[Q] Why can't we download Android apps on PC? - Android Software Development

Hey guys.. I was wondering that why there is no option to download android apps on PC? I don't see any reason for why not apart from the different hardware of devices due to which not every device supports every app. But can't we just select our handset and then search for the apps?
By the way, please delete this thread if it's already been started before!

We can very much download apps to the PC. Some of the sites provide downloading only on scanning the QR code from the phone, but there r many many other sites wer u can download the apks on ur PC, like I do since I have no GPRS/3G/WiFi accounts on my phone yet.
A great list of such sites :

I was looking for something like Apple's App Store, something official. But anyways, thanks alot!

With minor hacking you can install the official Android Market on you PC inside the official Android Emulator as well as x86 port of Android running on PC hardware. There are a lot of guides explaining how to do this online.
Here is an example:
p.s. This is off topic... I know people use this all the time and I certainly don't have the best grammar myself, but I just wanted to point out that "alot" is not a word in the English language. No one seems to mind little things like that when posting online, but I happen to see students using it all the time in their papers and it is wrong. They use "alot" and when it should just be "a lot".


XDA App Store

Just wondering if anyone has thought of or better still started to build an XDA App Store.
I am thinking of an app we can all download to our phones, it will auto see what phone you have and only show those apps from XDA users, auto download updates of installed apps, auto download dependancies etc.
I have used an iphone hacked with cydia and such and it is much easier for downloading programs in this manner.
Just my 2 cents guys, I do hope we see something someday.
I know that you said that it should be XDA-specific, but another option is called App2Date.
Take a look here:
I was thinking of making one myself, but I definitely do not have time to even start such a project. I'm fairly busy with other ones.
Its not quite what I imagined.
That program does the updates, but like cydia for a hacked iphone you should be able to download new programs as well.
I honestly don't think it would be too hard or dificult to make.
All we really need is an app to list the programs based on the device and wm version your currently running.
The only problem will be to find somewhere to store the apps. A solution could be a simple databased maintaned and hosted by XDA, that will list the program name, details, OS and device information (so you can get the correct version for your phone) and a direct download link to the cab file. This way the apps can be hosted anywhere and we can avoid having to run and pay for a huge data transfer of programs.
I can possibly help with the database if anyones interested in helping to write the actuall app. Then the listings can be maintaned by xda registered users.
i am one of the developers of mobile2day.com an we have the possibility to provide a big database with applications mapped to several devices. So we can show only applications for a specific device.
We have allready a mobile solution running on http://mobile2day.mobi/en/usd/index.html where you can buy and download applications. Maybe we can think about to add beta software, too.
Please, if you are interested feel free to contact me.
I was owner of an iPhone before I bought my Touch Pro and besides the fact that the iPhone is not that good it has one big advantage: The AppStore
I would love that kind of store for WM Apps

Necessary Changes in The Android Market..

If this isn't in the right place, please move it mods.
Basically I think that the market is a bit incomplete.
There are changes I'd like to be made and i've voiced my concerns with google.
Now I need the community backing to actually see these things implemented.
To read about the suggestions and comment, visit this link
I try and address problems with the market and even underlying Android issues that have yet to be resolved.
Add your input and they'll have to listen.
Good idea... You might also add to the list a way to delete apps from download that won't be used anymore. I have three in my download that I will never install again and can't get them off the list. Imagine a few of those in there and it starts to take up alot of space with apps you aren't interested in anymore.
I posted a reply there as it seems to have gotten some attention there. Some of the issues are already in feature request on android issues, I linked to them. Starring the issues increases chances someone will take care of it.
Suggestion added Jeffro.
Thanks for posting Areinu!
If I could make suggestions for Android Market:
(1) Fix all this missing protected apps for new device / firmware quickly
This is silly issue and will only hurt Android platform. This will greatly discourage Android developers for making good apps.
I want to support Android, I want to make it success! I can do this by spending money on Android apps, but I simply cant because of this issue.
And I am afraid this will repeat once new firmware released.
Take a look how long this issue is ... ridiculous
(2) Remove restrictions on countries for purchasing apps
Right now, certain countries like Sweden for example cannot even see the apps!
(3) Add ability to FILTER apps TITLE
I want to "hide" all those WALLPAPERS, SEXY whatnot.
Android is nice, really nice platform. But this Android Market issues are blocking its success.
here in Denmark we can't even see non-free apps in the ma market. because of this, users of ex. iPhone won't even try the platform. its sad really.
Sent from my HTC Legend using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Filtering is very much needed. I tend to view the 'just in' apps, but lately its just a list of MMCANDROIDs latest releases of boarderline under age Asian girls. Its really annoying that you cant block out the stuff you have no interest in.
I'm adding them as they come.
Post a comment on the page to make sure Google eventually sees it.

[Q] Newbie needing advice please

Wow, talk about confusing, the A7 is a whole new world to me.
I've had computers for years, currently I have two running XP & 7, plus I have two laptops running XP & 7. I understand a lot when it comes to computers, but the A7 is so different.
I've downloaded & printed the User Manual and I have read it several times. I've read numerous posts on this forum and now I'm confused. I feel so dumb. Too many words that I don't understand. I want to learn everything I can about running every aspect of this tablet, but it's like just as I learn one thing, the next time it doesn't work that way.
I need more reading material. Whether it be links to posts, books to read, anything to help me understand what I am doing. I make notes of things I have read so that I will remember what to do next time. Post something to help me, PM me or even email me.
I will be so greatfull for any help given.
Thank you
The user manual you can download on elocity's site is useless because there is a lot of things that were never edited out to match the actual release version of the tablet.
As far as computer knowledge and relating it to the a7 or android in general, windows knowledge will not get you very far. A good working knowledge of Unix/Linux will give you a much better idea of what's going on behind the scenes since android is based on Linux (loosely, in my opinion) but still functions very similarly.
If you have any programming or web design experience, I would recommend downloading the android sdk and do some playing around with simple programs. Also with the sdk you can make a virtual android device to monkey around with without fear of messing up your new $300 toy I use eclipse as my development environment in Linux, not sure what a good windows alternative would be, but the structure of an android app is pretty easy to follow. There are example programs and source available on the android developer site developer.android.com if I remember correctly (same place to get the sdk). And the language itself tends to be pretty similar to writing a Java app.
I've probably missed the mark completely on the information you were trying to find, but if you are anything like me, you'll find hours (years if it gets you going down the Linux/Unix path lol) of obsession with just this info.
Hopefully it gets you on the opensource band wagon (the reason I love Linux/Android)
Wow...where to start? Well, you got that you turn it on and slide the lock to the dot to unlock. Then you are in a "home page". There are 5 of them. there are dots at the top of the screen showing which home page ur on. Usually the center one. Touch the screen and slide one way or the other to move the home pages.
If you touch the square whitish pad at the right of the screen with a bunch of darker squares in it, it takes you to your apps - the programs that do what you want.
If you touch an app it runs. Touch the return arrow just to the right of the screen to close the app and go back. It always takes u back.
You have to "root" the machine to get the good apps. Usually with Dexters mod. This is easy. You download the file, rename it to upgrade.zip, place it on a micro SD card, and go to settings/About Device/System Updates/ then touch update device.
The home button at the right side of the screen always takes you to the center home page. - It DOES NOT close the app you have open at the moment.
you should get an app closer to close all of the un-closed apps for you.
Oh yea, android market place is the app you want to add all of the apps you want.
You get it with Dexters Mod (4.1 right now)
and there is tons more...............
Based on Linux ... now I understand why this is confusing to me. I've never worked with it before, but I understand from fellow users, they like it better than Windows OS.
I've never done any programming or web design, but maybe it's not too late to learn something new.
I thank both of you for your info and appreciate everything you have said.
mrpete2u I really appreciated the details of your instructions. I know I'm a dummy at this, and I'm sure there are more of you guys out there to help.
mrpete2u said:
You have to "root" the machine to get the good apps. Usually with Dexters mod. This is easy. You download the file, rename it to upgrade.zip, place it on a micro SD card, and go to settings/About Device/System Updates/ then touch update device.
you should get an app closer to close all of the un-closed apps for you.
Oh yea, android market place is the app you want to add all of the apps you want.
You get it with Dexters Mod (4.1 right now)
and there is tons more...............
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Another newbie jumping in....and trying to figure this out. To "root" the machine do I need to update the firmware from the elocity site or can I jump to Dexters right away. If so, where do I find that?
Thanks for your advice.
your a7 is rooted already with dexters mod or elocity firmware.
My Kernel version is
[email protected]#1
And Build # PBJ8000.2.0124
And ECv is 0.14
Would you mind explaining what these numbers mean, please?
Thank you
koalaw said:
My Kernel version is
[email protected]#1
And Build # PBJ8000.2.0124
And ECv is 0.14
Would you mind explaining what these numbers mean, please?
Thank you
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You are one version in the rear, version now is 2.0133, most member her are running Dexter Mod 1.41 include myself an entirely different beast, stock Roman won't let me load Asphalt5 game so Dexter it is...A7 come from factor rooted Don't think any other tablet come out already root...
Your saying I need to upgrade one version
and that my A7 is already rooted??
Thank you for the answers.
koalaw said:
Your saying I need to upgrade one version
and that my A7 is already rooted??
Thank you for the answers.
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look here for Dexter mod forget about the stock rom ....
I have now updated to 2.0.0133
Now I need to figure out how to get the market icon so I can start looking for more apps & games. Tried downloading earlier and it keeps telling me that I have downloaded to my phone? I don't have a fancy phone to download to.
Here I am again confused, but what's new about that!!
There is a thread in the device section on adding market to stock rom.
Or you could just run elocitymod by Dexter.
I did run the elocity mod 1.41 and my firmware was updated to 2.0.0133
When I am on market.android's site, they want my phone number so they can download the app to my phone.
I'm trying to download the app to my tablet.
Am I confused or what
Thanks for answering me.
koalaw said:
I did run the elocity mod 1.41 and my firmware was updated to 2.0.0133
When I am on market.android's site, they want my phone number so they can download the app to my phone.
I'm trying to download the app to my tablet.
Am I confused or what
Thanks for answering me.
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Yes, yes you are lol
For all intents and purposes (as far as Google is concerned at least) your tablet is a phone.
Install market enabler on the a7 and fake a cell provider. The a7 should show up on the Google market website after that.
You didn't install dextermod and then apply eLocity update over it did you? Just want to be sure.
Your laughing at me .... that's ok ... right now I'm so new at this, I really don't care, in fact I am laughing at myself for being so dumb.
I went to dexter's site and downloaded a file called elocitymod1.41 and renamed it to update.zip and that is what I installed.
OK I will install market enabler
Thank you again for helping this dummy .... LOL
From the perceived tone of the post prior to my last one, I thought you were already at the laughing stage. I thought I was just laughing along, sorry for the mix up.
Sounds like you are doing everything right. I just wanted to make sure that we were dealing with a clean install of elocitymod, and not something mixed together by trying to ally another update on top of it.
Needless to say ... I am still confused.
Installed the market enabler, but I am not getting anywhere.
Why I try to install an app I get a message telling me there is no phone attached to this account and they want me to log in with another account. When I try creating a new account, there is no place to give a phone number and I get all those stupid messages again.
Just wondering if I am too dumb, because you all make this seem so easy, that maybe I should give up and figure out other ways to get apps and leave the android market site alone???
Sorry if I have frustration in my voice, but I guess I thought this would be easier.
koalaw said:
Needless to say ... I am still confused.
Installed the market enabler, but I am not getting anywhere.
Why I try to install an app I get a message telling me there is no phone attached to this account and they want me to log in with another account. When I try creating a new account, there is no place to give a phone number and I get all those stupid messages again.
Just wondering if I am too dumb, because you all make this seem so easy, that maybe I should give up and figure out other ways to get apps and leave the android market site alone???
Sorry if I have frustration in my voice, but I guess I thought this would be easier.
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Why not just use market from the tablet? I wouldn't stress so much about trying to get it to work and remotely install from the web site.
Each time I go to the site, I am on my tablet. Mainly because it has a direct install button and not a download, so I want to be on the tablet to install on it.
koalaw said:
Each time I go to the site, I am on my tablet. Mainly because it has a direct install button and not a download, so I want to be on the tablet to install on it.
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So are you hitting the Market icon (opening the Market app) or are you trying to open http://market.android.com/ in the web browser?

new to tablets but i bought this one so..

I have a couple of quick questions. Firgive if already asked.
Why are the markets so different? Many of the appa I use on my phone are not there. For instamce I can't find words with friends. I did some google searching but could not fine the apk.. any help with that, I would be thankful.
I like the tablet just lots to get use to.
If I wanted to read about rooting this device what's the best site? Instructions. The only reason I would want to root is to get the real market ..
Sometimes it is because the apps aren't compatible. Other times the reason is hard to figure, because they work fine as they are.
One thing that you might try is to grab the app (.apk) from your phone and move it using something like a Dropbox app, or a simple file transfer through your pc would work too.
first things first. I need to find the apk. Do you happen to know where i might find it? There must be a repo of some sort somewhere?
I relly like the device tho. Seems a little disorganized ... maybe thats true of android as a whlole. Not Android s fault but manufacturers not sticking to the spec?
Anyway. Thanks for the help
if your phone rooted, u can install the app and grab pk from /data/app
could think of a few ways
Most devs have a web page for their product out there somewhere - a lot of them will offer the .apk for you to download there. You can also try browsing the android market via web browser or trying one of the many external markets available (Appbrain/Amazon are great!)
Hope that helps.
Hmm... I have words with friends, and it coordinates with my account on my Droid, up to date... I have no advice, but wanted to say it works great.. was on the market for the tablet for Me... still is I just checked.
I find the web version of android market to be wayyyy better than the app...

Android Tablet Newbie

So after some extensive searching and not really finding a solid reference, I wanted to ask you guys some things. First off, I have been using Android for a couple years now, with my first phone being a Hero (which I absolutely hated) and my latest phone being an Evo 4G. Well, I just sold my iPad for the Xformer and I don't regret it in the slightest, only problem now is I feel like I'm not getting the full potential of what this device is capable of handling. That's where I wanted to come here. Can anyone recommend some sort of Beginners guide to Must-Have apps, widgets, and other things for honeycomb? I'm just looking to get the most out of this. Also, I'm not opposed to paid apps or widgets.
Second, does anyone know of a simple, easy way of sharing files or pushing things between two android devices? With having an android phone and tablet, there are things I'll find on my tablet, for instance the apk for the new market, that I wish I could just easily push the link similar to chrome to android? Also file sharing. I find Bluetooth works simply but what about over wifi? Any ways to do this. I normally just email myself files and open them on the other device, but i feel theres gotta be a better solution.
I appreciate any and all help and if I missed something already posted, I apologize but please do share ANY advice. Thank you.
smackinisaiah said:
Second, does anyone know of a simple, easy way of sharing files or pushing things between two android devices? With having an android phone and tablet, there are things I'll find on my tablet, for instance the apk for the new market, that I wish I could just easily push the link similar to chrome to android? Also file sharing. I find Bluetooth works simply but what about over wifi? Any ways to do this. I normally just email myself files and open them on the other device, but i feel theres gotta be a better solution.
I appreciate any and all help and if I missed something already posted, I apologize but please do share ANY advice. Thank you.
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Have you tried DropBox?
You can share between Android devices, and any other device...
First question : depends on what kind of apps and widget you want.
Second question : you can install an ftp server/client on your devices. For exemple file expert can access files via network, be it smb or ftp. Just do a search on the market for these apps.
Hope that helps.
I use WIFI File Explorer to transfer files to and from my TF via the laptop...I'm sure that it would work the same between two android devices.
I use DropBox (from the app store) on three computers, an Android phone, and my Transformer. My son has it on his iPad, his computer, and his Android phone and I keep one folder in my DropBox that I share with him. I also use the free Asus webstorage on my main computer, Transformer, and phone (it's in the app store). Both of them work really well for me. - sheureka
I would certainly recommend looking at the initial post in this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1068593. I found the Tips and tricks link in that post particularly helpful when I was starting out.

