DHD New update!!!!? - Desire HD General

Hello guys,
Yesterday i saw a new update for desire HD, version 1.83.415.4, someone already tested?
sorry for my "google english translator"

Where did you saw?

in the cellphone(menu/settings/about phone/system software updates.

nothing here, UK DHD unlocked (i think) on vodafone.

Weird, i`m not getting any updates...can you tell how big it is and what it tells?
Where are you from?

Android 2.3??

Not getting any updates on my end!
Ladrero said:
Android 2.3??
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Highly doubt it will be that just yet

i dont know!!!
in the update doesnt say what update is!

the update have 37mb,
i´m trying post image here but i can´t!

put it on www.imageshack.us

i´m trying put an image here.
i need have 8 messages to put any image!
thats my 6 post

robE9 said:
put it on www.imageshack.us
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i have put, but i can´t put in the forum!
i need have 8 messages to put a image/link/url...
this the 7 message... 1 last.

you can see the update above:

weird, where are you from ?

I wonder what this is?

Look like there is another thread with this
Hi, I've just received the newest OTA update from HTC, the new version is 1.83.415.4. I was wondering does anyone know what new features or fixes this update provides compared to my older 1.32.405.6.
First thing I've noticed is the phone is lot quicker. Seriously, I cant believe how much quicker my phone is now.
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i got this on my unbranded phone yesterday here in Australia.
the phone is noticeably aster, i'd say between 10% - 20% in some cases. no idea what changed, still looking for a changelog.
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judging from the time shown in the screenshot and a world time zone map i think he is in brazil somewhere, maybe east coast?
or greenland.... lol.

Judging from the size I'd say it's a new version of the last updated, 1.72. On a rooted stock ROM the only update I'm offered is to 1.32.405.6 from 1.32.405.3 that's in the UK.

No update yet from the Philippines with a unit from Europe.
Cheers from my DHD.

looks like the main feature of the update is arabic support, i guess??


Where's the best place to find out when the new ROMS...

... for the MDA Pro T-Mobile UK become available?
naujoks said:
... for the MDA Pro T-Mobile UK become available?
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Wait about six - ten months after other networks release updates, and check
But... but... the German version is already out! Surely the wait can't be that long? Can it?
naujoks said:
But... but... the German version is already out! Surely the wait can't be that long? Can it?
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You'd think that wouldn't you.......
... I'd guess that by reading the site, which says the next update should be released January 06.... it shows the reliability and keeping to deadlines that T-Mobile employs..........
jmdrizen said:
naujoks said:
But... but... the German version is already out! Surely the wait can't be that long? Can it?
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You'd think that wouldn't you.......
... I'd guess that by reading the site, which says the next update should be released January 06.... it shows the reliability and keeping to deadlines that T-Mobile employs..........
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Install the ROM available for download and check the dates on it to see how well they kept to the first maintenance update schedule, I think they just didn't update the webpage when they released the ROM. Saying that though they do seem to be a little behind the others in getting out an AKU2 package

BTW fellas......SDTuneup worked with my RA_10 read speed

I decided to try it on the 10 ROM.
My read speed a little more than doubled on the Sony SD and actually tripled on my crappy Patriot SD.
Figured some one else should confirm my results.
It didn't make ANY difference in my write speed for either card though.
That is good news, when the new UK ROM is officially released it the first tweak I am trying.
Does anyone know why the UK Rom is being delayed in release by SE ?
Mark A Cilenti said:
That is good news, when the new UK ROM is officially released it the first tweak I am trying.
Does anyone know why the UK Rom is being delayed in release by SE ?
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I was able to download the new UK ROM but it's the generic one, so I don't know whether this would possibly be a hold up from o2 perhaps? I take it that's the ROM you're after?
No news is good news eh, I hope there packin it full of special goodies for us UK o2 users....a super Rom...we can dream
Hi..anyone can list down any update on R2AA010 compare to R2AA008? Thanks
weird cause it had no effect on mine excpet by a few hundred Kb's
nguyenkhanhhoang said:
Hi..anyone can list down any update on R2AA010 compare to R2AA008? Thanks
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Norti made a bit of a list in the new ROM thread in the ROM section of the x1 part of the board... however I have changed just recently and so far love it, its much smoother and faster from the box than 08...
Thanks Shadowdh, I've just finished the upgrade tp R2AA010. Let's me try it then report if any new
nguyenkhanhhoang said:
Thanks Shadowdh, I've just finished the upgrade tp R2AA010. Let's me try it then report if any new
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So... is it really better? Or basically, the same thing? I'm on R2AA08 too.

Official ROM update on HTC support - MISSING??

Just visited HTC site to see if they have put the O2 branded ROM update up yet and the 1.48 ROM that was there yesterday seems to have gone?? Here's hoping they are re-uploading it to apply to ALL HD2s !
Hmmm I just checked and yeah it doesn't exist anymore... maybe they pulled it and because 1.61 is maybe coming out very soon?
Worldwide it does not appear if you go to the UK site it is still there.... silly me!!
lindsaydr said:
Just visited HTC site to see if they have put the O2 branded ROM update up yet and the 1.48 ROM that was there yesterday seems to have gone?? Here's hoping they are re-uploading it to apply to ALL HD2s !
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I was just there, impatiently checking for a UK release of the 1.61 ROM, and the 1.48 is still there. It's dated 9/12/09, which we know is rubbish, but still there!
johncmolyneux said:
I was just there, impatiently checking for a UK release of the 1.61 ROM, and the 1.48 is still there. It's dated 9/12/09, which we know is rubbish, but still there!
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you mean thatt the 1.48rom is rubbish?
1.48 was total bogus afaik, and im thinking htc realized that too now, seeing how they without-a-doubt will know that roughlly half the hd2 users from this forum already run 1.61, since it DOESNT HAVE BROKEN CORE FUNCTIONALITYS, like one would expect from a hightech phone.
1.48 is Gone from htc site over here aswell, i srsly hope there will be a official worldwide 1.61 soon
mahsu said:
you mean thatt the 1.48rom is rubbish?
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No mate - the release date is rubbish. I think they should be a bit more careful about their release dates, as that's more like the date that it was "leaked", but not "officially" available on their site. (Lots of " when I talk about HTC "release" process )
Incidentally, it's still available in the UK. It doesn't make sense!
daleski75 said:
maybe they pulled it and because 1.61 is maybe coming out very soon?
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finger crossed !!! :d:d:d
They never removed it from the site... and it was never in the support list... On my side, I've got the official link from xda... Hopefully, some poeples here read the (boring) official announcments
I think they've removed it because it doesn't have a so much good overall performance/number of bugs/usability improvements.
Anyway, the 2.01 ROM is a whole new story.

New firmware ver 1.66.707.1

Not sure if this is old or new news....new firmware version released today
An updated ROM is now available for HTC HD2 customers to download. As always, HTC is committed to providing customers with the best possible mobile experience.
Installation Instructions:
ROM Version: 1.66.707.1
Improved Functions:
Keeping in touch has always been very important, and this update delivers fast and reliable SMS messaging.
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wow i hope this is a good firmware... i will be waiting for the Hong Kong english one...
Horray, hoping this will be the day
F5'ing on the Norwegian site right now
i have a standard unbranded deveice, and its saying the updates not suitable for mine?
Change-log? Or did you notice any significant changes?
I need it in German, HTC, pleeeeease!!
Just wanted to set up my device this weekend from the bottom up. Now I'm gonna wait for the update.
eddie_wakey said:
i have a standard unbranded deveice, and its saying the updates not suitable for mine?
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Me too!
South East Asia ? Is this a WWE ROM ?
First line reads... "Keeping in touch has always been very important, and this update delivers fast and reliable SMS messaging.".... Good luck to you all - hope it resolves your issues everyone.
( No doubt in 1 hours time someone will come online and say "My sms got stuck in the outbox again...." )
Anyone else got it in their region? I'm browsing regions, but SEA region seems to be the only one with it right now
not in UK yet...
eddie_wakey said:
not in UK yet...
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I concur - just checked Europe and UK. We score "nil pwa", as they say in the Eurovision Song Contest. Apologies to non-Europeans, if you don't understand, google it!
Please tell me it fixed more than just the SMS issue...... i'm on the edge of this or a milestone and so far, the Milestone seems the less buggy!
oooohhhh!!! this could be the day ladies and gents ..still nothing on the UK site tho.
don't expect too much hahah If the previous SMS patches are of any indication, we might be disappointed.
The old 1.48 has been pulled from the danish HTC site... It might be a sign of better things to come
Edit: Now the 1.48 is up again.... Weird...
Does anyone know which version of WM it has, I would persume it would be a good time to go 6.5.3
eddie_wakey said:
i have a standard unbranded deveice, and its saying the updates not suitable for mine?
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Same here.downloaded dutty`s instead.no problems yet
jrrigney said:
Does anyone know which version of WM it has, I would persume it would be a good time to go 6.5.3
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It won't upgrade the OS. They'd certainly not wrap up the "6.6" release (as they're now referring to it) by saying it fixes some SMS problems.
Expect a fanfare and ticker-tape parade when they up the OS.
Thai ROM
There is now ROM version 1.66 available for thai region. If anyone here has a thai region phone, could you please download the new ROM and upload it to HCTpedia repository for official ROMs. I want to try this ROM, but it can only be downloaded using a serial number from a thai region phone, and I don't have that.

New Firmware out! Or maybe not?

Hey guys,
in a german board someone said he is in contact with the SE support and today he was told that there is a new firmware out. It's called R2BAxxx and should fix the battery issues.
In an other board someone posted this
Hi guys!
The next firmware is due soon and it's called R2BA013.... it's contains some new features such as small ui improvements in timescape and mediascape and the creatuch app. This firmware is blazing fast and very much improved from .016. The battery time is also improved and it seems that the screen resolution looks better too. Also the face-recognition is very much improved. There is also a nice "slide" animation when browsing through pictures. All in all, this is probably what SE had in mind when releasing X10, and all I can say is that it's really good and I'm very pleased.
So if there's someone out there who's not sure to buy this phone because of the minor problems that's know in 0.14 firmware, I can almost guarantee you that this will fix them all and make you very pleased with the performance of the X10
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Does anyone allready have this firmware? Or has anyone further information about that?
Here are the links to the 2 topics:
http://www.pocketpc.ch/sony-ericsson-xperia-x10/82206-akkulaufzeit-des-x10-48.html#post593766 (GERMAN)
http://www.esato.com/board/viewtopic.php?topic=190867&start=4650 (post by joakimudden, scroll down)
From another thread here: http://www.xperiax10.net/2010/04/29...ing-performance-boost-creatouch-app/#more-654
I have to add, the german support said the update is allready out and in his office anyone was allready running the new version. He also said that it could take 1 or 2 more days until everyone can update but perhaps someone allready has?
bring it asap
Sent from my X10i using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
asap? What's that?
Willey1986 said:
asap? What's that?
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Willey1986 said:
I have to add, the german support said the update is allready out and in his office anyone was allready running the new version. He also said that it could take 1 or 2 more days until everyone can update but perhaps someone allready has?
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the guy in esato said it's May or May-June, you sure that it would take 1 or 2 days ? I sure do hope so ...
the next OS update for the X10 whith the current Official Android newest version (2.1) is for september...
Thol said:
the next OS update for the X10 whith the current Official Android newest version (2.1) is for september...
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well what we are expecting in may is some improvement on 1.6, it's better than nothing
Thol said:
the next OS update for the X10 whith the current Official Android newest version (2.1) is for september...
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Yes i know that 2.1 will come in september but there must be an update before that to kill the issues like battery lifetime. This one will do that an bring us some ui improvements and timescape / mediascape fixes.
Guy's i can't seem to be able to update from even 1.04 to 1.06.
have you unbranded your handset? Seems to hit the unbranded ones first... others will be controlled by their network.
Hi all.. don't know if anyones heard anything official from SE on this or not?
I've just emailed there support email [email protected]
To ask for an official comment on timescale and functionality...
Cheers. Alan.
i have debranded my x10 rogers to generic NA x10a firmware. i seriously doubt that SE will release a firmware for this firmware seeing how the phone isn't officially released here in the states except for the x10i models.
i think for those of us with X10a, i think we will be waiting for the firmware update in late may or even in september. that's my take anyways.
arcticreaver said:
i have debranded my x10 rogers to generic NA x10a firmware. i seriously doubt that SE will release a firmware for this firmware seeing how the phone isn't officially released here in the states except for the x10i models.
i think for those of us with X10a, i think we will be waiting for the firmware update in late may or even in september. that's my take anyways.
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i figure the same thing
This new firmware improved batery life. Without SIM and without using it droped 14% in 24hours!
This new firmware improved batery life. Without SIM and without using it droped 14% in 24hours!
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and which firmware are you talking about?
The new R2****
MCoimbra said:
The new R2****
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wow where did you get it from ?
im_iceman said:
Hi all.. don't know if anyones heard anything official from SE on this or not?
I've just emailed there support email [email protected]
To ask for an official comment on timescale and functionality...
Cheers. Alan.
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I done that eariler this week and no reply as of yet.

