[BUG] Cyanogen-7 Major bug !!! read before changing ROM - Nexus S General

Update - 22.03.2011
Issue solved.
The problem was miss configured APNs that came from CyanogenMod-7
After trying again and again to configure APN's i finally found the right settings:
These settings are for Orange IL (partner) HSDPA and MMS
I updated issue number 3204 at the CyanogenMod Project (google)
Name: IL Orange Internet
APN: internet
Proxy: Not set
Port: Not set
Username: Not set
Password: Not set
Server: Not set
MMSC: Not set
MMS proxy: Not set
MMS port: Not set
MCC: 425
MNC: 01
Authentication type: Not set
APN type: default
Name: Orange MMS
APN: wap.orange.co.il
Proxy: Not set
Port: Not set
Username: Not set
Password: Not set
Server: Not set
MMS proxy: Not set
MMS port: 8080
MCC: 425
MNC: 01
Authentication type: Not set
APN type: mms
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Update - 21.03.2011
There is now an issue (3204) at the Cyanogen Project.
If you are having the same problem please "Star" this issue.
Here is the Link
if you are able to send an mms please attach or paste relevant logcat and provide your rom and radio details
Found a bug at CyanogenMod-7 BUILD#whatever
When trying to open MMS message (with any messaging app) the 3G/HSPDA Connection breaks and you can't download the file.
Also you can't send an MMS...
W/TransactionService( 2683): Exception occurred while handling message: { what=1 when=-11ms arg1=1 [email protected] }
W/TransactionService( 2683): java.lang.NullPointerException
W/TransactionService( 2683): at com.android.mms.transaction.TransactionSettings.(TransactionSettings.java:81)
W/TransactionService( 2683): at com.android.mms.transaction.TransactionService$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(TransactionService.java:628)
W/TransactionService( 2683): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
W/TransactionService( 2683): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
W/TransactionService( 2683): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:60)
my Smartphone: Nexus S(CRESPO)
This also happens on Desire(BRAVO)
You can still use 3G/HSDPA for other purposes, but if you will try to download a multimedia file (that was sent by MMS ) your connection will close.

Remember cm 7 is alpha/nighliy ?

RinTinTigger said:
Remember cm 7 is alpha/nighliy ?
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Are you fixing things when you think that they are working
Alpha or not, they should know about this and the sooner the better

As far as i know, CM7 for the SNS is done by koush, maybe send him a PN?

RinTinTigger said:
As far as i know, CM7 for the SNS is done by koush, maybe send him a PN?
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just did

Cyanogen-7 Major bug !!! read before changing ROM

I don't think it is necessary to post links to this thread from multiple forums. I also don't think this post is necessary. Just post it in the CM7 thread or report it on the CM site and it will be fixed.

Agreed, this post is not for QA
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App

tekkitan said:
I don't think it is necessary to post links to this thread from multiple forums. I also don't think this post is necessary. Just post it in the CM7 thread or report it on the CM site and it will be fixed.
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You can't report it at the Cyanogen Site because this is an Experimental ROM.
I post this issue here so that people who wants to use MMS will take that under Consideration before replacing their ROM.

he has a point re: MMS bug
but anyone playing with an Alpha build should be mentally ready for weird problems like this anyways.

imneo1 said:
You can't report it at the Cyanogen Site because this is an Experimental ROM.
I post this issue here so that people who wants to use MMS will take that under Consideration before replacing their ROM.
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Ok well there is a CM7 thread in the dev forum, isn't there? Still don't think it was necessary to create multiple threads in different forums linking to this one

* Was this issue solved in the RC released this week ?
** Anyone can verify sending mms messaging WITHOUT having data enabled is working for him\her ?

tmwtp said:
* Was this issue solved in the RC released this week ?
** Anyone can verify sending mms messaging WITHOUT having data enabled is working for him\her ?
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Anyone ???

CyanogenMod-7-RC2 & Nightly # whatever still no MMS
CynogenMod-7-Nightly # any
GBCollab(NSCollab 1.0.12)
Sadly after such a long time and all of these ROMS still can't send MMS
Can anyone please confirm ?

I have this exact problem with RC2

I can send mms fine.
Sent from my MattedBlues CM7 Nexus S from the XDA Premium app.

MMS fine here. Send and receive with no issue.

jlevy73 said:
MMS fine here. Send and receive with no issue.
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Ditto here.

Mms working fine here too. CM 7 RC2, KB3 radio.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App

imneo1 said:
CynogenMod-7-Nightly # any
GBCollab(NSCollab 1.0.12)
Sadly after such a long time and all of these ROMS still can't send MMS
Can anyone please confirm ?
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Have you checked APN's? (this is probs worthy of a new thread??)


Where is the link of the FTP?

Where can I find the link of FTP?
and username and password?
Over here, imbecile.
I tried several times b4, juast can't find it...
The link and the access....
thanks anyway!
parkertseng said:
I tried several times b4, juast can't find it...
The link and the access....
thanks anyway!
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Login with the following details (both in small letters)
Download User
Username: xda
Password: xda
The user xda can download from all folders.
The user xda can see all folders
Upload User
Username: xdaupload
Password. xda
The user xdaupload can upload in the upload section.
The user xdaupload can only see the upload section
ftp://xda:[email protected]/
Chatty said:
Over here, imbecile.
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Hey, If you can't be helpful then SHUT UP. Calling someone an 'imbecile' is rude and arrogant! and by implication makes you the 'smartass knowall'
Better you said nothing and didn't post what seemed to me a pretty sneid link.

MMS picture mesaging is missing...(omega final rom)

does anyone have a program/.cab/ or anything that would help me send MMS messages?
detroit_leon said:
does anyone have a program/.cab/ or anything that would help me send MMS messages?
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Did your phone lose the ability when you flashed to a new rom?
Some ROMs are not able to send MMS messages, unfortunately. I'm not sure about omega, but not all of them have a fix for it.

Help About My SGS No Service..

i flash with GT-I9000_I9000ZSJPD firmware.
phone can on.normal.but get no service..
got any solution for me??
i check with Simlock and Network lock is OFF *#7465625#
Hi, =)
A little check list:
1) Check if the SIM card is plugged properly (cut corner downside)
2) Clean the SIM card
3) Check if your EMEI is ok (not default) *#06#
4) if 1-2-3 not working maybe try to reflash with stock rom, maybe due to a wrong modem
In case all of this fail, post back with more details: Kernel - CSC - ROM etc
now i m trying to download another firmware to flash it with PIT.
thank you ttf
ngagegames said:
now i m trying to download another firmware to flash it with PIT.
thank you ttf
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You're welcome, but please feedback if it's ok.
now i m flashing......
There is a chance you lost your apn details. Check if you still have them.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
do u got list of setting for me?
i m from malaysia...using DIGI network
ngagegames said:
do u got list of setting for me?
i m from malaysia...using DIGI network
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1. Go to ‘Settings’.
2. Then go to ‘Wireless & networks’.
3. Continue go to ‘Mobile Networks’.
4. Then ‘Access Point Names’
5. Click the Menu button’
6. Then select ‘New APN’
7. Key in the detail that you find below.
8. Then press the radio button to select it.
9. That’s all.
* Name: DiGi Internet
* APN: diginet
* Proxy:
* Port:
* Username:
* Password:
* Server:
* MMSC: http://mms.digi.com.my/servlets/mms
* MMS Proxy:
* MMS Port: 80
* MCC: 502
* MNC: 16
* Authentication type:
* APN Type:
same it .... no network...
does i need to tick PHONE EFS Clear?
ngagegames said:
same it .... no network...
does i need to tick PHONE EFS Clear?
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Ok, since you have checked everything above (i hope!), you have now to be more specific in order to understand and resolve your problem. Please post all your phone details (Phone Model, ROM you use, Phone, Pit, CSC, Odin?, CWM?, was it working with the a stock rom?, etc...).
Keep in mind the more you give details, the faster it'll be fixed (if it's not an hardware fault).
Do you have an imei?
Edit: just realised ttf asked that earlier in the thread.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Odin 1.70
Model Phone :GT-I9000
Firmware :2.2
Baseband Version :I9000ZSJP3
Kernel Version :
[email protected] #1
Build Number :Froyo
what is CMW ??? sorry i dont know...
ngagegames said:
Odin 1.70
Model Phone :GT-I9000
Firmware :2.2
Baseband Version :I9000ZSJP3
Kernel Version :
[email protected] #1
Build Number :Froyo
what is CMW ??? sorry i dont know...
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Can you give us the result of *#0011# and post it here?
(you sure your IMEI is ok right?)
CWM: clockworkmod
Yes my Imei is ok.same with box
i type *#0011# pop up this
ngagegames said:
Yes my Imei is ok.same with box
i type *#0011# pop up this
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Ok, can you rollback to I9000ZSJP2|2.2|2010 to test? link provided here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=846913
ok..i will try it later after download complete..has a rest.
i now going to cinema see I Am Number Four
thank you ttf
ttf said:
Ok, can you rollback to I9000ZSJP2|2.2|2010 to test? link provided here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=846913
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TTF My problem hv been Solution...
i try to *2767*3855# Format Factory my SGS I900
is dont ...got network now..
hahahaha thank you so much TTF
ngagegames said:
TTF My problem hv been Solution...
i try to *2767*3855# Format Factory my SGS I900
is dont ...got network now..
hahahaha thank you so much TTF
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Good news =), enjoy your phone!
ngagegames said:
TTF My problem hv been Solution...
i try to *2767*3855# Format Factory my SGS I900
is dont ...got network now..
hahahaha thank you so much TTF
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THANK YOU SO MUCH! I thought I had ****ed up my phone. 5 days without a signal...

Access Point Names

Hey If You get frustrated by entering the apns again and again i am having a solution for rooted galaxy 3 users.
just replace my apn-conf file with your native apn-conf file and reboot once .
file : http://www.multiupload.com/L9WXMGDNPN
After doing this open settings -->Wireless and networks -->Mobile Networks-->Access Points Names press menu and select restore default option and You are done.
Now insert any sim and your mobile will automatically retrive apns
Thanks a lot !
im so tired of having to enter it again and again
Replace this with the one in this post..
I would suggest using APN Backup & Restore app. Works fine for me. (;
Apn name list for indian users..
Vodafone- www
Aircel- aircelweb
Uninor- uninor
Reliance- smartnet (reliance smart) / rcomnet (reliance gsm)
Bsnl- bsnlnet
Airtel- airtelgprs.com
PS: names are case sensitive..
Sent from my GT-I5800 using Tapatalk
almost in every custom ROM that list is included
jazux said:
almost in every custom ROM that list is included
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No.. Uninor & Reliance 'smart' is not included..
Sent from my GT-I5800 using Tapatalk

[CLOSED][ROM 6.0] eXcustom Final For J200G

Mod Edit:. Thread closed due to GPL and improper credit violations.
j200f wifi
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jbsjoshua007 said:
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wifi not working ( j200f
i use Excustom v2, Is it different from ExCustom V2, should I switch to this?
pitpulll said:
i use Excustom v2, Is it different from ExCustom V2, should I switch to this?
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This is the latest version of the eXcustom ROM, so i recommend you to switch to this one.
Screenshot pls
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jbsjoshua007 said:
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Link isnt working for me , and pls give us screenshots , thAnks
Old link was deleted because of a confusion. Here is the new link:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UJA3a07OA4CIvg2mwnj6YgN-VyQjR0tK/view?usp=sharing @jbsjoshua007
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TBM 13 said:
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TBM 13 said:
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WiFi fix????
Never mind it started working after number of reboots
Wifi not working
problems when applying themes updating samsung themes
QadirAliKhan said:
Wifi not working
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4z4x said:
WiFi fix????
Never mind it started working after number of reboots
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Can you tell me after how many restart, because mine ( wifi ) has not started working yet and if possible @developers to fix ASAP.
The ROM Is Pretty Smooth & Fast !
I Appreciate Your Hard Work
But Later I Found A BUG in The ROM
That Is Wi-Fi Isn't Working !
Hope That You'll Look Into It & Fix It !
Please Make Zip File To Fix The Wi-Fi !
Matthew Matt said:
The ROM Is Pretty Smooth & Fast !
I Appreciate Your Hard Work
But Later I Found A BUG in The ROM
That Is Wi-Fi Isn't Working !
Hope That You'll Look Into It & Fix It !
Please Make Zip File To Fix The Wi-Fi !
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If you are using the Safetynet fix, that is normal. To fix it, when connecting to WiFi, press show advanced options, set the IP settings to static and the IP to
TBM 13 said:
If you are using the Safetynet fix, that is normal. To fix it, when connecting to WiFi, press show advanced options, set the IP settings to static and the IP to
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That works to change the IP to static change the IP to
prefix 24
dns 1 8888
dns 2 8844
proxy: Automatic
PAC Adresse: q
This settings works with my one
Thanx for the great ROM and your greatest work--it works fine
Where is game laucher/tool?
when restart phone, keyboard setting number row spontaneously going off state
Copy paste of DNA-zero ROM You don't do anything just changing the name
Why I can't open Samsung themes it say that you devised is not supportEd
Plz help me

