save your battery . - Vibrant General

mkay here it is what to do disable in order to conserve some juice :
settings - sound - haptic feedback - uncheck
settings - dispaly - brightness off half way or less , go to web browser brightness and lower it also disable in browser settings location check
settings - location and security use gps - unchecked disabled
settings - account and sync - uncheck
settings - privacy - back up my date - uncheck
i also unchecked serchable items so my phone doesent even try to search anything else than web browser
next download zim launcher which doesent eat battery at all 1% in stand by .
Screenfilter is a next program that allows you to lower your screen brightness even more that stock alowes you which is nice on bettery too cause our screeen eat most of battery .
AutoStarts its a program that allows you to control apps startin when you boot your phone you can remove some to prevent them from startin when your phone boot
download systemAppRemover its a paid app but works well and lets you delete programs from system which u dont want/need and those programs most likely run in background eatin your battery ,for me those programs were .. remeber i dont use them so i didnt need them :
voice dail -deleted
voice search - deleted
ptt- deleted
wi fi callin - gone !
there is prolly like 5 more programs that i deleted just forgot what it was annd
if you dont need crap on your phone eating your battery % install bloat free OS . good luck
also make a shortcut for stock task manager to your home screen and hit clear ram or close programs once in some while .
you can save your battery also by downloading program called SETCPU and lower your cpu frequency from 1ghz to 800 or 600 it helps also , and if you run voodoo or any else moded kernel dont expect battery to lasst as long as stock too !
want to remove wi-fi callin aka battery hog download file below flash it with clockwork
also u can freezee programs with TITANIUM BACKUP instead of deleting them so if u need them for later use theyr all there .

The only good recommendations you offered were to underclock and remove bloatware.
I'm not going to disable everything about my phone that makes it a smartphone. If I did that I would not have bought a smartphone.

I DIDNT TELL YOU TO DISABLE THINGS its your choice what you wouuld follow to conserve your battery thats what i do because i use my phone as mp3 so music is no1 thing so i dont need those things but they also helped save consumption of battery ,and as far as i see some people dont even know yet they can disable these features so im just breaking it down for some . if this thread is usles some one delete it ! p.s like when im in school and my phone starts to die i disable data so it saves life so i can put my headphones and use it as mp3 player

Meh, I just have two spare batteries and a batt charger, so I run with everything on, full brightness. Even if my battery only lasts 8 hours, I just pop in a fresh one and I'm good. Like the other guy said, I don't see the point of buying a smartphone and then turning off everything that makes it useful or fun.

unlike me with one battery and 10 gig of music, u can go carry those liteon in ur pocket lol

bartek25 said:
unlike me with one battery and 10 gig of music, u can go carry those liteon in ur pocket lol
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The batts are pretty darn skinny. I can even put one in my wallet if I'm not carrying a bag.

Get a extended battery. Last me exactly 25 hrs of use. Or take 20sec with a spare change. How much life can yall expect witg a smart phone that doesnt sit all day.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

ummmm...if your going to disable all that stuff, then why even have a smartphone?

when i need my phone to be smart i go and run it on demand meaniing go and enable it ! honestly `i dont think you need everything runnign in background so go at leatrs frezz it do at your own risk and its your choice to choose how long your phone will last today 4h or 20 , thats it ,i was just tryin to be helpful for those who dont know

bartek25 said:
when i need my phone to be smart i go and run it on demand meaniing go and enable it ! honestly `i dont think you need everything runnign in background so go at leatrs frezz it do at your own risk and its your choice to choose how long your phone will last today 4h or 20 , thats it ,i was just tryin to be helpful for those who dont know
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And if that works for your purposes, that's awesome. Thanks for the suggestions.

I leave every thing on and really only use task manager to shut down background apps when not needed. I have a spare Battery....never used it...yet but, I have it
I run alot of stuff on this phone but only use the music player about 1/2 hr a day
I am getting 16-20 hrs on a charge.......... So it never has been an issue to me. I am kinda confused why people complain about the battery......... unless they are playing games and youtube all day or overclocking the phone....... the battery lasts just fine.........

why not just do one better and turn the phone off? Just turn it on when you need to do something. Battery life is AMAZING.
Personally, I just keep a charger / car charger handy.

To cut down on battery usage while maximizing speed is to have my processor overclocked and set up profiles to disallow overuse of processing power while my phone is not in use, and maximizing it while it is.
PS. You don't have to be overclocked. Just but setcpu and create profiles. For example: 1ghz max and 800ghz min default. Then a profile set for when the screen is off to use 800 max and 0 min.
I also use a task killer to minimize RAM usage.
Sent from Count Chocula's Overclocked Samsung Fascinate

bumpin this as of so cause im bored ;P

Thx for the tips. A couple I didn't know about. Like you, there are some features I never use and they are battery hogs. It's up to ppl to decide if they want to carry an extra battery or bulky extended battery but its always good to have options.
I'm might judy go crazy freezing everything

Here's what I do...
- Uninstall bloatware
- Use SetCPU; underclock to 200 max, 100 min when screen is off, saves a ton of battery without affecting performance at all.
- Autokiller memory optimizer boosts speed and (supposedly) battery life and takes away the need for a task killer
And that's about it. I lose no performance and get good battery life.
I go 5 hours with my phone unplugged with light to moderate usage (text and email) and my battery drops only about 10%. I leave the phone on standby for 24 hours without using it and battery drops about 2%.

wearmaize said:
Here's what I do...
- Use SetCPU; underclock to 200 max, 100 min when screen is off, saves a ton of battery without affecting performance at all.
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I believe android already scales the cpu to 100mhz when the phone idle so you dont need set that in setcpu.

Does it? Because when using Setcpu and underclocking with the screen off, there's a slight lag when "sliding to unlock" but none when I disable the profile, leading me to believe that there is a difference.
I honestly have no clue as to whether the OS does this by default, however. That's just what I noticed.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Set it to 200/200 no lag. There is almost no difference(in battery use) between 100mhz and 200mhz so just set it at 200min 200max for screen off
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

14 bucks and I got an extended battery. Best decision ever, seriously. I'm sitting at about 12 hours unplugged, and still have 38% left. Battery left is estimating 8 hours left on this one charge. That's with heavy use. Music playing, web browsing, downloading apps, playing Angry Birds, posting to Facebook, Google Reader syncing. Seriously, just spend the 14 bucks and save all the trouble of disabling stuff.


how do you guys get great battery?

i have been reading about some of the battery u guys get and all i have to say do u guy get such great battery life?! i don't get any where near that. thinking of deleting pure calendar since i heard it takes up a lot of battery. but do live wallpapers eat up that much memory? i got other widgets like beautiful home (updates ever 15 minutes), Mobile Buzz widgets, myspace (yea i kno. cant seem to get to facebook yet. unless some of you guys want to add me there ) widget, Process manager widget, Touiteur widget that updates every three minutes, FML widget, some beautiful home widgets, Yahoo NFL widget, Android Guys widget, i have Nimbuzz IM always running, Weatherbug on my notification bar that updates every 15 minutes, battery indicator, and wifi (when im at home). my display at 140/225 (power manager) and i have most of my widgets on ignore when i hit the kill all button on Process manager. what apps you think that i don't need to have running would help battery life? you guys that have SetCPU, what can u recommend to set my profiles at to see better battery life? my current set up is:
998 Max
245 Min
384 Max
245 Min
Power > 100%
998 Max
768 Min
Power > 30%
614 Max
245 Min
what do you guys suggest to improve my overall battery life? ANY help at all will be greatly appreciated
**PS, i do the average usage of web, IM, a lot of texting, little to no myspace, twitter always running, and some flash video. also is it bad if i charge the battery a lot?**
I've had most noticeable battery improvements from using JuiceDefender and Switching the Network Type to GSM (auto) PRL. Generally getting about 17 hours with I would say heavy usage.
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i guess u shouldnt be using
998 Max 768 Min on <100 setting to save battery..
imho the default 998 Max 245 Min ondemand (read setcpu=off) is the best setting..
afaik cpu lowers the clock on sleep by default.. so why bother?
same goes to all app-killers and auto-process-killers.. not needed =)
All those things that update frequently are what eats your battery. Every time an app wants to update it has to wake the processor and radio connections, do its thing and then shutdown again. If you've got this happening every few minutes your battery won't last the day.
I don't have anything updating more than once every 3 hours. That way I get 2-3 days battery life unless I'm using the phone heavily.
p.s. app/process killers won't help. Infact they generally make things worse. If the processes are sleeping (which they will be if you aren't using them or they aren;t auto-updating) then they don't use any processing time or power. Auto killing processes does however use power......
GlenH said:
All those things that update frequently are what eats your battery. Every time an app wants to update it has to wake the processor and radio connections, do its thing and then shutdown again. If you've got this happening every few minutes your battery won't last the day.
I don't have anything updating more than once every 3 hours. That way I get 2-3 days battery life unless I'm using the phone heavily.
p.s. app/process killers won't help. Infact they generally make things worse. If the processes are sleeping (which they will be if you aren't using them or they aren;t auto-updating) then they don't use any processing time or power. Auto killing processes does however use power......
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Exactly what my reply was going to be. If you don't need all that stuff, then either turn off the widgets or set them to only update every 1+ hours. The internet will kill your battery. Its nice having stuff at your fingertips everytime you turn your phone on, but are you really checking it every 10-15 minutes?
Live wallpapers also use more battery than regular ones, so even though they're pretty and nice, they can use more battery. I'm not sure how much more though, it might only be .5-1%/hour extra.
Also, if you want to use SetCPU, take t0ols' suggestion. If you're setting the minimum to 768, then that's the slowest it'll run. By default, it'll clock itself down to 245 even without SetCPU. You can also try changing the governor for the Sleep profile to Conservative or Power Save instead of On-Demand. With all that said, I've uninstalled SetCPU and my batter life isn't any worse or any better than when I had it installed. There's a thread on here where half of us say it doesn't help any and half say it does, so you might try uninstalling it too.
As far as the process managers go, I keep one installed, but only to kill some apps that continue running in the background. I don't auto-kill everything. For a while I was having pretty bad battery life while I didn't have a process manager, once I installed it, I noticed there was an app that was running in the background, using data. Some apps just aren't programmed very good and require manual killing.
Another thing, which I didn't see you mention, is screen brightness. Either set it to auto or set it to something less than half. The screen is one of the biggest battery killers there is.
Another one is your network connection. I usually leave mine on Edge only and use WiFi when I need something fast. 3G/H uses more battery than WiFi, so I'll leave WiFi on all day. If I go away from a connection though I turn it off to keep it from hunting for a WiFi signal.
If you must have 3G on, try dialing *#*#4636#*#*, go to Phone Information, then scroll to the bottom for "Set Preferred Network Type" and set it to GSM Auto PRL instead of WCDMA Preferred. Some have reported that this helps with their battery life.
Hope that helps.
Isn't this a duplicate of a duplicate of a duplicate of a thread?
My N1 with K9 Mail (2 online IMAP, 4 poll folders), Latitude, random stuff, including Pure Calendar... 3%/hr. That's as good or better than my previous smartphones. Google syncing cal/contacts, but not mail.
I don't have Facebook or Twitter syncing.
I'm happy with the battery life.

x10 battery disaster

hello guys i have x10a fw r2ba026 rooted and i install setcpu and i have 2 task killers systempanel and process manager but still i dont see any improvement in my battery life i dont even know what to do. please guys when u read this thread please reply. i went to my battery use and this is the result i got it says 8 hours since unplugged but i unplugged like 13 hours ago i dont know why its saying that please help
8h 20m 39s since unplugged
display 72%
cell standby 8%
voice calls 6%
phone idle 5%
android system 3%
maps 3%
browser 2%
wifi 2%
the_ahmadzais said:
2 task killers systempanel and process manager but still i dont see any improvement in my battery life
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i would not bother running task killers. i have not got anything like that running in my rooted 26 and i can get 2 days from a charge with general usage. Task killers run and actually chew up more power than they free up and on another note, android itself is very clever at handling resources. you do not need to have 80% of your ram free (read: wasted) in order for your phone to be running well. android will kill off tasks as required.
my advise, ditch your task killers and enjoy longer battery life
I agree, automatic task killers are a complete waste of time.
Ditch the task killers. Seriously.
Also make sure your screen brightness isn't too high. Just wastes battery for nothing.
should i uninstall setcpu also? or keep it ? i uninstall process manager but havnt uninstalled systempanel
on my x10 firmware v...26 rooted, battery lasts over 3 days. HOWEVER for 30hours was in plane mode and i use SetCPU in powersave mode...It's third week since i bought the phone. And screen brightness is on automatic. In that 3 days 1 reboot, few calls, mp3s, video clips, vwifi web browsing for a few minutes. If I want to play for instance NFS shift It will last for only a few hours...
@kremx can u tell me your setcpu profile settings? r u using any task killers?
I use setcpu and juice defender, both on automatic settings and set to start on bootup. Batt lasts 2 days with normal usage
[email protected] said:
I agree, automatic task killers are a complete waste of time.
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I see that said a lot on here, has the theory been tested at all, is there any data to support that?
In response to the O.P, I use Advanced Task Killer and SetCPU.
i use setcpu and juice defender, works well for me, i get bout 20 hours of heavy usage out of my phone which is a lot better then when i first got it (got like 6 hrs of battery life), i am also running 020
edit: am also using helix launcher
mate as bin said by others, cant stress enuf, get rid of any task killers and battery aids as i hav found they do more harm, since the update the only thing i use is SEEPU to monitor the processor and memory, and my battery life has improved on mass amount, typical day, unplug at midnite, 3%/4% used overnight, bluetooth on at 8 till 4.30 with gps and sometimes wifi with few phone calls and tx plus bit of browsing market etc, by time i get home for 5.30 i still hav 65% left, so could easy do 2 day, if i turned it all off i reckon i could prob get 3 half day out of the battery maybe little more
@Shonan_ thanks an ill delete all taskkiller on phone to see how it goes. what is seepu app for i saw it on market how do i use it? does it have any benefit?
Imho task killers, setcpu etc. do more harm than help. Your display usage seems high what is your display timeout? Mines set at a minute and while my battery only lasts a day, the r1f fw my battery would only last 4-6 hours. Definite improvement. Hope this helps
Sent from my X10a using XDA App
i download helix launcher omg in 6 hours i only lost 5% with like 15 texts and 10 mins call and 45 mins browsing. wow every1 should install helix launcher donut.
the_ahmadzais said:
wow every1 should install helix launcher donut.
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Nice! glad to hear it is going better for you
FWIW - i run ADW launcher on mine, no task killers/CPU or Battery tools and short screen timeouts. I get great battery life.
Turn down the display brightness!!!
the_ahmadzais said:
hello guys i have x10a fw r2ba026 rooted and i install setcpu and i have 2 task killers systempanel and process manager but still i dont see any improvement in my battery life i dont even know what to do. please guys when u read this thread please reply. i went to my battery use and this is the result i got it says 8 hours since unplugged but i unplugged like 13 hours ago i dont know why its saying that please help
8h 20m 39s since unplugged
display 72%
cell standby 8%
voice calls 6%
phone idle 5%
android system 3%
maps 3%
browser 2%
wifi 2%
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72% of your battery goes to display! Man that should give a clue!
Turn down the brightness of your display, way down. 20% brightness perhaps, that's what I can live with under most weather circumstances.
Even with auto-brightness my display doesn't eat THAT much battery.
Do you live perhaps in a very sunny area, that you keep your display so bright??
Anyway, to improve your battery life, turn down the brightness!!
I found juice defender made a difference. Before I installed it Android System was using the most power, now it's screen which is as it should be!
sent from my rooted x10i using XDA App
tnleeuw said:
72% of your battery goes to display! Man that should give a clue!
Turn down the brightness of your display, way down. 20% brightness perhaps, that's what I can live with under most weather circumstances.
Even with auto-brightness my display doesn't eat THAT much battery.
Do you live perhaps in a very sunny area, that you keep your display so bright??
Anyway, to improve your battery life, turn down the brightness!!
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I also dont get great battery life and the display is always using at least 70% of it when I check the usage but when I turn off auto brightness it ends up being brighter even when its manually turned all the way down so it seems auto would make more sense....
First let me tell you exactly what my phone says
9 Hours 42 Minutes since unplugged
Battery Level 84 %
Display 41 %
The major things that can help in saving the battery is killing the 3G and Manually set the brightness.
am using the 3G only when i need it , i wont keep it running all the time, the reason of that is most of our apps mails etc, will Auto sync , and that will eat your batter.
Plus : Stop GPS , Bluetooth when it is not needed
why display shows 70 % of consumption ?? (((( cause you have 4 inches LCD screen ))) , smaller the screen the less it will use .
Task Killer , is not for saving battery , it is for freeing your RAM , X10 has 384 MB RAM , Android is using more than 200 MB out of it , leaving you with less than 180 MB to run your apps , so if you run few apps your free RAM will start dropping and you will start feeling how heavy is it to start any app.
I agree to the post above.
Here are the check list to improve battery life:
If you use email, put the update duration to max, except for important mail account
Set brightness to automatic
Enabled GPS, Bluetooth and WiFI when required
Only enabled 3G when you are using the phone for internet access (Find a good 2G-3G switch apps, mine runs in notification), i also found talking on 2G line gives better quality specially if you live where 3G BTS is very scarce
Uninstall all task killer and battery management
Use less widget, widget updates also takes baterry
I usually able to run the phone without need to charge for 2 days for daily task such as check email, messaging, IM and few phone calls.
wlan - standby
... with juice plotter i have seen, that my wlan-standby (screen off) does not work correctly, if some apps (also no typical always on apps) are installed, but i cant remember which ones. So after installing new apps, i always check juice plotter after (in the standby mode) ...
... i know some apps are doing an intervall update, that is ok (you can see spikes in juice plotter) but a 100% time use is silly ...
... is there a app i can monitor, which app and when an app use wlan/gps/bt (time/open/close) ???

[Q] Serious Trouble about Battery Life

Yes, it's really official , my battery life is draining like hell... I actually hope that's a battery problem or a rom problem so i could fix it cheaply, but if it is about the phone , i'm messed up .
so here it goes, i've got that htc hero i've bought from a friend so im not entirely sure if the battery is well, at least it was when it came on my hands. I had the official rom, and i cant be sure how many time did it spend without charging because i did change immediately the ROM . Now i have froydvillain 1.7.2 installed and i can say that i putted my phone on charge before i went to bed, when i woke up there was 15% gone from the battery, not so bad, i guess.. the worse became after. i did the usually stuff with it, texting, one or two calls not so much, always not using wi-fi, bluetooth or anything like that at all. not listening to music... when i arrived home there was been 16 h and 20 min and the battery was totally off. when i checked up which program was affecting battery most, and it was the screen and it was taxed as 51% of utilisation, i dont know why , there was just 1 h and 30 min of using it, and i can say the my brightness settings are automatic. Im really getting crazy, i also turned of 3g, only using 2g now to save battery, what a mess here guys. any help ?????
Model - HTC Hero
Android Version - 2.2.1
Radio -
Kernel -
ROM - FroydVillain 1.7.2
I have installed elelinux 6.2.0 wifi always on if not connected to 3g.screen at 8% !no bluetooth,no gps...just 2 calls,whattsapp texting and surfing during the day.100% at 8 am 50% at least in the evening.try far as i know there is no memory effect with these batteries.
Try my settings or delete apps that work in the background.
Hope this helps
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
Battery Calibration
Hi there,
I have 1.7.2 also and I get approx 2 days of battery life before it hits 15%. Light usage though. My display usage always seems to be approx 30-50% overall so don't worry about that just yet.
What i think you need to do is calibrate the battery.
Do that and once you are on full charge, before you turn on your phone boot into recovery and wipe battery stats.
Should be all good .
Also are you running any overclock? 352-576 is more than okay and should help with battery life... Most people run it on smartass but I get screen wake-up issues with it so run it on-demand.
Give that a go then if that doesn't work come back and ask some of the smarter people for some advice as thats about all i know about battery issues.
i had setcpu installed with some settings, i already uninstalled it, i believe the settings were switched off , thats what i hope..
anyway , my battery is fully charged in 2 hours, is it normal ? it could be cracked, perfectly normal i guess. sometimes when im connected to wi-fi , it starts decreasing the battery level and i watch it lol, 71 , 70 , 69.... thats really strange in due that i see people using 2 days or 3 with normal usage. i believe that's nothing about the rom, im going to do that , im going to calibrate and wipe, text u as soon as possible to tell u the results
9unk, should i use the setcpu with those setting to save battery, im order to obligate te phone to use those settings, or should i just let it default ?
How did this survive in /dev
Also check any background processes.
My hero sometimes just drains like hell untill restart it (as I haven't found out which app yet) .
i believe there are no background apps , but if there is , how could i close it ?
Try calibrating your battery. VillainRom have a guide on it in their guides section.
Paulopax said:
i had setcpu installed with some settings, i already uninstalled it, i believe the settings were switched off , thats what i hope..
anyway , my battery is fully charged in 2 hours, is it normal ? it could be cracked, perfectly normal i guess. sometimes when im connected to wi-fi , it starts decreasing the battery level and i watch it lol, 71 , 70 , 69.... thats really strange in due that i see people using 2 days or 3 with normal usage. i believe that's nothing about the rom, im going to do that , im going to calibrate and wipe, text u as soon as possible to tell u the results
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i just want to note something, here you say you are fully charge in 2 hours, thats strange, mine are 4-5hours charge before its full.
in my experience with all is ON, i got 14 hours of battery life, this what i turn on:
- 3G Data is always on, no time schedule, it on all the time.
- Mail (3 account) and Gmail (1 account), (always on, with 15mnt refresh freq)
- Gtalk and Yahoo messenger (always on, cant live w/o it)
- LauncherPro Friends Widget (Facebook and Twitter, always on, with 15mnt refresh freq)
- Weather with Fancy Widget (always on, with 1hour refresh freq)
- Battery Widget
- Game NFS Shift 3D (15mnt a day, is a must, very love the game)
- Browsing (average 2 hours a day)
- and other normal process and background process (network location, contact sync, etc)
can you describe what is you use in your phone and please detail how much hours you get with your hero??
Mine was also draining like a hell , but i let it switch off for one day and now it works great . try that might it will help you
I had similar problems. Very frustrating indeed, but easily corrected.
Calibrate your battery using the above thread. Usually this takes a while, but sounds like it will be quick for you. Follow it closely and carefully.
Install setcpu and start with a conservative governor at 576/176. That alone should give you a day between charges. Play with these settings until you find something you're comfortable with.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
about the screen, i have 5 screens, one has the calendar with my schedule dates, other has youtube and music app, the main one has beautiful widgets that only update 3 in 3 hours, the other has people widget and last one has just power control widget. I believe this is not too much, for instance i already calibrated my battery and look at my stats today :
Activity time : around 17h
apps tha use battery most :
display 41% (45m e 25s);
inactivity of the phone 18% ( 15h e 30 min )
inactived phone 16% (14h e 44 min )
Media Server 11% (14min e 53 s)
the best of this is when im texting there is nothing about the battery when i start to listen to music i can watch my battery drainly constantly, like 59,58,57 per minute sensivily. is there anyway that my battery is cracked or something ? or is just my settings ? i believe i have set all up to save power, i also set up my screen to minimum stats. another thing that i might let clear is that my phone really charges all up from 0 to 100 in 2 hours, really strange that sometime it stucks on 77 for instance other times is draining and draining and it kills me watching other people using 2 days battery with more apps than me
i dont know if this is important or not , my battery drains 6 % on rebooting , dont know if it is normal or not, but im totally sure , aint normal to got all the battery drain in 17 hours with normal using... please i appreciate any kind of help
If you had calibrated your battery, and if you already had uninstalled all the apps that drain your battery quickly, but still no improvements, I suggest you to try the following things:
_ Change rom (I had a lot of problems too with battery life on FroydVillain, I personally recommend Elelinux 6.2 RC, I got an amazing battery life)
_ Make sure you have Update your Radio to the latest version:
_ Try different Kernels, if you are currently overclocking your Phone, I use flykernel 12a, but the 11c is excellent as well for battery life
_ Use sometimes, not set it automatically, some task killer like Advanced task Killer Froyo from the market, to kill sometimes too many running apps.
Make sure to flash the new rom when your battery is full, then recalibrate it again like other suggest you already on this thread.
I personally notice that, when you calibrate your battery, takes a week or more to see improvements on the battery life, so be patient!
Its good as well to restart your new rom fews times to reach the full potential...
Then, when you set up your rom for the first time DISABLE google backup, I've been told that drains battery like hell, don't set the brightness on automatic mode, but just leave it as less as you can, it will helps.
It would be better also to go to setting, under sync, and leave on the automatic sync mode only for the apps that you really need to run..
If none of this will work, if you have can, I would think to buy a new battery, I checked in an official HTC store once and I found it at 30 pounds...
I don't think I have anymore suggestions, I hope it will help you...
Paulopax said:
i believe there are no background apps , but if there is , how could i close it ?
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To close an app or clear cache or data go to:
settings>applications>manage applications>running>
and choose the apps you want to close..
I found a major battery killer is an area with no reception.
So if I know I'll be there a while, I'll put my phone on airplane mode to stop it constantly scanning for a signal.
Today i really noticed something strange about battery, i let it charge when it was off. Ive turnee it on, browsed over the internet and it was stuck at 100 % for 30 minutes, than it decreased for 96 in 5 min..
i went to sleep ( turned wifi off ) 6 hours later it was in 77 % ;( and the best part, i reboot it and it get in 51 someone got a help
Paulopax said:
Today i really noticed something strange about battery, i let it charge when it was off. Ive turnee it on, browsed over the internet and it was stuck at 100 % for 30 minutes, than it decreased for 96 in 5 min..
i went to sleep ( turned wifi off ) 6 hours later it was in 77 % ;( and the best part, i reboot it and it get in 51 someone got a help
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That sounds about normal for most ROMs I've used

Nexus 4: Best ways to save battery?

Hey guys, so ive had my nexus 4 for around 4 months now? might be more and the battery is just terrible, obviously we already know this as ive seen so many people post about it and such
my question is this, what do you guys use to save battery? Im currently on XYLON ROM with Perf-enhanced-Stock-422 kernel which isnt bad, theres nothing wrong with it in fact but i literally only get around 2 hours screen on time, terrible i know
ive heard people say flash android 4.2.2 and then flash a custom rom, apparently it helps or something? not fact but ive seen a few people solve it with this issue
What kind of roms and kernels are you guys using? And what governor?
Cheers guys, Jack
I've seen most people running Franco kernel with either cyanogen mod 10.1, PAC or paranoid android. You'll probably get a similar battery life with all of them, and probably the best your going to get.
Check your wake locks, use juice defender, check you're not dropping in and out of signal (hammers battery), turn of location settings...
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
AKOP or CM with franco give me hours (4+) of calling or 1.5 days of moderate use.
I also have notification widgets on so I can quickly switch BT/WIFI/Brightness AND I make use of nfc tags so when I'm home wifi is auto turned on and when in the car it turns off.
From my experience, these battery saving apps such as juice defender are not good, you shouldn't use them.
About the battery life, there are tons of recommendations... stop syncing, turn brightness to as low as possible, turn off 3G when you don't need it...
Dont use your phone..
Seriously now, the battery is not bad at all, and in battery usage cases you need to state your usage of the phone (games, mail, 3g on most of the time? widgets? surfing and screen on time)
Without those parameters none can determine if you have wakelocks problem / some app is draining your battery or eventually maybe it's only psychological problem
Take in mind even on auto brightness, if you are playing heavy games dont expect to last a day or so..
Tricepz is on the money!
Need to analyze Your usage!
Most importantly you need to understand that this is not a primary game console or music player.
Things that drain battery fast!
1) Live Wallpaper
2) Games
3) Phone calls
4) Equalizers
5) Apps
Best to monitor your usage!
Personally I use the phone as follows for 16 to 22 hrs of usage.
1) 4 hrs of music with quality headphones that have noise canceling tech. Abel Planet 200b with built in amplifier.
2) 3 phone calls a day!
3) No games ! Have a tablet for that
4) Minimal reader for new feeds only updates once a day.
5) Music app either Apollo or NexMusic great music players without equalizer. simple controls.
On an average day headed to work paying bills I see 10 to 12 hrs easy.
Busy day on my phone 8 to 10 hrs.
Turn off services you don't need or use.
WIFI - Turn it off when you leave your house and when you don't need it. Leaving it on will drain power as it will continue to scan for a connection.
GPS - Turn off your GPS if you don't need.
Sync - Sync when you need to. Turn it off and access it manually.
Bluetooth - Turn it off when you don't need it
Location services - Go to the Settings menu and head over to Location access and switch "Access to my location" to off.
Backup services - Head over "Backup & Reset" and uncheck "Back up my data".
Screen brightness - The lower the brightness, the more power you'll save.
Apps - Applications like facebook and Google Maps will remain online as it runs in the background. As a result it will drain your battery. It can prevent your phone from entering deep-sleep to preserve power.
Signal - Connection is very important. If you're in a area where service is low to poor, your phone will draw more power to stay connected to the nearest cell antenna/tower. It's best to turn off on connections if you're in a no service area. Simply put the phone in "Airplane mode".
Usage - Battery life is dependent to whatever tasks you are performing on your phone. If you play games daily for a long period of time, then you should expect the battery to decrease dramatically. Conversely, if you just email, text, browse the web, make calls, little to no games then your battery life of the phone should last for quite a long time.
Useful apps
Greenify - This application allows you to hibernate apps from starting up like facebook, Google Maps and many more annoying apps that run in the background when they shouldn't be running.
Wakelock Detector - This wonderful app identifies apps that running during your usage and sees which one has been running the longest without your consent. You can use this with Greenify.
BetteryBatteryStats - Similar to wakelock detector but offers a more in-depth look of wakelocks that active during your usage.
Kernels and roms
One major reason why root is amazing. Kernels offer tweaks that are beneficial for the phone to perform smoother and offer amazing battery life. Offers more tweaks as well like gamma and undervolting. Roms can contribute a small portion of battery saving but not much.
Did I miss anything else?
Adding Maps to Greenify usually helps a lot regarding battery life, can leave GPS on for other apps when doing this and won't suck any battery.
try franco or faux and then UV and UO ` its works for me, 4+ screen time easily :fingers-crossed:
I didnt expect so many comments! ive used franko kernel and air kernel before and no change
ill try some of them apps that everyone has mentioned
again thanks guys! Jack
Just use a ROM for a while, let the battery do some cycles, and use the phone for that, as a phone, remember that we have a Quad Core here, i'm on stock rooted only, and last night i get 12h20m37s with 4h48m SOT with about 7% left, so that's pretty good. And i really use my phone, Twitter, Flipboard, G+, Wifi on all the way, Sync on.
rskyline said:
Just use a ROM for a while, let the battery do some cycles, and use the phone for that, as a phone, remember that we have a Quad Core here, i'm on stock rooted only, and last night i get 12h20m37s with 4h48m SOT with about 7% left, so that's pretty good. And i really use my phone, Twitter, Flipboard, G+, Wifi on all the way, Sync on.
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I guess you are one of the lucky ones! i hardly use my phone for gaming, i have 2 games on there and i use facebook twitter tumblr etc 3G is only on when i leave the house but other then its on wifi
just got to 46% with 1hr 50mins screen on time so ill probably get around 3 hours today.. i just dont think its good enough :/
JackHanAnLG said:
I guess you are one of the lucky ones! i hardly use my phone for gaming, i have 2 games on there and i use facebook twitter tumblr etc 3G is only on when i leave the house but other then its on wifi
just got to 46% with 1hr 50mins screen on time so ill probably get around 3 hours today.. i just dont think its good enough :/
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Yep definitely something's not right, facebook is known to be a battery drainer, i suggest to you that open it up on the browser and uninstall the app, try it!
JackHanAnLG said:
I guess you are one of the lucky ones! i hardly use my phone for gaming, i have 2 games on there and i use facebook twitter tumblr etc 3G is only on when i leave the house but other then its on wifi
just got to 46% with 1hr 50mins screen on time so ill probably get around 3 hours today.. i just dont think its good enough :/
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With 80% left I have 1hr of screen on and 10mins of call time, this is with whatever kernel the latest CM nightly is using, so yeah you could definitely get better but I have to think facebook is the contributor since I too have twitter (plume) and tumblr without the same battery drain.
greenify is a must to disable rude apps which do thing without asking, like facebook, games, etc, they connect to internet to download ads and sttuff, facebook being the worse cpu eater
i use 2g only, wify in home, disable wifi outside,
only wassap active, some opera mini browsing, pics, talk, sms, little gaming, i get 1.5 days
off course heavy gaming kills the battery, because of 3d, even 2d games drain the battery because of the screen, like angry birds
using stock 422 + franco
I like to use JuiceDefender only when the phone's battery gets really low and I want to sacrifice some functionality. It works well, but only if you allow it to keep 3G/Wifi off when the screen is off.
I use facebook so much though, ugh :/ ill give it a go and if the battery lasts longer then ill get rid of it
single biggest difference I've seen is to stay on wifi all the time as much as possible. I leave it on no matter what. Granted if you are out and about, it won't help but once you get to home/work/friends/etc, your phone will immediately connect and start saving you juice.
91% after 8 hours with light usage at work. With 3G, I normally would be approaching 60-70% by now with light usage. That 3G drain is real and should be avoided whenever possible.
Don't play games. It seems like no matter what game I play, it'll almost always lock my cpu to the max frequency until I exit. Even really simple non graphics intense games.
Well ideally you're biggest battery drainer should be the the display. If it's not then read below.
1) So for the screen the best way to go is to get a stable custom rom like xenon and tinker with the auto brightness settings. Tweak out auto brightness settings to your liking (they're generally very overbright by default) and you'll see major increases in data.
2) Screen aside your other biggest drainer is cell radio. Particularly if you're in a low signal area it will drain your battery really fast. So if your using wifi anyway be sure to turn data off and switch to 2g. That way you'll have a strong signal and 2g drains less battery anyway.
3) As some people have mentioned already. rogue apps. Social networking apps are a huge drainer in this regard. Especially facebook. You just can't have that app on your phone and get decent battery. As for other apps which draw on unnecessary background data, Greenify their a**es.

[Q] How to get better battery life?

Hi everyone, I'm currently on CloudyG3 and i wanted to know how to get better battery life. I'm using Eco mode, Greenify, 2x Battery utility and still im getting only 4h SOT. I've seen people on older versions with 7h SOT. Does anybody knows how can i maximize my battery life? Thanks in advance
gal_b said:
Hi everyone, I'm currently on CloudyG3 and i wanted to know how to get better battery life. I'm using Eco mode, Greenify, 2x Battery utility and still im getting only 4h SOT. I've seen people on older versions with 7h SOT. Does anybody knows how can i maximize my battery life? Thanks in advance
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Turn off google now, syncs, and uninstall facebook. That's what did the trick for me. Also, location settings to off.
Google search (velvet.apk) always eats my battery. So i always delete.
Start with wakelocks and everything automated like syncing and such... After that make sure nothing is getting in the way of screen off battery consumption... From there Basically ur looking for longer screen on times which really has to do with your type of usage... (I can play games while listening to music and get a max screen on time of 2hours or I can read forums check mail..( do stuff that's not cpu/gpu intensive) and hit 6~7 hours screen on time)) Remember those high screen on times are for test purpose and not daily use (unless u really hardly use ur smartphone as 1 )...
Step1. Turn screen brightness to sub 0 value using something like lux auto brightness.. Screen brightness is ur 1st enemy.. control the minimum comfortable brightness u need and that alone will give u an hour or so extra of screen on time... Next is apps running and cpu freq (control what's running and how long u stay on high freqs~ the longer u stay there the more battery u use up..)
... Clear memory when uve used many apps during the day( some tend to stick around when not needed and use battery~ make sure greenify does its job)
Find a good profile for usage between freqs~cores online~ this will introduce lag but nothing too crazy if ur willing to squeeze every last drop of juice
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