Dj05 vs dl09 - Fascinate General

Can an informed person contrast these 2 roms for me please
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

I am not informed but I can tell you dl09 broke my GPS. It takes 10 minutes to get a sporadic lock. I had to revert to dj05 in order to fix it.

I'm curious too. So far, I haven't really seen anything, so I haven't upgraded.

I've been running it for a week now. Looks like the GPS doesn't lock as fast anymore compared with DJ05. It also currently has me on the wrong side of the freeway by my office so it's not that pinpoint accurate either. I think the WiFi is faster & stronger on DL09 than DJ05. It's probably not worth making the jump to DL09 but I'm not going to revert to DJ05.

Dj 05 works better...everything works on it. Dl 09 not so much...

Radio DL09 gps did not lock as fast wifi about the same on each.
Move back to dj05 working great for me.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

For me, I noticed tremendous increase of battery life with DL09

hkseo100 said:
For me, I noticed tremendous increase of battery life with DL09
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You are correct. After 8 hours I'm at 72% battery remaining. I think it's because of the under volted kernel.

voghan said:
You are correct. After 8 hours I'm at 72% battery remaining. I think it's because of the under volted kernel.
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I am starting to not believe that undervolted kernels actually do not save any battery.
I've noticed this pattern with all of the kernels that claim undervolting.
But if what you're saying is true, you can run Adrynalyne's kernel with DJ05 and get better battery life.
I think that's what I'm running. I'm also running a Gingerbread Theme which displays everything black when possible thus reducing battery consumption from the screen, but my phone is still sucking for battery life.

RacerXFD said:
I am starting to not believe that undervolted kernels actually do not save any battery.
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Do you mean you don't believe they do save battery?
I had a UV kernel on my phone for a little while, and there WERE noticeable gains in battery life. It wasn't anything crazy, but running the same programs and the same activity over an 8-9 hour span (sitting at work), I had more battery left at the end of the day with a UV kernel than I did running a normal one.
I didn't really pay much attention to it until I forgot to charge my phone on my way to practice one night. Phone would usually be *****ing to be charged, but it was doing good.

I have been running a lot of different UV kernels over the past few weeks, and there is a point where you go from the UV helping your battery and it hurting battery life. From my testing, as the size of the UV increases, the processor will reach a point where it can keep up at a given clock speed and will then move up as needed. It will get to a point where it's staying at 400/800 clock speeds more often than the 100/200 clock speeds, and the effect is negated.
I'm sure this point is going to be different on all phones, but for my phone is somewhere around a -100mV drop from stock voltages. It will help your battery when sleeping since your phone isn't doing anything, it will use even less power, but as soon as it tries to do something again, the battery life will tank. I also used PowerTutor to look at the usage trend for the CPU, and the system was using more power on average for some larger mV drops. I also started to notice lag as the drops increased, likely due to the processor being unable to keep up.
At the moment, I'm trying to see how a big drop on just the lowest clock speed, and then less of a drop on 200-1000 does. I also made a few adjustments to the scaling factors to help reduce lag at 100/200mhz and keep it in the lowest possible clock speed when running. So far, it seems somewhat promising, though I've only been running my current test for a few hours.

Voltage has nothing to do with how much work the processor can do in a clock cycle. Higher voltages allow faster clock speeds, but the voltage itself doesn't matter if the circuit is synchronized (i.e. has a clock). It's just more likely that you won't be able to run at a given clock speed with a lower voltage, but that will just cause glitches and instability, not less work being done and needing to run at a higher speed.

I realize that it shouldn't matter, but it did. I'm guessing that the lower voltage preventing the CPU from running at the actual clock speed, causing it to high the usage threshold sooner. I could barely keep the phone at 100mhz after restarting with just SetCPU running in the foreground. I didn't look into what was happening much because the battery drain was pretty bad, so I went on to a new test.

Also DL09 is officially supported by vzw....


Leaked 2.2 OTA and CPU speed at idle

I use System Panel pretty religiously to keep an eye on things, mostly in an effort to save battery life or figure out what apps are using battery. One thing I noticed right away, which may explain the complaints people are having with shorter battery life and warmer running.
On 2.1, if I leave System Panel open and just watch CPU clock speed, it will idle in the 200-300 MHz range. With the leaked Froyo OTA, it never goes below 600 while idle, and averages 700-800. I went ahead and closed down all third party apps and even some non essential built in processes just to make sure, but nothing got the CPU speed below 600. Now CPU *load* percentage was minimal, less than 10%. So why won't Froyo let the speed drop down at idle?
bast525 said:
I use System Panel pretty religiously to keep an eye on things, mostly in an effort to save battery life or figure out what apps are using battery. One thing I noticed right away, which may explain the complaints people are having with shorter battery life and warmer running.
On 2.1, if I leave System Panel open and just watch CPU clock speed, it will idle in the 200-300 MHz range. With the leaked Froyo OTA, it never goes below 600 while idle, and averages 700-800. I went ahead and closed down all third party apps and even some non essential built in processes just to make sure, but nothing got the CPU speed below 600. Now CPU *load* percentage was minimal, less than 10%. So why won't Froyo let the speed drop down at idle?
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Good catch. I'm looking at it now, it gets down to 448mhz while downloading an APP from the market over the mobile network. Once downloaded and installed, it stays between 600-900mhz?? Rebooted and it still never goes below 6, and mostly stays in the 7-800's. Not good! I have a fresh install of Skyraider 2.01 with sense removed, using launcher pro.
I found this really interesting but I think systempanel is reading incorrectly. I say this because if you watch set CPU read the processor you can see that it drops down to 245mhz when idle even though systempanel reads 600-700mhz.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App

Interactive Vs Conservative Governor? CDMA Battery Life Tips

What is this nonsense people are saying about 4 or 5 hours with screen on and their phone is still at 20%? GTFO.... Usually I would say about 3 hours of screen on and i'm dead. I can get like 18 hrs or so lightly, and by lightly, I mean only using it for a few text and check email, maybe some fb just to check inbox and such, lightly, using the phone (with my reception).
I know the Fascinate is better hardware, and I switched for the GPU among other reasons (2 of em for free...=P) but, on my nexus, I still find that the interactive governor ramped up to the max freq. (1113Mhz) less. Of course, I am using the 1150 nonvoodoo from geeknik, but I doubt I will make it 4 or 5 hours of screen on time.w
How can you use the phone, with the screen on, and not do anything that uses the battery. I mean, without cyanogen, it was cool that I can make it through my day, easy, close to out of box (getting to superclean dj05 is about 100 less flashes that I made it through with the n1/sense/cyan nightlys/test roms/etc.).
But now I want more, the price I have to pay I guess for the .3 inches of gained screen is not using the phone heavily in order to save battery!? That sucks. I used to hammer my iPhone and I rarely made it through the day, but I hammered it with atleast 4 or 5 hrs of screen on time sometimes, and it would make it atleast 8 hours... that thing would idle wayyyy better on GSM Edge than CDMA I guess, as with my T-Mobile N1, it idled wayy better, than this CDMA phone. Is there a way to put it on 1x instead of having it always on 3g? There isnt a setting to uncheck, and you cant get in *#*#4636#*#* on CDMA. I tried that immediately after unboxing to get off 3g when I wasnt using net apps, and usually that gave better signal on GSM, saving battery.
Check out my interactive battery test on my N1 that I did, the interactive setting eventually fell out of favor because it ramps up to the max... instead of ramping up accordingly like OnDemand, and not too slowly like Conservative. Again, why does Fascinate use conservative? thats my Interactive Governor Battery Test on my N1 I did in the summer time...
I just wanted to start this thread so we can get a consensus on what works best, and for charging this battery. I used to charge my N1 an extra 1.5 hrs with it off after android says it was at 100. That way it idled on 100 instead of immediate drain. An extra 3 or so hours of battery life if you use it right.
CPU governors control exactly how the CPU scales between your "max" and "min" set frequencies. Most kernels have "ondemand" and "performance." The availability
********I want to be able to choose between ondemand and powersave when my battery gets low. On this phone, as I did with the N1.
ondemand - Available in most kernels, and the default governor in most kernels. When the CPU load reaches a certain point (see "up threshold" in Advanced Settings), ondemand will rapidly scale the CPU up to meet demand, then gradually scale the CPU down when it isn't needed.
conservative - Available in some kernels. It is similar to the ondemand governor, but will scale the CPU up more gradually to better fit demand. Conservative provides a less responsive experience than ondemand, but can save battery.
performance - Available in most kernels. It will keep the CPU running at the "max" set value at all times. This is a bit more efficient than simply setting "max" and "min" to the same value and using ondemand because the system will not waste resources scanning for the CPU load. This governor is recommended for stable benchmarking.
powersave - Available in some kernels. It will keep the CPU running at the "min" set value at all times.
userspace- A method for controlling the CPU speed that isn't currently used by SetCPU. For best results, do not use the userspace governor.
akaine2001 said:
What is this nonsense people are saying about 4 or 5 hours with screen on and their phone is still at 20%? GTFO.... Usually I would say about 3 hours of screen on and i'm dead. I can get like 18 hrs or so lightly, and by lightly, I mean only using it for a few text and check email, maybe some fb just to check inbox and such, lightly, using the phone (with my reception).
I know the Fascinate is better hardware, and I switched for the GPU among other reasons (2 of em for free...=P) but, on my nexus, I still find that the interactive governor ramped up to the max freq. (1113Mhz) less. Of course, I am using the 1150 nonvoodoo from geeknik, but I doubt I will make it 4 or 5 hours of screen on time.w
How can you use the phone, with the screen on, and not do anything that uses the battery. I mean, without cyanogen, it was cool that I can make it through my day, easy, close to out of box (getting to superclean dj05 is about 100 less flashes that I made it through with the n1/sense/cyan nightlys/test roms/etc.).
But now I want more, the price I have to pay I guess for the .3 inches of gained screen is not using the phone heavily in order to save battery!? That sucks. I used to hammer my iPhone and I rarely made it through the day, but I hammered it with atleast 4 or 5 hrs of screen on time sometimes, and it would make it atleast 8 hours... that thing would idle wayyyy better on GSM Edge than CDMA I guess, as with my T-Mobile N1, it idled wayy better, than this CDMA phone. Is there a way to put it on 1x instead of having it always on 3g? There isnt a setting to uncheck, and you cant get in *#*#4636#*#* on CDMA. I tried that immediately after unboxing to get off 3g when I wasnt using net apps, and usually that gave better signal on GSM, saving battery.
Check out my interactive battery test on my N1 that I did, the interactive setting eventually fell out of favor because it ramps up to the max... instead of ramping up accordingly like OnDemand, and not too slowly like Conservative. Again, why does Fascinate use conservative? thats my Interactive Governor Battery Test on my N1 I did in the summer time...
I just wanted to start this thread so we can get a consensus on what works best, and for charging this battery. I used to charge my N1 an extra 1.5 hrs with it off after android says it was at 100. That way it idled on 100 instead of immediate drain. An extra 3 or so hours of battery life if you use it right.
CPU governors control exactly how the CPU scales between your "max" and "min" set frequencies. Most kernels have "ondemand" and "performance." The availability
********I want to be able to choose between ondemand and powersave when my battery gets low. On this phone, as I did with the N1.
ondemand - Available in most kernels, and the default governor in most kernels. When the CPU load reaches a certain point (see "up threshold" in Advanced Settings), ondemand will rapidly scale the CPU up to meet demand, then gradually scale the CPU down when it isn't needed.
conservative - Available in some kernels. It is similar to the ondemand governor, but will scale the CPU up more gradually to better fit demand. Conservative provides a less responsive experience than ondemand, but can save battery.
performance - Available in most kernels. It will keep the CPU running at the "max" set value at all times. This is a bit more efficient than simply setting "max" and "min" to the same value and using ondemand because the system will not waste resources scanning for the CPU load. This governor is recommended for stable benchmarking.
powersave - Available in some kernels. It will keep the CPU running at the "min" set value at all times.
userspace- A method for controlling the CPU speed that isn't currently used by SetCPU. For best results, do not use the userspace governor.
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Thank Samsung for breaking ondemand on every sgs phone.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Well what else can you contribute to this thread? Thanks for letting me know that the ondemand is just broken on galaxy s phones. So basically its interactive ... or laggy UI experience. And if you've never used a ondemand kernel, you wouldn't notice the difference but i certainly do. It just takes too long sometimes for it to wake and other things. I have my screen off at 400 mhz but still that is higher than the 256 i was using on the nexus one and it used to wake immediately.
I was reading today and I found that ondemand is pretty much the way to go so i wonder if we could bounty up enough would somebody unbreak it...
akaine2001 said:
Well what else can you contribute to this thread? Thanks for letting me know that the ondemand is just broken on galaxy s phones. So basically its interactive ... or laggy UI experience. And if you've never used a ondemand kernel, you wouldn't notice the difference but i certainly do. It just takes too long sometimes for it to wake and other things. I have my screen off at 400 mhz but still that is higher than the 256 i was using on the nexus one and it used to wake immediately.
I was reading today and I found that ondemand is pretty much the way to go so i wonder if we could bounty up enough would somebody unbreak it...
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You are doing something wrong. Conservative is not choppy on my device and the CPU will always ramp up faster than a human being can judge the response time.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
My phone makes it the entire day with heavy use, this means about 20 - 10 min phone calls one or two lasting 30 min, texting my wife all day at work, checking emails, and angry birds for at least 1 hour a day i love that game but I suck at it lol. Something that I found is that the phone will last almost an hour of being on the phone after it hits 0%. In my pocket it lasted 4 hours at 0% the day before yesterday. I thought maybe this is on purpose so you have more then enough time to make it to a charger. When I first downloaded angry birds I played it for three hours straight with the screen at full brightness (i always keep it at full brightness, looks prettier that way) I know it was three hourse because it was while i was waiting at the hospital I got there a little before 7 and wasnt called until 10. Overall I am very pleased with the battery life of this phone not so much with other aspects but battery life and lag never came into my mind as a complaint for this phone, except with all the stock touchwiz stuff.
As adrynalyne said, CPU's scaling changes faster than human's perception. It's your phone or setting that's having an issue.
4 hours at 0%?
The little graphic samsung gives you in the stock battery is misleading.
In my brief experience with it, I got the following impression.
full battery graphic: you have between 100% and 75% left.
<full battery: 75%-50%
Half battery: 50%-25%
low battery: 25%-15%
empty: 15%-0%
This may not be quite right, but you get the idea. It has been a while, but stock battery is pretty misleading. Samsung reports [more than] half empty [always] as being half full!
Want a more trailer indicator? You can get an accurate battery mod (via a theme for instance) or you can download an app to check current battery % left (i use osmanager - do not leave this app running in the background! )
Assuming your phone lasts 27 hours or so unplugged with no use at all, I would say 4 hours at "zero" battery makes sense.
For my phone, the display uses an average of 3.5x as much power as the rest of its functionality (total of 1/4.5x lifespan in active use vs. pocket)
Swyped w/ XDA App. When in doubt, mumble.
I meant "reliable" not trailer.
I get about 5 hours of screen time with little voice calls on wifi.
I don't know if I am just one of the lucky ones but my phone gets between 30 and 36 hours on a single charge, having even made it to 44 hours on a very rare occasion and that's without setcpu profiles even set.
Wtf... my phone is brand spanking new and I get about 4ish hours of screen time on a full charge, with the lowest brightness + screen filter app set at 50.6% reduced light. I get like 3 hours without screen filter on.... wtf. This is running on conservative or interactive the whole time..... wtf!!! With wifi on and 0 extra screens or Widgets using launcher pro without animations... wtf!!!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
+1... stock battery indicator is not accurate. Get the accurate battery mod.
soba49 said:
4 hours at 0%?
The little graphic samsung gives you in the stock battery is misleading.
In my brief experience with it, I got the following impression.
full battery graphic: you have between 100% and 75% left.
<full battery: 75%-50%
Half battery: 50%-25%
low battery: 25%-15%
empty: 15%-0%
This may not be quite right, but you get the idea. It has been a while, but stock battery is pretty misleading. Samsung reports [more than] half empty [always] as being half full!
Want a more trailer indicator? You can get an accurate battery mod (via a theme for instance) or you can download an app to check current battery % left (i use osmanager - do not leave this app running in the background! )
Assuming your phone lasts 27 hours or so unplugged with no use at all, I would say 4 hours at "zero" battery makes sense.
For my phone, the display uses an average of 3.5x as much power as the rest of its functionality (total of 1/4.5x lifespan in active use vs. pocket)
Swyped w/ XDA App. When in doubt, mumble.
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Terror_1 said:
I don't know if I am just one of the lucky ones but my phone gets between 30 and 36 hours on a single charge...
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That's because you don't use your phone.
Go play NFS for 3 hours and get back to us.
MoShiBa said:
...screen filter app set at 50.6% reduced light. I get like 3 hours without screen filter on...conservative or interactive the whole time...
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What's the screen filter app? Conservative and interactive? That's SetCPU?
I wouldn't worry about these guys coming in here saying they're getting 2 days of use either. They're not using the phone anywhere near as much as you. I've had 3 of these things and know 2 guys with them. They all got the same battery life. You don't see anyone posting any screenshots, do you?
Me and my gfs fascinate gets about same battery life in our apt and hers is still DI01 and i'm on DJ05... she has jts 11/16 kernel and i have the 12/21 voodoo5 and we get about the same battery life... dependent on how much we use the phone. .... so just use your phone, and charge it as necessary... its better for the type of battery we use anyways in our phones... **************************************************************************************closed.**************************************************************************************

[Q] Battery got up 114.5*F is that safe?

had my phone charging of my usb on my laptop last night while i was texting a friend, when i noticed that the the Kick stand was getting warm so i checked the temp through my battery widget and found the temp to be 114.5* F I immediatly unplugged my phone and took my case off and the back off to let it cool. I was wondering if this is common or even a safe temp. My setup is as follows
Azrael X 3.1
Net's 2.3 more aggressive universal havs NO SBC
Amon RA 1.8
Max temp for the battery is 60C/140F. I have had temps in that range if I had the screen on for a long time or wifi tether. Around 50/55C though and I would worry.if you notice it often and overclock then I would lower the max cpu frequency.
elegantai said:
Max temp for the battery is 60C/140F. I have had temps in that range if I had the screen on for a long time or wifi tether. Around 50/55C though and I would worry.if you notice it often and overclock then I would lower the max cpu frequency.
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Thanks for the response on this i'm not overclocked so i guess it was the screen being on to long. I will keep a close eye on it from here on out
Jbcarrera said:
had my phone charging of my usb on my laptop last night while i was texting a friend, when i noticed that the the Kick stand was getting warm so i checked the temp through my battery widget and found the temp to be 114.5* F I immediatly unplugged my phone and took my case off and the back off to let it cool. I was wondering if this is common or even a safe temp. My setup is as follows
Azrael X 3.1
Net's 2.3 more aggressive universal havs NO SBC
Amon RA 1.8
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You are definitely within safe limits on temperature. The only bad thing is the batteries capacity degrades quicker when at a high temperature, but you will probably replace the phone prior to actually realizing the degradation.
Its fine. Mines been a little higher. I don't like using my phone around those temperatures though.
Sent from my Evo using XDA app.
I've read 120 F as safe. So it's close.
General consensus is that using the phone while on USB tends to yield higher temps, but no one knows why.

oc'd phone heating up during normal use and poor battery life

Well ill start off by saying I'm new here and this is my first post. I'm also very new to this stuff and have a lot to learn. A buddy of mine recently rooted and overclocked my phone using the sense 1.5ghz oc/uv kernel. I currently have it set to 1.19 max 768 min and am experiencing temps above 107 running emulators and just web browsing.. I am also seeing pretty poor batt life even using battery booster and advanced task killer.. any help is greatly appreciated!
Battery apps and task killers tend to have the opposite of their intended effect on battery. Android has a built in utility to watch battery usage, why do you need a 3rd party one? Also do some reading on task killers, you will see why they are unnecessary on Android. I've stopped using one and my phone runs faster and more stable than before.
768 min is VERY high. Might explain the heating and battery life drain quite a bit.
Try this for me, please. Set your governor to interactive and drop your min down to 245. Run that for a whole charge. You may be surprised.
Sent from my PG06100
Also, I second the post above me. Advanced Task Killer and anything like it ultimately cause more harm than good. Battery apps, such as Juice Defender, also shouldn't be necessary. Although, it is YOUR phone.
Thanks a lot for the replys. I set the min to 245 and am seeing serious changes in temps. I also uninstalled atk but installed appkik. I am also still running battery booster but may get rid of it soon.. I feel like this phone should have better batt life. Any suggestions?
bearsblack said:
Thanks a lot for the replys. I set the min to 245 and am seeing serious changes in temps. I also uninstalled atk but installed appkik. I am also still running battery booster but may get rid of it soon.. I feel like this phone should have better batt life. Any suggestions?
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well they gave some suggestions. which it seems you dont want to listen to. you dont need task killers of any kind
Sorry I'm stubborn. Uninstalling now
No disrespect here, but seriously, if you don't know what and why you're overclocking, don't know the inherent risks, etc, why are you doing it?
Compusmurf said:
No disrespect here, but seriously, if you don't know what and why you're overclocking, don't know the inherent risks, etc, why are you doing it?
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because all the cool kids are doing it smurf...duh.
But seriously, min. should not be set at anything greater then 245. Only use performance if you are benchmarking. Default at the moment should be interactive.
Just gonna add my 2 cents in from personal observation....after doing some reading on overlooking and stuff I've noticed when going into the different ## modes, the shift usually drops its processor cycles to pretty low numbers in the 200-300 mhz range when its just in standby or not doing only kicks it up when you need the power. So the heating up is probably caused by constantly running at what used to be its max territory...PLUS youre going above and beyond the original limits/specs at a constant so it never gets to relax even when the phone is idle...I hope that makes sense. So as one poster mentioned keep the min at the stock setting and if you really want to/need to then raise the max mhz to whatever your phone can handle reliably. Correct me if I'm wrong anyone who is more into the overlooked setups. Me personally, stock has been able to keep up with whatever I have thrown at it after 30 days and still getting 25+hrs on one charge.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
I currently have it governed at 245 max screen off. Running 1.2ghz max interactive with no task killers or batt savers. Batt life seems to be somewhat better but temps still creep past 105. Thanks a lot for the info
alittle off of the beaten path, but i tried runing 245/1801 interactive on evervolv and noticed alot of random reboots. set it back at on demand and am having good luck with that. why is everyone leaning towards interactive??
Excuse me if I am wrong it's early and im too lazy to reread up on it but I believe the difference is with on demand there is a slight delay(second or two) and it gradually kicks up to where it needs to be where is interactive is a spike the second you need it...
JAREDR said:
alittle off of the beaten path, but i tried runing 245/1801 interactive on evervolv and noticed alot of random reboots. set it back at on demand and am having good luck with that. why is everyone leaning towards interactive??
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Interactive is, usually, a lot better for battery life.
If you look at your cpu's scaling history when on the two, TYPICALLY, you'll see a whole lot more time in higher frequencies using ondemand.
That's not to say, however, that with some devices and some kernels they will act the same.
Sent from my HTC Speedy

1704 OC, 6308 Quadrant Score :)

Guys, check out the new kernel here:
It is written for the N8000 but I have run it on my 8013 without issues. The prior version of this caused flaky wifi but so far the newer version has been stable for me. If you do get a wifi crash, just turn wifi off then back on and it will reconnect easily. Up to you whether than small inconvenience is worth it for the extra speed.
Was able to use SetCPU to OC my SGN10.1 to 1704 at Performance and run some tests. Nailed a 6308 quadrant first try - wow!!! I have my SDcard OC'd to 4096 as well. Remember to always uncheck "Set at Boot" in SetCPU when testing out new speeds. You don't want to get stuck in a bootloop if you push things too far.
** One point. I found that OC to 1600 crashed my machine. Don't know why (dev bumped voltage to 1425 mv at 1704 - that's probably why), but for me anyway, 1704 seems stable for now.
I take no credit for this work (this is brieuwers doing) - simply passing the word along and letting 8013 owners no that, at least so far it has not melted my rig. Please do not thank me. Just passing along the word.
P.S., I got one bootloop after flashing with ODIN but then it booted fine.
** As always, if you brick your rig it's on you.
UPDATE - This is about 15% faster now and it feels it.
mitchellvii said:
UPDATE - This is about 15% faster now and it feels it.
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Does that mean it's 15% warmer?
TonyBigs said:
Does that mean it's 15% warmer?
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Honestly haven't noticed any heat increase.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 2
Battery life reduction?
TheWerewolf said:
Battery life reduction?
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Not that I've noticed but I typically use my tablet in my office where it is plugged in so hard to tell.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
there will be a battery life decrease when using the tablet constantly at 100% cpu usage. bumping the voltage guarantees that. as for how much that is i can't tell you but under my normal use my tablet doesn't run full throttle all the time so the extra drain is negligible.
madsquabbles said:
there will be a battery life decrease when using the tablet constantly at 100% cpu usage. bumping the voltage guarantees that. as for how much that is i can't tell you but under my normal use my tablet doesn't run full throttle all the time so the extra drain is negligible.
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What one has to wonder is does the very act of the cpu constantly throttling up and down and measuring what speed is best actually burn more fuel than just remaining at a high constant overclock? Think of it as city stop and go driving vs cruising on the highway.
If we are talking hours of difference then you have a point. But if we are just talking an extra 20 to 30 minutes of battery I would rather just have the speed. YMMV.
mitchellvii said:
What one has to wonder is does the very act of the cpu constantly throttling up and down and measuring what speed is best actually burn more fuel than just remaining at a high constant overclock? Think of it as city stop and go driving vs cruising on the highway.
If we are talking hours of difference then you have a point. But if we are just talking an extra 20 to 30 minutes of battery I would rather just have the speed. YMMV.
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Well yeah,.going.faster means finishing quicker but generally you can expect higher levels of inefficiency at higher rigor... my somewhat educated opinion, without tossing around numbers, is that he effect on the battery life should be minimal.
Theres also the fact that with a 10 inch tablet, the screen takes up a clear majority of the current.. the processor, even while at 100% still pales in comparison.. and the processor is.not often at 100%.. you dont really flash the screen.on and off, you usually have it on for a block of time.. processor only really works during tasks and then idles.
Sent from my SGH-T959 running 4.1.1

