Android Feature Request, plese write your approval. - Galaxy S I9000 General

Now we have posibility too add .nomedia file into folder which hides every media in this folder. But we users want to hide covers from Gallery and see music files with covers in music players. It would be convenient to manage that possibility by creating files like: .nomedia - for purpose as it is now; .nogallery - for hiding pics from Gallery; .nomusic - from hiding music from music player (for example ringtones); .novideo - for hiding videos fom video players. We would love to see that feature in next ROM releses.
Approvals write here:


photo music album on HD2

how can i put my own image on the music album?
i don't want to use Gracenote.
i've had that problem with album arts.....after many programs used i'm now using a program called Mp3Tag's soooo great and you can add the album art of your choice with no can download it from its site [Sorry, as a new member i'm not allowed to post links to other sites] just search google for [ mp3tag editor ]....
you just need to modify a little bit in the here is what to do :
after completing installation open the prog --> click on the [Tools] tab and then choose [Options] then modify the [Mpeg] setting just like what you see in the attached image......
have fun adding your album arts to your favorite music...
i hope that will help you......
I use media monkey as it works very similar to itunes, which I'm used to. Can add any artwork to any music files, and you don't even have to resize the artwork first
There are several methods.
You can embed artwork in the music files themselves, using a pc application as described above (Media Monkey, Mp3Tag...).
Or you can simply copy your album cover image to the folder where the music files are and rename it to 'folder.jpg'. This can be done using the phone's own file explorer, so no need for a pc.
Thanks to everyone.
i did it.
Best regards,
Robrecht said:
There are several methods.
You can embed artwork in the music files themselves, using a pc application as described above (Media Monkey, Mp3Tag...).
Or you can simply copy your album cover image to the folder where the music files are and rename it to 'folder.jpg'. This can be done using the phone's own file explorer, so no need for a pc.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I tried the folder.jpg in the same folder as my music file but it didn't work?
I am using the same folder structure as the HTC pre supplied music files and I can view the jpg in the PDA editor
Any ideas? I prefer the simple (less software) approach rather than loading software like mp3tag and mediamonkey etc
I don't remember the folder structure of the pre-supplied music, but my music is arranged like this: "Storage Card\Music\[Artist]\[Album]\". In each folder, I have all the mp3's for that specific album, along with its own "folder.jpg". I assume it's the same in your case.
It could take a while before you actually see it. Try playing each of the album's tracks (just skipping through them should be enough), then load another album, then go back to the first. You should start seeing the folder image this way.
If that doesn't work, you could check the album folder to see if there's a file with a name that starts with "~hTC_". This is the Music Player's own cover image, made from whatever cover you supplied. If such a file already exists, you could try deleting it and then repeat the above steps to force the Player to recreate the cover image.

Music Folder on MT3G

Just curious, is there a certain folder I need to place my music files in to play on my player? Everytime I go to music, it grabs all the files from notifications and my ringtones folders!! Is there a easier way to play my music?
Regarding Music...
Can anyone help me out??
Personally I don't use the stock music player for that very reason. Check out an app from the marketplace callled MixZing Lite (it's free.) It has the ability to monitor a specific folder for music and also comes with a pretty slick widget.
You can created a blank file called .nomedia (notice the dot at the front) in your ringtones folder which will stop the Media service (Gallery and Music) from searching in there for files. I have not tested if this will break ringtone searching, so give it a go and just delete your new .nomedia file if all your stuff disappears from ringtones.
You also may be interested to know if you call your album covers AlbumArt.jpg then they will appear in music player when a song from that album is playing, but Gallery will not index them and take a thousand years to load cos of all the covers called different names in different folders.

How to create a custom music playlist in Mediascape..

I have been trying to figure out how to make a custom music playlist in Mediascape on the Xperia X10. I have searched all over the web and came up with only the Media Go option to create playlist from the PC. Anyone know a way to create one from the phone itself?
I think that the playlists do not work in mediascape. I´ve created a playlist in the Media GO aplication and import into the phone but I can´t see them in mediascape...
But if I open for example Meridian player - playlist´s are there and works fine.
See my post >> << about the other media player in the phone, Its quite easy to do and playlists can be created and edited very easily and show in mediascape automaticaly.
Your not alone mate, I posted on this about a week ago.
It's seems that as good as MediaScape is, it doesn't offer the basic ability to create playlists.
Now there are workarounds for creating playlists on the x10 itself which MediaScape will recognise.
1. Install Astro file Manager from the market (free)
- Navigate to your Music folder on SD card
- Locate a track and long press, you should get a "Music Options" button.
- Within Music options you can either set as "ringtone" or "Add to a Playlist". (Please note this only seems to work with certain files i.e MP3)
2. Install Astro file Manager from the market (free)
- Navigate to /System/app
- Locate the sndroid Music player called "Music"
- Long press and select open as
- Select Audio
This will bring you into androids bult-in media player that SE have carefully hidden.
It loads your media library and allows you to create playlists easily, which will be instantly picked up by MediaScape.
You can always create shortcuts to the music app.
Long winded i know, and i'm suprised and disappointed that SE didn't include this facility in the Scape.
Thanks a lot for all the helpful info. So sad that mediascape is handicapped by lacking this feature. Would be nice to just be able to do all this in mediascape.
Any way of creating a link for this on the home screen??... and slightly off topic.. is there a standard android photo viewer hidden away too?
Mediascape detects the .m3u playlists in my music folder though.. Now I just have to find out how to make those playlists.
Hi all - I've sussed this out... download an app called "AnyCut" from the market... in here you can add all sorts of different things.. one of which is under the "activity" option.. called "Music" this is the stock android music app (mentioned by baggyb above).. this way you'll have a link to the music app on your home page which you can then use to create your playlists...

gallerie issues

the gallery display ALL media from the card, including album artwork, whatever pictures and icons games installed uses, etc.. i would like to see only my pictures taken with the camera (and videos) but i can't find a setting or another gallery doing that, wtf?
Same question with the audio player in fact!
There are some solutions:
Create a file called .nomedia
Put this file in each folder with content you don't need in your gallery/ audio player etc. This will hide the whole folder's content! Use this way for applications or games that create media files (images, audio files).
To hide album artwork from the gallery you can either
- rename the album art files to albumart.jpg - Android will exclude these files from the gallery
- rename the album art file and put a dot as first character (like .myalbumname.jpg)
- include the album art into the ID3 tags and deleta all album art files.

[REQ] exclude media from various apps?

I haven't found any way to do the following. (Please correct me if I've passed over anything)
But I'm looking for both a music and gallery app, that allows me to choose the directory path that I only want those respective apps to scan. I.e. if I wanted to exclude my downloads folder from showing up in the gallery. Or my saved voicemail folder from showing up in music.
Honestly I'd love this to be native functionality I'm afraid it's not, but if it could be worked into cm7
Anyway if you have any ideas on how to achieve this, please chime in!
in your sdcard try to find a ".nomedia" file and just copy and past that into any directory you dont want media to be picked up from
unfortunately I don't think that will work for what I want.
Here's an example:
as a result of my ocd like tendencies for music organization, every folder of an album has a jpg or png of the album art in it. (yes I could delete this file, but I'd prefer to leave it on account of being stubborn and I think that's how my album art shows up in the music player.)
If I put the .nomedia file into that, I would lose the image from showing up in my gallery app, but it would also stop the music from showing up in the music player, wouldn't it?
That is why I would love to have the option to have my music (from settings) only search my "music" folder, and have gallery only search "dcim" and say "downloads" folder.
I know this is kind of nitpicky, but I really think it should be an option. Maybe I'm not so much looking for an instant solution, but rather others opinion on whether or not this should be available functionality.
Also correct me if I'm wrong about the .nomedia file in the above mentioned instance.
Late night bump.
Am I really the only one bothered by this?
If you have a .nomedia file in a folder, it will be excluded from music and gallery searching. There is no way to choose specific folders to include with stock apps, so just create an empty file with that name in the folders you want to skip.
Delete the album art JPG/PNG files; all modern music players for PC allow you to save album art to the media a tag instead of a seperate file. The seperate file is proprietary Microsoft invented crap.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk
Thanks, deleting the files worked. I'm just trying to remember when and how I embedded the album art into the songs
I still think android could improve how it handles media. But maybe that's just me.
Give MediaMonkey a go, if you're as fussed about your music collection as I you will fall in love the batch tagging and organizing features are unmatched.
Edit: If you want to use autosync/autoconvert in MM it will require the paid registration for gold features. Also, AAC encoder is an extra paid addon... but it can encode MP3 and WMA native. It does ogg, but ogg has non-standard album art embedding... which Android doesn't pick up.
Edit: if you want just a batch converter that can embed album art, try dbpoweramp - mature, industry proven, and also freeware. Its miles ahead the bloatware/shovelware converters out there!
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk
I'll definitely look into it thank you

