Anyone else Got Touch Lag? - Vega General

Firstly hello to all my fellow Vega UK users!
For the price I think this device is great, but it does have it's issues.
Do any of you have the problem where the touch screen just seems to stop working? It'll kick in again soon enough, but it's frustrating as hell.
Also sometimes the task manager seems to appear by itself, but I can;t get it to appear when I need it?
I'm using Pauls Add-on ROM. (thanks Paul )

I havn't had any major lag at all.
What do you mean by task manager? do you mean the one when you hold "home"?

I have found after a lot of use, with a lot of apps open that the system can lag. I guess this is due to system resources. Recommend installing ES Task Manager from the market to manage running tasks.
You mentioned the task manager appears by its self, do you mean the home screen selector? I found hitting the home button to many times makes this display.

Some users have reported issues with the touch system when the tablet is charging. Do these issues only appear when plugged in?

adfrad said:
Some users have reported issues with the touch system when the tablet is charging. Do these issues only appear when plugged in?
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Yes believe so. due to non regulated power supply causes the screen to become over sensitive.

I get this issue too occasionally, vastly increased when plugged in, now and then when not.
I dont use the machine when its charging.
No real rhyme or reason to it occouring in my experience, id love to know of a cause, other than dirty screen.

Yeah It's a bit of a strange one tbh.
Can;t say I have noticed the lag more when plugged in. I though the PSU was regulated, isn't it just a standard Switch mode PSU?
On the task manager, well obviously there is a task manager with Foryo and oon my Galaxy s I hold the hold button down and it appears, however there doesn;t appear to be a reliable way to do this on the Vega....or am I wrong?

I never get any touch lag, but I'm not convinced "lag" is the word you want.
"lag" would indicate that the response is somewhat behind the touch action. Android versions below Gingerbread do suffer from that when the CPU is loaded but the Vega is better then most in that regard.
What it does suffer from a _lot_ it erroneous and missing touch events (especially when using a poorly smoothed PSU like the one provided) symptoms include:
1. Swipe gestures being terminated before you lift your finger.
2. Long press actions acting like multiple-presses.
3. (The most common for me) Finger up events failing to register (resulting is erroneous long-presses)
But none of these are "lag". I believe there are grounding problems in the Vega and thus how you hold the tablet and the humidity and static of the environment can change the reliability of the touch screen. It's been reported that having the Vega plugged into a desktop via USB increases the reliability of the display (at least when also charging) which lends credence to the idea that it's grounding related.

What I have noticed ín particular is that holding the tablet in landscape mode makes the keyboard ultra inaccurate. You must press much below the level you want. E.g., if you want to write a Q you hit the A key. It's a bit bothersome while writing...

I haven't experienced any lag, just a slight deadzone at the bottom of the screen and inaccurate keyboard typing. Nothing major. I also haven't really noticed the messed up screen sensitivity when charging that people have been going on about.
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

CalumD said:
I haven't experienced any lag, just a slight deadzone at the bottom of the screen and inaccurate keyboard typing. Nothing major. I also haven't really noticed the messed up screen sensitivity when charging that people have been going on about.
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
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Try this out:

HunteronX said:
Try this out:
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I gave if a try, seems to have made typing on the Vega a whole lot better!
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

Confirmed over at modaco and by myself also.
Not 100pc improvement but a 90pc. Another essential app.

Iv seen lag when I first turn it on but it goes away in couple of minutes, if its on standby it never lags.... cmon honeycomb!!!!
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App

The performance pack really reduces start up lag issues btw.

I've seen the device lag sometimes but since i installed pauls peformance pack the lag has gone away making the device so much better.

Well for me the keyboard is still a major issue. Not lag really, but it appears to register my touches multiple times. Right now Im typing this reply on my tablet and I have to go back so many times to correct multiple characters, spaces etc. Its just taking so long and requires so much effort to write a simple message.. for browsing and apps I love it but for email its horrible..

dopeh said:
Well for me the keyboard is still a major issue. Not lag really, but it appears to register my touches multiple times. Right now Im typing this reply on my tablet and I have to go back so many times to correct multiple characters, spaces etc. Its just taking so long and requires so much effort to write a simple message.. for browsing and apps I love it but for email its horrible..
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Have you tried cleaning your screen and then using the calibration program posted on modaco?

zzleezz said:
Have you tried cleaning your screen and then using the calibration program posted on modaco?
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Just tried it but doesn't seem to make any difference..

dopeh said:
Just tried it but doesn't seem to make any difference..
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OK just to be sure...
Is the power supply plugged in? (Screws up the calibration in my experience)
Are you touching the screen while it calibrates?


**IMPORTANT** Please Test. G-Sensor = Cause of 'Random' freezes + Bad Screen response

I Think I May have found the cause of the otherwise apparently 'random' freezes/hangs and total lack of touch sensitivity.
Basically, In my case at least, It Is the G-sensor/accelerometer.
I have been noticing increasing numbers of these freezes on Mattc 1.5 Froyo, Mainly in Landscape, Mainly in games.
I installed 'Iron Sight' Game. (If theory is right then you should be able to use any landscape game, but please try Iron sight if possible.)
I Ran the game and it switched to landscape,
On the Main menu found it difficult to press any options.
When I did manage to start a Game The control buttons were hard to press and the game was unplayable because screen sensitivity was just not there most of the game.
I Then Turned the HD2 back around to landscape again and the Problems IMMEDIATELY RETURNED.
Can some of you please test this theory?
A cradle/Dock would be handy for testing but it is possible to keep the phone still enough in-hand in my tests.
Use the game "Iron Sight" where possible, but use other games/apps too if you have time or inclination
Post the results below ( with logs where possible ?) Please.
After discovering the above, I did a search on XDA and found that a member called 'Hinky' and touched on this but I think I have narrowed it down.... I think
Please test and confirm (or debunk lol).
thesweeney said:
I Think I May have found the cause of the otherwise apparently 'random' freezes/hangs and total lack of touch sensitivity.
Basically, In my case at least, It Is the G-sensor/accelerometer.
I have been noticing increasing numbers of these freezes on Mattc 1.5 Froyo, Mainly in Landscape, Mainly in games.
I installed 'Iron Sight' Game. (If theory is right then you should be able to use any landscape game, but please try Iron sight if possible.)
I Ran the game and it switched to landscape, SO I PHYSICALLY TURNED MY HD2 TO LANDSCAPE.
On the Main menu found it difficult to press any options.
When I did manage to start a Game The control buttons were hard to press and the game was unplayable because screen sensitivity was just not there most of the game.
I Then Turned the HD2 around to landscape again and the Problems IMMEDIATELY RETURNED.
Can some of you please test this theory?
A cradle/Dock would be handy for testing but it is possible to keep the phone still enough in-hand in my tests.
Use the game "Iron Sight" where possible, but use other games/apps too if you have time or inclination
Post the results below ( with logs where possible ?) Please.
After discovering the above, I did a search on XDA and found that a member called 'Hinky' and touched on this but I think I have narrowed it down.... I think
Please test and confirm (or debunk lol).
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Yes this is something that the devs have been discussing. It does seem that the freeze issue is in fact related to the g sensor. I don't know if anyone is working on it at this time but I believe Cotulla will try to sort it out for his September release
ala380 said:
Yes this is something that the devs have been discussing. It does seem that the freeze issue is in fact related to the g sensor. I don't know if anyone is working on it at this time but I believe Cotulla will try to sort it out for his September release
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DOH! Didnt know it was already a known issue LMAO
I'll get my coat....
thesweeney said:
DOH! Didnt know it was already a known issue LMAO
I'll get my coat....
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Lol keep with the testing though I didn't figure that much out
Hmmm this is def the prob for my touch screen issues. I tested a bit using the latest mattc Leo + Froyo w/Sense 1.5 version, with latest FULLRAM. I found that while on the sense home screen if I hold the phone out in front of me either landscape and portrait it's ok, and I can do whatever I want at full speed no lag at all. THEN if I lay the phone flat, It freezes. I did this like 20+ times and every time It would freeze whether I was playing a game or reading an email.
This also happen to me. Using Mattc 1.5 Froyo, it happens when using internet browser. The screen will freeze or not response right after i turn from Portrait to Landscape or sometimes have to wait for few seconds. I have to turn my device from Landscape to Portrait, and back to Landscape again, then the screen responses back to normal. This also happens in Copilot app when using in Landscape mode.
I turned off the screen rotation
What I did since i installed my ROM with 380mb ram is to turn off all screen rotation settings, so far so good, I haven't notice any freeze or lag so far in any application or while waking the device up, I used to have it and I hate it, I almost went back to Winmo!!.
robrob777 said:
What I did since i installed my ROM with 380mb ram is to turn off all screen rotation settings, so far so good, I haven't notice any freeze or lag so far in any application or while waking the device up, I used to have it and I hate it, I almost went back to Winmo!!.
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This was the first thing i tried but strangely it made no difference.
anyone know how to totally disable the g-sensor?
doesnt have any of the mentioned problems...
iron sight lite runs the same for me when i hold the phone portrait or LS...
have no bad screen sens while holding LS...
running mattc 1.5 with the default zimage...
thesweeney said:
This was the first thing i tried but strangely it made no difference.
anyone know how to totally disable the g-sensor?
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I want to know too! disabling auto rotation doesnt mean completely stop the g-sensor running.
Bimme said:
doesnt have any of the mentioned problems...
iron sight lite runs the same for me when i hold the phone portrait or LS...
have no bad screen sens while holding LS...
running mattc 1.5 with the default zimage...
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Please tell me....
Did you fresh install 1.5 or upgrade 1.4>1.5?
I had quite a few freezes on 1.4.
Then I upgraded to 1.5 and kept my apps etc from 1.4.
Then I did a fresh install of 1.5 and started getting LOTS of freezes.
i did a fresh install.
i deleted all android files on my sd card and extracted the new build to a new made "Android" folder...
i use xanny roms, and i still have the robovoice problem, so i can´t use android daily...
i noticed on all android builds ive tried sofar, that the polling interval of the gsensor is very bad/small. U can see it when u go to calibrate the gsensor, the bubbles move very slowly...
this is not a big thing when u only use the gsenor to turn screen to LS, but it is essential to play games using the sensor...
thesweeney said:
DOH! Didnt know it was already a known issue LMAO
I'll get my coat....
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Lol, no worries I'm glad that you pointed it out. This was actually one of those really useful threads and the kind of thing that the developers are looking for. I am not a dev but I speak with them pretty regularly when the same issue are pointed out time and time again by those who do not read the threads. This was something that has not been talk about here so I appreciate your well thought post and the information that you provided
I was just a step before creating a new thread about it when I saw this one.
This is definitely one of the things that are really pissing me off using Android.
Furthermore, I did tests on this issue for quite long to doubt that it's an autorotation related issue. Maybe it has something to do with the g-sensor, but it still would happen randomly even trying not to move the phone at all. I noticed that the problem wouldnt appear that often when decreasing the polling interval of set cpu and same time increasing the min. freq. to 380, but still, it DOES happen.
I'd really appreciate any statement on this, developer side of course.
I have the occasional screen freeze on landscape, but not very often using froyostone.
Bimme said:
i did a fresh install.
i deleted all android files on my sd card and extracted the new build to a new made "Android" folder...
i use xanny roms, and i still have the robovoice problem, so i can´t use android daily...
i noticed on all android builds ive tried sofar, that the polling interval of the gsensor is very bad/small. U can see it when u go to calibrate the gsensor, the bubbles move very slowly...
this is not a big thing when u only use the gsenor to turn screen to LS, but it is essential to play games using the sensor...
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Cheers for that ^
+1 for the Gsensor polling intervals seeming very slow.
Here the cubes move smoothly at a good fps while the tunnel moves around at what appears to be 4/5 fps.
ala380 said:
Lol, no worries I'm glad that you pointed it out. This was actually one of those really useful threads and the kind of thing that the developers are looking for. I am not a dev but I speak with them pretty regularly when the same issue are pointed out time and time again by those who do not read the threads. This was something that has not been talk about here so I appreciate your well thought post and the information that you provided
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Hehe, Thanks for that ^.
I dont feel quite so stupid now
For a moment there, before I found out it was a known issue... I thought I had discovered the Androids very own penicilin or something equally as important... but as usual I was behind the times lol.
Jealousy said:
I was just a step before creating a new thread about it when I saw this one.
This is definitely one of the things that are really pissing me off using Android.
Furthermore, I did tests on this issue for quite long to doubt that it's an autorotation related issue. Maybe it has something to do with the g-sensor, but it still would happen randomly even trying not to move the phone at all. I noticed that the problem wouldnt appear that often when decreasing the polling interval of set cpu and same time increasing the min. freq. to 380, but still, it DOES happen.
I'd really appreciate any statement on this, developer side of course.
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Possibly not related to autorotation per-se, but...
With Autorotation disabled... If I turn my phone on its side (with volume buttons pointing towards floor) I still experience freezes on my home screen or anywhere else for that matter.
Plus I have found that holding the phone VERY still in any position seems to eliminate 'ALL' freezing and lagging problems.
Do the G-sensor and the Dgital compass 'interlink' or communicate in any way? Is it possible that the screwed up compass output is screwing with the g-sensor output?
I ask this because the game 'hungry shark' thought that my phone was flat whent the usb port was pointed down towards the floor.
Dont know if that makes sense but for me it seems like the g-sensor is fubar as well as the digital compass.
trilbyfish said:
I then used even bigger and bolder letters to emphasize my points!
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[SARCASM]Very helpful buddy[/SARCASM]
I did the font size thing for people who just wanted to skim through the long post.
thesweeney said:
Possibly not related to autorotation per-se, but...
With Autorotation disabled... If I turn my phone on its side (with volume buttons pointing towards floor) I still experience freezes on my home screen or anywhere else for that matter.
Plus I have found that holding the phone VERY still in any position seems to eliminate 'ALL' freezing and lagging problems.
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Well ofc, it wouldn't freeze when it's COMPLETELY hold still, but I guess that shouldn't be the point of daily usage.
Now when it comes to spontaneous outside actions, you are trying to pick up a call using touchscreen cuz ur used to it or trying to shoot out a text in hurry, and your device will just go sleep for some time. I mean, how'd you hold still if you're moving (fast)?
If you ask me thats pretty much a major bug, not to forget the 3g data thing. I'm not moaning around, just want to attain more focus on this. I notice people losing themselves in some benchmark trolling - just time waste.
There is already a thread for that (walking dead)
Just found a possible solution, please repport if it is better for you too :
- boot windows mobile, calibrate the g-sensor in settings (i did it 2 or 3 times, but i don't think its important)
- do a proper shutdown of wm
- restart wm + android
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
After disabling "Auto-rotate screen" I haven't had a freeze yet, so good so far.

[Q] Keyboard lag

I've got an HTC Hero, it's GSM, ever since new I've found the keyboard to be incredibly frustrating. There's quite serve lag in many apps, typing in forms in some webpages is nearly impossible. Even the built in apps like SMS have lag. It's worse in landscape mode too. Sometimes it'll even pause for half a second mid key press and register that as a long press on that key (although this might be scanning for wifi, because bluetooth audio seems to hitch at similar intervals unless I turn it off)
I've tried countless different 1.5, 2.1 and 2.2 ROMs, with and without Sense, some are slightly better but they all suffer from it.
I've Googled it and surprised to find I don't see any other complaints in the internet about it, finally I've decided to post a question here. I would be guessing hardware limitations, either digitiser or the processor is just too slow.
Would be keen to here other people's thoughts on this though, has anyone managed to fix it?
Edit: I should add that I have the vibration on key press off already.
jbrizz said:
I've got an HTC Hero, it's GSM, ever since new I've found the keyboard to be incredibly frustrating. There's quite serve lag in many apps, typing in forms in some webpages is nearly impossible. Even the built in apps like SMS have lag. It's worse in landscape mode too. Sometimes it'll even pause for half a second mid key press and register that as a long press on that key (although this might be scanning for wifi, because bluetooth audio seems to hitch at similar intervals unless I turn it off)
I've tried countless different 1.5, 2.1 and 2.2 ROMs, with and without Sense, some are slightly better but they all suffer from it.
I've Googled it and surprised to find I don't see any other complaints in the internet about it, finally I've decided to post a question here. I would be guessing hardware limitations, either digitiser or the processor is just too slow.
Would be keen to here other people's thoughts on this though, has anyone managed to fix it?
Edit: I should add that I have the vibration on key press off already.
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No lags here. Have you tried using lower overclock if you tried Froyd, since it doesn't need overclock to get higher speeds. I run on stock speeds, and have no lag issues using any keyboard in particular.
How bad a lag are you talking about? The hardware should be more than capable.
EDIT: hold on, are you meaning the keyboard is laggy. I think this is just the keyboard itself. Try something like ultra keyboard or swiftkey?
Yeah, the keyboard is laggy, I can almost type twice as fast as it comes up on the screen when it's at it's worst (usually in a webpage typing in a form). I haven't tried either of those keyboards, but I've tried other keyboards including the standard 1.5, 2.1 and 2.2 ones with the same problem.
This is a Hero issue, Froyd is a good rom works to reduce the lag for me
With the new cronos 1.3.0 all lags are gone. I had this issue with all roms before too.
Sent from my HTC Hero

[Q]Effects of long usage of android

There have been many reports concerning the long term usage of android and it's effects on WinMO, but, I've read some reports regarding usage of android effecting the device itself, mainly the digitizer, causing it to malfunction, are these reports frequent? and does android truly effect the hardware itself in some way?
Could you link to these reports please......
Im curious..........
i may add one side-effect. My leo's windows button clicks when i push and it pushes the home button. To much option usage caused this i think
This whole thing just sounds ridiculous.
johncmolyneux said:
This whole thing just sounds ridiculous.
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Not convinced myself.
Would like to see whats got the OP in a panic though........
I do sometimes find that my clock/calendar is altered sometimes after returning from android...... no serious problems though
I fail to see how it could possibly affect the digitiser though..........
I use android for months, my digitizer works just fine. Just be kind to your phone, and android will live long and ever after
toriks said:
i may add one side-effect. My leo's windows button clicks when i push and it pushes the home button. To much option usage caused this i think
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I get that too, I thought it was just me being heavy handed tho.
Yes thats why I am looking for a back and home navigation bar like iphone, it would be better for our buttons. It doesnt have to be iphone style, as long as it works, i would even want to do the graphics if sb could code it..
tkato said:
reports concerning the long term usage of android and it's effects
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I can confirm that using Android will lead to memory issues, energy levels dropping very quickly and conflicts in the processor stack - but only for the human using the phone trying to find a build that does it all!
Seriously though I think the only danger is to WM, not the hardware (unless you overclock) and that comes from booting the kernel. WM shuts down real fast, any ongoing registry writes etc may corrupt so best disable sense and all apps before pushing the Android button.

How do I test for true missed touches?

OK, so here's my problem. I recently returned my nexus 7 for a newer production date build because I had a horrible touch screen. I updated the new one and had missed touches/sticky keys but when I unlocked it to apply sfhub's fix it wiped everything and the problem is gone (maybe a bad upgrade install?) Every once in awhile it feels like it's still missing a touch. Like once every couple hours. I've noticed that the touch screen is very sensitive and if I move my finger a little bit while touching it registers as a swipe I guess. Is there a way to see if it's really not seeing the touch or registering as something different? There are no sticky keys whatsoever and multi-touch seems to work fine in a case or out. Does anyone else see this with theirs?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Enable developer options and see the touches
You can test/verify the touches by enabling the developer options on the Nexus.
To do this, go to settings, go down to "About tablet", and then down again to the build number. Tap the build number information ca. 5 times (5 to 10? after a few taps you will see an info sign about how many times you still have to tap), this enables the developer mode.
In the settings menu there should be now a new item, Developer options (just before the About tablet). In the developer options check the box named "Pointer location".
Now when you touch the screen, with one or more fingers, you can see a screen overlay with coordinates and axles showing where the device sees your touches.
I have the touchscreen problem with missing and sticky touches and pinch and twist problems, the whole menu. For example, using google maps or writing emails is a pain in the ass because of these touchscreen issues.
On my device once I enable the "show the pointer location" -feature, I can clearly see that the device registers the touches right, but it behaves differently from the touches.
According to this I see, at least on my device, this more as a software than a hardware problem, and it looks that the problem is maybe even on a higher API level, which is IMO a good thing, because it _might_ be fixed with a firmware update. The question is, why Google hasn't done this yet, as the issue has been there around the world for a while, and there have already been a couple of updates (Q & R, or even more?) which haven't fixed the problems.
It would be interesting to hear reports of other devices. Test and report!
May82 said:
OK, so here's my problem. I recently returned my nexus 7 for a newer production date build because I had a horrible touch screen. I updated the new one and had missed touches/sticky keys but when I unlocked it to apply sfhub's fix it wiped everything and the problem is gone (maybe a bad upgrade install?) Every once in awhile it feels like it's still missing a touch. Like once every couple hours. I've noticed that the touch screen is very sensitive and if I move my finger a little bit while touching it registers as a swipe I guess. Is there a way to see if it's really not seeing the touch or registering as something different? There are no sticky keys whatsoever and multi-touch seems to work fine in a case or out. Does anyone else see this with theirs?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Try playing some heavy multitouch games. I'm playing Terraria. Requires fine motion. You'll notice anything in that game.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
kotivalo said:
You can test/verify the touches by enabling the developer options on the Nexus.
To do this, go to settings, go down to "About tablet", and then down again to the build number. Tap the build number information ca. 5 times (5 to 10? after a few taps you will see an info sign about how many times you still have to tap), this enables the developer mode.
In the settings menu there should be now a new item, Developer options (just before the About tablet). In the developer options check the box named "Pointer location".
Now when you touch the screen, with one or more fingers, you can see a screen overlay with coordinates and axles showing where the device sees your touches.
I have the touchscreen problem with missing and sticky touches and pinch and twist problems, the whole menu. For example, using google maps or writing emails is a pain in the ass because of these touchscreen issues.
On my device once I enable the "show the pointer location" -feature, I can clearly see that the device registers the touches right, but it behaves differently from the touches.
According to this I see, at least on my device, this more as a software than a hardware problem, and it looks that the problem is maybe even on a higher API level, which is IMO a good thing, because it _might_ be fixed with a firmware update. The question is, why Google hasn't done this yet, as the issue has been there around the world for a while, and there have already been a couple of updates (Q & R, or even more?) which haven't fixed the problems.
It would be interesting to hear reports of other devices. Test and report!
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Yeah i feel the same too. I think the problem is software/drivers related than hardware and i dunno if there is a "perfect" device out there at all. I feel many casual users are simply not experiencing it. What i find odd is that, it always feels better after a reboot and things start to deteriorate from there. Almost like memory is not being released properly and there's some stucked process being stacked etc etc. Personally i find that eliminating the use of Chrome entirely has worked better for me. Am using only Dolphin now and it's been going very well so far.
The latest touchmark results shows there is a high latency in the Nexus 7 2013 model. It also indicates that it could be due to frequency of CPU polling for touches with a combination of other things in GPU too. IMO i think the high DPI on the screen and the handling of the quadcore processor might require some tweaking to get it perfect. There seems to be too much latencies and perhaps the missed touches / stuck touches are due to a combination of problems in the code with regards to touch events handling. Oh well, regardless i think they need a taskforce behind it to resolve it.
lomonic said:
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lomonic said:
Yeah i feel the same too. I think the problem is software/drivers related than hardware and i dunno if there is a "perfect" device out there at all. I feel many casual users are simply not experiencing it. What i find odd is that, it always feels better after a reboot and things start to deteriorate from there. Almost like memory is not being released properly and there's some stucked process being stacked etc etc. Personally i find that eliminating the use of Chrome entirely has worked better for me. Am using only Dolphin now and it's been going very well so far.
The latest touchmark results shows there is a high latency in the Nexus 7 2013 model. It also indicates that it could be due to frequency of CPU polling for touches with a combination of other things in GPU too. IMO i think the high DPI on the screen and the handling of the quadcore processor might require some tweaking to get it perfect. There seems to be too much latencies and perhaps the missed touches / stuck touches are due to a combination of problems in the code with regards to touch events handling. Oh well, regardless i think they need a taskforce behind it to resolve it.
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Thanks lomonic, an interesting link.
I had the former/original Nexus 7 (until my oldest daughter accidentally dropped it in May), and it had no touchscreen issues, at least nothing as bad compared to my new Nexus 7 (2013 model). Yes, it lagged sometimes, as does also my Nexus 4 (mostly noticeable when you slide down the notification menu or open the open applications list), but it had no similar problems with the precision of the touchscreen of the new Nexus 7.
I just tried to reboot the device and also noticed the touchscreen performing a bit better. Though, the problem came back in no time, and after a couple of minutes using Google Maps was the same mess as before. Twisting/rotating the map with two fingers results to pinching/zooming and the map centers somewhere else you want it to. Also in Chrome zooming and scrolling doesn't work as expected, and selecting text is also problematic. Using the keyboard might get you a sticky backspace, which is somewhat annoying. I can only imagine how it would be to try to play touchscreen intensive games, which demand fast and precise touches.
On my Nexus 4 I've also noticed that Chrome seems to slow the whole device, and for this reason I've also been using Dolphin for a while now (but I've yet not deleted Chrome, I just don't use it). Maybe I should dump the whole app from my phone. Also using Clean Master to clean up the memory from apps/processes helps for a while, but only for a while.
Google (or Asus) could verify if there's a sw patch on the way. I'm not a gamer, I mostly use the tablet for surfing and reading, but also these task are not a pleasure with the touchscreen issue. If this problem still persist after a month or so, I really think about returning the device (I bought it just a week ago).
Chrome is super slow.
I don't know why but the stock Android Browser is super fast and awesome. I've been using Next Browser since it is based on Stock Android Browser but the past 2 recent updates have really screwed it up where it is beyond usable. Once it gets resolved, Next is really awesome. It is like Stock on Steroids.
However, regarding touchscreen issues, DON'T GO LOOKING FOR PROBLEMS. If you aren't having issues, then just relax and enjoy your tablet. If your tablet was plagued with a quirky touchscreen driver, then you would notice it. If you can't notice any issues, then you don't have any issues.
Sure there are tests you can run but why bother? It is a software problem and will be fixed eventually. This is not the first Nexus with quirky touchscreen drivers. In fact almost all of my Nexus devices had quirky touchscreen issues out of the box. All were corrected within a few updates. Even the Nexus One had a physical hardware problem with crossing axis that was alleviated using some Google Magic.
I have the exact same issue--but my missed touches are once every 5 minutes--quite annoying when typing an email or typing a password. I haven't unlocked the tablet yet to apply sfhub's fixes--will let you know how it goes.
player911 said:
Chrome is super slow.
I don't know why but the stock Android Browser is super fast and awesome. I've been using Next Browser since it is based on Stock Android Browser but the past 2 recent updates have really screwed it up where it is beyond usable. Once it gets resolved, Next is really awesome. It is like Stock on Steroids.
However, regarding touchscreen issues, DON'T GO LOOKING FOR PROBLEMS. If you aren't having issues, then just relax and enjoy your tablet. If your tablet was plagued with a quirky touchscreen driver, then you would notice it. If you can't notice any issues, then you don't have any issues.
Sure there are tests you can run but why bother? It is a software problem and will be fixed eventually. This is not the first Nexus with quirky touchscreen drivers. In fact almost all of my Nexus devices had quirky touchscreen issues out of the box. All were corrected within a few updates. Even the Nexus One had a physical hardware problem with crossing axis that was alleviated using some Google Magic.
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Stock android is fast but how do you get it with stock rom? chrome replaces it in 4.3 isnt it? OR are you on a custom?
I think the reality is that many are having problems but do not know about it. They may just dismiss it as not being accurate with their own touches. Also for some users, it could likely be their first touch devices and have no prior experiences to compare with. When i've gotten this device, it was working well and all, but it just feels like typing aint that smooth and slowly over time, the problems starts to be more frequent.
There was an incident i had when after a few days of usage, i tried using it with it lying on the bed and it was going crazy - which never happened before. I picked it up (attempt to earth it) and lay it back down again but the results are the same. So i did a reboot with the system on the bed, and all the problems went away. So i'm not sure it has to do with the earthing factor which many are citing.
I think it is a combination of GPU/CPU/memory and touch related event handling factors that causes the problems to occur more frequently after extensive usage. There should be no reason for hardware to perform perfectly after a reboot only to fail over time.
Oh well, only time will tell when these problems would eventually be addressed.
lomonic said:
Stock android is fast but how do you get it with stock rom? chrome replaces it in 4.3 isnt it? OR are you on a custom?
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I guess you mean the stock android browser. It may not be available as an app but it's still there as a WebView component available to developers. I guess Dolphin and many other 3rd party browsers are based on the WebView component or on the source code of it.
The problem with the so called stock browser and WebView is that is uses some legacy HTML and JS engine that has not been updated since 2010 or so. That is another crappy developer "feature" from Google that for 3rd party developers there's no "web browser" component that is based on some up to date rendering engine like Chrome's.
In the Themes and Apps thread, there is a method to allow you to install the stock Browser on a stock rom without being rooted.
Also using Sfhub ts10 gave me a 90% fix but it would still spaz out occasionally and would miss touches or click weird stuff. ts20 really fixed me up right. I can play games now and type with no errors.
ts10 is a really good fix, but ts20 really hit it home.

Touchscreen sensitivity

Been using the 2nd gen Moto G for a week and I've noticed the touch screen isn't as sensitive/accurate as my previous phone (NEXUS 4). For example, when I scroll (in Facebook, Chrome etc.), the app opens links and images if my thumb is over either one. It's the same with gallery. If I were to scroll then halt, it'll open the image under my thumb. It's doesn't happen often, but enough to take notice. I have to press slightly harder (compared the NEXUS 4) for the Moto's touch screen to register accurately. Can't use light touches reliably at all. Has anyone experienced similar/same issue?
Not an issue with me like this
Works fine
It is by no means bad, but it takes a little bit of getting used to. I'm guessing they'll fix it via OTA if it needs fixing.
I have noticed the same thing. I am also coming from nexus 4. I find these touch issues very irritating. Overall scrolling isn't as smooth as the n4 as well. I think scrolling could be related to the kernel configuration.
anshumandash said:
I have noticed the same thing. I am also coming from nexus 4. I find these touch issues very irritating. Overall scrolling isn't as smooth as the n4 as well. I think scrolling could be related to the kernel configuration.
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Glad I ain't the only one. Hopefully it is software related and can be addressed via update
I have this only when I charge my phone with a specific wall adapter, everything else is fine
Gabboplano said:
I have this only when I charge my phone with a specific wall adapter, everything else is fine
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Strange, I didn't notice this issue before yesterday's OTA.
Will try other another wall adapter.
I'm currently using the Sony/Ericsson LwW adapter (5V/800mA).
My Moto G 2nd Gen had this issue too, but it also had problems where occasionally the touch screen would interpret scrolling as tapping and vice versa, in the end, I had to RMA it.
I had mentioned earlier that sometime scrolling would consider as tapping and would open apps/links etc. Some time tapping needed multiple taps. I just removed the screen guard and this problem is mostly not noticeable any more. Just thought this information might help some one.
My phone came with the official charger of 550 MA and I don't get any screen freezing while the phone is charging with it.
Okay, i had this problem too. However i got the phone replaced so now i'm using a different handset and the issue is resolved for me. At first even i thought that this is the problem related to the software but i started to notice this over and over again. So i spoke to flipkart and they agreed to replace the handset. So i suggest to all the people who are having this problem to get your phone replaced.
Sent from my Nexus 5
sahil kaul said:
Okay, i had this problem too. However i got the phone replaced so now i'm using a different handset and the issue is resolved for me. At first even i thought that this is the problem related to the software but i started to notice this over and over again. So i spoke to flipkart and they agreed to replace the handset. So i suggest to all the people who are having this problem to get your phone replaced.
Sent from my Nexus 5
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Did you have the problem even without a screen guard? After I removed the screen guard, I get this tap while scrolling may be only once a day. Normal sensitivity is far better without a screen guard.
anshumandash said:
Did you have the problem even without a screen guard? After I removed the screen guard, I get this tap while scrolling may be only once a day. Normal sensitivity is far better without a screen guard.
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As soon as i got the phone, i booted it up with the screen guard on that's when i first realise that there is a problem with the scrolling and tapping on the touch screen. I removed the screen guard immediately and even after that the scrolling was mistaken for tapping. Used it for a few days and still had the issue. It did not happen very often if I compare it with the screen on time, but it was enough for me to be pissed at. I would rate it at about 30 % of the time when im scrolling, sometimes in a music playlist or when i am browsing or scrolling just about anything.
Sent from my Nexus 5
sahil kaul said:
As soon as i got the phone, i booted it up with the screen guard on that's when i first realise that there is a problem with the scrolling and tapping on the touch screen. I removed the screen guard immediately and even after that the scrolling was mistaken for tapping. Used it for a few days and still had the issue. It did not happen very often if I compare it with the screen on time, but it was enough for me to be pissed at. I would rate it at about 30 % of the time when im scrolling, sometimes in a music playlist or when i am browsing or scrolling just about anything.
Sent from my Nexus 5
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I have another question. In the new phone do you see any stuttering or jitter while scrolling through apps. It harkens to me in many apps even on g+, scrolling through contacts, Facebook, Tapatalk etc. I know this could be software related. But just wanted to check with you. Now the tapping during scrolling issue happens really less, but it happens if the scrolling is jittery.
delete please
anshumandash said:
I have another question. In the new phone do you see any stuttering or jitter while scrolling through apps. It harkens to me in many apps even on g+, scrolling through contacts, Facebook, Tapatalk etc. I know this could be software related. But just wanted to check with you. Now the tapping during scrolling issue happens really less, but it happens if the scrolling is jittery.
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I have a feeling that is also to blame. I've noticed it when using FB, Chrome etc.
The surface of the glass may also be one of the culprits. My thumb and fingers don't glide as well on the Moto compared to my NEXUS 4. Sometimes I have to apply bit more pressure to keep my thumb firmly on the screen. Otherwise I can feel it loosing contact. It's very obvious after cleaning the screen with soft cloth. Maybe it is to do with the coating? I've ran touch screen tests and the screen detects inputs just fine. I don't see the point of returning mine, cos they won't find anything wrong with it.
PS: Android L should drastically reduce or eliminate stutters (and lag) thanks to Android Run Time (ART). People are already seeing major improvements, but I don't recommend enabling it in KitKat. It's can screw up your phone and apps. But if you wanna take the risk, click on ART Under "Select Runtime" option in developer options.
touch sensitivity
this problem appeared once, after an update from motorola.
Factory resetting it solved the problem xd
Nielo TM said:
I have a feeling that is also to blame. I've noticed it when using FB, Chrome etc.
The surface of the glass may also be one of the culprits. My thumb and fingers don't glide as well on the Moto compared to my NEXUS 4. Sometimes I have to apply bit more pressure to keep my thumb firmly on the screen. Otherwise I can feel it loosing contact. It's very obvious after cleaning the screen with soft cloth. Maybe it is to do with the coating? I've ran touch screen tests and the screen detects inputs just fine. I don't see the point of returning mine, cos they won't find anything wrong with it.
PS: Android L should drastically reduce or eliminate stutters (and lag) thanks to Android Run Time (ART). People are already seeing major improvements, but I don't recommend enabling it in KitKat. It's can screw up your phone and apps. But if you wanna take the risk, click on ART Under "Select Runtime" option in developer options.
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I completely agree with you. This phone has got two coatings. One called splash resistant and the the other is finger print resistant coating. I think those are another cause the finger doesn't glide well on the screen. I am also coming from Nexus 4 and I can feel this problem every time as I still carry the N4 with me. I too ran touch screen tests and everything looks fine. I am not sure if I RMA how will the 2nd device behave. It might be same. I can actually replace it from from where I bought, but I am not sure if that will help.
I read some review comparison between the new moto g and new moto x and the reviewer has commented that Moto x 2014 screen is far more responsive than the moto g 2014. I know the problem was real bad with the stock screen guard on the screen. If I need to manage with the phone, I know I will have to use the phone without a screen guard.
I tried using ART as I have been using that on my N4 since Jan 2014. But in Moto g the app optimization starts at every boot with ART taking more than 10 mins for every boot. I wrote a mail to Moto support and they said there is a technical problem with the builds and they suggested me to use Dalvik. I think they won't fix it till Android L drops in.
