low on internal storage memory?, read this: - HD2 General

It seems that opera9 keeps all cab files you downloaded in the folder:
I bet you opera10 does the same.
I had about 79MB of application cab files there, using up internal storage memory, which I did not need, and had no idea were there.
I found them using 'treesize mobile', available on the marketplace for free.
Also, I checked the program files folder and found that applications which I had previously uninstalled still had folders in there with files in them.


Tips to free up precious RAM

Install Tweaks2k.NET on your handheld,
(1) You can move some .dlls automatically from \windows to your Storage or SD card. However, you don't get to choose which dll to move. Program analyses and does it all for you. There is an UNDO button.
- best to do this when you install one program at a time so you can test and UNDO one step at a time.
Use Resco Explorer for ease of use (make sure that 'Hide hidden files including the ones in ROM' option is selected)
The folder of interest is the \windows
(2) You can move help files to your SD card
.htm files
(3) You can move .unload files (for uninstallation) to your SD card
- but remember that when you want to uninstall an application
eg. MortPlayer, you need to copy back the file MortPlayer.unload to
\windows to uninstall it
(4) You can move \windows\appmgr files .dll to your SD card
- if you want to uninstall or reinstall an app, remember to move that
specific app .dll file back to \appmgr
Install Valksoft Space Reclaimer
(5) set it to run at every soft reset. It will autoclean your temp folders, ie folders, old files and registry during startup.
I managed to free up at least 5MB using those steps. My RAM is pretty much trimmed although I was a bit peeved when the MMS software took up 3MB of RAM (I tried to install on the SD card, but the files need to be installed in RAM).

Memory problems in my jade

Hi need some help.
1. what is the defrence betwen program memory and storage memory.
i got on my jade 56% program memory and 91% storage memory.on the storage card i'm ok.
2. where can i see what files are in the storage memory as 91% is very high i dont understand whay it went up to 91% last a i saw it was around 60%.
most of my programes are in the storage card.
thanks in advance.
Storage Memory - The amount of memory allocated to data storage (pictures, notes, docs, music, .tmp etc)
Program memory - The amount of memory allocated to program storage.
Some programs load and build up hugh files in storage memory as time goes on, e.g. you tube. Do a clean up once in a while.
You can use file explorer (or TC or Resco) to see the files.
thank you azahidi
i have resco explorer but where can i fined under which folder/s i find files that i do not need. is there some application to do a clean up. any idea will help.
thanks again
dcagn said:
... is there some application to do a clean up. any idea will help.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
One very good apps is Memory Maid (purchasable from i/net). You can also use some freeware apps e.g. ClenRAM and some others.
dcagn said:
i have resco explorer but where can i fined under which folder/s i find files that i do not need.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Resco should be able sort out the file size descending/ascending. Then it's up to your own judgement (need a bit of file mgmt experience). Anything that's outside \windows or \program folders are deletable if/when not required. Avoid meddling with files in \windows (if you're not familiar). even though some can be deleted (e.g some .wav files). Just to be save before deleting (if needed) copy the files to your SD Card in case you wrongly delete.
There's this file in my windows folder which is a massive 16MB, called "mxip_initdb" anyone know what it is?

Moving Program Files from internal memory to Storage Cars

Hey Guys,
I have downloaded and installed some programs to my HD2's internal memory by mistake (I was a newbie). Now, it is full of programs and i am running out of memory.
I want to move all of the program files to storage card. I tried cut and paste. However, this time, wm gives error saying it cannot find the path for the program.
Is there a way which allows me to move files directly to the storage card instead of removing and reinstalling?
a couple of programs are only installed in a subdirectory and linked from Startmenu to this folder.
No problem to move this subdirectory to the storage card and change the link in the startmenu. (using resco explorer, for example)
but if a program is using the windows-mobile-registry (or an own INI-File) you have to change all the items from this program - it's almost impossible ...
the best way - if you don't know how voluminous the program is - to deinstall the program and reinstall the program at storage card.
Thanks, I could not think also copying shortcut to startmenu folder. My problem will be solved, most probably, at that time.
Edit: I installed resco explorer, but I could not find how to specify shortcut while in start menu? Can you please help?

Interesting internal storage space observation

Suddenly, youtube didn't want to open, claiming too little memory.
I checked and saw I had only 1.3MB left internally.
I decided to remove some installed apps, but that only gave another 5MB or so.
Then I used explorer and checked the program files directory and saw that the uninstalled apps still had directories in there with files in them.
I manually deleted those folders and was back to 50MB free internal memory.
Treesize mobile is free from MS Marketplace and very useful for tracking down those large folders.
Thank you for that tip, and sorry for the late reply.
Treesize mobile helped a lot.
It made me see that opera9 kept all downloaded cab files in the folder
It was about 79MB of cab files, using internal storage memory, which I did not need and had no idea were there.

My HD2 storage space is depleting. What do I do?

I removed some applications to regain some storage space but it is depleting constantly. I cannot figure it out why. I use SD card to keep Opera cache. How can I prevent the storage space from depleting? Thanks.
I had same problem. I realised that when iuse you tube hundreds of files download temporary in system/windows/you tube. So delete that folder completely. But you will loose your history. And see in the folder system/application data/htc/ htc album/cache. And delte all files except maptable and thumbcaches. These files are not needed. and it also weighs a lot.
Thanks a lot Urvansh. I deleted all the files in htc album/cache except maptable and thumbcaches as you suggested. The files I deleted had taken about 18MB.
low on internal storage memory?, read this:
It seems that opera9 keeps all cab files you downloaded in the folder:
I bet you opera10 does the same.
I had about 79MB of application cab files there, using up internal storage memory, which I did not need, and had no idea were there.
I found them using 'treesize mobile', available on the marketplace for free.
Also, I checked the program files folder and found that applications which I had previously uninstalled still had folders in there with files in them.
Go check out Clear Temp which is a great little app that helps you keep most of those pesky temp folders cleaned out and not using memory resources.

