[solved] Bootanimations- Change impossible in ۵.ReflexTSenseHD v1.7 DHD - Desire Themes and Apps

i tried to change my Bootanimation but with no Luck.
1. i tried to make a "theme" via Online Kitchen; got a file (about 6mb) flashed it via Recovery but Botscreen stayed at white "HTC-Briliant"
2. i tried to manualy delete the bootaniamtion.zip at /data/app/local with androidmate (free)--> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=10041079&highlight=bootanimation#post10041079
3. i tried to make my own update.zip ( http://www.londatiga.net/it/how-to-create-android-update-zip-package/)
show_progress 0.1 0
copy_dir PACKAGE:data\app\local data\app\local:
show_progress 0.1 10
4. tried to change the bootimage.zip in NEO's Reflext.Rom by deleting all unneccesary stuf and changing the bootanimation-zip
--> got stuck after Recovery so i had to reflash the whole ROM..
why i'm not able to change this bootanimation ?
can someone provide me a funktional Update-zip for this ROM
(or a HowTo for doing it myself?)
i would like to test these Bootimages:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=905538 (android particle2)
EDIT: i also tried via
Terminal Emulator
- Connect your phone to your computer via USB
- Copy the downloaded file to your sdcard
- Disconnect phone from computer
- Open Terminal Emulator on your phone and enter the code below (press enter after every line)
cp /sdcard/480x800_AndroidGlow1.zip /data/local/bootanimation.zip
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Try putting it into /system/customize/resource
thats where the bootanimation (and the boot sound..) was located on my desire rom.

tried this but:
1: i found no "resource" folder under /system/customize..
2. after creating this folder and copying bootanimation.zip nothing happens
it seems like NEO put it on a special place in his ROM so i cant't figure out..

Test this route: /system/etc/customer/bootanimation.zip ;-)

System/sd/app/local remplace the bootanimation.zip and reboot.

It worked !!
Thanks ASIER
the System/sd/app/local .. did the trick
why does neo uses this folder-structure.. weird ..
(and also thx to raa_ for his help)

does it make sense if i say, i don't have a /system/sd/app/local folder??? the sd part is nowhere to be found
any idea?
edit. found it on my Desire it was under /system/customize/resource/bootanimation.zip

i think it depends on the ROM you are using!
i use the ReflextSense 1.7 from NEophyte.360
that uses the "unusual" path as postet before.
"normal" Sense ore SenseHD Roms are using different locations as you found out..
it is sad that there's not a standard-path for all roms !

Asier said:
System/sd/app/local remplace the bootanimation.zip and reboot.
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I have the reflext 1.7 rom on my desire and i have no folder named app in system/sd

neo2006pf said:
I have the reflext 1.7 rom on my desire and i have no folder named app in system/sd
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are you sure youre on the system-"partition" ?
i first set the System to Read/Write in SPareparts and afterwards used ESData explorer (in the program you have to enable ROOT funktions..)
--> menu/settingsroot options --> mount filesystem
click on the button on the very left (sd-icon) and it should change into a "house"
the path should be a "/"
afterwards choose SYSTEM/SD/APP/Local
in this folder there should be bootanimation.zip, downanimation.zip, shutdown.zip and "placeholder"
hope it helps

I cant find my bootanimation.zip anywhere,Im using insertcoin 1.8f(trying to update to 1.8h with no luck )

this Thread describes Changing BOOTANIMATION in ReflextSense (1.7)
i think insertCoin uses an different Folder for Bootanimation.zip than this rom.
you could try one of these options:
get shure you hav read/write acces to your Root.. (as i described in de Posting before..)
search the "insert coin" thread for Bootanimation.zip
ask in the Thread about the neccesary "Path"
try to download a "change bootanimation" zip from online kitchen or from the forum..
apply the zip via Recovery and if it works !! ... open the zip and analyse the script file (which Path it uses..)
i hope it helps..

klefreak said:
are you sure youre on the system-"partition" ?
i first set the System to Read/Write in SPareparts and afterwards used ESData explorer (in the program you have to enable ROOT funktions..)
--> menu/settingsroot options --> mount filesystem
click on the button on the very left (sd-icon) and it should change into a "house"
the path should be a "/"
afterwards choose SYSTEM/SD/APP/Local
in this folder there should be bootanimation.zip, downanimation.zip, shutdown.zip and "placeholder"
hope it helps
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I had the right path but was using a software that can't see the folder system/sd/app. I managed to replace the bootanimation.zip with SUFBS. Thank you for your help though.


[HOW-TO]--Stock Bootscreen w/ Sound

Well here we go, this will revert your bootscreen to the Stock Verizon Android Bootscreen with Sound.
(Verizon animation then waving droids, followed by the HTC animation)
This has not been tested with any Non-Root ROM!
This HOW-TO was put together on a Windows Machine, Please adjust your syntax if you are using linux.
This has been tested on the Plain Jane ROM (Thanks Jcase!!) And confirmed working on Ivan's ROM (Thanks pkopalek)
EDIT [6/9/10 @ 3:39pm EST]: THIS WORKS ON Eris-based ROMs ONLY at this time. I will be experimenting with other ROM's and will post my findings.
This Bootscreen was pulled from the Downgrade.zip included in this post:
Android Fourms
Please give credit where credit is due. All i did was get all together and write this HOW-TO.
1. Download this zip ... bootscreen_Stock_Sound
And Extract to any location on you computer. You should have a folder named bootscreen with some xml,mp3,and gif files.
2. if you have pushed a bootscreen to /data/local, delete it.
adb remount
adb shell rm /data/local/bootanimation.zip
3 Enter the adb shell and cd to /system/media and list contents.
adb remount
adb shell
cd /system/media
Back up the bootanimation.zip located here.
cp bootanimation.zip bootanimation.bak
or delete it.
rm bootanimation.zip
Exit shell
4. Now to push the animation to /system/media
<your-save-path-here> is where you extracted the RAR. When extracted you will have folder named bootscreen_Stock_Sound with a nested folder named bootscreen.
I downloaded the rar to the desktop on Win 7 so my path would be:
NOT: C:\Users\Lostbytes\Desktop\bootscreen_Stock_Sound\bootscreen\
as this will nest the folders.
adb push <your-save-path-here>\bootscreen /system/media/bootscreen
Wait for it to finish.
EDIT:For those having problems with a black boot screen, please enter the following to set the permissions on the bootscreen folder.
adb remount
adb shell chmod 775 /system/media/bootscreen
5. To Test.
adb remount
adb shell
PRESS Ctrl-C to return to the shell.
Now a creative person with the inclination, should be able to modify the contents of the bootscreen xml file to use custom sounds and animations. Have Fun All
Thank you for all your hard work day in and day out. Without people like you, this scene would not exist.
Have Fun
Have Fun Everyone!!!!!!
I've been thinking about this bootscreen for a long time.
Thank you for this.
And for what it's worth, with all the files in place,
my Evil Eris boot animation is just a blank, black screen.
Hmm..... I'm missing something.
I thought this had to be in a ZIP format...
After downloading ..it is a RAR file...
bukada said:
I thought this had to be in a ZIP format...
After downloading ..it is a RAR file...
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This is not the common Bootanimation.zip!!!
Please read the directions, this is the old Style bootanimation format. (using a XML instruction sheet, NOT the desc.txt file w/ png in zip format) This allows much more control. You mush first back up or remove any and all Bootanimations on your phone.
pkopalek said:
And for what it's worth, with all the files in place,
my Evil Eris boot animation is just a blank, black screen.
Hmm..... I'm missing something.
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Did you back up or remove the bootanimation in
also if /system/media already has a bootscreen folder delete it and replace it with the one from the RAR.
Bootanimation formats as far as i know are:
/system/media/bootscreen/<XML,Gif,MP3 files>/
This bootscreen is the last format. It works on a ERIS running Plain Jane, Will post vid soon.
pkopalek said:
And for what it's worth, with all the files in place,
my Evil Eris boot animation is just a blank, black screen.
Hmm..... I'm missing something.
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Same here. Followed the instrucations and only have a blank screen now during boot up. Is a step missing?
lostbytes said:
Did you back up or remove the bootanimation in
also if /system/media already has a bootscreen folder delete it and replace it with the one from the RAR.
Bootanimation formats as far as i know are:
/system/media/bootscreen/<XML,Gif,MP3 files>/
This bootscreen is the last format. It works on a ERIS running Plain Jane, Will post vid soon.
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All checkpoints check.
This is also pretty standard for all of Android, so I am baffled as to why we're getting black bootscreens!
pkopalek said:
All checkpoints check.
This is also pretty standard for all of Android, so I am baffled as to why we're getting black bootscreens!
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I will recreate the procedure from the beginning . All i did was pull the original boot screen from Android 1.5 and push to my phone, Maybe i missed documenting something.....But it is a simple operation. Will post again soon.
Yeah, I see.
I even pulled apart downgrade.zip (which I have on my computer) and looked at it myself, just in case a file got corrupted or something.
I can't figure it out!
Maybe this needs to be turned into a bootanimation.zip for some ROMs?
pkopalek said:
Yeah, I see.
I even pulled apart downgrade.zip (which I have on my computer) and looked at it myself, just in case a file got corrupted or something.
I can't figure it out!
Maybe this needs to be turned into a bootanimation.zip for some ROMs?
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Its possible, I will look into it some more, What baffles me is that works for me!!! It may be ROM dependent but i am just recreating the file structure with no modifications from the original. So, in theory the ROM should not matter.
I tried grabbing the /system/bin/bootanimation file from another ROM (so that the 'bootanimation' command would maybe work?) to see if that makes the difference, but it doesn't seem to.
It seems like something silly is missing! I even did a Root Explorer search for anything with the word 'boot' in it to see what could be causing the trouble, but I don't see anything at all! The only things with 'bootscreen' or words like it is in the /system/media/bootscreen/ folder that is there (because I put it there).
Here are screens of what i did, I recreated the whole process and it worked fine for me. Again i am running the Plain Jane ROM (Thanks to Jcase) if that matters.
link To Screen
Hope this helps!!!
I confirmed this DOES seem to work on normal Eris-based ROMs like yours (Ivan's 1.0, in my case)
but NOT on EvilEris.
pkopalek said:
I confirmed this DOES seem to work on normal Eris-based ROMs like yours (Ivan's 1.0, in my case)
but NOT on EvilEris.
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Would you like me to post the bootanimation file from /system/bin?
maybe replacing this file with mine might solve the issue...
File located here........... Bootanimation
Please let me know if this resolves the issue. If not i will install EvilEris and try to recreate.
Same exact success rate.
I also had to chmod your 'bootanimation' to make it work, but that may or may not be related to me downloading/pushing it from a Windows machine.
Neither here nor there, just a black screen.
pkopalek said:
Same exact success rate.
I also had to chmod your 'bootanimation' to make it work, but that may or may not be related to me downloading/pushing it from a Windows machine.
Neither here nor there, just a black screen.
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pkopalek, Would you please, in root explorer, goto /system/media/bootscreen and list its contents? there should be a bunch of files and NO folders. I thinks my code was nesting the files in a second bootscreen folder.
lostbytes said:
pkopalek, Would you please, in root explorer, goto /system/media/bootscreen and list its contents? there should be a bunch of files and NO folders. I thinks my code was nesting the files in a second bootscreen folder.
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Nope. Exactly the contents it should have.
android_audio.mp3, android_audio.mp3_, boot.gif, boot.mp3, boot_animation.xml, etc etc etc.
Certainly no folders in here. Exactly the contents it should have.
same contents as C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.PAULSTERM1\Desktop\android\downloads\bootscreen
which is where I extracted the bootscreen contents (twice, once from your download, once from my own downgrade.zip. same results.)
pkopalek, Would you please, in root explorer, goto /system/media/bootscreen and list its contents? there should be a bunch of files and NO folders. I
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Nope. Exactly the contents it should have.
android_audio.mp3, android_audio.mp3_, boot.gif, boot.mp3, boot_animation.xml, etc etc etc.
Certainly no folders in here. Exactly the contents it should have.
same contents as C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.PAULSTERM1\Desktop\android\downloads\bootscreen
which is where I extracted the bootscreen contents (twice, once from your download, once from my own downgrade.zip. same results.)
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This may be obvious, but make sure to check the permissions on the folder itself.
Try this, then reboot.
adb remount
adb shell chmod 775 /system/media/bootscreen
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App

[Need Help] Bootanimation change

I tried everything...
What I did :
- I put my bootanimation.zip to the android SDK/tools.
- I rebooted my DHD in clockwork recovery.
- I went to mounts and storage, where I mounted "system" and "data".
- I plugged my Phone on my PC, I ran cmd and did this :
adb push bootanimation.zip /data/local (I also pushed it in /system/customize/resource and /system/media)
- It showed something like 400kb at 400kbs.
I reboot and... I got the most horrible bootanimation you ever seen, yes, the default one... (search SFR logo to see this sh*t)
So please help me, my phone looks like Santa Claus's one !!!!
What did I miss ?
My phone is root, S-OFF, and I use clockworkmod recovery.
Thank you for reading.
Nobody knows?
you might have to change the permissions on the bootanimation.zip file
get root explore, navigate to the file, mount root explore to r/w
long press on the bootanimation.zip select permissions
user read write
group read
others read
hope that works
push .zip to /system/customize/resource and delete the others
OK I'll try it, thank you !
edit : It worked ! Thank you !
No worries
Swyped from a misguided desire HD using telepathy

[BOOTANIMATION] AlchemyDroid v1.0

Hi chaps ,
Here's a little bootanimation i was working on for the Desire.
Here's a preview :
Caution : You flash this at your own risk! I take no responsibility what happens to your phone! (99.9% it will work )
Note : This has only been tested on the Htc Desire | Samsung Galaxy S | ZTE Blade it is meant for 480x800px (and above) phones...but i think it will work on small resoultion phones as well
* How to instal * (rooted phones!)
1. Download the file (obviously)
2. Put the file on to your SD card
3. Use Root Explorer ( market Link ) or any other phone explorer that allows you to manipulate your rom files.
3. Navigate to where your existing bootanimation is (on Sense it's usually /data/local/ on AOSP it's /system/media)
4. And replace it (overwrite it) Don't forget to make a backup of your current Bootanim.
5. Reboot
* ADB method *
1. Connect your phone with the pc via USB cable and turn on USB debbuging
2. Put the file into your /tools folder where you installed your AndroidSDK)
3. Open CMD (command prompt)
4. Type :
cd location of your /tools folder (in example) cd c:\androidsdk\tools
adb push bootanimation.zip /data/local ([B][U]for SENSE roms)[/U][/B]
adb push bootanimation.zip /system/media [B][U](for AOSP roms)[/U][/B]
* Recovery *
1. Put file on your SDcard (no subfolders)
2. Boot into recovery
3. Flash the zip file
4. Reboot
Downlaods :
* (22.jan) all dll likns are dead,i will re-up then within the week,as well as v1.5
* You can still download it via http://uot.dakra.lt/ :)
If you have any suggestions and/or ideas /etc feel free the post them (no pm's plz)
Awesome thanks!
a flashable zip file maybe? thanks it look nice
hertiz9511 said:
a flashable zip file maybe? thanks it look nice
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Sure ,ill make it later
Worked great using adb.
Ok guys,final version is here it works like in the preview
Just have to test it on some other phones (just in case) and i'll release it when i get back to my dorm in 2days
Great work, thank you. Works fine.
Just tried it on my desire, very nicely done. Thanks !
Using it on my Desire.
Really nice!
If you change the looping sequence so that you see no interruption when starting the loop sequence again it will be perfect.
In the splash screen thread is a perfect splash for the animation btw.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
I don't get it, I followed the instructions but when I type in "adb push bootanimation.zip /system/media/" it comes up with a message saying "adb is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file".
Someone help...please?
Desire, CM7, 3(UK)
Do you have ADB setup on you pc? see this thread > http://theunlockr.com/2009/10/06/how-to-set-up-adb-usb-drivers-for-android-devices/
or http://www.addictivetips.com/mobile/what-is-adb-and-how-to-install-it-android/
Or just flash it through the Recovery,it's easier.
Looks really cool!
Nice, Thanks!
can you make a matching splash?or even a downanimation?
your work is really nice! :0
gonemad02 said:
can you make a matching splash?or even a downanimation?
your work is really nice! :0
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I already have ,here's the link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=14013656&postcount=789
Works simply and looks nice, thanks.
I really like your splash screen and the boot animation. Well done!
aca85 said:
I already have ,here's the link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=14013656&postcount=789
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nice one! +1
Good job. Thanks
awesome animation.thanks

bootscreen sound

I installed new bootscreen animation but when I want instal bootsnd.sh via terminal, it writes me read only system. Is it possible to install bootsnd.sh via rootexplorer.apk and where to place to which folder ? Thx for advice ooor how to change S-On to S-Off system on HTC mda.
shockwave22 said:
I installed new bootscreen animation but when I want instal bootsnd.sh via terminal, it writes me read only system. Is it possible to install bootsnd.sh via rootexplorer.apk and where to place to which folder ? Thx for advice ooor how to change S-On to S-Off system on HTC mda.
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NO bootsnd.sh install a file bootsound file in system/bin but u direct put any of those file they not work so it is batter install via terminal or android commander or QtADB
only manualy insert bootsound to system/bin and will it work? What file format should have a bootsound ??
What part of what he says Yatin Kumar is not you understand?
To make sound you have to run bootsnd.sh since it is a script
as this adds bootsound in /bin and modify two files more.
the format of sound is .mp3 and his name should be android_sound.and has to stay in data/media.was fully explained here
I just tested it and I can confirm that it works.
Just needed to put bootsnd.sh to /system/bin and run it from there.
dancer_69 said:
I just tested it and I can confirm that it works.
Just needed to put bootsnd.sh to /system/bin and run it from there.
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Can we put it into preinstallation rom ? (before flashing rom edit rom & put file into it)
dancer_69 said:
I just tested it and I can confirm that it works.
Just needed to put bootsnd.sh to /system/bin and run it from there.
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but if you have to run anyway.that serves to place it in system/bin?
I see a little unnecessary.

Battery Capacity

To developers.
My question is simple. After years to discover where are the files to the nominal capacity of a battery, i know that the system stores this data in a file called charge_full_design.
In my s3 neo (I9301I) the original battery capacity is 2100 Mah and that file contents only a number (2100000).
My answer is very simple. What are i to do to change this number with the capacity of my battery (anker 7200 mah) in that file?. The system tell me that i Can't do.
My rom now CM 11 ( )
Sincerely Juan Carlos
I have same battery...
take a try on TWRP mode
needforszpit said:
I have same battery...
take a try on TWRP mode
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How do I edit files in TWRP?
chmod 755...or use total commander to edit file(root mode)
needforszpit said:
chmod 755...or use total commander to edit file(root mode)
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In total commander it keeps saying that it can't be saved because of not enough memory. And in TWRP mod I slide to apply chmod 755 but then nothing happens.
755 chmod enable write access...
try to rename the file and after create a file with 7200000 with original name
needforszpit said:
755 chmod enable write access...
try to rename the file and after create a file with 7200000 with original name
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When I rename the file it stays the same and nothing happens. Also when I try to Change the value in it, it always changes back to the original value when I save. I have System read write but it´s not working.
dead end...
needforszpit said:
dead end...
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Do you have a suggestion on how to solve this problem?
without I know where is file located on system is littlebit hard to say anything.
But.... the file was writed by code included on another file... it's needed to find it because probably include the needed function
needforszpit said:
without I know where is file located on system is littlebit hard to say anything.
But.... the file was writed by code included on another file... it's needed to find it because probably include the needed function
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The file is located in sys/devices/qpnp-charger-e89dec00/power_supply/battery "charge_full" and "charge_full_design". I don´t know if this is the correct file that determines the recognized battery capacity.
I try a solution bu its not tested...
1. download and install: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.battery.chargingstatus
Install termux: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.termux
2. Save on PC framework-res.apk ( find it on: /sytem/framework directory) editable in apk: /res/xml/power_profile.xml U find a line with: battery.capacity 2100....change to 7200
For that action I use Kubuntu linux and MC(midnight commander).
Save ....
3.Upload to your phone the edited apk.
4.Start recovery mode...delete original framework-res.apk and copy the edited apk
5. reboot sytem.
6. Start Termux and use commands:
echo 7200000 /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_full_design
7. Reboot
8 Start battery status app and its show 7200
needforszpit said:
I try a solution bu its not tested...
1. download and install: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.battery.chargingstatus
Install termux: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.termux
2. Save on PC framework-res.apk ( find it on: /sytem/framework directory) editable in apk: /res/xml/power_profile.xml U find a line with: battery.capacity 2100....change to 7200
For that action I use Kubuntu linux and MC(midnight commander).
Save ....
3.Upload to your phone the edited apk.
4.Start recovery mode...delete original framework-res.apk and copy the edited apk
5. reboot sytem.
6. Start Termux and use commands:
echo 7200000 /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_full_design
7. Reboot
8 Start battery status app and its show 7200
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So I´m stuck on uploading the edited apk to my phone. Everytime I replace the framwork-res.apk with the modded version I get stuck on the boot image. I don´t know what the problem is.
"echo 7200000 /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_full_design".....useless...its not rewrite the file...
Other....the rewrite of framework-res.apk its just a "looklike" thing...in chargingstatus looks battery like 7200 but on system works like an original
Solution NOT works
