Your longest up-time? - Nexus One General

Today my nexus one has been running for 261 hours, that's 11 days without rebooting it. Still going strong and smooth as ever.
I've done this test many times but always lose track cause it goes so long.
What's the longest running time you've had?

3 days for me. I try to re-boot every night though.

193 hrs and counting, I never kept track, but can't remember rebooting more often than once every 1-2 wks.

542 hrs and counting....

right now it's 162:36:07...08...09...10...11....
I don't think I've ever gone 200+ hours mainly because it's like a computer... after a while, a nice reboot helps!
think about it... CPU, RAM, ROM, Wifi/BT/3G Chip ... gotta give it a nice reboot once in a while!
Now if I had a Nexus S, my biggest uptime would be 10-15 minutes... what's with all those stories of it rebooting in the middle of calls???

Only 48 hrs, since I power down almost every night.

1097.3 hours. 45 days, 17 hours, 18 seconds. I finally found up rebooting it to upgrade from Enom 2.12.x to 2.14.x
I don't have the screenshot I made a while back, due to some dumbassery on the count of Dropbox adding a new PC and deciding it was the share to sync against; ie: nuking all of my Dropbox files, but anywho.... Uptime widget on my phone still has that as the max.
23d 5h at the moment..
I don't see any performance differences so why bother rebooting it.
EDIT: Aha, interesting, I did add an image here in a post of 44 days, a day or so before I rebooted..

Currently I have 642 hours but I had more.
Usually I only reboot due to upgrades or power loss.
I guess Gingerbread will break the next update...

earth...... what?
I am happy if i get 40 hours without hardly touching it! What the hell are you guys doing? data off all the time?

JHaste said:
earth...... what?
I am happy if i get 40 hours without hardly touching it! What the hell are you guys doing? data off all the time?
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I believe there talking about on time not battery life.
My longest was a week needed it as an alarm clock in vacation. Usually I do a power cycle every morning.

Thanks to MicroMod's gingerbread updates I get maximum a week before I flash a new version.
Sent from Startrek the final frontier

wrench115 said:
I believe there talking about on time not battery life.
My longest was a week needed it as an alarm clock in vacation. Usually I do a power cycle every morning.
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ok... i was going to puke lol

check out
My best ( ) was "just" 16 days and 2 hours. Could've been longer but I'm almost always updating to the latest ROMs except during these 16 days

You people obviously don't run nightly. lol

Mokurex said:
You people obviously don't run nightly. lol
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Nope, I use my phone for real stuff, not for playing with random roms
If I had a secondary Android phone, perhaps... Like I know lots of folks who play with their G1 or such with nightlies, but I can't imagine doing it on my normal phone. I need to use it. And who has the time to set up stuff every time...

24 hours at max and yes i use my phone for calling and stuff too much. Regularly its around 6 hours

charnsingh_online said:
24 hours at max and yes i use my phone for calling and stuff too much. Regularly its around 6 hours
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not battery time, uptime.

JHaste said:
earth...... what?
I am happy if i get 40 hours without hardly touching it! What the hell are you guys doing? data off all the time?
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If you do want the normal battery life just turn off the data connection. My test I did last week turned my nexus one into a normal running phone just by doing this. Went 7 hours at work, with 1 hour of screen on time, and was still at 85%.
If I'm going out and need long battery life I'll just turn off the data, then check once in a while for new emails etc.
The whole reason android phones get poor battery is because the OS keeps an always on data connection. Even switching to WiFi shoots battery life way up.

khaytsus said:
And who has the time to set up stuff every time...
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You can *generally* flash a nightly update without wiping all your data. Backup just to be safe, flash - if it works, great. If not, set your stuff up. If you don't have time for that, just flash back to the backup. Easy
RogerPodacter said:
If you do want the normal battery life just turn off the data connection. My test I did last week turned my nexus one into a normal running phone just by doing this. Went 7 hours at work, with 1 hour of screen on time, and was still at 85%.
If I'm going out and need long battery life I'll just turn off the data, then check once in a while for new emails etc.
The whole reason android phones get poor battery is because the OS keeps an always on data connection. Even switching to WiFi shoots battery life way up.
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Could also use an application like JuiceDefender or Tasker to automatically toggle data at set intervals. This way you still get regular updates (emails, messages, etc), but at a fraction of the battery expense.


How I nearly tripled my battery life!

If you just wanna see my tips then skip over the next few paragraphs lol!
Hi! I am not sure if this exactly has been posted already, or if it's common knowledge and I am just slow lol, but the last couple days I found out how to maximize the battery life on my phone by (imho) a huge amount. And I wanted to share with the community.
So before I did this, I'd generally get maybe six to eight hours of uptime before the battery was critically low. This was really frustrating because by the time I got home from work my phone would be almost dead. So I'd charge it in my car for a little bit, but then when I went out I'd have to turn off Wifi, GPS, Bluetooth, brightness all the way down etc. just to have enough battery to survive the night.
But now I managed to get 18-24 hours out of a single charge, without having to manually touch the settings too too much (GPS/Bluetooth when I need them.) Now I think a lot of this depends on your personal usage, but for me this worked great. And here is how I did it:
1. Disabling/making less frequent updates in apps. For me this was Twidroid, Facebook, and NewsRob. I realized that I keep notifications off for these apps (I don't need to see a notification everytime someone I follow tweets you know?) and that even when they were all set to auto-refresh every 30 minutes or whatever, I STILL always hit refresh when I went in anyway. So I disable automatic updating. Obviously this depends on your usage, but for me, I didn't need up to the minute social networking information, and manually refresh anyway. But I went through all my apps that updated automatically and changed the setting.
2. Task Killing. In a perfect world, Android would efficiently manage it's own app load, but unfortunately the world isn't perfect. I found that if I know I'm going to be putting my phone down for a while, take a second and kill all the runnings apps. I use Astro, but there are countless apps that can do this for you. This is something I don't do frequently, but for example, if I'm going to go to bed and I don't have my charger, but want my phone on in case of an emergency, I'll kill all the running apps.
3. Brightness. After weeks of changing it back and forth because I don't really love the way it auto adjusts, I just said f**k it and put in auto. While sometimes the level of brightness it selects seems a little whack, it's definitely saved battery life. And saves me the trouble of changing it myself. I also found that setting the timeout to 15 seconds seemed to improve battery life.
4. Juice Defender. You can find this app on the marketplace. It has two modes, easy and advanced. If you want, you can go into the advanced and set schedules and all kinds of stuff. But for me, I just went into easy and hit enable. From what I understand, what this does is that if the screen is off, it disables network access for 14 minutes, turns it back on for 1, then off again for 14 etc. So, something like Gmail which is push will only be able to access the network every 15 minutes. Unless you are on WiFi. Now, if you NEED push e-mail and don't have WiFi, this isn't a very good solution. But according the stats in the app itself this has given me a 99% increase in battery life, and I believe it.
5. The trackball. This is perhaps the weirdest of my findings. The trackball light apparently can DESTROY the battery life. The other morning at around 80% I let my alarm on the phone go off and didn't stop it, so the trackball was flashing really fast. Without a couple hours the phone was completely dead. Nuts right? So I found that if I disable the trackball light when I know that I won't be able to dismiss my notifications quickly (like in a meeting or sleeping or whatnot) I'm able to avoid this happening.
6. GPS/Bluetooth. Again, this might seem very case specific, but I use bluetooth ONLY with my rokr headset when I'm on campus at night, and I use GPS only for navigation. So I keep the off when I'm not using them. With the power strip widget this isn't very difficult.
Anyway, that's it really. Like I said, maybe this is all common knowledge and I am just stupid haha. But I figured if not, I was pretty thrilled to go from 6 hours to 24 hours without having to do too much. BTW, some weird things I found didn't have an effect as much as I thought they would - 2g/3g, I actually got MORE battery life when I had 3g enabled. And WiFi was the same way, even when I didn't have a wifi connection, the difference in life with having it on or off was negligible.
Anyway, I hope this is helpful! If I remember anything else I'll add it.
I really like this guide and I'm going to use it when I get my n1. I like all (and will try) of the steps except #5.. the trackball notifications is just too sweet to ever turn off imo. Thanks for the guide.
I'm really surprised to hear that your LED light in the trackball destroyed your battery life
I don't bother killing apps anymore. Since they're not in focus their not using the CPU so whats the point. (right?)
I dont have rubbish notifications on either, nor bluetooth/GPS unless needed. Ive got auto brightness on too.... might try juicedefender in future actually, it does sound good.
So what did you triple your battery life from anyway... 12 hours?
cymru said:
So what did you triple your battery life from anyway... 12 hours?
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only about 6-8 hours.
crachel said:
I'm really surprised to hear that your LED light in the trackball destroyed your battery life
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I was too but I duplicated that scenario a few times to make sure. Also, it might matter that I am running trackball succession and color hacks.
Trackball succession is killing your battery, not the trackball light.
only about 6-8 hours.
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Mines gets over 48 hours no problems anyway.
cymru said:
Mines gets over 48 hours no problems anyway.
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Geez, whats your secret?
ChillRays said:
Geez, whats your secret?
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I second that, holy crap lol.
cymru said:
Mines gets over 48 hours no problems anyway.
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!!! Were you hit by lightening as a child or something? I can only conclude your natural charge is keeping it going :->
Also - OP - nice set of tips - thanks
cymru said:
Mines gets over 48 hours no problems anyway.
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Wow... I only get that good of a battery life if I turn my N1 off!
Are you guys being serious?!
I am indeed consistently getting 48 hours battery life...
cymru said:
Are you guys being serious?!
I am indeed consistently getting 48 hours battery life...
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48 is on the high side of things... I usually go to bed with about 40% remaining, and put it on the charger overnight... I get up at 8AM and go to bed around 12AM. So I am getting about 26 hours out of mine.
Accidently typed in 36 when I meant to type 26. Fixed.
I have a noob question, which this forum is how I get most of my N1 knowledge...
Which uses up more battery life, 3G or wifi?
Thanks to whoever replies.. (my best guess would be 3G)
pjcforpres said:
48 is on the high side of things... I usually go to bed with about 40% remaining, and put it on the charger overnight... I get up at 8AM and go to bed around 12AM. So I am getting about 36 hours out of mine.
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That's actually 26 hours.
muncheese said:
That's actually 26 hours.
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Which is still a lot. I'd really like to know how you are doing this. Do you make any voice calls? Do you text/e-mail a lot? Watch videos? Browse the web? Play music etc.?
I mean my usage is based on maybe an hour a day of talking on the phone, and a few hundred text messages, maybe a couple e-mails, frequent twitter/Facebook updates, and maybe a couple hours a day of playing games, watching videos, reading news etc.
I imagine if I just left the phone there it'd be close to 26-30 hours, but not with regular use.
cymru said:
I don't bother killing apps anymore. Since they're not in focus their not using the CPU so whats the point. (right?)
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Erm, this is not correct, is it?
The whole point of multitasking means things still carry on when not in focus. If you leave everything running, they will all try and use data and CPU cycles, no?
Some nice suggestions there c0wb0ycliche! Thanks.
A couple of other thoughts/suggestions...
1. In the choices of kernels, pershoots is regarded as being excellent with battery life (partly from being undervolted I imagine) and the fact it's also overclocked at the same time ain't so bad either.
2. Not sure how much extra juice is saved by not using a Live Wallpaper, but if we're talking about battery savings here it might as well be said.
I would not be surprised if a large majority of people who get 25+ hrs hook onto wifi networks for a majority of the data usage. When switching to wifi the phone steps down to 2g mode for phone services.
AndyCr15 said:
Erm, this is not correct, is it?
The whole point of multitasking means things still carry on when not in focus. If you leave everything running, they will all try and use data and CPU cycles, no?
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No. Some applications have sister services that do this, but not all applications.
Namuna said:
1. In the choices of kernels, pershoots is regarded as being excellent with battery life (partly from being undervolted I imagine) and the fact it's also overclocked at the same time ain't so bad either.
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Good point, has anyone mentioned SetCPU? If you set up a profile, it will lower your clock speed to 300mhz while the screen is off. Saves quite a bit of power.


nvm, seems as if people either don't care or won't believe it.
Too bad the automatic assumption with that screen is it won't work well on battery life. Still worth it for that great phone.
not to say that his isnt possible because i think it could be. i would have liked to see the other screen because mine says right now up 108 hours awake time 30 hours.. when u hit battery use it'll say how long it was unplugged for.
nvm, seems as if people either don't care or won't believe it.
93 hours ?!??? !??? ! whaaaaaaaaat
MikeBrWade said:
Sure, what other screen? Crud you probably mean the screen after this one.. I just looked through all my screen captures and I dont' have one! Urgh. Well guess I have to run the test next weekend again. For now I guess you can believe it or not
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touch battery use right above the uptime that screen shows how long its been unplugged for
nvm, seems as if people either don't care or won't believe it.
MikeBrWade said:
Well like I said since it shutdown after 92.75 hours.. I can't do that =( However I will rerun the test again at a later date so I guess it's a choice to believe or not now
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Hey I believe you. I was able to pull off 40 hours on a stock rom with actually 1 hour of the screen on, and I still had 30% left.
very impressive! it makes my 11-15 hour days look rather crappy lol
From what I have learned, the up time and what not is how long your phone has been up without a restart. Not how long you have had it for a single charge.
MikeBrWade said:
Well like I said since it shutdown after 92.75 hours.. I can't do that =( However I will rerun the test again at a later date so I guess it's a choice to believe or not now
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Beejis said:
From what I have learned, the up time and what not is how long your phone has been up without a restart. Not how long you have had it for a single charge.
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Unless you know you restarted it the moment you unplugged.
Beejis said:
From what I have learned, the up time and what not is how long your phone has been up without a restart. Not how long you have had it for a single charge.
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my point exactly the next screen when you hit "battery use" is the actual uptime since it has been unplugged .. if that were the case i could be like i just got 108hours of battery life and still going i'll believe it you get 90+ hours since unplugged
So if I turn everything off and put the phone asleep and not use it, it will last 90+ hours?
Am I understanding this right? If so whats the point? My phone isn't much fun or use when its asleep
MrDSL said:
So if I turn everything off and put the phone asleep and not use it, it will last 90+ hours?
Am I understanding this right? If so whats the point? My phone isn't much fun or use when its asleep
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Just charge the phone, kill all the apps, leave it under the bed and come back in a week. It should work.
Seriously whats the deal of the 90 something hrs?? Go get a car battery and maybe you get a month of non-stopping usage.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
MikeBrWade said:
nvm, seems as if people either don't care or won't believe it.
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Hahaha. I believe it and think it's cool, and its good research. People are so nasty in this forum.
Yes you wouldn't want to use these exact settings and not use the phone much to get 90 hrs of battery life, but this is RESEARCH that can help us figure out what settings do or don't help battery life. If he used the phone a bit it might last a day and a half, or 2 days.
Thanks for checking things out, don't let the haters bring you down.
MikeBrWade said:
nvm, seems as if people either don't care or won't believe it.
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Has nothing to do with people not caring or believing it. Was just the picture you posted as your "proof" was a meaningless one, just as many have mentioned. Example; Look at Danon.Brown's pictures...if we go by what you posted, we see he has 108 plus hours of usage when in he's only been unplugged for seconds. Great you got your 90 plus hours on it...but what about the time actually unplugged and usage the phone has seen? If one does nothing but let the phone sit's easy to get 2 plus days out of a charge.
MikeBrWade said:
nvm, seems as if people either don't care or won't believe it.
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Can you post system panel screenshots?
I'm at 19 1/2 hours right now with 30% battery left and I thought that was pretty good (couple hours of robo defense, couple hours of web browsing, a bunch of movie trailers on Flixter, hour or so of music, a bunch of texts and a couple calls from my mom). Getting nearly 93 hours out of this phone just seems a little difficult to believe under normal use. But then again, maybe I just have more work to do.
MrDSL said:
So if I turn everything off and put the phone asleep and not use it, it will last 90+ hours?
Am I understanding this right? If so whats the point? My phone isn't much fun or use when its asleep
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I can get my phone to idle at an average loss of 2% per hour with wifi and phone radios on. I see this as completely plausible with minimal use and still being able to receive phone calls texts and emails.
*facepalm* @ some of these replies

Battery life improvment thread

One of the vital issues of the SE x10 is its battery life, i personally have to charge it once a day under normal use(10mins of browsing, messaging, phonecalls) while my older phones under heavy use lasted over 4 days.
Lets compile a list of remedies to improve battery life, every little bit helps.
Mine are:
Keep charger in my pocket
Close all apps before idleing the phone
Turn off everything wireless exept 2G
Prevent using the latest facebook app(Hogs the battery empty FAST)
I set the CPU's clock at 700/250mhz max min respectively
What are yours?
Use the phone as a phone. Don't carry around the charger, don't use any appkillers or CPU things, never ever turn off 3G, never ever turn off GPS...
I use the Facebook application a little too frequently, I read stuff using the Digg and Engadget apps, update Twitter via Twicca, listen to music via Mediascape, and take several photos.
Oh, and I charge the phone once every couple of days.
Since the last 026 update i have noticed a huge improvement, now lasts ffor about a day and half where used to last about 8 hours. I've stopped using taskkillers now apart from when i've finished playing a big game like need for speed which uses a LOT of ram. Looking forward to the 2.1 update.
Also, i got the 2600ma battery from ebay, bigger, but lasts nearly 2 days!
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
i always cut my web connection and i use taskiller
and my phone lasts also 2 days, but i have the original battery in it
SetCPU is a big help. At the very least throttle your battery when the screen is off.
I just use Data On Demand. No task killers, no startup manager, no root. Firm 026. Bluetooth and 3g on, and my batery (original) last 2 days at least.
Via Tapatalk
Get the recent firmware.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
mmk92 said:
Keep charger in my pocket
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Sounds almost like the kind of solution Apple would give to fix poor reception...
Personally I resolve my battery issue by only turning it on when people want to call me. I've set up a roster with precise times when I'm available for contact. Callers must contact me within a select 5 min window otherwise they must wait until the next one. These are seperated by 2hr hour 'no call' times, as well as a complete call 'blackout' between the hours of 10pm and 6am. If I want to call people, I keep 50c in my pocket and use a payphone.
So far my battery has lasted 8 weeks.
k1sr said:
Sounds almost like the kind of solution Apple would give to fix poor reception...
Personally I resolve my battery issue by only turning it on when people want to call me. I've set up a roster with precise times when I'm available for contact. Callers must contact me within a select 5 min window otherwise they must wait until the next one. These are seperated by 2hr hour 'no call' times, as well as a complete call 'blackout' between the hours of 10pm and 6am. If I want to call people, I keep 50c in my pocket and use a payphone.
So far my battery has lasted 8 weeks.
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my problem is that im a frequent user, my total call time per day reaches over 3hours and i text alot
mmk92 said:
my problem is that im a frequent user, my total call time per day reaches over 3hours and i text alot
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That's a lot...!
3 hours of talk time a day on ANY smartphone is going to drain the battery. I dont think there is a huge amount you can do really. Sounds like you have done all the sensible things already.
That being said, i am on a RB..26 FW, Rooted with ADW Launcher. I get about 2 days from a charge, using FB app all day long, a few calls a day, several msgs and general playing around with the phone. i dont run any task killers, cpu management tools or even disable 3g connections. maybe i just have a good one
k1sr said:
Sounds almost like the kind of solution Apple would give to fix poor reception...
Personally I resolve my battery issue by only turning it on when people want to call me. I've set up a roster with precise times when I'm available for contact. Callers must contact me within a select 5 min window otherwise they must wait until the next one. These are seperated by 2hr hour 'no call' times, as well as a complete call 'blackout' between the hours of 10pm and 6am. If I want to call people, I keep 50c in my pocket and use a payphone.
So far my battery has lasted 8 weeks.
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LOL!! better than any battery saving app.
Sent from my X10a using XDA App
mrtim123 said:
3 hours of talk time a day on ANY smartphone is going to drain the battery. I dont think there is a huge amount you can do really. Sounds like you have done all the sensible things already.
That being said, i am on a RB..26 FW, Rooted with ADW Launcher. I get about 2 days from a charge, using FB app all day long, a few calls a day, several msgs and general playing around with the phone. i dont run any task killers, cpu management tools or even disable 3g connections. maybe i just have a good one
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Do you reckon rooting helps...?
I'm on 26FW too (actually, that's a lie, I just checked, and am on 24)... but anyway, I also use ADW and am on an Australian network, so all thing being equal, I should be getting similar... although I only get about a day and a half... Well, I usually put my phone on charge every night, and it's about 50-60%, but obviously the drain over night would take it a little too low for me to go another full day...
I just bought setcpu from the market. First day with it and juice defender (lite) running it's drained 16% in 12 hours.
Previously, i would be at 40 - 50 % by now.
Of course, you need root for this solution.
Running 020 firmware as i haven't got around to backing up and updating as yet.
Punnisher_42 said:
I just bought setcpu from the market. First day with it and juice defender (lite) running it's drained 16% in 12 hours.
Previously, i would be at 40 - 50 % by now.
Of course, you need root for this solution.
Running 020 firmware as i haven't got around to backing up and updating as yet.
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So which fixed it then?
You need to make a single change and observe
I used setCPU too, but i had problems with it.
Every 2nd time when i activated my screen and went passed lockscreen, my launcher was forced to a close.
This procedur has been with differents launcher like ADW, GDE, default launcher.
regards DauL
Does rooting help the battery life alone without any apps? And how?
I went ahead and got the Muegen 1800 battery and im now running generic 026 FW. I fully charged my phone two days ago and I use it quite a bit while at work and what not and this morning I have 26% still remaining. Not saying you should go out and buy one of these batteries but ive noticed a definite improvement.
I charge twice a day. Heavy data use and I need my screen bright as lot if it is out of doors. Rooted 026, with setcpu. About, 66% of my drain is the LCD. My GF with her iPhone 4 gets about 36 hours and she hammers it more than me- never turns any radios off either. Grrr... drives me nuts when i have to jump through hoops to get back home from work without a dead phone. Incidentally, what moron put the charge socket on top? Means we will never have a dock we can just drop it in when not carrying the damn thing /facepalm...
Sent from my X10i
consolation said:
... Incidentally, what moron put the charge socket on top? Means we will never have a dock we can just drop it in when not carrying the damn thing /facepalm...
Sent from my X10i
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Did SE ever make one for their previous models? That would have been a cool option.
Sent from my X10a using Tapatalk

How I got 20+ hours of battery

Im able to run my phone for over 20 hours with sync and data on.
How I managed it:
1. Deleted almost every app
2. Flashed 8/25
3. Switched to Launcher Pro
4. Go to CyanogenMod Settings>User Interface> Automatic Backlight> Enable
5. Go to Spare Parts> End Button behavior > Set Go to Sleep
5. Wiped dalvik cache
6. Recharged to full
7. While at 100% charging, wiped battery stats
8. Unplug and let the phone drain to 0% (let it turn off)
9. Recharge and enojoy
If succesfull backup
Im using the stock kerned with NO battery tweak. I tried it but since I didnt see any improvement I took it out. 8/25 is amazingly fast with launcher Pro so I dont see the point in changing anything else to my Hero. Now I only install Apps that I really want or that wont keep my phone awake. I use pure calendar, handcent, beautiful widgets...stuff like that
Now after 10 months of use im really enjoying my HERO. I hope this helps those of you that are trying to improve your battery life.
gurusux said:
How I managed it:
1. Deleted almost every app
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they kept auto installing after flashing a new Rom lol
Im no expert but I figured I had to uninstall them before flashing
How I got 70+ hours of battery
1. Used CM6 Nightly
2. Used TweakTool(still in development but it is the same as collin_ph's battery tweak essentially)
3. Used Decad3nce's experimental BFS kernel
4. Left 3g off unless I needed it
5. ????
I have 3g on all the time
The best I have pulled on my phone was 32 hours with twenty percent left this was with light to avg use with 3g turned off, unless o needed it....
I was on nightly 8/24 with uncapped kernel #8
Sent from my Froyo Hero
gurusux said:
I have 3g on all the time
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Why? You can use an app like JuiceDefender to set it to turn on every 5 or 10 minutes to allow updates and set it to keep 3g on when the screen is on, could save you some battery
Sounds good ill try it. Thanks
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
Juice defender destroyed my phones battery life, even when I configured it all, it just drained, drained, drained.
Auto brightness is a waste of battery to me, i set it to 30% and forget it.
My phone makes it through the day, thats all I need. About 30% at 10 pm, off the charger at 7am.
Zardos66 said:
Juice defender destroyed my phones battery life, even when I configured it all, it just drained, drained, drained.
Auto brightness is a waste of battery to me, i set it to 30% and forget it.
My phone makes it through the day, thats all I need. About 30% at 10 pm, off the charger at 7am.
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Same here. With Juice Defender I was lucky if my charge held through my lunch break at work.
The biggest battery save for me is to turn off 3G until I have to use it. By the time I go to bed I still have 40-50 percent charge on my phone.
Tried juice defender for around 5 hours and didn't work. At 30% said I had 2 more hours left. During the first hour after setup it drained 9%. That's a lot. Uninstalled
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
Well fear not citizens, for soon, tweaktool will be released (hopefully soon, depends on how much time i have laying around to program it) and will work for any phone, any rom, etc. Also gonna have new features eventually like 3g off when screen off, and a few other things, spread the word
strange I've always had good luck with juice defender. Lately though with how well cm6 is on the battery I've been setting juice defender to only shut off 3g when the screens off and turn it on every hour for 5 minutes to update. My batter life is pretty amazing right now.
tomatosoup said:
Well fear not citizens, for soon, tweaktool will be released (hopefully soon, depends on how much time i have laying around to program it) and will work for any phone, any rom, etc. Also gonna have new features eventually like 3g off when screen off, and a few other things, spread the word
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Interesting. I want in! Love playing with new things and tweaking, sounds like your compiling all the best parts of the best battery saving tweaks. Definitely gonna keep an eye on this.
tomatosoup said:
Well fear not citizens, for soon, tweaktool will be released (hopefully soon, depends on how much time i have laying around to program it) and will work for any phone, any rom, etc. Also gonna have new features eventually like 3g off when screen off, and a few other things, spread the word
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sounds great... cant wait......
man you must have a crappy battery then. all i id was turn my 3g off when i dont need it. I had wifi going, gps going(and used both quite a bit). Made a handful of phone calls lasting about 10 minutes each. i have 16/hrs 49/min since unplugged right now and im at 77%. I must be doing something different cuz i can have my phone off the charger for around 2 days and still have about 20% left before i charge it.
PlagaDeRock said:
Interesting. I want in! Love playing with new things and tweaking, sounds like your compiling all the best parts of the best battery saving tweaks. Definitely gonna keep an eye on this.
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Well really it's more of an upgraded version of the battery tweak featuring a gui and some other new things.
tomatosoup said:
Well really it's more of an upgraded version of the battery tweak featuring a gui and some other new things.
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Can't wait to try it! I am hard (IMO) on my phone 4-5hrs.talking maybe more 5-10 texts and my music running almost all day tho it switches off on a call,m lucky if I get 6-7 hrs out of it. I am in a truck all day, so charging is no problem. Thanks for hard work!
I'm currently sitting at 50% after 26 hours of battery life and medium usage... CM6RC1, stock kernel and collins_ph tweak
tomatosoup said:
Well fear not citizens, for soon, tweaktool will be released (hopefully soon, depends on how much time i have laying around to program it) and will work for any phone, any rom, etc. Also gonna have new features eventually like 3g off when screen off, and a few other things, spread the word
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Put me on your tester list, please!

[BUG] Battery woes ;( ... tracking down Apps & Services Draining the Battery

The two screenshots below say it all. I didn't really tax my phone that much.
Facebook is set to update every hour (while pushing messages to me too)
Twitter is set to update every 15 minutes
Sync was on full blast
Had only two long voice calls throughout the day (1h:30min)
Screen brightness set to lowest all day
Q: Why did my battery go UP when it wasn't on a charger all day until now?
Q: Why did my battery get used LESS when it was awake more later on the day?
Q: Is this chart no longer reliable?
PS: I tried an experiment in which I turned sync and background data off at night and I checked this chart in the morning. My "Awake" state would flux at night. What's going on that's keeping my phone awake besides cell standby?
BlindWolf8 said:
The two screenshots below say it all. I didn't really tax my phone that much.
Facebook is set to update every hour (while pushing messages to me too)
Twitter is set to update every 15 minutes
Sync was on full blast
Had only two long voice calls throughout the day (1h:30min)
Screen brightness set to lowest all day
Q: Why did my battery go UP when it wasn't on a charger all day until now?
Q: Why did my battery get used LESS when it was awake more later on the day?
Q: Is this chart no longer reliable?
PS: I tried an experiment in which I turned sync and background data off at night and I checked this chart in the morning. My "Awake" state would flux at night. What's going on that's keeping my phone awake besides cell standby?
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Sorry to intrude on your thread but regarding Facebook and its push notifications, those are independent of the notification settings? I have notifications turned off but i still get push notifications some times, not all the time but some
slowz3r said:
Sorry to intrude on your thread but regarding Facebook and its push notifications, those are independent of the notification settings? I have notifications turned off but i still get push notifications some times, not all the time but some
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No problem at all. I'm actually wondering that myself. I seem to get them at a random interval (haven't been tracking) but it's definitely more often than one hour at a time. I don't see any setting to adjust when the app checks for new notifications. It's all very strange.
BlindWolf8 said:
No problem at all. I'm actually wondering that myself. I seem to get them at a random interval (haven't been tracking) but it's definitely more often than one hour at a time. I don't see any setting to adjust when the app checks for new notifications. It's all very strange.
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doesnt really bug me, i turn update interveal off itself turning notifications off to try and save some battery cuz im anal like that No big deal i just didnt know if i was the only one
Battery woes ;( ... tracking down faulty Apps
Here are my first two days of use. I had auto-brightness on, and I kept on wifi when I was in range. I got pretty solid life (better than my EVO on CM6.1.1). You can see I used it fairly frequently throughout both days:
I don't have the stats to back it up but I have seen a considerable increase in battery life over my N1.
By the way, is the second battery stats screen new to Gingerbread? I don't remember it in Froyo, and I like it.
TheBiles said:
By the way, is the second battery stats screen new to Gingerbread? I don't remember it in Froyo, and I like it.
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Sent from my Nexus S
Would you happen to have looked at the actual screen on time? Over the course of owning my Vibrant gathered that I can get about 2 and a half hours of actual use out of the phone on a single charge. I'm curious about the Nexus S.
regP said:
Would you happen to have looked at the actual screen on time? Over the course of owning my Vibrant gathered that I can get about 2 and a half hours of actual use out of the phone on a single charge. I'm curious about the Nexus S.
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I would like to know the same thing but from what I have seem so far it looks to be the same as vibrant.
regP said:
Would you happen to have looked at the actual screen on time? Over the course of owning my Vibrant gathered that I can get about 2 and a half hours of actual use out of the phone on a single charge. I'm curious about the Nexus S.
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I'll give it a look tonight.
regP said:
Would you happen to have looked at the actual screen on time? Over the course of owning my Vibrant gathered that I can get about 2 and a half hours of actual use out of the phone on a single charge. I'm curious about the Nexus S.
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Wow, that sucks. I can get at least 6-7 hours of constant use out of mine(screen on time use), so long as it's not gaming or other real heavy cpu intensive programs. I average 14 hours a day. Not bad for the nexus.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Right now I'm at 32 minutes of screen-on time with 84% remaining.
Mine is not charging to 100% it gets to like 95% and stays there. U guys?
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
I've noticed the battery is quite good as well, but for some reason Google Maps (latest version) is using a lot of wake time... its pegged at 20% of battery, right under display which is only 25%, and the wake time says over an hour! Pretty sure google maps on my other phones didn't act like this...
ajftl said:
Mine is not charging to 100% it gets to like 95% and stays there. U guys?
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
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Yeah, mine only goes up to 97% usually. You can "top it off" by unplugging when it gets to 100%, re-plugging, and repeating a few times.
This may be very hard to believe, but I got 34 hours on one complete charge. I always have the brightness on full blast too. Of course, that was on very few phone calls, but lots of downloading and text messaging though. The best I ever got on the Nexus One was 26 hours.
TheBiles said:
Yeah, mine only goes up to 97% usually. You can "top it off" by unplugging when it gets to 100%, re-plugging, and repeating a few times.
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I noticed that too the first time I charged it. I powered the phone off then rebooted and it started charging again.
dinan said:
I've noticed the battery is quite good as well, but for some reason Google Maps (latest version) is using a lot of wake time... its pegged at 20% of battery, right under display which is only 25%, and the wake time says over an hour! Pretty sure google maps on my other phones didn't act like this...
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Do you have it set for navigation? That stays on even when you switch to another app.
Help, google voice update sucked my battery dry.
I just installed a google voice update on my NS. After I installed it I notice a big drop in my battery, and soon there after my battery was dead. Any ideas why?? I have since removed the update, and everything seems back to normal.

