I love it. I am able to install and run various programs such as AutoCAD (with wedge mouse), a custom estimating software...
Granted the battery life could be better, but I'm able to make sales calls and RDP for my office desktop printouts/updates on the unit without having to charge through a moderate days work. I've never had the heat buildup as described in the first post and it does not have the apps you'll find in the play store. but for a laptop replacement you can travel light with, love it.
I think Microsoft has missed the boat. They're obviously not getting Voice of Customer, but are getting voice of Developers when they make these products. Apple figured out what MOST people want for a tablet. Android is assuredly closing that gap and raising the bar (S-Pen). I would recommend that Windows quit trying to compete but get smart and work with Android, so both can crush the Apple serpent.
I have been using Samsung's Ativ Pro for some months now... err... not using at all. It just sits there. Microsoft has missed the train of the mobile age. Because of battery issues it just cant stand by like İOS or Android, it just goes to deep sleep and you cant get your push messages from Facebook.. and no e-mail alerts. I agree it is a detachable ultrabook. I love my Galaxy note II and 10.1, and hardly use my Ipad4.
I actually like the Surface Pro, but it's definitely NOT the same as this tablet. I mean, the Surface is definitely not a.. use-anywhere kind of tablet (I mean, its main "attraction" is that keyboard which really just means that it's not in the same tablet market). So, I'd say that you have to change your expectations because it is definitely an ultrabook in disguise.
The battery life would stop me switching. With my screen brightness turned down I can get a full day at uni out of my note (~ 8 hours) which is fantastic
Mixed feelings...
The weird beveled sides are weird and makes it hard to hold.
The battery life is terrible - even for a full i5 slate.
It is chunky.
I have a Samsung Series 7 slate, which was the reference platform for Win8 and it's a lot better.
As for Win8 itself - yep.. schizophrenic is a good description. You're using desktop and suddenly you're in Metro. You're using Metro and suddenly you're in the desktop. You want to run something - and bam back in Metro - except it's not all your apps - just some of them so over to search which shows you all your apps.
Bring up the keyboard in Metro, things work ok (mostly). Do it in desktop - and it's a crapshoot as to whether it'll come up automatically - and when it does it rearranges your desktop.
Sounds like its quite aways from general populations
Sent from my GT-N8013 using xda app-developers app
I purchased this over the weekend the surface pro 128gb version with type cover. im loving the experience with it so far. its a great and powerful device. no lag at all unlike what the op mentioned. lol
I too had the Pro. It was a very good ultra book (the best out there, in my opinion) that had a kick ass Wacom digitizer, awesome specs (the hard drive is fast as ****) and excellent style. I had it for five months and didn't regret it at all. I found it to be quite light, though obviously not as light as my Note.
It was just a ****ty tablet. Heavy (for a tab), terrible battery life and no Metro apps that are worth having. I used the Desktop most of the time, even after moving to 8.1. Shame, really; I think Metro is a fantastic platform for tablets.
I actually didn't know the Note 10.1 existed until I sold it off last week. I would have never bought it if I did, seeing how it is $500 more. The Note is so much better (right now), since it does everything my Pro did but with more battery, less weight and a Chrome browser that is actually functional. In fact, I found my Note to be easier for reading than my Nexus 7 and sold that off too! The Surface was too heavy for me to read on, and there were no apps for that anyway.
Its screen resolution kind of bites and I miss having a kickstand, but other than that I'm super happy to have sold it off.
If it wasn't for the battery life, I would have bought the surface pro over the note, although I don't plan on using the metro UI at all. I've used it for a total of about an hour and while using the regular desktop in touch mode I didn't run across any issues. Most things there an app for on android you can do through a full Web browser or there's a regular windows program for.
Part of me wants to say that if you're just Web browsing and watching movies then android is a good pick, but I'm getting fed up with pages not loading correctly when trying to browse the Internet. Half of the Web based ebooks I use for school either don't load or have issues.
From a hardware standpoint, I'm never holding my tablet straight out without it resting on something, so weight wouldn't be a issue. If I personally wanted a super casual tablet, I think a cheap 7" tablet like the Nexus 7 would be much better and more comfortable.
It amazes me how quick people are to criticize windows 8. All the metro UI really is is a new start menu that's more touch friendly. Tablet users complain there are no apps, yet have thousands of full blown windows apps they can use. Desktop users complain the start button is gone when all they have to do is hover in the same spot and it appears.
I've been researching for a new tablet or convertible to bring to school there are too many negative reviews for windows 8 for ridiculous reasons. No YouTube app? Guess what, I can play flash in the web browser. The drop box app isn't very good? Guess what, I can install the regular windows program and get two way sync. No email notifications in standby mode? My guess is you have an android phone going off right next to wherever your tablet is anyway.
Lastly, the surface pro is a hybrid device. So it isn't going to be the perfect tablet or the perfect ultra book. Its for people who want a mix of the two. For a device that's been out for nearly nine months, some of these complaints shouldn't be much of a surprise. I don't think its justified to make a thread bashing the product because you failed evaluate your wants and needs and didn't research a $1000 tablet.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using xda app-developers app
Sher The Love said:
If it wasn't for the battery life, I would have bought the surface pro over the note, although I don't plan on using the metro UI at all. I've used it for a total of about an hour and while using the regular desktop in touch mode I didn't run across any issues. Most things there an app for on android you can do through a full Web browser or there's a regular windows program for.
Part of me wants to say that if you're just Web browsing and watching movies then android is a good pick, but I'm getting fed up with pages not loading correctly when trying to browse the Internet. Half of the Web based ebooks I use for school either don't load or have issues.
From a hardware standpoint, I'm never holding my tablet straight out without it resting on something, so weight wouldn't be a issue. If I personally wanted a super casual tablet, I think a cheap 7" tablet like the Nexus 7 would be much better and more comfortable.
It amazes me how quick people are to criticize windows 8. All the metro UI really is is a new start menu that's more touch friendly. Tablet users complain there are no apps, yet have thousands of full blown windows apps they can use. Desktop users complain the start button is gone when all they have to do is hover in the same spot and it appears.
I've been researching for a new tablet or convertible to bring to school there are too many negative reviews for windows 8 for ridiculous reasons. No YouTube app? Guess what, I can play flash in the web browser. The drop box app isn't very good? Guess what, I can install the regular windows program and get two way sync. No email notifications in standby mode? My guess is you have an android phone going off right next to wherever your tablet is anyway.
Lastly, the surface pro is a hybrid device. So it isn't going to be the perfect tablet or the perfect ultra book. Its for people who want a mix of the two. For a device that's been out for nearly nine months, some of these complaints shouldn't be much of a surprise. I don't think its justified to make a thread bashing the product because you failed evaluate your wants and needs and didn't research a $1000 tablet.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using xda app-developers app
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Well said!
-Sent from my laptop running Windows 8
Sher The Love said:
The drop box app isn't very good? Guess what, I can install the regular windows program and get two way sync.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using xda app-developers app
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This feature was an unexpected gem for me. Before if I drew something in Sketchbook on the Note, I had to hit the share button, and pick a format to export to the cloud. Now, I just save it to my Dropbox folder (which I set as the default location), and it'll show up in on my desktop when I get home.
I've been using a Samsung Ativ 500T for a few weeks now, and I actually really like it. The main reason I bought it was I was getting tired of my Note botching all the formulas when I tried to open up an Excel spreadsheet in Polaris, QuickOffice, Google Doc (or fill in your Office Suite). The formatting also became funny on Word docs after opening in one of the above mentioned apps. I'm even able to run PS7 (I'm an amateur, so I don't need CS5 or later).
Of course this device is not perfect. As a straight replacement for a Note or iPad on the go, I still like the Note better. Screen rotation is a bit wonky sometimes on the Ativ. Although the wide screen is great for productivity, it's a bit unweildy, especially in portrait. There is connected standby, but not sure if it stays connected even in deep sleep. So, e-mails don't get come in when I'm asleep. Certain functions also don't work while in deep sleep: I haven't found a decent alarm app I can use (I used my Note as a backup alarm in case I didn't wake up to my phone).
jedah said:
This feature was an unexpected gem for me. Before if I drew something in Sketchbook on the Note, I had to hit the share button, and pick a format to export to the cloud. Now, I just save it to my Dropbox folder (which I set as the default location), and it'll show up in on my desktop when I get home.
I've been using a Samsung Ativ 500T for a few weeks now, and I actually really like it. The main reason I bought it was I was getting tired of my Note botching all the formulas when I tried to open up an Excel spreadsheet in Polaris, QuickOffice, Google Doc (or fill in your Office Suite). The formatting also became funny on Word docs after opening in one of the above mentioned apps. I'm even able to run PS7 (I'm an amateur, so I don't need CS5 or later).
Of course this device is not perfect. As a straight replacement for a Note or iPad on the go, I still like the Note better. Screen rotation is a bit wonky sometimes on the Ativ. Although the wide screen is great for productivity, it's a bit unweildy, especially in portrait. There is connected standby, but not sure if it stays connected even in deep sleep. So, e-mails don't get come in when I'm asleep. Certain functions also don't work while in deep sleep: I haven't found a decent alarm app I can use (I used my Note as a backup alarm in case I didn't wake up to my phone).
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I sold my note and got a 500T a little over a month ago. While I'm not completely satisfied due to the speed, it's far better than the note was for school. I knew it would be slow, but I got it to hold me off till some newer haswell convertibles came out. Glad I bought the note and 500T refurbished for under $360.
In my opinion, Onenote is much better than anything on android. Especially being able to print full webpages to it. It helps when most of my accounting homework is online based. I can print to onenote and have detailed notes and the problems worked out. I could even get these pages to load correctly on my Note.
I just pre-ordered the Surface Pro 2 for my wife. We got the 256GB option. She wants to be able to consolidate her notebook and Note 10.1 into 1 device. She's a mechanical engineering major and will be running CAD, Matlab, etc and also has a lot of Office oriented and online homework. I think mainly she wants a computer where she can take equation heavy notes on without having to worry what to do on which device and forget about file syncing. Her current notebook is heavy @ 5lbs. Does this seem reasonable or are we asking for a $1500 headache? I keep saying it's going to a heavy tablet. She keeps saying but it's going to be a light notebook. Notifications don't matter since she has an Android phone. We're selling her Note 10.1 to a friend to help finance the Surface Pro 2 so that won't be available to her. I'm excited but nervous at this point.

CONFESSION: Went back to iOS and.....

Sorry for the editorial here but I just had to get this off my chest regardless if anyone reads it or responds. I love my Nexus 7 (2013) but it's been giving me a lot of problems (hardware and software). I decided to upgrade to a bigger tablet and sell my nexus 7 in the process but there weren't really any 10" tablet that enticed me. I have a Note 2 and I love it, but can't stand the hardware buttons on the Note 10.1 (2014 edition). I briefly considered getting a Nexus 10 but it's a year old hardware and I would be very angry if I bought it only for Google to get off their ass and actually announce/release a new Nexus 10 a few weeks or a months later. So....I went to my nearest Apple store and picked up an iPad Air 64gb.
I'm not gonna lie, I loved it. I haven't used iOS in so long but the feel and fluidity of the iPad just brought me back. I went through the app store buying all the apps I've ever wanted but were never ported (or were gimped) on android. Man I was flying high.......until I actually started using the apps and I fell fast and hard. Is there anyone else on here who owns even one iDevice? Because I don't know if iOS is just objectively this bad or if years on android has spoiled me.
First of all, I completely forgot what a horrible experice you can have using iTunes. Ever since I discovered MediaMonkey and sold my iPod I haven't had any experience with iTunes beyond helping my Mom here and there. I think it's been so long that I manged to convince myself that iTunes wasn't so bad. The fact that iTunes and the app store don't automatically sync my purchases still to this day is mind boggling. If I buy something on my brand new out of the box Nexus 7, it's available in my app list on the Play store and across all devices. If I buy something on my iPad then uninstall it, I can't recover it on iTunes on my computer unless i manually plug in my iPad and sync it first. I appreciate the fact that unlike the Play store web browser, iTunes actually auto suggests titles based a first few letters of my search query but what good is it if iTunes crashes ALL THE DAMN TIME. I've had iTunes crash 7 times in one hour. Hell, I've made in-app purchases that don't download to my device for over 24 hours.
In apps, I kept getting buried under menus. I had to back out over and over just to get to certain menu options. I found myself unconsciously swiping from the left. I was one of the people calling for full screen mode on android with a hidden nav bar but man I never thought I would miss it so much. I hold the iPad on the bottom and every time I wanted to go back I had reach up to hit the back button.
iPad has the best Japanese keyboard hands down. However why they wouldn't give you the option of re-sizing the keyboard on such a large device I'll never understand. My fingers can barely reach some keys. Whenever I want to type effectively I have to hold the tablet in one hand and peck with the other. Same thing goes for the home screen. Also, you would think webpages would be clearer but the text size was basically the same as on my nexus 7 (at least for the pages I regularly visit). Just little annoyances building up like pictures downloaded from the web getting saved in my camera roll. Let's not even get into the 4:3 aspect ratio.
The absolute worst thing and the one thing that has me returning the iPad? Multitasking. Trying to download my whole comic book collection was an exercise in patience. It took (honestly) 16 hours for my full library to download. Every time the iPad screen went off, the download paused. Every time I played a video in Youtube, the download paused. This is most frustrating OS experience I've had lately on such a premium well made device. The worst part is that I knew all this going in but I figured the experience just had to be better than the last time I used it, and I couldn't be more wrong. It's changed aesthetically but it's still the same software that pushed me to android to be with.
Now I'm over $1000 (cases and accessories) in and I find myself completely disenchanted by the experience. I just lost $80 in app purchases and I don't know if Apple charges a restocking fee but despite all that I'm still returning the iPad today. ::sigh:: I wish I could download half these apps on the Play store. Hell even the Bamboo Paper app I like so much is available for my Note 2 but not compatible with the Nexus 7 (????) and that's a watered down version to begin with. I think it's hilarious that the ecosystem that's so highly touted wasn't enough to keep me.
Anyway I just had to get this off my chest. For anyone who actually read it to the end, first, thanks and second, if you still use an iDevice along side your android devices then what is keeping you tied to the OS? I honestly tried, because there's nothing I hate more than returning things that aren't defective, but I'm willing to pay a restocking fee because it just isn't worth it to me right now. I wish Goggle would get their game together.
Another thing I never realized. Using the iPad feels like using a resistive screen. The glass is not glue down and so there is a gap that makes tapping on the iPad feel more hollow. Pressing down on the glass distorts the screen which is unfortunate because many of the stylus I used require so much force to work well. I kept wondering why the glass on my Nexus 7 felt more solid. I am surprised none of the reviews I watched/read have mentioned this.
That was an interesting read. I have a friend that did a similar thing. After his Android tablet was stolen he bought an iPad and then just ended up returning it to Bestbuy. Personally I've never owned any iDevice but I've used them plenty and it just doesn't feel as natural to me. In my opinion they are just pretty devices that suffer terribly from software annoyances and lack of functionality.
I was long time ago a iPhone, iPod and iPad user, but even with the advances in IOS7 I'm still feel this platform is not for me, too many constrains and limitation to my taste. Right now I love every aspect of my Nexus 7 (2013) and even the lack of ext SD is not a bummer for me, but I have the 32GB version.
Still I recommend the iPad to those of my friends that grow up under the Apple umbrella. I got a couple of former iPad users converted to the Nexus, but only when I feel they want a change or are open to test different shores. I see some advantages using iPad for some users, so I'm not a IOS hater, just is not for me.
<-------- to much words to say nothing, damn, I becoming dumber....
I agree with basically all of your points. Multitasking is much faster on Android for sure, I can switch between apps very quickly and they will also stay open unlike iOS when they might get cut off. iTunes is horrible, as always, but I don't use it anymore. Spotify is all I need for music and everything else I can handle on the device itself. I've used Android for quite some time I'd like to think, but the same thing keeps me from using it exclusively and that's the feel when you touch the screen. It's hard to explain but it's noticeable especially in scrolling. Android has gotten much, much better lately, but it just doesn't feel as connected as iOS does and that really annoys me. I'm quite sensitive to small details like this, most people seem to not even notice these things. My older issues have been basically fixed, like inconsistent app design (Holo fixes this). I like Android, it's quick and efficient but for my usage patterns I prefer iOS. Also my most used apps, Tweetbot and Alien Blue, have good alternatives on android but not quite as good, that's also part of the reason but that's just because I'm heavily invested in the iOS ecosystem.
Go ahead and disagree, but please use some arguments with some thought put into them.
How was the low memory crashes?
"Is there anyone else on here who owns even one iDevice? Because I don't know if iOS is just objectively this bad or if years on android has spoiled me."
This statement alone made me swap my 16gig iPhone 5s (my first iPhone) for a Note 3. iOS felt "fisher-price" compared to all my years with Android. Being there with my Droid OG and seeing how far Android has come is truly amazing. I should have never doubted Android.
And for Apple to release such a fast CPU and to only gimp it with 1gig of memory across the board is ridiculous. All the "lowmem" errors in the diagnostic log and crashes was a joke.
freemini said:
I agree with basically all of your points. Multitasking is much faster on Android for sure, I can switch between apps very quickly and they will also stay open unlike iOS when they might get cut off. iTunes is horrible, as always, but I don't use it anymore. Spotify is all I need for music and everything else I can handle on the device itself. I've used Android for quite some time I'd like to think, but the same thing keeps me from using it exclusively and that's the feel when you touch the screen. It's hard to explain but it's noticeable especially in scrolling. Android has gotten much, much better lately, but it just doesn't feel as connected as iOS does and that really annoys me. I'm quite sensitive to small details like this, most people seem to not even notice these things. My older issues have been basically fixed, like inconsistent app design (Holo fixes this). I like Android, it's quick and efficient but for my usage patterns I prefer iOS. Also my most used apps, Tweetbot and Alien Blue, have good alternatives on android but not quite as good, that's also part of the reason but that's just because I'm heavily invested in the iOS ecosystem.
Go ahead and disagree, but please use some arguments with some thought put into them.
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Android lags heavily in certain apps and it is very noticeable when you scroll. I think only dyed to the core fanboys would defend that. But that's more a Google thing than it is an Android thing. I have over 1000 pics in Quickpic and it loads and scrolls so smoothly with absolutely no hiccups. However attempting to scroll through the "All Apps" section of the Play Store is a nightmare. A lot of Google made apps lag horribly with the only exception I've found so far being surprisingly Maps and Keep. Scrolling is smoother on iOS but it has it's wealth of problems. I had 12 re-springs yesterday attempting to use Safari with only 3 tabs open. Switched to Dolphin and it was only marginally better. It also lagged though not as noticeably as Android.
I agree that iOS offers a very consistent experience and design language and some of the apps are just better designed than their counterparts will ever be on android. I blame Google here though. When I was considering 10" tablets, one of the things that swayed me, beyond the fact that they're weren't options I liked in Android, was the fact that the Play Store just doesn't have many tablet optimized apps. I know some people are going to say it's up to the devs to redesign their apps but why would they bother when Google seems be making it a moot point. Instead of incentivising them to make better optimized tablet apps, Google instead went the opposite route and made their tablet UI more like a Phablet UI. My Nexus 7 just feels like scaled up Note 2 without the Stylus or memory slot and yet my Note 2 (which I still don't understand) has access to more productivity apps than the Nexus. It can't just be because it has a stylus, those are a dime a dozen and I have 2 Bamboo stylus that work very well on my Nexus, so why the limitation when the larger screen would benefit more from handwriting and drawing.
iOS is only slightly better. They may have better optimized tablet apps but all a lot the apps do is move things around while giving you the illusion of more real estate. On my brother's iPhone 5s and my iPad Air, the Bamboo Paper app gives us the same number of lines when we open a notebook. While Android is guilty of leaving phone UI's on tablets so you're left with a lot of white space, iOS is the opposite. Every little bit of your screen is filled but a lot of times it's just by apps that scale up their visuals instead actually optimizing it. Though I should add that I am one of those people that prefers to always use my tablet in portrait mode unless an app forces landscape mode. This is even more evident on the home screen and settings and why I complained about the Keyboard. Apple literally just scaled up everything in their tablets. The keyboard, the icons, the layout...everything is exactly the same as on their phones.
I suppose it would be easy for me to get heavily invested back into the ecosystem. I have hundreds of apps I bought previously (when I was still an iPhone user) but for about 98% of those I'm forced to re-buy the tablet version if I want them again. Never thought I would say this, but if I could load the App store on my Android device while still keeping everything fundamentally android, I'd be happy as hell. I know iPad is better built but some decisions like leaving a space between the glass and the screen or putting both speakers at the bottom seem very odd to me. Sometimes the screen feels very plastic because of the give.
mi7chy said:
How was the low memory crashes?
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I got a lot of those but only using browser apps. Surprisingly none of the other 30 apps I used crashed even once but the web browsers just went crazy crashing left and right sometimes just from clicking on a link.
cdmoore74 said:
"Is there anyone else on here who owns even one iDevice? Because I don't know if iOS is just objectively this bad or if years on android has spoiled me."
This statement alone made me swap my 16gig iPhone 5s (my first iPhone) for a Note 3. iOS felt "fisher-price" compared to all my years with Android. Being there with my Droid OG and seeing how far Android has come is truly amazing. I should have never doubted Android.
And for Apple to release such a fast CPU and to only gimp it with 1gig of memory across the board is ridiculous. All the "lowmem" errors in the diagnostic log and crashes was a joke.
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Yeah, I would never consider iOS for a phone and to be honest unless Samsung does something really stupid to the Note line I think all my phones moving forward will a Galaxy Note (I love the Nexus line but the functionality offered by the Note line is unmatched). I just thought Apple might provide a better tablet experience and if it had I would have stuck with it. There's no loyalty in tech. I buy what works best for me and if that happens to be Apple or Android I show my support by buying their products. I'm just surprised that Apple didn't do it for me. I was really expecting to move forward with an iPad in my backpack and a Note 2 in my pocket.
I have a 5th gen iPod Touch and absolutely love it. As far as music players, I just don't think they get any better. As far as phones and tablets, I'm pretty much always going to be an Android fan. I do have an Acer Iconia W510, running Windows 8.1 but it's running an x86 processor and not using that RT crap. With its keyboard dock, I think of it as more of a laptop than a tablet, with the added bonus of being able to get the keyboard out of my way.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Analyss14 said:
I got a lot of those but only using browser apps. Surprisingly none of the other 30 apps I used crashed even once but the web browsers just went crazy crashing left and right sometimes just from clicking on a link.
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Exactly my experience, but it seems isolated to the iPad air. I've had my 5S for about a month and I don't have a single LowMemory log, I have a fair share of Alien Blue crashes though.
I would like a small ipod with blue tooth so I can exchange music....
But I think it s too much to ask!
I had the first ipad, an ipad 2 and an ipad4. In the end, I always come back to Android and the ipads go to the wife/kids.
I won't even consider an ipad until Apple adds a proper file management system. I have multiple file types for projects and don't want to try and keep track of what app I need to open to get to my data.
Actually, not having USB OTG would be a problem for me since I use usb-rs232 adapters that wouldn't work with idevices. I rarely use this but when I need it, it is certainly easier than carrying a laptop. I guess I'm be more inclined to get a Surface 2 Pro and a 7" android device. without a file manager, apple is useless to me.
If it wasn't Nexus, probably a Samsung Note for the S-Pen. I'd like to try it and see if it is any good.
If you are looking for a 10" tablet, I have now had many android tablets. I currently have the Note 10.1 2014 and the Nexus 7. The Shield is not really a tablet but I have it as well. The Note 10.1 2014 is far and way the most useful tablet I have owned. It has great battery life and a spectacular screen. It is smaller and lighter than the Nexus 10. I am not a fan of the home button it has but that would be my only complaint. I like the Nexus 7 a bunch also it is great for throwing in a pocket on the go. I am totally against iAnything.
The main issue I have with android apps are the pdf readers, I have tried every pdf app but non of the scroll smoothly, not even basic text books.
ios app developers have to keep their apps top notch to compete within the appstore, on google play there are threemmajor pdf apps ( paid)
Ezpdf, repligo reader, mantano reader
All of them have major problems witth either speed of rendering, highlighting difficulties , clumbsy menus and much more.
And note another weird thing, non of them have implemented immersion mode, in fact the only reader app that has enabled it is moon reader.
I get that 4.4 is on a very low share of their market but still these are paid apps, they should have taken the time to implement it.
Nexus 7 with its quadcore hits a wall when it comes to these apps
RKight said:
I have a 5th gen iPod Touch and absolutely love it. As far as music players, I just don't think they get any better. As far as phones and tablets, I'm pretty much always going to be an Android fan. I do have an Acer Iconia W510, running Windows 8.1 but it's running an x86 processor and not using that RT crap. With its keyboard dock, I think of it as more of a laptop than a tablet, with the added bonus of being able to get the keyboard out of my way.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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Same here. Loved my iPod 5G in the few months I had it. Very decent camera built in as will.
Sent from my Nexus 7 (2013)
---------- Post added at 06:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:16 AM ----------
Only thing I miss after selling my iOS device is the exclusive apps/games like Bastion, Limbo etc. That's all.
Sent from my Nexus 7 (2013)
You should try iPhone, Once you did, you would never say this again
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Different strokes...
I've owned an iPhone and an iPad and I was a Mac developer for 17 years.
I'll never go back to Apple products again as long as I live. My experiences with the new iDevices has been execrable. But what's much worse is the attitude that Apple fans have "Try an iPhone and you'll never go back." Right. Because we're all exactly the same, want the same things - value the same things.
No wonder people call them iSheep. They want everyone to be exactly the same.
Well, screw that.
To paraphrase Edgar Friendly from Demolition Man
"You see, according to Steve Jobs' plan. *I'm* the enemy. Because I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech, freedom of choice. I'm the kind if guy who would sit in the Best Buy and think "Gee, should I have the big screen or the 3D screen phone with the side order of 7" tablet?" I *want* high cholesterol. I want to eat bacon, butter and buckets of cheese alright? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinatti in a non-smoking section. I wanna run around naked with green jell-o all over my body reading a Playboy magazine. Why? Because maybe I feel the need to, okay pal? I've *seen* the future, you know what it is? It's a 47 year-old virgin in gray pajamas soaking in a bubble bath, drinking a broccoli milkshake and thinking "I'm sophisticated because I have a fricking iPhone". You wanna live the Apple way, you gotta live Jobs' way. What he wants, when he wants, how he wants. Your other option: come down here, maybe flash your own ROMs."
Cool story. I read it till the end. We should create ex-IOS support group.
Here's my story (long one) :
I still have my launch day iPad2. Mainly since it's in pieces atm.
I've been repairing it several times since spring this year. It was poorly assembled to begin with, the glass was lifting and it'd cut my thumb every now and then.
It finally stopped charging. So I bought a replacement charge connector to fix it.
End up damaging the wifi antenna while opening it.
Bought replacement part. First one didn't work.
2 parts later, I got it fixed.
At this time, the glass was cracked beyond help. Bought a replacement part to fix it.
At this point, I ended up ripping the 4 pin speaker connector.
I'm just gonna solder the wires directly to the main board to fix it.
Then I'm going to flip it on CL.
Around the same time my iPad2 was problematic, my iPhone4 home button gave up.
Didn't feel like going through the same ordeals as the iPad, I sold the iPhone 4 with broken home button on CL for $175.
When I finally finished repairing my iPad2, I'm pretty sure I could get at least $300 for it, since others are asking $350-400.
At the same time when 2 of my iDevices gave up, I had to buy cheap replacements: LG Optimus L9 $150 and B&N Nook HD $150.
I had tried Android prior to this point, but hated them (poorly made, slow, weird interface).
When my L9 and Nook HD work great, fast, so flexible, and everything that's not iOS, I was BLOWN AWAY!
I ended up learning a lot more about Android, rooting, found Samba client app, my life is finally complete again.
I've since bought: Nexus 4, Note 2 and 2x Nexus 7 2013.
At this point, it'd take a lot of Google eff-ups (like the updated G maps), to make me want switch back to iOS.
Oh, and I also sold my iPod Nano 8GB on CL for $75, because the button was starting to wiggle on me. And the buyer bought it knowing about the problem. Bought a Clip+ & 64GB uSDXC and still left with some change.
BTW, Apple wanted $200-400 to repair the iPad2 for the stopped charging issue.
Last, I figured out why my Android experience a long time ago (2.2) was horrible: combination of immature OS and cheap Chinese made crap (don't know why, my friends had garbage like H20 and HTC at that time), was what got me.
