Hi all,
I've been searching through the forums now for a while and still haven't identified exactly which sbf file is the one I need.
I got this d2 about 2 months ago verizon refurb, and I don't think I updated it at all (to be honest I can't remember) I rooted/rom it the next day.
Hope this info is what you need to tell me which (if it matters) version sbf I need,
System version: fission_2.5.7_BE
Android version: 2.2.1
Baseband version: BP_C_01.09.07P
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Your phone is as up to date as possible. The sbf you want to look for is:
Droid 2, 2.3.20
Thanks mike
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So if I was to re-flash back to stock what sbf would I use? I bought my x with 2.2 out of the box and just performed the update to 2.2.1. I am correct in saying I would need to use the standard 2.2.1 sbf, or would I have to use the 2.2 sbf? Stupid question I know ......
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You need the sbf file your phone is currently running. Look under about phone then system version and that will tell you what file you need to use.
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crxin said:
So if I was to re-flash back to stock what sbf would I use? I bought my x with 2.2 out of the box and just performed the update to 2.2.1. I am correct in saying I would need to use the standard 2.2.1 sbf, or would I have to use the 2.2 sbf? Stupid question I know ......
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I thin you need the latest 2.2.1 sbf that team black hat has released. I believe it is a system only sbf for right now.
In other words it only overwrites the /system/* portion of the android operating system.
Ok look for a lil help maybe advice.
I am running the first gb leak and it seems to be really glitchy now and I keep having the auto boots ,
Soo what I'm looking to know since I'm not looking for a new rom I wanna rdz or what-not back to stock gb and just root it for some apps and other persks can I use z4root by any Chance or what any detail or info would help
Thanks guys
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One way would be to sbf to froyo and then upgrade via ota. I don't know if there is a gingerbread sbf out there. Search the forum for how to sbf and google for the file.
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I gave sbf'd a few times.
Just not looking for rom at this time I just want stock rooted gb
Just gotta do research
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freak_oo said:
I gave sbf'd a few times.
Just not looking for rom at this time I just want stock rooted gb
Just gotta do research
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The 602 file is rooted stock. On the tbh app or at mydroidworld or probably on here. Sbf to froyo,root,bootstrap, install 2 part 602. Stock rooted.
Across the airwaves via DarkslideX in 602 limbo.......
Ok I am a complete noob when it comes to this phone stuff. I have an AT&T X10a running on a straight talk sim.
I am running
firmware version: 2.1-update 1
Baseband version: 2.1.65
Kernel vesion: 2.6.29
build number: 2.1.A.0.492
I am trying to debrand the phone and clean it up and make it faster. I have been reading for the last 9 hours and all I have been able to do is root it, and install xrecovery and busybox. Can anyone tell me what I am missing?
Thank you for reading and giving me some help
You have to flash a generic firmware with FlashTool onto it and it'll be debranded.
I can't post links with the xda app atm but all you need is in the X10 Android Development section.
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Flo95 said:
You have to flash a generic firmware with FlashTool onto it and it'll be debranded.
I can't post links with the xda app atm but all you need is in the X10 Android Development section.
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That has to be some of the quickest answers I have ever gotten on a forum. Thank you I will go look there again.
Just came on a minute after you posted and I knew the answer. So I answered you
Btw, when you're still on 2.1 you can also flash a pre-rooted generic 2.3.3 ROM.
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I had my droid X rooted and then did accepted the update to 2.2.1 before realizing this would cause issues. I'm now stuck at 2.2.1 and cannot update past that or downgrade or do anything. My phone still things its rooted but doesn't give me super user status. But programs identify it as rooted. I do have droid x bootstrapper on it however being an idiot I did not create a back up. Can anyone give me some guidance on how to fix this? I don't care if it is rooted anymore I'd just like to have it working properly.
thanks in advance for any advice,
I'd use rsd lite and sbf using the sbf file for system version .340....check the stickies for guides on how to do that
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hullie10 said:
I'd use rsd lite and sbf using the sbf file for system version .340....check the stickies for guides on how to do that
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Thank you for your quick response, I will try the steps you outlined and advise if it fixes the issue.
thanks again!
hullie10 said:
I'd use rsd lite and sbf using the sbf file for system version .340....check the stickies for guides on how to do that
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I SBFed to .340 and can't get the .602 or .605 update. I think as they just started rolling out the 13mb .605 update they suspend the others for bandwidth purposes-my theory at least.
So I know that the OTA update 2.3.4 (621) made flashing sbfs impossible due to it leading to a bricked phone, but if you use the new root method and successfully root the D2, does it fix this and make it possible to flash sbfs? For those who don't know, this is the new root method.
I don't think I can post links yet so just copy paste that into your search bar, or a higher ranked user post the link.
You can still flash sbfs you just can't downgrade thanks to the new bootloader
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you are stuck with 621, and can only flash 621 sbf
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If there is ever another update (highly doubt there ever will be) he/she could sbf that one too
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i was trying to stick with what's avalible
a new update is about as likely as unlocking bootloader
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